Chapter 2: The Crystal Empire - Part 2

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Previously on MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria. . .

The mysterious voice that helps (Y/N) throughout his journey in protecting Equestria returns and warns (Y/N) that a darkness lies inside of him. (Y/N) ponders about what that fear is, but shrugs it off as no big deal at the moment. When daytime rolls in, Twilight and (Y/N) are both called over to the royal palace in Canterlot by Princess Celestia to take a test that involved protecting a long time civilization that has disappeared for a thousand years, The Crystal Empire. Both of the ponies along with the rest their friends arrive, but not before they are chased down by King Sombra's wicked shadow form. (Y/N) and Shining Armor took on a battle with the evil king, but only stalled long enough to have them kicked back into the empire. They meet up with Princess Cadance who has been growing weak protecting the entire empire with a magic shield dome and decide that the only way to protect the entire empire is to have a Crystal Faire. The Mane 7 then set up all of the festivities which made the Crystal ponies go back to their normal forms, but the one thing that they realized is missing is that the Crystal Heart powers the entire empire. They realized it a little too late however as Cadance shield finally fails and King Sombra's starting to enter the empire with the lust of conquering it once more. Will our heroes be able to find the Crystal Heart and stop King Sombra before it's too late?

Now back to where we left off. . .

The Crystal Empire is slowly starting to get covered by shadows as they are approaching the town of the empire. King Sombra emerges out of the lightless expanse and he stops with only his head exposed and rears up with a low growling chuckle.

Back the Crystal Empire castle on the balcony, (Y/N), Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance saw Sombra and they all got worried looks.

Shining Armor: The Empire is under attack.

(Y/N): Come on, Cadance you have to have some power that can hold off King Sombra for a bit, right?

Princess Cadance: *grunts* I don't know. . . but I can try.

Shining Armor then helps her up and gives her a quick nuzzle that gets her in shape to fire up her horn again, re-establishing the force field she used to protect the realm.

King Sombra, standing just outside its perimeter, utters a popeyed grunt of puzzlement and charges. The rising edge of the field slices off the tip of his horn, causing him to roar in pain. As the peaceful blue sky reappears, the severed fragment lands just inside the field and Cadance totters on her hooves, braced by Shining. The tip sinks into the ground in a small boil of purple and green magic.

(Y/N): How long can she hold on?

Shining Armor: Not for too much longer is all I can say.

(Y/N) then turns to Twilight with a serious look.

(Y/N): We need to find the Crystal Heart and get it to the Crystal ponies before it's too late.

Twilight nods from and Shining Armor walks up to them.

Shining Armor: I'll come with you two.

Twilight Sparkle: No, you stay here with Cadance. She needs you, Shining Armor. (Y/N) and I will retrieve the heart.

Shining Armor nods from that as he embraces his weakening wife.

Shining Armor: Are you two sure you can handle this?

(Y/N) and Twilight look at each other with determined smiles.

Twilight Sparkle: You have nothing at all to worry when it comes to both of us.

(Y/N): The two of us are more than enough. We get the Crystal Heart and save the entire empire. You can count on it!

Both of then gallop off with Rainbow Dash following them into the castle.

Rainbow Dash: Let's do this!

(Y/N): I guess not only saving the Crystal Empire is part of our test, but it also involves finding the Crystal Heart.

Twilight Sparkle: Which is also why she assigned the both of us. With my brains and your brawn we'll be sure to get through this!

(Y/N): That's the spirit!

Rainbow Dash: What do I do?

Twilight Sparkle: Hm. . . There is something else you can do.

Rainbow Dash: Name it.

Twilight Sparkle: You and the rest of our friends have to keep the Faire going.

Rainbow Dash: What? With that "thing" moving into the Empire?

(Y/N): It was the happiness and positivity of the Crystal ponies that kept King Sombra away from the empire once. 

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, and?

(Y/N): If they find out that King Sombra is coming back, then they won't have the necessary power that we'll need to power the Crystal Heart. Which is why we need you to stall and entertain them.

Outside of the castle near the center of the town, Applejack was still monitoring the fake heart that (Y/N) put together and she has partially uncovered it, but quickly whips the cloth back into place as a passing mare eyes it. Twilight, (Y/N), and Rainbow Dash then exit the castle and stop.

Twilight Sparkle: It won't matter if we find the Crystal Heart. They won't be able to make it work. You have to keep them happy here at the Faire.

Rainbow Dash: Keep the Faire going and the Crystal Ponies' spirits high. Done and done!

Rainbow Dash salutes to both of them and flies off. Shining Armor then calls down to both of them on the balcony.

Shining Armor: Twily, (Y/N), be careful.

Twilight Sparkle: We will.

(Y/N): We'll be back with the Crystal Heart before you know it.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance trade a concerned glance, then watch them gallop off along the main town.

Sombra's horn which was at the entrance of the empire falls into the ground and it continues to bubble with his magic, and within seconds a diseased gray crystal starts to sprout up as his soft growl is heard.

Meanwhile, the Crystal ponies were continuing to enjoy the Faire as they all were gaining their original forms back by doing activities such as ring tossing at crystals, eating crystal corn on a cob, and both Rarity and Spike could be seen monitoring a stand that involved weaving some hay into some accessories such as bowls and other containers. As the vessel that she just created is levitated into full view of the onlookers, they come to life and eagerly move toward the counter. Caught slightly off guard from that, Rarity sidesteps to one end of the stand to get in the clear, just in time for (Y/N) to swing down and cup a hoof to her ear.

(Y/N): *whispers* Rarity, plans changed. I need you to keep the ponies occupied while Twilight and I go and find the real Crystal Heart that we need to protect the empire.

Rarity let's out a worried "Huh?!" which caught the attention of the other patrons that were at her stand including Spike. (Y/N) then gestures for Rarity to play it cool.

Rarity: I. . . just found out they're offering face painting for the little ones. *nervous laugh*

The news gets her customers happy again, and they head off toward this new attraction while the dragon starts to back up. Now (Y/N) whispers into Spike's ear behind a hoof.

(Y/N): *whispers* Twilight and I are going to go and find the Crystal Heart.

Spike: Huh? You two are doing what?!

Spike immediately rushes off with (Y/N) following after him. The Crystal ponies at Rarity's weaving stand just gave puzzled looks at the two rushing off and Rarity tries her best to play it off.

Rarity: They. . . really. . . love to get their faces painted. Haha.

Twilight, who was walking slowly through a busy patch of fairgrounds was deep in thought in trying to figure out where the Crystal Heart was while she left (Y/N) to go and warn his friends. Rainbow Dash zips up to a stand stocked with crystal flugelhorns and holds one up.

Rainbow Dash: Who wants a flugelhorn?

Pinkie Pie: I want a flugelhorn!

Rainbow Dash got a little annoyed by that and tried to ignore her.

Rainbow Dash: Who else wants a flugelhorn?


(Y/N) then teleports in front of Twilight surprising her.

(Y/N): I got all of our friends occupied in trying to divert the Crystal ponies from anything that involves Sombra. How's it going with finding where the Crystal Heart is?

Twilight Sparkle: Nowhere fast. It could be anywhere in the empire. The castle, underground. . . or maybe even outside of the empire. How can we tell where it's hidden?

(Y/N) thinks for a moment with his hoof on his chin before getting an idea.

(Y/N): I know! If the Crystal Heart is like a power source then it must have some magic energy. Maybe I can sense it.

Twilight get's a huge smile from that idea.

Twilight Sparkle: Great idea! Go for it, (Y/N).

(Y/N) then closes his eyes to then concentrate magic into his horn to try and sense the magic energy of the Crystal Heart in all of the Crystal Empire. It took him a minute, but he eventually opens his eyes and senses something as it made him gasp.

(Y/N): I can sense a small benevolent object filled with magic in the empire. It's coming from. . . the castle!

Twilight Sparkle: Nice work, (Y/N). We're one step closer into saving the empire!

(Y/N): Right, let's go!

???: Wait!

Twilight and (Y/N) turn to see Spike running up to both of them.

Spike: I'm coming with you two!

Twilight Sparkle: You can't. It's up to (Y/N) and I to retrieve the heart.

Spike: I know. I promise I won't lift a claw to help you.

(Y/N) and Twilight looked at each other with concerned looks and back at Spike who crosses his arms to show that he promised. Twilight sighs at she picks him up with her magic and places him on her back.

Twilight Sparkle: Not a claw, Spike.

(Y/N): We'll allow you to give us pointers, though.

(Y/N) and Twilight then rush in the direction towards the castle with (Y/N) flying.

Spike: Where are we going exactly?

(Y/N): King Sombra has hid the Crystal Heart in the castle of the empire.

Spike: The castle?

Twilight Sparkle: The king would've been counting on the fact that nopony would dare come looking for it. They'd have been too afraid to even try. However, thanks to (Y/N) magic sensing spell, we know now that he's been hiding it in the castle and we're going to find it.

(Y/N): I just hope that he wasn't good at keeping it too hidden.

Twilight Sparkle: You and me both.

The three then enter the double doors entrance into the empire to continue their quest on the finding the Crystal Heart. 

In the meantime, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were standing guard on trying to get the ponies that wanted to inspect the heart away from the fake one. However, Rainbow Dash took her guarding skills a bit too far as she glares hard from side to side. Applejack looks confusedly after her, only to get bumped aside when the high-speed Pegasus lands alongside her. Looking around the area, she spots an approaching stallion and gets in his face.

Rainbow Dash: What are YOU lookin' at?!

The stallion scared from that direct and sudden glare immediately backs off.

Rainbow Dash: That's what I thought!

Applejack then yanks her tail back towards her with a nervous look.

Applejack: *whispers* Uh, Rainbow Dash? We're supposed to be actin' like nothing's wrong.

Rainbow Dash: Exactly.

Her next move is to plant her legs wide and snarl at a couple of nearby mares, spooking them into clearing out. Applejack then puts a hoof on her shoulder.

Applejack: *quietly* What I mean is, maybe you should let me keep the Crystal Ponies away from the fake Heart, while you show off your joustin' skills.

Rainbow Dash: Huh. Seeing my awesomeness does have a way of putting ponies into a pretty good mood.

She takes off, waved on by Applejack.

Meanwhile, there was a small petting zoo that was monitored by Fluttershy as the ponies that were around were beaming at the ewes that were jumping and bleating. Fluttershy knocks the gate closed with a shepherd's crook and smiles at the ponies admiring the zoo before she gets surprised from a rainbow-maned head shoving up against her rump to bulldoze her along.

Rainbow Dash: Come on, Knight Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Huh?!

Rainbow Dash: It's showtime.

As the two go and try to entertain some of the Crystal ponies, Applejack still stood guard with the fake Crystal Heart. A mare then approaches her.

Applejack: How are y'all feelin'? Havin' a good time?

Autumn Gem: The best I've had in over a thousand years!

The mare tries to get a clear view of the Crystal Heart and Applejack adjusts her head and body to keep her from getting a clear view of the statue.

Applejack: Well, that's good! Gotta renew that spirit of love and unity if you're gonna power up that Crystal Heart, right?

Autumn Gem: I sure would like to see it before the ceremony. It's been such a long time.

Applejack then get's an idea to divert her from the Heart by fanning herself with her hat.

Applejack: Oh, I hear ya, but, uh. . . phew! Gettin' a little toasty out here. Bet you'd like to cool off with a little Crystal Empire nectar!

The inquisitive mare ventures off toward a stand that Applejack pointed, but while she was focused on that, a downcast stallion starts to get a bit too close for comfort. When he nudges at the edge of the covering, Applejack starts in surprise and dives across to pull it down again.

Applejack: Uh, you tried the Crystal Empire fritters yet? Made from a traditional Crystal Empire recipe! You're gonna love 'em!

Applejack holds up a bowl of the said snacks as the stallion brightens up from the aroma of how it smelled. Applejack then glances over her shoulder to see yet another mare coming up behind. She throws the bowl luring the stallion away before getting the mares attention.

Applejack: Uh, I hear there's a joustin' match about to start! You don't wanna miss that!

With the mare well on her way, Applejack backs off with a reassuring grin that quickly melts away under her internal worry.

Applejack: Come on, (Y/N), Twilight. . . these Crystal Ponies are more curious than a cat!

Meanwhile, inside of the castle Twilight, Spike, and (Y/N) were searching all around the castle for the Crystal Heart, but no matter where they were looking there were no signs. She levitates a unicorn-head bust from its pedestal, finds nothing underneath, and sets it down with a groan. (Y/N) follows her while Spike was just out of breath from running along with them.

Twilight Sparkle: It's gotta be here somewhere. It's just gotta be!

(Y/N): Twilight, we need to stop just running around searching objects for clues. We need to start thinking "outside" of the box.

Twilight looks at (Y/N) and she knew that he was right as she puts a hoof to her chin.

Twilight Sparkle: Right. . . okay. . . if you were a king and you were hiding an ancient relic, where would you put it?

Spike notices a lump at the corner of the carpet and begins to reach for it, but not before Twilight saw him and gave him a stern look.

Twilight Sparkle: Not, a claw Spike! Celestia's orders.

Spike backs off with a nervous laugh.

Both Twilight and (Y/N) then went back to thinking hard about where Sombra might have hidden the Crystal Heart and (Y/N) just sighs.

(Y/N): I've got nothing. Everything around doesn't have anything that looks. . . evil.

Twilight Sparkle: Rrrgh. . . come on Twilight. Think!

Twilight thinks hard for a second harder before eyes widen in realization.

Twilight Sparkle: *gasps* I think I know where it is! Follow me!

Twilight runs out of the room that they were currently in with (Y/N) and Spike following straight behind. They all immediately run into the throne room and Twilight looked at the throne with astonishment.

Twilight Sparkle: Our first clue into finding the Heart is right here! Look at the crystals of the throne!

(Y/N) does just that and looks hard at it before catching onto what Twilight was talking about.

(Y/N): You're right, those crystals match the same ones that Celestia showed us!

Princess Celestia: (In Twilight's mind) If the Empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected across all of Equestria. If hatred and fear take hold. . .

Twilight Sparkle: Of course!

Spike: Did you find it?

Twilight Sparkle: No! Because this isn't King Sombra's castle.

Spike: Well, isn't this where he lived when he was in power?

(Y/N): Not exactly, Spike. It didn't look like this. The empire were seeing right now is full of radiant and beautiful crystals, but when King Sombra took over, the crystals were more dark and rigid.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), Princess Celestia used a spell that was similar to what Sombra was using. Do you think that you can perform the same spell?

(Y/N): Hm, I can try.

(Y/N) then takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes to then glow his horn and fill his thoughts with hatred and fear like Princess Celestia did in the castle. Twilight soon smiles as she sees that his horn is turning a darker shade of (F/C) until it reached black. (Y/N) grunted as he kept on trying to concentrate with the spell, but what happened next was not something that was planned.

(Y/N)'s body then started to glow black as well with only a couple of streams of magic coming from out of his body and both Twilight and Spike was surprised at that as Twilight had to jump over one of the streams which hit and exploded on wall behind her and Spike ducked under another. It wasn't long before (Y/N) opened his eyes to show that they weren't glowing green, but rather (F/C) and soon enough his horn exploded with magic knocking him backwards onto the floor with a yell.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! Are you alright?!

Twilight lent a hoof to help (Y/N) up which he accepted and he rubbed his head in pain.

Spike: Was that supposed to happen?! 

(Y/N): Ow!! . . .that was NOT the plan!

Twilight Sparkle: I don't understand. Princess Celestia said that if you put hatred and fear into your magic then the crystals in the empire would turn out different. How come it didn't work for you (Y/N)?

(Y/N) looked down with a concerned look for why his magic failed, but not before he let out a gasp at something that he just remembered.

Mysterious Voice: (In (Y/N)'s mind) Despair, Anger, and Sadness! Those emotions are what affect your magic, (Y/N)! You have to understand that sometimes your negative emotions can take control of your powers!

(Y/N): Uh oh. Yeah, Twilight, I think it's better that you use the spell. 

Twilight Sparkle: Why. . .?

(Y/N): Let's just say that my magic works entirely different than yours or any other pony. If I let hatred and fear overtake me for any longer, who knows what could have happened?

Twilight was wanting to ask (Y/N) more questions since she was concerned about why his magic did that to him, but she knew that now wasn't the time as she went up to the throne with a thought in her mind.

Twilight Sparkle: (I know there's something that (Y/N)'s not telling me, but. . . what is it? Why is his magic so much more different than any other unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony?)

When Twilight walks up near the throne, she starts up her horn effortless as always and then its glow begins to darken as she concentrates harder and harder. With sweat running down her face her teeth clenched so tightly that they might shatter out of her mouth, the aura finally goes black and takes on the green-purple hues of Sombra's spells. Wisps of purple smoke issue from her squeezed-shut eyelids as she finally lets one rip into the pinnacle crystal on the throne.

It goes dark, enveloping the throne in a long shadow that stretches out past Twilight, (Y/N), and Spike. It covers a broad swath of floor, leaving a network of cracks and disintegrating one patch to expose a long spiral staircase that descends into the depths.

Spike: Whoa.

(Y/N): Nice work, Twilight. Even though it didn't work for me, I still have got to say that you've got such a talent with magic.

Twilight blushes from that before she gleefully claps to herself.

Spike: When did you learn to do that?

Twilight Sparkle: That was a little trick Celestia taught me.

Spike peeks down the staircase and the looks of how far it was gave him a loud, scared gulp. Both Twilight and (Y/N) then starts to trot down the steps with Twilight glowing her horn like a flashlight to illuminate their way down. It takes Spike a few seconds and one very audible shudder to even get ready to descend, however it's disturbed once Twilight peeks her head back out for a second.

Twilight Sparkle: You stay here.

(Y/N): Don't worry Spike, we'll take care for whatever is down there.

Spike: *shudders* If you insist.

The two ponies then proceed down and down the staircase as they kept on going, however it looked to be a longer journey down than they both thought.

(Y/N): Huh. He really must have hidden it far underground.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, hey (Y/N), do you think that you can fly down and see how low the staircase goes?

(Y/N): Sure, leave it to me.

(Y/N) then flies downwards into the depths as Twilight watches closely. Apparently, (Y/N) went so far down the staircase that Twilight had no vision of him after a couple of seconds, so she calls out to him.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! How far down does it go?! Does it even end?!

(Y/N) also raised his voice to call up to Twilight.

(Y/N): . . .Yes!! But it's a long trip down!! . . .Like 20 stories down!!

Twilight becomes a little worried from that as she was so high up on the staircase. She then calls up to Spike.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike?

Spike: Yeah?

Twilight Sparkle: Can you see outside?

Spike hurries to one of the many windows and pulls himself up to its sill as the sky flickers between blue and wintry gray. Sombra's growling visage glares at the castle from just beyond the border, and his deep, rumbling voice carries a sinister hiss.

King Sombra: *growls and whispers* Yesss. . . Crystalsss. . .

The tip of his horn, whose shadows spread to the two pillars flanking the road and start to turn them black from the base up. Spike get's shocked from seeing that.

Spike: It's not good! Cadance's magic must be fading faster than before!

Hearing that, Twilight throws her legs into a higher gear, but one step crumbles beneath her hoof and she trips to fall down the center of the staircase causing her to scream in panic. She closes her eyes in fear of becoming a pony pancake, but not before she felt a pair of hooves carrying her bridal style in the air and she looks to see that it was (Y/N) who rescued her as he had a smirk on his face.

(Y/N): Well, well, well look who fell for me~.

Twilight smiles sheepishly and blushes from that as (Y/N) slowly descended onto the ground where the bottom of the staircase was. (Y/N) sets Twilight down as she still was blushing and she rubs the back of her head in slight embarrassment.

Twilight Sparkle: Th-Thanks, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Not a problem, Twilight. I would never let you fall down to the ground like that, but watch where you're going next time, okay.

Twilight makes her blush go away and nods.

Twilight Sparkle: Of course. Now where do we go from here?

Both of them look around the area before (Y/N) spots a door set into the wall behind both of them.

(Y/N): Right there!

Twilight notices the door with a smile and uses her magic to swing the heavy ring that serves as handle. Instead of opening, though, the door whips itself to another side of the wall surprising the two. (Y/N) decides to try to move the door on the ring as well and it had the same reaction as it moves to a new location once again which made both (Y/N) and Twilight confused.

(Y/N): *sighs* Of course a door right out in the open wouldn't be that easy.

Twilight the jumps towards the door, but it moved once again causing her to face plant into the wall.

Twilight Sparkle: Stop moving!

(Y/N) then tries to fly and catch the door, but no matter how much he tried, it just gives chase and (Y/N) goes back to the ground a bit irritated along with Twilight. 

Twilight Sparkle: Great, it repelling us like magnets. How do we get it to stop for us?

(Y/N): Try using that spell that you did that caused the floor to open up on the throne and see what happens.

Twilight does just that as she glows her horn black and to both of their surprise, the door came back in their direction and they both nod to each other. Twilight shoots a dark magic beam into the large gem set at the peak of the door's arched frame and it swings open, exposing a blinding white light beyond. Twilight and (Y/N) recoil briefly at it and they smiled.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), I think this is it!

(Y/N) looks at the door, but once he got a better look at it, he got confused. Twilight, however just runs through it.

The light dims down as Twilight was able to see more clearly, but what she saw next baffled her as she was inside of the Canterlot royal palace.

Twilight Sparkle: Huh?

Twilight looks closely as she was in the throne room, but the throne itself is unoccupied and Celestia's guards are absent.

???: What are YOU doing here?

Twilight heard a very condescending voice as she looks behind her and to see Princess Celestia in the mural gallery with a stack of documents, and she is floating one up to sign it with a levitated quill.

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know! I opened the door and-

Princess Celestia: And now you must go.

Twilight Sparkle: Go where?

Princess Celestia: Doesn't matter to me. You failed the test, Twilight!

Twilight jaw drops in complete shock from that as that was probably the last thing that she would want to hear right about now.

Twilight Sparkle: I don't understand! The test?

Princess Celestia: Not only will you not move on to the next level of your studies, you won't continue your studies AT ALL!

Twilight's ears droop as she was in complete disbelief and shock and she starts to tear up a bit.

Twilight Sparkle: I. . . you didn't say anything about no longer being your student if I failed!

Celestia's wing drapes itself over Twilight's back and shoves her forward so that she lands on her rump.

Princess Celestia: Didn't I?

Twilight Sparkle: But. . . what about (Y/N)?

Princess Celestia: He's decided that this test means nothing to him and apparently YOU don't either!

Twilight gasps in complete shock and had full tears in her eyes as she couldn't believe that her best friend let alone her crush as just abandoned her.

A low, rumbling laugh then draws her attention to one side of the gallery. She sees a rather unsettling mural that shows Sombra's red-eyed silhouette leering over the Heart as Twilight tumbles down out of its light rays into the flames below.

Seeing the image that she would never want to see in her life, she crumples down to the floor and whimpered from it.

???: (Echo) Twilight!

The echo of the voice got louder and Twilight started to shake confusing her.

It was revealed that the scene was all an illusion and Twilight was shaking due to (Y/N) with both of his hooves on her trying to snap her out of it.

(Y/N): Twilight! Equestria to Twilight!

 Twilight shakes her head to get some sense into herself and stands up.

(Y/N): Are you alright?

Twilight looks around to see that she was back in the cave that her and (Y/N) were venturing down and looks at both the cave and (Y/N) very confused.

Twilight Sparkle: I don't understand! One second I was here in this cave with you (Y/N) and the next thing I know once I opened that door I was in Canterlot and Princess Celestia was there saying that I failed the test!

(Y/N): Well, that's weird because all I see is just a wall.

Twilight looks back towards the door to see that (Y/N) was right. It was simply just a wall with the door opened.

(Y/N): You sure it was Canterlot that you were seeing?

Twilight Sparkle: Honest! I don't even know how I saw all of that.

(Y/N): Hmm. . .

(Y/N) then walks right in front of the door and the wall as well and he takes a good hard look at it before something unexpected happens. . .

(Y/N)'s eyes were now a duplicate of Sombra's reptilian red irises with sick green pupils. Suddenly the scene goes white and (Y/N) fades into it.

In the middle of somewhere, (Y/N) is seen laying on the ground as he groaned and stood up with his hoof on his head. Once (Y/N) opens his eyes however, he sees something that he didn't expect to see in his entire life as it made his eyes pop wide open and he gasped in complete shock.

(Y/N) sees that he was around all of Ponyville except the entire town was demolished and everything around was just all flames.

(Y/N): W-What?! How did. . .?! I was just. . .! Ponyville?!?! What happened?! Did it get attacked while we were away?!

(Y/N) then sees that many ponies were laying on the ground unconscious and badly bruised from whatever was happening and the look of it all just made him frightened as he backed up a bit.

(Y/N): No! N-N-N-No! This isn't real! It can't be real! Who would do such a heartless thing?!

(Y/N) then ran all the way around Ponyville and when he get's to a certain location, he sees that his own house was also in ruins and was just burning down second after second.

(Y/N): B-But. . . t-this is my home. . . this can't be happening! 

(Y/N) was getting scared as kept looking at this dark image until he ran once more across Ponyville until he sees something that not only made him shocked like he had seen a ghost, but it also made him tear up a little.

It was the Mane Six and even Spike was there right in front of the Golden Oak Library as they were all on the ground badly injured as well and by the looks of it, they were out cold too. (Y/N) immediately runs towards his friends and starts to see if any of them were awake.

(Y/N): Come on you guys, please wake up!! Don't be dead! Not right now!

The first pony that (Y/N) went to was Twilight as he lifted her head up. Twilight stirs a bit before she was barely able to open her eyes to see (Y/N) right in front of her.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N). . .? Is that you. . .?

(Y/N): Yes! I'm here Twilight! What happened?! How did this happen?!

Twilight Sparkle: *coughs* You weren't here. . . *coughs* We needed help. . . But you weren't around to help us. . .

(Y/N): What?! No!! I'm here now! I don't even know what happened! What happened once I went through that door?!

Twilight Sparkle: Our home. . . Our world. . . was gone. . . You. . . left us. . .

(Y/N): N-No!! I never left! I would never leave you or the other girls!

Twilight Sparkle: I know. . .

Twilight then tries to put on the best smile that she could for (Y/N) as she weakly raised her hoof to caress his cheek.

Twilight Sparkle: And you didn't. . . You're right here. . . Worried for us. . . It's wasn't your fault. . .

(Y/N): Twilight, please! Stay with me! I can heal you!

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry (Y/N), but I. . . I. . .

(Y/N) began to shake and cry as he held Twilight in his front legs and what she was saying to him. What happened next broke (Y/N) as Twilight closes her eyes and just dies right in front of (Y/N).

(Y/N): N-No!! Twilight! Wake up! Twilight?! Twilight?!?! TWILIGHT!!!

(Y/N) burst into complete tears as his best friend literally just died right in front of him and then once again due to his negative emotions, his aura darkened very fast as it turned nearly black as the sadness kept enveloping him.

???: My, my. . . What a pity (Y/N) (L/N). You didn't save your precious friends or your precious world.

The voice sounded very evil like as (Y/N) turned around to see a shadowy figure that had glowing yellow eyes with red pupils. (Y/N) couldn't tell who it was as all he could tell was that it had two horns on it's head. Just seeing the figure made (Y/N) scared for his life as he backed up from it breathing heavily as his aura was still darkened.

As he did back up though, he slipped on a piece of ash that was on the ground and fell on his back, as he did however, the figure was able to shoot a magic blast at (Y/N) which knocked him back into a wall. He felt some pain as he tried to get up, but the figure pins him down to the ground with a hoof on his chest as (Y/N) was just so petrified that as this point, he just wanted it all to end. The figure made it's pupils glow red as it leaned down to (Y/N) and gave him the most menacing look that it can give.

Mysterious Figure: There is no where you can run, no where you can hide. No matter what, I'm always to hunt you down and kill you (Y/N) (L/N).

The figure then made it's horns glow yellow as it was charging up an attack at (Y/N) and due to him being so paralyzed, he couldn't move.

Mysterious Figure: A being like you doesn't deserve to live in Equestria and have what you call "friends." You think you are ready to FACE ME?!?!?!

(Y/N): NOOOOO!!!

Back in reality, (Y/N) launched himself back screaming and planted himself on the wall just traumatized from what he just saw in the door. Twilight was surprised as she immediately runs over to him with a worried look. 

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)! What happened? Are you okay?

(Y/N) was breathing heavily as he looks at Twilight for a second before he immediately jumps at her to give her a hug. Right after he did, he started crying which surprised Twilight as she hugged him back to try and calm him down.

After a minute they both broke the hug with (Y/N) still having tears in his eyes.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)? What's wrong? What did you see?

(Y/N): Something that I think just answered a question of mine. I finally understand. I understand what my worst fear is. . .

(Y/N) looks to the ground solemnly as Twilight wraps a hoof around him.

Twilight Sparkle: Your worst fear?

Twilight looks at the door that both her and (Y/N) went through and realized what (Y/N) was talking about.

Twilight Sparkle: I think I see. . . that door leads to our worst fear. Something that we just wish would never come to happen.

Twilight then looks back to (Y/N) and puts her hoof under his chin to make her look at him.

Twilight Sparkle: What. . . is your worst fear (Y/N)?

(Y/N): *sniffles* Losing you. . . and the other girls.

Twilight was slightly surprised at hearing that.

(Y/N): When I was young, I was so lonely that I didn't even have a single friend. My mother was the only one that I could rely on to make me feel like I wasn't alone. After being sent here, I met you girls and. . . I just care about you all with my life!

Twilight's mouth curves up into a smile as (Y/N) just confessed how much he values her life along with the rest of the Mane 7.

(Y/N): If I lost you and the others. . . I. . . I. . . I don't know how I would be able to take it.

Twilight just hugs (Y/N) again which surprised him for a second before he returns it.

Twilight Sparkle: And that's why you're here right? To protect your family and friends. You have nothing to worry about (Y/N) because you believe that you have the power to protect us. 

(Y/N) smiles from hearing that as he knew that Twilight was right.

Twilight Sparkle: You don't ever have to worry about losing me, (Y/N). I'm right here and I'll always be here.

They then both break the hug as (Y/N) smiles and wipes his tears off of his eyes from hearing those words.

(Y/N): Thanks, Twilight. I needed that.

Twilight Sparkle: Anytime.

Both of them then smile at each other before they both blushed to then look around to see if anypony was around anywhere as they both moved their faces closer to each other and as they inched closer and closer they both closed their eyes, however once they were about to kiss, a familiar dragon calls out to them.

Spike: Twilight! (Y/N)!

Both of them jerked back and looked up to see Spike running down the stairs in a fast pace until he reached the bottom to where they were.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! I thought I told you to stay up there!

Spike: I couldn't help myself! You two were conversing so much down here and the stuff that you kept saying while you were down here made me both worried and curious!

(Y/N): Well, if that was the case then it's fine Spike. We were just trying to solve the mystery of that door.

(Y/N) points to the door that both him and Twilight looked at and Spike turned in that direction with a confused look.

Spike: Uh. . . that's a wall.

He runs over to eye the wall where the door was still opened which made (Y/N) and Twilight worried.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): Spike! Wait!

It was too late as Spike's eyes turns green with red pupils like Sombra's and his enchantment quickly ensnares him just as it did with them.

Spike: Ponyville?! Wh. . . how did I get. . . 

Spike then recoils and backs up with tears in his eyes of what he was seeing next. 

Spike: No! I don't wanna go! Please, Twilight, don't make me!

Twilight then runs up to the door and slams it shut and (Y/N) pulled Spike back a bit so the curse wouldn't have enough range to effect him either. Spike then came back to his senses as a few tears run from his eyes.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! What did you see?

Spike: We were home. You told me you didn't need me anymore. You were sending me away. . .

(Y/N) then goes up and pats Spike on the head.

(Y/N): Don't worry Spike. That was just your worst fear.

Twilight then goes up to hug Spike with a smile.

Twilight Sparkle: And that fear will never come to pass. I'm never gonna send you away.

Spike feels better at hearing that as he wipes his tears away. (Y/N) then walks up to the door that was closed and notices the crystal that was on the top of the door.

(Y/N): Twilight, I think what happened with the throne upstairs may be the opposite of what we need down here. When you used the spell on the throne, it revealed the secret staircase since King Sombra's throne didn't look like that at the time. However, this cave looks to be exactly what King Sombra would've wanted meaning that using the dark spell would only make things worse.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right. I guess we need to use our normal magic then.

(Y/N): Leave that to me.

(Y/N) zaps the gem over the door with his own magic, causing it to glow white and radiate a spectrum of colors over the chamber. 

A ledge somewhere on the exterior of the castle, at the base of a spiral staircase that winds its way around the main structure, a duplicate of the cursed door materializes in the wall here and opens to let (Y/N) through as he looks around at first before looking up and he then gives a wry smile at what he saw next.

Spike: What's in there?

(Y/N): *sighs* A panda's worst enemy. . . Stairs. Lots and lots of stairs.

Twilight comes out through the door to see what (Y/N) was talking about and she just gives the exact same forced smile that (Y/N) had. She then looks over to Spike who also comes out of the door.

Twilight Sparkle: Maybe you should come with us this time, Spike.

The baby dragon smiles at the invitation and hustles up as the three venture up the flight of stairs.

Back with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance on the balcony of the castle, Cadance's forelegs buckle under the strain, but she does her best to keep her spell going in the face of rumbling thunder and Sombra's disembodied, diabolical chuckle. A flicker, and the sky has gone dark so the shadowy unicorn can raise his head for a full laugh while the severed tip of his horn regenerates itself. The dark gray sky gives way to the unwholesome yellow-brown, and the shadows cast by the two roadside pillars extend across the countryside in parallel, purple-tipped trails.

At another location, a crowd of ponies at a small stadium were cheering as Rainbow Dash has put on some armor with a lance strapped to her flank. She let's out a cocky smirk she is at one end of the competition field, standing to her right of the long, low fence that splits it along its length. Fluttershy then enters with the same amount of armor and as she walks up, she was voicing a couple of shuddery moans as the lance carries her almost up to vertical and down again. 

The crowd's enthusiastic reaction stops jester Pinkie in mid-silliness, and the sudden blue-to-brown hiccup in the sky does little to calm her unease. Grabbing up the flugelhorn lying beside her, she blows a fanfare and Rainbow charges down the field. Fluttershy timidly gallops ahead, keeping the wall to her right, and freezes with a shriek just before Rainbow's lance tip makes contact.

When Rainbow Dash strikes her, Fluttershy could be seen screaming and her lance following separate arcs through the air above the tents before she crashes down. The crowd then cheers as Rainbow takes in all of glory.

Crystal Pony: Bravo, Knight Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash then goes up and smirks at Fluttershy who has fallen on a haystack.

Fluttershy: *whimpers* I-Isn't there. . . somepony else who could. . . take over the jousting demonstration with you?

Rainbow Dash: *scoffs* The fate of an entire empire rests on us showing these ponies a good time. But, y'know, if that isn't important to you. . .

The attempted psych-out has the effect of causing Fluttershy to sob quietly. Rainbow Dash then just gives a weary sigh.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, okay, I'll take it easy on you next time.

Fluttershy smiles before what Rainbow Dash had to say next.

Rainbow Dash: But not too easy.

Fluttershy's eyes shrink to terrified points on these last four words.

Rainbow Dash: I've got a reputation to maintain!

Fluttershy trots reluctantly after her as the sky blips, and neither one notices the buildings behind them turning to jagged, dark gray crystal under Sombra's influence.

Back at the ascending staircase, Twilight and Spike were struggling to keep enough stamina to keep climbing up the stairs even further and (Y/N) was flying at their pace so that he can conserve his energy.

Spike: What if this is just more of his magic? He makes a door that leads to your worst nightmare. Why not a staircase that goes on forever?

(Y/N): Hmm, you make a good point Spike.

(Y/N) flies off the staircase and looks up to see how far the top is and seeing that it's definitely going far, he get's an idea as he grabs Spike with his magic and they both fly up to Twilight's level. 

(Y/N): Twilight!

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah?

(Y/N): I've got an idea. Spike, hop on my back.

Spike does just that before (Y/N) picks Twilight up bridal style which surprised her and made her blush.

(Y/N): Hold on tight.

Twilight blushes at how close she was to (Y/N) before she nods and wraps her hooves around his neck.

Twilight Sparkle: O-Okay.

(Y/N) then stands on his hind legs to then crouch down for a prolonged second before he spread his wings out and immediately takes off into the air like a rocket.

Twilight Sparkle: WHOOOOA!

After many stories, (Y/N) lands to rest his wings just for a split second before he crouches to jump back up once again.

(Y/N): Heh, it's almost like bungee jumping.

Meanwhile at Rarity's weaving stand, a stallion notices the spread of Sombra's magic to a nearby building and reverts to his old listless self, but Rarity turns his head away from it and holds up a woven-hay scroll case to lift his spirits back up again. She works at blinding speed to keep the ponies distracted as the dark influence continues to advance. As soon as she finishes up her next item, it is struck from her grip by one of several bolting ponies. She reaches under the counter of her craft stand, but can find nothing but a few loose strands and a flexible drinking straw. The dexterous unicorn grimaces at the sudden drying up of her raw materials.

At the town square, a few ponies have gathered around the covered fake Heart, and Applejack has her hooves full keeping the inquisitive group at bay. Rarity trots up through them.

Rarity: *nervous laugh* Excuse me, pardon me. . . 

She zips up to Applejack and whispers behind a hoof.

Rarity: *whispers* I am running out of weaving materials for the traditional crafts booth! I just made a hat out of three pieces of hay and a drinking straw! I made it work. But still!

Applejack: *whispers* We gotta do everything we can to keep this thing goin'.

Both look worriedly up at the balcony as the sky was fading in and out once again. Princess Cadance was getting exhausted by the minute as Shining Armor cradles her. 

Applejack: *whispers* The Princess isn't lookin' so good. I can't imagine her magic is gonna last much longer. It's gonna be fine. These ponies are gonna power up that Crystal Heart when the time comes, and we won't be needin' her magic anyway.

Pinkie Pie: I sure hope that time comes soon!

They look behind themselves to see Pinkie juggling flugelhorns on top of a beach ball.

Pinkie Pie: Even I can't keep this party going forever!

Pinkie then suddenly loses her balance as she topples off the ball with a shriek, and one horn lands on her head while the others clatter to the ground. The ball goes airborne and bounces off the covered sculpture, knocking its cloth loose to flutter in the breeze. Applejack and Rarity stare in wide-eyed shock as it falls away and (Y/N)'s substitute Heart tumbles to the pavement, knocked free of its pedestal. It lands in front of the dumbfounded onlookers.

Crystal Beau: This isn't the Crystal Heart.

The three immediately gave forced smiles as they backed up in the center of the crowd surrounding them.

Rarity: *nervous laugh* Oh, of course it isn't. The real one is-

Applejack: On it's way!

Rarity: I was going to say 'being polished' to buy us some more time?

Applejack: Oops.

The ponies watch the sky hiccup, accompanied by Sombra's grating chuckle, and flee in a panic.

King Sombra: *whispers* Crystal Heart. . .

In the meantime of all of that, (Y/N) was still flying and rocketing up the staircase carrying Twilight and Spike holding on his back for dear life.

Twilight Sparkle: Whoooooahahaha! 

(Y/N): Having fun, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: Ironically, despite that we're on a mission!

The three eventually made it to the top and it took one more jump until they landed at the very top of the castle. (Y/N) places Twilight down and Spike hops off of his back very dizzy as his eyes were rolling in circles. (Y/N) gives a slight smirk and bows down.

(Y/N): Thank you for riding the (Y/N) Express everypony. I'll be here all week.

Twilight giggles and rolls her eyes from that and Spike shakes his head to regain his composure from the wild ride before he spots something shiny in the center of the platform that they were all on.

Spike: Hey, is that it?

Twilight and (Y/N) look to where Spike was looking and they both see a small and shiny object that was sky blue and in the shape of a heart. It was the relic that they were looking for this entire time, The Crystal Heart.

They all smile and both Spike and (Y/N) gesture for Twilight to go and retrieve the relic as she slowly walks forward to complete her task, but the moment she touches a hoof to the starburst, its background goes black and begins to pulse with light as an alarm whoops out.

(Y/N): What was that?!

Outside of the empire, King Sombra senses this alarm as he lifts his head, surprised, and starts a spell going with a growl. 

Up on top of the tower, the floor responds by sending up a ring of high, jagged black stone spikes to fence Twilight in, and the Heart is flung up and over them when she tries to jump for it. (Y/N) catches the Heart and Spike stays where he was with a worried look. Sombra's mocking laughter grinds the air as Twilight's eyes flick back and forth across her prison.

(Y/N): Twilight! Are you okay?

Twilight Sparkle: I'm fine. Don't worry, if I just. . .

Twilight then tries to teleport outside the black wall only to have her spell violently reversed by Sombra.

Twilight Sparkle: How could I have been so foolish? I was just so eager to get it! Then when I saw what was going on outside, I. . .

(Y/N): Don't worry about it, Twilight. We still have the Crystal Heart. I'll get it down to Cadance.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay, hurry and be careful.

(Y/N): Come on, Spike!

(Y/N) grabs Spike and puts him on his back as they both dives over the edge to land on another platform on the tower and deadly sharp facets lace up through the patch where they were standing. They quickly grow at crazy angles to fill nearly every cubic inch of the elevated observation post, even tearing through part of the roof.

Down below at the balcony of the castle, the other mares of the Mane 7 stood along with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor trying their best to reassure the Crystal ponies as assorted noises of panic are heard from the crowd. Both Applejack and Rarity wave them off with forced smiles.

Applejack: Now, don't y'all worry your pretty, little Crystal heads! The real Crystal Heart will be here any second!

Rarity: *whispers* I don't know if they believe you. . .

Applejack: *whispers* Don't know if I believe me. . .

Princess Cadance struggles to keep her spell going with one last spasm, but the final flecks of magic waft away from her horn and the blue sky takes itself apart in no time flat. Behind it are the sick yellow-brown hue and roiling shadows of Sombra's onslaught. Down in the square, ponies stare wordlessly at the quick change.

Sapphire Joy: He's back! I can't take it!

The mare gallops away with a cry, but runs headfirst into a menacing black rock formation and looks up to see King Sombra snarling and glaring down at her from a cleft in it. The mare drops onto her belly.

Sapphire Joy: *shrieks* King Sombra. . .!

King Sombra then rises to show his entire head to all of the Crystal ponies.

King Sombra: *whispers* My crystal slaves. . .

Back upwards near the top of the castle, (Y/N) flies with the Crystal Heart in his possession and with Spike holding on his back. He dodges a few crystals that were bursting from the ground before waving down to his friends.

(Y/N): Hey everypony! Up here!

The mares look up to see (Y/N) and Spike with the Crystal Heart on his hooves.

Rarity: (Y/N)? Spike?

(Y/N): Don't worry, we've got the Crystal Heart!

King Sombra sees this and get's an angry look.

King Sombra: *growls* (Y/N) (L/N)! That is mine!

King Sombra fires a laser out of his horn up to where (Y/N) was and he didn't have enough time to react to it as it hits him and (Y/N) let's out a scream of pain. Spike jumps off of him onto a crystal platform. Spike looks at (Y/N) very worried for him.

Spike: (Y/N)!!

(Y/N): It's okay, I'm fine!

(Y/N) then tries to move but then notices that his torso was planted onto the wall and covered in crystals. He grunts a few times to try and break free, but it was no use.

Spike: (Y/N)! What now?! King Sombra is about to attack and both you and Twilight are now trapped!

(Y/N) looks at the heart on one of his hooves and back to Spike before getting a serious look.

(Y/N): It's up to you now, Spike.

Spike: What?!

(Y/N): You heard me! Grab the heart and get it down there to Cadance as fast as you can!

Spike: B-But I can't! Princess Celestia assigned you and Twilight to take it to Cadance! If you don't, you fail Celestia's test!

(Y/N): Spike, I know! But now is not the time to think about that! If we don't get the heart to her right now, then all of the Empire and Equestria is doomed!

Spike starts to sweat as he looks at the Heart and crosses his arms as he really doesn't want to get involved like Twilight said.

Spike: I-I-I. . . I just can't-

(Y/N): IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! Spike, I know you don't want us to fail, but Cadance, our friends, the Crystal ponies are down there with King Sombra is crawling here as we speak! We're counting on you now, Spike! You and you alone!

Spike looks back and sees Sombra gaining on them and get's scared and looks at the Heart in (Y/N)'s hoof once more before he gulps.

Spike: Okay. . .! I'll do it!

(Y/N) smiles for a second before seeing that more crystals were forming around his body. He then faces Spike and sees a platform just enough for Spike to jump at and get's prepared to throw the heart.

(Y/N): Spike! Go long!

(Y/N) throws the heart overhead Spike as the baby dragon kept his eyes trained on it before diving just far enough to land on the platform that (Y/N) threw to and he caught the Crystal Heart with his claws.

Spike: I got it!

(Y/N): Alright, buddy! It's all up to you now!

Spike nods as he runs and jumps on another platform to hurry and get the Crystal Heart to Princess Cadance. 

King Sombra who was not too far from the castle now pours himself into the ground, creating a huge black splotch that begins to work its way toward the castle, more lethal crystal hazards popping up along the path. As the crew on the balcony waits and watches tensely, Spike hurries down the winding, uneven flight that used to be the spiral staircase. Sombra's rising growl accompanies a long fissure that snakes through the square, along with the spikes that erupt along its course as his head forms from the shadows around the point of one of these. The sight throws enough of a scare into Spike to make him lose his footing, and he goes over the edge, losing the Heart. Everypony on the balcony watches Spike fall with very worried looks.

Rarity: *gasps* Spikey-wikey!

Shining Armor sees both Spike and the Crystal Heart falling and get's an idea as he puts his wife on his back. Cadance's eyelids flutter open long enough for the falling Heart to reflect in her pupils. She then spreads her wings to full extension, while King Sombra's shadowy form finally becomes normal for everypony to see again. 

Spike free-falls after the Heart and Sombra runs his tongue over his fangs, anticipating a good meal of the mineral or the dragon. Spike grabs uselessly at the gleaming relic, kept out of his reach by gravity. 

Shining Armor stands up on his hind legs and hoists a newly resolute Cadance overhead in his forelegs, and hurls her off the balcony with all his strength. 

Sombra's feral smile widens a bit, carried even closer to a midair grab, but before he can lay a hoof on his target, Cadance flashes across and collides with both Spike and the Heart.

King Sombra: Huh?

The impact has left Spike sitting on Cadance's back, while the Heart sails just in front of them thanks to her magic. Her horn is energized again, and her low pass over the crowd prompts more than a few murmurs.

Crystal Pony: Behold! The Crystal Princess!

Princess Cadance lands squarely on top of the fake Heart (Y/N) made, shattering it.

Princess Cadance: The Crystal Heart has returned. Use the light and love within you to ensure that King Sombra does not.

Cadance sends the Crystal Heart flying across the square to stop above the center of the giant snowflake set into the pavement, which starts to glow. A stalactite and stalagmite materialize here as well, so that the Heart ends up suspended between their points. One after another, the dull-colored mares and stallions take on their crystal appearances they manifested, and they bow to Cadence as a blue-white glow spreads under their hooves.

King Sombra: What? No. . . No! Stop!

The energy in the roads that the Crystal ponies put in run throughout the empire. The energy retracts into the Heart, which becomes a stationary spinning blur and then throws a wave of light over the crowd. As the ponies stand up, Princess Cadance and Spike take on an appearance similar to theirs, followed by the Mane 5 and Shining Armor on the balcony.

Far above, the radiance shatters the impenetrable forest of black stone jags that has overgrown the observation deck, restoring its normal colors. A newly crystalline Twilight is left suspended above the floor starburst.

She settles down onto it and looks herself over wonderingly, then smiles as the Heart's power boils out from the castle.

The crystals that were holding (Y/N) then burst apart as the reaction got to him as well and his crystalline form made his mane and tail look somewhat spiky. He flies and smiles that Spike was able to complete the job.

King Sombra can do nothing but roar in fury and anguish once it reaches his perch, obliterating both it and him in one mighty flash. The lightless murk retreats to the outer edge of the empire's territory, and the castle comes alive with a brilliant glow and discharges a beam into the diseased brown sky. This blast is enough to restore the tranquil blue and send multicolored streamers of light snaking in all directions, similar to an aurora borealis.

The phenomenon is visible as far as Ponyville and Canterlot as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna look far out at the light show. Princess Celestia smiles gently and inclines her head towards an uneasy Luna, who returns both the smile and the gesture so that their horns cross.

The Crystal Empire now completely free of Sombra's taint and has the energy still pouring up from the castle. Princess Cadance lands on the balcony with Spike hopping down off her back before Shining Armor races over to wrap her up in a huge hug, and she waves to the cheering ponies gathered in the square below. Spike flicks his eyes upward for a moment to see (Y/N) looking down at him and he wraps his arms around himself with a little shudder. (Y/N) smiles and winks down at Spike.

(Y/N): Great job, Spike. You did it.

A few hours later, the entire Crystal Empire had fully revived and rehabilitated streets with plenty of ponies going happily about their business. The aurora lights still radiate in all directions from the castle's pinnacle. The Mane 7 with their normal appearances along with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were then seen on their way out through the snow around the empire.

Rarity: I do so wish it was permanent. Did you see how my mane just absolutely sparkled?

Applejack: But. . . good things are better when they're a "Rarity."

Rarity chuckles from the small joke and both (Y/N) and Twilight were speaking to Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

Shining Armor: You've gotta stop saving my rump like this. It's starting to get embarrassing.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, you should thank (Y/N). Wasn't he the one who brought the Crystal Heart to Cadance?

(Y/N): Actually, it wasn't me who saved the day this time.

Twilight Sparkle: What? Then who did?

(Y/N): If anything, I have to give most of the credit to my pal, Spike. I helped him a bit with getting the heart to Cadance, but in the end it was him who completed the task.

Twilight then looks at Spike with a small smile before it turns into a frown as she looks to the ground solemnly.

Twilight Sparkle: But that means. . .

(Y/N): Don't worry Twilight, if we know Princess Celestia well then I'm sure she'll completely understand.

Shining Armor: Besides, it's just a test.

(Y/N): *chuckles* That's what I said.

Twilight then smirks and gives a playful glare at (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, shut up, Mr. I flew in the air aimlessly for 30 minutes.

(Y/N) gives the same playful glare at Twilight.

(Y/N): Ms. Hyper Organized Bookworm.

Both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance then chuckled which confused the two.

Princess Cadance: You two are so. . . cute!

Twilight and (Y/N) both blushed and immediately tried to deny that.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh! This again!

(Y/N): We are not!

Twilight Sparkle: We're not cute!

(Y/N): We are just a couple of best friends and heroic ponies that live by own rules when it comes to friendship.

Twilight Sparkle: Exactly! What he said!

(Y/N): And a couple of those rules include, teasing each other and showing affection for each other.

Shining Armor: *chuckles* If you say so.

Twilight then get's her uneasy look back again and faces (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: You sure she'll understand? I doubt that she would even let alone let us retake it.

(Y/N): Hey, I'm sure. Princess Celestia is definitely understanding. . . but I still do hope we pass in some way.

At the Canterlot royal palace, Twilight and (Y/N) had gone in to meet with the princess once more and outside Spike paces in front of the ground-floor entrance, Rainbow Dash hovers at the bottom of the balcony stairs, Applejack and Pinkie sit together on the grass with the latter biting her front hooves as the former tries to comfort her, and Fluttershy keeps on eye on Rarity, who has fainted. Spike then starts to hyperventilate at the immense worry that he was feeling.

Spike: Keep it together, buddy. . . gotta stay strong. . . for Twilight. . . for (Y/N). . .  

Inside of the castle, Princess Celestia is seen looking out of the window at the distant aurora. 

Princess Celestia: It's beautiful.

Twilight Sparkle: I wish it had been one of us who ultimately made it so. But it wasn't.

(Y/N): Princess Celestia. . . I know this test was assigned for both of us, but in the end Spike was the one who saved the day. Sorry, if we both failed.

Princess Celestia then says something that made both of them shocked.

Princess Celestia: No, neither of you failed.

(Y/N): Huh? Really?

Princess Celestia: Twilight, (Y/N), as I understand it, Spike brought Princess Cadance the Crystal Heart because neither of you weren't sure how quickly you could find a way to escape the tower or the dark crystals of King Sombra. Both of you weren't willing to risk the future of the citizens of the Crystal Empire in an effort to guarantee your own.

Both of them then look to see a mural of (Y/N) and Twilight lifting Spike up in the air and the dragon throwing the Crystal Heart up to Cadance, who hovers surrounded by the silhouettes of several ponies.

Princess Celestia: Far better that I have a student and a young heroic pony who understands the meaning of self-sacrifice than one who only looks out for her own best interests.

Both (Y/N) and Twilight looked at each other surprised before they get huge smiles.

Twilight Sparkle: Does this mean. . .?

Spike was still outside hyperventilating as he still paces back and forth worriedly.

Spike: They're totally gonna lose it! Keep it together, buddy. . . gotta stay strong. . . for Twilight and (Y/N). . .!

One of the double doors swings open, pushed by a violet hoof, and catches him dead in the face. The rest of the mares are too stunned to say a word as Twilight and (Y/N) stood in the shadows for a second before they jump out ecstaic.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): We passed!

Everypony cheers as Spike hugs Twilight in complete happiness and the mares go and up and give a group hug to (Y/N) which he returned for a brief moment. After the excitement, Rarity starts a musical number.

Rarity:  You were prepared to do your best 

♪ Had what it takes to pass the test 

♪ All those doubts you can dismiss 

♪ Turns out you were 

Mane 5:  Prepared for this! 

As they all walk off, Applejack lays a foreleg over (Y/N)'s shoulders.

Applejack:  You clearly have just what it takes 

Pinkie is then seen balancing on stilts alongside Applejack.

Pinkie Pie:  To pass a test with such high stakes 

Fluttershy: ♪ We knew for sure you would prevail 

A cloud floats past overhead, on which Rainbow lounges on her back.

Rainbow Dash:  Since when does Twilight Sparkle or (Y/N) ever fail? 

Mane 5:  All those doubts that you can dismiss 

♪ Trust yourself and you cannot miss 

Applejack, Rarity, & Pinkie Pie:  Turns out you were 

Twilight Sparkle:  Turns out I was 

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike:  Turns out you were 

Twilight Sparkle:  Turns out I was 

Rarity:  Turns out you were 

Mane 5:  Prepared for this! ♪

The Mane 7 were then seen leaving on a train with Celestia and Luna watching. After a short glance at her sister, Luna conjures up a book with a pattern of stars and swirling lines on its cover, and both nod in unspoken agreement before turning to watch the train again.

Twilight, (Y/N), and Spike were then seen on the train on their way home.

Spike: *nervous laugh* Yeah, I knew everything was going to be fine.

He then sighs and lays down exhausted with both (Y/N) and Twilight looking at him with smiles. (Y/N) then decides to walk off and sit down on a seat on the train while looking out of the window. He stares up at the sunset with a concerned look.

(Y/N): (Just who was that I saw in that illusion? The moment that I laid eyes on that guy. . . I just felt fear. Hmm. . . not that it matters. It was only just my fear. It won't happen.)

In another location however, the same evil mysterious figure was looking down at (Y/N) with it's magic ball.

Mysterious Figure: I see. . . there is not only an outlet to (Y/N) (L/N)'s magic, but in order for it to work, it must be caused by a specific feeling of negative emotions.

The figure then turns around and gives an evil smile.

Mysterious Figure: A fear of losing somepony that is close to you, eh (Y/N) (L/N)? *chuckles evilly* I finally understand how I will steal your magic and conquer all of Equestria! And those six mares will be the key in order to making my wish happen! I'm coming for you, (Y/N) (L/N). . . I'll not only destroy you, but everything you ever cared about!

The figure then gives out a small laugh and after a few seconds it grows into a bellowing laugh that could be heard from miles away. 

Chapter 2 End.

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