Chapter 16: Maud Pie

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This morning was a rather abrupt meeting for the everypony except Pinkie Pie as the rest of the six were called up to her home at Sugarcube Corner apparently for something rather urgent that she needed to tell her friends. Right now, they are all at the front door yawning from being up so early in the morning.

Applejack: Has anypony heard from Pinkie Pie since yesterday?

Varied negative responses came from the others.

Rainbow Dash: *yawns* I don't see what's so important we had to meet her here this early. Celestia hasn't even raised the sun yet!

Rainbow says this as she points over to a rooster sleeping heartily on a fence rail.

Twilight Sparkle: I hope everything's okay.

(Y/N): I'm sure it is, but you know Pinkie Pie. If there's something exciting on her plate that she wants to show her friends then she'll go through extreme lengths to do it.

(Y/N) then walks up to the door to knock on it a few times and his knocks are met with a great crash and clatter from inside before the door opens. Pinkie Pie stands here, attired in a white chef's toque and a pair of safety goggles. Mild irritation at being interrupted gives way to giddy relief as soon as she spots the group.

Pinkie Pie: Thank goodness you're all here! There's no time to lose!

Jumping out past the step, she throws first Fluttershy and then Rarity bodily into the building and steers Applejack in after them. Twilight and (Y/N) follow in walking after them, leaving Rainbow Dash hovering by herself. She starts to fly in, but the door slams shut just in time for her to bang into it face first.

Rainbow Dash: Hey- Whoa!

She is quickly yanked in by Pinkie who slams the door back shut.

Inside of the bakery, the six visitors are now cautiously crossing the space inside as a pile of small bluish-gray rocks rests near a window. A crunching noise from below stops them short.

Pinkie Pie: Careful!

They all have stepped into a scatter of multicolored fragments, and Twilight shakes a front hoof to dislodge the ones now stuck on it.

Twilight Sparkle: What is all of this?

(Y/N) levitates one of the fragments up and takes a whiff at them.

(Y/N): Smells and kind of looks like candy. . . Except they feel as hard as a rock.

Pinkie Pie: That's because it is, silly. My sister Maud's gonna be here soon, and I need your help taste-testing my rock candy recipes!

She stands before them, holding a bowlful of the brightly hued minerals and trying her best to mix them with the wire whisk in her teeth. (Y/N) kind of get's a wearing feeling from that name.

(Y/N): Maud? Your sister? Wait. . . Wasn't she that one sister that you that I couldn't see over at your house because she was at studying at school?

Pinkie rushes up to (Y/N) and hastily grabs his cheeks.

Pinkie Pie: That's right! Oh, I was so sad that you weren't able to see her, (Y/N). I love all of my sisters, but trust me, when you meet Maud, she'll be the best one out of all of them!

Applejack walks up to (Y/N) a little confused.

Applejack: You've met the rest of Pinkie's family? What are they like?

(Y/N): *blushes and laughs nervously* . . .You'll have to see that for yourself. (If two of Pinkie's sisters, plus her parents have unique personalities then I don't think I'll be too surprised to see what her sister Maud is like.)

(Y/N) then notices the huge amounts of rock candy that Pinkie laid across her bedroom.

(Y/N): By the way Pinkie, we're all more than happy to help, but. . . don't you think that you used a little too much candy?

Pinkie Pie: I may have gone a teensy bit overboard.

Her smile turns into a big squee just before it is revealed that all of the candy that she made was taking up almost every available surface from the floor, countertops, bed, stairs, and balcony which would be enough to drive any sane dentist into either screaming fits or a catatonic state. All her friends could do is trade puzzled looks before (Y/N) just smiles.

(Y/N): Come on girls, how bad can taste tasting all of these can be?

Ten minutes later. . .

(Y/N): I think I need a new stomach. . .

(Y/N) was on the floor groaning in distress along with the other mares as they were all on the floor exhausted as clearly they have overindulged the huge stack of candy, but here comes Pinkie to wheel in a freshly loaded bin. Rainbow's mouth and cheeks are speckled with crumbs.

Pinkie Pie: Everypony ready for more?

Rainbow Dash: Ugh. My teeth hurt.

Applejack: I think we've had plenty. And shouldn't you be on your way to pick up Maud from the train station?

Pinkie Pie: Oh, but you've only tried half of the flavors, and we have to choose the perfect ones before she gets here so I have time to make more!

She proceeds to scoop up a hoof-load from the bin before scarfing it down. She then upends the bin over her head so she can chomp into its contents as well. Applejack and Rainbow recoil in mild horror while Fluttershy stares fixedly ahead. (Y/N) nervously smiles as he get's up and walks up to Pinkie with a smile.

(Y/N): Maud is your sister, right? I'm sure she'll think that your rock candy is wonderful as I think that I've already got that message in my tummy.

(Y/N) gags getting a little bit of indigestion before he burps and speaks to Pinkie once more.

(Y/N): Besides, will Maud really eat all of this herself?

Pinkie Pie: Aw, it's not just for Maud, sweetie. I'm making candy for all of us!

Winces and groans from the other five while (Y/N) was confused.

(Y/N): Then. . . why have us taste test it? Didn't you want it to be a bit of a surprise?

Pinkie then goes up to (Y/N) and wraps a foreleg around him pulling him close.

Pinkie Pie: The surprise is mostly going to be for Maud. It's part of a very important, super-duper special tradition that only the closest and bestest of friends can share. We're going to make rock candy necklaces together!

She holds one up on the end of this as they were hunks of the sweet in different colors, threaded on a string.

Pinkie Pie: *squeals* It all started when Maud and I were fillies on the rock farm. She taught me the Pie family rock candy recipe! It adds a secret ingredient *whispers* It's rocks* *normal voice* And she showed me how to string the pieces to make them into a necklace! And once we were done, we'd trade!

Pinkie is then seen hunched down over a notebook, pencil in teeth to finish some drawings that she has done throughout her entire explanation of explaining the tradition. Finished, she straightens up and let's the crayon drop out of her mouth.

Pinkie Pie: Maud and I have been trading necklaces back and forth since I moved to Ponyville. They're a sign that we'll always be best friends!

Applejack: Aw, what a great tradition.

Rainbow Dash: Hold on. The secret ingredient is rocks?

Pinkie Pie: Yeah. But these are a special kind of rock that Maud discovered.

Fluttershy: Oh, what kind of a rock are they?

Pinkie Pie: Can't tell ya that, silly! *whispers loudly* It's a secret!

She gives Fluttershy a pat on the head and crosses back.

Pinkie Pie: Now that Maud is heading out to get her rocktorate in rock science, this may be our last chance to trade them for a really long time. I can't wait for you all to meet her. I just know that my best Ponyville friends, my boyfriend, and my best sister friend are gonna become bestest friends! We can make bestest-est friend rock candy necklaces together!

Now she is really caught up in the moment as she starts pulling in her friends one by one.

Pinkie Pie: She expresses herself through fashion just like Rarity, and she's really smart and loves reading just like Twilight! And she's honest, and loves forest things, and is good at games, she's funny, and. . . Well, oh, she's awesome!

All six find themselves being mashed together by the pink goofball for a vigorous group hug.

Rarity: *straining* She sounds amazing, but won't she start worrying if you aren't at the train station when she gets here?

Pinkie Pie: She sure will.

Silence falls in for a moment before (Y/N) speaks up.

(Y/N): In that case Pinkie. . . you should head on your way you know.

(Y/N) gestures his hoof towards the exit as Pinkie now realizes what she's missing as her eyes pop wide open and she sucks in a long gasp.

Pinkie Pie: I gotta get out of here!

Throwing the other five aside, she sheds her toque and goggles and gallops for the door. (Y/N) stands back up as he watches Pinkie rush out of the door and puts a hoof to his chin looking rather stumped.

Twilight Sparkle: In that case, let's all meet up at the lake shore that in the outskirts. Have a nice welcoming picnic for Maud.

Rarity: Ah, yes. Seeing how she shares my taste for fashion, I should definitely don a rather bedazzling accessory for when she arrives.

Fluttershy: Should we bring our pets? Pinkie did say that Maud does like forestry environments.

Applejack: Yeah, so I wouldn't be surprised if she had a pet.

Twilight Sparkle: I think that's a great idea. I'll bring Owlowiscious along with me.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I won't mind bringing Tank. I'm actually pretty thrilled and curious now to see what Pinkie's sister is really like. If she likes games, then I hope she's prepared to see me show off some of my own skills.

Twilight shakes her head from that with a smile before she notices (Y/N) deep in thought as she walks up to him.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), is everything alright?

(Y/N) is broken out of his train of thought as he quickly looks at Twilight and tries to play it off.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. I-I'm as excited to know what Maud is like as much as you all are.

Applejack could tell that he was lying from how he stuttered in that sentence, so she follows it up with another question.

Applejack: Uh, ya sure your alright there, sugarcube? You looked like you were trying to anticipate somethin'.

(Y/N): Nah, I'm good. Really, I am.

Applejack raised an eyebrow from that and so did the rest of the mares before they all just shrugged it off before walking out of Pinkie's room and (Y/N) stayed behind for a second with a concerned expression.

(Y/N): I'm. . . kind of excited to see Maud, but after seeing what Pinkie's family is like. . . I think Pinkie may be exaggerating on her sister's description just a little bit.

(Y/N) then shakes his head vigorously and get's the thought out of his mind.

(Y/N): Don't think like that, (Y/N). This is your girlfriend's sister. I'm sure no matter what her sister is like, we'll be able to bond like friends like we do with everypony else.

(Y/N) then follows the mares out of Sugarcube Corner so that they can go and meet Pinkie and Maud at the lake in the outskirts.

The Mane 6 were all now at the lake like they planned in the first place with all of their pets being there too. A picnic blanket was also laid out as Applejack had brought a basket full of muffins and there was some tea set up as well. The pets were all just doing their own thing while the Mane 6 finish setting up before Pinkie and Maud arrive.

Fluttershy: I sure hope Maud has an appetite. 

Applejack: Never met a pony or critter who didn't love Granny Smith's apple spiced muffins!

As she speaks, Fluttershy's rabbit Angel makes a run at a basket of these baked goods, only to be pushed away by Applejack's hoof.

Rarity: Oh, it's no use!

Rarity then walks in along with her cat Opalescence as she has on a purple hat whose brim and high rounded crown are studded with chunks of translucent bluish crystal. The whole assembly is so heavy that she is having trouble keeping her head up.

Rarity: I simply cannot find anything suitable to wear!

One crystal comes loose from her hat and plops into the muffin basket.

Rainbow Dash: I doubt she'll notice what anypony's wearing, so what's the big deal?

Rarity: The big deal is that it will be very difficult to show Maud what a strong fashion presence we have in Ponyville if the most fashion-forward pony here can't keep her hat from falling apart!

(Y/N): I think that I already get that Pinkie's sister likes rocks, but were the crystals really necessary? Them falling apart like that almost makes me feel like you glued them on.

Rarity: What?! I never! 

(Y/N): Besides, none of you should think that you're the only one nervous to how Maud will see us. Being Pinkie's boyfriend, I should definitely make a good first impression on her and the same goes for the rest of you. It's what Pinkie wants.

Twilight Sparkle: You're right and those rock candy necklaces did seem really special to her, so I suggest we all just be ourselves around Maud and see how all of this will play out.

(Y/N): They should be getting back here any minute-

Pinkie Pie: We're heeeere!

They all turn to see Pinkie visible on a path through the meadow that drops out of sight over a rise. Pinkie stands here, waving enthusiastically, and starts to hop toward the gathering. . . alone. This confused all of them as (Y/N) walks up to Pinkie.

(Y/N): We're glad "you're" here, but. . . is Maud coming too?

Pinkie Pie: Don't you worry about it, sweetie. She's coming!

Both of their eyes swivel to look back along the path, and soon all seven ponies and their pets with the exception of Pinkie's alligator Gummy have gathered to scope it out.

. . .

. . .

. . .

There was nothing so far.

Rainbow Dash: Uh. . . you sure?

Pinkie Pie: She's not quite as fast as me. I asked Gummy to stay with her in case she got lost!

She turns her eyes back along the way as the rest of her friends start to register assorted degrees of confusion and impatience.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Suddenly, the distant clopping of hooves on earth makes itself heard, and soon a grayish speck emerges slowly over the rise.

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* Is she even moving?

The pink party pony's sister continues to approach the Mane 7 as Gummy could even be seen on her tail. Pinkie jumps high and hangs in midair to yell to her sister.


She drops back to the ground, but this shout does not a thing to alter Maud's dawdling pace.

Eventually, she caught up to the group who smile at Maud finally making her appearance. Maud was an Earth pony like her little sister as she had a Persian bluish gray coat, a grayish blue violet mane and tail, light turquoise eyes, she was wearing eyeshadow, and she even had on a garment which is secured by a black belt around her midsection. The biggest thing about her is that she showed no emotion at all.

She flicks her eyes down at the rock lying in the path, leans down close, and gives it a good sniff. When she speaks, her voice comes in a measured level of monotone.

Maud Pie: Hm. Sedimentary.

Rainbow lands between Twilight, (Y/N), and Pinkie with a confused face.

Rainbow Dash: Huh?

Maud Pie: This is a sedimentary rock.

Gummy lets go of her tail and (Y/N) and Twilight just look at each other not knowing what to say before Twilight tries to break the silence.

Twilight Sparkle: That's. . . really fascinating, isn't it, everypony?

All (Y/N) could do is give a nervous smile as Twilight walks up to Maud.

Twilight Sparkle: We're just so thrilled you could come for a visit before your big trip. Pinkie Pie has told us so much about you. I'm Twilight, and this is Applejack, (Y/N), Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity.

Fluttershy: We're ever so glad to meet you.

Applejack: We're just gonna have the best time!

Maud Pie: . . .

All that came from Maud was dead silence. Finding herself pinned by Twilight's "get on with it" glare and Pinkie's hopeful smile, Rarity stitches on a smile and steps forward.

Rarity: Pinkie Pie tells me you share my love for fashion.

Maud Pie: I'm really into expressing myself through my wardrobe.

Rarity: A-And what is the delightful frock you're wearing now saying?

All Maud could do was raise an eyebrow from that after a long pause.

Maud Pie: It doesn't talk. It's a dress.

(Y/N): (OOOOkay. . . This is awkward. I knew that Pinkie's sister would be as. . . unique like her other family, but it's looking to be hard making conversation with her. She doesn't even get expressions.)

Rarity forces a smile as she backs up.

Rarity: Oh, yes, of course, I, I just meant, the frock is, just. . .

She trails off into gibberish before Winona circles around Maud, barking happily. Applejack then proceeds to introduce all of the pets that they brought as well.

Applejack: Uh, so this here's Winona. That's Owlowiscious, Tank, Opal, and Angel. Pinkie Pie told us you have a pet, too.

Maud Pie: He's in my pocket.

Fluttershy: Oh, you have a pocket pet?

Angel reacts with growing disgust as she continues.

Fluttershy: Like a tiny mouse? Or a baby bird? Or a trained butterfly?

Maud Pie: It's a rock.

She does a bit of fishing around in a fold of her dress before she tosses out a small, unremarkable stone fragment onto the path and Fluttershy grimaces mightily.

Maud Pie: His name is Boulder.

(Y/N): That's. . . fitting I suppose. 

Pinkie then jumps up and down right beside (Y/N).

Pinkie Pie: This is going to be the best, most awesome, funnest week ever! I can't wait for us all to become bestest friends!

(Y/N) gives a forced smile from this and looks back to his other girlfriends who smile and chuckle weakly, but are clearly not crazy about having to spend more than thirty seconds with this wet blanket.

Later on in the afternoon, the Mane 7 with Maud were all having their picnic together eating their lunch with each other. Maud was eating a sandwich and had Boulder right in front of her too. She sets down the sandwich she has been eating and shifts her pet closer, as if it might want a bite as well.

Applejack: Maud? Would you like to try one of Granny Smith's famous apple spiced muffins?

The visitor leans in close, sniffs deeply of the contents, and opens her mouth over the crystal chunk that fell off of Rarity's hat and landed in the basket.

Applejack: Oh, uh, heh, that's not– Um. . .

Applejack had no time to really stop Maud as she already a bite with a loud crunch in her teeth chewing the mineral. She takes her time working over the mouthful, to the consternation of everypony except Pinkie.

Maud Pie: *mouth full* It's crunchy.

Her sister bites into a muffin.

Pinkie Pie: *mouth full* Maud's right! They are crunchy! Yum!

She licks her lips clean of crumbs. (Y/N) levitates up a muffin himself and chews on it as well to taste it himself before he leans over to Applejack.

(Y/N): *whispers* In her defense, they are actually crunchy so let's not break the mood.

Applejack nods from that still a little bit uneasy from Maud chewing on a crystal before Rainbow speaks up.

Rainbow Dash: So, uh, Pinkie Pie tells us you like games.

Maud Pie: Boulder and I sometimes play a game called "Camouflage". It's kind of like hide and seek but WAY more intense.

Rainbow Dash: . . .Awesome?

Now within just a hour, the Mane 7 were all playing the game that Maud described. . . except that they were looking for Boulder which made things a bit more complicated since he was a rock. They were all looking on a small grassy hillside trying to find Boulder, but had no luck.

Twilight Sparkle: Any luck?

Fluttershy: I truly wish I'd spent more time with Boulder, because I'm having a very hard time remembering what he looks like.

(Y/N): He's small. . . and kind of roundish. That's all I can make out of him.

Rainbow Dash: *sarcastically* Well, that's helpful.

(Y/N): You got a better idea?

Rainbow Dash: No. . . not that it's making this any better. Can you sense him?

(Y/N) looks at Rainbow Dash as if she lost all of her brain cells.

(Y/N): You really think I can sense a non-living object. . .?! Even though it's not non-living to Maud.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, fair point.

Applejack: It's like looking for a pebble in a haystack.

Rarity: More like in a pile of pebbles.

A crystal falls off of her hat before Applejack eyes it testily.

Applejack: Well, you don't have to make it even harder.

Rarity: Ugh! I give up! this is impossible!

Twilight Sparkle: It'll hurt Maud's feelings if we all stop playing.

(Y/N): Not to mention Pinkie's as well. Plus, it looks like she's having a lot of fun with the game.

Pinkie was right in front of Maud going all over the place showing her random rocks that she was finding around the place.

Pinkie Pie: Is this him? Is this him? Is this him? Is this him?

(Y/N): Let's just play this game for a little bit longer for their sake, alright?

Grudging agreement came from the rest of the gang before Maud speaks up.

Maud Pie: Found him.

All look up with some surprise as they see her holding up the ordinary gray pebble on a hoof. Pinkie leans in close with excitement written large across her face.

Pinkie Pie: Oh! Where was he?

Maud Pie: He was hiding in my pocket.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, come on!

Rainbow scatters around an entire pile of rocks before sitting on her haunches in frustration. Angel then hops over to Fluttershy, pokes her leg for attention, and points elsewhere. The other five pets all bored out of their skulls as they all except for Owlowiscious who was hanging on Tank's propeller were laying on the grass.

Fluttershy: I don't mean to interrupt, but we really should get these little critters home. It's getting awfully late, and they've had a very busy day.

Pinkie Pie: Maud and I had better get going too. I want her to taste the rock candy we're gonna use for our "best friends necklaces!" Aw, yeah!

She then goes up to (Y/N) and gives him a goodbye peck on the lips before walking off, her impassive sister following as Gummy climbs back up to the top of her head. The other six goggle after the pair for a moment.

Applejack: She sure is. . . different from what I expected.

Rainbow Dash: We spent all day digging in the dirt, and he was in her pocket the whole time?!

Fluttershy: On the bright side, Boulder seemed really sweet.

Rainbow Dash: HE'S A ROCK!

(Y/N): Don't be rude! It's not THAT unnatural that Maud would have a pet rock and she may seem not normal herself, but just know that that's who she is.

Twilight Sparkle: Come on, girls. I'm sure Maud was just nervous about meeting all of us.

Applejack: Maybe she was just acting a little "off" because she was shy or somethin'.

(Y/N): Nah, if she was shy, she would act a little more kind of like Fluttershy. . . uh, no offense Flutters.

Fluttershy: *giggles* None taken.

(Y/N): I think that we should all say that Maud's personality. . . is rather unpredictable because she doesn't show any emotion. . . at all. She had only one face going on the entire time she was with us. And don't tell me any of you didn't notice that she speaks in monotone.

The rest of the mares voiced some confused words of agreement to that.

(Y/N): We all just need to get used to how Maud is. Why not each of you including me spend some time with her one-on-one so we try to see if we can properly bond better? To try and see how things will go, Pinkie and I will come along too. Once each of you have made some kind of connection, both her and Pinkie will be convinced that we have to make rock candy necklaces with her.

All of the mares smiled from this saying that this is a great idea so that they can know Maud better.

The next day, at Carousel Boutique, Rarity brought Maud, (Y/N), and Pinkie along so that they can see how Maud likes fashion like Rarity does. They were all around the boutique looking around as Rarity crosses over to them.

Rarity: Where shall we start? I've chosen a few fabrics that I think will be stunning with y-

She cuts herself off, having suddenly lost her power of speech. Maud was apparently eyeing a soiled scrap of fabric on a worktable. (Y/N) walks up to her with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/N): Maud? What are you looking at?

Maud Pie: This. What's right in front of me.

Maud then picks up a piece of cloth, prompting an airy laugh from Rarity.

Rarity: *laughs* Pinkie Pie didn't tell us you were so funny!

All she gets in response is a quizzical gaze accompanied by a slow blink. 

Maud Pie: What do you mean?

Rarity: Oh, well, it's just. . . I believe that is a dishtowel.

Another deadpan stare came from Maud before (Y/N) motions his hoof left and right to tell Rarity to be more subtle while Pinkie grins from ear to ear alongside her.

Rarity: B-B-But it does go very well with your complexion. I'm sure I could work my magic and turn it into something fabulous.

Pinkie Pie: Rarity and my sister working together to design something amazing! This is the best day ever!

(Y/N): Why did you choose that dish towel, er. . . piece of cloth Maud?

Maud Pie: The dirty brown spots remind me that sedimentary rocks come from the ground all around the terrain.

(Y/N) thinks about that for a second before he speaks up.

(Y/N): Huh. Brown sometimes does remind of me that it's the color of dirt, which I suppose rocks are always found in.

Pinkie then hugs (Y/N) and rubs her cheeks on his.

Pinkie Pie: *squeals* Maud and my sweetie are having a conversation! Double best day ever!

Now the designer crosses back to them, floating several bits of dirty fabric.

Rarity: Perhaps I could sew all of these together and make you something you'd like.

Maud Pie: No thanks. One is enough.

The dish towel that she wanted goes across her shoulders, and the other pieces are levitated away.

Pinkie Pie: Doesn't Maud make the coolest scarves?

Rarity: Quite. . .

Somehow, she manages to get a humoring little grin in place without having her entire face split down the middle. (Y/N) could tell that Rarity was having a hard time with Maud as he raises an eyebrow at her.

In the forest, it was Maud's time to try and bond with Fluttershy as the mare herself trots down a road with Angel hopping beside her, both Maud and (Y/N) following right behind and Pinkie was hopping around from bush to bush. Fluttershy slows to a stop, letting Angel race ahead, as a twittering hummingbird swoops down to eye level.

Fluttershy: Hello there, Hummingway. I'm ever so happy to see you.

Hummingway twitters and chirps again as Pinkie rushes up to her.

Pinkie Pie: What's he saying?

Fluttershy: He says hello, and he's happy to see us too.

Pinkie's eyes shine at the sight, and she bites her lower lip to hold in her happy face before the little hummingbird zooms away.

Pinkie Pie: I wish I could speak hummingbird. Humm! Hum-m-m-m-m, hum!

She glances back the way she came and spots Maud on the path staring at something as (Y/N) also catches up. Fluttershy walks up to them before she and (Y/N) see the spider that is crawling slowly up a loose rock.

Fluttershy: These spiders only live in Ponyville, and even though they may look a teeny bit scary, they're actually very sweet and help keep other, more dangerous insects away!

The spider looked to be a menacing-looking beast at first, but it quickly takes on a much sunnier countenance as it pulls out a flower and offers it to the trio.

Maud Pie: I was looking at the rock.

Fluttershy: Oh.

She walks away and all Fluttershy could do was give an embarrassed smile with a blush. (Y/N) looks back at both the spider and the rock before he goes up to Maud.

(Y/N): Well Maud, rocks do serve a purpose for animals out here as well as some critters or even arachnids like spiders use rocks as a means for shelter to hide from prey.

Maud Pie: I know. Some birds use stones in their nest. Or even beavers may use rocks to keep their river dam sturdy.

(Y/N): So, you can clearly see that rocks can be useful in the wild?

Maud Pie: Yes. They can useful for anything here.

(Y/N) tilts his head a little to the side kind of confused before he felt a tingle on his back and the spider that was just on the rock has crawled up his shoulder making (Y/N) shudder a little. He looks at the spider before it brought out the same flower that it had and placed in on top of (Y/N)'s mane making him smile at it.

Once it was time for the three to go, Fluttershy and Angel stand at the front door to the cottage, while Pinkie, (Y/N) and Maud are on the far side of the brook. The older sister walks away as the younger plus (Y/N) wave goodbye.

Pinkie Pie: Thanks again, Fluttershy! Start thinking about which flavors you want to put on your best friend rock candy necklace!

With that, Pinkie and (Y/N) go after Maud, leaving a slightly perplexed Pegasus on the step.

Fluttershy: Oh gosh. I'm not sure we're even friends yet.

Angel starts to ponder the events as well.

At the Golden Oak Library, it was Twilight's turn to hang out with Maud along with Pinkie and (Y/N) as the purple alicorn levitates a book off of a shelf while Pinkie rolls past on the ladder Spike sometimes uses to get at the higher shelves. (Y/N) was just reading a little bit of Daring Do as Maud walks right past him.

Pinkie Pie: Maud is a total bookworm. She loves poetry!

Twilight Sparkle: I've got lots of poetry. Do you read anything by Quilland Ink? Or Flourish Prose?

Maud is then seen poking at another section.

Maud Pie: I prefer to read my own poetry.

(Y/N) looks up from his book surprised as he levitates it away with a smile and Twilight does as well.

(Y/N): Huh. So you write poetry yourself?

Pinkie Pie: She does! And even the au- 

Pinkie then clamps her mouth shut.

Pinkie Pie: (Oops! I Pinkie Promised him that I wouldn't break any walls this time.)

Twilight Sparkle: Anyways, we'd love to hear some of your poetry Maud.

Maud takes a couple of steps closer, coughs into a hoof, and begins to recite.

Maud Pie: Rock. You are a rock. Gray. You are gray. Like a rock. Which you are. Rock.

Twilight and (Y/N) can do nothing, but stare in mingled shock and brain-paralyzing confusion. However, Pinkie rolls by behind her on the ladder, grinning and clapping.

(Y/N): Um, that was. . . good. Short and straight to the point. 

Maud Pie: I've written thousands.

(Y/N): Really? That many?

Pinkie Pie: She's so prolific!

Maud Pie: This next one is about rocks. They're all about rocks.

That is enough to set Twilight chewing on her lower lip and wondering exactly what she has gotten herself into while (Y/N) just stares confused.

Maud Pie: Rocks; these are my rocks. Sediments: make me sedimental. Smooth and round, asleep in the ground. Shades of brown and gray. . .

We now go onto Sweet Apple Acres as the three were helping Applejack make their own apple cider for them to try out themselves. Pinkie races up and climbs the nearest apple tree, disappearing into the foliage and leaving a trail of pink dust behind herself. There follows a quick shake of the branches, after which the blur streaks down and back to the barn. Inside, she arrives in the kitchen, holding an apple by its stem in her teeth.

Applejack was at the stove monitoring a pot, (Y/N) was looking to see which apples were fresh and ripe as he passes them over to Maud who was in charge of peeling the apples.

Applejack: You 'bout done peelin' them apples for the cider, Maud?

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this as he turns to Applejack with a forced smile before back at Maud.

(Y/N): Uh, I-I think she's got the process down. Sh-She actually has a rather new method that she uses which Applejack I'm sure maybe some others may use as well.

Applejack: Really? Well, let's see here.

As soon as Applejack walks up to the two, she briefly recoils in teeth-locked horror at what she saw. . .

Maud has used a rock to crush one of the apples and although the peel has certainly been removed, the rest of this particular fruit has been reduced to mush as well.

Maud Pie: I used a rock to peel it.

Applejack then quickly regains her composure as both her and (Y/N) gave nervous smiles at her.

Applejack: Oh, uh, yep. That's a very interestin' method you got there. *nervous laugh*

Maud Pie: Should I peel another?

She says as she lifts up another rock to smash it.

Applejack: No! I mean, nah. I'm sure there's plenty apples in it already.

Pinkie puts her head into view from above to sniff the steam coming off the pot.

Pinkie Pie: Can we taste it now?

Applejack: Sure, why not?

The contents of the pot are ladled into three waiting mugs, and Pinkie instantly jumps down to stand next to (Y/N) and Maud, who has put down her rock. Applejack passes them the mugs as both (Y/N) and Maud put their hooves through the handles. Pinkie however takes a more direct approach as she wraps her mouth all the way around the edge of her mug, flips her head back, and simply lets the cider pour down her throat. It takes her less than two seconds to empty the mug and drop it on the stove with a happy little gasp.

Pinkie Pie: Wow! That's the best apple cider I've ever had!

(Y/N) rolls his eyes with a smile from that.

(Y/N): You say that every time we have cider like this.

(Y/N) then proceeds to drink his mug of cider gulping it down as well before he licks his lips.

(Y/N): Still, your cider is without doubt the best in the world, AJ and that's never going to change.

Applejack: Aw shucks, sugarcube. What do you think Maud?

Maud takes a sip herself to then give her simple answer.

Maud Pie: It tastes like apples.

Pinkie Pie: Told you she was super honest, just like you!

She zips over to give Applejack a forceful nuzzle as she just forcefully smiles a little nervous from that response.

Applejack: W-We're practically twins, heh.

Her leaden chuckle goes completely unnoticed, as does the grimace that follows it. (Y/N) turns to Maud with a nervous smile.

(Y/N): So Maud, are there any other kinds of fruits that you like besides apples?

Maud Pie: I normally don't eat things that are sweet unless my sister makes them.

(Y/N): Then. . . what do you like to eat?

Maud Pie: My favorite food is rock soup.

(Y/N) get's a slight disgusted look from that before it becomes a forced smile.

(Y/N): I suppose I don't have to guess what the secret ingredient is to that.

Maud Pie: It's rocks.

(Y/N): *sighs* . . .I figured.

Back at the lakeside where the Mane 7 had their picnic with Maud before, her, Pinkie, and (Y/N) were now with Rainbow Dash trying to befriend her with Maud as they decided to play a little competition with each other trying to throw rocks the farthest. Rainbow flies up to whirl in place fast enough to turn herself into a Technicolor blur, and throws a small rock. The projectile slams down in the foreground to half-bury itself in the dirt across from the lake.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! Alright, your turn (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Heh, check this out.

(Y/N) throws a rock up into the air and points his hoof down to the ground and holds it with the other as if using a golf club.

(Y/N): Fore!

(Y/N) puts (F/C) energy into his hoof before he strikes the rock far enough that it went past a couple of trees in the distance. (Y/N) smirks at Rainbow Dash who smirks back while Pinkie was in a bush and smiles with a squee. (Y/N) then turns to Maud seeing that it was now her turn.

(Y/N): Okay Maud, it's your tur- Whooa!

A much larger rock is flung past him and Rainbow as it flies in a high arc over the pond and all the terrain beyond it clearing, trees, hills and drops out of sight. One long, tense, silent moment later, its touchdown is marked by a booming crash and a mushroom cloud of gray dust boiling up from the great distance. This dissipates in the face of a shock wave that rushes out from the point of impact, shaking all the trees and driving the pond water into a tsunami that crashes down on all three ponies.

After it drains away, Pinkie surfaces dazedly, standing on a log. She quickly comes to and smiles hugely, rising to her hind legs so she can roll the timber across the water.

Pinkie Pie: That was AMAZING!

Rainbow and (Y/N) then surface above the water as the latter looks in the direction that the rock was thrown with a jaw dropped face while Rainbow looks back to Maud.

Rainbow Dash: Whoa. How'd you do that?

Maud Pie: I threw it.

(Y/N): If Twilight was here, she would say that doesn't look physically possible!

The blue flyer scowls directed in equal parts at Maud and herself. Pinkie continues to hop on the log across the pond behind her while (Y/N) paid no attention still in disbelief how Maud could've thrown a rock like that to create a huge explosion.

Rainbow Dash: I guess you won this one, Maud. *smiles*

Maud Pie: I'm not really into. . . "winning".

Rainbow's smile turns into a disbelieving gasp. Meanwhile, Pinkie has forgotten to walk or hop, and the log is now whirling her through the water as it keeps spinning. (Y/N) heard that and sees Rainbow's reaction and tries to ask Maud a different question.

(Y/N): But don't you like to play games, Maud?

Maud Pie: I usually just play games with Pinkie or Boulder. I don't really care if I win or lose, but I would rather just have fun. That's more important to me.

Rainbow's gasp then turns into an eyebrow raise as she flies up and shakes herself clean.

Rainbow Dash: Huh. I guess I can respect that.

(Y/N): Well, not everypony is competitive as you, Dashie.

It was now just time for Maud to try and bond with (Y/N) as the two along with Pinkie who was hopping up and down right beside them were all walking down a trail together near a forest. (Y/N) had a rather uneasy look on his face as he's been anticipating Maud all day with the others, but seeing how they weren't able to bond properly with each other, he doesn't know how him and Maud will.

(Y/N): (This is rather difficult. . . While Maud definitely has like ten percent things in common with the rest of the girls, I don't even think there is a single thing that Maud and I have in common together. I want to be friends with her, but how can I do that when she's unpredictable, blunt, and emotionless?)

Suddenly, his thought was interrupted as Pinkie goes in the middle of the two and brings both of them into a hug.

Pinkie Pie: Just the part of the day I've been waiting for! I can't wait to see how you two will become the bestest of friends! My boyfriend and my sister! *squeals*

She proceeds to hop along the path forward leaving Maud and (Y/N) together with each other. (Y/N) turns his head to Maud who doesn't look back and just let's out a nervous smile.

(Y/N): So. . . um. . . Nice weather we're having today huh?

Maud simply just blinks from that in silence. Seeing that she wasn't going to respond to that, (Y/N) simply just sweats before he tries to think of something else that could get Maud's attention so he tried coming up with a corny joke.

(Y/N): So. . . rocks are your thing, huh? Well I've heard rocks like to go sleep sometimes. You wanna know where rocks go to sleep?

He get's nothing, but another silent blink from Maud.

(Y/N): Bedrock! Then once they get up, they have pom-a-granites for breakfast!

(Y/N) cracks a smile from those two puns. . . but no reaction at all came from Maud except for a blink once more. (Y/N)'s smile falls from that before he looks ahead to see Pinkie Pie hopping all over the place from tree to tree using them like monkey bars.

(Y/N): *sighs* Sorry. I guess as Pinkie's boyfriend. . . you probably weren't expecting much from me in the first place.

Silence goes on for a second before Maud decides to speak up.

Maud Pie: Pinkie actually told me a lot about you.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened from this before he turns his head to Maud.

(Y/N): She has?

Maud Pie: One time when she came to visit us at home, she was telling me how you're a really funny guy to her. She talked to me for hours about it.

(Y/N) looks over at Pinkie again to see her still playing in the trees with a smile that she was having fun. He then turns to Maud again intrigued from how Pinkie explained him to her.

(Y/N): What else did she say?

Maud Pie: She told me she loves how you help others no matter what their problem is and that she loves that you always try to make ponies like her happy. You have a little bit of a personality like hers.

(Y/N): How did you notice that?

Maud Pie: Wasn't it obvious? You tried to make me laugh with rock jokes that I found funny a minute ago.

(Y/N): You actually thought those were funny?

Maud Pie: Yes. I do stand up comedy myself. I'm very funny. Kind of like my sister.

(Y/N): Was that a joke?

Maud Pie: No.

(Y/N): *smiles* Well, you know what they say, don't take somepony else for "granite."

Maud Pie: . . .My sediments exactly.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow from that.

Maud Pie: That was a joke.

(Y/N) then actually let's out an actual small chuckle from that before they both walk once more along the path. Maud then tries to strike up a conversation with (Y/N).

Maud Pie: So what do you love about my sister?

(Y/N): Huh?

Maud Pie: I asked what do you love about my sister? You had to have a reason to want to be her boyfriend.

(Y/N) stops in his tracks before he looks up at Pinkie who hangs down from a tree branch calling out to the two.

Pinkie Pie: Hey Maud! (Y/N)! You've want to try out these branches! It's like a park up here!

Pinkie continues to swing her way around the forest and (Y/N) shakes his head and laughs a little as well before answering Maud's question.

(Y/N): Well, if I had to put it in a nutshell then. . . I would say that I love everything about Pinkie.

Maud Pie: What do you mean?

(Y/N): Well, when I first arrived here in Ponyville, I didn't think I would meet anypony that I feel like would get me. Pinkie was actually the first friend that I've ever made and it actual because of her super bubbly and hyperactive personality that I was able to take a liking to her. I mean I'm sure she does things that seem overwhelming to you and others, but I honestly don't care. Pinkie to me is sweet, adorable, and. . . beautiful too. 

Maud's eyes raised up a little bit from as a sign to show a little bit of surprise that (Y/N) loves Pinkie that much.

(Y/N): If anything tries to put her in harms way, I hope she'll know that no matter what, I'll be there to help protect her as not just the Hero of Equestria, but as her boyfriend as well. That's what I love about your sister Maud and I can tell you love her just as much being her big sister.

(Y/N) then walks forward to go after Pinkie once more as Maud stared at him for a bit. Unbeknownst to him however, Maud did something that nopony today would ever see her do. . .

She cracks a small smile.

After that small smile, she resumes her normal deadpanned look before walking after (Y/N) and Pinkie lands right in front of him.

Pinkie Pie: Sooo, how's it going between the two of you? Maud, didn't I tell you that (Y/N)'s the best boyfriend I could ever ask for?! What did you think of him?!

Pinkie says this before she pulls in (Y/N) for a short bone-crushing hug before letting him go. (Y/N) catches his breath from that before turning to Maud. She looks at (Y/N) before back at Pinkie.

Maud Pie: He's exactly as you described. I can tell why you love him so much.

(Y/N) smiles and Pinkie grins with huge delight from this. Pinkie then turns over to (Y/N).

Pinkie Pie: And how did things go with hanging out with my sister, sweetie?! Are you two becoming the best of friends?! Oooh! I can't wait for all of us to exchange the rock candy necklaces!

Pinkie gives (Y/N) a really cute eye flutter from that made him blush before he looks at Maud with a smile.

(Y/N): I'm not sure if best of friends is an exaggeration, but I'll take it. Coming here, while I can tell that Maud doesn't quite show the same enthusiasm as you. She isn't normal like you or me, which I like about her. I mean I don't think I'm seen a pony with this much interest in rocks before. I originally thought it would be hard to bond with somepony like that.

Maud Pie: Don't rock it till you try it.

Both Pinkie and (Y/N) laugh from that with Pinkie's being a little more hysterical.

Pinkie Pie: *laughs* Isn't she the funniest?

(Y/N): Maybe. . . You better come up with more puns quickly or Maud might beat you to be the absolute funniest Pinks.

Pinkie jumps up and suddenly gasps before she grabs both of (Y/N)'s cheeks and pulls him to her face.

Pinkie Pie: That won't happen! This Pie is the top goofball around here!

Pinkie then breaks apart from (Y/N) and starts rolling on the ground laughing again while (Y/N) rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a smile while Maud just stares with a blank face.

A little bit later, after an unexpected bond with Pinkie's sister Maud, (Y/N) was walking his way back home with a smile on his face that he was actually able to become friends with Maud unlike the rest of the mares. However, on his way home, he sees up at Sugarcube Corner that the other girls were there with some rather bored or worried looks on their faces.

(Y/N): Hey, everypony.

All of the girls see (Y/N) approach them, but still had their exact same looks that they kept earlier.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, hey sweetie.

Applejack: So. . . how did your time with Maud end up?

Rarity: Perhaps you don't need to tell us that's hard to get close to somepony like Maud.

Rainbow Dash: Tell me about it. That pony is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an igneous.

Rarity: Don't you mean "inside an enigma"?

Rainbow Dash: Nope. I mean igneous. It's a kind of rock. Ask me how I know that.

Rainbow says this as she kicks away the said rock away from her.

Fluttershy: We appreciate Pinkie Pie giving us the time to create her rock candy necklaces with us, but. . .

Applejack: It wouldn't feel right to make somethin' that shows we're best friends when clearly. . . we aren't.

Twilight Sparkle: I guessing you and Maud were pretty awkward too?

(Y/N) looked away for a second rubbing the back of his head before he gives his answer.

(Y/N): Actually. . . Maud and I actually shared a connection.

The mares all looked at (Y/N) as if he just lost all of his marbles as they couldn't believe that was able to bond with Maud. Rainbow flies up to (Y/N) in disbelief.

Rainbow Dash: Wha. . . How. . . What?! How can you of all ponies have something in common with Maud?! I-I mean didn't you hear her?! She doesn't like winning!

(Y/N): But she DID say that she likes to play games and have fun. Look, you all were actually so caught up in your own hobbies that you actually really didn't stop to actually just have a simple conversation with Maud. Which is what I did.

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin kind of realizing (Y/N)'s point.

Twilight Sparkle: Now that you mention it. . . you're right. I was a little preoccupied with her. . . "poetry."

Applejack: And I guess some aren't cut out for peeling apples like I do.

Fluttershy: She has a pet rock. . . I don't really know if rocks count as animals, but I like it that Maud has Boulder.

Rarity: I was just trying to appease her with the best piece of clothing that I could find. I thought she would have more taste considering she wears that collared garment of hers. Never knew that she liked. . . dirty dish towels.

(Y/N): Exactly. . . so maybe you all don't really have the exact same interests, but when I was with Maud, I told her more about myself and why I'm Pinkie's boyfriend and afterwards. . . we actually shared a connection that I realized that it wasn't just me and her who had it. . . All of us do.

The mares all looked at each other confused from this.

Rainbow Dash: Which is?

(Y/N): We all love Pinkie Pie for what she does and who she is.

Rainbow Dash: Wait, really?

Applejack whacks Rainbow on the side of the head with her hat to tell her to shut it before (Y/N) continues.

(Y/N): When Maud asked exactly why I loved Pinkie as her boyfriend. . . it clicked inside of my head that she really wants to make sure that her sister is really happy and I can definitely respect that because I feel the exact same way. I want Pinkie to be happy no matter what. Don't you all want that too?

The mares eyes all widened from that before they looked at each other knowing that (Y/N) was right. They were all Pinkie Pie's friends due to how much they want to see her happiness.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N) is right, girls. Knowing that Pinkie Pie is happy and that she knows that we care for her as our friend is something that only the closest and bestest of friends can share.

Fluttershy: And as her friends, she knows that we wouldn't think of her any less that who she is now.

Applejack: Even when that girl does seem to do things that ain't necessary, most of the time I don't have any problems with it since she's one of my best friends for a long time.

Rarity: Agreed, Applejack. Pinkie Pie is our friend and always will be.

Rainbow Dash: Are you kidding? It takes more than just some silly parties to know that she's best friends with somepony like me.

(Y/N): And that's something that we all have in common with Maud. While she doesn't share our exact same interests, she does care for Pinkie's well being. And that's something that we should all tell her ourselves.

Twilight Sparkle: Sure. Let's all tell Maud how much Pinkie Pie means to us and she'll for sure know that as Pinkie Pie's sister, she's our friends too.

The mares all let out huge agreements from that and seeing that they were already at Sugarcube Corner, (Y/N) walks up to the front door to knock on it and out comes Pinkie Pie with a smile.

Pinkie Pie: Great, you're all here! Maud is out looking for rocks, so this is the perfect time for us to set up everything we'll need to make our best friend rock candy necklaces!

(Y/N) and the mares all look at each other with smiles before back to Pinkie.

(Y/N): Actually Pinkie, there's something that all of us wanted to talk to Maud about.

Pinkie Pie: Really? What's that?

Twilight Sparkle: Well first off before we all make our best friend rock candy necklaces, (Y/N) told us about something that the girls and I really need to tell Maud. After that, we'll make our necklaces.

Pinkie was a little confused from that, but nonetheless she smiled.

Pinkie Pie: Okie Dokie Lokie!

Everypony waited for about thirty minutes or so as eventually Maud came back to the area with a huge sack of rocks on her back and she sees all of the Mane 7 together which only made her blink.

Maud Pie: Pinkie, I got more of the rocks that you wanted for the necklaces together.

Pinkie Pie: That's great, Maud! You're actually just in time too as before we get that down, my friends wanted to tell you something.

Maud turns her to head to the ponies that she met today as they all walked up to her and Pinkie hops over to stand right beside her sister.

Twilight Sparkle: Maud, there's something that all of us wanted to tell you.

Rainbow Dash: Something that (Y/N) made us realize of what she should've asked you about first.

Twilight Sparkle: When all of us were trying to bond with each other, we at first felt like we weren't making a connection with one another because while we liked the same things. . .

Rarity: They didn't exactly match with our tastes in what we like compared to yours.

Rainbow Dash: I mean we obviously know that you're into rocks, I mean it shouldn't be surprising to anypony at this point.

Applejack: But our sugar (Y/N) here told us that there was something that we all had in common with you that it took us a minute to realize. From coming here to visit her. . .

Fluttershy: To trying out the things we liked with her. . .

(Y/N): And most of all, knowing what kind of friends she has. . . plus boyfriend made us realize the one thing that we all have in common with you.

Twilight Sparkle: The thing that makes us click and creates a special bond between us is how much we all love Pinkie Pie!

Pinkie Pie: Aw, shucks.

(Y/N): And just knowing that you care for your little sister as much as we do shows that we all truly get one another even when some of the things that we thought would work don't exactly click. You can't force friendships with each other, but you can know that caring for a friend. . . is good enough to say that we all have something in common with you. Don't you feel the same way, Maud?

All that came from her is a beat of silence before she speaks up with one simple word.

Maud Pie: Sure.

The five mares are left at a loss at this monosyllabic response while (Y/N) let's out a soft chuckle.

(Y/N): Uh, girls? I know it may be confusing, but Maud will always keep her stoic demeanor to everypony. It's hard to read your expressions Maud, but don't you feel happy that we're all friends now?

Maud Pie: Yes. I'm very happy.

Pinkie smiles hugely at this.

Pinkie Pie: Can't you see it?! I've never seen my big sister so excited in all of my life!

Maud Pie: Like (Y/N) said, I don't show my enthusiasm as much as my sister does.

The understatement of the decade, perhaps, and it is further underscored by Pinkie turning cartwheels behind her as she finishes. The mares just smile at that.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, we noticed. And we're totally cool with it.

Applejack: Well in that case, I'd say we're now full and ready to make those rock candy necklaces Pinkie was overly excited to make.

Twilight Sparkle: Yep. We'll meet you all inside so that you can show us Maud, okay?

Maud Pie: Alright.

Pinkie Pie: I can't wait! Triple best day ever!

All of the mares then go inside of Sugarcube Corner so that they can prepare to make the necklaces. (Y/N) follows right behind before Maud calls out to him.

Maud Pie: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yeah, Maud?

Maud Pie: *blinks* . . .Thanks for taking care of my little sister. It makes me really happy that she has a really loving boyfriend like you.

(Y/N) was surprised to hear Maud say that before he smiles at her.

(Y/N): Not a problem, Maud. I'll always love Pinkie Pie no matter what. Remember that for me.

(Y/N) then proceeds to walk inside, but not before two familiar pink hooves instantly grabs his face and pulls him inside as it was obviously Pinkie has she heard the entire thing and was giving (Y/N) a long and deep kiss. Maud was just watching the two before she eyes to the right and cracks another barely noticeable smile.

After a long week, Maud stayed with her sister in Ponyville and even got to know more about Pinkie's friends in the process as well. They even made their best friend rock candy necklaces like planned with each of them making a different one for Maud. When the week was over, it was officially time for Maud to go and head off for a school to get a rocktorate in her rock science career. They were all at the train station as eight ponies wait on the platform before a train pulls in.

Twilight Sparkle: Maud, we'd like to give you something to take on your trip, so that you remember all your friends from Ponyville.

She levitates a roughly made rock candy necklace from her saddlebags and settles it around Maud's neck. Maud's eyes flick off in another direction, drawn by the sound of approaching hooves from everypony except Pinkie. The five drape their necklaces onto Maud, who easily remains upright under their combined weight.

Maud Pie: Thank you. 

(Y/N): *nods* You're welcome, Maud.

Pinkie Pie: Try not to eat all the candy before you leave!

She holds up her own bit of sugar-based jewelry and Maud responds by pulling one from her saddlebag, and the two toss them to each other. The older sister catches hers in her teeth, while the younger snags hers on the end of her forelock and starts licking at the candies strung on it. 

Pinkie walks away as Twilight and (Y/N) smile at her before they see that Maud at brought out a small box out of her bag and she sets it down. The sight of this surprises both alicorns a bit as the lid is flipped open to reveal it stuffed with necklaces. Maud drops in the newest one while (Y/N) and Twilight stare at her dumbfounded that she never ate a single candy necklace that Pinkie Pie gave her.

Twilight Sparkle: Are those all the necklaces Pinkie Pie sent you?

Maud Pie: Mm-hm.

(Y/N): Wait, so you and your sister have done this tradition for years and you haven't eaten ANY of the necklaces?!

Maud Pie: I don't really like candy.

Cutting her eyes to one side, she smiles for the last time which (Y/N) notices with shock that Maud actually does smile before he looks in the direction to where she was smiling to see Pinkie Pie eating the necklaces.

Maud Pie: But I do love Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie has already dispatched every piece of rock candy from her necklace save one, and her tongue is working on it as (Y/N), Twilight, and Maud all smile. A couple of swings of her head bring it to her mouth, and she crunches into it and lets the now-denuded string drop from her forelock.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Don't we all.

Pinkie licks her lips and grins widely, exposing the bits of candy stuck to her teeth.

Pinkie Pie: Mmm!

Chapter 16 End.

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