Chapter 1: The Crystal Empire - Part 1

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Whenever there is light, they say that there will always be a shadow, but deep down inside a light can be bright enough to fill in the darkness. Everypony knows that crystals shine bright and that's where we start here as we take another journey through a long story.

(Y/N) was currently asleep and it was a peaceful night as he slept wonderfully in his bed. However, his horn illuminates a small white glow as he is taken into a completely different area of where he originally was.

(Y/N) then started to hear growling and really heavy breathing as he groans from all of the noise and he sits up to then rub his eyes to try and see what was the cause of all of the racket. When he opens his eyes, he looks down to see that he was laying on snow which confused him.

(Y/N): What. . . in. . . Equestria. . .?

He then heard some evil laughter as he looked up to see black smoke all around him. (Y/N) was surprised by this as he stood up and looks around alarmed from what is seeing.

(Y/N): What is going on?!

???: *chuckles evilly and whispers* (Y/N). . . (L/N). . .

(Y/N): Who said that?!

The voice was sinister sounding as it laughs evilly once again and (Y/N) glows his horn in case anypony was around to try and attack him.

???: *whispers* Son of (M/N) (L/N). . .

(Y/N): Come out and show yourself! If you're not hostile, then I won't attack you! But you sure seem like it!

???: *chuckles evilly and whispers* Hero of Ponyville. . .

(Y/N): Okay, I've had enough! Show yourself this instant!

Then a completely different voice came out of hiding to speak to (Y/N) as it was a familiar one indeed.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Calm down. This is just another dream that I put you in.

(Y/N): Okay, well do you have any methods that make it a little. . . less creepy.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): That would be showing too much. This is merely just an illusion, and speaking of illusions this is somepony who can definitely mess with your mind.

???: *whispers* The Element of Heroism. . .

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Yeah, I can tell. This isn't my first time you've gave me a dream like this anyway.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Was that sarcasm that I heard?

(Y/N): Yeah. So what?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Because you don't speak. . . never mind.

(Y/N): What?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Nothing! I would be saying too much!

(Y/N) simply raises an eyebrow at that.

(Y/N): You sure have a lot of secrets that you can't me at the moment.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): If you knew too much, then it would make me feel sorry for even speaking to you this way.

(Y/N): Make you feel sorry? I don't even know who you are.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Good! Let's have it stay that way for the time being then.

(Y/N): Whatever. Who's the goon that I'm going to have to stop this time?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): He is an evil unicorn named. . . King Sombra.

(Y/N): King. . . Sombra?

King Sombra: *chuckles evilly*

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Yes. He is a very powerful tyrant who wants to enslave a kingdom in the artic north of Equestria.

(Y/N): That explains the snow. . .

Mysterious Voice (Echo): King Sombra is simply a shadow for the time being, but he will slowly gain power to retake the kingdom that he once had in Early Equestria to enslave the ponies that live there. You must put a stop to this evil unicorn before the entire empire is taken over again.

King Sombra: *whispers* The male alicorn. . .

(Y/N): *shudders* He is definitely giving me the creeps.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Will you relax? He's not going to jump out at you.

(Y/N): I know, I know. I never said that I was scared. In fact, I'm more than eager to take on a new quest. If a villain got to be stopped then I'm more than glad to take on a little action.

(Y/N) says that with determination on his face as the mysterious voice just giggles from that.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Great, it sounds like that you'll be prepared to save Equestria once again then.

(Y/N): Hey, a hero has got to do what a heroes got to do. My friends and I will put a stop to the king no problem.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Excellent (Y/N).

The mysterious voice then had a more somber tone in her voice.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): There is one more thing that I need to tell you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): What's that?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): It's about. . . your magic.

(Y/N): My magic? What about it? Is there a problem that you see with it?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Yes. . . and do not get upset with me if I ask this, but. . . are you afraid?

(Y/N): Afraid? *chuckles* What's there to be afraid of? I'm always positive about what happens in the world.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): (Y/N)! I'M SERIOUS!!

(Y/N) recoils a bit surprised by her sudden change of tone.

(Y/N): Whoa!! Geez, okay! Why are you so uptight all of a sudden?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Because I'm worried about you! There's is something inside of you that you haven't learned to control!

(Y/N): I. . . don't get it.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): How dense are you?! I'm talking about your magic! There is something on you that you really need to be concerned of! Is there anything abnormal that happens periodically with your magic that you can't explain?

(Y/N): Uh. . . well. . . there is this. . . "thing" that happens with my aura. Sometimes I suddenly see it turn darker shade of itself and magic starts to fall out of my body. . . and sometimes it kind of hurts.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): I knew it! You are afraid of something!

(Y/N): Afraid? Of what? My magic?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): No! (Y/N), you have to understand that sometimes your negative emotions can take control of your powers!

(Y/N): Wait, what?!

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Yes! I can explain in three words! Despair, Anger, and Sadness!

(Y/N): *deadpans* That's four words.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): BE SERIOUS!!!

(Y/N): Alright! Alright! I'm listening! Geez, you're acting like my mother when she get's angry!

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Those emotions are what affect your magic, (Y/N)! Didn't you see the signs? Like when you got angry with Applejack that one time, or the time you scolded your friends about the wedding?

(Y/N) thought about it for a second before realizing that she was right. . .

His magic darkened because of his negative emotions.

(Y/N): *gasps* You're right! That was because of my negative emotions! Not only that, I can barely remember something like that when I was 9 years old, but it's all a blur. I can't remember exactly what caused it.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): It doesn't matter now. What I'm saying is that you need to learn how to control it, or else your fears will become your worst enemy. . . and your magic will fall into the wrong hooves of somepony else.

(Y/N) looks down and sighs from that as he is now a little worried about what could happen going forward.

(Y/N): Then I guess I'll have to find a way when I grab that chance.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Just don't let your emotions get the better of you, (Y/N).

(Y/N) get's a serious look and nods as he hears Sombra's evil chuckle once again.

(Y/N): I understand and I WON'T let it happen!

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Alright. . . I'm going to wake you up now, (Y/N). Be careful.

(Y/N): Thanks. I'm prepared to wake up now.

(End Music Here)

A bright light then envelops (Y/N) so that he could return back to his normal world and get started on the day. He sits up on his bed and yawns from being asleep for the entire night and he rubs his eyes to adjust his vision.

(Y/N): I've got to make sure that I stop King Sombra from taking over this. . . kingdom. She was actually vague on those details, but no matter what I've still got help protect Equestria.

Suddenly, (Y/N) then hears something teleport in his room and he looks to his right to see that on his nightstand was two scrolls. He was a little bit confused by this as he levitates both of them in front of his face and unfolds them. He reads the first scroll.

(Y/N): "(Y/N), this is Twilight. Spike and I got these letters from Princess Celestia about some sort of test that we have to take. After you read the message, come to the library so that we can prepare for the test together."

(Y/N) was surprised by that message as he reads the second scroll.

(Y/N): "Dear (Y/N), this is your friend Princess Celestia. I will need you and Twilight to come to Canterlot about a certain test that you two will have to take. I will tell you more information when you two arrive in Canterlot, but you must hurry."

(Y/N) was shocked by that message as it had his attention.

(Y/N): A test? For Twilight and I? Could this be related to King Sombra? I need to go right now so me and Twilight can find out whatever this test is.

(Y/N) then immediately jumps out of bed to then go and clean himself up and get ready to go and meet Twilight in the Golden Oak Library so that they can prepare for the test that Princess Celestia assigned for both of them.

However, once (Y/N) got to the Golden Oak Library to meet up with Twilight, he instantly was just seeing her running back and forth between the place as she was going into full "hyper organized" mode. He simply stares at the purple unicorn along with Spike who had a bag ready to catch her gear. (Y/N) gave a bored look as he knew Twilight of all ponies would be worried about a test.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Great. . . I can already tell this is going to start off well.

Twilight Sparkle:  Where are all my quills?!

Once Twilight found where her quills were, she floats them up and sends them off to one side for Spike to jump to catch them in his bag, the nibs punching through the cloth. Twilight then floats several books past herself, quickly checking their covers.

Twilight Sparkle: No, no, no, no, no. . . Ugh! I need the Magical Compendium volumes 1 through 36! Where is it?!

Even the rest of the Mane 7 who was also watching Twilight getting prepared were either worried or just had a blank face. (Y/N) leans over to whisper to Spike.

(Y/N): *whispers* How long has she been like this?

Spike: *sighs* Ever since she saw the word "test."

(Y/N): Typical. Twilight studies and organizes herself so much that is to ensure that she makes no mistakes to prepare herself. . . and it just causes more problems.

Twilight magically yanks all the books off a shelf and unearths a single monster tome. Laid flat, it is wide enough to fill the entire width and height of the shelf on its own, and the sign of it causes her jaw to drop in happy surprise. Spike watches it float overhead and raises his arms to catch it in vain, as it crushes him to the floor when Twilight lets it drop. He tries to heave it off, but the weight slams back down on him. (Y/N) helps him up by levitating the book off of him and while he was getting that situated, Twilight get's another idea.

Twilight Sparkle: Flash cards! I should make some flash cards. Spike, (Y/N), I'm gonna need you two to quiz me. On everything. Everything I've ever learned. Ever!

Twilight levitates out several stacks of blank cards and passes them over to where Spike and (Y/N) were.

Twilight Sparkle: That isn't going to be enough cards.

(Y/N) sets the cards down beside Spike before walking up to Twilight.

(Y/N): Come on, Twilight. You and I don't even know what our test is going to be on. I think it's safe to say that it's best to wait till we get there before you go into full on research mode.

Twilight Sparkle: That's my point exactly, (Y/N)! The test could be on anything, and I'm determined that I pass with flying colors- well in this case I want to pass with an A plus. You should be too, Princess Celestia is probably going to give us the biggest pop quiz yet and we need to be prepared NOW!

(Y/N): I wouldn't exactly guarantee it just yet. You're overreacting. Sure, it is a task by Princess Celestia, but it's just a test.

She snaps upright from that and glares over at (Y/N) over her shoulder.

Twilight Sparkle: Just a test. . .?

(Y/N) then realizes what he just said as it may not have been the most appropriate response to say to somepony like Twilight. His eyes widened as he backs up slowly from her as if backing off from a wild animal.

(Y/N): (Nice Twilight. . . nice Twilight.)

Twilight then lunges up into (Y/N) face scaring him a bit and he keeps backing up as Twilight kept walking up at him with a ton of shock and stress.

Twilight Sparkle: JUST A TEST?! Princess Celestia wants to give us some kind of exam, and you're trying to tell me to calm down because it's just a TEST?!

(Y/N) darts his eyes back and forth a couple of times before giving a sheepish grin with a squee.

(Y/N): Um. . . yes?

Spike: Oh boy. Hold on to your helmets everyone.

Spike then pulls out a helmet and some pillows to cover himself up for what was about to come next for everypony.

Twilight grimaces extremely as she starts to glow her horn to dangerous levels and the other mares just simply watch (Y/N)'s predicament.

Applejack: I'd say she's handling things pretty well, considerin'.

(Y/N) then crouches down to the ground and covers his head in fear.

(Y/N): *moans* Son of a. . .

Twilight Sparkle: URGH!!

The entire library bursts free of the ground, rockets up to perhaps twice the height of the town hall, and slams back down to earth in a cloud of dust. (Y/N) could be seen flying out of the library yelling from the impact as he was drifting all the way to Canterlot like a shooting star. The girls including Spike all look with their jaws dropped before looking at Twilight in complete shock. Twilight looks up in the direction to where (Y/N) flew out of with shock that she did that to (Y/N) of all ponies and could only say one word after all of that as her ears lay flat.

Twilight Sparkle: Oops. . .

Inside of the Canterlot royal palace where the throne room is, both of the princess are seen staring at a stained-glass mural that had Shining Armor and Princess Cadance on it. They both look up at it with very concerned looks for what is coming.

Princess Luna: Are you sure you don't want me to go as well?

Princess Celestia: Yes. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are already there. The others will be joining them soon.

Princess Luna: The Empire's magic is powerful. It cannot fall again, my sister.

Princess Celestia: They will succeed at their task. And when they do, we'll know that they are much closer to being ready.

???: Ahem.

The voice heard of somepony clearing their throat got the princesses attention as they turn to see Twilight with a ton of supplies in her saddlebags and she looks at both of the princesses with a nervous smile. Princess Celestia smiles at seeing Twilight before getting a confused look.

Princess Celesita: Where is (Y/N)?

Twilight blushes a bit with a nervous chuckle.

Twilight Sparkle: H-He should be here. . .

Princess Celestia: Is he running late?

Twilight Sparkle: Um. . . well. . . more of an "accident" happened, but he should be here.

Princess Luna: For how long should it take?

A loud crash in the palace was then heard as Twilight looks up to see somepony screaming and she quickly moves to the side before catching (Y/N) with her magic before he could crash to the ground. (Y/N) then glares at Twilight.

(Y/N): I have been flying in the air. . . FOR 30 MINUTES!

Twilight looks back at the princesses and gives a nervous laugh.

Twilight Sparkle: *nervous laugh* Right now. . .

(Y/N): Twilight, you really need a lesson in controlling your disorder over overlooking every simple thing as something that's chronic.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to happen! I didn't really want to hurt you!

Twilight sets (Y/N) down as he was slightly scuffed from crashing into the palace. She then heals his pain just a little bit with her magic as (Y/N) smiles from that.

Twilight Sparkle: I promise I won't let out my anger like that on you ever again, (Y/N)! Sorry!

(Y/N) just smiles from that.

(Y/N): Don't worry, I know it was an accident. I never said that I'm mad at you for it.

(Y/N) pats Twilight on the head which makes her blush a bit seeing that she was forgiven from the accident that happened earlier.

Princess Luna looks at her sister uneasy about how things will turn out, but Celestia reassures her.

Princess Celestia: Trust me, little sister.

Twilight Sparkle: You wanted to see us? To give us a test?

Princess Luna walks by the two as (Y/N) waves at her and Luna smiles with a brief blush as she waves back before exiting the room. Twilight then levitates her bags off of her back on the carpet.

Twilight Sparkle: I brought my own quills and plenty of paper to show my work.

As soon as the luggage hits the floor, the contents erupt in all directions and one particularly long parchment unrolls over the several yards between herself, (Y/N), and Celestia.

(Y/N): You really went overboard for this.

Twilight Sparkle: It was essential!

Princess Celestia: Sorry you two, but this is a different kind of test.

Princess Celestia then levitates all of her supplies back into her bag. (Y/N) and Twilight look up and Princess Celestia concerned from that.

(Y/N): Different in what way?

Princess Celestia: The Crystal Empire has returned.

Both (Y/N) and Twilight's eyes widened as they looked at each other surprised.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): The Crystal Empire?!

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry, I-I thought I'd studied. Ooh. I don't think there's anything in any of my books th-

Princess Celestia: There wouldn't be. Few remember it ever existed at all. Even my knowledge of the Empire is limited.

(Y/N): If it's so hidden of information then why has it decided to reveal itself now?

Princess Celestia: What I'm about to show you will explain it all.

Princess Celestia then levitates a large, violet elongated gem out of a jar and places it in front of Twilight and (Y/N). She then shoots magic from her horn at it, causing it to generate a translucent, glowing image of a realm on a large circular plain, with the gem at the center. Streets run toward it from the edge, with other roads connecting one to the next at angles to form a giant star. A beam then shoots upward briefly from the gem, creating the image of a tall, slender castle built from the same material and resting on a set of arches.

Princess Celestia: The empire contains a very powerful magic. One thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was black as night, took over the Crystal Empire.

Twilight and (Y/N) watch the projection of the empire as they look inside to see the crystal ponies living peacefully until a shadow steals over the miniature realm as jagged rock formations of a dark, ulcerous gray spring up over everything including the central castle in the empire. On its pinnacle appears the head of a grim unicorn stallion.

(Y/N) gasps quietly at seeing some of Sombra's face as it immediately gave him a bad feeling.

Princess Celestia: He was ultimately overthrown, turned to shadow, and banished to the ice of the arctic north. But not before he was able to put a curse upon the Empire. A curse that caused it to vanish into thin air.

Both Twilight and (Y/N) were befuddled by this as they kept on looking and listening. The image then vanishes as Celestia just explained and both (Y/N) and Twilight shut their eyes against the brightness, while Celestia levitates the gem up toward the ceiling.

Princess Celestia: If the Empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected across all of Equestria.

She hits the gem with a beam and a rainbow of colors washes over the room. Twilight and (Y/N) look at that reaction with beaming smiles before the latter get's a concerned look.

(Y/N): And. . . if there's hatred and fear?

Princess Celestia exhales as her eyes go the same lurid green as Sombra's whites, emitting their purple haze as well, and a beam of the latter color lances upward from her horn as the lights dim and go gray. When the energy hits the crystal, it takes on the unhealthy gray hue seen in the playback and its shadow stretches across the floor to stop a short distance away from Twilight and (Y/N). As they watch, dumbfounded, a formation of jagged gray crystals springs up from the point; two others sprout as well to hem them in. Celestia then uses her normal magic again to shatter the barricade and restore the lights, then settles onto her hooves.

Princess Celestia: Which is why I need your help finding a way to protect it.

Twilight Sparkle: You want us to help protect an entire empire?

Princess Celestia: It is, as I said, a different kind of test. But one I'm certain that you two will pass.

Twilight looks down with a worried look on her face on how this will go for her, but not until (Y/N) wraps one of his forelegs around her prompting her to look at him. He gives her a reassuring smile which made her feel better a little bit as she blushed at being close to (Y/N) before making it go away and they both give Princess Celestia a determined look.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): How do we begin?

Princess Celestia: By joining Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire.

Twilight smiles from that.

Twilight Sparkle: My brother is there?

Princess Celestia: He is. And your Ponyville friends will join you there as well. I have every confidence that you two will succeed.

(Y/N): I know for a fact that it won't be a cakewalk, but that won't stop me from helping to save Equestria. First, saving Luna from being Nightmare Moon, stopping a chaotic beast, then a foxy changeling, and now we're about to save an entire kingdom from a dark king. It's for us to show that we're more than capable to save Equestria from some wicked king!

Princess Celestia: That's excellent to hear, (Y/N). When you two succeed, Twilight, I'll know you are ready to move on to the next level of your studies and (Y/N), I'll know you are more than capable to fulfill the destiny that you uphold from your mother.

As they both walk out of the throne room, Twilight glances off toward Luna, who aims a searching, half-distrustful stare down that causes her to wilt noticeably.

Twilight Sparkle: But what if I fail?

Princess Celestia: You won't.

Twilight Sparkle: But what if-

(Y/N) then speaks up which made Twilight look at him still a little downtrodden.

(Y/N): Don't stress Twi. Sure, this may be a challenge that we'll have to face, but we have each other. I'm going to make sure that we don't fail cause I'm going to stay right by your side this entire time, as your best friend.

Twilight smiles a little at (Y/N)'s resolve and blushes mildly as well until Princess Celestia speaks up.

Princess Celestia: And that is also why it must be you two and you two as a pair who will ultimately assists Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in doing what needs to be done to protect the Empire. Do you understand?

Both Twilight and (Y/N) smile firmly and nod from that question.

Princess Celestia: Then go. There is no time to lose.

Princess Celestia then shuts the doors closed leaving Twilight and (Y/N) alone. Twilight frowns a bit which (Y/N) notices as he gives a sympathetic look and walks in front of her before putting a hoof on her shoulder.

(Y/N): I know you're worried about failing, but you can't let it get into your head. I mean. . . there are some things that even I don't know what are to come or if we're capable of surpassing it, but I do know this. . .

Twilight looks up at (Y/N) straight in the eyes still with a slight frown.

(Y/N): I just want the two of us to stick together on this journey. I've known you for a really long time Twilight, and I'm not ready to see the smartest friend that I know think that she can't handle a test that involves an entire kingdom. We, and I definitely mean WE are not going to fail this, okay?

Twilight looks deep into (Y/N)'s eyes and gives a slight nervous smile before she nods. (Y/N) then gestures for both of them to exit the castle as they walk out and go down the steps where Spike was waiting for her.

Spike: Ah! Twilight! That was fast! Let me guess, you got a perfect score?

Twilight doesn't respond to that and she walks off silently. (Y/N) could feel her nervous expression as he just sighs at her.

Spike: A-minus? B-plus. . .?

She stops a few steps away from Spike and he voices a shocked little grunt.

Spike: *gasps* Twilight, did you. . .  fail?

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ I was prepared to do my best ♪

♪ Thought I could handle any test ♪

Spike and (Y/N) run towards her to follow her as she continues to sing.

♪ For I can do so many tricks ♪

♪ But I wasn't prepared for this ♪

In a busy street in Canterlot, the three approach a café as a waiter serves tea to a customer. Both are then surprised to see the pot and cup float up under Twilight's control and the pot pour out.

♪ Levitation would have been a breeze ♪

♪ Facts and figures I recite with ease ♪

The square root of five hundred and forty-six is twenty-three point three six six six four two eight nine one zero nine.

Professor Bill Neigh: She is correct!

Twilight then sweeps a dumbfounded Spike up in her forelegs and spins him around while standing on her hind ones.

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ I could ace a quiz on friendship's bliss ♪

♪ But I wasn't prepared for this ♪

She drops him and gallops at a parapet and gazes over the landscape spread before her. The wind picks up, blowing her mane and tail out ahead of her. (Y/N) walks up beside her and wraps her in a one-hoof hug which makes her blush as Twilight nuzzles his cheek.

♪ Will I fail, or will I pass? ♪

♪ I can't be sure. . . ♪

Spike: ♪ She can't be sure. . . ♪

Turning away and breaking the small hug, she reaches a small stream and deftly teleports from one lily pad to another along its surface.

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ My mind is sharp, my skills intact ♪

♪ My heart is pure. . . ♪

Spike: ♪ Her heart is pure. . . ♪

At a street corner, Twilight capers as Spike and (Y/N) do the same right behind her.

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ Oh, I've taken my share of licks ♪

♪ I've made it through the thin and thick ♪

♪ But no I wasn't ♪

Spike: ♪ Oh no, she wasn't ♪

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ Oh no, I wasn't ♪

Spike: ♪ Oh no, she wasn't ♪

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ No, I wasn't ♪

Twilight Sparkle & Spike: ♪ Prepared. . . for this! ♪

Twilight still very melancholy trudges onto the platform at the train station with (Y/N) right beside her trying to comfort her. Spike hurries to catch up, then stops short.

Spike: Uh, prepared for what exactly?

Before she could respond, she along with (Y/N) hear their friends' voices as they were waiting on the platform for them.

Applejack: Twilight! (Y/N)!

One cheerful leap brings her close enough to clap a foreleg across the unicorn's shoulders.

Applejack: Did y'all pass?

Pinkie then comes from the train to grasp onto (Y/N) and hug him tightly.

Pinkie Pie: Are we gonna celebrate you guys' awesomeness with Princess Celestia?

Pinkie get's off of (Y/N) as she pulls out her party cannon and the artillery goes off in a burst of confetti and streamers, and she jumps up to hang in midair.

Twilight Sparkle: Not quite.

The pink pony drops back to the planks and the discharge sucks itself back up into the cannon, whose barrel swings down again.

(Y/N): Buckle up girls! We're going to the Crystal Empire!

Mane 5: Huh?

Rainbow Dash: Crystal what?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh right, you haven't heard of it. I guess we'll explain everything on our way there.

It was now very snowy as the Mane 7 were on their way to the Crystal Empire in the artic north of Equestria. The took the safest and quickest mode of transportation which was the train and both Twilight and (Y/N) explained to them along the way what their real test is and what the Crystal Empire is too. The rest of the gang were very surprised to hear about a vanishing city, but they knew that since their two friends are going, then they are going to accompany them as well. The train eventually comes to a stop at a station. The Mane 7 open the doors and emerge reluctantly, with all but Rarity hunching or shielding themselves against the cold.

(Y/N): This is a pretty cold place for an empire.

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, it's said that the Crystal Empire is protected from the weather. I don't know where though.

Rarity then emerges with a white-trimmed pink scarf around her neck and a very smug look on her face.

Rarity: Ha! And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves.

She steps off, followed by Spike who has drawn the thankless job of toting the huge stack of her full-to-bursting luggage.

Spike: *grunts* I didn't say a word.

He then slips, dumping the lot onto the platform. One big case bursts open and several scarves flutter away in the wind as Spike chases after them.

???: Twilight!

Twilight Sparkle: Shining Armor?

Her older brother emerges from the haze of snow and fog, clad in a thick gray scarf hiked up to cover his mouth and a matching pair of goggles with slits cut for his eyes. He uncovers his face with a hoof and a bit of magic.

Shining Armor: Twily! You made it!

They gallop toward each other and embrace, but only for a moment. (Y/N) then flies up to greet Shining Armor as well.

(Y/N): Shining Armor. Long time, no see.

Shining Armor: Likewise. It's great to see you again, (Y/N).

(Y/N): So. . . where's the Crystal Empire?

Shining Armor: It's not too far away from here, but we better get moving. There are things out here we really don't want to run into after dark.

Fluttershy gulps and glances nervously toward Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy: What kind of things?

Shining Armor: Let's just say the Empire. . . isn't the only thing that's returned.

(Y/N): King Sombra, I'm guessing?

Shining Armor: Right, we need to go before he finds out that we're here.

The Mane 7 were now walking through the snow with Shining Armor walking point.

Shining Armor: Something keeps trying to get in! We think it's King Sombra, who originally cursed the place.

Twilight Sparkle: But Princess Celestia said we were being sent here to find a way to protect the Empire! If King Sombra can't get in, then it must already be protected.

As they keep walking forward, (Y/N) gasped and suddenly fell to the ground holding his head making the others concerned.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), what's wrong?

(Y/N): He's. . . coming. I can sense his energy! We need to move!

The wind chooses this moment to sound off, a sepulchral moan that stops them all cold.

Fluttershy: *gasps* Th-That's him, isn't it?

Shining Armor: We have to get to the Crystal Empire! Now!

Behind the group they look to see, a pillar of dark gray murk erupts from the ground, darkening to black and emitting a low growl as Sombra's red, violet-fuming eyes open within it.

(Y/N): RUN!!!

Everypony does that except for Spike as he is paralyzed with fear and finds himself being levitated away by Shining Armor. Rarity's luggage hits the deck, forgotten, and all nine get moving with Rainbow and (Y/N) flying and the rest on leg-power. Twilight risks a quick backward glance, then scoops Spike up with her head so that he lands on her back.

Twilight Sparkle: Go! Go!

Sombra's shadow closes in as everypony runs, but soon enough they could see something some light in the distance that looks to be a light blue dome.

Shining Armor: Almost there!

(Y/N) looks behind him to see Sombra's shadow getting closer and closer to the group. He knew that he couldn't just let him catch up, so he made the reckless decision as he glares at Sombra before stopping in his tracks to face back at him. Twilight turns around and notices this before her eyes pop wide open and she gasps.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! What are you doing?!

(Y/N): Buying you all time! Go! I'll handle Sombra!

Twilight was shocked with worry from that as she turns to him.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), no! You'll get yourself killed!

(Y/N): I'll be fine, I promise! Get out of here!!

Twilight reluctantly backs up away before Shining Armor places a hoof on her shoulder.

Shining Armor: I'll back him up. What matters more is that you get into the Crystal Empire safe and sound.

Twilight looks down from that before Spike speaks up.

Spike: Twilight, we really need to run NOW!

Shining Armor: He's right! Go Twily! We'll be fine!

Twilight then gives a nod as she turns and runs to join her friends in entering the Crystal Empire. She joins the rest of the mares galloping toward the dome and before she enters she turns her head to see (Y/N) and Shining Armor facing Sombra one last time as she couldn't help but worry for them. The mares along with Spike then all enter the dome into the Crystal Empire to escape King Sombra.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) and Shining Armor face off against King Sombra as they glare at his shadow facing over them with determined looks.

Shining Armor and (Y/N) fires beams from their horns at Sombra, but he easily splits his insubstantial form to avoid the shots and dives down at them. They both then try and shield themselves for what impact they might feel from the attack. However, it was different. . .

When they both open their eyes they find themselves surrounded by shadows and they couldn't see anything else around them, but the ground and each other as the both were just surprised especially (Y/N).

(Y/N): (This is exactly what I saw inside of my dream.)

Shining Armor: (Y/N), be on your guard. We don't know what he's planning.

(Y/N): Don't have to tell me twice.

King Sombra: *chuckles evilly*

(Y/N): King Sombra!

King Sombra: *whispers* (Y/N). . . (L/N). . .

(Y/N): *mumbles* Yep, definitely the same type of thing except this time he will jump out at me.

Both (Y/N) and Shining Armor stand back to back looking around for anything abnormal that Sombra might do in order to attack them. They both glowed their horns with their guard up and slowly walked in clockwise directions to look all around.

Suddenly, a growl was heard in a direction to which (Y/N) heard and it made him flinch a little. Shining Armor heard a growl in another direction and looks towards it to see if anything may happen.

(Y/N): It's all shadows. There's no telling what he'll do next.

Shining Armor: I know. Just keep watching till you see something happen.

(Y/N) nods from that he looks all around to find if the shadows might make a move. He then looks towards one specific spot in where the shadows are and notices that it's sticking out more than the rest. (Y/N) was confused by this at first before he goes wide-eyed at what he thinks is about to happen and his deduction was correct.

The shadow immediately shoots itself at the two and (Y/N) yells.

(Y/N): JUMP!

Shining Armor hears that as they both jump out of the way from a shadow that was about to attack them and it instead dissolves on the floor. (Y/N) does a side-flip to avoid another one. King Sombra's evil laugh then could be heard as they both look up.

King Sombra: *laughs evilly*

(Y/N): Sombra! Come out you coward!

King Sombra: *laughs evilly and whispers* Sink into the darkness!

Both (Y/N) and Shining Armor then turn in one direction to see a ton of glowing green eyes all over and they just looked at that shocked as this was not expected.

The eyes then all glowed even more as they looked like they were charging up something and the two ponies could tell what their planning next as they looked at each other with the same idea.

(Y/N) & Shining Armor: SCATTER!

Both Shining Armor and (Y/N) ran in different directions to then immediately evade a laser attack by King Sombra. They kept on running as a ton of lasers chased them around the shadowy dome that they were in. (Y/N) then slides under a laser that nearly knocked his head off while Shining Armor puts up a shield to make the laser deflect off.

(Y/N) flies to try and attack one of the eyes that glowed and was shooting lasers at both of them, but when he does, it instantly disappears and instead a shadow takes one of his rear legs and slams him to the ground.

King Sombra: *chuckles and whispers* Such foolishness.

Shining Armor then fires a magic blast from his horn at another area of the shadows which didn't even do squat as instead a crystal comes up from the ground hitting Shining Armor in the face and knocking him back a bit.

(Y/N) then tries to take out multiple shadows at once by slamming his hoof down into the ground and make a magic geyser emerge from the snow. An explosion happened in front of him and he tries to see if that did any damage to Sombra's shadows, but it didn't even do anything as they all just regenerated.

(Y/N): None of our attacks are penetrating Sombra at all.

Shining Armor: I guess that's what we get for coming across a unicorn king like this one.

(Y/N): Don't fret yet. There's always a weakness within them. We just have to find it.

King Sombra: *whispers* Go ahead and try.

(Y/N) then looks down at his own shadow to see a green eye pop up from it which startles him just a little.

King Sombra: *whispers* I'm like your own shadow. You can't tell what I'm doing and you can't touch me.

Shining Armor: We'll see about that!

Shining Armor fires a laser at (Y/N)'s shadow which doesn't do anything to it as Sombra just laughs once again.

(Y/N) then flies up and puts some energy into his hoof before swiping it horizontally at the shadows around them and all it does is just make a brief line of opening before regenerating once again.

King Sombra: *whispers* It doesn't matter how many shadows you put out. They'll always come up like a nightmare.

(Y/N): These shadows that he's controlling. . . I've got to figure out the main source of what puts them out.

(Y/N) then notices a crystal about to launch under him and he immediately dodges to the side as the crystal grows. (Y/N) then puts energy in his hoof and punches the crystal to smash it into pieces.

(Y/N): Shining Armor! You've got any ideas on how to put these out?

Shining Armor: Clueless!

Shining Armor just fires his horn at a crystal that comes up from the ground and it reflects back at him, but he was able to dodge his own beam just in time.

Shining Armor: For all I know every time we fire magic at them, they just disappear before reappearing.

(Y/N) thinks about what Shining Armor just said as he looks down at his own shadow once more as another green eye appears on it. (Y/N) then makes his eyes glow (F/C) for a second and something happened.

The shadows all blinked out for a second showing a little bit of all of the artic snow around. (Y/N) was surprised by this and get's an idea as he turns to Shining Armor.

(Y/N): Hey, Shining Armor!

Shining Armor blasts magic at a shadow before turning to (Y/N).

Shining Armor: What is it?

(Y/N): I've got a plan on how to take all of these shadows out. Only I can do it, but I'll need you to cover me and buy me some time.

Shining Armor smiles and nods and runs up to (Y/N) to shield him from any attacks that Sombra might pull. (Y/N) then takes a deep breath as he crouches down to the ground to concentrate.

Shining Armor notices a shadow rocketing towards them and he instantly put up a shield to make it deflect off. A crystal then grows out of the ground and Shining Armor fires his horn at them, only to see them reflect off of each other into the shadows.

Shining Armor: Hurry up, (Y/N)! Sombra looks like he's getting ready to do something!

(Y/N): Hang tight for just a little bit longer!

A shadow then comes out of hiding and forms itself into a regular sized pony that then charges at Shining Armor and puts up a shield to try and block it and although it worked, it caused his shield to instantly break and nearly slips backwards.

Shining Armor: He just doesn't give us a break!

A green glowing eye then shoots a laser at Shining Armor and he dodges to the side as he knew that one wouldn't be to hit either him or (Y/N). He then fires a magic beam from his horn at it making it disappear back into the shadows. King Sombra then chuckles as he makes another crystal emerge from the ground to close Shining Armor in which worries him.

Shining Armor: (Y/N)! I can't hold him back for much longer!

(Y/N): Don't worry, I just need one more second!

Shining Armor then puts up a shield around both of them as the crystals started to poke Shining Armor's shield with the pointed edges and they were trying to get inside. Shining Armor grunts as he struggles to hold back the crystals that are trying to break into his shield. He turns to (Y/N) worriedly.

Shining Armor: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Okay. . . I need you to let go of your shield right about. . . . . . NOW!

Shining Armor let's down his shield and (Y/N) opens up his eyes as they glowed (F/C) immensely and his entire body glowed as well. He let out a burst of magic energy all around and it made all of the shadows in the area disappear in his vision.

King Sombra: What!? (Y/N)! You're. . .!?

Shining Armor: It doesn't look like anything has happened. All of the crystals have gone out, but the shadows are still around.

(Y/N): My magic apparently allows only me to see clearly around the area, so with energy all around me, I can see through the shadows.

(Y/N) then notices somepony emerge from the ground in dark, black energy and he could definitely tell who showing his face now.

(Y/N): And I can clearly see "him" now.

The pony that emerges from the ground revealed themselves out of the smoke to be a unicorn pony with a dark gray coat, grayish sap green eyes with deep scarlet pupils, a black mane and tail that flowed, his horn was dark red, he was wearing silver armor and a crown, and finally a red cape on his back.

King Sombra: I knew you were the legendary male alicorn from the moment I saw you!

(Y/N): Well, hello to you as well! Enough with the introductions though!

King Sombra: Agreed.

King Sombra fires a laser at (Y/N) which he was able to evade with no problem. He then teleports instantly in front of Sombra flying and he hits him with a flurry of kicks to the face.

King Sombra: Gah!

(Y/N) hits Sombra with one more kick knocking him back and Sombra growls as he teleports himself behind (Y/N) to then glow his horn to make some crystals emerge instantly from the ground and try to surround (Y/N), but (Y/N) retaliates to this by putting some energy in his rear leg and does a leg sweep in 360 degrees to make all of the crystals break. When (Y/N) looks back toward Sombra however, he was gone.

King Sombra: *chuckles evilly* Looking for me?

(Y/N) looks behind him to see three King Sombra's smiling evilly at him and charging up magic beams. (Y/N) then jumps up and fires a magic blast from his horn down at the one on the left and it just goes through it. The fake one that (Y/N) just shot a magic blast at then fires it's own blast back at him which (Y/N) just swats away with one of his hooves.

(Y/N) then get's an idea and charges up some magic energy into his horn before firing a magic beam that when it was fired, it was in the shape of a spear. Once it hit the ground, it exploded upon impact and the real King Sombra who was actually the one on the right get's knocked back from the explosion and lands on all four of his hooves.

King Sombra: You're just a nuisance, alicorn.

King Sombra fires another laser at (Y/N) which he puts up a shield to block.

(Y/N): Yeah, a nuisance that's the son of a goddess-like alicorn mare.

King Sombra then teleports in front of (Y/N) to try and attack him by a punch, but he was prepared for that as he used a new ability that he had on him.

He quickly evades to the right to make King Sombra punch a clone of him and the clone fades before (Y/N) kicks King Sombra on the side knocking him to the ground.

(Y/N): Just a little bit of adaptation is all it took to use that spell.

(End Music Here)

(Y/N) then walks up to King Sombra who slowly got up from the ground and glares at (Y/N).

(Y/N): Alright, start talking. How do you know my name?

King Sombra gives an evil smirk from that as he chuckles sinisterly and walks around (Y/N). (Y/N) kept his eyes trained on him with a serious look in case he tried anything else.

King Sombra: I know you. . . (Y/N) (L/N). Before you were created into this world. . . what do you think happened?

(Y/N) continues to glare down at Sombra as he continues to listen to his story.

King Sombra: Being one of the first alicorns to ever exist in Equestria is a legendary thing and many ponies on Equestria knew that. (M/N) wasn't the only thing that was born in Equestria. . . you see. . . in my words, every light emits some darkness. Whenever the sun shines, there will always be a shadow.

(Y/N): What do you mean? Are you saying that. . . there was a dark side of the world that long ago?

King Sombra: *chuckles evilly* You could say that. I'm not what you would call a. . . normal pony like yourself (Y/N) or even that other unicorn over there.

(Y/N) takes a look at Shining Armor who couldn't see Sombra, but he could tell that (Y/N) was talking to him.

(Y/N): What are you then?

King Sombra: Thousands of years ago, your mother was destined along with Gusty the Great to vanquish all of the living monsters in Equestria. One of those species of monsters was called. . . the Umbrum. Which is what I am. You could even call me a pony that is made of darkness and shadows.

(Y/N): Umbrum?

King Sombra: Correct. They were ultimately vanquished by your fool of a mother.

(Y/N) growls a little from that.

King Sombra: But one did remain and went into hiding, and that one Umbrum. . . was myself. I was wanting revenge on your stupid parent for destroying my race, but I was too late as she went through that portal and to a different world with you. So I thought that if I couldn't get my revenge, then I would create my own army. And that's what led me to conquering the Crystal Empire.

(Y/N): You're a dark monster, you know that?

King Sombra: *chuckles* I'm just trying to let all of the Umbrum grow. I almost succeeded until both of those princesses overthrew me from my thrown and banished into the cold ice. I couldn't come back and I made the Crystal Empire disappear until I return from my prison. Now that I'm free, I'll not only take back the Crystal Empire. . . but I'll give you a one way ticket to oblivion.

(Y/N) deepens his glare at Sombra angrily.

(Y/N): Not gonna happen! My allies like Shining Armor here are going to make sure that don't enslave those Crystal ponies!

King Sombra: Enslave? I'm just saving my entire race.

(Y/N): Don't try and talk like you're the better pony here! You have no lust for revenge or reconciliation! You only crave enslavement of peaceful lives and destruction for all of Equestria!

King Sombra: Hmph!

Shining Armor then steps up right beside (Y/N) and although he couldn't see Sombra, he spoke anyway.

Shining Armor: (Y/N)'s the real deal of saving all of Equestria, Sombra, so if you want to challenge him and let alone us. . . then you've got another thing coming.

King Sombra then chuckles evilly confusing the two.

King Sombra: It truly is a pity, (Y/N) (L/N). A pity that you wish to defy me!

(Y/N)'s aura then dies down which he notices and gasps meaning that he ran out of power.

(Y/N): What?! No! Not now!

Shining Armor and (Y/N) were now surrounded by shadows once again and King Sombra spoke in his creepy whisper around the two.

King Sombra: *whispers* You two have wasted enough of my time. Now, it is the time that we end this little chat of ours.

Shining Armor then looks to a direction to see a bunch of shadows dart towards them.

Shining Armor: (Y/N)! WATCH OUT!

Shining Armor immediately stands in front of (Y/N) which surprises him and he puts up a shield, but unfortunately that wasn't enough as the shadows penetrated Shining's shield and they both were knocked out of the shadow dome flying through the air towards the light dome of the Crystal Empire.

Inside of the dome of the Crystal Empire, the Mane 6 and Spike were looking with nervous looks towards the outside of the empire.

Fluttershy: Oh, I hope (Y/N) and Shining Armor are okay.

Rarity: They've been out there fighting Sombra for awhile now. I hope they didn't do anything reckless.

Rainbow Dash: Come on you guys. It's (Y/N). Being the hero is what he's got to do. I'm sure he'll be fine.

Twilight then looks hard of the force field for a second before going wide-eyed for what she sees approaching them.

Twilight Sparkle: I think I see them!

Pinkie Pie: Really?!

Twilight Sparkle: Yes! They're. . . falling? Uh oh. Everypony back up.

The Mane 6 and Spike do just that as a second later, (Y/N) and Shining Armor enter the dome and fell flat on their stomachs after the whole catastrophe that they just went through. Pinkie immediately rushes up to (Y/N) and picks him up to hug him tight.

Pinkie Pie: Yay! (Y/N)'s here!

(Y/N) smiles and blushes a little from the hug as Pinkie let's go of him to let him stand on all four of his hooves.

(Y/N): Hey, girls.

Applejack: (Y/N), that was so reckless of ya! We're glad y'all are alright, but still try not to engage like that next time alright sugarcube?

(Y/N): Yeah, sorry if I made you girls worry. I just couldn't allow Sombra to even hurt the coat on any of you since I care about you girls a million.

The Mane 6 all blush from that for a little bit before Twilight notices something on Shining Armor and it made her gasp.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, no! Shining Armor, your horn!

(Y/N) notices it as well and walks up to him.

(Y/N): Dang, Sombra must have planned to do that to me when he got the chance, but it got you instead. Sorry, Shining Armor.

Shining Armor: It's alright. I'm still in one piece and everypony's safe. That's all that I'm fine with right now.

(Y/N): I guess that takes care of that then.

(Y/N), Twilight, and Shining Armor then turn to the rest of the Mane 7 who were gazing out at what they were seeing in the distance, and it was the Crystal Empire which shines brightly from afar. It was surrounded by buildings fashioned from crystals of various hues, it glows brightly under the peaceful sky.

Pinkie Pie: Sparkleriffic!

The group is now walking along a broad avenue paved with mirror-smooth crystal and proceeding toward the castle and Rarity was just admiring the looks of everything around the empire.

(Y/N): So this is why they call it the "Crystal" Empire. Almost everything around just shines bright like a diamond.

Rarity: It's gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!

Rarity gibbers blissfully for a moment before having stars in eyes of all of the shiny objects around.

Rarity: There are no words!

Applejack interrupts her excited gazing when she places a hoof on her shoulder.

Applejack: Focus, Rarity. We're here to help Twilight and (Y/N), not admire the scenery.

Rainbow Dash: Eh, I don't see what the big deal is. Just looks like another old castle to me.

Rarity was surprised by that statement and get's up in her face.

Rarity: *sputters* Another old. . .!? Have you lost your mind? Look at the magni-

Rainbow Dash snickers in response, joined by Applejack, and the two give each other a hoof bump at teasing Rarity a little and she just gives a sheepish smile in response.

Rarity: Very funny.

The group has now reached a flight of steps leading up to the castle entrance as they all enter.

Once they all reached the throne room, they all see Princess Cadance slumping over with a weary look on her face. She has her horn going steadily, its glow a perfect match for the barrier that the group passed through to get here, and her head droops a bit before the Mane 7 enter. Twilight immediately runs up to Cadance with (Y/N) walking right behind her.

Twilight Sparkle: Cadance!

Cadance's face brightens instantly, and the sisters-in-law meet to do their usual dance with each other.

Twilight Sparkle & Princess Cadance: ♪ Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake! ♪

They both giggled, but that is broken off when Cadance suffers a brief spasm and the blue sky outside momentarily flickers back to the slate-gray of the surrounding blizzard which (Y/N) does not fail to notice.

Princess Cadance: One of these days we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you okay?

(Y/N): I noticed that you look very tired and also I saw that the sky faded out to where the blizzard for a moment. Is everything alright?

Princess Cadance: *sighs* Not entirely.

Shining Armor then steps up beside her.

Shining Armor: Cadance has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting it. But she hasn't slept, barely eats. I want to help her, but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra.

Princess Cadance: It's alright Shining Armor, I'm fine.

(Y/N): You don't look fine to us.

Shining Armor: She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade. . . Well, (Y/N) and I experienced what's out there waiting for that to happen.

Twilight Sparkle: That's why we're here.

Applejack: Why we're all here.

Mane 6: Mm-hmm.

The rest of the mares and Spike walk up to group up with the rest to show that they were wanting to help as well.

Shining Armor: Well, with Cadance putting all her strength into keeping her spell going, and me trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies.

Hearing those two last words, Rarity snaps up to her hind legs with her front hooves on her cheeks full of excitement.

Rarity: Crystal Ponies?! Hahaha, there are Crystal Ponies?!

(Y/N) glares at Rarity to tell that now is not the time and she immediately calms down with a sheepish smile.

Rarity: Um, ahem. Please continue.

(Y/N): Information for what exactly?

Shining Armor: We believe that one of them knows how we can protect the Empire without having to use Cadance's magic.

(Y/N) then turns to Twilight with a serious look.

(Y/N): This must be part of our test, but how can we get store information from everypony around?

Twilight looks up in the air and thinks to herself before getting an idea.

Twilight Sparkle: A research paper!

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow from that as Twilight get's excited herself.

Twilight Sparkle: We can gather information from the Crystal Ponies and deliver it to Shining Armor! This is gonna be great! I love research papers!

Rainbow Dash: *sarcastically* Yeah, who doesn't?

Pinkie Pie: Oh-oh-oh! Lemme guess!

She then zips away and grabs Spike.

Pinkie Pie: Is it Spike?

She then drops him to grab and pull in two of her other guesses.

Pinkie Pie: Nono, Fluttershy! Rarity?

(Y/N) sighs and rolls his eyes.

(Y/N): Classic Pinkie Pie.

He then turns back to Shining Armor and Cadance with a determined look.

(Y/N): Don't worry you two, we'll try our best to see if anypony knows anything about protecting the Crystal Empire. Twilight is really good at research and gathering information. If I known her for so long, then I would say that she's the most "adorkable" pony I know.

Twilight giggles and blushes a little in embarrassment from that and the other mares of the Mane 7 felt jealous at (Y/N) giving Twilight a witty compliment. Both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance looked at each other with smirks with the same thoughts in their minds.

Shining Armor & Princess Cadance: (Yeah, they're definitely in love with each other.)

Soon enough, (Y/N), Twilight, and Spike, were outside in the town of the Crystal Empire going from door to door asking the Crystal ponies of the town if they know anything about protecting the entire empire. However, they're research was going at a very slow pace as they were up a door speaking to a Crystal pony named Autumn Gem. Her voice and drooping ears broadcast listlessness loud and clear. The dull colors and limp ears, manes, and voices will be shared by all residents until further notice.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you sure? Absolutely sure?

Autumn Gem: I'm sorry. I wish I could help you. But I. . . can't seem to remember anything before King Sombra came to power.

When she said his name, the said king's narrowed eyes superimpose themselves briefly over the scene, causing her to wince and pop her eyes wide for a moment.

Autumn Gem: And I don't want to remember anything about the time he ruled over us. *shudders*

(Y/N): *whispers* I can sense that King Sombra not only affected the Crystal ponies physically, but emotionally as well. It also must be why their crystal bodies are. . . dim.

Autumn Gem: Have we really been gone a thousand years?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes.

Autumn Gem: It feels like it was just yesterday.

Twilight Sparkle: If you think of anything, even the smallest thing. . .

(Y/N): . . .We'll be all ears.

Autumn Gem: Of course.

The mare then backs into her house and closes the door and the trio descend the stoop.

Spike: Well, that was a total bust.

Twilight Sparkle: Maybe the others are having better luck.

(Y/N): With how we've seen the ponies of this place so far. . . it will probably be a needle in a haystack situation.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was in another street and haranguing a mare to try and force some knowledge in her.

Rainbow Dash: A way to protect the Empire! You know anything about it or what?

Fleur De Verre: I wish I could help you. Really.

She trudges away very weary, but the impatient Pegasus glares after her and speeds ahead to cut her off.

Rainbow Dash: Hold on! You gotta know something!

Fleur De Verre: But. . . I don't have any information.

Rainbow Dash claps a disgusted hoof to her own face irritated from that.

At another street, Fluttershy was also trying to see if she could get any information at all from the ponies, but due to her quiet voice no one could even turn to her attention.

Fluttershy: Oh, um. Excuse me! Oh! Hello! Umm, I was just wondering. . .

Nopony pays her any mind, so she turns her attention to a mare and stallion slumped over a table at a café across the street. Suddenly irked, she marches over, hovers in front of the table, raises a hoof as if to strike them and then goes right back to her usual timid self.

Fluttershy: Oh, oh, that's okay, um, you all look really busy. *laughs nervously*

Her nervous little laugh is immediately followed by the leaping arrival of Pinkie, who bounds up toward a rooftop. She has donned a dark gray sweater and a matching hood that leaves only her eyes, ears, and part of her mane exposed, and a pair of goggles rests on her forehead.

Pinkie Pie: Time to gather some intel.

She then slips over the edge while holding onto a rope so she can rappel down.

A mare and a stallion where gazing out at the castle with downtrodden looks.

Elbow Grease: It just feels like something is missing.

Night Knight: I know. It looks the same, but it doesn't feel the same.

Pinkie Pie: *whispers* Because it isn't.

She descends into view, hanging upside down from her rope and both of the ponies gasp.

Elbow Grease: A spy!

They bail out as Pinkie falls loose with a scream and thuds to the street. She gets up in time to see them gallop away.

Pinkie Pie: A spy? How did they know? Ah! Must have noticed my night vision goggles.

She flips them down over her eyes at the end of that.

Pinkie Pie: Ooh! Night vision-y!

However, she starts to bound away and runs flat into a crystal lamppost, knocking herself out due to the night vision goggles not being good for daytime use.

Meanwhile, Rarity was now trotting down a street with every part of her body now translucent and sparkling, with contours to suggest facets of a crystal sculpture. After a few steps, she stops and tosses her head with a cheerful little hum. The curl that normally hangs down past her head is bound up behind it, and she has added a pair of long, dangling earrings.

Rarity: Hm-hm-hmmm. And when you flip your mane, it simply must create a rainbow of color.

However, that was all a fantasy as back in the reality, Rarity was just fantasizing of how she would look if she was a crystal pony. The real crystal ponies around just stare at her awkwardly.

Rarity: Oh! Wouldn't I look just magnificent? So sparkly!

She giggles to herself, so lost in the makeover idea that she does not even notice the ponies bailing out on her.

Back at the center of the empire, the Mane 7 and Spike decide to rendezvous there as they all regroup.

(Y/N): Has anypony got even the tiniest of information around the town?

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* I got nothing so far.

Rarity: Oh, me neither.

Now Fluttershy joins the gathering, all the while glancing warily over her shoulder. The yellow Pegasus surprises Twilight, (Y/N), and Spike by unzipping her own skin to reveal Pinkie underneath, now out of her spy gear. She lets the disguise crumple to the ground and leans close to (Y/N).

Pinkie Pie: My cover has been blown. I repeat, my cover has been blown!

She then zips away leaving the others confused from that.

(Y/N): Well, her disguise is definitely not solid snake.

The real Fluttershy followed by Applejack comes in as the former panicking for a moment as she steps onto Pinkie's discarded outfit.

Applejack: Sorry, y'all. These crystal ponies seem to have some kinda collective amnesia or somethin'. Only thing I was able to get out of 'em was somethin' about a library.

Twilight reacts to that as if she had just got a birthday present at hearing the word "library." (Y/N) smirks at Twilight knowing she loves books that much.

(Y/N): Here we go. . .

Twilight Sparkle: A library? Well, why didn't you say so?!

Applejack: Uh. . . thought I just did.

Twilight immediately runs off with the rest following after her.

The Mane 7 then arrive at the said library as they all walk up the stairs to then enter the library. Once they were all inside, they see an entire corridor and staircases full of books that belonged to the Crystal Empire and Twilight gasps as she was so excited at seeing so many books in her life.

Twilight Sparkle: I just. . . I don't even know what to. . . There are no words.

(Y/N) smiles and shakes his head.

(Y/N): *sighs* As I said, an adorkable bookworm.

A mare is then heard clearing her throat as they all turned to where it came from to see an elderly mare that looked to be the librarian of the place.

Amethyst Maresbury: May I help you?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes. We're looking for a book.

Amethyst Maresbury: We have plenty of those.

Twilight Sparkle: *awestruck* You do. You really do.

She kept turning herself in place gawking at the entire library before (Y/N) forced her to stop.

(Y/N): We're actually looking for a book that talks about the history of the Crystal Empire. Something that may used to have protected it?

Amethyst Maresbury: Yes. Of course. History, history. . . Ah, yes.

Everypony perks up from that as the mare just keeping giving her polite smile at all of them. A few seconds pass as she didn't say a word which made (Y/N) confused.

(Y/N): Um. . . aren't you going to show us?

She then get's a conflicted look on her face.

Amethyst Maresbury: I. . . I can't seem to remember. I'm not sure I actually work here.

Rainbow Dash then facehoofs from that with a frustrated groan.

Twilight Sparkle: We'll just take a look around. I'm sure we can find it on our own.

Amethyst Maresbury: Let me know if you find anything.

Pinkie simply stares at her for second as she walks away.

Pinkie Pie: I like her!

Everypony then scatters across the entire library to see if they can find the book that they're looking for. Rarity and Pinkie inspect the shelves the former walking their length, the latter sitting on her haunches amid stacked books.

At another section, Rainbow Dash was standing at the top of a ladder. She gestures down by shifting the ladder to the side a bit and down below a buck from Applejack sends the ladder rolling along so Rainbow can sweep a shelf clean. She whips past Fluttershy, blowing the pink mane and tail sideways without disturbing that Pegasus' concentration a bit. The books from the shelf fall in a row behind her.

Pinkie does a series of impossibly high jumps to retrieve volumes from the topmost shelves, crossing the library in less than a second. Elsewhere, a fatigued Rarity yawns as Spike roots around in the books stacked up nearby. He shows her one, then another, but gets no approval. Applejack noses the top two books off a stack of three and regards the bottom one skeptically.

Applejack: Uh, anyone else startin' to think this is a lost cause?

Meanwhile, (Y/N) has a steady stream of levitated books moving past Twilight and is sending one after another onto a huge pile of rejects.

Twilight Sparkle: No, no, no, no, no. . .

However one cover grabs her attention, seizing this tome from the line of books that (Y/N) was levitating.

(Y/N): Did you find it?

Twilight reads the cover before getting an excited look on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: Yes!

(Y/N): Hey everypony! Looks like we've found ourselves a clue!

The others heard that and immediately join in to huddle up. The book cover shows three elongated gems, with a title engraved onto gold plates above and below, and the brown leather binding sports gold fittings.

Twilight Sparkle: "History of the Crystal Empire". I just hope it has the answers we need.

Under her control, it floats up into view and the pages begin to turn.

After a bit of getting some information from the book that Twilight and (Y/N) found, they return to the Empire to explain to both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance about the key of protecting the Crystal Empire from King Sombra for good and all eternity. Inside of the throne room, Cadance still sits in her high place as before, still worn down and on the ragged edge of toppling against Shining, who stands alongside her. Twilight and (Y/N) stand before them with the book propped open near the throne's edge.

(Y/N): It was a little bit tedious of getting information from the entire empire, but thanks to some research inside of the library we were able to figure out a solution in protecting the entire empire.

Shining Armor: Really? What is it?

Twilight Sparkle: A 'Crystal Faire'. According to this book, it was established by their first queen and became their most important tradition. The Faire was held every year to "renew the spirit of love and unity in the empire so they could protect it from harm". Our friends could put it together. Everything we need to know is in the book!

Shining Armor: That sounds pretty promising.

His optimism dims considerably when he sees no change in his worn-down wife's posture, and both (Y/N) and Twilight picks up on the vibe.

(Y/N): We need to get started now then! The longer we wait, the less time Cadance has to keep up her protection spell!

Twilight Sparkle: Alright then. C'mon, Spike, we've got a Crystal Faire to put together!

Spike, who has been holding it up and open the entire time grunts very tired from holding the book for her and he walks along with Twilight and (Y/N) to put together a Crystal Faire.

The three then enter a room where the rest of the Mane 7 were as they all gathered around a table to discuss the Crystal Faire. Twilight then starts to sing.

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ Princess Cadance needs our help ♪

♪ Her magic will not last forever ♪

♪ I think we can do it ♪

♪ But we need to work together ♪

She floats the book over to them and starts to turn the pages rapidly.

♪ We have to get this right ♪

♪ Yes, we have to make them see ♪

♪ We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history ♪

The book stops at a picture of two armored stallions, one white and one dark gray, charging toward each other with lances strapped to their flanks.

Rainbow Dash is then seen putting on some armor from a mannequin that she was in front of.

Rainbow Dash: ♪ It says that they liked jousting ♪

Rarity is then seen levitating some purple cloth around for a flag that was also in the book.

Rarity: ♪ They flew a flag of many hues ♪

Applejack and Pinkie and are then seen picking up some fruits that was also similar to what Twilight showed in the book.

Applejack: ♪ Made sweets of crystal berries ♪

She gulps a berry down. Fluttershy is then seen frolicking along with a ton of sheep that was also shown in the book.

Fluttershy: ♪ They had a petting zoo with tiny ewes ♪

Back in the table the Mane 7 all sing together along with Spike.

Mane 7 & Spike: ♪ Oh, we have to get this right ♪

♪ Yes, we have to make them see ♪

♪ We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history ♪

Pinkie then turns a page in the book that showed a slightly convoluted horn with two bells.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ There was a crystal flugelhorn ♪

Pinkie then plays the said instrument and the rest recoil at the sound that it was making.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ That every pony liked to play ♪

It then goes to outside where Twilight had her right hoof on her chest imagining a flag with her.

Twilight Sparkle: ♪ And the Crystal Kingdom anthem ♪

♪ Can you learn it in a day? ♪

Rainbow Dash then flies across to tie off a string of pennants on the pole atop a tent, and Twilight checks her book.

Mane 7 & Spike: ♪ Oh, we have to get this right ♪

♪ Yes, we have to make them see ♪

Pinkie hops by, blowing the flugelhorn, Fluttershy leads the ewes across, Spike, who lets a bunch of balloons float away, and finally (Y/N) who shoots a beam from his horn straight up into the air to make a firework in the shape of a diamond.

♪ We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history ♪

With the song ending, the Mane 7 was in the center of the town and they all gazed out at all of the festivities that they worked hard on.

Twilight Sparkle: It looks amazing! I don't know how I could've done this without you!

(Y/N): This is for sure to not only protect the entire empire, but also we'll be able to pass the test that Princess Celestia assigned.

Twilight Sparkle: Right! Now, just one last check to make sure everything is in place, and then the festivities can begin!

Applejack: What's this thing for?

She turns to Applejack who was in front of a sculpture that consists of a heart on top of a large crystal and she gives it a bewildered nudge.

(Y/N): Twilight told me that the last part of the Crystal Faire talked about some kind of Crystal Heart, so I took some crystals that I found around the town and used my magic to carve it up into that.

Applejack: Nice work, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Heh, it was nothing.

Applejack: I think we're ready to get this faire up and runnin'.

Up at the balcony of the castle, Pinkie was up there with her flugelhorn at the ready as she takes a huge deep breath and let's out an off key fanfare with it. Twilight, (Y/N), Shining Armor and Cadance then emerge onto the balcony to give their announcement to the entire empire.

Twilight Sparkle: Hear ye, hear-

A second jangling blast cuts off the announcement and sets her teeth grinding together. They all look back at Pinkie who then realizes that she was playing that awful sound once again.

(Y/N): Pinkie, we've already got the fanfare.

Pinkie Pie: *nervous laugh* My bad.

Sheepish little giggles precede and follow those two words, after which the others look out over the balcony and Twilight clears her throat pointedly.

Twilight Sparkle: Ahem. Hear ye, hear ye! Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal Faire!

The Crystal ponies throughout the entire empire exit their homes and the invitation causes them to perk up in both attitude and coloration, briefly taking on a crystal-like appearance. In no time, a sizable crowd is on its way to the fairgrounds. Up on the balcony, Twilight and (Y/N) look at each other with smiles and exchange a hoof bump that their plan was working. Down below, Applejack is on greeter duty.

Applejack: Come on in, y'all. Got food and drinks thataway, games and crafts are thataway, Crystal Heart to the back near the Princess.

Subdued confusion among the crowd at this last. One mare looks around herself, perhaps deciding what to try first, but backs off in alarm when Rainbow Dash swoops down to her.

Rainbow Dash: We totally nailed it, right?

The mare tries to bolt off as she was uncomfortable from Rainbow's pushy attitude, but the Pegasus catches up to her.

Rainbow Dash: Must be feeling a lot of love and unity about now!

She then tries to ignore her by going over a snack stand, but Rainbow Dash intervenes there as well.

Rainbow Dash: Gonna have some grub, huh? What are you thinking? Crystal Empire berry pie? Maybe some crystal corn-on-the-cob!

(Y/N): Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash looks up at (Y/N) on the balcony who had a stern look on his face that told Rainbow Dash that she was probably making the customer a little uncomfortable. She sheepishly smiles and just backs away a little to let the mare have her personal space.

Two mares are then seen strolling together as it was a couple of the ponies that the Mane 7 interrogated.

Autumn Gem: Seeing all of this, I feel like I'm starting to remember. Remember things from before the king.

Fleur De Verre: Me too.

They both thought about it for a moment before a double gasp signals both the return of their memories and their original brighter colors on their coats and even their manes and tails changed as well.

Autumn Gem & Fleur De Verre: The Crystal Heart!

Fleur De Verre: Do you think they really have it?

Rainbow Dash zips over and drapes a foreleg over her shoulders.

Rainbow Dash: Of course we have it! Can't have a Crystal Faire without the Crystal Heart, right?

Amethyst Maresbury: Of course you can't.

Rainbow Dash turns to the librarian mare who has donned some festivities as well.

Amethyst Maresbury: The whole purpose of the Crystal Faire is to lift the spirits of the Crystal Ponies, so the light within them can power the Crystal Heart, so that the Empire can be protected!

She then gasps and then her normal colors of her original Crystal pony self reappears.

Amethyst Maresbury: I DO work at the library!

Rainbow Dash got a little uneasy at hearing some of that as it sounded very fishy.

Rainbow Dash: W-what's that about 'powering the heart'?

Amethyst Maresbury: I just can't believe you found it. King Sombra said he'd hidden it away where we would never see it again! I only hope it will still be as powerful after all these years. . .!

As she walks off, Rainbow Dash throws a quick grimace to Applejack and does an instant vertical liftoff, and flashes past a rooftop with enough speed to strip the Empire's flag from a pole mounted there. A moment later, she has draped it over Twilight, (Y/N), and his heart sculpture. Twilight peeks out annoyed from that.

Twilight Sparkle: Why did you. . .?

Rainbow Dash: I think we may have a problem. . .

(Y/N) then got a worried look once Rainbow Dash said that.

(Y/N): What. . . kind of problem?

Rainbow Dash: I think that these ponies actually "need" the Crystal Heart.

(Y/N): Need? You mean to tell us that they're expecting a different kind of Crystal Heart?!

Rainbow Dash: Most likely. . .

Twilight Sparkle: Wait, what?

(Y/N): Twilight, I don't think Crystal ponies want "a" Crystal Heart. They need THE Crystal Heart!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no. We better go and tell Shining Armor and Cadance.

The three then meet up on the balcony with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor with Twilight and (Y/N) searching through the book.

Twilight Sparkle: I didn't know it was an actual relic! The book didn't mention anything about the Crystal Ponies powering the Heart!

When they reach the end of the book, they see at the end that there was a page that was clearly torn out from the book.

(Y/N): What the?! Who rips out a page as important as THIS?! That page could have been a matter of life and death!

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know! How did we not notice?!

Princess Cadance: *weakly* I-It's all right you two.

She immediately puts the lie to those words with a dizzy spell that sends her toppling. Shining Armor's grab keeps her from slamming down to the balcony, but her horn which she has kept going ever since the crew arrived finally sputters out.

Shining Armor: Twily! (Y/N)!

The same unearthly growl that they heard during their sprint to the border sounds off as the blue sky over the Empire starts to flicker on and off, exposing the leaden sky beyond.

(Y/N): Oh no, with Cadance's spell out of power, the entire empire will be overshadowed by King Sombra!

Cadance's barrier disintegrates for good and (Y/N) looks out to see waves of dark clouds roll in. The darkness advances rapidly toward the castle from all sides and the windblown snow slashes across the formerly tranquil territory. Sombra's red-glowing, purple-smoking eyes, and savagely triumphant face then emerges from the shadow of clouds as (Y/N) could just sense his evil intent and glares at him from afar.

(Y/N): (We need to take back the empire and defeat King Sombra for good! We won't be able to win with just luck this time!)

Chapter 1 End. To be continued.

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