Hot and Cold

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I sat at the table. I had nothing else to do so I figured I'd draw. As I started sketching, Bill floated up behind me and looked over my shoulder. "Watcha doin?" "Just drawing..." "Watcha drawin?" "Things..." the truth was that I had no idea what I was gonna draw.
I sat there with my eraser to my mouth in thought. "Maybe a snack would help my creativity..." I thought aloud.
Opening the fridge, I realized I was supposed to get groceries a couple days ago. All that was left in there was some cheese, milk, and bread.
I sighed, if I went to the store I'd have to leave Bill home by himself. It was my only option though, either that, or I starve for a few weeks.
"Don't blow up my house when I'm gone!" I said as I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.
Bill's POV: I chuckled, any mortal would be afraid to leave their home temporarily in the hands of an insane all-powerful being. Of course I wouldn't explode anyone's house, let alone try to do so. I have a home of my own and it wouldn't be fair if someone came into my house and messed everything up.
I watched as she slammed the door shut and walked out of sight over the horizon.
Now that I was home alone, I sat on the couch, picked the remote up, and clicked the power button. The TV got boring so I started floating around, occasionally doing somersaults in the air. I floated around her house a couple times but then stopped at a picture of her with her family.
I had a family once...but then...IT happened.. I shook the thought away, thinking about that stuff always made me tear up...besides, there is no point in looking at the past, I had the future to look forward to....But....I hovered there, holding the family portrait and couldn't help it. I felt tears come to my eye. I put the portrait down and wiped away my tears. "Get ahold of yourself Cipher! You shouldn't be thinking of these things! It's in the past.."
Molly's POV: I made it home and found everything in one piece, thankfully. Bill was sitting on my counter, kicking his legs, as if he were bored.
I put the groceries down next to him and he looked at them silently. This was very unlike him, I was expecting some sort of snide comment but, instead, I got a very docile stare. After a while it got a little...creepy.
"Hey, what's up?" I started. "You're a bit less talkative than usual..." Bill sighed, looked away, and then replied,"Nothing you need to worry about..." "Bill," I took his talon-like hands in mine "You can tell me.." His hands were freezing! I thought they'd be at least a little warm considering that he could conjure flames at his will.
Bill, again, just sighed and looked away. "Ok, you don't have to tell me, but I'm gonna at least help you with something" I said as I dropped his hands and went to the sink.
After filling up a large bowl with warm water, I brought it over to the counter where he was sitting and set it down on the side where there were no groceries. Bill was obviously confused, I have to admit that, for a being with one eye, he could make very sophisticated facial expressions.
"What's this for?" He asked. Without answering him, I took both of his hands and placed them into the water. He just sat there, no noises, no nothing. After a minute, I said,"you're welcome" and headed upstairs to my bedroom.
Bill's POV: No one had ever done something like that for me in my entire life. The only one who did so was my mother. I sat there, speechless, for what seemed like decades, then, after a while, I managed to whisper two words I hadn't used honestly in a long time..."Thank you..."

(Note: So, what do you think happened to Bill's family? Leave your thoughts in the comments and I'll get to ya!! LEAVE THE DESCRIPTION OF YOUR OC IN THE COMMENTS AND ILL TRY TO INCORPORATE IT INTO MY STORY!!! Melodywing.....OUT!)

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