Songs That Break The Silence

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Molly's POV: I sat on my bed in my room and turned my karaoke machine on. I waited and then Let It Go by Idena Menzel came on (sorry if I spelled her name wrong). As the song started, I turned the volume up just loud enough so that I could be heard over the beautiful symphony. I hadn't sang this in a while...I hope I don't mess up...
Bill's POV: I heard a faint melody upstairs and floated towards the sound. I recognized it as Let It Go from that Disney movie, Frozen? Yeah that was it. As I got closer to the music, I noticed that it wasn't Elsa singing the tune, but someone...much younger.
I couldn't help from seeing who it was, so I entered the mindscape and floated through the door that belonged to Molly's room and I was surprised at what I saw...I knew Molly sang...but...woah...I guess human voices get more defined as they grow, in Moll's was almost...I slapped myself in the "face" what was I thinking?! Demons can't fall in love...especially with mortal beings! But...AGH IVE GOTTA END THIS BEFORE I DAZE OFF AGAIN!! I teleported out of the mindscape into her room and she seemed not to notice. She continued her beautiful melody and I couldn't stop from watching in awe...
Molly's POV: The song finished and I got up to turn the stereo off but, as I did, I noticed Bill in the corner, watching me sing. "H-how much of that did you hear?" I asked, embarrassed, I swear my face was as red as a cherry tomato. "Uhh..OH! Um..all of it..." I seemed to have snapped him out of a daze. Now I was embarrassed.
We stood there awkwardly for a couple of long minutes before Bill decided to break the silence. "Uh, you weren't bad you know.." I looked down as I felt my face heat up yet again. "...And comin' from a centuries-old demon, that means something..." I couldn't help smiling. Great, now I look like a smiling red-faced hooligan. Not only that, but I'm in front of one of the most powerful beings in the universe, aside from Discord the draconequis of course.
"W-well at least I sounded decent..." Bill mumbled something that was unintelligible to me and then flashed pink for a second. I blinked and he was back to his normal hue...huh probably just my imagination...
Bill's POV: "You sounded beautiful..." I said it so she couldn't hear it and then...oh geez, I turned pink. I only change color when I feel extreme emotions..but...I've never turned pink before.. I quickly changed back..well, this deal is gonna be more interesting than I thought...

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