Ask and Dare 7: Kage's Anomaly

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Warning: Confusing moments.

I think I had seen some of my friends here in Wattpad have an experience with the app called "Gacha Life" or "Gacha World"? Or at least the "Gacha" series from Lunime?

Kage: Uh...*glitches*

Kazato: Uh...Kage...what happened with you?

Rikka: Don't tell me...he will separate into Teru and In'ei again...

Kazato: B...But...why will he?

Rikka: I don't know...but he did say he could separate himself because of depression...but somehow this doesn't like it.

Kage: *Continues to glitch*

Kazato: This is not good...

For those of you who did, well...this chaptee won't be too strange and unfamiliar to you...or at least not that confusing. However that doesn't mean I played them tho...

I only played one part of it...which is...

Save this after the ask and dares..

Kazato: Right...we have some ask and dares from our friend right here!

All heroes: NOOOOO!!

Kazato: *smirks* Oh yaaasss...let's go straight to the close-up...I mean the ask'n dares! From our friend --Tw1light_Dr4g0n--

1. Aldous: Why must I stop? It's a beautiful, fine piece of art!

Martis: For me...that's disgusting...

Aldous: Says the one doing such things to Selena...(*Holding a MarLena hentai manga*)

Martis: What did you say? That exists only at that disgusting manga of yours! I haven't do that to Selena yet!

Aldous: you plan to do?

Martis: *Realizes he had spoken too much* least it won't be like that in your crappy book. So now...stop reading it!

Aldous: No!

Martis: Then...Valir, you've told what to do right?

Valir: On it, uncle!

Miya: Since when Valir becomes Martis' nephew?

Estes: *Shrugs*

Valir: *Readies Ult, burns Aldous along with the books (of course Aldous survives because he's a molten rock...but the same can't be said for the books.*

Aldous: ;-; D...Darn it...

Selena: Why did you feel sad over a fictional manga like that, Aldous?

Aldous: ...

Selena: Rather than a could try it for real...(*hands cupping Aldous' mask*)

Martis: *Eye Twitches* Rrrrrraghhh!

---Double Kill---

Miya: Poor guy...

Kage: *Still Glitching*



Claude: Haha...let's get this started...this would be easy (*using skill 2*)

Moskov: Hmm...

Claude: *Teleports near Moskov then uses Ult*

Moskov: *Got enough damage, but then smirks...*

Claude: Huh?

Moskov: *2nd skills Claude to a wall...attacking very fast until Claude is 10% HP left.

Claude: Damn...(*uses 2nd skill again...which is still there since it's not running out of time*). You can't catch mee...


Moskov: The spear of Destiny hit me...*Prepares Ult Stance*...and will hit YOU. *Throws the spearz at Claude*

Claude: Ow *ded*

Moskov: Never underestimate the vengeful (yam) marksman.

Bruno: deserve that, thief.

Kage: *glitches more horribly*


Alice: That's new...I never thought I might be shipped...but it's probably because he's submitting to the darkness to take revenge on the light Empire, and worked under me...somehow he was so loyal that I trusted him alot...Doesn't mean I fell in love with him though.

Terizla: My head...hurts...

Alice: Oh closer...I'll help you. (*Lets Terizla rest his head on her lap*)

Fanny: And that's probably the exact proof why people shipped Alice and Terizla. (*takes cable*) You ready? Karrie? Karina?

BlackPearl! Karina: Yup...

Karrie: Yes...

Fanny: In one...two...three...

The Shippergirlz: SHIIIIPPPP!!

Layla: Lol

Kage: *Glitch Intensifies*



Vexana: Yeah...finally. Even though somehow the design is a

Claude: Ohhh...Thorny Nipples...

Kimmy: Claude? Really? Fascinated by an old hag?

Vexana: I'm not an old hag!

Leomord: do...old witch...


Leomord: Why you...

Angela: Abrakadabra! Keep smiling! Throw off your anger, Leo~

Leomord: ...

Vexana: Anyways...I hope I looked better in that skin though.

Kage: L...Lu...*glitches*



Alucard: It's a hard work...but I somehow enjoyed it very much!

Zilong: *Littering'*

Alucard: *Quickly moves and took all the trashes...*

Zilong: ...

Alucard: Though...that doesn't mean I didn't hate litterers like that...

Rikka: I do hear that you also cleaning the mess of...u know? Are u okay with that?

Alucard: As much as it pains me to do's still my job so whatever.

Kazato: Maybe you could also clean Rikka's room since she had recently had some fun with ...(*Smacked by Rikka's Staff*)

Rikka: Continue that and I'll make sure I'll be using my best spells to obliterate you!

Kage: E...Etern...*glitches*



Bane: I like my new rework..the sharks are something I really should have got from the start...finally Moonton gave me justice.

Argus: Hahahaha! Finally! I've been reworked..Come now you CC B*st*rds...I can't die!!

Lolita: (Retreats until Argus' Immortality worn off...then stunned him*)

Argus: D...Darn it...

Kage: S...Sol...(*Glitches*)



Take 1---

Lunox: That creepy alien? Well he's annoying...especially after his rework.

Zhask: Hahaha...grovel before your king...human...

Argus: I'm not a I won't grovel you...squishy mage...

Zhask: You're one to talk...squishy dumb immortal

Argus: asked for it...(*draws sword*)

Zhask: *Preparing to fight*

Zilong: We need Zein to calm both of them down...

Lunox: Agreed.

Take 2---

Lunox: Oh...I know him more than you all. That alien is actually something else

Layla: What do you mean?

Lunox: to open your mask?

Zhask: Um...why?

Lunox: Just open it.

---Zhask opens mask...picture is unavailable though---

Lunox: He's very handsome...isn't it?

Miya: O...Oh my...

Ruby: *Blushing very hard* Ah...Zhask-senpai~

Lunox: I want to kiss him and do him all ni...

Argus: *covers Lunox's mouth* Do not say sister will end you if you did...

Lunox: Yeah...sadly he already had Zein...

I hope that's quite good for now. Which do you prefer?

Kazato: I think that's all. Thanks for the dares, Clyde! And make sure to leave more ask and dares too!

Rikka: what do you think we should do? Maybe we should let Kage close the event like usu-

Kage: *glitching intensifies to the max* Grrrrraaaaahhhh!!!

Lunox: Kage! Kage! What's happening?

Rikka: No...the glitches are worsening! This is not good.

Kage: *Some entities suddenly seem to try separating themselves from them*

Rikka: Not good...definitely not good... Lunox, help me! Use that spell you use to enter Kage's mindscape!

Lunox: On it! Places her forehead onto Kage's and entered the mindscape.


Lunox: The mindscape...somehow this feels if this is the first time I went here.

*area glitches*

Lunox: W...What?

???: Soon...I...will...

Lunox: That sound...don't tell me...In'ei...

???: Are we too late?

???2: Don't know...

Lunox: *Looks at the back to see two guys, one familiar yet one is a stranger to her, yet they pretty much almost look-alike.*

???: We probably should use "it"...

???2: Good idea...

???3: would be risky! If we use that...we'll end up...

???: It's okay...I missed them as well...they won't mind...

???3: Probably for you...but not for me...especially with me not being human, you know?

???: It's okay...none of us are actually human...and not every heroes there are human either. You don't have to worry!

Lunox: T...Teru!

Teru: Long Time no see! Lunox!

Lunox: I missed know? (*hugs him*)

Teru: I missed you too...but you might want to separate now...the two are watching (*points at the two Kage look-alike*)

The two: *giggles*

???2: Oh...a certain lawyer will not be happy if she knew about this...

???3: Totally...

Teru: Stop it...Tadaoki, Shido...

Lunox: Uh...who are they?

Teru: I'll explain to you later. And don't worry about In'ei...this is not his doing...but it's as annoying as him.

Tadaoki: I'll deal with this.

Shido: Nope...I can do this...

Teru: Both of you just shut up...Lunox, you can exit this mindscape right now. I'll meet you in the ML universe with the others.

Lunox: B...But how?

Teru: Just go!

Lunox: O....okay...

(*Lunox teleports away*)

Teru: Now for the glitch...we're going to stun Kage for a few days with this though...and since then, we'll be forced to be teleported out to his universe...let's do this, Tadaoki, Shido.

Tadaoki: Alright...I wish Kakeru, Ryuuta and Enju would help us though...but well...they're still recovering so let's get on with it.

Shido: Count me in...

Teru: In one...two...three

The Three: BUG FIX!!

*throwing three devices to the center of the glitch...and suddenly is disappears soundly*

Teru: Long time no friends...




Lunox: Kage!



Rikka: Kage?

*strangely..instead of Kage...three look-alikes of Kage appeared there. One is a Kage-look-alike with bright aura, one is a Kage-look-alike except with red hair and red eyes, and one is a Kage-look-alike, but with orange-yellow glowing hair and shining blue eyes, but what stood out the most that this one has fox ears and tail as well.*

Everyone: *Jawdropped*

Teru: Well...we have a lot of explanation to do...I guess.


So...of the "Gacha" series...I enjoyed only "Gacha Memories-the Visual Novel" and had just finished only 3 routes. That's why Kage splits into 3...If you squint would eventually split into 6 later...since the VN had 6 different routes. And if you squint of them has a foxy quirk. I won't tell you the reason before you played the game though since it would be a spoiler. So...I guess...that covers a little.

Thanks for the dares, Clyde a.k.a --Tw1light_Dr4g0n-

I'm waiting for more AnDs...

Special credits to -_TheDarkFaker_ for the Appearance of Zein as well.

Thank you and see you soon!


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