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I was tagged by:
The tag had a lot of rules and we all know a lazy potato like me can't write ALL of them so I might as well just post a picture!

Now without further explanation! Let me expose myself!


1. I got run over by a dog when i was 4 years old
2. My otp is Hayagura
3. I threatened to poison some jock at my school for liking my friend because I shipped her with someone else
4. I was actually going to poison said jock but a teacher butted in a demanded an explanation(surpringly i liked the detention room)
5. I like to eat markers!!! Except the red ones(bleh) orange, yellow, and purple markers are my favorite
6. I lead a riot in my school once
7. I got elected to be president of our school's student council(in which i hate! Not enough time for me to make plans on how to get ships together!)
8. Im from Asia
9. I had a boyfriend for 1 day then I dumped him(dont judge i was young)
10. I want to hug Piggy!!!! She reminds me of my innocent friend!
11. I had to explain how babies are made to said innocent friend and i felt bad since she isn't innocent anymore!
12. After a few years, my mom just ASSUMED that i knew how babies are made when she never personally told me
13. I have a big crush on Hayabusa so thats why i started playing Kagura so that I can pretend that i was Kagura!( I ended up finding out that Im in love with kagura and shes now my ultimate main. Whenever i see someone pick Hayabusa, I immediately go into the same lane)

(Extra fact! One time when i was playing Kagura and the whole enemy team was chasing me so i threw the umbrella and used ult since her ult slows enemies down but turns out they had crapy builds so i ended up getting them down REALLY low and Im like: THIS IS IT! IM GONNA GET MY PENTA!! But of course Hayabusa came along and used his ult on the emeny team and guess what? He got a PENTA!)


I tag


If you already did it, you dont have to do it again

Oh and BTW its actually pointless to comment because I cant reply according to rules

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