Comfort and Sadness

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Molly's POV: I was shocked, I had never heard such a sad story in my life..Bill was silent, his usual golden hue gone and replaced by a dark blue one..I heard a quick breath..then another...Then suddenly, Bill was hyperventilating..I could understand why and put an arm around his "shoulders", stroking his back and shushing him a bit to calm him down. "Shh..It's okay.."
Bill, then, pulled me into a full hug. I was shocked at first, but then hugged him back, whispering that, "everything's okay.." and, every so often, shushing him.
I regret stealing his hat the first day he got here, now...and, genuinely, pity him..I can't even imagine what it would be like to lose your whole family like that.."I'm so sorry..."
At this point, Bill was silent. His eye was closed, wet from tears and still contorted into an expression of depression and anxiety. Every now and then he would inhale quickly, but it was getting less frequent, as he was calming down.
He opened his eye slightly and stared at the ground. "..It's not your fault..It's mine..," he said as he kept his eye on the floor. "I should've kept a better eye on my mother and father...and now.." "Sshh..," I cut in, "...Your parents would've wanted you to stay strong and move on...Not relive the tragedy over and over again.."
He was, again, silent. Then, he spoke up... "Thanks..," he whispered, gradually gaining back his normal golden glow. I smiled, "No problem..I had to go through stuff like that too.." I was about to get up, but then Bill stopped me. "U-uh..can you stay with me for a bit?" I smiled and sat back down..Maybe he isn't as bad as he makes himself out to be..

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