Not An Actual Chapter...just a Filler

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Uranus: Now what is this all about?

Kage: Something...So... the Dirichlet series converges when the absolute value of the sum of f(n), n=1,...,M is less than or equal to cM^r for all M and fixed c and r...and s>r...(*smacked by Kazato*)

Kazato: Save the studies for yourself...the readers didn't want to see that!!

Kage: G...Gomen...

Harley: Is it me...or is Kage a bit out of it recently?

Uranus: His important exam is coming exam that decides whether he could stay at the university or not.

Harley: Harsh...

Uranus: BUT...he did leave some notes for the readers...when he is free later (hopefully with good result), he will continue the ASK N MAKE SURE TO LEAVE THEM AT THE COMMENTS section!

Harley: Do you have to make it bold, italic, and underlined?

Uranus: Well...why not?

Kage: The Burnside Vanishing Theorem said that if a character is irreducible and nonlinear, there will be an element with character value 0...prove it using equivalence class and degree form... (*silenced*)


*Please Stand By*

---Bonus: What is Happening Lately in Kage's MLBB Universe---

*Kage is studying...or rather tries to*
*Kazato is tutoring him*
*Rikka is somewhere with Dean, Chisaki and Shuuya*

*Harley is practicing magic for his next performance*

*Nana is off shopping with Harith...(because she is buying Harith's school stuff...what a good mother huh? XD)*

*Uranus is patrolling as usual*

*Irithel is accompanying Nana and Harith, her children is off at Kagura's*

*Granger is staring blankly at the TV...which is actually switched off*

*Lesley is on the table...cutting fruits...but her eyes are onto Granger all the time...(strangely she doesn't cut her hands or something even with her focus divided like that)*

*Lylia is also studying...only a different material from Kage*

*Lylia owes a tutoring session promise to Harith*

*X-Borg is cooking 5 Samyang Noodles with 2 pounds of Habanero Chillies*

*Kitchen area is dangerous due to chilli scent*

*Bruno and Lolita are sleeping back-to-back*

*Selena is watering flowers*

*Lunox is fertilizing them*

(Kage: Since when Selena and Lunox become gardeners?)

*Gusion is in one of the rooms*

*Claude is outside Gusion's room, putting a sign which is written : (*F-CCBOI IS INSIDE...DO NOT DISTURB*)

*Kimmy is stalking gun at hand*

*Chou is training with Hanabi*

*Hanzo is writing a book: 1001 ways to take Buffs before Fanny*

*Aldous is eating red candies*

*Miya is analyzing Kage's Eden Grimoire...maybe trying to summon one of them...but until this time it bears no good result*

*Estes is always by Miya's side...but he's still idea-less as per what his wife is doing*

*Karina is killstealing Chou's training dummies...then got shot by Higanbana and kicked by Way of Dragon*

*Karrie is crafting and selling Fidget Spinners*

*The others are doing other things that author becomes too lazy to write*

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