It Splits! 6: In'ei's main weakness (?)

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Natalia: Tigreal...Tigreal...where are you now? (*runs quickly towards each corridor and room, finally finding him at one of the bedrooms, unconscious on the floor*) Tigreal, oh no!

Tigreal: U...Ungh (*flinches*)

Natalia: *quickly approaches* Tigreal, my hubby, (*okay that was too OOC for Natalia*)...what happened to you?

Tigreal: Ungh...N...Nata?

Natalia: Tell me...what happened?

Tigreal: What happened with what?

Natalia: I recently have to fight a phantom of you made by Vexana. I thought (or actually Dean told me) that something's wrong going on with you. That's why I'm searching for you. So tell me, what happened? How can Vexana make a phantom of you?

Tigreal: Vex? Phantom? Wait a minute...I don't remember anything except me sleeping here after I asked permission from Kage.

Natalia: Only that? Really?

Tigreal: Yes...I won't lie to you...

Natalia: ...that is strange. One question...did u lock the door?

Tigreal: Why should I? Of course not.

Natalia: (*That's why Vexana can do it...she could enter the room easily.*) oh well...I guess I get it. Vex's messing with you while you're sleeping.

Tigreal: Grr...

Natalia: the anger for later. Let's go and meet Rikka, we've got some troubles...urgh. (*coughs blood*)

Tigreal: Natalia!

Natalia: I'm fine...


Natalia: No...not the infirmary! There's a big trouble there! I'll tell you when we have rendezvoused with Rikka and the others.

Tigreal: Ugh...fine!


Teru: There's the infirmary...oh Gord...I don't like that aura.

Miya: What do you mean?

Teru: You really need to ask? You're a moonlight elf so I think you can feel it, right?

Miya: ...(*focuses on the force of nature, elven instinct*) feels...darker than usual.

Teru: This is not good...we have to go now...Miya...I want you to follow my instructions.

Miya: Sure, what is it?

Teru: After we arrived at the infirmary, you have to find a way to bring Reiito to either Kazato or Irithel's arms. I don't know if Kazato's already conscious or not, but just make sure that happened.

Miya: Hmm...alright then, I can handle that. But...what about you?

Teru: I'm going to confront In'ei and decoyed him so you can do your job easier.

Miya: But...won't it be dangerous?

Teru: Everyone's life is at stake here, Miya. I don't mind sacrificing myself as long as everyone is safe.

Miya: B...But...

Teru: Trust in me...we'll going to overcome this problem. (*squeezes Miya's right hand as a form of assurance*)

Miya: O...Okay.


Keith: I got you now! (*slashes Vexana*)

Vexana: Hmph...not even close.

Dean: *conjures Dark Crafter Trap simultaneously*

Rikka: *conjures Frost Diver simultaneously*

Keith: Hmph! You're tough. But I won't back down here. Everyone trusted me and so I won't fail them. (*Grips his sword*)

Vexana: *Prepares Ult*

Rikka: Not on my watch! Finally, a better let's take this one out. *prepares a spell*

Vexana: Too bad...Meteor Storm took too long...By the time you finished...your friend here might be done for quicker...

Rikka: That's if I'm conjuring Meteor Storm...however *takes on a blue gemstone*... "Stone Curse!"

Stone Curse: Completely Trap an enemy and disable it from moving for 4 seconds. Each second it deals damage equal to 4% of enemy's HP. Special cost: Blue Gemstone x1

Vexana: What? I...didn't expect that. (*cursed into stone*)

Dean: That's how you should face a problem, to stay calm, and to find its solutions. *Takes stance* "Shadow Crafter: Dark Pulse!"

Dark Pulse: Inflicts Dark-Elemental Damage and blinds the target.

Vexana: *blinded*

Dean: Now! Keith!

Keith: That's it! *Takes a sword stance* I might be not as great as Yuzuka or Miru, but I created them so I have a reason to know a little of their skills. Now take this...SHADOW SLASH!

Shadow Slash: Deals a hefty amount of Shadow-elemental Damage. Higher damage could be inflicted when enemy is in Debuff status.

Vexana: Aaaaahhhh! *Falls down* THIS...ISN'T...OVER! (*dissolved to darkness and fled*).

Dean: Good riddance...

Rikka: Urgh...finally...(*collapses*)

Dean: Rikka! (*checks her condition*) Huff...when she said she got enough mana...that was not the case at her spiritual regeneration was so low that her HP is affected...

Keith: What should we do now?

Dean: No worries, I'm not called "Shadow Crafter" for nothing. (*prepares a spell*) Light Crafter: Cure!

Light Crafter: Cure: Heals HP and SP of an ally. (SP Cure not applicable to self)

Dean: Good news, her affected mana flow has run out so her new mana flow should be a clean regeneration.

Rikka: U...Uhh...

Dean: You okay, babe?

Rikka: B...Babe? *blushes and jabs him* D...Don't call me that! It's embarrassing.

Dean: Okay, if you could jab me like that, then everything's fine. *smirks*

Keith: *giggles*

Natalia: Rikka! Dean! Everything alright?...(*sees Keith*) Oh...why are you here, Keith? And where's Vexana?

Dean: Keith managed to defeat her and she retreated.

Keith: It was thanks to Dean and Rikka for their supporting spells though.

Dean: You should be more proud of yourself, Keith. Anyway, what happened to Tigreal?

Natalia: Nothing except Vexana barging in his room when he's exhausted, and messed with him.

Tigreal: That pretty much what I remembered...and can we go somewhere to heal Natalia's wounds?

Natalia: I told you I'm fine!

Rikka: Oh wait...I feel my SP/Mana recovered again. Stay still, Nata! (*Takes Adventurer Journal*)

Dean: What are you doing?

Rikka: *Takes out a card with a kind of ant called Vitata as the picture and slotted it inside her staff.* Okay...this might not be as good as Rafaela's or Estes', but let me try.

Dean: Wait...let me cure her.

Rikka: You've already spent enough mana. Let me cover this. Heal!

Heal: Heals HP equal to (Intelligence+Base Level)* 180%/260%/340%/.../900%

Vitata Card (Weapon Card): Wielder can use the skill: Heal lv.2.

Dean: That's unexpected...

Natalia: Thanks, Rikka. So now...what must we do.

Dean: Well, aside from the news...Teru told me to bring this leaves with me (Takes out magical bunch of leaves)

Rikka: *gasp* That's Leaf of Yggdrasil!

Keith: Leaf of what...

Rikka: Yggdrasil. You can use one to revive a fallen teammate!

Natalia: Wait...if Teru was giving that, then he probably wanted us to revive our fallen teammates.

Rikka: That's we should go there!

Dean: And after that, Teru said to me that we should meet him at the infirmary for a showdown.

Rikka: Alright, everyone, let's go!


In'ei: *Ejected more dark pillars*

Claude: *Uses Ult and shot both In'ei and Leomord*

Leomord: *Doesn't even flinch*

In'ei: *It looks like even the attack is void for him*

Irithel: Goddamnit...why can't we damage them?

Kazato: I wish I know the reason as well. Kage is secretive when it comes to these things.

In'ei: That's easy, you mortals can never hurt me... (*prepares Dark pillars again, before a small light beam shot him from behind*) Urk...

Teru: Maybe not fully right on that part though. (*smirks*)

In'ei: *Sees Teru* Finally you showed up...

Teru: I guess that's pretty much expected.

Miya: *uses Ult and appears beside Irithel* Here's Ito...

Irithel: Thank goodness he's okay!

Teru: So now...the endgame is near, In'ei. Shall we begin?

In'ei: As you said.


In'ei: I already said to your friends that I showed no mercy. So I'm not even hesitating for once. Dark Wave Pillar!

Teru: That's one of the strongest attack ever...but you know how I'll counter this, right? Wall of Light!

The pillars collided with the wall and both disappeared.

In'ei: Don't get cocky, Teru. Different from you, I don't care about anything. And since we are actually from the same man, I know your weakness. (*pulls out a dark matter gun*) Let's see how you counter measure this. (*Shoots many bullets to a direction of all people there with insane speed*)

Teru: Tch...he's right. (*Pulls out another Light Wall...but it crumbles quickly due to the massive amount of bullets.*)

In'ei: Haha...see you soon, sucker!
(*shoots Teru rapidly*)

Teru: Uaargh! *fell to his knees*

Miya: No! Teru!

In'ei: Pathetic...we're from the same entity and yet this is how weak you are. Humph!

Teru: ...I understand...

In'ei: Hm...

Teru: Both of us...are partitions of Kage, and by partitions, I really mean it. We're parting Kage equally, and that's how it should be. So thanks for your words there, I finally realize.

In'ei: What nonsense are you talking about?

Teru: If you're better than me in terms of Offense, Defense and even intelligence, I won't be surprised. But...that also mean I'll be having something which is better than you.

In'ei: Big talk.

Teru: I've got the trump card, In'ei. Let's finish this once and for all!


Next part will be the finale of the arc, probably. I hope I can cover it well.

Yeah this is very short and trash compared to Villainous great arcs like Creeper's or John's, but I hope this is good enough.

Thank you and see you soon!



TheOfficialCreeper: Dean and Dean's skills.

Keith_Arguz11: Keith, Yuzuka and Miru (mentioned)

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