To Mend A Broken Heart

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Bill's POV: It's been a week now since I told Molly about my past. We became close friends and, for the first time in a while...I was happy.
I started thinking and, maybe...No, that would never work..Moll would never agree...It's stupid..
I sighed as I sat on a kitchen chair, contemplating whether or not to ask her the question. "Hey Bill!" "Oh, hey Moll! What's up?" "Well, there's a party at the Northwest's mansion tonight and, well, I got two you like to come with m-" "YES!" Oh geez...too fast, TOO FAST! "Um, I mean, sure, I'll go..Wait, don't you hate Pacifica?" "Yeah..but..ya's a party..and everyone in Gravity Falls was invited...And my crush'll be there." She said, stuttering a bit at the crush part...Wait..Did she say CRUSH?! I instantly felt a pang of jealousy run through my body like electricity running through a circuit. "Calm down Bill, we'll cross that road when we get to it.." I mumbled to myself.
I changed into one of my human forms and waited at the bottom of the stairs for Molly to come down. "Come on Moll! I'm not getting any younger here!" "Hold on!" "I've been holding on for an hour now! Come down so we can get to the party!" "Bill, girls take longer to get ready than boys..You should know this..I bet even demon girls take a long time too!" I sighed. I don't like to fight with Molly (I hate her being in negative moods), so I didn't argue and waited at the bottom of the stairs.
"I'm ready!" She said before appearing at the top of the stairs. "Finally! I was wondering when yo-" I stopped mid sentence and gaped as my eyes met hers. Her hair was no longer in a ponytail and gently swayed, reaching just below her shoulders in the front, and her hair draped down to the middle of her back. She wore a long yellow dress with a black sash across her middle, fastened by a bow in the back. However, that wasn't the reason I was gawking. Her eyes were brightened by her mascara, showing how long her eyelashes really were, but her glasses...

were gone...

"U-um, so, how do I look?" She asked, obviously nervous. "Beautiful.." I replied under my breath. "What was that?" "Nothing! Now, let's get to that party!"
We came to the party and, as we walked in, I noticed the crowded dance floor. Molly was right, everyone WAS invited...I strayed away from the crowd and sat down on a couch, watching Molly wander into the rowdy group of people.
"Hey!" I turned to see Pinetree had come up to me. "May I sit here?" "Sure.." "Where's Molly?" "Out there." I said, gloomily pointing towards the dance floor. "Oh, well, why isn't she with you?" "She's gonna meet up with her crush.." At the word "crush" I glared at the crowd and turned red. "Ooh, the demon has a cruuush!" Shootingstar said, appearing from behind her brother. I turned a light shade of pink. "N-no I don't!!" "Oooooh he SOO does!!" "No. I. Don't." "BILL AND MOLLY SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-MMPH!!" She said, the G being interrupted by Pinetree's hand, slapping over her mouth.

Molly's POV: "Where is he? Where is he?!" I mumbled, pushing through the crowd. I gasped as I saw him..Vinny. I approached the brunette and waved. "Vinny!! Hi!" "Oh, hi.." he said coolly, turning toward me. "I honestly thought you wouldn't make it." he said, cocking his head, smirking. "Ehehe..w-why would you say that?" I stuttered, twiddling my thumbs. "Well, because you're a chicken, you moron!" He said, chuckling. I chuckled as well, assuming it was just a joke. Then, without warning, he glared at me. "Why are you still standing here?" "I thought that we-" "Hey, would ya lay off of my boyfriend?" Pacifica interjected, putting an arm around his shoulders. "I was just-" "Hey, why don't you buzz off so that Pacifica and I can party without any ugly, lowlife peasants moping around, asking for attention." Vinny said, his voice deathly quiet and poking me in the chest, hard, whenever he said an insult. I felt my eyes well up. "I-" "You heard him! Go away, runt!"
I couldn't take it and, as fast as I could, I sprinted upstairs, towards the balcony.

Bill's POV: I sat there, still being badgered by Shootingstar, until I saw a girl, in a yellow and black dress, sprinting up the stairs. I shot up from the couch, shushing the female Pines twin, and speed walked after her, Pinetree and Shootingstar trailing closely behind.
I found Molly on the balcony, looking over the railing. Her fragile body shook as she emitted heart-wrenching sobs and her makeup ran as tears streamed down her face. I had never seen her like this and, in short, the sight broke my heart.
Shootingstar nudged me and I walked out towards her. I didn't need the nudge, but didn't argue with her, there was a much more important matter at hand right now.
"Molly? Are you okay?" "F-fine" she sniffed, trying to wipe her tears away. "Molly..",I said, gently grabbing her arm and turning her around, "..You can tell me." She looked at me, hugged me, and told me everything, from Vinny's attitude to Pacifica's intervention.
"Molly, don't let him get you down. You're a great person, you're not ugly, and you are extremely selfless, and if he can't see that, he's just as blind as a shrunken head!" She giggled and sniffed. "S-so, you don't th-think I'm ugly?", She said, looking at me with eyes so innocent that they could delve into the darkest of hearts and bring out the good within them. "Why, quite the opposite my dear.." I said,honestly.
I took a deep breath. "Molly," I started. "I've been thinking for a while now...and" I rubbed the back of my neck. "Do you want to be my-" But, before I could finish my sentence, I felt a pair of lips collide with mine. "Yes," she said, smiling kindly, and walked off. I stood there dumbly until a cry of excitement was heard. "OOOH OOH BILL OMG OMG OMG!!" Shootingstar started. "YOU'RE HER FIRST BOYFRIEND!!" "F-first?" "She's never had a boyfriend before! You are her first!" I stood there dumbly for a few more seconds and then, smiling,

I fainted.

(A/N IMPOOORRRTTAAAAANNTTT: LONGEST CHAPTER SO FAR! 1110 WORDS EVERYBODY! Anyways... I was thinking of changing the cover art to a much newer and better one ITS THE PICTURE AT THE TOP!! Tell me in the comments if you'd like a new cover image! Also, leave your OCs in the comments and I'll try to put them in my story! Check out my other stories as well, my ask or dare for example, or my followers' stories! They're all really good!!)

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