Chapter 12: Hearts and Hooves Day

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(A/N): This chapter will have an entirely different and original plot that LordStarX101 and I came up with, meaning that it won't feature Big Mac or Cheerliee.

It was early in the morning inside of the Golden Oak Library as today was a special holiday for the ponies in Ponyville. Today was Hearts and Hooves Day where love is in the bloom and ponies will tell their friends and family how much they care about them or spend time with the special somepony that they love to pieces.

Spike is seen in his bed sleeping peacefully and snoring loudly. However, a loud bang from downstairs woke up the small dragon at it startled him.

Spike: Gah!

Spike looked in the direction of where the noise came from before immediately looking at Twilight's bed to see that she wasn't asleep at all.

Spike then goes to walk downstairs and turn the lights on while rubbing his eyes to get a clear vision of everything.

Spike: Twilight? What are you doing up so early?

Twilight looks back at Spike as apparently she was writing something on a chalkboard. She gasps that Spike might see what she was planning as she used her magic to flip it over.

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, did I accidentally wake you up, Spike?

Spike: Yeah. What's all the commotion? I don't remember us having to do any late night reports to Princess Celestia, or heck even forgotten any last night.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. . . um. . . Spike you do know what today is, right?

Spike: No, what day is it?

Twilight Sparkle: It's Hearts and Hooves Day.

Spike just looks at Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

Spike: . . .I don't get the picture.

Twilight groans and rolls her eyes.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! Don't you know that today is the time when ponies do things for their special somepony.

Spike: Yeah, I knew that. But you don't have a special somepony. Speaking of which, what were you just drawing just now?

Twilight blushes from that embarrassed as she eyes the flipped over chalkboard with a nervous smile.

Twilight Sparkle: *quickly* Plans of something that I was making for a friend that I have no romantic interest in. . .!

Spike seemed unconvinced by the mares flustered expression.

Spike: *sarcastically* Uh-huh. Sure.

Twilight just returns a sheepish grin. Both of them stare at each other for a little bit still with the same expressions until Spike just sighs.

Spike: Okay, what are you planning to do for (Y/N)?

Twilight goes wide-eyed from that.

Twilight Sparkle: How did you know?

Spike: Can it not be more obvious?

Twilight just sighs from that as she then flips the chalkboard that she was writing on back to show what she was originally making to show Spike a picture of what looked to be different kinds of chocolate.

Spike: You're going to get him, candy?

Twilight Sparkle: Not just candy, Spike. Chocolate.

Twilight then levitates a nearby book to her and Spike walks up beside her to take a look inside of it.

Twilight Sparkle: It's said here that on Hearts and Hooves Day, that ponies love to give different varieties of gifts to ponies of whom they care about the most. Right here, it says that mares who give chocolate to stallion will symbolize eternal happiness for both of them.

Spike: Sounds like a myth if you ask me.

Twilight Sparkle: Right here, it says that ponies who you just care about altogether you give a Hearts and Hooves Day card, and finally stallions give mares roses or flowers on Hearts and Hooves Day.

Spike: So wait, you're making chocolate for (Y/N) just because you like him that much?

Twilight Sparkle: Well, obviously.

Twilight then walks back to the chalkboard.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm just having trouble deciding on which kind I should make for him.

Twilight puts her hoof to her chin thinking hard on the situation until Spike spoke up.

Spike: Why not just get him all of the flavors in one box? I heard some stores have those kinds of chocolates.

Twilight Sparkle: True, but I'm not getting it from a cheap old store, Spike. This is something that "I" must make for (Y/N) to show how I feel about him.

Twilight stood with pride when she said that as Spike rolls his eyes. Twilight then get's excited on the next idea that she was thinking of.

Twilight Sparkle: And who knows! Something even better may happen! Maybe (Y/N) will take me out on a date! *gasps* Allow me to feed the chocolate to him! *gasps* Or maybe even both!

Spike: I normally never see you so excited about these kinds of things, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! This is like a dream come true to me. I have to make (Y/N) the best chocolate gift that I can so that way he'll know just how much I like him!

Spike stares at Twilight before just sighing and smiling at her.

Spike: Well. . . if this means that much to you, I guess I'll help you out.

Twilight Sparkle: Really?

Spike: Sure, I mean I've got nothing better to do.

Twilight then hugs Spike out of delight.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks Spike, if there's one assistant that I can count on to help it's definitely you.

Spike: *chuckles* No problem, Twilight.

After they both broke the hug, Twilight went back to the chalkboard and started to draw on it some more which made Spike confused.

Spike: Twilight, don't you think it's appropriate that we get proper rest before we start on what you want to do for (Y/N) tomorrow.

Twilight doesn't face Spike and continues to write on the chalkboard with complete focus and Spike just facepalms.

Spike: I'll take that as a no. Oh well, I guess I'll be the one who will get some sleep. Good night, Twilight.

Twilight doesn't respond as Spike walks upstairs to back to bed and rest for the night.

As daytime came, Twilight eventually get too tired and fell asleep on the library floor and she wasn't able to get up until the late morning to start walking out in Ponyville, so that she can get some ingredients she needs in order to make the chocolate that she wants to give to (Y/N).

Meanwhile at Carousel Boutique, Rarity was apparently sitting at her desk working on a dress for herself while her cat Opal was resting on a pillow right beside her.

Rarity: Can you picture it, Opalescence? Today is Hearts and Hooves Day as moi will be spending the day with the most handsomest, most brave, and daring stallion of all of Ponyville.

Opal doesn't say a word as she just looks at Rarity before laying back down on the pillow.

Rarity: It's a shame that I won't be able to spend any time with Sweetie Belle today, but no matter. I, Rarity, will show up at (Y/N)'s door, knock on it for him to come out seeing me where THIS!

Rarity finishes a dress that she had made for herself that was a rose-trimmed gold dress and she even put on a pink fancy looking hat on her head.

Rarity: When it comes to going on a fancy date with a stallion such as him, you have to do it with style. Don't you agree Opal?

Opal opens her eyes and looks at Rarity before letting out a quiet meow before stretching her legs out and positions herself to continue her nap.

Rarity then walks over to a mirror and takes a look at herself thoroughly before getting an idea.

Rarity: Hmm. . . perhaps I didn't add enough jewels to the hat. Oooh! (F/C) is (Y/N)'s favorite color, I believe he will be so delighted to find these assorts of colors on my ensemble that I made for today.

Rarity then levitates a bunch of (F/C) jewels to her hat that she was wearing and takes a look at herself once again.

Rarity: Do you think it's too much, darling?

Opal says nothing as she was still resting, but Rarity responds anyway to the sleeping cat.

Rarity: You're right. What do I have to worry about when it comes to (Y/N)? He'll be so entranced by the outfit that he'll be talking about it even after today.

Rarity then starts to imagine herself speaking to (Y/N) already by speaking to a bare mannequin nearby.

Rarity: Hello (Y/N).~ What? This old thing? I knew you'd love it, darling. It was made to impress you after all.

Opal watches Rarity's little pretend version of speaking to (Y/N) and gags as if trying to cough up a hairball.

Rarity: Here I go, about to see my romantic stallion for the day.

When Rarity goes back over to her desk to clean it up a bit before she left, she sees a list that she left out and was about to put it away before she takes a quick glance at it to see that it was her reminders about preparing for today and she gasps at seeing something on that list that she forgot.

Rarity: Oh, my Celestia! I have to make chocolate for (Y/N)!

Rarity then uses her magic to teleport the dress that she was wearing back to a mannequin and immediately goes to grab some saddlebags as Opal just watches her run back and forth.

Rarity: I forgot that I made an order over at Sugarcube Corner a few days ago, so I can make the chocolate that I want for (Y/N)! I better make this fast if I want to have a little romance with him!

Rarity then runs out of Carousel Boutique to run towards Sugarcube Corner so that she can pick up what she needed to make chocolate.

At Fluttershy's cottage, Fluttershy was humming a soft tune to herself while feeding some of the birds that were chirping to tell Fluttershy that they were indeed hungry.

She pours some bird feed to these birds as they immediately started munching on their meals.

Fluttershy: There's some good little birdies. All of your food should be laid out for the day.

The birds chirp a message to Fluttershy which she was able to respond to.

Fluttershy: What's the occasion? Oh, well. . . um. . . today is Heart and Hooves day and. . .

Fluttershy then faces towards a blanket that she laid out in the middle of the grass with a picnic basket and tea set, however there were only two plates set out and two tea cups.

Fluttershy: You all wouldn't mind if you gave me some alone time today, would you? I-I. . . did plan this for a few days after all.

The birds let out understanding chirps in response which Fluttershy nods to.

Fluttershy: Thank you.

Fluttershy then flies back inside of her cottage and goes to open a cabinet which had various loose-leaf tea packages and she reaches in to pick up one that had a heart shape on it.

Fluttershy: This one should be perfect for today.

She soon goes to boil and brew and it took a few minutes before she grabs the teapot and fills it up so that she and (Y/N) would have enough to enjoy for the day.

She then returns back outside to see that almost everything is ready for her to have a Hearts and Hooves date with (Y/N).

Fluttershy: I hope (Y/N) loves this. It was a doozy to get all of the animals to agree to allow me to stay alone with (Y/N) for the day. All that's left is for me to make him his Hearts and Hooves Day chocolate.

When Fluttershy was about to walk off, she felt something tug on her tail and she looks down to see her pet bunny Angel with an unhappy look as he crossed his arms.

Fluttershy: Oh, Angel. I know you wanted to spend Hearts and Hooves Day with me again this year, but I can't. I told you that I prepared this for (Y/N) for days now.

Angel didn't like that response as he turned his back to Fluttershy while still crossing his arms ignorantly.

Fluttershy: Angel, how about I make it up to you? I'll fluff your tail twice.

Angel didn't do anything to respond as he still held the same position and expression.

Fluttershy: Along with some extra carrots. . .?

Angel's ears quickly lay flat to signal that he wasn't trying to listen.

Fluttershy: I'll spend the whole day with you tomorrow.

Angel then perked up at that as he turned to Fluttershy and nodded. To tell him that she promised, Fluttershy rubbed his head affectionately which Angel liked. With all of that being settled, Fluttershy then walks off to go to Sugarcube Corner.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was in the Apple family house and she looks inside of a pantry to see that something was missing which makes her go wide-eyed.

She closes it and immediately turns to Granny Smith.

Applejack: What do ya mean ya served the last of the chocolate syrup to Apple Bloom?

Granny Smith: Well, she wouldn't stop begging for having some pancakes in the morning, but I told her many times that you were going to use it.

Applejack then get's an annoyed look from that.

Applejack: Well, that's just great. It's Hearts and Hooves Day and I wanted to make a baker's dozen of chocolate covered caramel apples for (Y/N), and just so at the last minute, Apple Bloom had to use the last bit of the one thing that's needed to finish 'em.

Granny Smith: Should I also mention that she ate some of that baker's dozen?

Applejack: What?! That little- Ugh! I'll scold her later. . . but I guess I still have some time to go and get the things that I need.

Applejack sighs as she stares outside to where a lonely apple tree was on a hill.

Applejack: Ah just wanted (Y/N) and I to sit alone on that hill together and look over the entire view of Sweet Apple Acres when the sun comes down.

Granny Smith: Well, like you said, ya still have enough time to finish those since it's only the morning.

Applejack: True, I'll be right back. I hope Sugarcube Corner still has some chocolate syrup left in stock to buy.

Applejack runs out of the Apple family house and is another candidate that's rushing their way to Sugarcube Corner.

Up in the skies of Ponyville, Rainbow Dash was flying around doing some practice tricks around the place such as loop de loops and corkscrews. She was super focused on doing what she was doing until she spots a Pegasi couple flying by holding hooves.

She just raises an eyebrow at that and waves it off as not a big deal as she continues to fly around the place. Rainbow Dash then makes a turn and flies through the stream of clouds once more to increase her practice for today. She keeps doing this, but then spots another Pegasi couple holding hooves and flying together which makes her groan in disgust.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, come on. Why don't these ponies get a room, or heck even a cloud? This is way too distracting for me.

She was about to fly off once more until she looks around the area that she was in and she apparently was in an area where there were a lot of Pegasi couples around the place.

Rainbow Dash: Okay! What's going on?! I don't using see this many Pegasus up here in the clouds these days! I need to some practice in so I can practice for the Wonderbolts!

A random Pegasus couple apparently heard that as they faced towards the blue flying mare.

Pegasus Stallion: Don't you have a calendar? Today is Hearts and Hooves Day.

Rainbow Dash then goes wide eyed from hearing that.

Rainbow Dash: H-H-Hearts and Hooves Day is. . . today?

Pegasus Mare: Of course, we thought that was obvious considering the amounts of couples that you see around the place.

Rainbow Dash: Oh no! I forgot! I haven't planned anything out!

Rainbow then immediately darts back down to the surface in the town of Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, Dash! Don't panic! I-I-I'm sure (Y/N) is free for today! I just need to know what to get him!

Rainbow then puts her hooves on her head to think hard about what to get (Y/N) for Hearts and Hooves Day.

Rainbow Dash: Come on, think! What's something that I can get or even make for (Y/N) that's not cheap or even too valuable?!

Rainbow Dash looks around worriedly to see if she could find anything that might intrigue her to get something for (Y/N) for Hearts and Hooves Day. She then spots a mare holding a bag of what looks to be some white chocolate in a heart shape and this gives Rainbow a great idea of what to get (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: That's it! I'll not only invite him to have a little flying session with me today, I'll also get him some tasty chocolate! Oooh! And to make it even more tasty and awesome, I'll coat it rainbow-style!

Rainbow Dash then get's a determined look on what she was going to do and flies off.

She immediately flies back to her house in Ponyville to look around to see if she has any candy or heck even chocolate around. She opens a pantry to see if she had any chocolate laying around, and inside it was all unorganized with snacks of all types, so she couldn't even tell.

Rainbow Dash: Okay. . . Plan B. Make some chocolate!

Rainbow Dash then realizes something as she got a sheepish frown and facehoofs.

Rainbow Dash: Exxxxcept. . .  I don't know how to make some.

Rainbow Dash then puts her hoof on her chin to think of an alternative to the situation that she was in with missing both ingredients and knowledge to even make chocolate.

She then get's an idea.

Rainbow Dash: I bet Pinkie can give me a recipe on making chocolate. I'll ask her.

With that being said, Rainbow Dash flies out of her house to go to Sugarcube Corner to see Pinkie Pie.

Speaking of the pink party mare, she was inside of the Sugarcube Corner bakery wearing a chef's hat and was making something herself while humming a tune to herself and hopping around happily.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ La la la la la. I'm baking a cake today, I'm baking a cake today. Today's the day, hip hip hooray! I'm baking a cake today! ♪

Pinkie rushed over to a counter and took a wooden spoon before stirring it in a bowl full of cake batter as fast as she could which in turn caused loads of cake batter to spread all over the place. Her pet alligator Gummy was just standing on the counter and staring at her.

Pinkie Pie: Isn't this exciting Gummy? Today is Hearts and Hooves Day and everypony will be spending their time with their special someponies!

Gummy simply blinks at that as Pinkie continues to stir cake batter in the bowl with all of her might.

Pinkie Pie: I've waited so long for this day that I'm actually going to be able to make my own king-sized, three-layer, triple chocolate, half upside down, one of a kind, Choco-Pinkie Cake! It's going to be amazing!

Pinkie then rushes to a pantry and carries out of what looks to be a ton of toppings and ingredients for the cake that she was most likely going to use for her recipe and sits them down on the counter.

Pinkie Pie: Now let's see, chocolate chips, chocolate ganache, chocolate covered marshmallows, chocolate sprinkles, and even cocoa-flavored buttercream.

She takes a scoop of the buttercream in her hoof and wraps her tongue all around it to get a taste of it.

Pinkie Pie: Mmmm! Looks like we have everything that we need to make what we to make this cake as chocolatety as possible!

Gummy blinks once more without any response as Pinkie get's up in his face with an excited look.

Pinkie Pie: Who's the cake for you ask? Only the most wonderful, dreamy, amazing, handsome, daring, dazzling, adorable, kind, romantic, humble, humorous *inhales* confident, brave, lovely, and even the most wonderful stallion in all of Ponyville! Yes, I said wonderful twice. He's that amazing!

Pinkie holds her cheeks firmly as she probably wanted to smile even bigger.

Pinkie Pie: I just can't wait to give this to. . . (Y/N)!

Pinkie then sighs dreamily just thinking about (Y/N) as she rests her head on the counter for a brief moment.

Pinkie Pie: I want this to be the best Hearts and Hooves Day surprise for (Y/N) as possible. As a matter of fact, I don't know what he'll be more surprised by? The fact that I made the recipe myself? The fact that I made a cake that's going to be "this" big? Or maybe even the fact that I want to be his very special somepony for today?

Pinkie looks to Gummy who uses his tongue to lick some cake batter that was left on the counter and eat it.

Pinkie Pie: You're right Gummy! He'll be surprised the most by the amount of chocolate taste that I gave it! Actually, you know what? I really care what he's surprised the most by! I just want him to be surprised period!

A ding was then heard which got Pinkie's attention as she rushed to the oven with some oven mittens and took out a plain little chocolate cake that she was large enough for her to carry a baby.

Pinkie Pie: That makes the 18th one. 32 more to go until the whole thing is finally finished!

Pinkie said this happily as she hops over to wear it looked to a stack of mushed up cakes lying together like a broken jigsaw puzzle waiting for it's next cake to fill it up. Pinkie puts the said 18th piece of cake on the stack before going over to a wall that had a ton of empty bags of flour. Pinkie's sees all of the empty bags and get's a conflicted look.

Pinkie Pie: Hmm. . .

She then takes each one of them and sees that she opened all of the them.

Pinkie Pie: Looks like we ran out of flour again. Oh, well no problem. I'll just get some more! I've got to get this cake finished today!

Pinkie then carries a whisk with her mane on the tip end of it and places it in the little alligator's mouth.

Pinkie Pie: You don't mind covering for me while I'm gone, do you Gummy? I just need to make a quick stop and pick up some flour with no problem. Just keeping whisking the batter while I'm gone, okay Gummy?

Gummy yet again blinks with no response and Pinkie just smiles as if she knows what he said.

Pinkie Pie: Thanks, Gummy. I know you can do this. You're the best alligator baker I've ever met.

Pinkie then rushes out of the bakery leaving Gummy just standing in place. As he did though, because that the whisk was too heavy for his mouth to carry, he leaned down forward and landed on his chin with his tail facing upwards.

In the town of Ponyville, Twilight was now carrying a list that she brought with her and was reading it while walking.

Twilight Sparkle: Let's see, I want to make (Y/N) an assorted amount of chocolates in a box and from what I've read in that book, plus the book I had on different types of candy thanks to Pinkie. I'll make him white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, caramel, a couple with nuts, etc. All I need to do now is pick up the amount of ingredients that I need to make and with Spike helping me along with a few genetic modifications that I'll make to add more artificial flavor to the chocolate, (Y/N) will surely love it.

As Twilight wasn't watching where she was going she bumped into some ponies in front of her as they fell to the ground. The ponies who Twilight bumped into were the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they rubbed their heads from falling to the ground.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh my goodness, I didn't even see you there. I'm so so sorry.

Apple Bloom: Aw, it's okay, Twilight. It was an accident.

Twilight smiles seeing that she was forgiven and walks ahead.

Twilight Sparkle: I was just checking my list on the ingredients that I'm going to use to make chocolate.

Scootaloo: Chocolate?

Sweetie Belle: You're making chocolate, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: Yep, it's for a very special somepony.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders perked up from that as they then follow Twilight.

Sweetie Belle: You're making chocolate for a very special somepony Twilight? That's sweet of you.

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* Well, I kind of exaggerated there. He's not my special somepony "yet." But he's going to be once I make the chocolate that I want for him.

Scootaloo: Well this'll be more interesting then what we originally planned.

Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean?

The crusaders then get guilty looks at being asked that question.

Apple Bloom: *sighs* We were going to try and hook Miss Cheerliee with mah big brother, but things didn't go the way they planned.

Sweetie Belle: Yeah, I mean how could somepony as amazing as Miss Cheerliee not have a very special somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day?

Twilight Sparkle: Well. . . not everypony has the exact eyes for each other you three. Ponies have to get to know each other and have the same feelings for each other if they want to be a couple.

Apple Bloom: Yeah, I guess your right Twilight.

Sweetie Belle: And if you think about it, all Miss Cheerliee really knows about Big Mac is that he's your big brother and. . . that's about it.

Apple Bloom: Good point.

Scootaloo: Well at least we know something interesting today.

Sweetie Belle: Yeah, who's your special somepony Twilight?

Twilight blushes at little.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. . . um. . . it's. . .

Twilight then notices Pinkie approaching her while pulling a small cart and decides to greet her before answering the crusaders.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey, Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie: Hi, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: So what are you doing this late morning on Hearts and Hooves day?

Pinkie Pie: Just going to pick up some flour for a cake I'm baking myself. I call it the Choco-Pinkie Cake, it's a king-sized, three-layer, triple chocolate, half upside down, one of a kind chocolate that I'm making.

Pinkie smiles with a squee as Twilight and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were dumbfounded by that description of what the cake was.

Twilight Sparkle: Well that's sounds like something you'd do. Are you delivering it to a party?

Pinkie Pie: No silly. I'm making it for somepony else.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at that, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders were interested.

Twilight Sparkle: Really?

Sweetie Belle: Pinkie Pie, do you have a special somepony as well?

Pinkie Pie: Yep! I'm so excited to give it to him! That I just can't wait to continue making the cake! Gummy's got me covered though. He's an excellent little baker.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, you never told me you had a special somepony that you like or had. Why haven't you mentioned to me or the others?

Pinkie Pie: I don't know. If I had to guess, I would probably blame. . . nah, I won't break it this time.

Scootaloo: Wow, you two have got to be lucky to have somepony who must like you as much.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I don't if he actually has the same feelings for me, but I'm going to find out soon enough.

Pinkie Pie: Me too. I can describe my crush in like over a dozen adjectives. You wanna hear them?

Twilight Sparkle: I think I'll pass.


Everypony heard that voice as they look up to see a familiar rainbow streak heading directly towards them and step to the side to dodge it as it crashes in a bush. The pony who emerged from the bush was Rainbow Dash as she had leaves all over herself.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash! Are you alright?

Rainbow Dash: I'm fine.

Rainbow then shakes off all of the leaves on her body and walks towards the group.

Rainbow Dash: Sorry that I almost crashed into you guys, but Pinkie do you have some corn syrup, vanilla, or chocolate chips that I could probably use?

Pinkie Pie: Sure, Dashie. What for?

Rainbow Dash blushes from that and quickly makes it go away by shaking her head.

Rainbow Dash: N-No reason. I-I just need it to make something. It's kind of urgent.

Twilight Sparkle: Could you not be any more obvious to just tell us that you're making chocolate.

Rainbow Dash: What?! How did you know?!

Twilight Sparkle: Those two were some ingredients to make chocolate, others include vegetable oil, chocolate chips, milk, oats-

Rainbow Dash: Okay! Okay! I don't need the details.

Scootaloo was surprised that Rainbow Dash was making chocolate for somepony.

Scootaloo: Rainbow Dash! You like somepony?!

Rainbow rubs the back of her head in embarrassment from that question, especially since it's coming from her number one fan.

Rainbow Dash: *chuckles nervously* H-Hey Scoots. And. . . yeah. I guess you could say that.

Scootaloo: That's so awesome! I never knew! Who is it?!

Both Pinkie and Twilight however looked at Rainbow Dash with concerned looks.

Twilight Sparkle: Hang on. Rainbow Dash, you never told me that you had a crush on anypony.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, me neither.

Rainbow Dash: Well, if I'm being honest here, I think for me to know and for you two to. . . not I guess.

Twilight Sparkle: Why shouldn't we?

Pinkie Pie: Do we know him?

Rainbow Dash then got flustered from both of those questions.

Rainbow Dash: Uh. . . well. . .

However, before Rainbow Dash could be probed for answers, Applejack then enters the scene.

Applejack: Howdy, y'all. I didn't think I'd see ya when I was on my way to Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh. What a coincidence. So am I.

Rainbow Dash: Me too.

Applejack: Ah just needed to pick up some chocolate syrup and probably a tiny bit of caramel.

Sweetie Belle: What's it for?

Applejack: Well I did have some chocolate-covered caramel apples that I was making for somepony, but. . . SOMEPONY ELSE. . .

Applejack glared at Apple Bloom as she continues her sentence and her little sister just gives a nervous smile.

Applejack: . . .Thought it was a great idea to eat something that ah prepared myself last night for dessert and on top of that, she used the rest of the chocolate syrup for breakfast this morning.

Apple Bloom: *nervous laugh* Uh, sorry Applejack. I was craving something sweet last night and the caramel apples were the first things that caught my eye.

Applejack: Well, next time ask before you decide to take something, understand?

Apple Bloom: Yeah, sorry.

Applejack: You're lucky that ah still have most of the day to even remake those. They're for a very good-looking partner of mine.

Apple Bloom: Oh, that's right. I remember now. Didn't ya say ya were making 'em for-

???: Dreadful! Just dreadful!

Everypony looks to see Rarity with a very irritated look on her face as she was carrying some saddlebags.

Twilight Sparkle: What's wrong, Rarity?

Rarity: Out of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!

Everypony except for the Apple Bloom and Scootaloo facehoof at that. Scootaloo turns to Sweetie Belle with a confused look.

Scootaloo: What's with her?

Sweetie Belle: Don't ask. She overreacts like this ALL of the time over some tiny situation that can easily be fixed. Trust me, it get's annoying after a little while.

Applejack: Just tell us what happened, girl. It can't be that bad.

Rarity: Well for your information, Applejack. I must be on an outing at this point with the most charming and handsome stallion in Ponyville. However, I forgot that I was suppose to make chocolate for him last night.

Pinkie Pie: Sounds like your in a bit of a doozy.

Rarity: Not for long, as I am currently on my way to Sugarcube Corner to pick up the ingredients that I need.

Pinkie Pie: Sounds like we'll be out of stock of many things, chocolate wise.

Rainbow Dash: And it sounds like, little miss perfect here as finally found a single and "only" stallion for her to date.

Rarity: Do not patronize me.

Apple Bloom: Sweetie Belle, do ya have any idea who she's talkin' about?

Sweetie Belle: Ugh! Believe me, when I say that she's been fantasizing about her "prince charming" for about a week now. It's been driving me crazy.

Scootaloo: Wait, somepony from Canterlot?

Sweetie Belle: No, but your kind of close.

Apple Bloom: Hmm. . . somethin' just doesn't add up here.

Both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo turn to Apple Bloom curious from that.

Apple Bloom: All of our sisters and two others are here for the same reason.

Sweetie Belle: Hey, you're right.

Scootaloo: Going to pick up ingredients from the bakery, making chocolate, nopony has told each other about who they like. You're right, that does seem fishy.

Then once they said that, Fluttershy flew down to the group.

Fluttershy: Hello, girls. What's this? Are you all doing something special for Hearts and Hooves Day?

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, apparently all of us need to go and get some ingredients for some chocolate that we're making.

Fluttershy: Oh my, so am I.

Applejack then turned to Fluttershy confused.

Applejack: Hold your horses there, Fluttershy. Since when did ya crush on anypony?

Fluttershy blushed a little in embarrassment and stayed silent from that. Rainbow Dash however, went up to her and shook her on the shoulders like a leaf.

Rainbow Dash: What?! Who?! When?! Where?! How?!

Rainbow Dash stopped shaking Fluttershy after that sentence as it made her a little dizzy.

Fluttershy: W-Well. . . um. . . for. . . awhile.

Rarity: Darling, you've like some stallion for awhile now and never told us? Either you're too sensitive or too bold.

Fluttershy then hides behind her mane as all of her friends had their eyes on her at this point.

Fluttershy: Well, um, I was planning on having a tea party alone with him this afternoon. . . and. . . give him chocolate.

Twilight Sparkle: Well at least you two have something in common that you'll enjoy together.

As the Mane 6 kept speaking to each other, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo huddled up together.

Scootaloo: This is so weird.

Apple Bloom: All of them are here at the same place going to get something for their special somepony, this can't be a coincidence.

Sweetie Belle: I agree. Come on you guys, we have to think.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders put their hooves on their chins and started to think hard about this whole situation with what the Mane 6 are doing.

Scootaloo: Are you girls thinking what I'm thinking?

Apple Bloom: Yeah, I think so.

Sweetie Belle: They're all probably after the same guy.

Apple Bloom: And it's one stallion that clearly is famous enough to get six ponies attention to him.

Scootaloo: If you ask me, it's also probably somepony we know.

Sweetie Belle: They're smart like Twilight, humorous like Pinkie Pie. . .

Apple Bloom: . . .Somepony who could catch even Rarity's eye, somepony who is strong like Applejack. . .

Scootaloo: . . .Somepony kind like Fluttershy, and finally somepony who is an awesome flyer like Rainbow Dash.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders look at each other before they all go wide-eyed and they figured out who exactly that the mares like this much and smiled.

Scootaloo: On the count of three, say who it is. One. . . two. . . three. . .

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: (Y/N).

Apple Bloom: Yeah, it's so obvious that they would go for somepony like him.

Scootaloo: I'm surprised that I'm not surprised that somepony like Rainbow Dash would like a stallion as awesome and cool as (Y/N).

Sweetie Belle: Plus, he's an alicorn. It does make him kind of attractive.

Apple Bloom then get's a worried look.

Apple Bloom: Well what should we do? If they all find out that they like the same guy, it'll be a disaster.

Sweetie Belle: Good question.

Scootaloo then get's a idea as a light bulb shined over her head.

Scootaloo: Or. . . maybe it won't. This may shock you, but I have an idea.

The three crusaders then huddle up closer together once more to talk about what the plan was as they all were whispering and after a few seconds of talking, they turned back to the mares who were still all speaking to each other.

Rainbow Dash: No, I'm just saying that it would hard for somepony to see you as girlfriend material Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash, you've never told us that you liked somepony. You're no different.

Pinkie Pie: Twilight, I hate to be blunt like a jawbreaker, but I don't see that many ponies who are like a smarty pants like you.

Twilight gave a bored look to Pinkie from that and rolled her eyes. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then walk up to the Mane 6 with smug looks.

Apple Bloom: Hey you guys, have y'all just ever thought up until now that this isn't a coincidence?

Applejack: Ya know, I would kind of agree with ya there, sugarcube.

Twilight Sparkle: I was honestly thinking the same thing.

Rarity: Well, I'm sure it was just fate that we were all going to run into each other on Hearts and Hooves Day and that we all have somepony special that we all secretly admire.

Apple Bloom: I wouldn't call it fate for that last part if I were ya.

Scootaloo: And I think that you're admirers are. . . not so secret.

Fluttershy: What do you mean?

Sweetie Belle: Can you guys tell who exactly you plan on giving chocolate to today?

The Mane 6 all looked at each other before just shrugging their shoulders and answering the Cutie Mark Crusaders, however what happens next may be very awkward for the mares.

Mane 6: (Y/N).

It was at this moment that when they all said the exact same name at the same time. . . that they all went so wide-eyed that their eyes could pop out at the moment and they all slowly turned their heads to each other with looks of disbelief and just plain silence.

There was long pause before. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mane 6: WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!

They all flinched and stepped back from one another in such big shock that none of them even knew how to respond. The Cutie Mark Crusaders giggle at their flustered expressions.

Twilight Sparkle: I-I. . . b-b-but. . . how could. . .!

Fluttershy: T-This. . . I-I-I can't. . . w-what. . . ?

Rarity: This has to be a nightmare! Please tell me this is a nightmare!

Applejack: What. . . in. . . tarnation?!

Pinkie Pie: I'm saying random words about how shocked I am!

Rainbow Dash: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Time out! Who gave the right to allow you girls to get MY stallion?!

Rarity: You're stallion?! Excuse me?! He's clearly the stallion meant to be with me!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, really? You're just going to declare that he's somepony that's only meant for you and nopony else?!

Rarity: Frankly, yes.

Fluttershy: I. . . I don't. . . I have. . . b-b-but I've been making plans with him ever since four days ago.

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm sure there's many other guys out there that you can have a tea party with.

Fluttershy: W-What?! But I even got him his favorite?

Applejack: Nopony is going after my sugarcube except me! I made plans myself for him!

Rainbow Dash then flies up to get in Applejack's face and gives her a very deep glare.

Rainbow Dash: I'm sorry, who said that he's yours?! I'll have you that he can fly just as good as me!

Applejack: So? Have you seen the way he can buck down a tree? He's got some good looking muscles on his hooves compared to you!

Rainbow Dash: What did you just say?!

Rainbow Dash and Applejack then get into a glaring fight with lightning sparking in between their heads.

Twilight Sparkle: Have you seen how good he is with magic? That's the most (Y/N) and I have in common.

Pinkie Pie: Maybe, but he loves my personality! So I think it's best to say that he'll want to spend all of his time with me!

Fluttershy: He loves my personality as well.

Pinkie Pie: He does? Since when?

Fluttershy: S-Since forever?

Rarity: I don't know whether to be surprised or insulted by that.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I would appreciate it would be neither since I planned on giving (Y/N) chocolate today.

Rainbow Dash heard that and turned her glare to Twilight.

Rainbow Dash: I'm not going to risk a goody-four shoes like you Twilight to go up and ask (Y/N) out!

Applejack: Don't even think about saying that this is all about you, Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash: Well, it's not all about you either!

Twilight Sparkle: Listen, it's not about any of you! I stayed up all night planning on this list, so I make assorted chocolates for (Y/N) today!

Pinkie Pie: Hey! But I was planning on baking him a massive chocolate cake today!

At this point, all of the Mane 6 start to argue all over about who was going to take (Y/N) out for Hearts and Hooves Day. The Cutie Mark Crusaders still just look at them with smiles that said that it's all going according to plan.

Sweetie Belle: How much longer do you think this will go on?

Scootaloo: I would bet three hours, but as much as I want to see how long this will last, we got to get to good part.

Apple Bloom nods as she pulls out an air horn and blows it to get the mares' attention. All of them except for Pinkie turned to them as she was still talking.

(End Music Here)

Pinkie Pie: I'm yelling words! Oh, we're done now?

Apple Bloom: Now clearly the perfect mare for (Y/N) today has to be the smartest, quickest, and most capable right?

The Mane 6 looked at each other confused from that.

Scootaloo: And you all did say that you were planning on giving him chocolates today.

Sweetie Belle: Do you all know who (Y/N) would even like the best?

Of course, all of the Mane 6 had different answers.

Pinkie Pie: Somepony who's as funny and hyperactive like me!

Applejack: Somepony who is hard-working and shows a lot of intiative!

Rainbow Dash: Somepony who's not only as awesome as me, but also a fast flyer!

Twilight Sparkle: Somepony who has very good knowledge on Equestria, especially with magic!

Rarity: Somepony distinguished and prestigious that they would like to treated like a lady!

Fluttershy: Um, somepony who doesn't talk much, but is kind and loves animals?

Apple Bloom: Well, y'all aren't wrong. (Y/N) does like all of those types of ponies.

Scootaloo: And it's true that he can only choose one.

Sweetie Belle: Which is why we are holding this unofficial game today for you all.

Applejack: Say what now?

Scootaloo: Ladies and gentlecolts, welcome to the first ever Hearts and Hooves Day, "Who can get the stallion" competition.

Sweetie Belle: If you all can't debate on who's going to give chocolate to (Y/N), then it's got to be one of you right?

Apple Bloom: It's all simple, whoever get's their chocolate to (Y/N) first get's to take him out for today, and is officially his girlfriend.

The Mane 6 all went wide-eyed from that and looked at each other before getting competitive looks.

Apple Bloom: You all still need ingredients though right? Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: You know for this competition, I'm going to make everything that you need on the house.

Rainbow Dash: You all better sit back and watch as (Y/N) going to be with me the rest of the day!

Fluttershy: I beg to differ!

Twilight Sparkle: So, it's a deal everypony?

The Mane 6 then all puts their hooves together to vow that they're all going to agree with the deal.

Twilight Sparkle: Whoever makes their chocolate first and get's it to (Y/N) before the other does get's to be his girlfriend for life. Deal?

Mane 6: Deal! IT'S ON!

The Mane 6 give their last glares to each other before they all rush over to Sugarcube Corner to grab their ingredients that they need to make chocolate.

Back at the Golden Oak Library, Spike put on an apron so that he could help Twilight with what she needed on making the chocolate that she needed. He then looks towards a table where he apparently set up a bunch of measuring cups, beakers, test tubes, and more.

Spike: I really don't get why Twilight needs all of this in order to make chocolate for just one guy.

After that was said, Spike heard the door to the library slam open and he immediately turns around to see Twilight running in with a bunch of ingredients.

She quickly set them down on the table that Spike set up and immediately puts on some goggles.

Spike: Whoa, Twilight. What's the rush? It's only an hour after noon.

Twilight Sparkle: No time to explain, Spike! I need you to help me out right now so we can get this done ASAP for (Y/N).

Spike was confused by that as he shrugs his shoulders as he picks up some milk that Twilight got and was about to pour it into a bowl before Twilight stopped him.

Twilight Sparkle: No, Spike. Put in the test tubes. Remember that I said that I'm going to make a couple of modifications in order to make them taste better?

Spike groans as he instead pours it in the said test tubes on the table.

Twilight Sparkle: And do me a favor and put these on for safety.

Twilight levitates some goggles and puts them over Spike's eyes which made him roll his eyes.

Spike: *mumbles* Something tells me that things are going to be tedious.

At Fluttershy's cottage, Fluttershy rushes inside to immediately place her ingredients down on a counter and contemplates for a minute at how she can get her chocolate done in such a short amount of time before getting an idea.

She whistles beautifully which called on some birds that flew down to her.

Fluttershy: Can you all help with baking some chocolate? It's very very urgent.

The birds chirp in response as they one takes a spoon and another takes a glass bowl so that Fluttershy can put the melted chocolate inside of it. She then turns to her pet bunny Angel.

Fluttershy: Angel, you wouldn't mind being a model right quick do you?

Angel nodded as he hopped on the counter to where Fluttershy can get an entire vision of him.

Fluttershy: Good, just stay right there Angel.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was in the middle of the orchard as she bucked a tree which made the apples in it fall into a basket. She then immediately carries that basket to go back inside of the house so that she can finish making the chocolate-covered caramel apples. She carefully inspects the apples in the bucket to see which ones were fresh enough to finish what she wanted.

Applejack: No. . .! Ripe. . .!

Applejack then spots a few shiny looking apples in the basket and immediately takes them out.

Applejack: Bingo!

Applejack then uses her legs to buck those apples into a couple of bowls filled with caramel in them so that way she could coat them before covering them with chocolate.

Applejack: *chuckles* I wonder how (Y/N) will like dem apples.

Back at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie apparently was trying to multi-task of what she was doing as she rushed all over the place so fast that afterimages could be seen of her doing all of the tasks that she was doing.

One was stirring all of the cake batter with the whisk vigorously, another one was trying to decorate the cake that was already laid out with icing, and finally the last one was tasting some the food that was on the counter. Pinkie then stops where she was tasting some the food and looked towards the camera.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, don't judge me readers. Bakers got to taste test their pastries as well.

At Carousel Boutique, Rarity was making some chocolate truffles for (Y/N) as she cutting up some chocolate for her to melt with a knife.

Rarity: I must make my pastry look dazzling for (Y/N) and get it to him before my friends do.

Rarity places the cut chocolates in a bowl and pours some hot cream in it as well so that it could melt. She then takes a spoon and stirs it neatly.

Rarity: Smashing.

At Rainbow Dash's house, Rainbow Dash had already put her chocolate in the oven and was trying to wait patiently for it to finish, but due to her impatient instincts she was sweating and tapping her hoof on the ground quickly as she looks at a timer that she put down to see that it would take 30 minutes for it to bake.

Rainbow Dash: *groans* This is hopeless! Why can't this thing go any faster?! I have to get this to (Y/N) as fast as possible! My friends are probably ahead of me already!

At that moment, Rainbow Dash realizes what she just said and get's a sinister idea in her head.

Rainbow Dash: . . .which could work to my advantage.

Back at the Golden Oak Library, Twilight along with Spike was still making some progress in making all of the assorted types of chocolates that they wanted to make as many tubes and beakers were now bubbling or filled with different coloring. Twilight takes a look at a clipboard.

Twilight Sparkle: Now let's see, we're making great progress so far. Spike, can you go and get that other book I needed on making bittersweet chocolate?

Spike: Sure thing.

Spike goes over to climb on a ladder to find the book that Twilight was talking about as she was still checking on all of the test tubes that were out.

What she didn't notice however, was that a light blue coated hoof reached in from behind her and took a beaker that was filled up with cold water. It then quickly places it back where it was as it was now empty.

Twilight then notices one of the test tubes that was brown bubbling.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, looks like this one needs to be cooled off a bit.

Twilight then uses her magic to bring the beaker that was behind her in front of her and as soon as she attempts to pour it in, she notices that it's empty.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh?!

Twilight looks back and forth to where she had the beaker and the one she's holding now and was shocked.

Twilight Sparkle: B-But I thought I just. . .!

Spike then goes to Twilight while holding the book that she wanted and sees the bubbling test tube as it was increasing it's pace and Spike went wide-eyed.

Spike: Uh. . . Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: Spike. . . stand back. . .

Both of them backed up to the wall and soon enough, the test tube that was bubbling exploded and massive amounts of liquid chocolate went everywhere and even on Twilight and Spike. After that, they both had blank looks before they heard someponies laugh and Twilight heard where it was coming from as she looked out of the window to see Rainbow Dash who was laughing her flank off while flying. Twilight gives her a very angry glare.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow!

Rainbow Dash: *laughs* Good luck, finishing that up now Twilight.

Rainbow Dash cackles as she flies off and Twilight was not happy by what she just did as she growls.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike. . .

Spike: Uh. . . yeah?

Twilight Sparkle: Try and fix this all up. I'll be right back.

Twilight places her goggles down on the counter and runs out of the library leaving Spike there with confusion.

Spike: Um, what's the first thing that I do though?

Inside of Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie was humming to herself as she was continuing to make her cake as she was now where the top layer was and she was very excited as she jumps and down.

Pinkie Pie: Almost done! 6 more to go!

Pinkie then hears a ding as she goes to the oven which signals that another cake piece is done and she goes to the oven, Twilight teleports inside of the bakery and remembers one part that Pinkie called her cake and uses her magic to then make the entire thing upside down and when Pinkie picks up the piece of the cake that was in the oven and turns back to where the entire cake was, she gasped as she now sees the entire cake upside down with the bottom layer now on top. Twilight then decides to taunt her.

Twilight Sparkle: Upside down huh?

Pinkie Pie: *nervous laugh* W-Well I said "half" upside down as in, the frosting would be on the bottom and topping would be on the cake part.

The top layer was then too heavy for the middle layer to to keep on top as it flattens it down for both mares to see just the bottom layer. Pinkie then glares at Twilight with a sinister smile.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, so we're doing that kind of game huh?

Pinkie then rushes over Twilight in a blur to go out of the bakery and Twilight shoots her a confused look.

Twilight Sparkle: Well I'm sure she'll realize that I'm already falling behind.

Back with Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres, she was finished with coating all of the apples with both caramel and chocolate as she was putting some toppings on each one of them such as nuts or sprinkles.

Applejack: Whoo-wee, almost done. Just a little bit more of some mixed toppings and these here will be delivered to my sugarcube in no time.

Applejack then goes back to the pantry to get some other toppings that she might want to use, however when she wasn't looking, Pinkie appeared from the ceiling and grabbed the box of candy apples that Applejack left out and replaced them with another box of what looked to be candy apples, but something was off about them.

Applejack walks back to the candy apples that she laid out and was going to put some marshmallows on another one, but when she came back to the box, Applejack sees that the apples were instead very pink and fluffy which both shocked and confused her.

Applejack: What in tarnation?

Applejack then tastes one of the apples and realized that. . . those weren't candy apples they were. . .

Applejack: What?! Cotton candy?!

Applejack then spots a small note written on the box and she reads it.

Applejack: "Thought that you're apples could use a little 'pink' to 'em if you know what I mean - Pinkie Pie."

Applejack then get's a angry look on her face from that.

Applejack: Oh, so that's how it's going to be? I get it. Fine! I'll play rough with y'all as well!

Applejack then walks out of the house to go and try and sabotage another one of the mares chocolate making.

At Carousel Boutique, Rarity was just finishing up the truffles that she was making as she put the last one in it's designated hole.

Rarity: Splendid. Now all I need to do is deliver these to (Y/N), and he'll be sure to become my lovely prince for the day.

Rarity then rushes to her workroom to go and get her dress that she made for today and it got her all excited.

Rarity: Oh, this will be probably the most pleasant afternoon that I'll spend with (Y/N). Perhaps I'll have him escort me to Canterlot, or maybe we'll sit at a fancy restaurant, maybe even look at the moon in a pleasant garden.

As Rarity was fantasizing about her wishes on what she wanted to do with (Y/N), she all of a sudden heard a loud crash which got her very concerned.

Rarity: What was that?!

Rarity rushes back to where her kitchen was and when she arrived, she gasped and probably even wanted to faint on what she saw next.

There was apparently a full basket of apples right over the the same box that had the chocolate truffles and the basket's weight flattened it out. However, seeing the basket of apples, Rarity could only make one logical explanation of who was responsible for it as she slowly scowled.

Rarity: *growls* Applejack. . .!

Back at Rainbow Dash's house, she was still waiting impatiently on the time as there were only 1 minute left, however she probably did something to pass the time that she'll most likely regret later. . .

She fell asleep.

After the full minute was over, the timer dinged, but it didn't wake Rainbow Dash up as she was still asleep. It was dinging on and on for the next few minutes.

Eventually a smell of air went to Rainbow Dash's nose as she sniffed it and it woke her up.

Rainbow Dash: *groans* Is it finally done?

Rainbow Dash looks towards the oven to see that it wasn't done at all. . .

It was burnt.

Rainbow Dash got shocked as she immediately rushed over to open the oven and tried to grab the pan that was inside with her bare hooves.

Rainbow Dash: OW!

Rainbow Dash jerked back from the overheating pan and blew on her hooves to cool them down from nearly being burnt as well. She looks back at the overheating pastry that she was making and get's super worried as she flies off and grabs some oven mittens to then take it out and placed it on the counter. She then uses her wings to blow out the smoke that was flowing through her home and she glares at her ruined dessert.

Rainbow Dash: Dang it! The one thing that I had prepared to give to (Y/N)! And it just so happens to be a burnt chocolate soufflé!

With 5 mares having ruined chocolate products, they were all not amused and as if fate happened, they all were saying the exact same sentence.

Rainbow Dash: That's it. . .

Twilight Sparkle: No. . .

Pinkie Pie: More. . .

Applejack: Playing. . .

Rarity: Around!

Mane 5: I've got to get chocolate to (Y/N)! He's the one meant for me!

There was only one candidate left for who had chocolate to give to (Y/N), and it was Fluttershy. Speaking of the timid Pegasus, she was still in her cottage and she had already made her chocolate which was made in a bunny-like figure holding a heart.

She was right now trying to make a Hearts and Hooves Day card for (Y/N) to have along with her chocolate.

Fluttershy: I really hope nopony else has finished before I have. I really want this to be special for (Y/N).

Fluttershy's bird friends then chirp something to her as she giggles from what they said.

Fluttershy: Do you really think he'll love this?

The birds give happy chirps in response to that as Fluttershy smiles.

Fluttershy: Great, now I just have to take this and-

Fluttershy stops in her tracks and drops the card that she was holding when she sees that the chocolate bunny that was on her counter was instantly gone.

Fluttershy: Oh my goodness! Where is it?! Where is it?!

Fluttershy looks all over the area to see where the chocolate bunny that she had went and was worried until she heard someone outside laughing.

Fluttershy looked out of the window and gasps to see Rainbow Dash holding the chocolate on her.

Rainbow Dash: Sorry Fluttershy, it's every mare for themselves now!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Fluttershy watches in shock as Rainbow Dash flies off fast with her chocolate and instantly gives chase after her.

Fluttershy: Rainbow Dash! That one was mine!

Rainbow Dash: Sorry Fluttershy, but it just isn't going to be your day today!

Rainbow Dash rushes off in a blur faster than Fluttershy as she looks back and laughs that she isn't able to even catch up with her.

Rainbow Dash: All right, (Y/N) your mine today!

However, Rainbow Dash suddenly rams flat into what looks like nothing, but it was apparently a random tree that was made invisible.

The pony responsible for that was Twilight as she was the one who made the spell and emerges from behind the tree with a smirk.

Twilight Sparkle: I'll take THAT.

She levitates the chocolate bunny out of Rainbow's hooves and runs off with it.

Twilight Sparkle: This is my chance! I've got it and no I have to make it to (Y/N)'s house.

A few meters away, Angel was sitting beside a tree that was right beside the road that Twilight was running on. He was tapping his foot impatiently until he hears someone galloping and he turns his head to find Twilight coming down the road at a fast pace.

However, it looks like Angel was prepared for something like this as he looks down to what looks to be a small vine and he instantly pulls on it as hard as he can in order to make the vine a tripwire as it was connected to the tree across the road from it.

Twilight wasn't prepared for that as she fell for the trap and trip over the vine which sends the chocolate bunny flying.

Time slowed down for a second as it was in mid-air for a second before it landed in a certain shy Pegasus' hooves as she caught it while flying in the air.

(Skip to 0:48)

Fluttershy: Twilight, I am so sorry!

Fluttershy then quickly leaves so that she can get to (Y/N) first and both Twilight and Rainbow Dash lay pursuit of her to decrease her chances.

Fluttershy was flying as fast as she could so that the other mares couldn't catch up with her as soon as possible when she got to Ponyville.

However, as Fluttershy was flying in a rush, a lasso comes out of nowhere and pulls the chocolate bunny out of Fluttershy's hooves which startles her.

???: Yoink!

The pony responsible for that was Applejack as she instantly carried the chocolate with one of her hooves while still galloping towards Ponyville so that she can reach (Y/N)'s house first.

Fluttershy and the other lay chase for her and Applejack sees this so she throws some of the cotton candy apples that Pinkie gave her back at the them to try and slow them down.

Both Fluttershy and Twilight were able to dodge her attempts, but one landed in Rainbow Dash's face which immobilizes her for a second before she was able to get it off her face and fly to pursue Applejack once again.

Applejack thought she had the lead with the pace she was making with slowing down her friends, but a light-gray hoof tosses some marbles on the ground which Applejack wasn't prepared for at all and she was losing her balance.

Applejack: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Applejack falls to the ground letting the chocolate bunny fall out of her hooves and let it roll a little on the ground before Rarity levitates it up with delight.

Rarity: MINE to give!

Rarity runs for it as Applejack recovered from her fall and chased after her along with the rest of the mares.

As Rarity was taking the lead with the chocolate and the others chasing her, a pink party mare emerges from a bush and sees the chase ahead of her. Pinkie pulls out her party cannon as she rolls it in the middle of the road and aims to shoot it ahead where Rarity was running off to.

Pinkie hops inside of the party cannon and shoots herself upwards towards the other mares.

Pinkie Pie: Wheeee!

As Pinkie got shot into the air, her trajectory was on point as she dives down to where Rarity was going to run to and catches the chocolate that Rarity was levitating and rolls on the ground for a little bit like a hedgehog before returning back to her normal and she skips happily ahead of the rest of the Mane 6 while tossing the chocolate up and down.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ I got it! I got it! I got it! I got it! I got it! ♪

However, Pinkie wasn't watching what she was doing as Rarity tackles her to the ground which causes Pinkie to not catch the next time that she tossed it into the air.

Pinkie Pie: Hey!

(Skip to 1:42)

The chocolate then lands in the middle of the ground and each one of the Mane 6 surround it and walk around it glaring at each other like predators competing for a piece of food.

As nopony moved a muscle towards the chocolate or even used any magic, they were anticipating to see who would get the chocolate first and run off with it.

Pinkie Pie: That chocolate was mine!

Rainbow Dash: Yours?! Oh no, I don't think so Pinkie Pie!

Twilight Sparkle: It's anypony's game now!

Applejack: The pony who will win that game is gonna be me!

Rarity: On the contrary darling, I'll be the one to deliver it! Thank you very much!

Fluttershy: I was the one who made it! I should the one who'll take it!

Twilight Sparkle: We'll see about that, Fluttershy!

A loose leaf then falls off of a tree and as soon as everypony saw it hit the ground, they all dived in towards the chocolate and got into a scuffle around the area in a smoke type barrage while speaking gibberish.

What they didn't notice was that during their fight, the chocolate jumped out and landed ahead of them in the distance. Soon enough, the mares stopped fighting and they were seen either pulling each others mane or tails, or doing wrestling type pins.

They then noticed that the chocolate wasn't in the rough and tumble and they all looked around to try and find it.

Pinkie Pie: Where is it?! Where did it go?!

Eventually, Fluttershy spots the ahead of them and points to it.

Fluttershy: There!

(Skip to 2:28)

Applejack reacted fast from that and instantly reacts by instantly running towards the chocolate immediately and scoops it up.

Applejack: Thanks, Fluttershy. I owe ya.

Fluttershy facehoofs embarrassed from that.

Fluttershy: Oh, Fluttershy you loudmouth.

The chase began once again as they were all in the town of Ponyville at this point as ponies all around were watching them chase each other across the town.

Rainbow Dash then kicks herself off a house and was flying as fast as a rocket towards Applejack.


Applejack heard that loud yell as Rainbow Dash instantly tackles her down hard which sends both of them tumbling at a high speed and they both crashed into a wooden cart.

The chocolate flew up into the air and someone who was not the Mane 6 caught it as it was Spike who looked at it confused.

(Skip to 2:54)

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! Over here!

Spike sees Twilight ahead of her waving her hooves so that she could catch it and he instantly throws the chocolate to Twilight like an American football and she caught it and immediately took off.

The other mares weren't giving up yet as give chase yet again. Pinkie pulls a cupcake out of her mane and throws it at Twilight which knocks her to the ground and Pinkie catches the chocolate.

The Mane 6 were nearly towards (Y/N)'s house as they could see it in the distance.

Fluttershy who was flying after Pinkie had Angel come from her head and he lands on Pinkie's head and pokes her in the eyes to then take the chocolate and throw it to Fluttershy in the air, but just as she was about to catch it, Rarity intercepts her and gains some distance not before Applejack hops on her back hard and dives to catch the chocolate.

Applejack thought that she was about to win, but she tripped over a harness connected to a wheelbarrow which sends the chocolate flying high up into the air from that.

The Mane 6 all gasp and look to see that it was in the air and just a couple of hundred of meters away from (Y/N)'s house.

(Skip to 3:32)

The Mane 6 all looked at each other and glared before they charge after it. Time then slowed down as it was just near the finish line of who get's to be (Y/N)'s girlfriend. As the chocolate landed towards the ground, Twilight was the first to catch it not before Rarity pulled on her tail to stop her, then Pinkie hopped on her head to catch it herself, but Applejack pushed her aside to reach out and have it land in her hooves. Rainbow Dash then pulled her hat down over her eyes to then see if she could catch it, however at last Fluttershy shoved her back and dived back so she could catch it herself.

The Mane 6 got into one last scuffle of a fight before they all landed on the ground and rolled up right in front of (Y/N)'s door.

(End Music Here)

They all ended up badly scuffed with minor injuries while laying flat on the ground along with their faces planted into the ground. The chocolate that they were trying to catch then finally lands on the ground, but breaks to pieces. They all weakly raised their hooves up.

Mane 6: *muffled* I. . . win. . .

With that being said, the door to (Y/N)'s house opened as he sees all of the mares lying on the ground exhausted from what they all have been through. He's confused by this at first, but smiles as he walks up to each of them.

(Y/N): Hey there, girls.

The Mane 6 each raise their heads to see (Y/N) and they went wide-eyed upon seeing him and instantly stood up in front of him with blushes on their faces.

Mane 6: H-Hi. . . (Y/N).

(Y/N): You all must've been super busy if you all came up to me looking like this.

The mares got shocked from that they each started talking over each other about the reason why they were all like this. It went on for a minute before (Y/N) just sighs and raises his hoof to stop them from talking which they saw and everypony, but Pinkie once again stopped talking.

Pinkie Pie: I'm yelling reasons for being here! Oh. . . we're done.

(Y/N): How about we just say that the reason doesn't matter? You girls actually came just in time as I've made something that shows how much I care about you girls.

(Y/N) runs back inside of his house right quick as the Mane 6 looked at each other with concerned looks on what he was talking about.

(Y/N) then comes back out of his home and the Mane 6 see him levitating something that they didn't expect to see at all. . .

It was six figures of chocolate that looked to be for each one of them. One was a chocolate book, another was a chocolate apple, one was a chocolate jewel, another was a chocolate butterfly, one was in the shape of a lightning bolt, and finally, the last one was in the shape of a balloon.

Twilight Sparkle: Are. . . Are those for us?

(Y/N): Yep, I spent all morning making them. I had to get up early in the morning since you wouldn't know how long the line was went I was went over to Sugarcube Corner. Luckily, I got all of the ingredients in time to make these chocolates for you girls. I care about each one of you with my life as I can't ask for any better friends than you girls.

The Mane 6 blush from that with embarrassed smiles as (Y/N) goes up to each of them one by one starting with Twilight.

(Y/N): Twilight, you're very smart, studious, and knowledgeable when it comes to magic. If I could come up with a word that describes you, it would be adorkable.

Twilight blushes red and get's a very embarrassed grin from that as (Y/N) gives her a chocolate book that she'll be able to eat later. He then walks to Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): Rainbow Dash, I've always loved your competitive attitude. You always try and win even when the odds are against you. You're even the most loyal of any pony that I can think of.

Rainbow Dash blushes red and nervously laughs as (Y/N) gives her a chocolate lightning bolt. (Y/N) then walks up to Applejack.

(Y/N): Applejack, you're strong, hard-working, and a fruit that I find to be something I think about all of the time. I could trust you for just about anything.

Applejack blushes, smiles, and tips her hat down to hide her embarrassed face as (Y/N) gives her a chocolate apple. He then walks to Rarity.

(Y/N): Rarity, you're beautiful, poised, sophisticated, and I could call you rare or maybe even super rare, since you're like a rare gem to me.

Rarity giggles and blushes and (Y/N) gives her a chocolate jewel. He then walks up to Fluttershy.

(Y/N): Fluttershy, I find you cute just being yourself. You're super kind to not only animals, but anypony out there. And even though you struggle with ponies socially, you're soft and cute little voice can just make me smile.

Fluttershy was blushing tomato red from that she instantly hides behind her mane to hide her blushing face. (Y/N) gives her a chocolate butterfly which she accepts. Finally, (Y/N) walks over to the last mare, Pinkie Pie.

(Y/N): And Pinkie, don't ever change at all. You can bring a smile to my face any day, let it be a tight hug, a party, or other. You're bubbly and hyperactive personality can just make me laugh any day.

Pinkie let's out a grin with a squee while blushing a little as (Y/N) gives her a chocolate balloon.

(Y/N): Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, girls. I hope you like the chocolate that I made. Oh, and before I forget, I wanted to sing you girls this song that I was thinking of. Just to show how much I care about all of you.

The Mane 6 grew very curious from that as they all sat down and a light shone over (Y/N) as he began to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N):Here I stand, right before you

Feeling like a million words

And there you are, right before me

And not a sound can be heard

And I think to myself what am I trying to see

Am I going out of my mind?

When something's so right, but you can barely see it

Open, close every door

Is it you? Is it me?

Is it everything we've meant to be

Is it here, Is it now

That only we can feel somehow

Is it you. . . oh. . . Is it you. . .

And we take, every moment

Trying to feel who is who

And there you are, right before me

Stuck inside of what to do

And I think to myself, are we trying to love

When love shouldn't be trying at all

When something's so right but you can barely see it

Open close every door.

Is it you? Is it me?

Is it everything we've meant to be

Is it here, Is it now

That only we can feel somehow

Is it you. . . oh. . . Is it you. . .

I'm hanging on to every word, to every word you say

And it's taking me over, over and over

And then it starts over again

Is it you? Is it me?

Is it heaven and we're meant to be

Is it here, Is it now

That only we can feel somehow

Is it you? Is it me?

Is it everything we've meant to be

Is it here, Is it now

That only we can feel somehow

Is it you. . . oh. . . Is it you. . .

Once (Y/N) was done with his song, the Mane 6 all applaud from that with a little bit of blushes on their faces.

Rarity: That was very sweet of you, darling.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. . . I guess I liked it.

Twilight Sparkle: We're very thankful for what you gave us today (Y/N). We'll definitely remember this.

(Y/N): Thanks Twilight. Thanks girls. Hey, sorry that I have to leave, but I have to get on my way to Canterlot. I have chocolates that I want to give to the royal sisters as well.

The Mane 6 were surprised by that as (Y/N) walks ahead to be on his way. The six kept staring at (Y/N) until they had no vision of him anymore and not long after that, they all sigh dreamily and had hearts in their eyes that were about (Y/N).

Applejack: Well, I'll be. . . To think that the gift taker, was the gift giver all this time.

Fluttershy: (Y/N)'s very kind and brave. He makes me blush and my heart beat every time I see him.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, and super duper handsome on top of all that!

The Mane 6 then all looked at each other once more with guilty looks on their faces.

Rainbow Dash: I guess we were all a bit over competitive huh?

Applejack: Yeah, ah agree with Rainbow Dash. Speaking of which, sorry ah was talking down to y'all earlier.

Rarity: Mm-hmm. I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have made this entire situation about myself all of this time.

Pinkie Pie: Me too! Also, Fluttershy you heard him. He really does love your personality.

Fluttershy: I think he really likes yours as well.

Both of them giggle from that.

Twilight Sparkle: Well girls, while this Hearts and Hooves Day wasn't like what we planned it to be. At least in the end we can really say that (Y/N) does truly see us as the most wonderful and best friends that he's ever had in his life.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! And also I loved the little game we had today!

Rainbow Dash: *laughs* I agree with Pinks. That was probably one of most heated competitions besides flying that I've ever done.

Rarity: It was kind of uncouth, but. . . fun.

???: Really, you guys found it fun?!

The Mane 6 then turned to who said that as it was the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Twilight Sparkle: Yes. . . we did.

Apple Bloom: So who won? Who's (Y/N)'s girlfriend?

The Mane 6 all look at each other with raised eyebrows before they all just nod.

Applejack: Nopony.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Huh?!

Fluttershy: Let's just say that we all lost.

Pinkie Pie: You should've come sooner! (Y/N), actually had chocolates for all of us all along!

Scootaloo: He did?

Sweetie Belle: That's. . . surprising.

Twilight Sparkle: And while this big and reckless competition that you gave us was a little too competitive. I say we all learned a valuable lesson of friendship because of this.

Rainbow Dash: Just because you and your friends like the same guy as somepony else. . .

Applejack: . . .doesn't mean that you should fight over him like he's your plaything. It's more up to him and not us of who he get's to hang out with.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were confused from that as they decided to ask the mares another question.

Scootaloo: But aren't you all still crazy for (Y/N)?

Apple Bloom: Yeah, don't y'all have some feelings for him or something.

Sweetie Belle: We did see you all chasing each other. You were all acting pretty desaprate.

The Mane 6 look at the fillies and then to each other confused before going wide-eyed at realizing what they meant and they were right.

They all were in love with (Y/N).

Fluttershy: I. . . guess you could say that I don't just like (Y/N).

Rarity: Neither do I darling. He's too captivating for me to just be liked by me.

Applejack: Well, I do get embarrassed sometimes around him.

Pinkie Pie: I. . . do hug him almost every time I see him.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, maybe I do think about him way too much.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, it's all coming together. . . we don't just like (Y/N). . .

Mane 6: We love (Y/N)!

Applejack: I know we all now know this y'all, but what about (Y/N). . .? Does he share the same exact feelings that we do for him?

Twilight Sparkle: Great question, Applejack. I guess we'll have to find out soon enough. But for now everypony, let's just go home. We've all had a wacky, but fun Hearts and Hooves Day today.

The Mane 6 and the Cutie Mark Crusaders all nod from that as they all travel home together.

In the Canterlot royal palace, a royal servant let's (Y/N) into the throne room as he walks up to both of the princesses. Both were very happy to see him.

(Y/N): Celestia. Luna. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.

Princess Celestia: Thank you, (Y/N). Likewise, what brings you here?

(Y/N): I came to give you two these.

(Y/N) pulls out two more chocolates that he had with was one with a sun shape on it and another with a moon shape on it. Both of the princesses were surprised by this.

Princess Luna: Oh my, is that chocolate?

(Y/N): Yes, I made them for both of you. I really like that you are very calm collected and very wise Celestia. You shine my sun everyday. And Luna, if it were true, I would want you to be in my dreams everyday at night. You're like a shining star.

Both of the princesses got very huge blushes from that as they took their respective gifts that (Y/N) brought for them.

Princess Celestia: (Y/N). . . this is. . . thank you. I don't believe we had anypony give us something like this on Hearts and Hooves Day.

Princess Luna: And this is my very first Hearts and Hooves Day in centuries. I never thought it could be so. . . lovely.

(Y/N): You're welcome you two. I care about both of you very much. It's only right that I do something like this for you.

Both of the royal sisters giggle from that, before (Y/N) was just about to leave.

(Y/N): Well, sorry to leave so abruptly, but I've got a town to get back to that needs me.

Princess Celestia: No worries at all, (Y/N). Just seeing you here right now is enough to bring smile to our faces.

Princess Luna nods in agreement. (Y/N) smiles as he waves goodbye to both of the royal sisters and they return the wave. After they see (Y/N) leave, both of the princesses let out dreamy sighs.

Princess Celestia: (What is this feeling? (Y/N) just so. . . kind and handsome that he just makes my heart beat fast.)

Princess Luna: (My. . . he's such a wonderful stallion. He even knows his way with words to mares. I don't whether I'm more entranced or more in love.)

Chapter 12 End.

(A/N): I'll be honest, this was longer than I originally planned. But here you guys go. Fun fact: In Japan, there's a tradition on Valentines Day where women give chocolate to men. And the opposite is on White Day where the men give gifts to women. I honestly got this idea from watching a lot of anime and playing a lot of Persona 5. So, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter everyone and I'll see you in the next one.

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