Author Notes: WE ARE FINALLY HERE!!!

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You all have been extremely patient and I can tell that you all are excited as we are finally here at Season 3 of The Hero of Equestria. This is where the reader will get his harem and I know you all are ecstatic for what I have planned, so hold on to your horses as we journey through this short, but fun book as all of the answers and confessions will be revealed after Magical Mystery Cure in a two-part finale. I bet you all weren't expecting that. . . but I was expecting you not to expect something, so it doesn't count.

If you have not read the first two books of The Hero of Equestria, I would recommend looking at those before coming here to this book. Now as usual, just a recap of the reader's profile.

(Y/N): (Your Name)

(L/N): (Last Name)

Gender: Male

Pony Type: Alicorn

Mane, Tail, Coat, & Eye Color/(M/C), (T/C), (C/C), (E/C): You Decide

(F/C): Favorite Color and Aura Color

Your Element of Harmony: Heroism

Your Cutie Mark:

(A/N) (Author Notes): You decide on the colors

(): Thoughts

**: Action/Tone of voice

♪♪: Singing

The song that I choose for the reader to sing is my own choice and you all have the right to choose what you like to listen to, but it has to do with the topic of the chapter and scene.

The Nintega Guy: Let's get this show on the road!

Pinkie Pie: YAY! Where's the popcorn?! Oooh! Wait! I also need kettle corn and candy corn too!

Rainbow Dash: Heck yeah! It's time we see how all of this goes for our awesome fans!

Rarity: I think (Y/N) will experience his biggest romantic moment yet in this book.

The Nintega Guy: Well. . . yes and no Rarity. There is still other seasons as well.

Fluttershy: Well, I think we can all say that we're very proud of how much work and effort you put into your books Nintega.

The Nintega Guy: *chuckles* Thanks Fluttershy. You can count on me to make this story as an excellent ending to the first arc of Friendship is Magic.

Applejack: Well then what are you waiting for sugarcube? Get to it.

The Nintega Guy: Hold on. . . aren't we missing one?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I just noticed. Where's Twilight?

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, we can't get this book started without her. This is the one that all of the readers are waiting for! I can't wait to even break more walls.

The Nintega Guy: Don't even think about it, Pinkie! I've had to use so much flex tape to fix the walls and thanks to you, I had to use a house of it!

Pinkie Pie: Aw, come on Nintega. The readers love it when I shatter the glass on the wall.

The Nintega Guy: Oh, for Celestia's sake. . . 

Applejack: Where is Twilight?! We need her here now!

Just on cue of that, somepony teleported into the scene as it was of course Twilight Sparkle who was breathing heavily.

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry. . . I'm late.

Rarity: Darling, what was with the tardiness?

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry. . . but you would not believe the crowd of. . . fans that I. . . had to hold up before coming here. They are. . . EXTREMELY excited for this book! It's the Summer Sun Celebration all over again!

The Nintega Guy: Wow. . . they're THAT excited?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes. . . so why don't we just open it up to the next chapter? It was tiring keeping them from bursting in here.

The Nintega Guy: Alright, but just one more thing. Everypony. . .?

The Mane 6 then turn towards the door with nervous looks. Twilight then looks back at The Nintega Guy with a gulp.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm serious. . . they'll trample all over us.

The Nintega Guy: Fine. . . I'll do it.

The Nintega Guy goes to the door and opens it and tons of fans run and trample all over him as he yells in pain. 

The Nintega Guy: Ow! Owowowowowowow!!

The Mane 6 were able to react as they all dodge to the side to avoid the excited fans. 

As soon as there was no more, the Mane 6 run over to Nintega who was badly hurt from the whole catastrophe and had his face planted in the ground.

Fluttershy: Are you alright, Nintega?

The Nintega Guy: *muffled* I've been better. Never mind, let's just start the book.

The Mane 6 then all give each other nervous laughs at Nintega's predicament before getting determined looks.

Mane 6: Let's do this!

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