Chapter 10: The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

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Today was a pleasant afternoon as (Y/N) was in his backyard tending to some of the plants that he had laid out to grow. He levitates a watering can and sprinkles water all over his flowers that he had laid out. After he was done with that, he wipes some sweat on his forehead which signaled that he was working outside for most likely an hour or two. Once he went back inside however, he all of a sudden heard a knock on his door and walked to it.

(Y/N): You know, I feel like the many times that ponies knock on my door is with accurate dramatic timing. Oh well, no use thinking too hard about that.

When (Y/N) opens his door, he sees in front of him a familiar orange mare with a hat on her head.

Applejack: Hey there, sugarcube. Ya busy?

(Y/N): Not really. Was just outside in the back a minute ago. Is there something you need?

Applejack: Yeah, actually. You see, tomorrow is the beginning of cider season and I was wondering if you'd like to help us out with making some of the juicy drinks with us. We could always use an extra pair of hooves to help us out.

(Y/N): Sure, no problem. What time should I come?

Applejack got a nervous look from that as she rubs the back of her head.

Applejack: I hate to be hasty, but. . . now.

(Y/N): How come?

Applejack: I know this is probably the first ever of cider season you may have been to, but EVERY year, ponies especially Pinkie Pie, always are lined up first way early in the morning to try and get the cider first.

(Y/N): Wow, is the cider made at this time that good?

Applejack: Follow me and I'll show ya.

Applejack walks ahead with (Y/N) following her as they were on their way to Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack and (Y/N) eventually got to Sweet Apple Acres and walked up to where the barn is and walked inside to find where the rest of the Apple family was.

Granny Smith: Ah, (Y/N) my boy it's great to see ya.

(Y/N): Likewise, Granny Smith. Applejack told me about how cider season starts tomorrow, so I thought that you guys may need some extra help.

Granny Smith: We are glad to accept all of the help you can give us, (Y/N).

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Apple Bloom nods in agreement.

Applejack: Now trust us, when I say that cider making ain't easy at all. We always try to use the most fresh and most delicious apples that we can find to make the cider each year.

Applejack then leads (Y/N) out to where the apple orchard was and (Y/N) sees ten barrels laid out that clearly was for tomorrow morning.

Applejack: We always try and lay out at least fifteen barrels for the day so that way since some of our time is taken out tomorrow because of us selling cider. We lay out twelve barrels so that we can get as much ponies as we can for some cider.

(Y/N): Geez, I've had your cider before, but this must be on a whole new level.

Applejack: *chuckles* You bet your muscular legs that it's on a whole new level. Here, try some sugarcube.

Applejack goes to where a table where one of the barrels is connected to a faucet and she places a small cup under it before turning it on, so that the cider comes into the cup. Applejack then hands over the cup to (Y/N) which he uses his magic to levitate and he takes a sip of it before his eyes widen in astonishment as that was probably the best cider that he has ever had.

(Y/N): Oh, that is gooooooood!

Applejack: Told ya. Like I said, we take the most delicious and fresh apples from the orchard to make all of these here beverages.

(Y/N): Nice! So what do you all need me to do to help out?

Granny Smith: We're running out of time tryin' to pick all of the freshest apples that we need. Applejack here thought you may be able to use your fancy, schmancy whatchamacallit magic powers to see which which of our delicious fruits are the most fresh for our cider.

(Y/N): Huh. I see.

Apple Bloom: Do ya think ya can help us get the rest of we need for tomorrow, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) looked at the orchard and then back towards the Apple family with a determined look.

(Y/N): Leave it to me, Apples. You all just called in the right stallion to complete your job for you.

The Apple family all got smiles from that as Applejack went up to (Y/N) and gave him a big hug which he returned.

Applejack: Thanks a lot, (Y/N). This year may be one of the best for having ya around.

(Y/N): I-It's no problem at all, Applejack.

Applejack broke the hug and smiled at (Y/N) as he turned around and started to go out to the orchard and go to work. Granny Smith then got a mischievous smile as she walked up beside Applejack who was still watching (Y/N) go into the orchard.

Granny Smith: Oh. Has mah granddaughter finally found herself the stallion for her eyes?

Applejack blushed when she said that and tipped her hat down in embarrassment.

Applejack: I-I-I was just excited that h-he was here to help us. Y-Yeah. You all believe that, right?

Big Mac: Nnope.

Apple Bloom: C'mon Applejack. Ya don't have to hide it from us. Besides, it's pretty obvious that ya like (Y/N).

Applejack: Alright fine. I do like (Y/N). He's just so dependable, strong, and. . .

Applejack takes a look and sees (Y/N) working hard on getting the best apples that he can ask he bucked some trees down which made some apples fall into some baskets. He then glows his horn to make the apples that were the freshest of glow bright and he picks those apples and tosses them into another assortment of baskets. Sweat drips a little from (Y/N) working so hard as it gave Applejack a love-struck face.

Applejack: . . .good looking.

The three other chuckle a little from that.

Granny Smith: Tell me somethin' Applejack. Would ya want (Y/N) to be an Apple like us?

Applejack: What?! W-W-Well, I-I. . . uh. . .

Granny Smith: *chuckles* Calm down. I'm just messing with ya.

Applejack groans at little in annoyance from that.

Granny Smith: But yer right. He is very helpful and kind. I wouldn't mind if he was apart of us.

Apple Bloom: He helped me when I was discouraged about mah Cutie Mark and he was the one who brought me, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo together. (Y/N)'s like a big brother that's always there to help me out to me. Don't ya see him like a close brother as well Big Mac?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Eventually it was nearly nighttime as the sun was setting and (Y/N) got all of the fresh apples that he could find for the day and rest of the ponies used those to fill up the remaining baskets of cider that they need for tomorrow morning.

Applejack: Well, that's all of 'em. This should be enough to serve a three mile long line full of ponies.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

(Y/N): I agree. We worked pretty hard to be able to make all of these. Lots of ponies should be satisfied.

(Y/N) then let's out a yawn before he starts to walk out of the barn.

(Y/N): Well, I'll see you all tomorrow when cider season begins.

As (Y/N) was about to leave, Applejack grabs his hoof.

Applejack: And just where ya think yer going?

(Y/N): Home. I've got nothing left to do after all.

Granny Smith: Why don't ya stay here for the night, (Y/N)? Besides, you'll have to get up bright and early tomorrow at sunrise.

(Y/N): You all want me to stay over?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Granny Smith: Don't 'cha worry my boy, we have a guest room with some neat sheets for ya to sleep in.

Apple Bloom: Come on, (Y/N). Just for tonight?

(Y/N): Well. . . alright. Sure.

Applejack: Yee-haw! Welcome to the home of the Apples, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Heh heh. Thanks, everypony. You didn't have to do this.

Applejack: Hey, you were a big help for us today (Y/N). I think it's safe to say that we return the favor.

The other Apples agreed with Applejack as (Y/N) smiles.

(Y/N): Well, all right then. Just show me my room for tonight and I'll get some shut eye in no time.

Applejack leads (Y/N) to the Apple Family house that they all reside in and Applejack leads to where the guest room was and it was about as Granny Smith described. A small little room with a neat bed, a lamp, and a nightstand right beside the bed.

Applejack: Well, here ya go. See ya in the morning, sugarcube.

(Y/N): Thanks Applejack.

With that being said, (Y/N) closed the door and instantly hopped in bed to go to sleep for the night as tomorrow at sunrise will be the beginning of cider season.

As stated by the rest of the Apple family, (Y/N) got up early in the morning so that they could all begin to start cider season for all of the ponies who are coming all the way from Ponyville to Sweet Apple Acres in order to get the first amounts of cider that they can get. The cider stand was set up at an open white fence and tons and tons of tents could be seen lined up with one up close that specifically was pink and had balloons all over it. Both Applejack and (Y/N) were both on the road staring at just how far the line is from their cider stand.

(Y/N): Sweet Celestia! You weren't kidding about all of these ponies trying to get cider for the day.

Applejack: Actually, this may the first year we have had "this" many folks lined up like this.

(Y/N): Wow. They're desperate.

Applejack: Ya can say that again.

Both Applejack and (Y/N) then walked back to where the stand was with the rest of the Apple family.

Applejack: So, here's how this is gonna work. I'll be supervising all of the ponies in the line. Granny Smith's in charge of keeping track the amount of bits that are given, Apple Bloom will be behind the counter turning the faucet for the cider on and off, and finally you and Big Mac will be in charge of restocking the cider each time the barrels run out.

(Y/N): Easy enough. We'll be able to make a lot of ponies satisfied with the amount that we all have for today.

Applejack: Let's hope so.

Soon enough, the sun was shining as it was almost time for cider season to begin. Lots of ponies could be seen in the line waiting patiently for it to begin with Pinkie at the very front and Twilight, Spike, and Rarity were somewhere in the line right behind her, and both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were far out in the line. Rainbow Dash throws a glare ahead at how long she'll have to wait in order to get some apple cider for today. Meanwhile, Twilight and Spike were upbeat.

Twilight Sparkle: Isn't this exciting, Spike? Opening day of cider season!

Spike: Yeah! That means it's only thirty more days 'til sapphire season!

Both Twilight and Rarity roll their eyes from that until they heard Applejack on the megaphone.

Applejack: Attention, everypony! Cider season is now officially open!

Her announcement sets off excited murmurs among the ponies, while Granny Smith nods to Apple Bloom and glances toward the open, empty cash box on the counter. Pinkie hauls up two full bags in her teeth and empties a shower of bits into the box, prompting Apple Bloom to pump the tap handle and fill a waiting mug. This is plucked away and guzzled down to leave froth on Pinkie's lips and a blissful expression on her face, which shifts gears into a huge eager smile. A moment later, she is toting all the brimming, bubbly mugs that her forelegs can manage. The line trudges ahead and Rainbow Dash jaw drops in disbelief from Pinkie taking that much cider.

At the stand, business continues at a brisk pace with many ponies paying and drinking mugs of apple cider with very delighted looks. After Cheerliee got her cider, Apple Bloom turns on the faucet to try and let out some more cider, but dispense only a few drops and a burp of gas. Big Mac grabs the barrel that was connected there and places it on his back to go and make a stack of empty barrels in another section. He nods to (Y/N), who uses his magic to levitate a barrel on top of the filled-up stacks of cider and he hooks up the new supply onto the counter to allow Apple Bloom to continue filling up mugs. Rainbow Dash glares impatiently from her spot behind Fluttershy in the line.

The inventory of cider was steadily decreasing over the hours as Rainbow Dash was constantly getting worried looks on her face that if she may ever get any cider.

Eventually, (Y/N) connected the last barrel and also it near to where the line was ending to get the very first cider. Fluttershy and Rainbow both pay, and a foamy mug is dispensed for the patient yellow Pegasus, who moves off to make room for her friend. Rainbow's eyes grow as her tongue lolls greedily out and then the tap runs dry and the blue face cycles from anticipation to teary-eyed disappointment to teeth-grinding rage. She does, however, keep herself under enough control to let off only a subdued growl as Applejack walks up, no longer using the megaphone.

Applejack: Heh. Sorry, everypony! That's it for today!

The rest of the ponies in the line let out disappointed moans from that and Rainbow Dash flies over to her angrily.

Rainbow Dash: Surprise, surprise. You ran out again!

A pony named Caramel had the same reaction as Rainbow Dash as he also faces Applejack.

Caramel: Yeah, you always run out!

Fluttershy: For the record, I don't mind-

Rainbow Dash: Why can't you make enough cider for all of us? Or at least for me!

Applejack then finds herself without a ready answer as a throng of annoyed, grumbling would-be customers starts to hem her in. (Y/N) then jumps in right beside her.

(Y/N): Now just stop right there! If you ponies should know, I also helped the Apples with making the supply of cider and we tried our best to make as much as we can for this year using the most delicious apples we could find.

Caramel: That's what they always say!

Applejack: And it's always true. But Apple family cider is made with love and integrity, and only the highest quality apples in Equestria. Sorry, but that recipe takes time.

(Y/N): Which means that patience is the key.

More dissatisfied complainers start to chatter before just deciding to leave. Rainbow Dash turns to leave, but finds an ever-cheerful Pinkie Pie standing directly behind her.

Pinkie Pie: They're right, y'know! You can't rush perfection! And this year's batch was perfection!

Fluttershy: Uh, Pinkie Pie-

Pinkie then wraps a hoof around Rainbow Dash and thinks dreamily of the cider that she drank while Rainbow Dash was slowing building up rage.

Pinkie Pie: I'll never forget the cider I just drank! It was a moment in time that will never exist again.

She let's out an ecstatic little moan, having paid no heed to Fluttershy's warning or the steadily building fury on Rainbow Dash's face. Rainbow launches into a rising growl until it was then interrupted by the honking of a horn.

Everypony looks at the direction to where it came from as they all see a vehicle is chugging along the road towards them. The vehicle's design is similar to that of a gigantic, open-topped antique roadster automobile, with machinery stacked up where the rear seats would go and various controls and pipes built into the side.

Applejack then turned to (Y/N) with a raised eyebrow.

Applejack: What in Equestria is that?

(Y/N) shrugged his shoulders as he was just as confused as Applejack was.

(Y/N): That's probably the most advanced looking locomotive I've seen so far in Equestria. Normally, I would see these kinds of contraptions on Earth.

Many ponies took interest in the vehicle as they all walked up to it curiously. The cowcatcher-style front grille on the vehicle knocks over one post on the fence as it chuffs to a stop.

Two male unicorn ponies jumped out as they were wearing matching outfits of blue and white collared shirts with black bow ties along with matching hats. They were both twins as they both had pale, light grayish olive coats, moderate red manes and tails with white stripes, moderate pistachio eyes. They did have a couple of differences on them as they both had different Cutie Marks and one had a mustache while the other didn't. One had a Cutie Mark of a left facing apple slice while the other had a Cutie Mark that had an apple with a slice missing on it. These were the clever scamming twins, Flim and Flam.

The two twins drop down from the vehicle and start to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Flim: Well, lookie what we got here, brother of mine, it's the same in every town

Ponies with thirsty throats, dry tongues, and not a drop of cider to be found

Maybe they're not aware that there's really no need for this teary despair ♪

Flam: ♪ That the key that they need to solve this sad cider shortage you and I will share ♪

Flim and Flam: ♪ Well you've got opportunity ♪

In this very community ♪

Flam: ♪ He's Flim ♪

Flim: ♪ He's Flam ♪

Flim and Flam: ♪ We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers ♪

♪ Traveling salesponies nonpareil ♪

Pinkie Pie: Nonpa-what?

Flim: ♪ Nonpareil, and that's exactly the reason why, you see ♪

♪ No pony else in this whole place will give you such a chance to be where you need to be ♪

♪ And that's a new world, with tons of cider ♪

♪ Fresh squeezed and ready for drinking ♪

Flam: ♪ More cider than you could drink in all your days of thinking ♪

Rainbow Dash: I'd doubt that.

Flim and Flam: ♪ So take this opportunity ♪

♪ In this very community ♪

Flam: ♪ He's Flim ♪

Flim: ♪ He's Flam ♪

Flim and Flam: ♪ We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers ♪

♪ Traveling salesponies ♪


Flim: ♪ I suppose by now you're wondering 'bout our peculiar mode of transport ♪

Flam: ♪ I say, our mode of locomotion ♪

Flim: ♪ And I suppose by now you're wondering, where is this promised cider? ♪

Flam: ♪ Any horse can make a claim and any pony can do the same ♪

Flim: ♪ But my brother and I have something most unique and superb ♪

♪ Unseen at any time in this big new world ♪

Flim and Flam: ♪ And that's opportunity ♪

Flim: ♪ Folks, it's the one and only, the biggest and the best ♪

Flam: ♪ The unbelievable ♪

Flim: ♪ Unimpeachable ♪

Flam: ♪ Indispensable ♪

Flim: ♪ I-can't-believe-able ♪

Flim and Flam: ♪ Flim Flam Brothers' Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 ♪

Flam: ♪ What d'you say, sister? ♪

Rarity nearly faints with Spike trying to help her stay up.

Crowd: ♪ Oh, we got opportunity ♪

♪ In this very community ♪

♪ Please, Flim, please, Flam, help us out of this jam ♪

♪ With your Flim Flam Brothers' Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 ♪

Flim then approaches both Applejack and (Y/N).

Flim: Young filly, I would be ever so honored if you might see fit to let my brother and I borrow some of your delicious, and might I add spellbindingly fragrant apples for our little demonstration here?

Applejack and (Y/N) just look at each other confused as (Y/N) shrugs his sholders.

Applejack: Uh, sure, I guess.

Crowd: ♪ Opportunity, in our community ♪

Flam: ♪ Ready, Flim? ♪

Flim: ♪ Ready, Flam? ♪

Flim and Flam: ♪ Let's bing bang zam! ♪

They both shoot unicorn magic from their horns to activate the machine and it takes some apples off an apple tree.

Flim: And show these thirsty ponies a world of delectable cider!

Crowd: ♪ Cider, cider, cider, cider. . . ♪

Flim: ♪ Watch closely my friends! ♪

Flam: ♪ The fun begins! ♪

Flim: Now, here's where the magic happens. Right here in this heaving, roiling, cider-press-boiling guts of the very machine, those apples plucked fresh are right now as we speak being turned into grade-A, top-notch, five-star, blow-your-horseshoes-off, one-of-a-kind cider!

Flam: ♪ Feel free to take a sneak peek! ♪

Granny Smith then intervenes.

Granny Smith: ♪ Now wait, you fellers, hold it! ♪

♪ You went and over-sold it! ♪

♪ I guarantee that what you have there won't compare ♪

♪ For the very most important ingredient ♪

♪ Can't be added or done expedient ♪

♪ And it's quality, friends, Apple Acres' quality and care! ♪

Flim: ♪ Well, Granny, I'm glad you brought that up, my dear, I say I'm glad you brought that up ♪

♪ You see that we are very picky when it comes to cider if you'll kindly try a cup ♪

Flim produces a full mug on the end of this line and gives it to Granny Smith as she takes a sip and finds that it sits very well with her.

Flam: ♪ Yes, sir, yes, ma'am, this great machine lets just the very best ♪

♪ So whaddaya say then, Apples? ♪

♪ Care to step into the modern world ♪

♪ And put the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to the test? ♪

The crowd continues to chant "cider" during the song.

Flim: What do you think, folks? Do you see what the Apples can't? I see it clear as day! I know she does! So does he! C'mon, Ponyville, you know what I'm talking about!

Flim and Flam: ♪ We're saying you've got ♪


♪ In this very community ♪

♪ He's Flim, he's Flam ♪

♪ We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers ♪

♪ Traveling salesponies nonpareil! ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

Apple Bloom immeditatlely rushes up to them.

Apple Bloom: You got a deal!

(Y/N), however pulls her back towards them with his magic.

Granny Smith: Not so fast!

The four Apples including (Y/N) then gather in a huddle.

Granny Smith: No way no how that machine matches up with the care we put in our cider!

Apple Bloom: But if it really does work, we could make everypony in town happy!

Applejack: I just don't know, y'all. We've always made cider the same way.

(Y/N): And ponies still loved it! Even some of the most little jobs that we do can make a big difference.

Big Mac: Eeyup. Huh?

Apparetnly, the Flim Flam brothers have somehow joined in the huddle and heard the conversation.

Flim: We'll sweeten the deal. You supply the apples. . .

Flam: . . .We supply the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.

Flim and Flam: Then we split those sweet sweet profits. . .

Flim: . . .Seventy-five. . .

Flam: . . .Twenty-five. . .

Apple Bloom: Deal-

Applejack then covers Apple Bloom's mouth before breaking the huddle.

Applejack: Hold on. Who gets the seventy five?

Flim: Why, us, naturally.

Flam: And, we'll throw in the magic to power the machine for free.

Applejack turned to (Y/N) for his opinion and he shook his head vigorously before they both approach the other Apples.

(Y/N): Pfft. That's not even a fair split. Sweet Apple Acres could go out of business if we all agreed to that.

Applejack: (Y/N)'s right. And cider is the only that keeps our business flowing through the winter.

Flim and Flam: So? What'll it be?

Big Mac: No deal.

Flim: Hmph. Very well. If you refuse our generous offer to be partners, then we'll just have to be competitors.

Applejack: You wouldn't dare.

(Y/N): Generous? You two? Don't make me laugh.

Flim: Oh no?

Flim nods to Flam which cues him to address the crowd from the 6000's platform.

Flam: Don't you worry, everypony! There'll be plenty of cider for all of you!

Flim: *quietly* Once we drive Sweet Apple Acres out of business.

The entire Apple family let out a long and surprised gasp from that until (Y/N) speaks up.

(Y/N): Not on my watch!

The Apple Family then face towards (Y/N) who had a serious look on his face.

(Y/N): If you thought for just one second that you can just barge in here with a machine that produces cider and say that it's going to drive Sweet Apple Acres out of business, then you thought wrong. Sweet Apple Acres is like a home to me, and it's the home to the rest of the Apples here. There's no way that I'm going to just sit back and watch you take that away from us!

The Apple family especially Applejack smile at (Y/N) defending them.

Flim: Sorry, I guess you should've agreed to the deal. It was a good one. Seventy-five. Twenty-five.

(Y/N): Y'know, for a salespony, you're not very reasonable. Why not fifty-fifty?

Flim: Fifty-fifty? *laughs* Sorry, that was just hilarious. The Flim and Flam brothers never done fifty-fifty in their life.

(Y/N): Well. . . that's both shameful and disappointing.

Flim: It's "business" is what it is. How do you think we were to make The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000?

(Y/N): Yeah, a business that involves taking advantage of others.

Flim: *gasps* I am shocked that you would accuse us of such a thing. Very well mister, if you believe that you and these Apples have everything that it takes to surpass us, then we are more than lovely to see that happen.

Flim then walks back to the 6000 where his twin brother is while (Y/N) just glares at him.

(Y/N): Oh, don't worry. You will.

(Y/N) then turns back to the Apple family who all had looks of gratitude for (Y/N) and Applejack walks up and hugs (Y/N) which he returns.

Applejack: Thanks for that, (Y/N). I don't think we've ever had anypony besides us care about Sweet Apple Acres that much.

(Y/N): It was nothing, you guys. If there's one place in Ponyville that I know that shouldn't ever go away, it's definitely Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack breaks the hug and smiles from that.

Applejack: Well, what are we waitin' for? Let's get back and show those hooligans who they're messin' with.

(Y/N) nods as he follows the rest of the Apples back to Sweet Apple Acres so that they could all be prepared for tomorrow.

The very next day, the process of the cider making repeated with Pinkie always being first to get the first amount of cider. As time went on, both Applejack and Twilight were next to other along with Spike talking about what happened yesterday.

Twilight Sparkle: Still worried about Flim and Flam?

Spike: Granny Smith says they were just blowing hot air.

Applejack: I'm not so sure. They sounded mighty serious when they threatened to run us out of business. (Y/N) also seemed ready to be prepared if that happens.

Back at the cider counter, the last barrel was used as all of the cider was gone once again.

Apple Bloom: That's it! Last cup!

Rainbow Dash who was all the way in the far middle of the line flew up and was aggravated.

Rainbow Dash: OH, FOR PETE'S SAKE!!

The rest of the crowd let out disappointed groans as well.

Apple Bloom: C'mon back tomorrow, everypony!

The crowd started complaining like yesterday and Rainbow has clapped a foreleg over her eyes in disgust.

However, she lowers it once she hears a sound and it's the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 as it approaches the area once again. Both Applejack and (Y/N) look up at it wide-eyed as the thing's shadow advances over them. Granny Smith nails in the new fence post just in time for the front grille to knock it over again. She throws a venomous glare up at the 6000 as Flim disembarks and sidles up to Applejack and (Y/N).

Flim: What seems to be the problem here?

Flam: Oh my, oh my, out of cider again?

At the 6000's back end, which sports a shelf loaded with barrels and an attached chute. Flim reclines against one rear fender as a barrel is lowered into position.

Flim: What have we here? Who'd like a cup?

Twilight, Applejack, (Y/N) and Spike are promptly swept up in a stampede of clamoring ponies approaching the 6000 as they all gathered around it.

Flam: Don't worry, everypony, we've got the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to make more in an instant!

At the end of that, a mug floats to Rainbow Dash, who slips a hoof through its handle and prepares to slake her thirst. Before she can get a mouthful, though, Applejack comes up with a rope in her teeth and lassos the barrel away, to the salesponies' great surprise. It knocks the mug from Rainbow's grip as she yanks the barrel into the air just in time for (Y/N) to fly up and catch it before coming to the ground beside Applejack.

Applejack: You can't sell that cider! That's made from Apple family apples!

(Y/N): And a newsflash to you! It's OUR property not yours!

Meanwhile, the airborne mug hits the dirt with its contents spilling out and soaking in the dirt as Rainbow frantically leans down over the mess. With no more liquid handy, she scoops up the saturated earth and shovels it into her mouth.

Rainbow Dash: Is this some kind of cruel joke?

Flim: Don't worry, everypony, there are plenty of apples in Equestria. We'll find some others and make more cider than all of Ponyville can drink!

The crowd let's out excited gasps until Apple Bloom intervenes.

Apple Bloom: We'll make more cider than you could ever imagine!

A crowd then let's out gasps from that before Big Mac yanks her back by the tail back to where the rest of the Apples along with (Y/N) are.

Granny Smith: Now, it ain't about the speed, young'un, it's about quality.

The crowd then let's out disappointed sighs from that.

Rainbow Dash: Who cares how good the cider is if I never get to drink any?

(Y/N): Oh, so you're telling me that you'd rather have a cider in 10 seconds that could possibly be too bitter, too sweet, etc.

Rainbow Dash: Well. . . when you put it that way. . .

However, before Rainbow Dash could say another word Flim pinches her cheeks to prevent her from doing so.

Flim: Oh, look at these poor, dissatisfied ponies.

Apple Bloom: Ponyville is Sweet Apple Cider country!

Big Mac then drops Apple Bloom so that she could stand back up.

Applejack: Our cider speaks for itself!

(Y/N): And it's more than capable to say that Sweet Apple Acres has the best in Ponyville!

Flim then is seen lounging on the 6000.

Flim: Let's put it to the test!

Apple Bloom smirks from that.

Apple Bloom: Anywhere, anytime!

As the crowd mutters, Granny Smith get's in front of Apple Bloom.

Granny Smith: Well, that's enough now.

Flam: With our machine, we can make enough cider in one hour to satisfy this entire town!

Apple Bloom retorts from that.

Apple Bloom: We'll do it in 45 minutes!

(Y/N) then covers Apple Bloom's mouth with his hoof.

(Y/N): Apple Bloom, stop! You're digging us a deeper hole!

Granny Smith: Easy, Apple Bloom, easy.

Flim: What's the matter, Granny Smith? Chicken?

That last word hits a nerve under the elder's white mane as she focuses back to Flim.

(Y/N): (And, here we go. . .)

Granny Smith: What did you call me, sonny?

Flim: If you're so confident in your cider, then what's the problem?

Granny Smith then rushes up to Flim with a serious look.

Granny Smith: Tomorrow mornin', right here!

Flam: But I'm afraid we haven't any. . .

Flam levitates an apple before spitting on it and polishing it on his shirt.

Flam: . . .Apples.

Granny Smith: You can use our south field! It'll be worth it to teach y'all a thing or two about cider making!

Flim: Excellent; we have a bet. Whoever produces the most barrels in one hour wins the exclusive right to sell cider in Ponyville.

Sweat beads on Applejack's brow as her eyes pop wide open and the green irises shrink almost to points, however (Y/N) calms her down by patting her on the back. The brothers just aim a pair of cocky grins straight ahead at Granny Smith.

Granny Smith: And after we beat ya, I don't never want to see you bambahoozlers around here again!

They both shook hoofs in agreement before both brothers return on the 6000's platform.

Flam: Until tomorrow.

Flim and Flam tip their hats and bow down the rig chugs away down the road, leaving Applejack staring nervously after them. She turns to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Don't worry Applejack. We'll win tomorrow!

Applejack: We'd better, 'cause if we don't, we're gonna lose our farm.

Applejack felt very dejected, however (Y/N) didn't want to see her like this.

(Y/N): Hey, look at me.

(Y/N) puts his hoof under Applejack's chin to make her look at him.

(Y/N): We won't lose the farm. I know we won't.

Applejack: How can ya be so sure?

(Y/N): Hey, this is the Apples we're talking about here. Those guys just think that they're speed is way better than how we made them.

Applejack: But didn't ya hear them? We have to make the "most" amount of cider we can before they can.

(Y/N): So what? You said it yourself, you've made the cider the same way. And everypony still loved it, didn't they?

Applejack get's a small uneasy look before (Y/N) speaks up again.

(Y/N): Hey, you're one of my best friends Applejack. There is no way in Equestria that I'm going to see you leave the farm. With me around, I'll never let that happen do you understand?

Applejack blushes from that before getting a confident smile on her face.

Applejack: Yer right. Those scum twins may have that Super Speedy Cider whatevers, but that won't stop the Apples from doing what they can to produce cider here.

(Y/N) get's the same confident smile that Applejack had.

(Y/N): That's the spirit! Come on, let's go and prepare to win the bet tomorrow!

Applejack nods as they both walk and rejoin the Apple family to settle in for the day.

The very next day at the farm, ponies have gathered around to watch the competition of cider making between the Apples and the Flim Flam Brothers. The Apples along with (Y/N) in the group were getting prepared to start as Big Mac had a pair of goggles propped on his forehead and he trots in place to limber up his hooves. Granny Smith was sniffing an apple very deeply, (Y/N) was doing some push ups, and Applejack set up a heavy bag and is taking a few practice bucks, with Apple Bloom hanging on to provide extra weight. Twilight then walks over towards them.

Twilight Sparkle: Applejack? (Y/N)? Are you sure this is such a good idea?

Applejack then starts to speak with a confident tone at Twilight while still bucking the bag.

Applejack: Me 'n' the family are. . . one hundred percent confident. . . in our cider making capabilities.

Twilight Sparkle: And I suppose you're here to provide some extra help, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) then talks to Twilight in between his push ups.

(Y/N): Yep, I'm not going to. . . sit back. . . and watch Sweet Apple Acres. . . get taken by those swindling maniacs.

Apple Bloom: And besides, nopony calls Granny a chicken.

The next buck sends Apple Bloom flying and after that, Mayor Mare speaks up on a megaphone.

Mayor Mare: Attention, everypony!

Twilight Sparkle: Well, good luck.

She walks off as a badly disoriented Apple Bloom staggers back to Applejack.

Applejack: Thanks, Twilight.

Apple Bloom then collapses to the ground.

Applejack: We'll need it.

(Y/N) then walks up right beside Applejack.

(Y/N): Hey, don't worry. Like I said, with me around, I won't allow us to lose.

Applejack get's a determined smile from (Y/N)'s resolve and nods.

Mayor Mare: The teams have one hour to produce as much cider as they can, after which the barrels will be counted and the winner will be named the sole cider provider for all of Ponyville!

The crowd let's out shocked murmurs from that as Flim and Flam both smirk at each other on their vehicle.

Mayor Mare: Are both teams ready?

Big Mac socks his goggles into place, Granny Smith glares toward the adversaries with a snort, Apple Bloom blows her mane back from her face, and both Applejack and (Y/N) stand resolutely at the fore.

Applejack and (Y/N): Ready!

Flim and Flam: Ready!

Both of them said that with arrogance in their voice.

Mayor Mare: Then let's. . . go!

A stallion named Doctor Whooves then flipped over an hourglass to signal that the competition has begun.

Everypony, but Granny then race toward their base of operations, while she shambles after them at her usual arthritic pace. The two brothers do not stir from their couch and Flam just yawns in a bored manner as they both fire up their horns to active the 6000 and it immediately starts to vacuum some apple off of a tree.

Back with the Apples, Applejack relies on hind-leg power to bring down a load for Apple Bloom to catch in a tub on her head. The filly then brings the fruit over to (Y/N) for inspection and he immediately glows his horn to use the spell that could tell whether something is fresh or ripe. He looks closely inside and sees a few apples glow white to show that their fresh and (Y/N) immediately uses his magic to put it over to a machine that was sloshing the apples to a pulp and it was activated by Big Mac who was running fast on a treadmill. Granny Smith was busy keeping track of all of their progress as one barrel was immediately filled up and she puts the top on the barrel.

Applejack: Great job, y'all! We've already filled an entire barrel!

Apple Bloom: I'll bet you those guys don't even have-

The sentence trails off as she Granny Smith, and Big Mac voice a wide-eyed triplicate gasp.

At the end of where the 6000 was, a full barrel is swiftly ejected onto the chute and flipped away to land neatly atop two others. However, it is revealed that the brothers have already stacked up a pyramid of six barrels. Both of the brothers wave mockingly at the family. Both Applejack and (Y/N) were surprised from that, until (Y/N) got a serious look.

(Y/N): Come on, let's not waste any time! Go, go!

The rest of the family heard that as they all immediately went back to their stations to try and speed up the process.

Later on, the competition was still on as the 6000 continued it's work on making cider and Apple Bloom was staring in shock.

Applejack: C'mon, Apple Bloom, focus! We gotta forget those guys if we're gonna have a chance of winnin'!

Apple Bloom then shakes her head clear to get out of shock and rushes over to (Y/N) who was still doing his thing on checking for fresh and ripe apples.

Apple Bloom: Sorry, sis! (Y/N), we're moving as fast as we can!

(Y/N): I know! Just don't tire yourself out.

Apple Bloom takes another empty basket to then rush off to refill it with more apples. On the cider press, Big Mac was tiring out as he starts to sweat and slow down a little and slow down on the treadmill.

Applejack: Rest when it's over, Big McIntosh! Ride! Ride!

Hearing that, he immediately puts on a burst of speed so that cider positively gushes from the tap.

The Mane 5 were just watching it all happen with worried looks.

Rarity: This is just dreadful. Even at top speed and with (Y/N) helping them out, the Apples are only making one barrel to the twins' three!

Rainbow Dash: Speaking of which, why is (Y/N) out there? He's not part of the Apple family.

Fluttershy: Maybe they see him as an honorary family member.

Rainbow Dash: Well, are we part of that as well?

Twilight thinks for a moment before getting an idea.

Twilight Sparkle: Come on girls, our friends need our help.

Twilight and the rest of the mares then advance towards where Mayor Mare and Spike was.

Twilight Sparkle: Um, Miss Mayor! Are honorary family members allowed to help in the competition?

Mayor Mare: Um. . . I suppose so if Mister (Y/N) is helping out. Flim, Flam, would you object to more honorary family members helping?

Flim: Are you kidding?

Flam: We don't care if the whole kingdom of Canterlot helps. It's a lost cause.

Mayor Mare: Hm, I guess it's okay. Applejack? What do you think?

Applejack delivers a furious buck to the nearest tree and stands upright, her perspiring face lined with fatigue.

Applejack: I think I'd love to have the rest of my "family" helpin' out.

Mane 5: All right!

The mares then rush over to (Y/N) who was still hard at work at his station.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! We've come to back you all up. Is there anything we can do?

(Y/N) looks at the rest of the stations and back to the mares before getting an idea.

(Y/N): As a matter of fact, yes! Fluttershy, I need you to help Applejack with bucking down the trees.

Fluttershy: Got it.

(Y/N): Pinkie Pie, help Apple Bloom catch some more apples.

Pinkie Pie: Yes sir!

(Y/N): Rarity, an extra eye can be helpful. Can you help me with assorting the apples?

Rarity: Of course.

(Y/N): Dash, do you think you can speed up that treadmill with Big Mac?

Rainbow Dash: In my sleep!

(Y/N): And Twilight, I need you to help Granny Smith keep everything organized!

Twilight Sparkle: Can do.

(Y/N): Alright, everypony, let's save Sweet Apple Acres!

Mane 5: All right!

Everypony rushed off to their respective stations, Applejack gallops toward a tree to buck it. As the apples fall loose, Fluttershy flies past and disappears among the boughs of a neighboring tree. A quick shake dislodges all the fruit; she zooms to another one for a repeated performance. Pinkie then gallops up with an empty tub on her head.

Pinkie Pie: Over there, Apple Bloom! Don't miss them!

Apple Bloom: Right behind you, Pinkie Pie!

The pink earth pony does a high backflip, the tub making a perfect touchdown on her cranium so that a few apples land neatly within.

Both (Y/N) and Rarity were both sorting the apples with (Y/N) still using his method and while Rarity method of looking at the apples to see if they were good or bad was slower, it did speed up the process.

Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, is galloping on the treadmill alongside Big Mac and with both of their speed, they were going at a consistent pace. As more cider drops into a barrels, Twilight uses her magic to levitate all of the full barrels over to a stack and bring back empty ones. Granny Smith then walks up to her.

Granny Smith: How're we looking, Twilight.

Twilight levitates a quill and scroll in front of her.

Twilight Sparkle: Based on these figures, we're making five barrels for every three of theirs!

Applejack: Keep it up, everypony! We're back in this!

That pronouncement puts enough of a scare into Flim to propel his mouthful of cider into Flam's face.

Flim: Come on, brother, we've gotta pick up the pace!

Flam: Right, uh, double the power!

Twin beams from their horns kick the 6000 into overdrive, sending sparks up through the vacuum tubes and flinging the vacuum nozzle toward the trees. It sucks up a fresh load of apples handily enough, but the power boost causes it to pull in entire trees as well. Rotten apples, leaves, twigs, mulch all are swiftly rejected at the inspection station as a panicked Flim watches.

Flim: We've gotta try something else!

Flam: I've got it, brother of mine.

A press of a red button shuts off the automatic inspector inside of the 6000. Every piece of junk to hit the conveyors gets passed along and winds up in the reservoirs. Nasty looking barrels are then shot out of the 6000 along to the stack of other cider that was made. (Y/N) was watching this happen and he got a confused look on his face.

(Y/N): (Don't tell me that their going to make the cider for the ponies looking like that.)

Flim: Well done, Flam! We're at top productivity!

They trade a knee/hoof high five as the crowd cheers. Over the cider press, Rainbow Dash is so distracted by the news that she hovers off the treadmill. Big Mac gets dragged under with a yell.

Twilight Sparkle: C'mon, Rainbow Dash, keep grinding!

Rainbow Dash: We don't have time for quality control if we wanna win this thing!

She then flies over to where Rarity and (Y/N) were.

Rainbow Dash: C'mon (Y/N), forget choosing which ones are bad! Just through them all in!

(Y/N): Not gonna happen, Dash! Remember the question I asked earlier? Would you rather have a cider in 10 seconds that doesn't even taste good?

Rainbow Dash remembers that and get's a conflicted look on her face before Applejack speaks up.

Applejack: He's right, Rainbow Dash! There's no point in winnin' if we cheat!

(Y/N): We just need to work even harder!

Rainbow Dash: All right then, double time!

At this point, everypony worked as fast as they could, even if they were tired from it all and gave it their all. Time was almost up as Spike got a worried look. The 6000 keeps hoovering up trees to fill the mechanism with slop, while Applejack bucks for all she is worth and Fluttershy does her aerial agitation. Apple Bloom and Pinkie hurry across the grove with full tubs on their heads, giving the Rarity and (Y/N) sorting operation no shortage of raw material. Big Mac and Rainbow Dash keep the press whirling at insane RPM's. Spike covers his eyes as the sand keeps draining. Flim and Flam take it easy on their couch. Levitating a few more barrels onto the Apples' stack, Twilight throws a split-second glance to Applejack, who returns a fierce one of her own. The baby dragon uncovers one eye as the last few grains slip through the neck of the hourglass.

Mayor Mare: Time's up!

Everypony who was working then flops to the ground with everypony who was past the fence cheering to themselves. Mayor Mare starts to count the barrels and both (Y/N) and Applejack fall right next to each other breathing heavily.

(Y/N): Well. . . we gave it everything we've got.

Applejack: Yeah. . . thanks for all of your hard work that you did for us, sugarcube.

(Y/N): No. . . problem. All we have to do wait for Mayor Mare to announce that-

Mayor Mare: Flim and Flam win!

(Y/N) and Applejack were shocked by that as they both looked up and see that they made so many more barrels than the Apples have. Even the crowd was surprised by how much cider they made.

(Y/N): No way!

Apple Bloom: Wh. . . Wh. . .

Applejack: We. . . lost?

Flim: *mocking* Aw, too bad Apples.

Flam: Guess you'll just have to find a new line of work that doesn't match your names quite so. . . perfectly.

Flim: Now should we tear down all these tacky old buildings and put up new ones, brother?

Flam: I don't see why not, brother. After all, this isn't Sweet Apple Acres anymore. How about 'Flim Flam Fields'?

Rainbow Dash: I ought to press you into jerk cider!

Rainbow Dash then furiously charges at them before Applejack holds her back.

Applejack: No, Rainbow Dash. A deal's a deal.

Flim and Flam: *laughs triumphantly*

Applejack: Congratulations to y'all. The cider business in Ponyville. . . is yours. C'mon, Apples. Let's go pack up our things.

As Applejack was about to walk off, (Y/N) grabs her hoof.

Applejack: (Y/N)?

(Y/N) then gives a cocky-looking smirk.

(Y/N): *whispers* There's one thing that these bozos still have forgotten.

(Y/N) then turns to the Flim Flam brothers with a serious look and walks up to both of them.

Flam: What now? Come to make excuses?

(Y/N): No. . . before we leave, can I. . . at least taste one of your cider?

Flim and Flam both look at each other with raised eyebrows before smirking.

Flim: Very well, but since you're the loser. . .

Flam: . . .It will come with an expensive fee of. . . 25 bits.

(Y/N): What?! That's outrageous!

Flim: Well, everypony looks we've found (Y/N)'s weakness. . .

Flam: . . .He's scared of paying.

Both Flim and Flam laugh at that taunt as (Y/N) groans and rolls his eyes before pulling out a pouch that had a considerable amount of bits in it and he paid the exact amount to both of the brothers. The Apple family and the Mane 6 were confused on what (Y/N) was planning.

Flim and Flam produce a mug which (Y/N) snatches and he looks at the drink which looked very filthy.

(Y/N): (Bottoms. . .up. . .)

(Y/N) drinks the mug with the cider and everypony around watched in anticipation of (Y/N) trying out the cider. And after (Y/N) drank a sip. . .

He spat it back out in disgust and acted surprised. Everypony was surprised by his reaction.

(Y/N): Ugh! What did you guys put in here?!

Flim: W-Whatever do you mean? It is cider.

(Y/N) looked in the mug and it had all sorts of tree twigs, mulch, and tiny rocks inside of it.

(Y/N): These mugs all have dirt and rocks in here besides Apples!

Everypony gasped at that.

Flam: You've got no proof of that.

(Y/N) smirks from that.

(Y/N): Oh, I've got your proof right here.

(Y/N) then levitates a barrel from Flim and Flam's stack and pours it out all over the dirt and it revealed that (Y/N) was indeed right.

The cider in the barrels were filthy and gross filled with a lot of rocks and dirt.

Everypony glared at Flim and Flam as they both got conflicted looks on their face.

Flam: Uh. . . um. . . does anypony want a free sample?

Crowd: No!

Flim and Flam then both huddled up to try and think of a solution.

Flim: How about a free barrel sample?

Crowd: NO!

(Y/N): Game over, boys! Nopony wants ANY of your cider at all!

Flam: It looks like we've encountered a slight. . . problem here in Ponyville.

Flim: Nopony wants our product. Next town?

Flam: Next town. Let's go, Flim!

Flim: Let's go, Flam!

Both of them race off and board the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 before it drives off.

(Y/N): Tch. Good luck trying to sell cider with that filth.

(Y/N) turned to Applejack who had a more than happy look on her face as she rushed up and gave (Y/N) a bear hug.

Applejack: You sly dog. You knew that they would sell it like that, didn't you?

(Y/N): Yep! I saw that they were trying to cheat by using more materials, so I just had to wait and catch them in the act.

Applejack then breaks the hug with (Y/N) with tears of joy on her face.

Applejack: (Y-Y/N). You saved Sweet Apple Acres!

(Y/N): Uh-huh! Like I said, I care a lot about Sweet Apple Acres and I couldn't stand to see it gone. I care about you and the Apple family a lot as well Applejack.

Applejack blushes from that and the rest of the Apples come in to thank (Y/N).

Apple Bloom: (Y/N), I can't believe you did that to save Sweet Apple Acres! You're amazing!

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Granny Smith: If I had another grandson, I'd want 'em to be just like you, (Y/N).

(Y/N) blushes a little from the praise and rubs the back of his head before making it go away.

(Y/N): Well, everypony Sweet Apple Acres is back in business!

Apple Bloom: Because of this silly competition, we've made enough of our cider for the whole town!

Everypony in the crowd cheers along with the rest of the Mane 7. Applejack then looks to (Y/N).

Applejack: We still got time to serve everypony. You mind helpin' out?

(Y/N): I thought you'd never ask.

Both Applejack and (Y/N) then walked together to go and get to work and serve all of the ponies who want high quality Apple family cider.

Applejack: (Dear Princess Celestia, I wanted to share my thoughts with you. *clears throat* I didn't learn anythin'! Ha! I was right all along! If you take your time to do things the right way, your work will speak for itself. Sure I could tell you I learned something about how my friends are always there to help me, and I can count on them no matter what, but truth is, I knew that already too.)

Eventually, everypony except for Rainbow Dash got cider and when Apple Bloom was about to serve her cider, the faucet was out once again which made Rainbow go into slight tears once again. . . that is until Pinkie offered one of hers. Rainbow smiles from that as all of the mares had cider to drink together. Applejack then looks and notices (Y/N) having a conversation with the rest of her family nearby and smiles.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey, Applejack. You coming to drink our cider with us?

Applejack looks back and forth before making her decision.

Applejack: I-I'll be right there. There's somepony I need to talk to.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright then, we'll save you a spot at a picnic table.

Applejack nods at that as she walks towards (Y/N) who was hanging out on a fence alone with some cider in his hooves. He was finished talking with the Apples as they take their leave.

Applejack: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N) turns to Applejack and smiles.

(Y/N): Hey, Applejack. So this is cider season this year, huh?

Applejack: Yeah, probably one of the best we've ever had. And it's all thanks to you.

(Y/N): Well, I don't want to take in all of the credit. You helped me in a way as well Applejack.

Applejack: I did?

(Y/N): I was following your advice this entire time when you said that it was all quality over speed. And it turns out that you were right, with sticking to quality.

Applejack: Aw, shucks sugarcube. You flatter me.

(Y/N): Still, I believe you did help out a lot, Applejack. You're brave, mature, and honest and I like that about you.

Applejack blushes and chuckles from that.

Applejack: Well, why don't we enjoy our cider while it's still fresh?

(Y/N): I agree.

Both Applejack and (Y/N) cling their mugs before chugging down both of their delicious drinks. When they were finished, Applejack noticed some of the cider's froth on (Y/N)'s lips and she blushes profusely before smirking.

Applejack: Hey sugarcube, ya got something on yer lips there.

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow at that.

(Y/N): I do?

Before (Y/N) could say another word, Applejack closes her eyes, wraps her hooves around (Y/N), and kisses him on the lips. (Y/N) was not prepared for that as he tensed up a bit before closing his eyes and returning the kiss as well. Little did they know that Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith were watching the whole scene and smiled at the two.

Soon enough, the kiss ended with both Applejack and (Y/N) breaking it and they both had huge blushes on their faces.

(Y/N): Well. . . that was. . . something?

Applejack: Yeah. . . it sure was.

(Y/N): I. . . guess I'll see you tomorrow?

Applejack: Mm-hmm. Yeah. . . see ya tomorrow?

Both Applejack and (Y/N) went their separate ways as Applejack walks to where the counter was where the rest of her family was waiting for her and they all had smug grins on their faces which confused Applejack.

Applejack: What?

Granny Smith: So, was I right or was I right with ya taking a liking to (Y/N)?

Applejack then blushes in embarrassment as she knew what Granny Smith was implying.

Applejack: What?! Y-Y-You mean you all saw that?!

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Apple Bloom: It was a sweet scene, Applejack. You and (Y/N) would make a cute couple.

Applejack tips her hat down to hide her red face and she moans in embarrassment. The rest of her family chuckles at seeing her this flustered.

Applejack: ((Y/N), is more than my best friend. I just want him to know that one day.)

Chapter 10 End.

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