𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 & 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭.

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(Mey's Pov): Now...

The class started chattering and murmuring. 

Sitting behind Wei Wuxian in the middle of class, Lord Lan Quiren caressed his long beard as he took a scroll of the Rules of The Cloud Recess from the shelf, walked towards his seat, and calmly spoke to everyone, including me: 

"Ahem...Is everyone here?" He turns his head to face all of the disciples in the Orchid Room as Master Lan Quiren speaks again: "Today, I will be talking about the rules of the Lan Sect. Since nobody looks at the Sect Rules carved on the stone wall, I will repeat them here individually. Let us see if anybody still uses not knowing as an excuse for violating them."

Glancing discreetly from the corner of my eye, I noticed Wei Ying flinching and sweating. I quickly retrieved a leftover dumpling and consumed it without drawing attention. Thankfully, I sat behind Lan Wangji; if he caught me eating in class, I would incur the wrath of the Discipline Whip, which I wished to avoid at all costs. 

An idea struck me as I finished my snack and wiped my mouth with a handkerchief. Remembering Master Lan Quiren's request to review the 3,000 rules of Gusu, I raised my hand.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but can I tell the 3,000 rules, sir?" Lan Quiren looked aback at my permission and asked me: "Have you read it?" He questioned. 

Standing up from my seat, bowing in response by giving him a nod in the middle of the room, sighing: "In that case, he passes me the scroll: "Read them out loud, if you may." "Yes, Master Lan." 

Opening the scroll, I began reading it one by one:

"-No fighting privately, no promiscuity, no killing inside the city, no wandering around at night, no shouting, no rushing, no smirking, no hunched over..." 

As I continued saying the rules of the Lan clan, I spotted Wei Wuxian hunched over while staring at Lan Zhan: 'OMG *mentally nosebleeding* this is going sooo well~'  My mind shifted to Wei Wuxian, who gazed at Lan Zhan instead of Wei Ying. 

Disregarding this, I remembered his line inside his thoughts: 'How can he consider this dull?' Wei Ying, now attentive to me again, was no longer disinterested in my words, as I (Mey-san) silently screamed in my mind: 'OH C'MON, WEI WUXIAN! DON'T BE THAT STUPID. LAN ZHAN IS TRYING TO GET YOUR ATTENTION!' 

As Lan Quiren interrupted me, holding a ruler in his hand, he used it to get everyone's attention and said: "Thank you for remembering the rules of our clan, Lady Sheng. Sit down, if you please. With that, he continues: "I hope everyone understands our rules properly." I bowed adequately this time, wasting no hesitation, and returned to my seat next to Nie Hauisang, who passed me a piece of paper on my desk. 

I was confused at first, But I ignored it & opened the paper when it said: 

{You know the rules by heart; I thought no one could memorize them except u! How did you do that?}

'Seriously, Young Master Nie. Cooldown!' I smiled, turned my head, and playfully winked at him as I replied to Nie Hauisang, making his cheeks blush.

But Jiang Cheng was glaring at me for no reason, and I shrugged it off by turning and spotted that it was a good thing that he was covering his face with a fan: 

={Someone left a rule book on the floor while they were training; I picked it up and read it for an hour before going back to sleep. By the way, want to see something made on paper?}=  

I promptly returned the note to Nie Huaisang, who had retrieved it unnoticed. As I folded a piece of paper into an origami bunny, Wei Wuxian glanced behind him, curious about what was happening, and saw my creation. He smiled, giving me a thumbs up in approval.

Luckily, I turned away and made another one, which I gave to Wei Ying, who said, 'Thank you. It looks awesome. Please teach me how!' I quietly giggled at him and nodded as I kept reading his mind: 'Is he talking about me?' 

Wei Ying's asked himself as I began eavesdropping his thoughts again, he puts a palm under his chin; Smirking at himself while cornering his silver eyes to me, I felt my ears burning: 'My ears we'rent turning red just now, right? Great! Now I'm the only anomaly who exists in this world!'  

Lan Zhan, on the other hand, continued to focus on his uncle's lecture, immersing himself in his studies. This class feels more draining than staying up until 6:00 p.m. Does he not have anything better to do than listen to this? As for me, I made a conscious effort not to let anyone in the room distract me. 

Meanwhile, Master Lan Quiren spoke: "Since certain people disapprove of the material of my classes, very well then...Let's talk about other things." And called out: "Wei Ying?" 

=====💫💫 Here comes the best part!=====

I believed this part in my mind would be even more incredible than before: 'OOOOOHHHH, Snap! This part is cooler than the actual live-action of the untamed series! Come on, Lan Quiren, perform the scene from your lectures.' Upon saying this, he halts the caressing of his long Mustang as Lan Quiren shifts his attention to Wei Ying, who promptly rises like a soldier, gazes directly at the teacher, and declares: 

"Here!" I almost snickered behind his back but kept my composure straight as an arrow so that Lan Wangji wouldn't figure it out. 

Then, the question arose: "What was the profession of the Quinghenie Sect's founder?" 

Wei Ying smiled and answered: "Butcher." 

Suddenly, Master Lan Quiren's expression didn't change any emotion; instead, he continued asking him questions like it was a quiz. This is funny to watch: 

"The heraldry of the LanlingJin Sect is a white peony. Which type of peony is it?" 

"Sparks Amidst Snow!" Wei Ying quickly answered. 

"Who was the First in the cultivation world to focus on the rise of his clan rather than his Sect?" Lan Quiren questions him again. 

"The Founder of the QishanWen Sect was Wen Mao." Wei Ying felt proud of himself, which even made it worse; Jiang Cheng turned his head to face him in answer. However, He then turned to me, and his eyes met my confused blue ones. 

Jiang Cheng had his face as I wrote down and handed it to him: =U okay? You look like you are embarrassed.= He widens his eyes as I write that to him, then he writes down his answer by passing it behind me as it says: [[I am, Mey. In my life, Wei Ying has been making nothing but trouble ever since he came, but I still protect him during his troublesome hours. Still, I am used to it.]] 

I wrote down: =I see, let's talk later, okay?= *passing it to him as he writes down and passes it back to me* 

[[okay]] Smiling back at him, he reciprocated. 

Meanwhile, I relish watching Wei Ying's responses unfold akin to the manhua, quietly chuckling to myself as Jiang Cheng frets over his brother's well-being. Lan Quiren remained seated, a sly grin playing on his lips before he finally spoke: "As a disciple of the YummengJiang sect, you should have long since been able to recall these like the back of your hand." 

As he continued, Lan Quiren told him, "It is nothing to take pride in even if you answered them correctly." 

This made Wei Wuxian silent. 'Wait, is Wei Ying cheating in front of Master Lan Quiren the entire series? Oh crap, this is very bad!' 

My mind couldn't help but scream at him for being such an idiot. My eyes widened in shock as he stood frozen, not moving or answering. The question made him remember his past as a child. Then suddenly, Wei Ying's lines inside his thoughts spoke as I listened: ' You must carry on, Wei Xiong! Please don't give Lan Quiren the chance to call on others.' 

Sometimes, I feel sorry that Wei Ying did not answer that question. I wish I could help, but I cannot spoil the plot of Wangxian. Everyone was afraid to confront Master Lan Quiren – they were all such scaredy-cats, except for me and Lan Wangji. Both of us were worried about Wei Ying. However, the silence didn't last long. "Let me ask you again..."

"There lived an executioner who lacks neither parents, wife nor children. Before he died, he had executed over a hundred people. His death happened in public, and to punish him for his deeds, he was left in the streets for seven days. His resentful energy accumulated, and he began to haunt the living. What should be done?" He finishes his question to Wei Ying, who slowly lowers his head in sadness and shame for knowing that it reminded him of his past. 

And by not answering the question, Master Lan Quiren frowned at this when he finally ordered Lan Wangji and spoke: "Wangji, can you tell him what should be done." 

It was Lan Wangji's turn to answer the question for Wei Ying as he stood from his seat by responding to his uncle vaguely: "First, liberate." He continues by bowing at his uncle: "Second, suppress & third, obliterate. The initial approach is to utilize the gratitude of his relatives and grant his dying wish, setting free what he could not let go of. If this fails, suppress it. If the crimes committed were extreme & its energy of resentment does not dissipate, exterminate it completely. 

"The world of cultivation should precisely keep to this order of measure. No errors should be allowed." Upon finishing his answer, my jaw dropped in disbelief. It dawned on me that I'd seen this scene countless times. This was unlike making repeated mistakes in cooking practice. 

Master Lan Quiren gave him a small smile and spoke, "Not a single word is mistaken." 

Wei Ying, having collected his thoughts, asked him curiously: "I have a question." 


He replied. " 'Liberation.' " he continues: "It is supposed to come first, but it's often impossible. 'Granting his undying wish'—but what if his dying wish is to murder for revenge?" 

Lan Wangji, on the other hand, didn't even look at him yet, but Wei Wuxian does have a point about that: "Hence suppression assists liberation. If necessary, obliteration follows." He tells him. "What a waste!" Wei Ying boringly shook his head in boredom. I rolled my eyes, but he continued: "It's not that I didn't know the answer; I was just thinking of a 4th option." 

He still doesn't look back at Wei Ying as he told him: "I've never heard of any other solutions."

"Because the executioner died in such a way, it's only natural that he turned into a fierce corpse since he executed over a hundred people before he died..." He paused for a moment and thought about it: "Why don't we dig up the graves of these people, excite them with resentful energy, collect one hundred heads & use them to fight the ferocious corpse." 

After explaining his comment about the fourth option, everyone in the room stared at him in fear that he had gone too far. Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, covered his face in shame for the sake of his brother. While watching the entire scene from earlier, I began to wonder about it for a second, and then I decided to ask: "What will happen if we use advanced cultivation?" 

Raising an eyebrow at him, Wei Ying smiles at my question and continues bringing in another theoretical question, "Will controlling the corpses without resentful energy be hard?" As soon as I asked Wei Ying that question, Lan Wangji turned to us. Lan Quiren's face boiled with pure rage, and he slammed his desk while glaring at me and Wei Ying.

"HOW DARE YOU BOTH?!?" He yells, "The essence of exorcising ghosts and annihilating demons is to liberate! Rather than thinking of ways to liberate, you intend on exorcising their resentful energy! YOU reserve the natural order, ignore the ethics & morality!" 

When he threw another book at Wei Ying, I watched as he dodged it, trying my best not to laugh at how much time every fanbase had left before someone furthers the enraging Lan Quiren's temper, "There are some things that can't be liberated no matter what, so why not make good use of them? When 'the great Tu' tamed the flood, obstruction was the inferior method, while redirection was superior. Suppression is the same as obstruction, so isn't it..." 

Wei Ying exclaimed but made this even more dangerous harshly at him; he asked: "Let me ask you, how can you make the dark forces obey u? What if you lose control?" 

"Hm~ That's a good question!" Wei Ying sat down, pretending to think. Meanwhile, Lan Quiren began shouting at him, "If you've got the answer, you'll have become the enemy of us all! Get out!" My eyebrows started twitching in anger, and as a vein popped out of my head, I mentally exclaimed: 'I couldn't take it anymore. I need to know about it, knew this would happen, f**k it! I'll have to do this myself!'  

Wei Ying stopped in his tracks when he heard someone standing up; turning and saw it was me; the shadow covered half of my face and without permission that I didn't care about since it hurt like hell sitting on that damn seat, which caught everyone's attention including Lan Zhan. "Master Lan?" 

"WHAT?!?" He yells at me. I widened my eyes, shook my fear away, and asked, "Can I give an example of that fourth option?..."

My dark aura was half-glowing purple; everyone almost felt a shiver down their spines as I began explaining to them: "~Once upon a time, there was a family that lived an ordinary life. Everything changed when they were expecting a baby girl. The family was sound asleep one winter night when their little girl woke up and crawled out of bed to reach for her milk bottle.

"~But, suddenly, the windows shattered as the Wen Clan assassins started searching inside & out for the parents of the little girl. Carrying her somewhere inside the house while putting her inside a closet that showed her a peek of light. The little girl didn't know what would happen to her parents. As they caught them, the little girl saw them shadowed figures, as the little girl's parents wanted mercy from these assassins...They told them with a smirk on their faces: 'Your daughter will suffer for the rest of her life.' 

"~The little girl saw the deaths of her parents with her very own eyes, slaughtering them in half while the wooden floor was now covered in a pool of blood. She shrieked for help as she tried to run away from them; she was only two years old. But years passed, she was now eight years old, and she wanted her parents back. However, the little girl didn't steal any food or shelter. Even if she didn't want to live, she still needed to survive the coming winter." 

I took a breath to calm down but resisted it by continuing the story, which got everyone curious, as well as Lan Zhan and Wei Ying: "~As winter approaches, the little girl is fearful that the Wen Clan assassins will find her. Her worst fears come true when she is discovered in the alleyway by the assassins. They encircle her and ensure that no one witnesses her with them. They seize her skinny arms and use an iron shaped like a dragon to strike her repeatedly, leaving her unable to breathe.

"~Afterward, they pressed the iron-shaped dragon in her back, leaving it like a burning mark. As soon as the same assassins heard someone else coming their way, they left the little girl, who was eight years old, bleeding herself like it was a pool of blood Before she could die. An old couple was passing by when they spotted the little girl, running towards her as they saw her small body shivering to death while losing too much blood. The old couple nodded at each other as they carried her to a new home. A new family. 

"But it is known that the little girl went missing. The end ~ "

As I finished the story, Lan Quiren widened his eyes but kept his calm face again as the other clan disciples looked at me in worry and fear, wondering if it was true or not. There was silence inside the Orchid room, making everyone speechless at the story, that Master Lan Quiren finally dared to ask me: "Does the little girl have a name?" I halted in my tracks as I turned over my shoulder and answered him: 

"No...but this is where my helpful theory answers Wei Ying's and your question as it gets better." I smiled and turned to face him without remorse by placing a hand on my waist, "You asked Wei Ying, ' How can you make the dark forces obey you? What if you lose control?' right?" Lan Quiren hesitantly nodded, which surprised me; I didn't realize everyone was so interested, but I waited for someone to give me the go-ahead, and it happened to be Xichen. 

He wasn't mentioned in the show how he reacted to Wei Ying's words, but since I'm the one calling the shots, his face was pale and silent, indicating that I should continue: "If the little girl could make her parents return as corpses with her dark cultivation powers, then..." I continue, "I'd say that, with a lot of research and practice. Just a flick of her wrist, she could control it." 

Everybody gasped in shock as I told them my answer was accurate. Only Lan Quiren turned pale as it increased his blood pressure so that he might get a heart attack, "You—" I cut him off, "Now, excuse me." I bowed and walked towards Wei Ying, smiling again, and told him: "Run!" I shouted at him by grabbing his hand as we left, running from the Lan Clan, as I tried not to look back at the Orchid room. 

Leaving all of them in fear without saying another word, the gong of the Cloud Recesses ended.

(Lan Zhan's Pov): Hooray!💖💖💖💖😍✨

 "Does the little girl have a name?" my uncle asked Lady Sheng. She stopped in her tracks, looked over her shoulder, smirked at him, and finally answered: "No...but this is where my helpful theory answers Wei Ying's and your question as it gets better." I smiled and turned to face him without remorse by placing a hand on my waist, "You asked Wei Ying, ' How can you make the dark forces obey you? What if you lose control?' right?" 

My uncle hesitantly nodded, not expecting him to accept the continuation, as did my twin brother. 'How could anyone be this interested?' "If the little girl could make her parents return as corpses with her dark cultivation powers, then..." Sheng Mey continues, "I'd say that, with a lot of research and practice. Just a flick of her wrist, she could control it." 

Everybody gasped in shock that this example was accurate and a fair answer to my uncle's question. I glanced at him and widened my eyes a bit when I noticed how pale he felt, which increased his blood pressure so that he might get a heart attack. "You—" 

She cut him off. "Now, excuse me." As soon as she grabbed Wei Ying's wrist and yelled, "RUN!" Once the gong of Gusu ended, everyone left with whispers and murmurs to one another. 'Why didn't she explain it to us? Was she trying to prove something?' In the Orchid room, rumors about her story started spreading while everyone else left for lunch except me. 

My uncle specifically ordered me to pick up the rule books. After the recent events, my uncle went to his room to rest. 

I systematically picked up the rulebooks of Gusu scrolls as my uncle had requested. After hearing what Sheng Mey had to say, everyone, including my uncle and Zewu-Jun, on the other hand, came towards me as I continued to pick up the books. She said, "Her answer to Wei Wuxian was very interesting." He grinned. "It is... a bit worrisome, but luckily, I wrote down her supportive example."  At that time, Zewu-jun left the Orchid room with his notes.  

The wind blew, leaving me speechless about what had happened earlier. Then I heard something fall next to Lady Sheng's seat. That is when I spotted a crumbling paper on the floor, but it was shaped like a paper bunny. 

Confused I was when I decided to scan it until I saw some of her handwriting on the side with the paper bunny, 'Her handwriting is perfect & clean. There don't seem to be any mistakes.' I sighed and read it: '

=The untamed person is the most talented of them all.= 

After reading it, something came to mind, but I couldn't pinpoint what it was; I sighed and kept it inside my robe. 

I took my thoughts to myself: 'What is your secret?'

But unexpectedly, my heart thumped.


I know that was a cringe-worthy and harsh story. I'll show you guys the burning mark in the next chapter, but please comment on what you think of Lan Zhan's Pov

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