A Past Enemy

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Bill's POV (Obviously): It's been weeks since the incident. While others got over it quickly, the Pines and I were still mourning. They had started trying to move on, but I was still stuck in the same state of mind. I couldn't get over the fact that Molly was gone. Every day, I woke up, greeting her, only to remember she isn't there. At night, I would often find myself saying good night to her, yet she was not around to hear it.
It was just too much for me, remembering how she'd never get a chance to live the rest of her life to the fullest.
I had been staying in her room, only occasionally going out to check on the Pines.
I was thinking, sitting in her room, on her bed, when the doorbell rang. "Come in.." I said blandly, only staring at the ground. "Bill," It was Shootingstar..."I know how you feel..I've lost a lot of people in my life..we all have..You aren't alone." I didn't reply and continued to stare at the ground. "Bill, listen, you're never gonna see her again, and it's hard, but you need to get over it...It's not going to get any better if you just sit around, alone." I nodded slowly but continued to stare at the ground.
"She's not coming back.." those words echoed around my mind until it ached. I wanted her to come home, I wanted to see her again. Suddenly, I shot up. I had thought of something. It was risky, but I was willing to take the risk to save Molly. "Shootingstar," She looked at me "Thank you..." And with that, I teleported away.
Hell. That's where I was. The place where all evil people go. The home of the last living death demon. I grew angry at the thought of facing him again. All he had done in the past, it wasn't worth it, but at the same time, it was.
I floated, slowly and hesitantly into the throne room. I was in his domain now. The one who I had feared long ago. And there he sat, now wearing a black robe and scythe, apon a throne made entirely out of bones, some burnt, some not.
At the sight of me, his eye widened with surprise. "Cipher?" "Yeah, it's me.." "State your buisiness..."


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