Chapter 9: The Last Roundup

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It is currently daytime at Sweet Apple Acres as Applejack could be seen galloping furiously with her hat off. She was currently practicing for the Equestria Rodeo Competition in Canterlot coming up soon with both Apple Bloom and (Y/N) watching her practice.

She is racing along a broad path in the Sweet Apple Acres orchards, toward a hurdle and easily jumps over it. Rounding a turn, she clears a second hurdle, before she comes across one more that was built from two curved poles. Her green eyes narrow above a fierce smile as Applejack barrels toward this, and she licks her lips and hurls herself into a jump with all four legs extended. Time seemed to slow down as Applejack was gliding smoothly over the top pole, except for one of her rear hooves which taps against it for a brief second before coming back to normal speed and Applejack hits the ground and keeps galloping, not even losing a single step in contact.

Apple Bloom and (Y/N) were watching Applejack over from a fence as the filly had Applejack's hat on and she waves enthusiastically to her.

Apple Bloom: Whoo!

Apple Bloom nearly loses her balance on the fence and (Y/N) helps her back as they both continue to cheer for Applejack.

(Y/N): Go Applejack! Give it all you've got!

Applejack turns to both of them for a second and gives them an acknowledging wink. She then grabs a rope that was attached to a hay bale with her teeth and flings it with one good swing as if doing the Olympic hammer throw. It sails away, Applejack shading her eyes with a foreleg to watch, and it lands some distance past a line where two others have fallen in her previous attempts. She crosses her left legs over her right, aiming a self-deprecating glance off to the side.

Apple Bloom cheers so quickly that she knocked her sister hat off of her head.

Apple Bloom: Whoo-hoo! Applejack, you're sure to knock everypony's hat off at the Equestria Rodeo competition!

(Y/N): If there's one pony that I know that's brave, hard-working, and to top it off strong to win the win that Rodeo, it's definitely you Applejack.

Applejack picks up her hat and puts it back on.

Applejack: Aw shucks, you two. I sure hope so.

Apple Bloom: Hope so? I know so! After all, you're the ten-time rodeo champeen of Ponyville! Why, you've got more blue ribbons than anypony in Ponyville ever!

Apple Bloom then gestures to a trophy case filled with blue ribbons and gold medals, mounted on the side of a shed.

Apple Bloom: And I can't wait for my big sis to win every blue ribbon in Equestria and bring home the title of Equestria Rodeo champeen!

(Y/N) then goes up to Applejack and wraps one of his hooves around her while giving her a reassuring smile making her blush.

(Y/N): You've got this, Applejack. Get out and show 'em what you're made of for me!

Applejack grew an even bigger blush at that as she tips her hat down for a second to hide it before making it go away. She then turns back to (Y/N) with a determined look.

Applejack: Don't worry sugarcube, I'm gonna win this Rodeo like bucking everyday apples. For both you and me.

(Y/N) smiles from that.

(Y/N): That's just what I like to hear.

The next day at the town square, Rainbow Dash was hoisting a banner of Applejack up at the town square's main entrance. She looks at her handiwork smugly before she got surprised and ducks just in time to avoid a sudden bolt of lightning that singes the end of her tail. She looks up at the pony responsible for that as it was Derpy Hooves jumping up and down on a thunder cloud cheerfully. Derpy was a Pegasus who had a light sapphire bluish gray coat, a pale, light grayish apple green mane and tail, pale light grayish apple green eyes that were crossed, and her Cutie Mark was two large bubbles surrounded by five smaller ones.

Rainbow Dash: Now, careful, Derpy! You don't want to do any more damage than you've already done.

Derpy stops jumping as she looks to see the third-story balcony is sagging everywhere, and the roof has had a couple of ragged holes punched through it doubtless by the constant lightning strikes from Derpy's goofing off. To add insult to injury, the uppermost piece already hanging by a thread breaks loose and crashes through the largest hole.

Derpy: I just don't know what went wrong.

She jumps repeatedly on the cloud again and manages to shock herself a good one, charring her gray coat and blond mane nicely.

Rainbow Dash: *sarcastically* Yeah. It's a mystery.

Derpy: Nice work, Rainbow Dash.

Derpy wasn't watching where she was going as she backs into a support post, which promptly topples over the balcony rail. With a panicked grimace, Rainbow dives after the timber, gets under the low end, heaves upward and then drops into the pavilion's porch, with a brand-new hole from which the pole's snapped end protrudes. Derpy lands next to this and sticks her head inside.

Derpy: You okay, Rainbow Dash? Anything I can do to help?

A plank then falls and Rainbow quickly flies up at her.

Rainbow Dash: No! Nothing! In the name of Celestia, just sit there and do nothing!

The cross-eyed flyer plunks her rump onto the porch, whereupon a circle of cracks starts to spread in the wood around her. As soon as the spot gives way, she makes a desperate grab at Rainbow that only leads to both pegasi plummeting into this second hole.

Derpy: Oops, my bad.

Meanwhile, a large crowd, gathered outside the pavilion and chanting Applejack's name.

Mayor Mare: Everypony, can I get your attention? Attention please!

As Mayor Mare says this, the crowd calms down for her to speak.

Mayor Mare: Yes, we are all here to send Applejack to compete in this year's Equestria Rodeo competition in Canterlot.

Everypony then cheers and stomps in applause for Applejack.

Mayor Mare: And I want to thank Applejack in advance for generously offering up her prize money to fix town hall.

Back to where Rainbow Dash and Derpy were, Rainbow Dash got out of the hole while Derpy was hanging over the edge of it.

Derpy: Yeah, Applejack! Whoo-hoo!

Derpy falls back inside of the hole while Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes annoyed.

Back to where the crowd was, they continue to cheer for Applejack and Pinkie who was in the crowd along with some the rest of the Mane 7 decides to speak up for her.

Pinkie Pie: Speech! Speech!

Applejack: Oh, shucks. I'm not much for speeches.

Pinkie Pie: Alright then, no speech!

Pinkie then zips away, but comes back instantly in the crowd.

Applejack: Buuut! This here is the nicest send off anypony could ask for. Y'all have been cheering me on in every rodeo since I was a little little pony. So it seems only fittin' to use my winnings to fix up town hall. I promise to make Ponyville proud.

The crowd gives a third round of applause as Applejack smiles gratefully and pulls her hat forward over her eyes. She then sees (Y/N) in the crowd as well and get's a thought in her mind.

Applejack: (I'm not only gonna win this for Ponyville, but also for you as well (Y/N).)

At the Ponyville train station where Applejack was getting ready to leave, the Mane 7, along with her family and Mayor Mare were on the train platform to say farewell to her for the week.

Granny Smith: I want you to show all them highfalutin rodeo ponies what a real rodeo pony's like!

Applejack: You betcha, Granny Smith.

Mayor Mare: And bring back all that money!

Applejack: You betcha, Mayor.

As Applejack was getting ready to get on the train, Pinkie pops up right in front of her.

Pinkie Pie: And have fun. And don't be nervous. Or if you are, use that nervous energy to do even better than you already would! And eat peanuts and popcorn and taffy. Taffy gives lots of nervous energy!

Pinkie pulls out a bag of taffy and buries her face in it, munching on it and the other ponies just look at her in annoyance or puzzlement. Both Twilight and (Y/N) then focus back to Applejack.

Twilight Sparkle: Just do your best, Applejack.

Applejack: I'll do better than my best!

(Y/N): Well then I guess there's nothing else to say, but good luck out there AJ. Not that you'll need the luck with your skills.

Applejack blushes from that until the conductor spoke up.

Conductor: The train to Canterlot is about to leave! All aboard who's coming aboard!

Applejack: Guess that means me.

Rainbow Dash: See ya in a week!

Apple Bloom: With lots of new blue ribbons!

Mayor Mare: And lots of money!

Applejack: Darn tootin'!

Once Applejack is settled in the train, it starts to roll of and Applejack waves to all of her friends out from one window.

Applejack: See y'all in a week, with a big bag full of blue ribbons!

She watches her friends shout their last goodbyes while galloping as far as the platform's end before she couldn't see them again.

Pinkie Pie: And drink sarsaparilla!

Everypony shot Pinkie funny looks from that.

Pinkie Pie: What? It gives you extra sass.

Twilight turns away with a slightly exasperated sigh while (Y/N) chuckles and shakes his head.

(Y/N): (Who else, but Pinkie Pie.)

One week later. . .

At Sweet Apple Acres, many decorations in the barn were set up for Applejack's surprise party for winning the rodeo. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy finish putting up a banner.

Fluttershy: Oh, I hope Applejack is surprised by this surprise party!

Rainbow Dash: Well, that is the point.

Fluttershy: I know, but I hope she isn't so surprised she's startled, because while being surprised can be nice, being startled can be. . . very startling.

As Fluttershy says this while walking, Pinkie instantly pops up in front of her.

Pinkie Pie: SURPRISE!

Fluttershy gasps as she falls backwards towards the ground.

Fluttershy: Oh, Pinkie, you startled me.

Pinkie helps Fluttershy back on her hooves.

Pinkie Pie: Sorry! I was just practicing my "surprise!" for when we surprise Applejack with this super cool party for becoming rodeo champeen of Equestria!

Pinkie then comes from above on the ceiling right in front of Fluttershy once again.

Pinkie Pie: Surprise!

Fluttershy falls backwards once again.

Twilight is then seen at the door with (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: Quiet, Pinkie, I think Applejack's coming!

(Y/N): Everypony, hide!

Apple Bloom and Pinkie Pie instantly rush to hide inside of an empty feed trough.

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry, you two. Got my lips all limbered up!

Pinkie then makes a series of goofy facial contortions in which she works her teeth, her jaw, and her lips while Apple Bloom stares at her thoroughly confounded.

The rest just go and find the rest of their hiding spots as the lights turn off once everypony was in position. After a few seconds that feel like a week, a rectangle of light is cast over the floor from the doors creaking open and a hatted shadow advances into view. The lights come on and everypony but Pinkie pops into view.

Everypony: SURPRISE!

Pinkie Pie: Surprise! Shoot!

However, it is then revealed that the new arrival was not Applejack, but a telegram delivery stallion named Parcel Post.

Parcel Post: Wow, this is the best surprise ever! How did you know it was my birthday?

Everypony's face falls that it wasn't Applejack, the delivery stallion holds a telegram in one hoof and Twilight grumpily looks out, levitates it from his grip, and yanks both it and herself back inside with a door slam. The stallion felt downtrodden by that until the doors burst open and a beaming Pinkie holds out a slice of cake on a plate, drops it, and shuts him outside again. The stallion's puzzlement gives way to a smile.

Back inside of the barn, the rest of the crew has gathered around Twilight, who is studying the message intently.

Apple Bloom: Who's it from, Twilight? What's it say?

Twilight Sparkle: It's from Applejack. "Family and friends, not coming back to Ponyville. Don't worry, will send money soon."

Everypony gasps in disbelief from that.

Apple Bloom: Applejack's. . . not comin' back?

(Y/N) was slightly infuriated by that message.

(Y/N): She's leaving Ponyville?! Why?!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, she loves Ponyville!

Granny Smith: And she loves Sweet Apple Acres!

Apple Bloom: And she loves her family!

Apple Bloom gives a sad pout and Rarity gives a gasp.

Rarity: Something just dreadful must have happened to Applejack to make her not return!

Fluttershy: Maybe she's hurt, or sad, or scared!

Rainbow Dash: So, what are we waiting for? Let's go find her!

Rainbow Dash instantly flies out of the door as the rest of the Mane 7 trot after her.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry. We'll search all of Equestria if we have to. We'll bring her back.

(Y/N): And we'll find the reason why she isn't coming back. That letter was pretty vague on the details.

Apple Bloom: Y'all are the best.

Granny Smith: Thank you, everypony.

Twilight salutes to them.

(Y/N): Let's move!

The Mane 6 then run off to go in search for Applejack with the others in the barn watching them go off. As they left, Big Mac and Granny Smith shed a couple of tears for Applejack.

Granny Smith: Our little bushel just lost one apple.

The Mane 7 were currently on the train to Canterlot in pursuit of their friend Applejack as once they arrive, they go to the exterior of a stadium of where the rodeo was held. The Mane 6 stop for a moment before they scatter from a nod from Twilight.

Inside, Rarity carries a black-and-white photo of Applejack in her teeth and trots up to a cowboy-hatted stallion talking to a mare in the stands. Both shake their heads at the picture to say that they haven't seen her. (Y/N) then goes up to a mare who looked to be another participant from the rodeo and she looks hard at the photo before shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head to say that she doesn't know where she went. A rodeo-clown stallion in garish face makeup and clothes rolls by on a beach ball and right behind him is Pinkie, on a ball of her own and with a copy of the photo in teeth. Once she has pulled even, she leans over to give him a good look of the photo and he looks at it before shaking his head which gives Pinkie a dejected look as she stops on her ball and it deflates to the ground.

Twilight levitates her photo up at two mares taking a break from cleanup duty and they both shrug their shoulders to say "I don't know." A stallion was then seen pushing a barrel and Rainbow Dash stops him in his tracks to show him the picture of Applejack. He aims a vexed glare at both her and the photo of Applejack in her teeth, then shakes his head. Next Fluttershy flies up to the stadium roof, where another rodeo-clown stallion is napping with his hat tilted over his face. She has a fifth copy of Applejack's photo in her teeth, but he waves her off without even lifting his hat to get a clear look. As the cleanup crew gets everything squared away, Twilight and company make one last, fruitless effort to pick up any hints on their friend's whereabouts.

The Mane 6 were eventually tired from all of the searching as they were all resting over at the side of the stadium in a glum atmosphere over them. However, that changes when a passing mare takes surprised notice of it and smiles in recognition. All six are up and beaming at her in an instant and she points towards a stretch of parched desert land and rock formations which the Mane 6 get uneasy looks at.

They all go on the train towards their new location as the ponies were all concerned for what Applejack has gotten into.

Rainbow Dash: I hope this lead doesn't turn out to be a dead end. I don't wanna go home empty-hooved after promising we'd find her.

Fluttershy: I don't know how we'll break it to the Apple family.

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know how we'll break it to Ponyville!

Pinkie Pie: I don't know how I'll make it to the next stop!

Pinkie had her rear leg over the other to signal that she needed to go to the bathroom.

(Y/N): Let's just hope for the best that we do find Applejack. And if we do, she better be prepared for some questions that were going to give her. What sense does it make to just leave Ponyville without that big of a reason?!

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know (Y/N). But knowing Applejack, I'm sure she'll tell us a reasonable answer.

The train's whistle then sounds off to mark their arrival at a station and Twilight smiles from this.

Twilight Sparkle: This is Dodge Junction, everypony. Applejack is supposed to have come here after the rodeo ended. Let's fan out and try to find her.

(A/N): Ignore Applejack. . . for now.

As they all got off of the train, a moaning pink blur flashes past the others as Pinkie couldn't hold in her bladder for much longer. She rushes up to an outhouse and knocks on it vigorously.

Pinkie Pie: Ooh, pickles! Hurryhurryhurryhurryhurry! Hurry it up in there!

The door is flung open, knocking her silly for a moment, and Applejack emerges with her saddlebags.

Applejack: Ugh, some ponies. Sheesh.

Pinkie pays no mind whatsoever, ducking inside and slamming the door and then throwing it open again with a huge smile.

Pinkie Pie: Applejack! I found her, I found her, I found her, I found her, I found her!

Pinkie happily hops towards her friends and back around the corner to where Applejack was and points to where she was. Applejack sees the rest of her friends and was surprised by this until her friends walk up to her.

Rarity: Oh, Applejack, thank heavens!

Fluttershy: We're so glad you're safe!

Pinkie was still hopping up and down excited from finding Applejack so quickly.

Pinkie Pie: I found her, I found her, I found her, I found her!

She then realizes what she was in a rush about all of a sudden and crossed her legs again.

Pinkie Pie: . . .Be right back.

Pinkie rushes back to where the outhouse was to go and use the bathroom like she needed to while the rest of ponies walk with Applejack who had a nervous look on her face.

Applejack: Uh, hey, everypony. What's up?

(Y/N): That's honestly what we want to know.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! Why didn't you come back to Ponyville?!

Rarity: Yes, why are you here?

Fluttershy: Are you okay?

Pinkie then reappears from using the bathroom.

Pinkie Pie: Do you have any snacks?

Twilight Sparkle: Tell us what happened, Applejack!

Applejack's reluctant silence is broken by a cheerful older mare's voice with a Western twang.

???: Applejack?

The Mane 7 then turn to an Earth pony mare with a pale yellow coat, a moderate crimson mane and tail, light pistachio eyes, she was a pink scarf tied to knot around her neck, she had a headband with cherries on it, and her Cutie Mark was a pair of cherries with a leaf at the top.

Cherry Jubilee: Are these some of your Ponyville friends?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, ma'am.

Rarity: And you are?

Cherry Jubilee: Why, I'm Cherry Jubilee, boss of Cherry Hill Ranch. Hasn't Applejack told ya? I saw her compete at the Equestria Rodeo. Never saw anypony win so many ribbons in all my life.

Applejack: Aw shucks, Miss Jubilee. You don't have to go into all that.

Cherry Jubilee: Oh, she's so modest. Anyway, I can always use a pony with quick hooves and a strong back. So, when I heard Applejack was looking for a change of scenery, I snapped her up as quick as I could and brought her to Dodge Junction.

The Mane 6 all looked at each other with confused looks from that.

Cherry Jubilee: Well, I'll let you catch up with your friends. See you back at the ranch.

A Cherry Jubilee walks away, Applejack sweats as her friends, especially (Y/N) give her suspicious glares. Rainbow Dash then flies up to her face.

Rainbow Dash: "Change of scenery"?! What's that supposed to mean?

Applejack: S'no big deal, guys. I thought cherries would be a nice change from apples, so I took the job and came here. That's it. End of story.

(Y/N) was shocked as he walked up to Applejack angrily.

(Y/N): You're just going to abandon Ponyville?!

Applejack: (Y/N), this may be hard for you to understand, but apples ain't just mah thing anymore.

(Y/N): Um, "hello"! Have we met?! Your name is "Apple"-jack! I think that clearly means that you're an Apple!

Applejack: Well, Ponyville's a small town as well.

(Y/N): One, it's not small, there are hundreds of ponies! Two, that's no excuse as this town is way smaller than Ponyville!

Applejack: Sorry, (Y/N) but that's it! End of story!

(Y/N): No, we're not done here! Did you really think we came all the way here to Dodge Junction just to not bring you back to Ponyville?!

Applejack: I didn't ask for any of you to come lookin' for me (Y/N)! There is nothin' to tell and I am NOT going back to Ponyville!

Applejack gallops off as (Y/N) was so surprised that Applejack is abandoning Ponyville. He growled a little in anger as his eyes glowed (F/C) for just a few seconds before he takes a deep breath to calm himself down.

(Y/N): That darn stubborn mare! She isn't making a lick of sense at all!

Twilight Sparkle: You're right! Applejack's not telling us something! We need to get information out of her!

Rainbow Dash: Twilight and (Y/N) are right! We gotta get her to spill the beans.

Pinkie then get's in Rainbow Dash's face.

Pinkie Pie: What?! She had beans? Ugh, I told her I was snacky!

Later inside of the Dodge Junction Cherry Factory, Applejack and Cherry Jubilee walk past a conveyor belt with some bins right beside it. Applejack is now wearing an apron, a pair of baskets on her back, and a white hairnet over her mane in place of her hat.

Cherry Jubilee: You ready to put your back into it, Applejack?

Applejack: Sure am, Miss Jubilee.

Cherry Jubilee: Terr-ific! Come on in, everypony.

The rest of the Mane 7 then walk into the factory as Applejack was both surprised and annoyed by this.

Applejack: What are you all doing here?

Twilight Sparkle: We're your cherry sorters.

(Y/N): Eeyup. Gonna keep things organized for you.

The six then each line up to the conveyor parallel on the opposite side of where the bins were.

Applejack: Fine.

Cherry Jubilee: Haha, red cherries go in one bin, and yellow cherries go in the other. Simple as cherry pie. Uh, just one teensy thing to remember. . . have fun!

As Cherry Jubilee trots out of the room, Applejack gives an annoyed glare.

Applejack: What are you six up to?

Rarity: Well, uh, you made working on a cherry orchard sound. . . so delightful.

Applejack: Uh-huh. (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I. . . thought to myself and wanted to see how it was working in this factory.

Applejack: *sarcastically* Sure, you did. Well, just remember: no talking about Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash: Fine! Why don't you quit talking and get walking?

Needled by this jab, Applejack turns her head bitterly forward and begins to walk inside the wheel. As it turns and gains speed, the pulleys attached to both it and the conveyor start rotating and the belt itself comes to life. From the hatch comes a steady stream of cherries, which the five new workers push off into the appropriate bins as they pass.

Rainbow Dash then shoots a glance towards Applejack and back to Twilight as she gives a furtive nod to her. Twilight smiles sneakily and winks at her as she turns to (Y/N) and gestures to where Applejack is and he gives a nod as well.

Twilight Sparkle: So, AJ, how was Canterlot?

Applejack's eyes pop wide at that as she glares back toward the unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle: Not talking about Ponyville, talking about Canterlot, totally different town.

Applejack: Canterlot was fine.

Twilight Sparkle: Was the rodeo fun?

Applejack: Yes.

Applejack looks back towards her friends' direction as she noticed that (Y/N) and Twilight had left their post.

(Y/N): Did you meet some nice ponies there?

Applejack: Some.

Rainbow Dash then flies over in front of her excitedly.

Rainbow Dash: Really? Did you see Wild Bull Hickok? What about Calamity Mane?

Applejack: Yes, I saw 'em both.

Rainbow grins and nods, hoping for an inside scoop, but gets only a dirty look in return. She throws it right back at Applejack as Rarity steps over to the three.

Rarity: And how did you meet Miss Jubilee?

Applejack: Um, well, Miss Jubilee had a cherry stand at the rodeo. Real good treats.

Applejack then speeds up her pace a little which causes the conveyor accelerates as well, bringing the cherries out at a considerably faster pace. Fluttershy and Pinkie, the only two sorters still on duty, have to work to keep up.

Fluttershy: Um, excuse me?

Applejack: Cherry winks, cherry cheesecake, cherry tarts. We struck up a conversation, being orchard folk and all.

Twilight Sparkle: So you told her about Sweet Apple Acres?

Applejack: Yes.

Rainbow Dash: Did you tell her why you weren't going back?

Applejack: No, 'cuz it was none of her business!

Applejack got more irritated as she sped up even more leaving Fluttershy and Pinkie to scramble even faster at the belt.

Fluttershy: Ooh. . . Can you please slow down?

Fluttershy's quiet words fell on deaf ears as the others kept trying to interrogate Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: Is it because I made it rain on you that one time?

Applejack: No!

Applejack was now going at running speed at this point as the cherries are coming so fast that Fluttershy gives up using her hooves and puts them to the sides of her head.

Fluttershy: Help!

Pinkie frantically gathers up as many cherries as she can hold in her forelegs and dumps them onto Fluttershy's hairnet. Pinkie makes another desperate grab at the unsorted fruit. Within moments she has filled her baskets and set a pile on her own head, but these moves buy her precious little time.

Twilight Sparkle: Is it because you were insulted when I gave you that book on organized orchards?

Applejack: NO!

Applejack was so annoyed by the questions that she went full speed and the conveyor belt was letting out so many cherries that all of the bins were overflowing and Pinkie rushes worriedly to the front of the conveyor belt to try and stuff as many cherries as she could in her mouth, but it was no use.

(Y/N) thinks of a question that he could ask Applejack as he get's an idea.

(Y/N): Applejack are you. . . scared to admit something to us about Ponyville?

Applejack goes wide-eyed from that for a second before glaring at (Y/N) for a second. (Y/N) internally chuckles as he knew that he was getting on to something.

Applejack: No, no, NO! I'm not telling you why, so just-

Fluttershy: STOP!!

Applejack hears this and instantly brakes using her hoof, but that causes the cherries' forward momentum carries them straight off the belt and across the room with Applejack finding herself directly in the line of fire of the cherries. Cherries splat everywhere as Applejack and the wheel around her was an entire mess. The rest of the ponies gasp from this as Applejack gets her eyes open, glares at them, and walks off.

Later on, the ponies except for Applejack stayed in the factory to clean up the mess that they made.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, everyone, we seem to be striking out.

Rainbow Dash: That's 'cause we're playing too nice.

(Y/N): And we also weren't being subtle at all. However, I was able to get one question to her that struck a nerve on her, but it's still not enough.

Twilight Sparkle: I noticed it too. She's afraid to tell us something about what happened at the Rodeo, so we need to get it out of her.

Rarity: Yes. Desperate times do call for desperate measures.

Rainbow Dash: It's time to call in the big guns. (Y/N)!

(Y/N) smirked from that as he knew what Rainbow was talking about.

(Y/N): Don't worry, I've got it covered along with my secret weapon.

(Y/N) then looks at Pinkie from the corner of his eye as she was happily using her tongue instead of a rag to pick up a bit of cherry slop.

Outside, in the Cherry Hill Ranch Orchard, Applejack was bucking down some cherry trees as some fell into a couple of baskets enough to fill both of them up. (Y/N) then comes from behind a tree and approaches Applejack.

(Y/N): Hey, Applejack. Whatcha doin'?

Applejack saw (Y/N) walking up to her and got slightly annoyed from this.

Applejack: *groans* Bucking down these here cherry trees. What is it, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Just was wanting to ask, how did the rodeo turn out?

Applejack did not like that question one bit.

Applejack: None of yer business, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I knew it! You are scared to tell me aren't you?

Applejack gave a deeper glare at (Y/N) when he said that.

Applejack: I ain't scared! Like I said, it's none of yer business!

(Y/N): You don't want to because your scared.~

Applejack: Will you shut your mouth already?! I ain't scared to tell you anything!

(Y/N): Then tell me what happened at the rodeo.

Applejack then get's up in (Y/N)'s face.

Applejack: Three words. Not! Your! Business!

(Y/N): Hmm. . . you know I kind of like your angry face, Applejack. It's kind of cute. I can get a better view of it since you're up in my face.

Applejack instantly backed up both surprised and embarrassed with a blush on her face before shaking it away and glaring back at (Y/N).

Applejack: Nice try, but flirting with me ain't gonna do you any good. So if you don't mind (Y/N), I'd like to get back to work without any annoying questions about the rodeo or Ponyville!

(Y/N): *sighs* Fine. I didn't want to have to use this on you Applejack.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at that.

Applejack: Say what now?

(Y/N) then goes behind another tree and pulls out a familiar pink party pony who had a grin on her face and he positions her on his shoulder in a way like holding a bazooka. (Y/N) then faces towards Applejack.

(Y/N): Don't make me use this. Spill the beans, Applejack.

Applejack: I don't what yer planning on doing with Pinkie (Y/N), but it ain't gonna work.

(Y/N): I wouldn't be so sure my friend.

(Y/N) then holds one of Pinkie's forelegs out and pulls it down like a lever and she made a small clicking sound before speaking.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, Applejack. Have you ever had a cherrychanga?

(Y/N): (I better dress myself in red and black and try that food out myself.)

Applejack: Uh. . . no. I never had a cherrychanga.

(Y/N) then rushes up right in front of Applejack while still holding Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Well, no wonder, because I made it up myself! A cherrychanga is mashed up cherries in a tortilla that's deep fried. Cherrychanga. Great name, huh?

Applejack starts backing up a bit before going to another tree trying to block out the chatter. However, that didn't work as (Y/N) appeared right next her with Pinkie still talking rapidly.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, but maybe I should call it a chimicherry. Ooh, that's good too. Which do you think sounds better? Cherrychanga or chimicherry? Or what if I combine them? Chimicherrychanga! What sounds the funniest?

Applejack was getting annoyed by the second as she walks off and picks up a bag of cherries with (Y/N) and Pinkie following her.

Pinkie Pie: I like funny words! One of my favorite funny words is 'kumquat'! I didn't make that one up. I would work in a kumquat orchard just so I could say 'kumquat' all day! Kumquat, kumquat, kumquat! And 'pickle barrel'! Isn't that just the funnest thing to say? Pickle barrel, pickle barrel, pickle barrel! Say it with me! Pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, chimicherrychanga!

Applejack couldn't take all of the noise at this point as she drops the basket and ducks her head down to the ground while covering her ears.

Applejack: NOOO! Make it stop, make it stop!

(Y/N) smirks as he then covers Pinkie's mouth with his hoof as she was still trying to talk as much as she could.

(Y/N): Then spill the beans, Applejack!

Applejack: Never!

(Y/N): Suit yourself!

(Y/N) then puts his hoof down which allowed Pinkie to continue speaking as much as she wanted.

Pinkie Pie: Speaking of beans, did you ever realize how many words rhyme with 'beans'? Lean, mean, spleen, unclean, bean. . .

Applejack backs herself up to a tree and was just fed up with it all so she just surrendered.

Applejack: Alright, alright! I'll tell everypony what's goin' on! Just please stop talkin'!

The rest of the mares then come out of hiding as they all gathered around Applejack.

Applejack: But. . . can it wait 'til tomorrow at breakfast? I'm plum tuckered out.

Rainbow Dash: Tomorrow, huh? I don't know. . .

(Y/N): Sounds like you're planning something.

Applejack: I ain't! I promise!

Pinkie Pie: Do you Pinkie promise?

Pinkie does her Pinkie Promise gesture as the phrase states, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Applejack reluctantly sighs as she does the gesture herself.

Applejack: I will tell you the whole truth at breakfast. Pinkie promise.

(Y/N): Just remember. . .

(Y/N) then gives Applejack a deep glare.

(Y/N): YOU promised.

Applejack gulps as she nods her head quickly.

(Y/N) and the rest of the mares smile at this that their finally are going to get some information from Applejack.

The next morning inside of the Cherry Hill barn, the Mane 6 were walking towards Applejack's room that she was staying in hoping to wake her up and finally get her answers on why she's avoiding questions on both the rodeo and Ponyville in general.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm glad we're finally gonna get some answers from Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: *sarcastically* Yeah, maybe?

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry, Rainbow. She's gotta 'fess up after making a Pinkie promise.

(Y/N): Let's hope so. She's knows the policy on Pinkie promises.

When they reached the room, Twilight knocks and opens the door and Pinkie also pops her head in.

Pinkie Pie: Good morning, Applejack. You ready for br-

However, Pinkie let's out a long gasp as everypony went wide-eyed on what they saw inside of the room. There was a neatly made bed, nightstand, closet, drawn windowshade, pictures on walls, but no Applejack in sight.

Pinkie's shock was then turned into extreme anger as her face turned red before she straightens up with her eyes burning with anger and steam came out of her ears.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Pinkie immediately rushes out of the barn at top speed with the rest of the ponies following her to where Applejack may be.

At the Dodge Junction train station, Applejack was waiting for the station with an uneasy look. She trots in place with her saddlebags slung up, as if ready to break into a sprint at any moment and the next voice instantly makes her wish she had.


The Mane 6 were rushing up to where Applejack was as Pinkie had a look of boiled rage on her face.


Applejack yelps in worry as she gallops and the Mane 6 were in high pursuit of her.

(Y/N): Applejack! Get back here now!

Applejack then immediately jumps onto an idle stagecoach with four stallions right beside it.

Applejack: Giddy up, fellas, I gotta get the heck out of Dodge!

The four stallions neigh as they immediately start galloping off ahead of the pursuing six.

Pinkie Pie: She's gonna get away!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no, she won't! Look, everypony!

Twilight points to a cart in the distance with harnesses for two ponies. A moment later, Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie were riding on it while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy pull the cart. (Y/N) decided to instead fly.

Pinkie Pie: Follow that stagecoach!

Applejack risks a quick glance behind herself. She has a decent lead on her pursuers, but they begin to close the gap.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, we have you now!

A rabbit then hops into the middle of the street, prompting Fluttershy's eyes to shrink in horror at the thought of turning it into roadkill. However, (Y/N) instead levitates it up and catches it before the cart could even get anywhere closer to the rabbit and he puts it gently to the side to run along. Fluttershy sighs in relief and smiles at (Y/N)'s small compassion for the animal. They all still kept on running to Applejack as they all bump the stagecoach nearly shaking her down to the floor.

Applejack: Whoa! What the hay?

Applejack looks to her left and the Mane 6 have pulled up even with her.

Rainbow Dash: Pull over!

The cart bangs into the coach and Applejack leans over the side toward it.

Applejack: Hey! Cut that out!

The cart hits the coach once again causing Applejack to fall in between the passenger seats. She then climbs back up and addresses the stallions giving her the ride.

Applejack: I'll pay you double to outrun them.

The stallions immediately speed up at hearing that.

Twilight Sparkle: We'll pay you triple to slow down!

They do so as the cart that the mares were riding in goes up ahead of the coach.

Applejack: I'll pay you quadruple to leave them in the dust!

They waste no time in literally doing, so that the six chasers are left choking and coughing in the murk. It clears up in no time.

Rarity: That was rude!

Pinkie Pie: Get them! GET THEM!

(Y/N) looks around and get's an idea as he levitates a nearby small boulder and throws it in front of the stagecoach which causes them to dodge it and it slows them down a bit. (Y/N) then spots a cactus and throws that as well which the stallions also dodge as well. The cart that the mares pulled eventually caught up and was even with the stagecoach once again. Pinkie hurls herself across the gap and Applejack soon finds a pair of furious blue eyes boring into her own at point-blank range.

Pinkie Pie: Applejack, you broke your Pinkie promise! Apologize!

Applejack: Pinkie, I did not break my promise!

Pinkie Pie: What?

Applejack: If y'all reckon back, I told you that I would tell you everything "at breakfast." But I didn't come for breakfast. I couldn't come to that breakfast, not if it meant telling y'all what happened.

Pinkie Pie: Well, I. . . I. . .

Applejack: I'm sorry, Pinkie, but I can't tell y'all the truth. I just can't!

The mares were not amused from that while (Y/N) groans and facehoofs at that.

Pinkie Pie: Well I heard a "sorry" in there, so that'll have to do for now. I'll get a real apology later. Rarity, catch me.

Rarity: What?! Pinkie!

Rarity screams as Pinkie plummets onto Rarity and the impact dumps both Pinkie and Rarity over the side and leaves Twilight as the only passenger.

(Y/N): Rainbow, go back!

Rainbow Dash: No time! They knew what they were getting into!

As the vehicles zoom away, Pinkie and Rarity sat up with their manes ruined and full of cactus burrs. Pinkie grins at Rarity, who coughs up another burr and shoots her an icy glare.

The stagecoach continues to race forward as Applejack looks ahead and not far ahead of her is a railroad crossing whose barriers swing down to block the way as the warning lights and bells start up. The sight throws Applejack a wicked smile.

Applejack: Yes! Hyah!

A snap of the reins sends her straining team toward the crossing at a truly ludicrous speed. (Y/N) decides to increase his own flight speed and catches up to Applejack as he wanted some answers that badly as well.

(Y/N): Applejack! Why are so sensitive about this?! Is not telling us the whole truth really that big of a deal?!

Applejack: Yes it is! I can't tell you specifically either (Y/N)! Sorry, but ya ain't gonna hear ANY of it!

Applejack's coach speeds up even more so that she could catch up to the train. (Y/N) growls a little in anger from that as his eyes glowed (F/C) and his aura started to dim just a portion as Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash notice this and went wide-eyed.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)!

(Y/N) turned back to Twilight not before realizing that his aura was going back and forth between normal and a shade of it.

(Y/N): No! No! No! No! Not again!

Rainbow Dash spots the train and she realizes that they can't gallop fast enough to catch the coach going past the train. She then looks at (Y/N) as he was trying to calm his powers down and get's an idea.

Rainbow Dash: Twilight, hang on! (Y/N), sit on the cart for a second!

(Y/N) immediately does that with his aura still glowing out of him. Twilight was currently holding on to the sides of the stagecoach to brace herself.

(Y/N): Okay! Why?!

Rainbow Dash: Cause I'm going to do this!

Rainbow Dash then digs her hooves into the ground causing the whole cart to pivot 180 degrees and due to the speed of the cart and (Y/N) not holding on to it, he was launched swiftly into the air like a catapult which caused him to yell a little in surprise from the sudden action.

When the coach got past the train, it slows to a stop and Applejack jumps down from it. The four stallions have reached their physical limits, but her attention is focused entirely on the passing train.

Applejack: Yee-haw!

The stallions look up and see something coming down.

Coach Ponies: Lady, you're in trouble.

As all of the stallions run off, Applejack raises an eyebrow at that until she hears someone yelling and looks up to see that it was (Y/N) closing in on her. She had no time to try and run from that as (Y/N) immediately crashes into Applejack making a small dusty explosion. Both of them started tumbling on the ground before they eventually stopped with (Y/N) on top of Applejack. (Y/N) and Applejack recover from the whole catastrophe, but not until they realized that not only was (Y/N) on top of Applejack. . . but their noses were touching each others which made them both blush very red from that. (Y/N) immediately jerks his face away, but he still pins down Applejack so that she couldn't get away.

(Y/N): There's no where for you to run now Applejack! It's time to 'fess up!

Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Fluttershy were able to get over the train with Rainbow Dash carrying Twilight as both her and Fluttershy flew over the train. They all then stood down to the ground and walked right in front of where Applejack is.

Rainbow Dash: Ha! I knew that would work!

(Y/N): Dash! Never! Ever! Do that again! Applejack is not like some tsundere loner that has people fall from the sky and land on her as a cushion.

Rainbow Dash: *nervous chuckle* Sorry.

Applejack looks to her left and sees that her saddlebags have fell off her and dumped a lot of her ribbons out so she just sighs.

Applejack: Look, now ya know.

The four then look to where Applejack was looking and they all walked over to the dropped saddlebags.

Twilight Sparkle: Know what?

Applejack: Well, just look.

Twilight Sparkle: I am. You won an amazing number of ribbons, just like Miss Jubilee said!

Applejack then shows them a medal as well.

Applejack: Don't you get it? There's every color of ribbon down there. Every color. . . but. . . blue.

Applejack then slumps down to the ground downtrodden.

Applejack: I came in fourth, third, even second, but I didn't win one first prize, and I certainly didn't win any prize money.

Rainbow Dash: But the telegram said you were gonna send money.

Applejack: That's why I came here. I wanted to earn some money. After that big old send off Ponyville gave me, I just didn't have the nerve to come home empty-hooved.

Applejack then turned to look at (Y/N) with a sad look.

Applejack: I was also going to win specifically for you, (Y/N). You were so dependent and had so much confidence that I would win, but I didn't want to come home to tell you that I lost. I thought that you would be disappointed in me, especially since you kept saying that I knew I could do it. I couldn't come home a failure.

Applejack hangs her head down in defeat in expecting her friends to ridicule her for her actions.

However, instead (Y/N) walks up to Applejack and gives her a big hug.

Applejack: W-What?

(Y/N): You stubborn idiot. I'd rather see you lose a competition than not see you at all.

Twilight and the rest join in to make a group hug around Applejack.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)'s right, Applejack. We would never see you as a failure.

Rainbow Dash: We're your friends! We don't care if you came in fiftieth place! You're still number one in our books.

Applejack: So. . . you're not upset or disappointed?

The four then broke the hug and shook their heads as a no. Applejack then rushes up to them in worry of something else.

Applejack: But what about the mayor? I don't think I can face her and tell her I didn't get that money to fix the broken roof.

Fluttershy: Applejack, we can always find a way to fix that hole in the roof. But if you don't come back, we'll never be able to fix the hole in our hearts.

(Y/N): Whether you win or lose, we'll still see you as our best friend.

Applejack smiles as she shares a muzzle rub with the three while Rainbow Dash was flying over them crying softly before she realizes it and shakes herself out of it angrily.

Rainbow Dash: Darn it! Now you got me acting all sappy!

(Y/N): Oh, get in here!

(Y/N) pulls Rainbow Dash down towards them as they all shared one last hug before they decided to depart back to Ponyville.

The Mane 7 were now on their journey home as Applejack thought of a letter to write to Princess Celestia.

Applejack: (Dear Princess Celestia, It's a tad easier to be proud when you come in first than it is when you finish further back. But there's no reason to hide when you don't do as well as you'd hoped. You can't run away from your problems. Better to run to your friends and family.)

The train pulls in at the Ponyville station, whose platform is crammed with Apple family members, well-wishers, and her dog Winona. As soon as she steps onto the platform, Winona happily knocks her flat, to the amusement of Twilight, Fluttershy, and (Y/N) on the train. However, back on the train who had Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Rarity who (Y/N) was able to pick up both of the mares after they were stranded out in the desert for a little bit. Rarity was in a car with Pinkie Pie as she was constantly asking her a question over and over again.

Pinkie Pie: What do you think, Rarity? Chimicherry or cherrychanga? Chimicherry, cherrychanga? Chimicherry, cherrychanga? Chimicherry, cherrychanga? Chimicherry, cherrychanga?

Rarity was walking away from Pinkie annoyed from all of the talking that she was doing.

Rarity: I am so going to remember this, Rainbow Dash! *grumbles*

Chapter 9 End.

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