Chapter 18: Testing Testing 1, 2, 3

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It's going to be a big moment for Rainbow Dash soon as she is going to try and make it to the Wonderbolts Reserves to finally see if she can live her full dream of soon becoming one of the Wonderbolts herself. She's got everything she needs to do in order to fulfill that dream with speed, precision, and agility with her flight. . . However, you know what Rainbow Dash lacks? The proper brains in order to pass a history test that she'll have to take soon in order to get her promotion. She has to pass this test if she wants to become a Wonderbolt soon and right now. . . all she's doing is procrastinating as her most studious friend, Twilight Sparkle and her boyfriend, (Y/N) (L/N) is trying to help her study and focus.

Right now, both alicorns were right in front of the Golden Oak Library reading some Wonderbolt history books in order to help Rainbow Dash study.

Twilight Sparkle: "The magical properties of this spell will only have lasting effects if you focus on-"

Rainbow Dash swoops past at full speed, barely missing them by a nose.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! *laughs*

She leaves behind nothing but her laughter and a scatter of loose pages caught up in the eddies of her passage. The bookworm Princess and the heroic Prince stand up and to glare indignantly after her.

(Y/N): Not again! Rainbow Dash! Really?! That's the fifth time now you blew the papers away!

Twilight hovers and begins to magically gather and crumple up the papers that Rainbow Dash scattered.

Twilight Sparkle: How in Equestria does that pony expect to pass her history of the Wonderbolts exam tomorrow if she's wasting time flying?!

Floating the tome off the ground, she directs the pages roughly back inside and slams the covers shut. 

(Y/N): I don't know, Twi. But if she spends all of this time procrastinating instead of learning, it's like saying that she doesn't care of she get's in or not.

Twilight then get's an idea as she smirks from that.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, in that case, why don't we both fly up there and tell her about her lackadaisical approach to studying!

(Y/N): I wouldn't do that if were you. . .

Twilight raises an eyebrow in confusion.

Twilight Sparkle: Why not?

(Y/N) then looks upwards with a deadpanned look.

(Y/N): Because Rainbow's been up there in those clouds listening to everything we just said.

This surprised Twilight and she looks up and sees Rainbow peeking out from a cloud with a slightly annoyed look.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, killjoy! I was hoping you would come up here so I could surprise you!

(Y/N): Rainbow. . . By now I can tell just what your planning by the looks of a situation that you're in. Speaking of which, we should be planning for-

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, yeah, the Wonderbolts history test. No big deal.

Rainbow playfully tumbles backward over the edge of her cloud and those last three words are all it takes to get on the other two's nerves as they fly up to her slowly dropping toward ground level while still lying on her back.

Twilight Sparkle: No. Big deal. Really big deal. It's a test! A test that will determine if you can join the newly-formed Wonderbolts Reserves, and being part of the Wonderbolts Reserves means you'll have the opportunity to live your dream as a Wonderbolt! This is the most important test of your LIFE!

Rainbow Dash: Twilight, not everypony gets all freaked out about tests like you.

Twilight Sparkle: I do not get "all freaked out" about tests!

That statement was enough to send (Y/N) laughing as Twilight glares at him.

(Y/N): *laughs* Wanna bet? Remember the time you knocked me out of the library all the way to Canterlot?

Twilight rolls her eyes from that as (Y/N) just proved Rainbow's point. As he continued laughing,  (Y/N) looked up and noticed his rather irritated girlfriend glowing her horn up in his face making (Y/N) stop laughing from Twilight's death stare.

(Y/N): Not the time. . .?

Twilight slowly shakes her head before they refocus their attention on Rainbow Dash.

Twilight Sparkle: And the both of you may be right. . . I may tend to take my tests a little seriously, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be studying for yours Rainbow Dash!

Saying those words causes Twilight's eyes to pop open and a big smile stretches beneath them as she lets off a giddy squeal puzzling the other two.

Twilight Sparkle: Oooh! And I know just the pony who can help you!

Rainbow Dash claps a front hoof disgustedly against her face and pulls it away to reveal an expression of weary resignation. (Y/N) had the same look as the suspense is metaphorically killing him.

(Y/N): It's you isn't it?

Twilight gives him another glare from that.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay. . . I agree with Rainbow Dash. You are a killjoy.

(Y/N): Sorry, but when blatantly obvious things are questioned, I can't help but make sarcastic remarks to them.

Rainbow Dash: Sometimes you're no fun, babe.

Twilight then wraps a foreleg around (Y/N) as she smiles.

Twilight Sparkle: You know what is going to be fun?

(Y/N): . . .Okay, that's not obvious. What is it, Twi?

A burst from Twilight's magic, and they have vanished from sight before reappearing inside of the Golden Oak Library with Twilight and (Y/N) standing at the board and Rainbow Dash was seated on a stool behind the desk.

Twilight Sparkle: Teaching Rainbow Dash some important histories lessons! (Y/N) and I will be your personal tutors! This is going to be so much fun!

Twilight grins broadly as she levitates a pointer rod and she levitates some chalk and erasers over to (Y/N) who eyes them confused before he smiles at Rainbow Dash who didn't look very excited at all.

(Y/N): Well, she's right. You're not going to pass that exam without knowing the proper material, so allow us to demonstrate. 

Rainbow just rests a hoof on her cheek extremely bored as this is not really going to be her definition of fun.

Rainbow Dash: *sarcastically* Yay. . .

About an hour later after (Y/N) and Twilight were gathering some studying materials, Rainbow has put on her favorite black sunglasses, perhaps to hide evidence of a nap being taken, but snaps to with a yell when a very thick and very heavy book is floated over to thump down in front of her.

Twilight Sparkle: This is the most complete. . .

Rainbow Dash: . . .And ginormous!

Twilight Sparkle: . . .book on the history of the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Dash: Okay, but how am I supposed to get what's in there into here?

She points at the book on "there," then to her own head on "here." 

(Y/N): I know the book is as big as a dictionary, but if we go through the right segments through an organized manner, you should know this stuff in no time.

Rainbow Dash: So what? You want me to read this ENTIRE thing?! That'll take ages!

(Y/N): That's why you're only to study what you think is the most important.

Twilight then levitates up a pencil and a clipboard too.

Twilight Sparkle: That's why we'll use my handy-dandy checklist to help you as well.

Rainbow Dash: . . .Of course.

Twilight Sparkle: First up, reading and highlighting.

With that being said, soon enough, Twilight paces as she speaks with (Y/N) watching Rainbow Dash who plies a marker in her teeth against the pages.

Twilight Sparkle: Reading and highlighting is the foundation of any good study method. It allows the student to hone in and boil down on what's really important, separating the good from the bad, the wheat from the-

(Y/N) shoots Twilight an annoyed look.

(Y/N): Okay. . . I don't think we need a detailed explanation. A simple, "highlight the important details" is all she really needs to know.

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh! Fine! In a nutshell, you read the book carefully highlight what you think are the most important details in the book.

(Y/N) then turns to Rainbow Dash a little confused of how she's writing with that marker.

(Y/N): You've been highlighting nonstop now, Dash. Hmm. . . Why don't we see what you're actually highlighting?

(Y/N) says this as he scoops the book up and brings it to both him and Twilight. He opens it and both of their eyes widened from what Rainbow did inside before they looked back at her.

Rainbow Dash: . . .What?

(Y/N): I don't think highlighting ALL of the words that you see counts as important details.

Twilight is staring at swaths of yellow highlighter ink that cover nearly every square inch of the paper. She turns a page and has found a drawing of a grinning, flying Pegasus and is smiling thinly at it.

Twilight Sparkle: And it also doesn't separate the good notes from the bad notes.

What she finds is a doodle of herself, standing up on her hind legs to pontificate and this bit of defacement stretches across the widths of three pages like a magazine centerfold. Twilight glares at Rainbow Dash.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey, I am NOT that tall!

Rainbow snickers to herself as the two teacher's face broadcasts their annoyance loud and clear. (Y/N) even decides to turn the page again to find another doodled picture that looked like him with hearts surrounding him. He just deadpans at Rainbow who blushes nervously.

(Y/N): Cute. . .

A little bit later, Twilight has her clipboard and pencil floating in front of herself, and she marks off an item with a sigh.

Twilight Sparkle: *sighs* Okay, Rainbow, clearly reading and highlighting is not your style of studying, so let's move on to the tried and true: History lecture!

(Y/N) taps Twilight on the shoulder.

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, sweetie?

(Y/N): Hate to break it to you, but lectures aren't going to be Rainbow's style either.

Twilight Sparkle: Why?

Rainbow Dash: Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) sighs and turns to see that Rainbow has procured a lunchbox, which she opens with an impatient sigh to expose the food inside.

(Y/N): *groans* What is it, Dash?

Rainbow Dash: Is it snack time?

(Y/N): No!

(Y/N) then leans over to Twilight.

(Y/N): *whispers* That's why. . . Trying to stall or find excuses to bail.

Rainbow is then seen lounging outside, tossing a soccer ball.

Rainbow Dash: Is it recess?

(Y/N): No! Rainbow! This is NOT middle school! Sit in the stool and pay attention will you?

Rainbow Dash: Well can't we just watch the history of the Wonderbolts movie?!

(Y/N): That movie doesn't even cover over half of the things that you need to study! So no, no, and no!

Twilight Sparkle: Now, just get comfortable, and experience the magic of learning.

(Y/N) levitates up some chalk and draws on the board while Twilight explains the lecture that's provided for Rainbow who get's back on the stool with a grumpy face.

Twilight Sparkle: Prior to the great Celestia/Luna rift, there was no need for the Earth, Unicorn, Pegasi, or E.U.P., Guard.

Rainbow just sighs and very nearly does go to the floor, stool and all having only one last-second heave herself upright. The wooden legs creak slightly under the weight shift.

Twilight Sparkle: But after Luna's banishment, the Protective Pony Platoons were formed. On the anniversary of the first Celestial year of peace, a celebration was held.

While the lecture continues, Rainbow rocks the stool again as she then got a big smile that has plastered itself across her face giving her the idea to keep herself occupied. She gets the stool creaking and rocking back and forth in rhythm, and Twilight's owl Owlowiscious walks in. He begins to hoot softly in time and Spike soon joins in, playing a cadence on a snare drum slung from one shoulder.

Twilight Sparkle: Headed by General Firefly, an elite team of aerial performers were chosen to help celebrate this auspicious occasion. The first performance was so full of energy, so highly charged, that magical lightning showered down on the crowd.

The three jokers are now just way into the moment as Rainbow has taken to bouncing the stool off the floor so that it rotates her slightly on every hit.

Twilight Sparkle: Everypony was so filled with amazement and wonder that General Firefly dubbed them "the Wonderbolts"!

At the last two words, she turns to face the room and conjures up a giant magenta copy of the group's current logo while (Y/N) just stares at the board with a bored expression as if he knew that Rainbow wasn't listening at all. Both the logo that Twilight made and her pride at reaching the climax of the story evaporate in short order, though, when she finally takes note of the student, pet, and number-one assistant wasting this chance to pick up some good learning.

Spike and Owlowiscious catch on first and clear out in a hurry, the drum and sticks falling with a clatter, but Rainbow obliviously carries on for another second or two.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash, can you repeat ANY of our lesson?

(Y/N): No, she can't! 

(Y/N) without even looking teleports the stool away from under Rainbow's haunches and she drops to the floor surprised.

(Y/N): I could hear this thing creaking the entire time you were talking, Twi.

He then turns around to give a rather peeved look at Rainbow.

(Y/N): And as for you, do you want to enter the Wonderbolts Reserves or not?

Rainbow Dash: Well, duh!

(Y/N): Then get with the program, Dash! It's not long before you have to take that test anyway!

Rainbow was about to say something before (Y/N) beat her to it.

(Y/N): I swear if you're about to say that you can restore your thoughts in one second then I would like to see you try to at least know all of the acronyms that we made in the lecture.

Rainbow Dash: W.A.A., R.D.I.A., and B.B.E.

Twilight and (Y/N) look at each other with deadpanned looks before they eye Rainbow again not amused as none of those were even correct.

Twilight Sparkle: No! And what do those even mean?

Rainbow Dash: Wonderbolts Are Awesome, Rainbow Dash Is Awesome, and Best Boyfriend Ever.

Rainbow tips a wink at (Y/N) who rolls his eyes from that.

(Y/N): Flattery is not going to get you anywhere out of this, Rainbow. 

Twilight Sparkle: *sighs* Since highlighting and lectures aren't your way of studying, why don't we move on to the next thing? Follow me outside.

Twilight says this as she levitates her checklist up and crosses off some things on it before walking outside of the library before (Y/N) follows her out as well.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright Rainbow, if lectures aren't your go-to method for studying then we'll just go to. . .

(Y/N) and Twilight then look around to see that Rainbow didn't follow them outside as they look around for her.

(Y/N): Rainbow! Get out here!

In a split-second blur of color, Rainbow Dash hurtles straight down and lands neatly on the sign by the door.

Rainbow Dash: Here!

Twilight Sparkle: Let's move on to my favorite style of learning: flashcards!

She says as she holds a stack of them up herself and (Y/N) smiles at this.

(Y/N): Flashcards are actually a fun way to learn. Trust us on this one, Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash: Why is it fun? *smiles* Oh, I get it. Will I learn. . .

She zips away and instantly returns from the opposite direction.

Rainbow Dash: In a flash?

(Y/N): . . .If you want to put it that way. . . Sure, why not? Twilight, why don't you get us started?

Twilight Sparkle: With pleasure. 

She takes a deep breath, brings up the first card, and begins to read.

Twilight Sparkle: Colonel Purple Dart, the leader of the Wonderbolts in the Fourth Celestial Era, was known for his-

Suddenly, something hits the card surprising both Twilight and (Y/N) and they were confused as to what just happened. 

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow! Did you see what happened?

Rainbow Dash: What? No! I was. . . riveted by your captivating cards!

Twilight get's a skeptical look from that while (Y/N) wasn't buying any of it either as he turns to the fallen card and flips it over to find a spitball stuck to it which made him glare back at Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* A spitball? I wonder where that came from?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. . . I wonder where that came from?

She says this with an innocent grin while scratching the back of her head. (Y/N) sighs before he walks back up to Twilight.

(Y/N): Twilight, just continue. I'll keep an eye on Dash.

Twilight nods as she levitates up the next flashcard to read.

Twilight Sparkle: After becoming the official flying squadron for Princess Celestia, she honored them with-

Again a spitball is blown, striking the study aid out of the air. (Y/N) wastes no time grabbing it with his magic before he glares at Rainbow.

(Y/N): Caught you red hoofed!

Rainbow was just still lounging on the sign innocently with a smile.

Rainbow Dash: Caught who red hoofed?

(Y/N): *growls* That was strike two. No more spitballs, Dash!

Rainbow Dash: I'm not even throwing spitballs!

Twilight just shoots her a venomous glare as she floats up her third card.

Twilight Sparkle: The original Wonderbolts lightning bolt insignia was-

She abruptly cuts herself off and lowers the card, following this up with a cry of surprise and a hoof raised to protect her face. One more spitball is shot toward her, but (Y/N) projects a shield just in time to block the spitball and he immediately spots Rainbow with a straw and instantly takes it from her.

(Y/N): Rainbow! Enough with the tomfoolery! You could've seriously hurt somepony!

Rainbow Dash: With a spit wad? Really?

Twilight Sparkle: A spit wad to the eye would have been no laughing matter!

(Y/N) makes the straw disintegrate with his magic as Rainbow Dash hunkers ashamedly behind the sign.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, if you can horse around like this, then you clearly must be ready for the test.

Rainbow Dash: Clearly!

(Y/N): *rolls eyes and mutters* Hardly. . .

(Y/N) clears his throat before giving Rainbow a fierce look.

(Y/N): If you're so confident then I don't suppose you think you're ready for a. . .

Both him and Twilight teleport on opposite of Rainbow glaring at her.

Twilight Sparkle & (Y/N): Pop quiz!

Rainbow Dash: Bring it!

Rainbow is then teleported back into the library, landing on her haunches as Twilight and (Y/N) appear a moment later, hovering over her and no longer carrying the cards.

Twilight Sparkle: The initials E.U.P. stand for what?

Rainbow Dash: Ernie's undercooked pancakes.

(Y/N): *imitates buzzer*

Twilight Sparkle: The original aerial team performed for. . .?

Rainbow Dash: Celestia's cereal celebration.

(Y/N): . . .Are you just going to keep making up breakfast terms until you guess?

Rainbow lowers her head to the ground with an annoyed look.

Rainbow Dash: No.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright, then answer this. The Wonderbolts were given their name by this famous Pegasus. Who is she?

She then leans over to whisper to (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* I hope she doesn't say Colonel Waffle. . .

(Y/N): *whispers* She'll say it in 3. . . 2. . . 1. . .

Rainbow Dash: Hello? General Blazing Donut Glaze! 

(Y/N): . . .Or she'll say that instead.

Rainbow Dash: *scoffs* So, did I ace it or what?

Twilight Sparkle: Or what. You didn't get one answer correct.

Rainbow Dash: What? But- but how?

(Y/N): Hmm. . . I wonder if it had to do with the fact that somepony highlighted the entire book, didn't listen to an entire lecture, or played with a spit wad to avoid learning with flashcards.

Rainbow Dash: And who was that?

(Y/N): Ugh! Are you losing brain cells by the minute, Dash!? You're GOING TO FAIL! If you actually took the test right now, they'd kick you out in an instant! I know it's not fun, but it's important! You're dream of becoming a Wonderbolt is on the line here!

Rainbow then comes to sudden realization that (Y/N) was right about that and she's not learning at all.

Rainbow Dash: *gasps* You're right, (Y/N)! What am I gonna do? I'm running out of time! I don't know any of this history! 

She then grabs onto (Y/N) and holds his shoulders desperately.

Rainbow Dash: I'm going to FAIL!

She then flies out of the library in a desperate manner as Rainbow Dash was just now in plain worry about the Wonderbolts test.

Rainbow Dash: I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail!

(Y/N) then walks out of the library seeing Rainbow in full worry and Twilight and (Y/N) walk up to her.

(Y/N): Well. . . it's kind of your own fault if you think about it right now. Still, you shouldn't fret yet as there is still time for you to learn.

Rainbow Dash turns to (Y/N) a little more frustrated that she already is.

Rainbow Dash: Are you kidding? I can't even know a single thing because of Twilight's lame ways of teaching. This is her fault for suggesting this in the first place.

Twilight Sparkle: MY fault?! We're the ones helping YOU!

Rainbow Dash: Maybe your famous study methods aren't all they're cracked up to be, eh, teacher?!

Twilight Sparkle: Excuse me, I've used them to study for many a test and passed!

After hearing that, (Y/N) get's an idea in his head.

(Y/N): That's it! Twilight, maybe you've used these kinds of methods to study and it's not Rainbow's exact fluffy cloud to sleep on, but maybe we just need to find a way so that she can study using a method that she's the most comfortable with.

Twilight thinks for a little bit from (Y/N)'s idea, but Rainbow Dash was just bored.

Rainbow Dash: I appreciate the thought, (Y/N). But I don't see why I have to take this lousy test. I've proven I'm one of the best flyers around.

Twilight Sparkle: Knowing their origin and being able to properly represent them for all of Equestria is just as important.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, right. Some history buff like you must have made that up to bring us flyers down.

(Y/N): Rainbow! Quit being so snotty! And Twilight, telling Rainbow how smart you are isn't going to encourage her at all! We just need another angle. And I can't find that angle if you two are arguing with each other, alright?

Chastened by (Y/N), both of the mares stopped arguing before looking at each other with guilty looks.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry, Rainbow. I guess I got carried away.

Rainbow Dash: I'm sorry too. For refusing to know how important this is.

(Y/N): Good. Now as I was saying, we need to find a way for you study that doesn't involve stuff that's school-related.

Rainbow Dash: How? For all I know, Twilight's way of studying doesn't even work for me.

(Y/N) puts a hoof to his chin trying to think of a way that they can teach Rainbow, Wonderbolts history, but none really came to mind for him until a certain shy Pegasus' voice called out to them.

Fluttershy: I think I have a way that can help.

All three of them turn to see Fluttershy walking up to them with a smile.

(Y/N): Fluttershy, this is quite the surprise. 

Fluttershy: I just overheard you talking about how the both of you are trying to help Dashie prepare for her big test soon.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! And I'm getting nowhere fast! Twilight tried teaching me her way, but it ended up being the worst study session that I had.

Twilight gives Rainbow a dirty look from that as the Pegasus flinches a bit with a nervous laugh and smile.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, no offense.

Twilight Sparkle: *rolls eyes* Some taken.

(Y/N): You're right though, Flutters. I was thinking of any method I had of studying, but unlike most ponies, I was actually homeschooled where I come from so obviously I just had my mother to help me out with learning.

Fluttershy: Well, what if we used my idea to teach?

(Y/N): *smiles* It's worth a shot. What do you two think?

Twilight Sparkle: Sure, maybe it'll be more enjoyable for you too, right Rainbow?

Rainbow Dash: Uh, I don't know. . . but I guess.

Later on, a stage was set up in a meadow, with the four seated on a bench in front of it. A scenery backdrop is split vertically down the middle: daytime sky with plywood sun and trees on the right, night sky with similarly constructed moon and mountains on the left.

Fluttershy's rabbit Angel and Rarity's cat Opalescence, respectively, stand in front of these near center stage. Each is wearing a wig, tiara, and horn styled after the corresponding Princess as Angel was Princess Celestia while Opal was Princess Luna. Spike sits in a folding director's chair off to one side of the stage, a dark grey beret on his head and a copy of a script in his hands.

(Y/N): Putting on a play. . .? Fluttershy, are you using all of the pets to try and teach Rainbow?

Fluttershy: Yes, I thought that borrowing each one would make for really cute and adorable actors.

(Y/N) just looks at the stage observing what going to happen and how this will teach Rainbow the proper history she needs to learn. However, he has a feeling that this won't work at all.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, who's that, who's that?

Fluttershy: Celestia and Luna, back when they were happy.

The two animals are seen smiling and holding one of the other's front paws. They back away slightly and the smiles fade, prompting a puzzled reaction from both (Y/N) and Twilight.

(Y/N): (This is going south fast. . .)

Next, Opal extends both forelegs forward and Angel lunges with a cry as if to grab her; the fussy feline topples onto her back with all four legs pointing stiffly toward the sky. Fluttershy is entranced by the performance, but it seems to sail right over Rainbow's head.

Owlowiscious then gets into the picture by picking Opal up and placing her on the plywood moon, where she sulks she and Angel have been re-enacting Luna's banishment a millennium ago. Rainbow's tortoise Tank flies in from the moon side, wearing goggles and a winged helmet, and Applejack's dog Winona trots in alongside with a pink horn strapped to her head. Behind them, Spike pushes Pinkie Pie's alligator Gummy across the stage and quickly runs back toward his chair. Two of the three new arrivals make obeisance to their fluffy white sovereign while Gummy, as usual, shows no visible reaction.

Rainbow Dash: Uh. . . now what?

Fluttershy: Gummy's an Earth pony, Winona's a unicorn, and Tank is a Pegasus.

Twilight Sparkle: They're the E.U.P., helping to protect the Princess.

(Y/N): In a more visual way though.

Rainbow Dash however seems less than convinced. Up onstage, Angel has curled up for a nap, Gummy has latched on to one of the hovering Tank's legs, and Winona is scratching at a flea.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, how are you getting all this?

(Y/N): To be honest, I'm actually not. If there were actually used lines, then this play would be better for teaching.

All six of the pets' eyes pop wide as Owlowiscious hoists Angel up and plants him on the sun. Spike throws him a frantic "get on with it" gesture, so the bunny gestures as dramatically as his short fuzzy limbs will allow. The scaly director grins, and Tank now having jettisoned Gummy flies up with a lumbering loop-the-loop but thumps against the sun, knocking Angel free.

Fluttershy: Oh no!

Owlowiscious dives in for the save and starts to lift him up, only to bang into the moon and dump both it and Opal. Racing onto the stage, Spike manages to catch the cat and barely avoids being conked by the falling crescent. It rolls after him, leaving the stage clear of every actor except Tank.

(Y/N) sighs at the entire performance before he facehooves and shakes his head before turning to Fluttershy.

(Y/N): Sorry to disappoint you, Fluttershy. But this method of using the pets as actors is not really going to work. Especially if they are not really demonstrating too much either. Heck, I know they can't speak, but not a single word was said in the entire thing.

Rainbow Dash: In short words, that was aw-

A familiar pink party pony then appears out of nowhere in front of the group.

Pinkie Pie: Awesome! I give it three woohoo's! Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo! And an extra "woo" for good measure! Woo!

Rainbow Dash: Well, I give it a "whoa, whoa, what?" I'm totally confused and I just wanna go home. . .

(Y/N) was amused from that as he jumps and grabs Rainbow's tail by the teeth to hoist her back down on the bench.

(Y/N): You're not going anywhere until we've got a study method for you. We can cross off schooling and theater. We need another solution.

Pinkie Pie: Well, you're in luck sweetie as I've got a way for Rainbow to learn.

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow from that as Pinkie is the last pony he would expect to have an idea to teach history.

(Y/N): What kind of learning?

Pinkie Pie: Musical intervention!

(Y/N)'s eyes widen and he jaw dropped from that as Pinkie was actually doing something different than her normal songs as she was rapping. Pinkie is now wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt, a dark gray fedora with the brim flipped up, and a thick gold chain necklace with an alarm clock attached.

(Y/N): (You CANNOT be serious. . .)

Pinkie does a little beatboxing as Vinyl Scratch scratches the records on her turntables. Now two backup dancer stallions in period-appropriate attire baggy jeans, backward cap, colorful leather jacket, and so forth join Pinkie while the current Wonderbolt logo within a circle floats past behind her.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Well, back in ancient times, there were the Wonderbolts of old ♪

She throws some paint onto a wall, forming the logo.

♪ A general named Firefly, amazing and so. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves: ♪ Bold! ♪

Pinkie Pie: ♪ She brought them all together, spreading unity. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves:  In flight! 

Pinkie Pie:  Performing at their very best with wonder. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves:  And with might! 

She briefly skateboards on a half-pipe, having changed into a helmet, pads, and sunglasses, then dons her MC duds again.

Pinkie Pie:  There's Admiral Fairweather and the Colonel Purple. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves:  Dart! 

Pinkie Pie:  Gave Wonderbolts a bit of steel along with. . .  

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves:  Lots of heart! 

Vinyl keeps scratching away, now with a set of headphones pressed to one ear.

Pinkie Pie: ♪ An admiral named Fairy Flight and general called. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves:  Flash! 

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Helped the 'bolts fly super high. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves: ♪ With style and panache! 

Pinkie Pie:  Commander Easyglider was the real cream of. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves: ♪ The crop! 

Pinkie Pie:  For with her wicked moves, the Wonderbolts. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves: ♪ Soared to the top! 

Pinkie Pie:  Wonderbolts, yeah! Wonderbolts. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves:  Huh! 

Pinkie Pie:  Wonderbolts, yeah! Wonderbolts. . . 

Pinkie Pie, Goldengrape, & Doctor Hooves: ♪ Unh! 

Pinkie Pie:  That is my rappin' history of the Wonderbolts! 

With the song ending, everybody just stared dumbfounded with (Y/N) being the most just trying to process what he just saw.

(Y/N): . . .I literally cannot describe what I just saw. But I guess all I can say is. . . That's Pinkie folks!

Pinkie Pie: So, d'you get it Dashie?

Rainbow Dash: Yes, Pinkie Pie!

Rainbow then tried to imitate Pinkie's rapping, but was failing horribly at it.

Rainbow Dash: General This and Colonel That, they're the Wonderbolts, something that rhymes with that!

She drops onto her haunches, her forelegs crossed, as Pinkie stares wide-eyed for a long moment.

Pinkie Pie: That. . . was pretty terrible.

Rainbow Dash: What?! No. . . really? But I've gotta learn this stuff! Now!

(Y/N): Well, now that we know that schooling, theater, and definitely NOT rapping helped. We need something more. . . "simple."

???: While simple isn't the word that I wear, it is a most divine word for what I have planned.

(Y/N) looks behind him to see Rarity in a blue military uniform jacket with plenty of gold trim and fringe. Its sleeves, edged in white and with gold buttons, cover her forelegs. She also wears a blue and gold shako, a cylindrical cap topped with a tall white plume, as well as black boots on her hind legs.

(Y/N): Rarity? What's with the outfit? If you're participating in the play then it's already finished and not only that, but it was a disaster.

Rarity: Oh, darling you have the completely wrong idea. I am here to provide my own method of helping Rainbow Dash get knowledge for her test.

Rainbow just looks at Rarity's getup with a raised eyebrow.

Rainbow Dash: Rarity, you look ridiculous.

Rarity: I am going to ignore that comment out of my desire to help you.

Rainbow throws a dirty look back at (Y/N) who smiles and gestures that this could possibly help her as well.

Rainbow Dash: Good luck.

We are all now at Carousel Boutique as it's now Rarity's turn to try and help Rainbow Dash develop a proper study routine for her to learn about the Wonderbolts. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and (Y/N) are now walking inside of the boutique.

Rarity: Get ready, Rainbow Dash, for I am going to take you on an historical adventure in fashion!

An overhead spotlight then flicks on to pick out the trio. Behind them are a row of pony-shaped silhouettes whose outlines suggest different styles of dress. They continue across the showroom as Rarity speaks, stopping now and then.

Rarity: I am now modeling the rather unattractive, and frankly itchy, original Wonderbolts flying costume. Fortunately, thanks to the vision of Flair d'Mare, the Wonderbolts ensemble became more streamlined in a wonderfully breathable fabric. Of course, there were fashion hits. . . and misses. Just look at those dreadful bell-bottoms. What were ponies thinking?

She then aims a disapproving glance at one figure as a light illuminates it. Blue foreleg jacket sleeves with a yellow stripe on each cuff, gray bell-bottom pants covered by the jacket's long tails, dark gray shoes on hind legs. The hooves protruding from the sleeves are pink and the pony wearing this outfit reveals to be Pinkie Pie cosplaying.

Pinkie Pie: I dunno. I bet General Flash rocked these thangs!

Rainbow then cries out in surprise.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie, you're real!

(Y/N): Of course, she's real! She's just cosplaying as one of the generals that you need to know for the Wonderbolts. Pinkie is General Flash, Rainbow. The tenth leader of the Wonderbolts.

Pinkie Pie: And while I may not actually be him, I Pinkie Pie is for sure real.

Now Fluttershy steps out of the shadows wearing a blue peaked cap with gold wings spread across the visor, as well as a gold band around her neck and a loose blue garment with gold-rimmed purple spots.

Fluttershy: And I'm Admiral Fairy Flight, from the seventh squadron.

Rainbow turns warily away from the three living models, only to find herself face to face with Twilight who was wearing a gray bomber jacket and garrison cap with black sunglasses. The cap and the jacket's white fleece collar are both set with the current Wonderbolt logo.

Twilight Sparkle: And of course you recognize Commander Easyglider.

Here comes Applejack wearing a blue uniform jacket bedecked with medals, matching peaked cap with gold braid and lightning bolt, black pants with yellow lower stripes on hind legs.

Applejack: And I'm sportin' some sort of getup worn by Colonel Purple Dart.

Rainbow Dash then backs off with a shudder as Rarity leans into her face.

Rarity: Just look at us.

Twilight Sparkle: *hypnotically* Look at us.

Pinkie Pie: LOOK AT ME!

Rainbow Dash: It's too much for my eyes!

She jumps up and rockets out of the huddle before (Y/N) rolls his eyes and sighs before coming over to her.

(Y/N): Don't worry about it, Rainbow. Take it from me, I think this fashion way of studying was the worst one out of all of the other options.

Rarity just deadpans at (Y/N) once he said that. (Y/N) then turns to Applejack as she takes off the cap that she was wearing.

(Y/N): Applejack, while I don't have a clue yet on how to study, do you have any ideas?

Applejack: Nah, sorry hun. I could tell you every little thing there is to know about the history of apples, but I picked all that up over years in the field as a labor of love.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh! Gimme a break!

She says this as (Y/N) notices her trudging out of the boutique before (Y/N) walks up in front of her.

(Y/N): Come on, Dash! Don't give up now. You still got some time. . . Actually, I don't remember the deadline. How much more time to you have until you have to take the exam, Dash?

Rainbow Dash: Twelve hours.

(Y/N) freaks out from that as he let's a sharp gasp before it turns into a worried look.

(Y/N): Okay, we need to get you learning ASAP! Even if it means cramming it all in!

Rainbow then soon finds a ring of index cards floating around her and Twilight right in there with her as the sky blue Pegasus stands up in a fright.

Twilight Sparkle: Then I think we should just go back to old-fashioned studying.

Rainbow backs out of the ring and nearly runs into Fluttershy also changed out and with a still-costumed Angel and Opal on her back.

Fluttershy: What about our play?

Rarity: Just look at these costumes! Surely something resonates with your inner Wonderbolt!

Applejack then bumps her aside to come up with a solution as well.

Applejack: And Granny Smith discovered the first granny smith in Fillydelphia, when she was just a filly!

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Commander Easyglider was the real cream of the crop- ♪

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, stop rapping! That isn't gonna help Rainbow!

Pinkie Pie: ♪ Well, I suggest you put down your silly cards of flash, ♪

♪ For I know that they cannot help our good friend Rainbow Dash! ♪

Rainbow was getting increasingly agitated as the other five go into a lively argument of the merits of different test prep strategies. After a few seconds. . . she has had all she can stand.

Rainbow Dash: ENOUGH! No rapping, no cards, no costumes, no play, and no apples!! I am never gonna pass this test, ever! Just forget it!

She lifts off in a multicolored streak, leaving five very worried friends to stare up after her. (Y/N) looks after Rainbow worried for her as well before he looks at the mares a little bit peeved.

(Y/N): I think you girls were taking these tutor sessions a bit too far. I know you all are trying to give Rainbow some help, but she's not going to get any better if you bombard her with ideas. Heck, none of them are even working for her.

Twilight Sparkle: *sighs* You're right, (Y/N). But what should we do now? Like Rainbow said, we don't really have that much time left until she has to take the test.

(Y/N): I don't know. . . yet. However, I'm first going to go and speak to Rainbow since she seems really frustrated. Then I'll see if we can find a study method where she doesn't feel uncomfortable or bored with.

All of the girls nod to that as (Y/N) flies off after Rainbow Dash so he can try to give her a lot more motivation than her current pessimistic attitude.

In the skies above Ponyville, Rainbow Dash could be seen with a downtrodden look clearly not happy about the current situation that she's in as she really just wished she didn't need the test at all. (Y/N) was however gaining on her as he calls out to her.

(Y/N): Rainbow! Wait up!

(Y/N) flies up to hover right beside his girlfriend who was still not really in the mood for some pep talk.

(Y/N): Rainbow. . . it's okay. Our friends were just trying to help you. Sorry, if we did overwhelm you with all of those ideas for studying.

Rainbow Dash: It's okay. I get it. It's just too bad I'm too dumb to learn anything.

(Y/N): Rainbow! You aren't dumb! You may have some things about your personality that makes you different than others when it comes to studying, but you aren't dumb. Never say that about yourself either.

Rainbow Dash: If by different, you mean stupid and ignorant, then you're totally correct.

(Y/N): No! That's pretty much the opposite of what I was saying.

Rainbow Dash: See? Wrong again.

Rainbow flies down as (Y/N) grimaces and rolls his eyes before flying after her as he is not going to stop talking to her until they find a solution for her to take her test.

(Y/N): Come on! There has to be some way that we can get you to study that we haven't tried yet. The thing is we just need something that suits you and not something that the rest of our friends learn by.

Rainbow Dash: Like what?

(Y/N): Well, first off I need to know exactly what you're capable of. You and I have read many Daring Do books together, both you and Pinkie are great jokesters around the town, you're loyal to your friends, and finally you're the best flier that I pretty much know as my girlfriend who I'm barely on par with her speed.

Rainbow Dash: While I appreciate some of the flattery (Y/N), I don't know how any of that is going to help me become a Wonderbolt.

(Y/N): I'm just trying to figure out someway we can help you study. . . How about a race? You love to race me from time to time.

Rainbow then noticed something as her eyes popped open and she abruptly shoves (Y/N) hard to the side.

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N)! Watch out!!

As soon as (Y/N)'s stops from the momentum that Rainbow shoved him, he raises an eyebrow before he sees a pedal-powered helicopter that cruises past, with a Pegasus at the controls.

(Y/N): Wait. . . how were you able to notice that helicopter while talking and facing me at the same time? You didn't even look like you were paying attention to your surroundings?

Rainbow smirks from that as she flies over to wrap a foreleg around (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: Heh, you may be my boyfriend (Y/N), but you still don't know ALL of the things about me yet.

(Y/N) shrugs his shoulders from that with a nervous smile as that's kind of true.

Rainbow Dash: Being an experienced flyer, I can properly multitask. But since you don't spend much time in the air, I guess you probably multitask yourself on the ground or when you're in a battle with monsters.

(Y/N): True, but. . . you do this kind of stuff "everyday?"

Rainbow Dash: Not exactly since you patrol for most of the week, but I'm still able to notice all of my surroundings despite what I'm doing with somepony like talking to you. For instance, did you not notice that we passed Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo at Sugarcube Corner?

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from that which Rainbow smirks at seeing that (Y/N) didn't pay any attention to that while they were talking earlier.

Rainbow Dash: What about Big Mac and Filthy Rich, hmm?

(Y/N): . . .Whoa! Perhaps YOU should be more of patroller on Ponyville more than me! That's pretty impressive!

Rainbow Dash: Wanna know something even better? I noticed some tiny details as we passed them as well. There was goop, icing, and crumbs on the Crusaders' mouths meaning that they most likely had carrot cupcakes with sprinkles. And that huge cart of apples that Big Mac had, he was getting ready to sell all of those to Filthy Rich because I heard him give a big hearty. . .

(Y/N): Eeyup. . .

(Y/N) thinks for a second as Rainbow was able to observe all of those things in Ponyville without even having to pay too much attention to him either. It took him quite a second before he suddenly get's an idea in his head as the sun acts like a light bulb over his head. He then get's a bright smile as he turns to Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): You know Rainbow? Why don't you wait here for a moment? I'll be right back.

(Y/N) flies off leaving a confused Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: What for?

(Y/N): I think I finally know how we can study!

Rainbow did not seem to like that comment as she lowers herself on a nearby cloud with her spirits down after what she went through today.

Rainbow Dash: Good luck with that. . . Once you see me how much this will go wrong, you'll finally see how dumb I actually am at tests, (Y/N).

She then lies down atop the cloud with a heavy, self-pitying sigh. In seconds it has turned dark gray and started to rain.

Atop the Golden Oak Library, Twilight was looking through the telescope on the observatory platform with the other four mares there as well. (Y/N) had called them all there as he lands right in the middle of the ground.

Applejack: We came as soon as you called us all here, sugarcube. What's with the sudden huddle?

(Y/N): Before I get to that, Twilight, is Rainbow still lounging on that cloud?

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, she's still there and not moving an inch.

(Y/N): Okay then. I called you girls here because I think that I've finally realized how we can get Rainbow to study for that big exam.

Rarity: How did you determine that, dear? We've tried every kind of studying. My way, Twilight's way. . .

(Y/N): That's the thing that I realized. All of you had different kinds of study methods for Rainbow, but they are all part of your kind of personality. While I was with Rainbow Dash earlier, I unintentionally recognized Rainbow showing me something that she does that just might work for her to actually remember ALL of the information that she needs. But I'm going to need your help to pull it off.

Pinkie Pie: Hm, I'm intrigued.

With slow deliberation, she hefts her fedora and settles it in place over the poofy magenta mane. (Y/N) looks at her with a deadpanned look before he levitates it off of Pinkie.

(Y/N): I don't mean that we're your ideas in it though. This is only Rainbow's way and we have to follow it. 

Twilight Sparkle: Okay, (Y/N). Tell us everything.

Indistinct whispering follows from the huddle as they all gather up close to hear (Y/N)'s plan on helping Rainbow Dash study for her test in one full blow.

Back with Rainbow on her cloud, she was still just sulking on her cloud before (Y/N) casually just flies up to her with a smile.

(Y/N): Sorry, I just had to take care of something for your study session. But for now, I feel like I should just let you relax before we do it. You want to go for a flying date, Dash?

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* Sure. Got nothing better to do.

She pushes off with none of her usual brash energy as (Y/N) follows her up, and the two settle into a slow side-by-side cruise with each other in flight.

Rainbow Dash: Didn't we just do this?

(Y/N): Yeah, but that was when you were frustrated and overwhelmed by all of our friends' study methods. For now, why don't we just fly around and cruise in the air? Besides, what's the harm in just wanting some one-on-one time with my girlfriend?

Rainbow let's out a small smile from that before she flies closer to (Y/N) and pecks him on the cheek. They both flew some more straight across the clouds before (Y/N) decides to make some conversation.

(Y/N): Hey, you know I forgot to ask you, remember that Daring Do book that was published and featured us? What was the best about that book to you?

Rainbow Dash: To me it was the part where we all saved and help Daring Do collapse the pyramid! It was awesome getting to actually work with somepony that we practically idolize.

(Y/N): *chuckles* That one is my second favorite. My favorite was when I was fighting Ahuizotl after Caballeron ran away like a coward. . . Kind of bummed that she changed that one quip that I used to try and anger Ahuizotl into fighting me and not focus on Daring Do.

Rainbow Dash: You're taunts aren't always the best. . . but they're the best when they actually burn your foes down. Heh, see what I did there?

(Y/N) rolls his eyes with a smile.

(Y/N): Corny. . . but true for you.

They both let out some laughs from that before Rainbow's smile became a frown again.

Rainbow Dash: (Y/N), do you really think that I'll become a Wonderbolt?

(Y/N) turns to Rainbow Dash concerned.

(Y/N): Oh. . . Thought you wouldn't think about that. . .

Rainbow Dash: Sorry, I-I didn't mean to bring it up so suddenly. . .

(Y/N): Nah, tell me. I'll help you in anyway that I can. Whether it's about the test or not.

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* Well, I keep thinking on that because of the test that I should just. . . give up.

(Y/N): Give up?! You?! Now if this whole test thing weren't true, then I would laughing a storm right now because the punch line would be you quitting and you don't quit on pretty much anything that'll let you know that you'll succeed! Rainbow, you shouldn't let that stupid test cloud your confidence!

Rainbow Dash: I know. . . but it seems the more I try to learn. . . the more I just end up having a rock for a brain.

(Y/N): If Maud was here, she would probably make a joke about that considering that she and Pinkie grew up on a rock farm.

Rainbow turns to (Y/N) confused from that off topic statement as he clears his throat.

(Y/N): Getting back to the important part, I know that you think that studying is hard and sometimes it is, but don't worry. . . Later on, I'll show you just that this method will most likely for you.

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* If it doesn't, my dream of becoming a Wonderbolt is officially over. . . Although, it's more like my dream has given up on me.

(Y/N) then looks ahead and sees that they've arrived at Rainbow's cloud house near Ponyville and they both land on the front walk. Rainbow walks towards the entrance still a little bit downtrodden.

Rainbow Dash: Thanks for the encouragement, (Y/N). . . and the small date. However, I guess I'll take a nap before I try and get some knowledge for that test again.

(Y/N) then give her a rather smug smirk.

(Y/N): First, tell me something. What exactly did you see while we were talking on that whole flight?

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* Nothing important. Except after Luna was banished to the moon, Celestia needed protective forces, so Earth, unicorn, and Pegasi formed the E.U.P. Guard of the Protective Pony Platoons.

Her eyes pop as it sinks in as she has just stated one of the key events from Twilight's lecture. She looks at (Y/N) who nods with a smile.

(Y/N): Right. And. . .?

Rainbow then slowly started to smile and get happier as she spoke the next part of the key events.

Rainbow Dash: And, at the celebration of the first Celestial year of peace, an elite flying squadron performed, headed by General Firefly, who later named the group the Wonderbolts!

(Y/N): Yep! And finally. . .

Rainbow Dash: Commander Easyglider established flight choreography that is still used by the Wonderbolts today!

She does a quick loop-the-loop on the end of this and comes back down on the walk.

(Y/N): Ha! You got it, Dashie!

Rainbow Dash: I. . . I know the history! I know it all! But how in Equestria did that happen?

(Y/N): You wanna know? You were actually studying with me this whole time and you didn't even notice.

Rainbow Dash: Wait, really?

(Y/N): The moment you said that you pay attention to almost every little detail on the ground while you're flying even when you're doing something else, it struck me. So, I got the idea to grab not only our friends, but also a few ponies around in Ponyville to help us out with using YOUR way of studying. 

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow from that.

(Y/N): Don't you get it? Your way of studying is indirectly observing the ground while flying up doing activities of your own in the air.


At an earlier moment in their travels on the ground, Twilight could be seen looking up and she notices (Y/N) and Rainbow Dash about to pass them, so she points over to a direction to tell the ponies to start of the studying. As (Y/N) and Rainbow fly, Fluttershy and Rarity come into view, standing on opposite sides of a path through a meadow. Fluttershy wears a wig, tail, horn, and full regalia to stand in for Celestia, while Rarity has donned a wig, wings, and crown to play Luna.

Fluttershy: I, Princess Celestia, banish you, Princess Luna, to the moon.

Rarity: *dramatically* Noooooo!

Up above, Rainbow was eyeing the play-acting with some puzzlement and the more the couple fly, the more the play went on as the Cutie Mark Crusaders were next. 

Apple Bloom: Earth pony!

Sweetie Belle: Unicorn!

Scootaloo: Pegasus!

Apple Bloom: E!

Sweetie Belle: U!

Scootaloo: P!

They are then lifted on Big Mac's back as Fluttershy flies across them.

Big Mac: Eeyup!

Fluttershy: Let us celebrate our first Celestial year of peace!

At a Ponyville street, now wearing a dark blue uniform jacket and pants with a white shirt and gold buttons and trim, as well as a matching hat marked with the current Wonderbolt logo, Pinkie stands next to a cannon that has a pull string in place of a fuse.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, let's party! I'm General Firefly! Gee, my costume is itchy and unattractive, but I'm gonna assemble an awesome flying team!

Grabbing the string in her teeth and pulling, she releases a burst of paper lightning bolts in blue and yellow. These rain down before Rarity comes up next wearing the same costume that she had on before.

Rarity: Streamlined style by Flair d'Mare!

An old brown Pegasus stallion flies up wearing a uniform as well.

Pegasus Stallion 1: Admiral Fairweather!

He flies off and now a mare takes his place, wearing the Purple Dart uniform Applejack modeled earlier.

Downdraft: Colonel Purple Dart!

Then a second mare, clad in the unusual Fairy Flight outfit Fluttershy wore for Rarity's exhibition, wings in.

Sassaflash: Admiral Fairy Flight!

A white stallion then rises, in the Flash uniform formerly used by Pinkie.

Pegasus Stallion 2: General Flash!

Finally, here comes a third stallion, in Twilight's Easy Glider jacket, cap, and shades.

High Note: Commander Easyglider!

One after another, ponies then hold up giant flashcards that display key figures from the Wonderbolts' history. In a stretch of grassland, on which hedges have been trimmed and grass cut under Applejack's watch to create giant copies of two of the team's previous logos. Fluttershy is then seen standing on the roof of Carousel Boutique, just below the topmost spire now flying a flag with the current logo and loops gracefully into the air above it. Fireworks burst behind her on the next line.

Fluttershy: The history of the Wonderbolts!

(End of Flashback)

With all of that being remembered, (Y/N) and Rainbow fly down to see that the rest of the Mane 7 were there waiting for them to return and they have all shed their costumes. 

Rainbow Dash: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

Rainbow gives (Y/N) a quick kiss and a hug before turning to the other mares.

Rainbow Dash: Thank you! Thank you all so much!

Twilight Sparkle: You're welcome, but it all came from you. 

This gives Rainbow a puzzled reaction as (Y/N) explains for her.

(Y/N): Basically, you were learning without even thinking. You may be flying in the air, but due to you being able to process multiple situations, it got you into making a method of studying that's brilliant for you.

Rainbow Dash: Ha, I always knew I was brilliant!

All seven share a good laugh from this and Twilight thinks on a proper entry to write in the Mane 7's journal.

Twilight Sparkle: (Rainbow Dash finally learned the history of the Wonderbolts, but she's not the only pony that needed a lesson; I needed to learn something just as important. One way of learning isn't better than another. After all, every pony is unique and individual.)

The Next Day. . .

This was Rainbow Dash's final exam day as she was in a circular classroom whose cloud-styled columns and sky-blue walls and ceiling give away its design for Pegasus use. The gray instructor stallion sits behind the front desk, reading a newspaper and facing Rainbow, who stands at one of two student desks and is writing busily at the papers on them with a pencil in her teeth.

Dropping the writing implement, the cocky blue flyer grabs her exam in her mouth and shoots across the room to slap it onto the instructor's desk. He takes his time folding up his paper and setting it aside, then picks up the exam for a good close look. Rainbow Dash hovers in front of his desk, her features set in a confident smile that dissipates into worry after a few silent seconds.

The stallion impassively continues to scrutinize her work. . . a few drops of sweat begin to work their way out from Rainbow's multi-colored mane. . . and he finally lays the exam on his desk and eases it forward. Rainbow Dash steels herself for the inevitable and slowly descends, but that resolve too melts into borderline panic even before her hooves can make contact with the floor. 

One of the stallions hooves then suddenly lashes out to strike the pages with the impact echoing in the stillness and when he pulls it away, there is now a large gold star marked "100%" stuck to the top right corner. Rainbow Dash, who instantly breaks out in a huge smile grabs it and does a loop-the-loop up to the ceiling. This is the payoff and miracle she has been hoping for.

Rainbow Dash: Yeeeaah! Whoo!

Chapter 18 End.

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