Chapter 17: Leap of Faith

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Today was a day off for the Apple family as they all decided to go to small lake to refresh out in the hot sun. Not only that, but Applejack decided to invite (Y/N) along as well which made the alicorn stallion happy that Applejack was thinking about him. He even brought his black Stetson hat that Applejack gave him for his birthday and currently they were all playfully splashing each other with water in the lake while Granny Smith was sitting in a rocking chair trying to catch a few Z's.

(Y/N): Thanks for allowing me to come hang out with you guys, Applejack. I couldn't pass a tiny little gathering like this on a hot sun.

Applejack: Heh, it's all good hun. Once I saw that we were off today, I couldn't stop thinkin' about havin' ya over again.

(Y/N): Aw, well I'm glad to know that you've been thinking about me.

(Y/N) says this before he pecks Applejack on the cheek. He then get's a mischievous look on his hoof as Applejack wasn't expecting (Y/N) to suddenly throw some water in her face making her fall back a bit before glaring at (Y/N) who was laughing. Applejack then get's the same mischievous look as well.

Applejack: Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?

Applejack swims out of the water confusing (Y/N) for a second as she runs far back out on the surface before turning back around near the pond's direction. (Y/N)'s eyes widen from this and so did Big Mac's as they think they know what she's going to do.

(Y/N): Should I be worried right now?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Big Mac swims away while (Y/N) just stays in place sweating a bit. Applejack paws the ground a couple of times before she charges straight for the water and jumps high into the air.

Applejack: Geronimo!!

Applejack got into a cannonball position as she was aiming right for (Y/N) who's ears lay flat. After a couple of seconds, she lands right on top of (Y/N) bringing both of them down into the water and creating a giant splash. They were deep down for a couple of seconds before the two of them emerge back up with their hats off. They picked up their hats from the water and they both see that they were both soaking wet.

Applejack and (Y/N) looked at each other before they both laugh about how much fun they were having with each other. Apple Bloom then swims up to the two.

Apple Bloom: Y'know, it's very relaxin' how all of us are here together playin' in the water but. . . I sure wish Granny could come inside too.

Apple Bloom says this as she eyes over to the elderly pony herself in her chair. She swims over to her grandmother and throws a tiny bit of water at her to face causing Granny to snap awake in an instant as she sputters and chokes her way to full consciousness.

Granny Smith: Who done that?

Apple Bloom: Sorry Granny, but I sure wish that you could come in and swim with us.

Granny Smith: Uh, sorry, dear. I just can't bring myself anywhere near that there swimmin' hole.

Apple Bloom: How come?

Granny Smith: Well, I wasn't always this way. . .


The background becomes an old, sepia-toned, black-and-white silent film and after a few seconds it shows a Young Granny Smith in an old-style swimming outfit covered with white polka dots and her braided mane covered by a large cloth bathing cap that matches the suit.

Granny Smith: Time was, I was an aquapony all-star! In fact, I was the only Apple to ever come close to breaking the Equestria high-diving record!

Her past self waves to a crowd before she goes to climb a high-dive tower that overlooks a very small container of water, set up in the middle of a street in a Western-style settlement. The onlookers cheer and she steps out to the end of the diving board, pausing only for a brief bounce before leaping into space.

Granny Smith: Falling six stories into a deep dish pie pan takes a toll on the hindquarters.

Before she can hit the water, the film skips and burns away, the background music going to pieces as well.

(End of Flashback)

Granny Smith: Oh, I was so sore, took years before I could even look at the water again! Just the idea of swimmin' makes my whole body ache!

She gets out of her chair and lifts each hind leg in turn.

Granny Smith: Besides, these old legs can't even paddle fast enough to stay afloat.

A few steps bring her into a puddle, part of the aftermath of Applejack's big splash on (Y/N). As soon as her hooves touch the water, she goes into a series of surprised yelps and flails that bring her perilously close to toppling. However, she manages to get all four limbs planted firmly.

Apple Bloom: Boy, I sure would hate to be afraid of swimmin'.

(Y/N): Well, someponies do things with a lot of courage and soon enough it can become a fear of theirs.

Apple Bloom: You think I'll ever be scared of the water?

She thens glance over causing her eyes to pop in sudden surprise before she sinks a bit, grimacing in fear as a shark fin cruises slowly past. Apple Bloom leaps up with a yell with her hooves windmilling fast enough to keep her above the surface, and bolts for shore.

Granny Smith's jaw drops open ever so slightly at the sight and then the fin rises, part of a bathing cap on Big Mac's head.

Big Mac: Nnope.

He, (Y/N), and Applejack share a good laugh at the prank.

(Y/N): *laughs* Priceless, Big Mac! Priceless!

Once it was time for all of the Apples to head on back to Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac packed all of the swimming gear in a wagon as all of them including (Y/N) were walking down on a path together.

Apple Bloom: Wow, Granny. I can't believe you were a high diver!

Granny Smith: The best one in Ponyville!

Apple Bloom: Do you think I could be a high diver?

Big Mac: Nnope.

Applejack: Absolutely not.

(Y/N): Definitely not at your age.

Apple Bloom: But-

Granny Smith: Now you hold your horsefeathers, little seed! I never said bein' a high diver was a smart decision! It's incredibly dangerous!

Apple Bloom: I know, but-

(Y/N): Apple Bloom! Granny's got a point. I fight large creatures all of the time, but that doesn't mean that you should go out and do it yourself. Daredevil stunts like those take a lot of courage and willpower.

Granny Smith: Ya darn right, young'un. High divin' was the riskiest, scariest, darn-fool thing I ever did do! That's not to say I didn't wish I was still young and spry and confident, but let's leave the flyin' through the air to the Pegasi.

Granny winks at her leaving Apple Bloom to think for a second.

Apple Bloom: Wow, when you put it that way, it doesn't sound so fun.

Suddenly, a procession of murmuring ponies begins to make its way past the family, coming up from behind. Many of them are sporting bandages and bound-up injuries in varying degrees of severity. A jaunty calliope melody begins to make itself heard through the hushed voices of the crowd.

Applejack: Wow. I wonder where everypony's headed.

After glancing back and off to one side, the five turn their gazes down the path and both Apple Bloom and Granny Smith smile and start walking after them.

Applejack: Now where in Ponyville do you two think you're goin'?

Granny Smith: Aw, quit bein' such a worry-worm and follow your ears!

Apple Bloom: Come on, Applejack, aren't you curious?

Applejack and Big Mac share a look of distrustful glances before (Y/N) walks ahead just a little bit before turning back to the two.

(Y/N): I'd say we follow them. If it's got this many ponies' attention, then it's definitely going to give a tingle down my back that there is something big going where all of them are headed.

Applejack: Huh. You make a valid point.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

The three then follow the other two apples over a hill to see a large tent and (Y/N)'s curiosity was definitely piqued.

(Y/N): (Hmm. . . now that definitely seems fishy.)

Once they all got down to the tent, Applejack, (Y/N), and Big Mac, entered and their eyes widen to see just how many ponies were in this place and not only that, they were all injured too. Apple Bloom and Granny Smith were walking along the aisle as the music stops. The edge of a stage comes into view, illuminated by footlights. As Applejack, (Y/N), and Big Mac peer around, the lights begin to dim and the other two family members find spots in the front row.

A covered wagon parked up on the stage, then has it's crank turned by a green magical grip. A control panel can now be seen mounted above it, with two lights that come on after a few rotations, and the smokestack begins to emit puffs of steam in a steady rhythm. Through the curtain behind the wagon, two shadowed outlines of two unicorns can be seen as they looked very familiar to (Y/N), but that wasn't all. . .

???: Thank you, one and all, for your attendance, and we guarantee that your time here will not be spent in vain!

???: In fact, we think it will prove to be the most valuable time you've ever spent!

(Y/N)'s eyes widened from those voices before he get's a serious look.

(Y/N): Oh no. . .

Applejack: What's wrong, sugarcube?

(Y/N): A ton of injured ponies, a tent built in the outskirts of Ponyville, and a sales pitch! If I knew any better than this sounds like the work of. . .

The curtains then pulled themselves up as they reveal that the two different voices speaking were. . .

The swindling con brothers, Flim and Flam.

Applejack and Big Mac got the same exact look as well seeing this duo back again.

Applejack: The Flim Flam Brothers! This should be interestin'.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Flim: Welcome, one and all, to the demonstration of a lifetime!

Flam: A demonstration of a better life!

Flim: A demonstration of a better time! And if we haven't captured your interest just yet, by the time we've finished, an unfortunate phenomenon practically guarantees that we will!

Flam steps over and throws a foreleg across his shoulders.

Flam: A phenomenon? What's that?

Flim: It's a circumstance perceptible by the senses, but in this case, it's the simple fact that:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Skip to 0:40)

Flim: ♪ There's ailments all around us in everything we touch and see ♪

Flam: ♪ A sickness that lies waiting there in every breath you breathe ♪

Flim: ♪ Disease will up and grab you as it crawls from land and sea ♪

Flam: ♪ It's amazing how infected that the natural world and all its things can be ♪

His brother then crosses to the other side of the stage.

Flim: ♪ Now I understand that some of you don't think you're sick. ♪

Flam zips out into the crowd, inspecting a couple of injuries.

Flam: ♪ But twisted hooves and aching joints don't heal all that quick. ♪

Flim: ♪ Consider just how dangerous this world is! You might. . . ♪

Flam startles one mare into falling over and knocking down her entire row of spectators like dominoes.

Flam: ♪ Slip and fall, break or sprain something here tonight ♪

Flim catches the old stallion at the far end before him and Flam zip back onto the stage.

Flim & Flam: ♪ But luckily for you, we've got the thing you need ♪

♪ And it's easier when all you need's the cure ♪

They then display a new poster as it rolls down to reveal a bottle of medicine whose label depicts silhouettes of their heads.

♪ The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic ♪

♪Is just what the doctor ordered, I'm sure ♪

Flim: Now I know our claims seem fantastical.

Flam: Impractical.

Flim: Improbable.

Flam: Impossible.

A poof of pink smoke, and they are back onstage.

Flim & Flam: And magical!

The crowd moves a few steps closer a little more interested.

Flim: So we welcome every suffering pony to make their way up to the stage.

Flam: Now don't crowd.

Flim: And we'll prove our tonic's effectiveness before your very eyes.

Flam: You there! Come up here, good sir.

Flam points to an old Earth pony Stallion who had small black eyes greatly magnified by huge spectacles. He had a light turquoisish grat coat, a cobalt bluish gray mane and tail, and he was wearing an old brown hat and ragged denim overalls, crutches gripped in both forelegs.

He hobbles forward as he climbs up to the stage.

Flim: I'll wager you're tired of those crutches, my friend.

Flam: Try taking a sip of this!

Flam floats the bottle over to their volunteer, and the cork is pulled out so the contents can pour down his throat. The stallion swallows, and the crowd watches anxiously for any result.

Suddenly and unexpectedly at one at a time, the crutches fall away and the front hooves that had been hooked into them touch down on the stage planks. The stallion then breaks out into a shining-eyed smile seeing that his injuries were suddenly healed.

A round of gasps from the crowd and is followed up by assorted reactions from the Apples: Apple Bloom grins, Granny Smith strokes her chin thoughtfully, Applejack and Big Mac gape at the recovery, and finally (Y/N) simply raised an eyebrow with a serious look on his face.

(Y/N): (That seems WAY too good to be true!)

The stallion gathers up his crutches before him and the Flim Flam brothers form a high-kicking chorus line.

Flim & Flam: ♪ That's why you're so lucky we've got the thing for you ♪

♪ Just come on up, we've always got some more ♪

They step back as the stallion works his way offstage, and the backing curtain rises to expose shelves of the tonic ready to go.

♪ Of the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic ♪

The stallion who's name is Silver Shill, tosses the crutches aside, twirls in place, and cheerfully walks out of the tent.

Silver Shill: ♪ I won't need these crutches to dance out the door ♪

Granny Smith: *smiles* Now how do ya like that?

Applejack: I don't. There's somethin' funny about this whole thing.

(Y/N): You can say that again AJ. They've tried to take over your farm, I wouldn't be surprised if they are trying to swindle all of these injured ponies here.

Back up onstage, Flim turns to face the crowd, having switched his boater for a kerchief tied under his chin. A solitary spotlight picks him out.

Flim: ♪ Now some of you may suffer from feelings of despair ♪

He zips down to eye the old stallion he caught earlier.

♪ You're old, you're tired, your legs won't work, there's graying in your hair ♪

Flam then joins him as well.

Flam: ♪ Just listen and I'll tell you that you don't need to fear ♪

♪ Your ears will work, your muscles tone, your eyes will see so clear ♪

The oldster smiles broadly at the prospect, and the two salesponies strut through the crowd as Flim has traded the kerchief for his boater.

Crowd: ♪ Luckily for us, you've got the thing we need ♪

♪ The answer to our problems in a jar ♪

Flim and Flam float out a couple of bottles.

♪ The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic ♪

♪ Is the greatest ever miracle by far! ♪

Flim: It cures the reins, the spurs, and the Clydesdale fur blight.

Flam: Hooferia and horsentery cured in just a night.

Here goes Flim, finding ponies with the next three symptoms with the last manifesting itself as a set of filthy, misaligned teeth.

Flim: You've got swollen hooves and hindquarters or terrible bridle-bit cleft.

Flam moves here and there, lifting a pony's tail that has lost all its hair.

Flam: Saunter sitz and gallop plop will give your tail some heft.

Flim's turn to follow suit, ending by opening a stallion's mouth to expose the rash at the back of his throat.

Flim: Mane loss, hay fever, or terrible tonsillitis.

They then jump back onto the stage.

Flam: You heard it here, folks -- this is the only place in all of Equestria you'll find it!

Flim: ♪ It can make you shorter, taller, or even grow old ♪

Flam: ♪ But who'd want that? ♪

Flim: ♪ When with one drink ♪

Flim & Flam: ♪ You can be young again- ♪

Granny Smith who was thinking for a second suddenly holds up some coins.

Granny Smith: SOLD!

(Y/N): WHAT?!

The two hucksters smile shrewdly as Flim floats up a bottle of the brew.

Flim: Congratulations, Granny Smith! You just made the purchase of a lifetime!

Applejack looks at both (Y/N) and Big Mac worriedly.

Applejack: Y'all as worried as I am?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

(Y/N): Oh, I'm not just worried! I'm flat out skeptical! There is no way in Equestria that there is some medicine that can cure ANY ailment out there!

(Y/N) then sees some ponies around with the tonic already and he get's a worried look on his face.

(Y/N): Oh, boy. This isn't good.

(Y/N) then teleports around the place and snatches each of the tonics away from the ponies making them gasp or chatter back at (Y/N) angrily. He rolls his eyes as he levitates them back up on the stage.

(Y/N): You'll thank me later!

He then turns to the scamming twins with a serious look on his face as Applejack walks up beside him as well.

(Y/N): I know you two are up to something with these so-called curative tonics!

Applejack: We just don't what is it yet?

(Y/N): Actually, I may have a hunch. Either it's all fake or they're making these things using illegal type steroids or something.

The crowd all gasps from (Y/N)'s accusation before Flim and Flam make dramatic gasps themselves before falling to their knees acting like they're fainting.

Flim: The horror! The horror!

Flam: These young ponies dare to not accept the magic they've seen of what the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic can do!

Applejack: Ah, quit it with the drama you two! Why should we believe ya after ya tried to take our farm the last time you two came to Ponyville?

Flam: *smirks* Well, for starters instead of making refreshments that ponies enjoy for more of their quality. . .

Flim: We decided that our next big step would be to try and help everypony in need. And making the Flim Flam Curative Tonic allows us to achieve that goal of curing any pony who is hurt.

Applejack and (Y/N) looked at each other with raised eyebrows from that before Flim walks up to (Y/N) carrying one of their bottles.

Flim: Speaking of which, I've heard that you've had a rather small accident while working out, Mister (L/N).

(Y/N): Uh. . . yeah. My back was only sore for a few days, but I'm fine now.

Flim: Fine is good. Fine is satisfactory. Fine is. . . fine. But drinking the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic can make the rest of that pain go away like you've never felt anything.

Flam: Besides, none of what we used for this product is obtained through anything suspicious at all.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* That's reassuring. . .

Flam: Well here, I'll try some myself.

Flam levitates the tonic over to himself and he takes the cork off before drinking from the bottle himself and nothing even happened as all he let's out is a relaxed sigh.

Flam: See? Even though nothing is wrong with me or my brother, this tonic is sure to keep us moving greatly throughout our lives.

Flim: Here, now you try? As a free sample for a prince.

Flim levitates the bottle up to the front of (Y/N)'s face as he eyes Applejack who vigorously shakes her head and he also takes a look at Granny Smith who was doing the opposite and nodding with a grin on her face. (Y/N) turns back to the Flim Flam Brothers while shaking his head.

(Y/N): YYYYeah. . . No! I think I'll pass.

Flim: Well everyone, it looks as though Prince (Y/N) (L/N) now has a fear of taking medicine!

The crowd starts laughing from that and Apple Bloom almost let's out a snicker before Big Mac glares at her to be quiet. Applejack did not like the Flim Flam Brothers taunting her boyfriend like that and was about to give them a piece of her mind before (Y/N) holds a hoof out to stop her.

Applejack: (Y/N)?

(Y/N) let's his hoof down before he sighs and walks up to Flim and Flam snatching the curative tonic away before he takes the cork off and drinks it up. Once he's done, he looks at the curative tonic with a blank stare.

(Y/N): Uh-oh. It's looks like my worst fears have come true.

Applejack: Why?! What's wrong?!

(Y/N) then says something very unexpected as he suddenly gains a bright smile as his eyes widen as well.

(Y/N): It's. . . brilliant! It's like I'm experiencing a whole new different universe of. . . mouth-watery adrenaline that boosts my entire willpower! I'm practically swimming in a sea of refreshing goodness!

(Y/N) then suddenly realized what he was saying as he looks at the Flim Flam Brothers who had gain some pretty cocky smirks on their faces and (Y/N) darts his eyes left and right.

(Y/N): Uh, I-I mean. . . It's. . . alright I guess.

Flam: Everything that the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic has can cure your right up!

The crowd all let's out agreeing chatter to this surprising (Y/N), Applejack, and Big Mac as they all see the crowd suddenly crowding the brothers now for their tonic. (Y/N) looks ahead, but then get's a serious look on his face.

(Y/N): I know this sounds good and it tastes more than okay too, but I'm still going to buy a couple of bottles. . . just to be safe.

Applejack: On top of that, try doin' somethin' that pushes yer limits once ya get out of there, alright sugarcube?

(Y/N): Noted. I'll meet you guys back outside, so you can provide feedback.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Hours later, Applejack and Big Mac, were sitting on their haunches at the edge of a small ridge overlooking a riverbend. Big Mac has an apple on a fishing line attached to a rod that's inside of the river water. Meanwhile, right behind them, Apple Bloom was monitoring (Y/N) as he was bench pressing a tree with her on top of it with his hat being on the ground beside him as well.

Apple Bloom: Ya feel any different there, big brother?

(Y/N): *grunts* Nope. Still the same. Ugh! Applejack! It's been hours since I've had the tonic and to be honest I feel perfectly fine.

Applejack: Ya sure ya don't feel a single bit of anythin' funny?

(Y/N): Not at all. It's pretty much the same to me. I guess that debunks my theory that the tonic is dangerous.

Apple Bloom hops down from the tree (Y/N) was bench pressing before (Y/N) uses his magic to increase his strength and he levitates the tree back where it belong also putting the roots back together too. (Y/N) then puts his hat back on before joining Applejack and Big Mac on the ridge.

Apple Bloom: Boy, I just can't believe all the things that Flim Flam Tonic can do!

Applejack: When somepony says somethin's too good to be true, it usually is.

(Y/N): And just because that tonic is good and it has no side effects doesn't mean that this whole thing isn't a scam just yet. I'm willing to look as deep to the center of the core with Flim and Flam's Tonic.

Apple Bloom: You mean Granny wasted her money?

(Y/N): Not yet, Apple Bloom. Emphasis on yet.

Applejack: Still, I don't think there's a tonic in Equestria that can make an old pony young again.

(Y/N): Twilight and I are one of the only alicorns in Equestria that can do age spells. Plus, I have healing magic too, so why don't ponies just come to me since magic is legitimate?

Applejack: I don't know, hun. But you're right. . . Granny may believe that stuff, but we're not going to just yet till we get to the bottom of this.

(Y/N): Speaking of which, where is Granny?

Suddenly, the said elderly pony's voice rang out.

Granny Smith: Howdy!

All of their eyes flick confusedly towards the water and they see something that confused them even more. Granny Smith was lazily doing the backstroke downstream dressed in her old swimming outfit and bathing cap.

Apple Bloom: Granny?!

Applejack: Hang on now! We'll get ya!

As she gallops toward the edge, Big Mac moves ahead a step or two, removes his hitching collar, and tosses it forward. It hits the water and floats there, but Granny keeps right on swimming past the improvised life preserver. She has flipped onto her belly to do a front crawl, but by the time Applejack has shifted to gallop along the ridge, she is already working on her breaststroke.

A buck from the orange-tan rear hooves brings down a tree, which falls so that it juts perpendicularly into the river for Granny to grab onto. However, she just veers calmly around its end, now doing the backstroke again, and carries on.

(Y/N): Wha. . . She's just swimming in there like she said she did in her old days.

Applejack: Okay, now this is just gettin' weird.

Applejack slides down the ridge's rock face, followed by (Y/N) who flies down, Apple Bloom, and then Big Mac, and all four stop on the riverbank just in time to see Granny Smith walk placidly onto the sand.

Apple Bloom: Granny, I thought you were too afraid of the water to swim! And, and what about your hip?!

Granny Smith: Well, I reckon it might have been a problem before I had myself a dose of that there Flim Flam Tonic!

Applejack: I'm not so sure that tonic really does anythin'.

(Y/N): Agreed. I mean while it did "feel" good, I didn't really notice any special effects to the tonic that would make yourself better.

Granny Smith: No special effects, eh? What d'you call this?

Taking a swig and tucking the bottle away, she goes into a quick bit of high-speed song and dance that ends with her lying on the bank, on her flank and propping her head up cockily on one foreleg. She tips a wink to the four, catching them off guard.

Applejack: I'm glad you're feelin' good, but how do you know it's from the tonic?

Granny Smith: I looked out at the water this mornin' and I felt the same terrifyin' aches and pains I always do. But one sip of that magic elixir and it all went away!

(Y/N): So in other words, after you just took a sip of the tonic, your fears just. . . vanished?

Granny Smith: Pretty much, young'un. Why, I might even get a head start on my chores! What do you say, Big Mac-a-doo? Up for a little afternoon applebuckin'?

Big Mac felt uneasy from this.

Big Mac: Uh, no.

Granny Smith: Oh, quit your bellyachin'!

She grabs one of his forelegs to pull him away as the two head off most likely back to the farm. Apple Bloom however was still convinced that Flim and Flam's Tonic works.

Apple Bloom: Gee, it looks like that tonic works after all! I wonder what's in it.

(Y/N) levitates a bottle in front of him and he takes a hard look at it.

(Y/N): I'm curious myself. I don't trust those twins by a longshot yet. Maybe there is something in here that I may have missed.

Applejack: Can ya tell, hun?

(Y/N): Nope. I can't sense ingredients. You'd have to get Pinkie to do that since she can taste just about anything.

Applejack: In that case, why don't we go back to Flim and Flam's tent so we can see for ourselves what they put in their tonic?

(Y/N): *smiles* Not a bad idea. Double checking will allow us to see any of the missed details that we didn't notice. Nice work on moving quick, AJ.

Applejack smiles from that before she pecks (Y/N) on the cheek.

(Y/N): Let's search the tent at night though. We'll be less noticeable that way.

Applejack and Apple Bloom nod from that as the trio agreed to do a stakeout at Flim and Flam's tent later at night.

Later that night without Big Mac or Granny Smith, the trio are now coming up over the last hill toward the circus tent, which is now liberally festooned with strings of lights.

Apple Bloom: So you're just gonna walk up and ask them how it works?

Applejack: I guess. Though if it's a genuine cure, I don't suppose they'll be too keen on sharin' the recipe.

(Y/N): They're the Flim Flam Brothers, so I doubt that it'll be that easy for them to spill their secrets. We'll have to convince them someway though?

Apple Bloom: What if we make a tonic of our own and collaborate with them by sharing what we made out of them?

(Y/N) deadpans at Apple Bloom as that idea is obviously not a good one for the moment right now.

(Y/N): Yeah. . . So how are we going to make tonic that competes with the Flim Flam Brothers, hmm?

Apple Bloom: Well. . . uh. . .

(Y/N): And do you even know the first thing about making medicine, Apple Bloom?

Apple Bloom: Actually. . . yeah. I go to Zecora's sometimes and help her brew some potions.

Applejack: Alright, then why don't we rephrase that. Have ya ever made a "finished" product of a tonic?

Apple Bloom was about to respond to that before her ears lay flat seeing that she couldn't think of a reason.

(Y/N): That's what we thought. We're just going to do this casually until-

(Y/N) then suddenly hears a familiar voice as he looks towards the tent to see that it was Silver Shill who was walking out of the tent.

Silver Shill: ♪ . . .out the door! ♪

He and the amazed crowd are heard clearly at this point, and out he comes, high-stepping into the night air just as he did during the daytime medicine show. Once he is well in the clear and the flaps have fallen shut, he stops to wipe his brow and pull off his hat. However, (Y/N) was just baffled by what he was seeing.

(Y/N): Wait a second! You're the same pony used in the demonstration earlier!

Both (Y/N) and Applejack train a searching glare on Silver Shill, who cringes at the unwanted attention and races away.

Applejack: Hey!

All of them start to pursue Silver Shill around the tent as he gallops through the area, grazing a couple of barrels when he skids on a sharp turn, and Applejack, (Y/N), and Apple Bloom are right behind him. When they hit the turn, though, they slide hard enough to knock the barrels over.

Silver Shill stops next to a four-wheeled machine with a smokestack at one end, organ pipes at the other, and a display screen on one side with a fully exposed backup version of the covered-wagon rig Flim and Flam used for their pitch, perhaps. He looks around, finding himself cornered, as the three close in on him.

Applejack: Now hold it right there, Mister. . .?

When his rump hits a support post, he realizes that he has nowhere to run and voices a moan.

Silver Shill: Shill. Silver Shill. Ooh, what do you three want?

(Y/N): Relax. We're not going to harm you. We just wanted to ask a few questions now that we've seen you come out of that tent twice.

Applejack: Our Granny took some tonic and we want to know how it works.

Apple Bloom: Granny couldn't swim before, and now she can. Just like you couldn't walk and now you can. But what are you doin' back here? I mean, if the tonic cured you and all. . .

Silver Shill swallows hard at all of the pressure he was feeling right now, and both (Y/N) and Applejack turn their attention away from him, finding the two discarded crutches along with a third one and a cane. A look elsewhere shows them a couple of wigs on plastic pony heads. It took them a second, but their eyes widen as they think that they finally figured it out before glaring at Silver Shill.

(Y/N): That's it! You're not injured at all!

Applejack: You're just part of the act! It's time for you to tell the truth! You never needed crutches at all, did ya?

Silver Shill: I, uh. . .

One desperate flick of a hoof hits a lever on the backup rig, releasing gouts of steam from the organ pipes and into the trio's faces giving him just a second to escape. By the time the machine stops and the view clears, he is gone. Applejack casts her eyes around the alley.

Applejack: Where'd he go?

(Y/N) glows his horn before his eyes widen and he get's a rather slightly annoyed look.

(Y/N): Not far. He's just back around the entrance. Follow me.

Applejack did so as the two circled back around to the front of the tent just in time to spot Silver Shill racing back in through the front entrance as the crowd departs. Applejack and (Y/N) give an agreeing nod as they both immediately enter the tent they went through earlier just in time for Flim and Flam to appear right in front of them.

Flim: Well, if it isn't our most favorite Apple! And the Hero of Equestria back so soon too!

Flam: What brings the both of you back to our humble abode?

Silver Shill peeks out from behind Flim's legs and gets a dirty look from the couple.

(Y/N): Alright, cough it up! We know the tonic that you're using is fake and when you sold it to Granny Smith, she wasn't actually "cured" of anything at all! And neither was I!

Flim tosses Flam an indulgent smile, then turns it on him.

Flim: What's so bad about that?

Applejack: If she keeps gallavantin' around like a yearlin', she's apt to drop from exhaustion or worse! What's more, I know for a fact that your friend here is dressin' up as a different pony every night so he can pretend to be cured!

Flam: Well, well, well, that's quite an accusation.

Flim: But let's say that it's true. . .

Both unicorns zip away as Flam now pops up behind a table set with a full cash box, a bag full of the night's revenue, and a few scattered coins.

Flam: Hypothetically. . .

He sweeps the lot aside and is joined by Flim, who levitates an old-style fruit and vegetable juicer onto the table.

Flim: Theoretically. . .

(Y/N): *mutters* Legitimately. . .

Flam: As I understand, your Granny was a famous aquapony.

Flim: The star of the show, once upon a time.

Flam levitates a bag up and dumps its contents onto the table which were apples and leaves.

Flam: But hasn't set so much as a hoof in the water since.

Applejack: Until today, that's right.

Flim: Well, then even if our tonic were nothing more than a mixture of apple juice and beet leaves. . .

Flam briefly juggles a few apples before he tosses one of each to Flim, who catches.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened from that as he levitates a bottle up from behind him and drinks it some more to get a taste of the fake tonic again and they were right.

Flam: Hypothetically. . .

Flim: Theoretically. . .

(Y/N): Again! Legitimately!

Another lob drops them into the juicer's feed hopper, and a shot of magic works the lever to bring the plunger down on it. Flam, who has crouched down near the spout fills a bottle with the said liquid.

Flam: The fact is that Granny is happier now than before she tried it.

Applejack: I guess. . .

Flim: So, the question is. . .

Flam crosses the floor, floating the now-full and corked bottle.

Flam: Do you really want to be the pony who takes all that happiness away?

He smugly sends the freshly squeezed product to rest on the hoof of the mare whose ironclad righteous fury has completely drained away while (Y/N) still kept his.

(Y/N): Happiness in NO absolute way justifies the fact that you're literally scamming these ponies for a fake product. As much the tonic is just a couple of food mixed which is obviously why it tastes more than decent, that doesn't-

Applejack: (Y/N). . . Let's just keep quiet. . .

(Y/N)'s eyes widened from that as he looks back at Applejack as she literally just said to tell all of the ponies a lie about the tonic.

(Y/N): . . .I-I'm sorry. Did I not hear you correctly? Because I-I thought I heard you say that you want to not tell everypony the truth about the tonic.

Applejack: *sighs* Ya darn right you heard me. (Y/N), Granny's finally feelin' like she's back on her hooves swimmin' like she did when she was younger and. . . she does seem pretty happy about it. I don't want to disappoint her or everypony that had their disabilities like that.

(Y/N): Things will get even worse when everypony doesn't see the truth! Having somepony be happy is one thing, but if they don't know the truth, it'll only dig you a deeper hole for you to fill! You're basically saying that you'll lie to everypony just for them to be happy with something that's fake!?

Applejack get's a guilty on her face from that and before she could answer, Apple Bloom comes back around to the front.

Apple Bloom: There you two are. I was wonderin' what was takin' y'all so long. Did y'all find what was in the tonic?

Applejack looks at (Y/N) who narrows his eyes at her seriously and then looks at the Flim Flam Brothers who just gave smug smiles telling her that if she wants to keep everypony's happiness, then she should keep quiet. Applejack looks back and forth between them and looks at the tonic on her hoof before she sighs.

Applejack: Honestly, Apple Bloom. . .

(Y/N) smiles thinking that Applejack was going to go with the truth, but she said something completely different.

Applejack: As long as it works, I. . . don't suppose it really matters.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this in shock as Applejack just told a lie.

Apple Bloom: Really? Do ya agree with that too, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I most definitely don't-

Applejack suddenly slaps a hoof over his mouth to silence (Y/N) as Applejack sheepishly smiles.

Applejack: Don't have a problem with it, right hun? Come on, why don't we go on back to the farm? It's gettin' pretty late now.

Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow from that before she smiles.

Apple Bloom: Well, if it doesn't matter to you two, then it doesn't matter to me either.

Applejack returns the smile weakly, but drops it as soon as she has turned her face ahead to lead Apple Bloom and (Y/N) away. They all exit the tent, with Flim and Flam whisking over to call after them from the entrance.

Flim: That's the spirit!

Flam: Come back anytime!

Silver Shill rises slowly in between them with a smile. (Y/N) gives a slight glare back at them as he's not going to let them get away with this before he turns his glare to Applejack.

(Y/N): *whispers* This is a bad idea, Applejack!

Applejack: *whispers* Will ya quit barkin' (Y/N)?! This is for the best!

(Y/N): *whispers* No it isn't and you know it! We had our chance to put an end to this, but you made it worse with a bald face lie!

Applejack: *whispers* Nothin' ain't gonna get worse if Granny's still happy that she can swim!

(Y/N): *whispers* Oh, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about soon Applejack.

Apple Bloom: Talkin' about what?

(Y/N) and Applejack turn to Apple Bloom who was looking up at them confused. (Y/N) was about to spill the beans before Applejack beats him to it again.

Applejack: Uh, talkin' about how much fun we're all going to be havin' no that Granny's cured from that tonic.

Apple Bloom: *smiles* Yeah, I can't wait for her to swim with us again. Right after I wished for Granny to swim with us again, Flim and Flam's curative tonic cures her. It's like a miracle.

Applejack: *nervous chuckle* I guess it is, sugarcube.

(Y/N) facehooves that Applejack is telling more lies and he wonders just far this will go from here.

It is now the following day, and Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith have their respective swimming gear in place and are enjoying the water in a splash fight. Applejack and (Y/N) do not partake in the fun, but instead the mare sits moodily on a swing hung from a tree on the shore while her boyfriend was relaxing on the tree with his hooves behind his head.

Apple Bloom: Hey, Granny! Think you can buck me over the water?

Granny Smith: I don't see why not! Come on, Big Mac, toss her this way!

(Y/N) gasps from this and Applejack was also alarmed.

(Y/N): Not good! Not good!!

Applejack: Granny, wait!

Applejack jumps off the swing in a sudden panic and both her and (Y/N) gallop toward the water. Thinking that it would be too late, Applejack shields her eyes while (Y/N) observes worriedly, but to their dumbfounded relief, Granny is now floating on her back, flipping Apple Bloom upward on her hind legs as Big Mac watches.

Granny Smith: What were y'all sayin?

Applejack turns to (Y/N) who motions his hoof to tell Granny about the tonic and she sort of complies by asking a different kind of question.

Applejack: Granny, don't you think you should take it kinda easy?

(Y/N) just rolls his eyes in annoyance.

(Y/N): (Not really helping the situation here. . .)

Granny Smith: I've been takin' it easy for too long! And now, thanks to that Flim Flam Tonic, I don't have to!

Apple Bloom: Granny, you think I could be an aquapony like you?

Granny Smith: Of course you can, sapling. There's nothin' to it but to do it!

Applejack gives a rather reassuring smile at (Y/N) who just shakes his head.

(Y/N): You got lucky right there and I'm going to tell you right now that you can't rely on luck to keep this all going. Something's going to eventually happen unless we tell them the real deal about the tonic, Applejack.

Applejack: I don't know, everything seems fine to me (Y/N).

Apple Bloom and Granny Smith then walk up out of the lake.

Apple Bloom: Well, the Ponyville swim meet is comin' up. We could enter together! A legendary water pony like you? We'd be a cinch to win!

Granny Smith: Mm, ee, uh, I don't know. . . Bein' back in the water is one thing, but a competition is a pony of a different color.

Apple Bloom felt disappointed by this.

Apple Bloom: Oh. Okay.

Granny touches her shoulder comfortingly and Applejack holds up a bottle of tonic, eyes it probingly, then sets it down and climbs off the swing with a smile.

Applejack: I don't know, Granny. A swim meet sounds pretty safe. And after all, if that tonic lets you swim in a river and a swimmin' hole, a pool should be no problem at all.

(Y/N) jaw drops from that in shock as Applejack just suggested that Granny enters the competition while using the fake tonic.

Granny Smith: Well, I'll be a tart turnover, you are right! All we need now is more tonic!

And she retrieves it from her bathing cap to take a fresh pull, while Applejack cuts her eyes to one side and grins evasively. She then feels a magic aura around her and feels herself being lifted off of the ground to look behind and see that it was (Y/N) who gives Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, and Big Mac a nervous laugh.

(Y/N): *laughs nervously* Can you three excuse us for one second?

(Y/N) then takes both himself and Applejack behind the tree confusing the other three as (Y/N) places Applejack down on the ground and glares at her not amused at all.

(Y/N): Now you're just getting WAY too comfortable with this! Why didn't you continue your part on telling her to take it easy?! Or one up that, tell her the truth?!

Applejack: Just look at her, (Y/N)! Look how proud Granny is that she can swim with that tonic!

(Y/N): "Fake" tonic!

Applejack: I know!

(Y/N): Applejack, we cannot let this escalate any further! We need to tell them before somepony get's seriously hurt!

Applejack: How in the world is Granny gonna hurt herself in a pool if she can swim in a river?

(Y/N): I don't know! She may do something that not even a pony her age can handle! Will you quit being so stubborn and tell them?! They're going to find out eventually and it's not going to be pretty when they find out that you told a lie. In fact, it still won't look good on you if just admit it now, but it's for your own good.

Applejack: But ya heard Flim and Flam right? They're-

(Y/N): JUST trying to keep you from seeing the truth. That's another part of their "get rich quick" schemes. Those who know the truth, they may either blackmail, tell you a lie about it, or even what they just did to you, swindle you from telling everypony else!

Applejack was starting to get more annoyed.

Applejack: So, you're basically sayin' that I should let Granny go back to just relaxin' in her chair without playin' with Apple Bloom like she's wanted to for a long time? Ya know, for somepony who's always said that they'll make sure everypony sees a smile on their face and help them out no matter what, you're really pushin' it with this situation!

(Y/N): I-I'm the one who's pushing it?! Well, excuuuusse me Ms. "Element of Honesty" I don't really see how your hardheaded plan is going to make anypony happy at all!

(Y/N) and Applejack then glare at each other with a lightning spark in between their heads, but the tensions soon went away as the other three were eavesdropping on their conversation.

Granny Smith: Er. . . y'all doin' all right back here?

(Y/N) and Applejack jumped back a little before looking to see Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac peeking in with really confused looks. The formerly fighting couple looked at each other before laughing nervously.

Applejack: Uh, we're good, right sugarcube?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, Applejack and I were having a tiny disagreement. I-It's not a big deal at all.

Apple Bloom: Well in that case, let's head to Flim and Flam so we can buy a bundle of that tonic for Granny to use like Applejack suggested.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Granny Smith: *smiles* Alright, you two. Just let us get changed back right quick and get our bits before we get some tonic to cure these old bones, 'kay?

(Y/N) and Applejack nod as the trio walked away and once they were out of sight. (Y/N) glares daggers back at Applejack as he takes his hat off and shoves on Applejack's chest irritated.

(Y/N): Fine, Applejack. We'll do this YOUR way! I'm done talking you out of this!

(Y/N) walks away from Applejack as she just narrows her eyes at (Y/N).

Applejack: Fine by me!

She said angrily before she takes a look at the hat that was a present for (Y/N) on his birthday and she get's a slight guilty look before sighing and she trots after the group.

Later at the tent with the Flim Flam Brothers and Silver Shill, Flim and Flam have set up a fully stocked sales counter and are standing behind it with a large crowd lining up towards it.

Flam: Welcome, friends, and step right up! The next show starts in five minutes!

Flim: But why not buy your tonic now and avoid the rush?

Silver Shill shuffles up, wearing a wig, mustache, and beard disguise from the layout behind the tent, and holds up a few coins.

Flam: Right this way, good sir!

Suddenly, Granny Smith voice rings out to the twin brothers.

Granny Smith: We'll take the whole case!

Everypony turns to her voice as her along with the rest of the group have arrived as well and a heavily laden sack of bits is dropped in front of them. Flim and Flam step out from behind their counter, and they and Silver Shill goggle at the sight of so much legal tender being brought to bear. The brothers grin broadly over the notion of being able to make this monster sale.

The crippled, dolly-rolling pony seen among the crowd trundles over to the Apples surprised.

Jinx: Are you saying this stuff actually works?

Applejack: It seems to work for Granny.

Flim and Flam trade a look seeing that Applejack on par with their fake product.

Flim: You heard it here first, folks! Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic is Granny Smith-tested and Applejack-approved! What about you there, Prince (Y/N)?

Everypony turns to the said alicorn as he look around at the crowd with a blank stare before he shakes his head not really seeing the point in trying to help Applejack see the bigger picture if she won't listen to him.

(Y/N): It. . . works like a charm.

Flim: And there it is! The Hero of Equestria has spoken! Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic is one hundred percent guaranteed to work with his approval!

Flam: Step right up and we'll sell all of it without hesitation!

Applejack's eyes narrow to thunderstruck points at this proclamation which (Y/N) didn't fail to notice.

(Y/N): (Starting to see that this is a bad idea are we?)

Jinx: If Applejack and Prince (Y/N) says it works, that's good enough for me!

There follows a tumult of voices whose owners lift their cash in hooves and magic auras. Applejack stands rooted to the spot, staring in mute confusion at the ponies surging past her on all sides. All Applejack could do was manage a gobsmacked sigh before a thought crosses her mind.

Applejack: (Maybe things are gonna get worse after all. . .)

Later that day everypony was at an outdoor swimming pool set up for a competition. Strings of lane-marker buoys stretch along its length, a high-dive tower has been built at the far end, and ponies sit in bleachers at one side. At the second level of the diving boards, a swim-capped Earth pony stallion could be seen and after a good bounce, he projects himself off the end, doing a somersault before splashing into the pool.

Three judges, two of them being Lyra Heartstrings and Doctor Hooves were seated behind a desk under a canopy. They hold up score placards, and the three were displayed of 7, 3, and 8. The stallion swims to the edge and hoists himself out as applause came from the spectators.

On the surface, three other stallions dive in, one per lane. Apple Bloom and Granny Smith stand at the corner, the old mare wearing her swimming togs, and get up to their hind legs.

Apple Bloom & Granny Smith: Hoo-ha, hee-hee, ha-hoo-ha!

As they finish their little chant, Applejack and (Y/N) walk up to them.

Applejack: Just remember, you two. The most important thing is to be safe and have fun, right?

She gives a big nervous grin from that while (Y/N) rolls his eyes.

Granny Smith: Fiddlesticks! With the routine we've been workin' on, I'll be a plum puddin' if we don't win this thing!

She winks at Apple Bloom, who grins hugely.

Applejack: Uh. . . good luck, then!

Granny Smith: Luck? Pfft, who needs luck? We got tonic on our side!

(Y/N): I'm surprised that's even allowed to be used in a competition considering that tonic kind of counts as steroids. (Not really since it's fake, but this was all Applejack's idea.)

Apple Bloom: Steroids?

(Y/N) was about to explain before Applejack shoves a bottle of tonic into (Y/N)'s mouth to silence him making him glare at Applejack.

Applejack: N-Nothin' sugarcube. . . Y'all will do great is what he meant to say. . .

Flam: Flim Flam's Magical Curative Tonic!

The brothers are then seen at a sales counter, wares at the ready.  They are flanked by pictures of a beaming Applejack and (Y/N) holding up a bottle, and plenty of buyers are paying attention.

Flim: Get your Prince (Y/N) and Applejack-approved tonic! Granny Smith drinks it – why shouldn't you?

Cheers and clamoring came from the assembled ponies as Applejack just voices a soft, weary sigh.

Applejack: *sighs* Hopefully.

Granny Smith: Now, if'n you'll excuse us, we got some swimmin' to do!

A hush falls over the spectators in the bleachers, and grandmother and granddaughter go into their routine. They dive gracefully into the water, side by side in perfect synchronization, and glide toward the center of the pool. Their heads dip below the surface, and each puts a hind leg up vertically for a moment and pulls it down again.

Now their heads come up and they pivot from one side to the other, extending a foreleg, before flipping upside down to leave only their hind legs in the air. These descend with barely a ripple, and Applejack stares in silent disbelief at the duo's fluidity of motion.

Apple Bloom and Granny Smith come up side by side, each taking one of the other's front hooves, and rotate about their point of contact as the judges take great interest. A bit of backstroke swimming brings them to a spot where they can each describe a pair of lazy semicircles, causing them to arc away from each other and back to the spectators' delight.

Next, Apple Bloom rises clear of the water in a pirouette position, the hoof of her non-raised hind leg supported by one of Granny Smith's front ones; the former swimming superstar rotates her slowly as if on a turntable. The ponies at the sales counter are entranced by the exhibition, taking no notice of the smug expressions on the faces of the two huckster unicorns behind them. The routine ends with Apple Bloom lifted high on Granny Smith's shoulders and letting water arc from her mouth like a fountain.

When they stop moving and lean to opposite sides, each with one foreleg outstretched toward the crowd, there is perhaps one second of dead silence. It ends when the bunch in the bleachers stars cheering and applauding wildly.

The judges hold up their score placards, Lyra being the last to do so. The other two have awarded 10's, but hers reads 01 and getting a dirty look, Lyra flips it over to show 10 and grins stupidly. On the sidelines, Applejack has doffed her hat out of respect, but now puts it back on. (Y/N) was just sweating the entire time as he wipes his forehead out of relief.

(Y/N): (Okay. . . we're lucky again.)

Applejack: Well, I'll be. . .

Applejack then gives a smug look at (Y/N).

Applejack: And you said that things would be dangerous with her.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow from this as he looks over at Granny Smith and Apple Bloom getting onto the pool's edge to start climbing out, a trophy is levitated over to them and set down in the water. Apple Bloom hoists it triumphantly as cameras click and flashbulbs pop from some photographers.

Snappy Scoop: That was some of the most amazing aquabatics I've ever seen! How in Equestria did you do it? Hard work? Lots of practice?

Granny Smith: Yeah, but mostly it's the tonic!

Flim and Flam zip over to the pair, throwing forelegs around shoulders, and hold up bottles.

Flim: That's Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic, to be precise.

Flam: Buy it now while supplies last.

More photos are taken of the tableau as a knot of ponies quickly gathers around them, talking excitedly about the new panacea. Applejack and (Y/N) watch them hustle past her with the former's unease steadily growing while the latter just sighs.

(Y/N) then looks to another direction and his eyes widened when he sees Silver Shill who has shed his overalls, donned a baseball cap and a black-and-white-striped referee's jersey, and he has a tray of bottles slung around his neck. A unicorn quickly flags him down and gestures at the tray, ready to buy concerning (Y/N).

(Y/N): Silver Shill? Why is he here?

The unicorn floats a bit over to Silver Shill as he tucks it away and grabs a bottle for him to levitate off. As soon as he turns aside with a grin, he finds himself nose to nose with Applejack and (Y/N) clearly not happy with him.

(Y/N): Let me guess, Flim and Flam put you up to this as well?

Silver Shill: Yeah, they gave me a promotion! Just made my first bit as a salespony. No more costumes for this pony.

The couple just shoots him a funny look from that as Silver Shill quails slightly.

Silver Shill: This is more of a uniform.

Applejack: If you say so.

Silver Shill: I used to wonder if I was doing the right thing. You know, pretending to be cured, basically lying to folks about this tonic. But thanks to you miss, I realized that sometimes honesty isn't the best policy.

Applejack was flabbergasted by this.

Applejack: Thanks to. . . me?

(Y/N) looks at her as he crosses his hooves.

(Y/N): See what I'm talking about now?

Silver Shill: What do you mean?

(Y/N) looks at Silver Shill and sighs and he was about to look back and see if Applejack was about to try anything else to try and stop him from telling him his opinion. . . but she didn't. (Y/N) looks at Applejack who looks back at him with a guilty look and she tips her hat with a nod telling him to go ahead.

(Y/N): Silver Shill. . . that last part when you said sometimes honestly isn't the best policy. . . while in some cases it can be true, this is DEFINITELY not a situation where you should be lying to others about the tonic.

Silver Shill: Why's that?

(Y/N): I get that you want to make ponies happy, but if you give something that's counterfeit, you're not really helping anypony at all as eventually somepony is going to know the truth and it won't look good on you once it's revealed that you didn't say anything.

Silver Shill looks at his cart with somewhat of a guilty look.

Silver Shill: Huh. I never thought about it that way. But didn't you agree with the tonic as well.

(Y/N) then shoots a look back at Applejack.

(Y/N): Yeah. . . because some mare that I know didn't want the truth to be revealed either.

Applejack get's a guilty look and thought about what (Y/N) just said before her thoughts were interrupted by Apple Bloom's advertisement of the tonic.

Apple Bloom: With Flim Flam's magical Curative Tonic, my Granny can do anything! Just ask Applejack and (Y/N)!

All eyes turn in the direction of her pointing hoof and the sudden public attention sends the Applejack and (Y/N) into a panic within seconds, covering their face and squinting their eyes shut until Applejack finally decided to comply.

Applejack: No! This has gotta stop! If ponies keep believin' that tonic can do things it can't, who knows what'll happen?

Silver Shill then looks somewhere away from the two as he get's a nervous look and taps Applejack on the shoulder.

Silver Shill: Maybe something like that?

Applejack follows his pointing hoof and gasps in fright. (Y/N) sees the same thing as he had the same reaction thinking that what he was seeing was insane.

At the high-dive tower, Granny Smith is slowly ascending toward the topmost board as she waves gleefully toward ground level before resuming her climb.

(Y/N): Sh-She's not gonna. . .

Applejack: Granny!

Both of them run towards the tower as fast as they could and once they got there, Apple Bloom is nosing a deep-dish pie pan full of water into position at its base.

Applejack: What in blazes does she think she's doin'?!

Apple Bloom: Granny's gonna break the Equestria high divin' record!

(Y/N) takes a look at the pan simply just shocked that Granny is going to attempt to dive in something so shallow.

(Y/N): Dive?! In that?! That doesn't even go up to your hooves, Apple Bloom!

Apple Bloom: Oh. . . ya think I should've gotten a bigger pool? Here, I'll go get another one!

Applejack: No time! (Y/N)! Fly me up there, now!

(Y/N) nods with a determined look as he links his forelegs under Applejack's and carries her up into the air to go to the top of the board.

Granny, meanwhile, is at the top and stepping toward the end of the board. Out comes a fresh bottle of tonic, down the hatch go the contents, and up comes the young couple as they reach the top just in time to see Granny take one bounce on the diving board and disappear over the edge. Pulling in a long, horrified gasp as they land Applejack get's in (Y/N)'s face.

Applejack: (Y/N)! DO SOMETHING!

(Y/N) quickly looks around the board before he spots a coiled rope hanging on a peg at one side. He smirks as he get's an idea.

Granny Smith hurtles down fast toward the pan with her forelegs extended, but what she doesn't notice was that (Y/N) was right above her with a rope tied behind his rear hooves and before her nose wass close enough to touch the water, (Y/N) grabs both of her rear hooves with his forelegs and Granny snaps back with a yelp. Inertia, gravity, and a little bit of (Y/N)'s wings combined bring them to a stop a few inches above the pan. Up above, Applejack stands on the end of the diving board, straining every muscle to keep the free rope-end clamped in her teeth.

Granny Smith looks up at (Y/N) a little bit annoyed.

Granny Smith: Now what in tarnation did you do that for?!

(Y/N): Are you crazy?! You almost got yourself killed!

Granny Smith: Killed?! Now how is tryin' to break my record using the tonic goin' to get myself killed?

(Y/N) groans as he let's Granny Smith on the ground and he flies back upwards to then use his magic to float Applejack down with him.

Applejack: (Y/N) is right Granny! That was the most fool-pony thing I've ever seen anypony do in all my life! You can't do a dive like that!

Granny Smith: Oh, quit your fussin'! I had enough tonic to do a dive ten times as high!

Flim: Twenty times, by my count.

Flam: Thirty, with a favorable breeze.

He floats a fresh bottle into her grip, and Granny Smith glugs it down as Applejack glowers mightily. The sun shines through the glass, refracting into a spectrum of separate gleaming colors and Applejack covers her eyes against the glare, but lowers her foreleg to stare in hopeless confusion. Suddenly, her eyes pop wide open and it has happened for the sixth time as a gleam of rainbow light plays across Applejack's eyes as she has discovered the true meaning to her Element of Harmony.

(Y/N): (In Applejack's Mind) Having somepony be happy is one thing, but if they don't know the truth, it'll only dig you a deeper hole for you to fill! You're basically saying that you'll lie to everypony just for them to be happy with something that's fake!

Applejack then changes her tone to a more stern approach as she goes up to the crowd surprising (Y/N).

Applejack: I hate to disappoint everypony, but there's no way Granny could have made that dive, because this tonic is a fake!

She emphasizes her words by pointing at the empty bottle still on Granny's hoof as she finishes. A collective gasp, after which the crippled mare with the dolly speaks up.

Jinx: But you and Prince (Y/N) gave it your stamp of approval!

(Y/N) then walks up as he get's a serious look as well.

(Y/N): Well, I'm sorry to disappoint everypony. . . but we lied.

This earns the crowd another round of gasps and they were all about to complain to (Y/N) before Applejack steps in front of him.

Applejack: NO! It wasn't "both" of us who lied. . . It was just me!

(Y/N) stares at Applejack shocked defending him like this.

Applejack: It was (Y/N) who told me many times that I should've told the truth in the first place, but. . .

Applejack turns to (Y/N) as she takes her hat off and holds it in front of her chest.

Applejack: I never listened to him because everypony seemed so much happier! I drove him into going along with my plan! Even though I should've known in the first place that he was doing it for everypony's own good. . . not for his own pride.

(Y/N) smiles at Applejack's humility as she turns back to the crowd. Flim grimaces as he fidgets with his bow tie, and grins weakly.

Applejack: I couldn't bring myself to tell you all when the both of us found out the tonic wasn't real. I know it was wrong. I just hope, with time, I can win back everypony's trust.

Apple Bloom then walks up to the two.

Apple Bloom: But if the tonic is a fake, then how come Granny can swim again, and what about all that aquabatics stuff we just did?

(Y/N): That wasn't the tonic at all. . . That was just her facing her fears.

Applejack: I reckon sometimes you can forget what you're capable of, and it just takes a little extra confidence to remember that it was inside of you all along.

Applejack goes up to Granny Smith who smiles at her granddaughter and they share a warm embrace with each other. (Y/N) smiles at them before he walks up to confront Flim and Flam.

(Y/N): As for you two, I can't believe you guys had the audacity to try and scam all of this ponies into thinking that your tonic can heal them!

Flim: But you just said it boosts confidence!

(Y/N): *scoffs* Oh, you want change it into a "mental" medicine? *sarcastic laugh* That's rich!

Flam: B-But it can, and that's not all-

Silver Shill: No, it doesn't!

Everypony then turns their attention to Silver Shill as he takes his glasses and cap off to reveal his actual look with his two silver bits Cutie Mark.

Silver Shill: In fact, it's not a tonic at all! I know, 'cause I helped make it! Watching Prince (Y/N) and Applejack save Granny and then admit to lying, well, that made me realize I was making ponies believe in a thing that just wasn't so!

This admission sets the Flim Flam brothers a bout of sweating, lower lip chewing, and throwing instantly unnerved glances at each other from the corners of their eyes.

Applejack: Believin' in somethin' can help you do amazin' things. But if that belief is based on a lie, eventually it's gonna lead to real trouble.

Flim and Flam were just about to sneak away from the group, but their escape was not going to be so fast as (Y/N) teleports in front of them with an angry look on his face.

(Y/N): I figured you two were planning to try to run from all of this. Didn't you know that I have energy sensing skills and precise magic? Did you really think I was going to let you off that easy?

Flam: O-O-Okay. . . Let's not get hasty! W-We'll give all of the bits back to the folks here that bought our tonic and we'll even give Granny Smith back her bits!

Flim and Flam then started to crouch down to the ground right in front of (Y/N)'s hooves.

Flim: Y-Yes! (Y/N), w-we promise to give it all back!

(Y/N) gives them a harder glare as he puts a hoof towards his ear.

(Y/N): What was that?! (Y/N)?! Just (Y/N)?!

Flim: *yelps* I-I-I mean, we'll give them back Prince (Y/N), The Hero of Equestria! J-Just please don't hurt us! W-We'll run ourselves out of Ponyville!

Flam: A-And we won't obtain anything through a scam either!

(Y/N) narrows his eyes at the two brothers as Applejack walks up right beside (Y/N) too.

Applejack: Y'all aren't lyin' are you?

(Y/N): Because if you are. . . The next time I see you scam a ton of ponies, I'll punch the both of you a thousand times.

This sent shivers down both of the Flim Flam Brothers' spines as they definitely don't want to deal with that at all.

Flim & Flam: W-We promise! Swear to our hats!

(Y/N) and Applejack look at each other with skeptical looks before they roll their eyes at the Flim Flam Brothers before walking ahead of them.

(Y/N): Start returning those bits. . . Now!

Flim & Flam: Y-Yes, sir!

The twins get down to business right away before Applejack and (Y/N) go back to the others and Silver Shill walks up to Applejack.

Silver Shill: Thank you, the both of you. Applejack, there's something I want to give you for showing such honestly and humility towards your friend.

He then holds up the bit from his tonic sale.

Silver Shill: I got this through dishonest means. That was a mistake I won't be making again! I'd like you to have it, as a reminder of how you helped me finally see the truth.

He lifts one of her front hooves and claps the money onto it.

Applejack: I don't know. . .

Silver Shill: Oh, don't worry. I'll track down the pony I sold that worthless tonic to and give him another bit to replace this one! Honest.

Now the blond mare lets a smile play across her face briefly before glancing back toward (Y/N), Apple Bloom and Granny Smith.

Applejack: I'm sorry, Granny. I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop swimmin'.

Granny Smith: Why in tarnation would I do that? I just can't believe those two salesponies had me believin' I could near fly!

She said this as she glares at the Flim Flam Brothers who were hastily trying to give the bits back to the ponies they sold the tonic to. Applejack smirks at them before she looks back at (Y/N) with a slight guilty look before she pulls back out the hat that (Y/N) gave back to her earlier.

Applejack: So, uh, ya still forgiven me right, hun?

(Y/N) smirks from that as he uses his magic to take the black Stetson hat back and he places it on his head and winks at Applejack.

(Y/N): Eeyup.

Both Applejack and (Y/N) chuckle from that before they both peck each other on the lips and share a brief hug with each other.

Later that evening at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack and (Y/N) could be seen under a tree together as Applejack was writing her thoughts down in the journal that the Mane 7 were all keeping together. Unbeknownst to them, Flim and Flam, were also moving their exhibit wagon hurriedly across a stretch of grassland somewhere around.

Applejack: (Bein' honest sure gets hard when it seems like the truth might hurt somepony you care about. But I think believin' a lie can end up hurtin' even more. Maybe some ponies don't care about that – but I sure ain't one of them.)

Once she finishes, she let's the pencil drop and (Y/N) smiles at her.

(Y/N): Great lesson you learned there, huh AJ? Hopefully you'll remember that the next time you run into a situation like this.

Applejack rolls her eyes from that with a smirk.

Applejack: I'll probably somehow forget that in maybe just a little while and have ya remind me of this and more things that I've should've know and yadda, yadda, yadda. . .

Applejack didn't finish that sentence as both her and (Y/N) leaned in for a kiss with each other as they both wrap their hooves around each other causing them both to let out a couple of moans before they break apart smiling that they enjoyed that small moment. They then look ahead to see Granny getting on a diving board.

Applejack: Now you take it easy there, Granny!

Granny Smith: Oh, I plan to!

(Y/N): In that case, go ahead and break a leg.

Granny Smith laughs a little from that before she bounces off of the diving board to do a cannonball dive only a foot or two above a large wading pool that already holds Apple Bloom, and the filly laughs while getting into a splash fight with Granny Smith. Back at the tree, Applejack stands up and she gestures for (Y/N) to follow as they both trot over to want to get on the fun in the small pool.

What Applejack didn't notice was that the rainbow shimmer appears on the bit that she got from Silver Shill as it works it way from left to right just like it did with the other five meaning that Applejack has unlocked her key of Honesty.

Chapter 17 End.

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