𝘚𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵!

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The next day---(Mey's Pov): 5:00 a.m.

I woke up the next day with a broad grin, quickly rising from my new bed to stretch before bathing. Energized but weary, I gazed at myself in the mirror by the sink, whispering, "Sheng Mey, things have taken a strange turn since I joined this series; I must be cautious not to land in trouble."

Once, I told myself that. I raised my eyebrows when I saw they never used a toothbrush, and I felt slightly concerned. Honestly, I placed a finger on my chin while pondering how to brush my teeth. Suddenly, a great idea struck me. I recalled when Mr. Po couldn't use those toothbrushes with sharp bristles; instead, he used fresh leaves with a small stick.

While thinking about doing it, I went outside to pick some freshwater leaves for my toothbrush. Afterward, I returned to my new home. As I finished taking a bath, my hair made me chill down my spine; because of the cold, there was no hairdryer! (Hooray) I thought about whether to brush my wet hair and nodded to myself while wearing this dress that I found near the small table. [Dress on top]

'Wait, I felt someone carrying me last night, was it... No, not Lan Zhan. He wouldn't want to do such a thing, but, *seeing a dream of him carrying and kissing her* NO HELL NO! I am not going to fall in love with him.' I tried to change my mind about it, but...Sooner or later, Wei Wuxian will come looking for in 1..2....3! 

The doors of my dorm opened as Wei Wuxian's face came into the room and sighed in relief to see me, out of breath: "Man, I've been trying to find you everywhere, but you *breathing out of breath* happened to you?" I giggled at him as he saw my dress and whistled: "~Wow, Sheng Mey. You look beautiful in that dress." I clicked my fingers at his head as I told him: "C'mon, Wei Ying! Let's get cooking!"

~After cooking, we're sitting near the bridge of the Orchid Room at 5:15 a.m.....

"Hey, guys! Here's a special delivery and let's eat right now, I hope you all love my breakfast cuisine!" Once I said that, I noticed that their faces went in awe, including Wei Wuxian's. 

"WOW~ YOU MADE THIS JUST THE THREE OF US!?!" Nie Hauisang exclaims to me, giving me a big hug. I return the hug, nod at them, and start to share their breakfast. However, Jiang Cheng gave a large smile as he began to open the lunchbox:

=Lunch box along with the food

Wei Ying pushed his brother away from the food and yelped: 

"Out of the way! Me first!" I laughed at this scene until we were all fully ready for class.

---Time skip~

After eating breakfast near the bridge, Wei Wuxian, Nie Hauisang & Jiang Cheng were about to walk inside the Orchid Room as they spoke to each other: "You can still have fun in Gusu. Hey, let me show you something; I'll stand on top of the ledge of the bridge," I told them as she showed them something she shouldn't have done to her body.

Mey did the ballet split! On the other hand, Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng & Nie Hauisang stood in shock. Mey did not see their reaction; I smiled with a 'Ta-da' face. They began to ask her: "D-did you by any chance do that with your clan?!?"

 "Are you kidding me? May I give you some advice? This place doesn't tolerate misbehavior." Nie Hauisang continues: "Now that you're in Gusu, make sure u don't mess with this one man." 

Wei Wuxian turned his head as he asked: "Who is it? Lan Quiren?" 

Before Nie Hauisang could say anything else, I face-palmed Wei Ying's question & answered him: "Not that old man, but his favorite student." I continued: "Lan Zhan, one of the Lan Brothers."

Nie Hauisang stared at me as if I were a futuristic person (which I am from the 21st-century girl) and told him: "What? Do you think I haven't heard his name before? I already know what he looks like. He's the guy who almost had a private fight with each other last night." 

There I said it. 

Jiang Cheng glared at his brother while he glared his dark aura around himself. On the other hand, I spoke up to them: "You guys go ahead; I don't want to spoil the surprise for you guys." Jiang Cheng stopped glaring at his brother, turned to me with a confused look, and asked: "What surprise, may I ask?" 

My thoughts of Jiang Cheng, Wei Ying & Nie Hauisang reaction will be priceless, I smirked at them as my bangs covered my face and told them: "~You'll see.." 

As I walked away, I confused them and ignored that conversation. As for the guys, they began to wonder: 'What does she mean by that?'  On the other hand, I started eavesdropping on their conversation from afar, near the entrance of the Orchid room; I giggled at this as I peered near the window as my thoughts spoke: 'This part of the anime is going to be full of affection for Lan Zhan!~' 

At this moment, my brain became a beckon of hope, and my face was excited for this scene to be live-action or, shall I say BEAUTIFUL COMBINATION! "Yes." Nie Hauisang continues: "He's in charge of discipline. Everyone fears him, the good thing is he likes to meditate alone; So we don't see him often....." Nie stops talking, squealing in fear as he jumps away from the room while holding his fan. I covered my face in laughter, turning my laughs into tiny giggles. 

The wind began to blow Lan Zhan's hair as he turned his head, staring & glaring at Wei Wuxian. I want to faint right now! As for Wei Ying, he sweated drops and spoke: "H-how is it him?" No one said anything except me. My intelligence in this scene is because Lan Zhan is the one who fought battle "Privately" with Lan Zhan's handsome grey-blue eyes staring at his (Wei Ying) soul of love. 

As the wind stopped the scene, I peered again into the window to see it: 'And man! This is bromance right now!' My thoughts were drooling, and my favorite part came.

Nie Hauisang started to notice something of Lan Zhan's glare, and he was glaring at Wei Wuxian as he was still frowning at him. This made Wei Wuxian sweat-drop in fear that Lan Wangji would spill out his secrets from bringing alcohol into the Cloud Recesses, but his thoughts were interrupted by someone placing a hand on his shoulder and giving a sad glance at him as he told him: "Weixiong, take care..." 

Nie Hauisang left his seat, and Jiang Cheng did the same by glancing at Lan Wangji and telling his brother, "He's watching you. Good luck." I grinned at the sight, wanting to laugh as I heard footsteps approaching from behind. Quickly, I climbed up a tree, hoping they would pass by. Much to my surprise, it was Xichen and his annoying uncle!

Xichen tells his uncle with a worried look and spoke: "That's strange, I told the new student to wait here; But she's not here." His uncle raised an eyebrow at his nephew and said: "If she tries to play innocent, then I will have no choice but to torture her." He growled.' Shit, once they see me up on a tree, I will get myself a kick in the**.'  

Lan Xichen smiled politely at his uncle, reassuring him, "Do not worry too much." He added, "She has vowed to demonstrate that she is not a Wen." Master Lan Quiren and Lan Xichen started to look for me as puzzle pieces began fitting together.

'Is he the one who ordered his nephew to bring me in?' I pondered my thoughts with curiosity. My body tensed like a ninja, but it didn't last. They found me perched on a tree branch, keeping my clothes clean. I weakly smiled as my uncle glared and addressed me, leaving me nervous.

It's not suitable for a woman like you to climb a tree that high. It's high enough to cause harm." Lightning bolts shot from my eyes as I glanced at Xichen, who chuckled and inquired, "What are you doing up there?" 

After a brief pause, I replied, "If one of your followers sees me, they might think I'm a traitor and inform you... *sweat-drop*... I'll come down now." I jumped off the tree branch as Xichen catches me in bridal style, my cheeks began to turn red like it was the invasion of the soldier's blood. 

Once he gently placed me on the ground and assessed me from head to toe, I began feeling anxious in the presence of Leader Lan and Master Lan as I attempted to recall the proper way to bow in ancient China, only to fail. 

As I fidgeted with my dress and scratched my neck, I addressed him with reverence, saying, "Lan Quiren." I added, "I will not disrupt your clan or the students, and I assure you that I will never betray you."

He took my words speechless, of course, and surprisingly did. However, he asked Xichen to explain her talent: "Lady Sheng Mey, you're the first female person ever to join the clan, and I hope you keep your word on proving that you're telling the truth so that we can believe you." Xichen's uncle stared at me and raised an eyebrow while caressing his long beard as he then said:

"Hmm...Let's get inside the Orchid room and introduce yourself properly. This time, no mistakes." He strictly told me to go with him; I answered: "Okay, sir." "Make sure you don't get in trouble." As I waited for my turn to enter, the students bowed at Master Lan Quiren and said, "Good morning, sir!" 

They exclaimed with complete discipline. I gulped in fear as I felt my hands shaking and my legs trembling under my uniform. Fortunately, Xichen stood beside me to ensure I wasn't too scared or shaken: "Okay, sit down." 

"-You'll be fine, Mey Sheng. Remember, it's important to know the rules than its cover-" Xichen whispered to me as I flinched a bit when I finally relaxed, giving him a slight nod of confidence while he gave me an encouraging smile: 

'he's an angel, but on the inside.............he's way scarier than Lan Zhan.' As soon as I hear "new student," their faces turn pale as ice. "Allow me to introduce Lady Sheng Mey; please, come forward." Stepping out of the shadows, I took a deep breath and entered the Orchid room like a famous actress on the red carpet.

As I saw Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng & Nie Hauisang begin to stare at me in shock, knowing that I was the surprise new student. "*嗨,我叫圣美*, I then bowed politely in front of everyone, "Lady Sheng, please sit down over there, if you may." Nodding in response to Master Lan Quiren's orders, I sat down behind Lan Wangji.

I smiled at them as Wei Wuxian turned pale and sweat-dropped. Amidst them, Lan Zhan gazed at me unwaveringly. Catching his stare, I felt perplexed as he averted his eyes, intently focusing on Wei Ying. I nearly chuckled but honored my pledge to the Lan Sect Leader.

'I'm a new student now! I will keep it and make sure that I am no threat of any sort!'  And with that, everyone had their cheeks turn pink, I smiled and bowed again as I approach my seat with excitement. Then we started to learn about the basic rules of The Cloud Recess! I already read it, so I'm safe, but give me a break!


*Hi, my name is Sheng Mey* translation.

Don't worry, guys! The next chapter is going to be awesome! 

Love you, demons! 

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