A Deadly Enemy (part 2)

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(A/N: SUPER SAD CHAPTER! Viewer discretion advised P.S. The song makes this chapter more atmospheric. Unless you want to cry, don't play the song)

Bill's POV: I couldn't believe it. I was staring at Molly's lifeless body in disbelief.I kept telling myself that she was okay, that she was just sleeping, but the flaw was that, the usual rise and fall of her chest wasn't there...She wasn't breathing.
I turned toward Stanford, who was in the same state of disbelief as I. "What's wrong with you!!???" I screamed. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "I DONT CARE WHAT YOU MEANT TO DO!" I felt tears start to well up in my eye and turned blue, but I didn't care. "YOU KILLED HER! SORRY DOESNT CUT IT!!" He looked at me, guiltily and in shock. I had never shown this side of me to anybody besides my friends.
Tears streamed down my "face" as I floated up to Molly's limp figure. "You killed her..you-" I couldn't finish my sentence as memories of my past flashed before my eye. Being bullied at school. Learning to defend myself...

The death of my parents..

"-You killed the only one who cared about me..." I whispered, reaching out toward Molly. I ran my hand through her hair and stopped when I felt a warm, damp liquid. I knew what it was without looking and pulled her close to me, hearing the soft rustling of grass as someone walked away.
I couldn't take it and started hyperventilating. Before it could get too bad, I teleported to the mindscape.
When I calmed down, I teleported to Molly's house.
I opened the door and saw a gift box upon the table. I picked up the note that came with it and read it silently:

Dear Bill,
I got this for you for a birthday gift since, well, I don't know when your birthday is. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Love: Molly

I started to tear up as I finished the note. Grabbing the gift box, I floated up to Molly's empty room and sat on her bed. I carefully grabbed the ribbon and pulled it gently, untying the bow on top. Inside the box was a neatly folded, red, velvet cape and on top of it, sat a golden crown.
I hugged the cape, snuggling into its soft fabric. "...I love it..." I whispered.
For the rest of the day, I sat in her room, hugging the cape and telling myself that everything's okay. She'll come home...

Molly will come home...

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