Chapter 13: A Hoof in Time

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It was the late afternoon in Ponyville as it started to get kind of windy outside and (Y/N) was just out walking around town minding his own business and whistling. However, that was interrupted when he heard some sounds of distress.

(Y/N): Huh? That sounds like. . . crying?

The said crying voices got louder and louder as they (Y/N) turns around to see two mares in tears and it was both Pinkie Pie and Rarity. They both were running towards him and (Y/N) was surprised to see them crying, as they both hug him.

(Y/N): Rarity. Pinkie. What's the matter?

Pinkie Pie: F-Fluttershy. S-She's the matter.

(Y/N): Huh? How so? Is she in trouble?

Rarity: B-Bigger than trouble. Fluttershy. . . she's become a. . . a. . .

Pinkie Pie: A bully!

(Y/N) went wide-eyed by this and stood back from the two mares very confused from that.

(Y/N): Fluttershy? How could she be a bully? She's the kindest girl that we both know.

Both Rarity and Pinkie Pie wipe their tears away as they both began to speak up normally.

Rarity: Well darling, Fluttershy was a first what you would call, a doormat.

(Y/N) nods his head to tell them that he's listening.

Pinkie Pie: We showed her our techniques on how to be more assertive towards ponies and it didn't turn out so well.

Rarity: We saw how disappointed she was at being a pushover and didn't know what else to do.

(Y/N): I see. So how did it end up in Fluttershy becoming a bully?

Pinkie Pie: She came back to us at Sugarcube Corner and we thought at first that she was just tired of being a doormat and finally started to be assertive. . . but we thought wrong.

(Y/N): What did she do at that time?

Rarity: We saw her giving this scathing grimace at a customer and she did indeed listen to her demanding attitude. And it had the effect on all of the other customers as well.

Pinkie Pie: And after that. . . that was when it started.

Rarity: After Pinkie gave a little laugh at a joke she made, Fluttershy knocked some punch over her and drenching her mane.

(Y/N) then put on a shocked look that Fluttershy of all ponies actually did that to one of her best friends.

(Y/N): Now that's not normal at all.

Rarity: We thought the same thing. So we decided to go and confront her about it at her cottage and well. . .

Both Pinkie and Rarity looked at each other with sad looks before facing (Y/N).

Pinkie Pie: Things turned out super duper bad!

Rarity: I concur with that term. She started to belittle us and even insult our well-beings.

(Y/N): What did she say?

Both Rarity and Pinkie Pie whispered some stuff in (Y/N)'s ears and after they were finished, (Y/N) was very surprised on how mean she was.

(Y/N): Okay, where and how did this all of this happen? We got to stop Fluttershy before she becomes a bigger bully than she is now.

Pinkie Pie: She told us that she got her assertiveness training from some kind of professional.

(Y/N) got a concerned look from that.

(Y/N): And who exactly is this "professional."

Rarity: If I recall, I believe his name was. . . Iron Will?

(Y/N) then went wide-eyed from that in shock before getting a very serious look.

(Y/N): Take me to Fluttershy. . . NOW!

At Fluttershy's cottage, her doors and windows were all boarded up. The various animal shelters have been sealed off as well, the sky is now a gloomy dark gray, and a bitter wind blows through the area, having already stripped the trees bare. One birdhouse falls from its branch as a wolf howls plaintively and Pinkie, (Y/N), and Rarity venture up.

Once all three of them were right in front of the door, Rarity knocks on it.

Rarity: Fluttershy, are you in there?

Pinkie Pie: It's Pinkie Pie and Rarity! We brought (Y/N) along with us here too!

Fluttershy from inside of her house speaks up to them.

Fluttershy: You did?! (Y/N)! Please, go away! I've turned myself into a monster! I'm Nasty Fluttershy!

(Y/N): Fluttershy, I know you didn't mean anything you said to our friends and I wanted to talk to you face to face about that.

Fluttershy: I can't let you talk to me, (Y/N)! They told you everything didn't they? As long as I'm locked here away in my house, my mean mouth won't say anything to make you weep!

(Y/N): *sighs* Well, looks like I have no choice then.

(Y/N) then glows his horn and he then makes his entire body glow before he simply just walks through the boarded door like it was simply nothing. He used an intangibility spell to make himself like a ghost.

As soon as he walked inside, (Y/N) stopped glowing his horn to make himself return to normal and he looks to see Fluttershy sitting and tied up to a chair all alone. He walks around the chair so that he can try and see Fluttershy's face, but she had her head down solemnly.

(Y/N): Fluttershy. . .

Fluttershy: Please (Y/N), I don't want to be any worse than what I've already become. The moment I look at you, I'll probably say something that I'll regret.

(Y/N): No you won't. Fluttershy, I know you didn't mean anything you said or did to anypony. You just got the wrong kind of guidance.

Fluttershy: But ever since I was tired of being a doormat like our friends said, I've done nothing but just be straight up mean to everypony.

(Y/N): And again, that wasn't your fault. And I know that. Fluttershy, I know sometimes ponies may push you around cause they think you're weak and easy to manipulate, but there's is nothing wrong at all at showing a little discipline. What you did however was different.

Fluttershy: I know. . . I'm a monster aren't I?

(Y/N) then uses his magic to untie the rope that was holding Fluttershy in the chair and walks up to her.

(Y/N): Fluttershy, I want you to just look me in the eyes and try and tell if I think about you that way at all.

Fluttershy: . . .O-Okay.

Fluttershy reluctantly and slowly raises her head to then look at (Y/N) in the eyes and all (Y/N) does is simply just smile at her.

It took a minute, but Fluttershy returns the smile just a little bit at (Y/N).

(Y/N): Do you think that I see you as a monster at all, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy stares into (Y/N) eyes just a little bit more before answering.

Fluttershy: No, I don't think so.

(Y/N): That's exactly what I thought. Fluttershy, that stupid minotaur gave you some vague advice. Being assertive doesn't mean pushing the ones harder that are pushing you around. You just have to stand up for yourself and tell them that you mean it.

Fluttershy: (Y/N), I-I'm not sure I can. I'm too far gone. Whenever I try to assert myself, I become a monster.

(Y/N): No, you don't!

(Y/N) said that sternly which made Fluttershy flinch a little, but he then smiles at her once again.

(Y/N): See? Like that.

Fluttershy was surprised by that for a few seconds, but then smiles back.

Fluttershy: Wow. That wasn't even you being angry at me and I still got the shivers from that.

(Y/N): That's my point. When you say something to someone that's trying to push you around, you say it like you mean it.

Fluttershy: Are you sure that I can do it, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I'm definitely sure. No insults. No horseplay. None of that. Just try it on me.

Fluttershy gulps from that as she didn't want to take it too far as she did the other times, but (Y/N) said that he knows that Fluttershy isn't a monster so she's going to at least try. She takes a deep breathe in and then tries to use her own assertiveness on (Y/N).

Fluttershy: No.

(Y/N): Great, now try-

However, Fluttershy was prepared for if (Y/N) was going to talk again as she interrupted, but in a way that both calm and assertive.

Fluttershy: No. That's enough, (Y/N). I think I've got it.

(Y/N) puts on a surprised look from that as it got Fluttershy slightly worried. However, he just smiles and claps his hooves which made Fluttershy sigh in relief.

(Y/N): That was perfect, Fluttershy. You do indeed have got it.

Fluttershy blushes a little from that before a thought came to her mind and she get's a concerned look.

Fluttershy: (Y/N)? Iron Will said that his assertive techniques were going to be one hundred percent satisfaction, but. . . I'm not satisfied at all.

(Y/N): Well, neither am I. Fluttershy, this is just one of Iron Will's "get rich quick" schemes. I'll admit, he not a complete dolt about it, but he should know that there are many alternatives to assertiveness. He just tries WAY too hard in order to try and inspire ponies.

Fluttershy: Well, what should I do, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Do what I've just told you. Tell him that you're not one hundred percent satisfied with his service at all and tell him like you mean it.

Fluttershy nods at that.

(Y/N): Remember, no insults and no horseplay at all. Just be simple, yet upholding.

Speaking of the said minotaur that they were talking about, his voice could be heard outside of the cottage as he ripped off the boards that were on her front door.

Iron Will: Your payment is overdue, Fluttershy!

He then knocks on Fluttershy's door and both Fluttershy and (Y/N) look at each other before nodding to go and face Iron Will.

When they both open the door, they are met with a minotaur with black eyes with yellow sclera, a grayish cobalt blue coat on the upper body and a dark grayish cobalt blue coat on the lower body. His mane and tail at the tip was dark cobalt blue.

Iron Will: You were nothing but a doormat, and Iron Will turned you into a lean, mean, assertive machine!

Iron Will strikes some poses while he was saying that which made (Y/N) rolls his eyes annoyed of him showing off.

Iron Will: Now, pay Iron Will what you owe Iron Will!

Fluttershy and (Y/N) looked at each other before Fluttershy answers him.

Fluttershy: Um, no.

Pinkie and Rarity are so completely shocked by this declaration that the former topples over on her side, as if petrified from mane to tail.

Iron Will: What did you say?

(Y/N): You heard her pal, she said no.

Iron Will: Iron Will didn't ask you. . .

Iron Will picks (Y/N) up by the horn and moves him to the side so that he can only be face to face with Fluttershy.

(Y/N): Hey!

Iron Will: Iron Will asked Fluttershy, "what did you say?"

Fluttershy: No.

Iron Will: Ohhh, I'd hate to be you right now, because Iron Will is gonna to rain down a world of hurt unless Iron Will gets his money PRONTO!

After Iron Will let's out a bellowing yell at that last sentence, Fluttershy glares at him and walks right past him.

Fluttershy: As I recall, during your workshop you promised one hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed, or you pay nothing. Well, I'm not satisfied.

Iron Will was shocked by that.

Iron Will: What do you mean you're not satisfied?! Everypony has always been satisfied!

Fluttershy: Well, I guess I'm the first then. But since I'm not satisfied, I refuse to pay. It's as simple as that.

Neither Rarity or Pinkie Pie can find her power of speech, and Rarity has to close Pinkie's mouth to keep her jaw from scraping the ground and (Y/N) simply stares at the conversation with a smirk. Iron Will, meanwhile, stares incredulously at Fluttershy as his goat partners peek out over his shoulders. He then get's into a quick huddle with the two of them before straightening up with a resigned grunt.

Iron Will: Ohh, are you. . . sure you're not just a little bit satisfied? B-because maybe. . . we could cut a deal. I-I mean we're both reasonable creatures, aren't we?

(Y/N): Oh, please quit trying to sound desperate. It's not going to happen.

Iron Will then eyes (Y/N) once more and goes wide eyed from looking at him.

Iron Will: Wait a minute, I thought I recognized you. You're that alicorn guy in this town right?

(Y/N): Yes I am. And question, what makes you think you're qualified to be giving advice like this?

Iron Will: What's that supposed to mean?

(Y/N): Remember that firework demonstration that you put on not too long ago which involved you selling some dangerous explosives?

Iron Will goes wide-eyed from that and get's a sheepish smile.

Iron Will: Well. . . the stallion wasn't bald forever wasn't he? *chuckles nervously*

(Y/N) just stares at him with an unconvinced look in silence while both Pinkie and Rarity who were listening glares at him.

Iron Will realized that (Y/N) is making him look bad so he turns his attention back to Fluttershy.

Iron Will: Come on, Fluttershy. I'll cut you a deal for just 3 bits, eh?

Fluttershy: I'm sorry, but no means no.

Iron Will: No means no, huh?

Iron Will then hops on one of his goat partners' back as he carries him away.

Iron Will: Nopony's ever said that to me before. Huh. . . I gotta remember that one. That's a good catchphrase for my next workshop.

(Y/N): (*sighs* I have a feeling he's going to try to too hard again. I kind of feel bad for him.)

Pinkie and Rarity then gallop up to Fluttershy to then hug her out of amazement.

Pinkie Pie: You were amazing, Fluttershy! You totally stood up to that monster!

Rarity: In fact, you didn't change at all! You were the same old Fluttershy that we've always loved!

Pinkie Pie: The one we missed!

(Y/N) then walks up to Fluttershy with a smile on his face.

(Y/N): I'm proud of you, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Th-Thank you (Y/N). Don't worry, old Fluttershy's back for good. I'm sorry I took the whole assertiveness thing too far girls. Friends?

Pinkie Pie and Rarity: Friends.

Everypony let's out some laughs at that as they all joined in for a group hug.

The very next morning, (Y/N) decided to go to the Golden Oak Library to chat with Twilight for a little bit whether she needed some help or just wanted to hang out for a little while. When he walks inside, he sees Twilight over at a desk hunched over with books scattered all over the place which made him sigh internally.

(Y/N): (*sighs* Typical. Twilight's makes or does an assignment that's to ensure an organized perfection every time. . . and yet nothing's ever one hundred percent perfect.)

(Y/N) then walks over beside Twilight to see her hard at work as she had fatigued bags under her eyes which meant that she was up late. She was working with quill, paper, and magic to jot down some notes he then decides to get her attention.

(Y/N): Twilight?

Just the sound of his voice was enough to startle Twilight as she jumps back at little surprised and almost fell on her back, but not before (Y/N) caught her with his left hoof behind her back. Twilight breathes a little before regaining her composure and looking at (Y/N).

(Y/N): Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: I-It's fine, (Y/N). It was an accident.

Both of them smile at each other for a brief moment, but not before they saw the position that they were in.

If other ponies could see both of them, (Y/N) had tipped Twilight backwards in like a dance fashion. They both blushed before (Y/N) makes both of them stand upright on all four hooves and they both chuckle nervously.

(Y/N): So. . . whatcha doin'?

Twilight Sparkle: Trying to figure out how I can keep my schedule in order for next month.

Twilight walks back to her desk to continue to write down some notes as (Y/N) watches her.

(Y/N): Let me guess, you fell behind and forgot to make another schedule, didn't you?

Twilight Sparkle: How did you know?

(Y/N): You're talking to the same guy who's hung out with a smartest girl in Ponyville for about. . . I don't know hundreds of times.

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, I also keep track of that as well.

(Y/N) was surprised by that.

(Y/N): You keep track of all of times we've hung out together.

Twilight Sparkle: Yep, we've hung out together 342 times.

(Y/N) went wide-eyed from that on how accurate that was.

(Y/N): . . .I've got no words to that.

Twilight Sparkle: Well and I suppose we're hanging out right now so, 343 times.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes at that with a smirk on his face at how over organized Twilight gets.

Twilight Sparkle: By the way, speaking of the schedules, I just finished planning my schedule for the month, but I forgot to leave time to plan for next month! There's no time in my schedule to put together another schedule! I could move my meeting with the Ponyville Hay Board to the following Tuesday, but then I have to reschedule my lunch with Pinkie Pie, and you know what a nightmare she is with scheduling. This is an absolute disaster. My whole year could be thrown off!

Twilight then starts to panic and (Y/N) pats her on the back to try and calm her down.

(Y/N): Okay, breathe Twilight, breathe.

Twilight calms down from that, but only for a little bit as she get's an idea and zooms back to writing on her desk.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, my gosh, I think I did it! If I can find a way to read "The Art of Invisibility Spells" and "Thornhoof's Brief History of Canterlot" at the same time, that could leave me a half-hour scheduling window!

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at that.

(Y/N): Unless you have four eyes, that seems impossible.

Suddenly, the wind inside of the room picks up and sparks of magic were raining over in the middle of the room which got both (Y/N) and Twilight's attention instantly. A ball of white magic then forms as it glows brightly causing (Y/N) and Twilight to shield her eyes.

Twilight Sparkle: What's going on?

(Y/N): I have a very bad feeling about this!

The apparition grows to fill nearly half the floor, shrinks to a single point, and then bursts to fill the room with blinding radiance. Once the glare subsides enough for Twilight and (Y/N) to lower their forelegs, she finds the last of the energy receding into itself. Now, lying among the freshly tumbled books and papers, is a unicorn whose coat, mane, and tail are colored identically to Twilight's and an alicorn whose coat, mane, and tail were also identical to (Y/N)'s. Sparks crackle over the collapsed forms, and the Twilight's was in a badly torn, dark gray bodysuit that covers everything but the head and tail while (Y/N)'s bodysuit was normal. The Twilight's mane was cut very short and she had a white headband wrapped around her head, a scar on her left cheek, and she had an eyepatch on her right eye.

The (Y/N) was also different as he had some aviator goggles on and his mane was a little spiky similar to a mohawk.

Both the present (Y/N) and Twilight were shocked to see alternate versions of themselves. They're future selves stand up straight and shake their heads clear before facing the present (Y/N) and Twilight with serious looks.

(Y/N): T-That's not. . . I can't. . . how could. . .? That's us!

Future (Y/N): Correction, we're both you.

Future Twilight Sparkle: Twilight, (Y/N), you've got to listen to us!

Twilight Sparkle: Who are you? I mean, you're me, but I'm me too.

Future (Y/N): Yeah, that's what I just said!

Twilight Sparkle: And there's two of (Y/N) too?! How can there be two of us? It's not scientifically possible. You two are not scientifically possible!

Future Twilight Sparkle: Twilight, please! We have a very important message for you two from the future!

Twilight Sparkle and (Y/N): The future?!

(Y/N): Hold on! Hold on! How long in the future? We both still look like the same age?

Future (Y/N): Long explanation short, it happening SOON!

(Y/N) then notices a stench and takes a whiff at his future self and notices that he does not smell well and covers his nose.

(Y/N): Wow, and I stink in the future. . . literally!

Future (Y/N): *sarcastically* Thanks! It's a gift!

Twilight Sparkle: What happened to you two? The future must be awful.

Future Twilight Sparkle: Please, everyone stop! (Y/N) and I don't have much time!

Twilight Sparkle: Is there some sort of epic pony war in the distant future or something?

A thought then came to Twilight's mind as she gasped and she rushes up to her future self starry eyed.

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* Did (Y/N) and I ever get together?!

Future Twilight Sparkle: Actually, we're from next Tuesday morning!

The present Twilight then grumbles in disappointment from that.

Future (Y/N): There's something that we need to tell both of you. It's vital that-

Present (Y/N) however interrupts him.

(Y/N): Hold on, I know time works very fishy as we know that there are different worlds, but how is this possible?

Future (Y/N): Time travel is possible like a certain doctor in a giant blue telephone box, (Y/N)! We found the spell in the Canterlot Archives! Now you have to listen to-

Twilight then rushes up to Future (Y/N) intrigued.

Twilight Sparkle: Really? Where? I've never seen them.

Future Twilight Sparkle: Twilight! They're in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing. Now, you have to listen to-

Twilight Sparkle: Is time travel fun, or does it hurt?

(Y/N): We honestly want an explanation on all of-

Both of the future ponies then cover their present selves mouths with their hooves and began to speak.

Future Twilight Sparkle: We have something extremely important to tell you about the future!

The white energy begins to envelop them again, and as they both get bigger their voices gradually drown out.

Future (Y/N): Listen to us now! We only have a few seconds left! Whatever you two do don't-

Before they can finish the warning, both of the future ponies vanishes with one last flash, leaving only a charred spot on the wooden floor of the library.

Twilight Sparkle: Future Twilight? Future (Y/N)?

(Y/N): They were warn us about something! And we wasted our time asking them questions!

(Y/N) facehoofs at the mistake that they both made.

Twilight Sparkle: What were they trying to warn me about? Her clothes, her mane, that scar. . . Oh, what a mess she is! And you (Y/N), a spiky mane and some goggles on your face?

(Y/N): Along with that bad smell that I had. Looks like something is going to happen in the future, Twilight that they want to prevent!

Twilight Sparkle: In that case. . . you and I are. . . well, we will be. . . something like the state that they are in!

Both of them gasp at what predicament that's going to happen as they knew that it can't be good.

Outside in a busy street in Ponyville, Pinkie was carrying a bunch of balloons on her back and the buoyancy was enough to carry her off the ground and "walk" in the air.

Pinkie Pie: C'mon, Fluttershy! The party can't start until the party supplies get there!

Fluttershy was weighted down onto the ground by so many bags that she was carrying that she had to crawl on the ground.

Fluttershy: *grunts* Happy to. . . help. . . but. . . can I carry. . . the balloons next time?

When she tried to stand up, she is immediately hit broadside by a violet/dark-blue streak, and both she and Twilight wind up sprawled out among a litter of candy, streamers, and noisemakers. A set of Groucho Marx joke glasses has ended up on Twilight's face, but this does not stop her from darting away. (Y/N) then arrives as he uses his magic to clean up the mess that Twilight made from bumping into Fluttershy and puts all of the things back in their assorted bags.

Twilight then jumps onto a post at one end of a bridge over the stream bordering Ponyville and (Y/N) flies up right next to her in the air. The locals around Ponyville gather around them.

Twilight Sparkle: Listen, everypony! I've got something really important to say!

The ponies around the crowd started to laugh at Twilight which made her confused. (Y/N) looks at Twilight to see the funny glasses that she had on and also started to laugh at little until Twilight glares at him. (Y/N) then levitates and throws the glasses off of Twilight so that they can speak up once again.

(Y/N): Sorry about the little introduction there everypony, but in all seriousness, this is dire for everypony to know! We have a huge crisis on the way!

The ponies then gasp from hearing that as Twilight continues the explanation.

Twilight Sparkle: We just been visited by ourselves from the future!

The ponies around were puzzled from that until it turns into laughter once again. (Y/N) then turns to Twilight.

(Y/N): Even though it was real, it would make sense that they would think that it's a ridiculous assumption.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, it's no joke! Our future selves tried to warn us about a horrible disaster that's going to occur sometime before next Tuesday morning!

Applejack: What kind of disaster?

(Y/N): No idea! They couldn't give us any hints at all as they had to go back to the future. (Hey, I said a familiar movie that involved using the car, The DeLorean. Wait, didn't my future self also make a reference? Am I going to make that reference?)

Pinkie was trying to run as fast as she could in mid-air.


Rarity then walks up to both of them.

Rarity: What ever should we do, you two? How do we stop the disaster if we don't know what it is?

Twilight Sparkle: We'll just have to work together to make sure we're safe. (Y/N)?

(Y/N) nods as he get's Rainbow Dash's attention and she flies up to both of them.

(Y/N): Dash, we need you and the other Pegasi to spread out all over Equestria to see if anything is happening that could lead to a disaster.

Twilight Sparkle: And we mean "anything."

Rainbow Dash: You got it!

She flies off quickly and both Twilight and (Y/N) turn their attention to everypony else in Ponyville.

(Y/N): All right, everypony else. . .

Pinkie interrupted (Y/N) as she was continuing to scream and run across the air in front of the crowd.

Pinkie Pie: Anypony else wanna panic with me? No?

Pinkie then continues to scream panickily and run away still in the air.

(Y/N): Okay. . .? Everypony else let's try and prevent anything around Equestria starting here that could cause a major disaster!

With that being said, everypony scattered around to try and prevent anything that could happen.

At a dam, Applejack, Rarity, and a bucket of cement are lowered along its height on a suspended plank platform, and the farmer seals a crack with the help of a trowel in her teeth. She has been thoroughly spattered with cement, some of which Rarity scrubs away with a levitated handkerchief, and Twilight descends into view on a second platform. A checklist and quill float alongside under her control, and she marks off one item.

At the water tower in Ponyville, its top has been removed, and it is being filled from a hose that has been run up into it directed by Mrs. Cake. (Y/N) teleports right beside Mrs. Cake which surprises her as he checks the status of the water being filled into the tower and he smiles to see that it is at close level to being full.

At a bridge, Big Mac was holding a cable that was wrapped around Pinkie's midsection and she was lowered to a metal reinforcing plate covering a crack in a wooden post while carrying a wrench in her teeth. Pinkie leans in and tightens one of the nuts holding it on. When she was finished wrenching, she smiles upward to tell Big Mac that she was done. (Y/N) and Twilight then run to check on them with Twilight carrying the checklist.

(Y/N): You two got the bridge fixed?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Apparently, Big Mac saying that made him let go of the rope that he had in his mouth and he accidentally drops Pinkie in the lake, however (Y/N) levitates her out of the lake with his magic to land back on the sidewalk wet from the fall.

Over in a corner of a Ponyville sidewalk, the Cutie Mark Crusaders wipe off have policed up as Twilight marks that off as well and walks away along with (Y/N). More stuff was checked off along the way too as Spike painted a dried out wall in the library, Rarity cut an extra strand of Pinkie's mane off, and finally (Y/N) and some other ponies pushed around some crates and carts off to clear the streets of Ponyville.

As everything was done, Twilight's checklist has reached several yards long as she was finalizing everything that has been done with Fluttershy and (Y/N) right beside her and both Applejack and Rarity walk up to them.

Twilight Sparkle: Done, and done, and done.

(Y/N): Applejack, how's the Everfree Forest?

Applejack: The perimeter's clear.

(Y/N): Great job.

Rainbow Dash: And my team gave the all clear from Fillydelphia to Las Pegasus.

Twilight Sparkle: Excellent. Well, we've done everything on the list, but still. . . Future Twilight and Future (Y/N) looked like they had been through a horrible ordeal. I just have this nagging feeling we should be looking for something bigger than loose bolts and leaky pipes.

(Y/N): True, it wouldn't hurt to double check, but we've cleaned up all of what we can I mean. . . what else could go wrong?

A deafening roar was then heard as it got everypony's attention and (Y/N) just deadpans at his predicament.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* I had to open my mouth.

A colossal, three-headed black bulldog then leaps in from behind a house. Studded collars are fastened around all three necks, and six beady red eyes with yellowed whites glare at the crowd. This was Cerberus, the guard of the ancient monsters in Tartarus.

After a second roar, Pinkie decides to speak up.

Pinkie Pie: Okay, everypony, follow my lead.

She then jumps up and screams before running off as everypony else did the exact same and logical thing except for Spike, (Y/N), and Twilight as they were all shocked by the large creature.

Spike: What is that thing?!

Twilight Sparkle: That's Cerberus! He's supposed to be guarding the gates of Tartarus. But if he's here, then all the ancient evil creatures that have been imprisoned there could escape and destroy Equestria!

Spike: Destory Equestria?!

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah! Isn't it great?!

(Y/N) then gives Twilight a bored look.

(Y/N): I hope you meant the fact it's could be a disaster.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, of course I did. I'm just excited that we know now what the disaster our future selves we're warning us about.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes at that before getting a serious look at Cerberus.

(Y/N): So this is Cerberus, huh?

(Y/N) then get's a mischievous look as he glows his horn and his entire body prepared to fight.

(Y/N): All right then Twilight, I'll play with him.

(Y/N) was about to go and discipline the large beast until his eyes pop open in shock by what he sees the second later.

Cerberus was now laying on his back, panting happily and letting his hind legs positioned in the air. Fluttershy had moved in to rub his belly.

Fluttershy: Who's the cute widdle three-headed dog?

Twilight and (Y/N) then walk up to Fluttershy with smiles that she had the situation handled.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, I knew you were good with animals, but this is amazing!

(Y/N): What are talking about? She tamed a manticore and disciplined a dragon that was the size of a freaking building. How does this surprise you?

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh! What I "meant" to say was it's great that you were able to handle the situation Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Aww, he's just a big furry guy who got out of his yard, that's all. Right, Cerberus? Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?

Pinkie was still screaming as she gallops past the four not before (Y/N) teleports in front of her and covers her mouth.

(Y/N): Pinkie, the situation is handled. You can stop screaming now.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, okay.

Pinkie then happily hops along and (Y/N) walks back over to Twilight.

(Y/N): Okay, so how do we send him back to Tartarus?

Twilight thinks for a minute before getting an idea in her head and instantly levitates (Y/N) in the air which confuses him.

(Y/N): What are you doing?!

Twilight Sparkle: Hey Cerberus~. Look what I have.

Twilight then waves (Y/N) over Cerberus a couple of times and he was happily focused on him with his tongue sticking out. (Y/N) was confused by this at first until he went wide-eyed in shock at how he was being used and flails his hooves.

(Y/N): WHAT?! No! Waitwaitwaitwaitwait!

Twilight gallops off, floating (Y/N) ahead of herself to lead the massive canine along.

Twilight Sparkle: We'll be back as soon as we've returned him to the gates of Tartarus. Once he's back at home, there'll be no disaster.

(Y/N): But why am "I" the bait?!

Twilight Sparkle: Calm down, (Y/N). I won't let him eat you.

As the three travel off, Pinkie and Spike smile at each other that they all have the situation handled.

The next day at sunrise in the Golden Oak Library, a rooster crow wakes Spike up in his bed as he sits up with a yawn and stretch.

Spike: I wish Twilight would go on epic adventures more often. Best night's sleep I've had in weeks.

The front door is then heard opening and closing and down in the reading room, Twilight walks in with her entire body covered in mud.

Spike: Hey, Twilight. How'd it go with Cerberus?

Twilight Sparkle: Great. I got him back before any of the evil creatures could escape.

Spike: Nice. . . so where's (Y/N)?

The said alicorn then suddenly slams the door open with an irritated look on his face as he had dog slobber all over him.

(Y/N): You will not believe how much that three-headed dog likes alicorns as their chew toys!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. . . right. Sorry, (Y/N). I just had to think of the first thing that came to mind.

Spike then sniffs (Y/N) and immediately covers his nose.

Spike: Whoa! No offense (Y/N), but you stink.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Thank you, Spike. Seriously, it's like I had a target on my back all night.

Twilight Sparkle: There's some towels in the bathroom.

(Y/N) then immediately rushes to the library's bathroom so that he can get all of the dog spit off of his coat and mane.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, I guess with the whole Cerberus thing we can-

However, Spike begins to retch and his cheeks bulge out which quickly into a blast of fire that solidifies into a scroll and it bounces hard off of Twilight's face. She then felt something on her face as she rushes over to a mirror.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no!

(Y/N) then comes back into the room dried off from all of the dog spit that was on him and sees Spike holding a scroll.

(Y/N): What's that?

Spike: Eh, not a big deal. It's just a "lost dog" flyer. I guess the Princess hasn't heard we found Cerberus yet.

(Y/N): I'm sure she'll find out that we took care of it soon enough.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no, this is bad!

(Y/N): What is Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: This!

She points out at a small, flesh wound under her left eye which surprises (Y/N).

(Y/N): That. . . That's. . .

Spike: A paper cut? Come on, Twilight, you really need to toughen up. Just clean it out and you'll be fine.

(Y/N): No Spike! That's the same cut that Twilight's future self had! *gasps* And I apparently smell bad now like MY future was! Which means. . .

Twilight Sparkle: We haven't changed the future at all! The disaster is still coming!

Later after Twilight cleaned herself off from all of the mud, she was pacing around the room trying to think about the future disaster that was coming for both her and (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: If the disaster wasn't caused by Cerberus getting loose, then what could it possibly be?

Spike: *laughs* I dunno, but maybe you ought to give the pacing a rest. You've worn a groove into the floor!

It is revealed that Twilight has worn out a groove on the library floor in a circular motion as it went as deep as her knees which (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at.

(Y/N): How is that even possible in such a short amount of time?

Twilight Sparkle: I don't have time for another one of your lectures, Spike! And (Y/N), it's no time to be dazzled by some unexpected circumstances! This is serious! I have this scar and you now smell like wet dog!

(Y/N): *sighs* Good point.

Spike: Wait hold on, "my" lectures?

Twilight Sparkle: We did everything we could think of to change the future. But it didn't work.

(Y/N): I'm clueless as well. The past, the present, and the future can be weird sometimes. What should we do?

Twilight Sparkle: That's it! (Y/N), you just gave me an idea! Maybe it's not what we do. . . Maybe it's what we don't do!

Twilight then teleports both of them into the middle of the library which confused (Y/N).

(Y/N): What are you saying?

Twilight Sparkle: If we stand right here and don't move a muscle until next Tuesday, we can't possibly do whatever it is that our future selves wanted to warn us not to do!

(Y/N) throws a look of "really" look at Twilight and walks off.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), what are you doing?! You're not supposed to move!

(Y/N): I can tell you in three ways how that's not going to work. One, you'll eventually starve or get thirsty. Two, you'll get another groove in the floor and numb your hooves. And three, you'll eventually have to sleep as well. You can try, but I can guarantee that standing in one place is not going to work.

Twilight Sparkle: Fine. Do whatever you want. But I believe that this can prevent the disaster among us.

Every inch of her violet body then goes rigid so that she can't move at all.

Spike: Really? So. . . no matter what happens, you're not gonna move a muscle, huh?

Spike then get's a cocky smirk on his face.

Spike: Then maybe you won't mind if I. . .

He darts away and returns with a carton of ice cream.

Spike: Eat an entire tub of ice cream!

Twilight's eyes swivel back in his direction for a split second, then aim themselves straight ahead again as Spike starts to dig in. Sweat trickles down Twilight's frozen face as Spike holds his spoon tauntingly out toward her, then gobbles its load.

Spike: Mmm, so good.

(Y/N): You're seriously just to let him eat that whole thing?

Twilight then looks at (Y/N) and darts her eyes back and forth between him and Spike to tell (Y/N) to get Spike to stop eating that whole ice cream carton.

(Y/N): *sighs* Spike, all of us love ice cream, but I wouldn't suggest eating a tub of it. You'll get a stomach ache.

Spike: *chuckles* Stomach ache, huh? That's future Spike's problem.

Spike gulps down another spoonful of ice cream, and he leans contentedly against Twilight. Rainbow Dash then enters the room.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, Twilight, (Y/N), another Pegasus just got back from Baltimare with an all-clear and-

Rainbow Dash then sees the situation with Spike eating the whole carton of ice cream and laughs.

Rainbow Dash: *laughs* What's going on? Aren't you gonna stop him?

(Y/N): She isn't. She said she's not going to move until next Tuesday? She thinks that if doesn't do anything then the disaster won't happen.

Rainbow Dash: *laughs* This is too rich.

(Y/N): I know, hey Twilight. You really shouldn't ground yourself like that. You really should move your body.

Twilight just glares at (Y/N) and slowly shakes her head "no."

Rainbow Dash: *gasps* Hey, Twilight! There's a mouse right behind you!

Twilight flinches in place, her bottom lip caught in her teeth, and Rainbow and Spike have a good belly laugh over this prank. (Y/N) simply is just staring to see what happens as he knows that Twilight can't stand in place like that. Spike then grabs a quill off of a desk.

Spike: Wait, wait, wait, let me try!

Spike tickles every part of Twilight's body he can reach with the quill, causing her cheeks to bulge with suppressed laughter for several seconds. When she has had more than enough of this tickle-torture idiocy, she magically slings him into the wall, back first which knocks a flaming belch out of him that rockets toward her head. (Y/N) saw this and gasps as he tried to dive in to shield Twilight from getting hit, but instead it ends up with both of them getting hit by the fireball. When Spike get's up from his fall to the wall and looks at the two, along with Rainbow Dash both of their eyes pop wide open at what they are seeing.

Spike: Oh no!

Twilight Sparkle and (Y/N): *sternly* What happened?

Spike: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! It was a total accident!

(Y/N): Show us what happened!

Rainbow Dash: Uhhh. . . I'm not so sure that's a-

Twilight Sparkle: Show us!

Realizing that there is nothing for it, Spike picks up a hand mirror and carries it to both of them which shows that Twilight's mane has been burned and cut the same way that her future self had and (Y/N)'s mane had burned as well that made it view like it was spiky like a mohawk.

(Y/N): Those are the same mane cuts that our future selves had!

Rainbow Dash: Y'know. . . it really doesn't look too bad. . .

(Y/N): Are you kidding? Once my mane grows back, I'm instantly going to see Rarity!

Twilight Sparkle: Ditto! And despite that, it's just another sign that the future hasn't changed! Not doing anything didn't work either! Oh, I wish there was a way to know what was going to happen so I could stop it!

Spike: You guys wanna see the future? I might know somepony who can help!

(Y/N): What? Like an oracle or a god? Cause that's unbelievable.

Spike: You could say that.

Outside in Ponyville, Spike leads Twilight and (Y/N) to a deep purple tent trimmed in gold, with an awning flap extended over the entrance. A steaming caldron, a lit candle, and a sign board depicting a crystal ball, star, and horseshoe are set up on either side of the place.

Twilight Sparkle: What's this?

Spike: It's Madame Pinkie's place.

(Y/N): Madame Pinkie? Since when was Pinkie a fortune teller?

Spike: Eh, I don't know, if we know Pinkie she can do almost anything.

(Y/N): True, especially since she has Pinkie Sense.

Spike pushes his way in, followed by Twilight and (Y/N). Pinkie's voice is heard from within, doing an exaggerated gypsy/fortune-teller impression.

Pinkie Pie: Come. . . Enter the chamber of Madame Pinkie Pie. . . For the answers you seek, let us consult the mystical orb of fate's destiny. . .

The three then sit in front the said Pinkie Pie as she had a table set up with a crystal ball. Pinkie was wearing a jeweled purple turban covering most of her mane and a purple scarf with gold fringe is seen wrapped around her neck.

She then changes back to her normal voice once the trio took their seats on some cushions.

Pinkie Pie: Do you like my mystical orb of fate's destiny? I just got it. Cool, huh?

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, uh. . . best one I've seen.

(Y/N): So Pinkie, since you can technically predict the future, can you tell what will happen in our future?

Pinkie Pie: Of course, (Y/N). *spookily* Look deep into the crystal ball. . . for soon it will reveal all! Ah, yes, I see something... It is a vision of the future. . . I see. . . you two, Twilight and (Y/N).

Both Twilight and (Y/N) were intrigued by this.

Pinkie Pie: *spookily* You will get a really cool birthday present next year. . .

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, and?!

Pinkie Pie: That's it.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you sure?

Pinkie Pie: Yep. Cool birthday present.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, we need your Pinkie Sense to tell me what the impending disaster is that our future selves was trying to warn us about!

Pinkie Pie: Oh, my fortunetelling has nothing to do with my Pinkie Sense, silly. It's only good for vague and immediate events.

(Y/N): Oh. . . that makes sense.

Twilight Sparkle: How so?

(Y/N): Think about it, back when we all were trying to figure out the Pinkie Sense, everything that happened took only like a few seconds to a minute. And the doozy back then was just right in front of us the whole time.

Pinkie's tail then jitters so hard that she is lifted off of her cushion for a moment. (Y/N) looks up to see a flower pot falling and it landed on Twilight's head.

Pinkie Pie: See, it's just like (Y/N) said. Where did that pot even come from?

(Y/N): Beats me? I guess we can't find out long-term future events.

Twilight yells and instantly rushes out which confused the three still inside of the tent.

(Y/N): (And something tells me that Twilight is about to go into full research mode.)

Many days later, Pinkie is seen hopping happily towards the Golden Oak Library as she hasn't seen her friends in some time.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Lalalalalalala, lalalala. . . ♪ Gosh, I haven't seen Twilight or (Y/N) since the flowerpot incident. Hope Twilight still isn't mad.

When Pinkie arrives inside of the library, she stops in her tracks baffled by what she sees next in the room.

Huge telescopes have been set up at the windows, other pieces of equipment stand around the floor, and notes and graphs are stacked, displayed, or scattered across nearly every square inch of remaining space in the room.

Twilight now as a white bandage on her head and bags under her eyes as she darts quickly to a telescope and rushes all around the room. Spike, meanwhile, sits on the stairs leading to the loft and eats ice cream, paying no mind to Twilight at all.

Twilight Sparkle: Off by point zero two from yesterday. Carry the fifteen. . . Negative azimuth on the fourteenth moon. . .

Spike: Hey, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Twilight's really serious about finding out about that cool birthday present, isn't she?

Spike: Who cares? As long as I can keep eating ice cream. Sorry, future Spike.

Pinkie then leans over to Twilight.

Pinkie Pie: Are you okay?

Twilight Sparkle: Ah, Pinkie, I'm glad you're here. Can you help me recalibrate the apertures on the nine-and-quarter catadioptric telescopes?

Twilight pushes Pinkie up to another telescope in the room.

Pinkie Pie: Sure!

Twilight Sparkle: So I was thinking, after I came to see Madame Pinkie and the flowerpot landed on my head, see the bandage? Just like the bandage from the future..

Pinkie Pie: Nice!

Twilight Sparkle: I had an epiphany after that flowerpot. Doing things didn't work, not doing things didn't work, and I couldn't predict the future either, so I only had one other choice. Monitor "everything."

Twilight get's up in Pinkie's face when she said that which gives Pinkie a nervous grin.

Pinkie Pie: Makes sense to me. By the way, where's (Y/N)?

Twilight Sparkle: I asked him to be like my extra eye. He's flying all over Equestria as we speak.

However, once Twilight says that, the door slams open and everypony looks to see (Y/N) who had aviator goggles on his head very tired as he was breathing heavily.

(Y/N): Twilight, did today really have to be ALL night?! I don't think I can fly any longer at this point unless I get some rest.

Twilight then notices something familiar on (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: Where did you get those goggles?

(Y/N): As fast as I can fly, you expect me to keep my bare eyes in the wind? I had no other choice.

Twilight Sparkle: But aren't those the same goggles that your future self had?

(Y/N) then goes wide-eyed as he takes the goggles off to look at them for a second before realizing that she was right.

(Y/N): Oh. . . oops.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh, we're still getting nowhere! I thought I saw something last night in the Horsehead Nebula, but after staring at it for three straight hours I realized, I was wrong!

Pinkie Pie: Three hours? But when did you sleep?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I didn't sleep. I haven't slept since future Twilight was here. There are only three days left until next Tuesday, I can sleep all I want after that!

(Y/N): Um. . . actually Twilight. . . Tuesday is tomorrow.

Twilight look at (Y/N) shocked from that.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh?! How is that possible?

Spike: You haven't slept for like 5 days and (Y/N) here got some sleep until today. I think that's a logical explanation.

Twilight gasps from that as she teleports up to the telescope where Pinkie was and looks through.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, did you finish recalibrating the apertures on the nine-and-quarter-inch catadioptric telescopes?

Pinkie Pie: I have no idea.

Twilight continues to look through the telescope and (Y/N) get's a worried look.

(Y/N): Okay, Twilight whatever you do, don't look at the. . .

Twilight then immediately jerks back from the telescope and covers her right eye in pain.

Twilight Sparkle: Ah! My eye!

(Y/N): . . .Sun.

Pinkie then rushes over to the library's fireplace and pulls out an eyepatch.

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry, Twilight, I have eye patches stashed all over Ponyville, in case of eye patch emergency.

Pinkie then zips to her and ties the eyepatch in place, and darts away again.

Pinkie Pie: There! Now you look like a pirate! A sleepy pirate, with a really weird mane cut.

(Y/N) then gasps as he remembers something about that eyepatch.

(Y/N): Twilight! That's the same eyepatch that your future self had!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no! Another sign! Nearly all the signs have come true! We haven't done a thing to prevent the catastrophe!

(Y/N) get's a worried look from that until he then looks closely at Twilight and himself before he realizes something. . .

They're the ones causing what is happening to them.

(Y/N): Um, Twilight? Actually I'm starting to think that there is no catastrophe.

Twilight runs up to (Y/N) shocked from that.

Twilight Sparkle: What?! How can you say that after our future selves warned us about a disaster?!

(Y/N): Well, think about it for a second. Did they ever say that there was going to be a disaster?

Twilight thinks for a minute before going wide-eyed.

Twilight Sparkle: No they didn't. But they were trying to warn us about something?

(Y/N): Perhaps they meant, that we'll end up in the state that they are.

Twilight Sparkle: Well then that means we can still stop us from becoming like that, and I know just how we can do it?

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow at that.

(Y/N): What are you planning?

Twilight Sparkle: We need to. . . STOP TIME!

(Y/N) facehoofs from that.

(Y/N): Twilight, I know a spell that can increase my reaction time so that everything around me seems slow, but stopping time? That's ridiculous. I'm sure there are no time stop spells.

Twilight Sparkle: No, (Y/N)! I'm sure Star Swirl The Bearded had some spells that had to do with time. They just have to be in the Canterlot Archives.

(Y/N) sighs from that.

(Y/N): Then I might as well come with you.

It was now nighttime in Canterlot as Twilight, (Y/N), Pinkie, and Spike now had on black bodysuits as they got off a train and went to the city.

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* Okay, the Canterlot archives are right over there. Let's move!

Twilight tiptoes ahead sneakily as (Y/N) rolls his eyes as Twilight being overdramatic as he, Pinkie, and Spike continue to just walk.

At the royal garden, Twilight then peeks her head out from a stone fixture before somersaulting over to a tree and charging ahead. The rest just continue to follow her.

Spike: Uhh. . . I don't think we need to sneak around, Twilight. It's not illegal to walk around Canterlot.

(Y/N): He's right Twilight. We're just trying to find a spell, it's not exactly "mission impossible."

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* Guard!

She then leaps up onto a pedestal to strike a pose next to a unicorn statue. The others simply walk up and look at her annoyed.

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* Come on you guys!

Pinkie does a quick, pirouette and freezes in mid-spin, as Spike does the same with his cone sticking out. (Y/N) just simply stands out in the open with his eyes closed without posing.

A guard then walks past the implausible new statuary without even batting an eye. After he has moved on with his patrol, all four relax and Twilight lets out her held breath.

Twilight Sparkle: That was close.

Spike: I dunno why we have to wear these things, either.

(Y/N): Yeah, were the suits really necessary? They're also very, very tight.

Pinkie Pie: Aren't we wearing them for fun?

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* No, there's nothing fun about this!

Pinkie Pie: Oh. . . Are you sure?

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* Focus, guys! The only way to prevent this disaster is to stop time! Time spells are kept in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing, the most secure section of the archives. That's why we're sneaking around!

Pinkie Pie: Awesome! That sounds fun!

Twilight Sparkle: No, it's not fun!

Pinkie's ears droop sadly at that.

Pinkie Pie: Awww. . .

(Y/N) then walks up and pats Pinkie on the head.

(Y/N): Well I actually think things are fun when you're around.

Pinkie smiles and blushes at that.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, thanks (Y/N)~.

Pinkie then tries to get a quick hug on (Y/N), however she then notices his foul odor and stops.

Pinkie Pie: You might want to take a bath after this.

(Y/N): Trust me, after going through all of this, I'll be more than happy to take a bath.

Twilight dives into a bush and rushes ahead from it as the other three stroll unhurriedly along the path. In her haste, she gets a piece of her suit caught and ripped away on a protruding branch.

Pinkie Pie: I still don't understand how sneaking into the archives is gonna help her find out about her birthday present.

(Y/N) just chuckles from that.

Twilight then goes up to a window and opens it to peek inside to see if anypony was walking inside of the palace and she looks thoroughly to both sides to see that the coast was clear.

Twilight Sparkle: The coast is clear. Now slowly lift me into the window so we can-

A couple of hooves then just simply push Twilight inside of the place as the others just simply jump inside normally and walk past Twilight on the floor.

Spike: *sighs* Let's get this over with.

In a dimly lit spot just around a corner, Twilight plasters herself against the wall and risks a peek. A circle of light makes its way toward her and she pulls her head back, now joined by Pinkie, (Y/N), and Spike. A guard on patrol uses his horn to cast a flashlight beam, but he cuts it off an instant before it can reach the trio.

All four hurry out and behind a pair of stationary guards and when the scoop falls of Spike's cone, he stops and slurps up most of it in one quick move. His bliss lasts only long enough for Twilight to gallop back and drag him ahead by a fold of his suit.

Now the three ponies hang on to the uppermost sections of the banners on two adjacent support columns. A passing guard sees neither of them and just misses Spike when he peeks out from a fourth banner. The other three slide down to ground level, but Spike drops like a cinderblock.

Twilight was now hunched down to the ground sneakily walking.

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* Okay, if my calculations are correct, the Star Swirl the Bearded wing should be right. . . here.

She has reached a closed door and open window. However, (Y/N) gives Twilight an unconvinced look.

(Y/N): Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): This is the same window that we came in. We've been going in a circle.

(Y/N) points to the window that was indeed the same way that they came inside in the first place which surprises Twilight before she starts pacing. Pinkie then appears from the window.

Pinkie Pie: Cool! Can we climb in the window again? That was super fun!

Twilight Sparkle: I don't understand. It's supposed to be right here. . . How are we supposed to find it now?

(Y/N): *sarcastically* If only you could see what's right in front of your face.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh?

Pinkie Pie: He means the Star Swirl The Bearded wing. Right there.

Pinkie points at a locked gate directly across from them.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh. How'd I miss that?

(Y/N) then facehoofs and shakes his head.

(Y/N): Yare yare daze. . .

Twilight and the rest then take a look inside of the archives.

Twilight Sparkle: Look at all those priceless magic scrolls. There are more than I ever imagined!

Pinkie Pie: Twilight, the guard!

Everypony then looks to see a silhouette approaching them which caused them to get worried.

Twilight Sparkle: *gasps* What do we do, what do we do?!

Twilight hits the deck just before a set of gray-armored hooves advances along the carpet. They stop right in front of her shaking, huddled form, and Twilight can do nothing but uncover one eye and look up into the guard's stolid face. The guard stares her down impassively for a long second, then breaks into a smile.

Guard: Hey, Twilight, haven't seen you in a while. Let me open that for ya.

He does so with his magic as Twilight gets to her hooves. (Y/N) laughs at little at that before he and the other two head inside.

Twilight Sparkle: *chuckles nervously* Thanks.

As soon as the four walk inside of the archives, Twilight then notices something and immediately rushes to a mirror.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no! Look! I look just like future Twilight. . . and (Y/N), you just look like future (Y/N). The last sign has come true!

(Y/N): Twilight. . .

Twilight Sparkle: We need to stop the disaster at all costs!

(Y/N): Twilight!

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah?

(Y/N): I don't think a disaster is suppose to happen at all.

Twilight Sparkle: What?! Are you crazy?! Our future selves were warning us about "something!"

(Y/N): Twilight! Will you please listen to me for one second?! Look at yourself once again! Don't you notice one thing?

Twilight takes a look in the mirror, but notices nothing of what (Y/N) meant.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh. . . no.

(Y/N): We "look" just like our future selves. And doesn't anything else ring a bell to you. Like how everything we have tried to do in order to prevent what we thought was going to happen, did happen? Or the fact that nopony is surprised to even see you here in Canterlot?

Twilight thinks about what (Y/N) just said before going wide-eyed and looking back at him.

Twilight Sparkle: You mean. . .

(Y/N): Yeah. I think that all of this was meant to happen in the first place. There's no bad disaster or catastrophe. We've just been too worried about what we thought was going to happen and. . . it all went just as it all was suppose to happen. That's why we look exactly like our future selves.

Just as (Y/N) says that, the sun rises and shines inside of the archives as it was officially Tuesday morning. Spike walks up to both of them.

Spike: He's right, Twilight. I don't see any disasters. Looks like a pretty nice day.

Princess Celestia then walks past each of them while also greeting them.

Princess Celestia: Good morning, Twilight. Hello, (Y/N). Love your new hairstyles. Well, happy Tuesday!

(Y/N): See? Nothing bad was going to happen at all.

Twilight Sparkle: So wait, we've just been frantic over nothing?!

(Y/N): It appears that way.

Spike: But wait. If your future selves weren't warning you about a disaster, then what were they trying to tell you?

Both Twilight and (Y/N) looked at each other before just giggling at each other.

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know. But I do know one thing. We look ridiculous.

(Y/N): Yeah. . . and I still smell like a pig.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, right. Sorry for using you as bait, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Don't worry, I'm not mad about it anymore. It was suppose to happen anyway.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, from now on, I'm gonna solve problems as they come, and stop worrying about every little thing!

Spike: That's great! Does that mean there won't be any more late night pacing?

Twilight Sparkle: No more late night pacing. If only I had learned this lesson a week ago, we wouldn't have had to go through all this.

Pinkie Pie: Twilight, (Y/N), I found something while you two were talking!

Pinkie holds out a scroll that she found.

Pinkie Pie: It doesn't stop time, but it lets you go back in time. It says you can go back once, and it only lasts for a few moments. Does that help?

Twilight smiles from both hearing and looking at the spell.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, you're a genius!

Pinkie happily hops up and down from that.

Pinkie Pie: Woo-hoo!

Twilight Sparkle: Now we can go back and tell our past selves that they don't need to go berserk with worry about a disaster that's never gonna come!

(Y/N) looks at Twilight confused from that.

(Y/N): Actually, we just need to recreate with them telling us what happened. Which means, we go there and act like we're giving them a warning, but really we're just making sure time flies by normally.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, good point.

(Y/N): You remembered everything that we said from a week ago, right?

Twilight Sparkle: Yep, let's go back and just continue time how it is.

(Y/N) nods from that as they both concentrated their magic with each other so that could both use the spell to return to the past. Pinkie and Spike watch in slight shock as they both use the spell and eventually they both end up back to the past as the same situation happens once again and the two present ponies rush up to their past selves.

Past (Y/N): T-That's not. . . I can't. . . how could. . .? That's us!

(Y/N): Correction, we're both you.

Twilight Sparkle: Twilight, (Y/N), you've got to listen to us!

Past Twilight Sparkle: Who are you? I mean, you're me, but I'm me too.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's what I just said!

Past Twilight Sparkle: And there's two of (Y/N) too?! How can there be two of us? It's not scientifically possible. You two are not scientifically possible!

Twilight Sparkle: Twilight, please! We have a very important message for you two from the future!

Past Twilight Sparkle and Past (Y/N): The future?!

Past (Y/N): Hold on! Hold on! How long in the future? We both still look like the same age?

(Y/N): Long explanation short, it happening SOON!

Past (Y/N) then walks up to his present self and smells him before covering his nose.

Past (Y/N): Wow, and I stink in the future. . . literally!

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Thanks! It's a gift!

Past Twilight Sparkle: What happened to you two? The future must be awful.

Twilight Sparkle: Please, everyone stop! (Y/N) and I don't have much time!

Past Twilight Sparkle: Is there some sort of epic pony war in the distant future or something?

A thought then came to Past Twilight's mind as she gasped and she rushes up to her present self starry eyed.

Past Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* Did (Y/N) and I ever get together?!

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, we're from next Tuesday morning!

Past Twilight then grumbles in disappointment from that.

(Y/N): There's something that we need to tell both of you. It's vital that-

Past (Y/N) however interrupts him.

Past (Y/N): Hold on, I know time works very fishy as we know that there are different worlds, but how is this possible?

(Y/N): Time travel is possible like a certain doctor in a giant blue telephone box, (Y/N)! We found the spell in the Canterlot Archives! Now you have to listen to-

Past Twilight then rushes up to (Y/N) intrigued.

Past Twilight Sparkle: Really? Where? I've never seen them.

Twilight Sparkle: Twilight! They're in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing. Now, you have to listen to-

Past Twilight Sparkle: Is time travel fun, or does it hurt?

Past (Y/N): We honestly want an explanation on all of-

Both Twilight and (Y/N) then cover their past selves mouths with their hooves and began to speak.

Twilight Sparkle: We have something extremely important to tell you about the future!

The white energy begins to envelop them again, and as they both get bigger their voices gradually drown out.

(Y/N): Listen to us now! We only have a few seconds left! Whatever you two do don't-

Soon enough, they both ended up back in the archives as they both smirked and hoof-bumped each other.

Twilight Sparkle and (Y/N): Yes!

Pinkie Pie: Did you tell them about the cool birthday present?

(Y/N): *chuckles* No, but we sure just made sure that time stays how it is.

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* You're right. Now we're gonna spend the next week freaking out about a disaster that doesn't even exist.

(Y/N): But at least it will just be a wash, rinse, repeat process. That's how time is.

Pinkie Pie: And it's just the past (Y/N) and Twilight's problem now.

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* You're right, Pinkie.

Spike then let's out a large groan as the three turn to him as he clutched his stomach before falling on his back.

Spike: Ohhh. . . my stomach. . . I, I think it's all that ice cream. . . I thought the stomach ache would be future Spike's problem. . . but now I am future Spike. Ohh. . .

(Y/N), Pinkie, and Twilight looked at each other before laughing.

(Y/N): *laughs* We warned ya, pal.

Twilight Sparkle: Come on, future Spike. Let's get you home.

Twilight carries Spike on her back as the three then head out of the Canterlot Archives to head home after what was thought of to be a catastrophe, but in the end, it was all meant to happen.

Chapter 13 End.

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