A Walk Through Town

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Molly's POV: We sat there for what felt like years. I decided that, maybe it's a good idea to go out and walk around the town. It would take Bill's mind off of the incident. "Hey, Bill?" "Yeah?" "You wanna take a stroll around the town?" There was a moment of silence before he spoke up. "I guess."
As we walked around the town, Bill in one of his human forms, we saw a girl walking towards us. "Might as well introduce myself." I thought, as she approached.
When she got close enough, I could make out her features. Her hair was blonde and pulled up in a bun, she wore a yellow, brick patterned sweater, black gloves, a black and white striped head band, and a necklace that looked oddly like bill.
"Hi! My name's Molly!" "..Oh, hi," She said, snapping out of a trance of some sort, "I'm Rhodesia, but you can call me Rhodie!" "Well, nice to meet you Rhodie! This is Bill," I said, putting an arm around Bill's shoulders. At the mention of Bill, Rhodie seemed to stiffen up a bit. Bill waved shyly, but instead of a friendly greeting, Rhodie scowled and managed to sputter out an angry "Hi".
"Hey, are you okay Rhodie?" "Yeah, I'm fine..Oh, sorry I've gotta get home before dinner or the Cashmere Witch will freak! See ya!" She said, a bit too hurriedly then scurried off.
As we walked back home, I couldn't help but wonder why Rhodie was so jittery around Bill, and who the HECK is the Cashmere Witch?! I guess that's just another mystery. But I shouldn't worry about that now, I have a demon to reform!
(A/N: Yes, I've done it! Three OCs in one story! OMG! The picture is of Rhodie, of course, and does belong to me. If you wanna see some more of Rhodie, check out the fanfiction: Demon Spawn By: @XxKawaii_GoddessxX ,I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED!!)

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