Chapter 3: Crushes

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*Giulia was wandering through the trash-cube skyscrapers and scanning randoms area while molly was watching her from the shadows*

Giulia: *hears her scanner buzz* Hm, nothing here *continues walking*

*Molly watches giulia leave before she follows her from a distance*

*At a tire dump*

*Now giulia was scanning any nearby tires while molly was hiding behind a mountain of tires, however she saw alya flutter up and see giulia*

Molly (whispering): Alya? wait what are you- *realizes what alya was planning* alya no! do not go near her!

*Alya doesn't listen and she flies to the ground and walks to giulia*

Molly (whispering): Alya no! she may seem cute but she's deadly too!

*Alya lets out a chirp, startling giulia and she shoots the ground where alya was with her laser cannon*

Molly (whispering and horrified): ALYA!

*Giulia kept her aim on the ground, and alya walks out unscathed and lets out a chirp*

Giulia: Oh! you're not a threat, you're just a little glowfly *holds out her hand and lets alya walk up her arm* heh, you're a cute little thing aren't you?

*Molly relaxes when she saw alya was unscathed and let out a quiet sigh of relief*

*Alya flutters around giulia and nuzzles her, earning a few giggles from her*

Giulia (giggling): H- hey that tickles! *laughs a bit*

*Molly let out a little chuckle seeing giulia giggle*

*However, her little chuckle caught giulia's attention and she quickly pulled out her laser cannon and shot at the tires*

Molly: OH MOTHER OF TROLL!! *quickly runs behind more mountains but they all get blown up pretty quickly by giulia's laser cannon*

*Now with nowhere to hide, she hid within her wings*

Giulia: Who are you? identify yourself! *approaches molly and keeps her aim on her*

*However when giulia was close enough to her, molly slowly opened her wings, allowing giulia to see her scared blue eyes, her glare softened and was replaced with a look of surprise*

Giulia: O- oh! sorry, I- I thought that you were a threat, are you okay?

*Molly didn't understand a word she said though, but she didn't care...then alya fluttered onto giulia's arm and chirped*

Giulia: this glowfly yours?

Molly: Y- yeah *slowly holds out her hand and alya flutters onto it*

Giulia: Hmm, hold still for a minute *pulls out her scanner and it scans molly before it buzzes and puts away her laser cannon* okay, sorry for wasting your time...and also scaring the crap out of you so...bye *walks off*

Molly (lovestruck):...*sighs a little while smiling softly*

*Throughout the day, giulia kept wandering to different places while molly kept on following her*

*At the abandoned market, giulia was checking out some of the stuff there while molly was watching her from another level on the market, until she turned and spotted her*

Molly: ACK! I'm not spying on you! *bumps into some shopping carts and scrambles for the exit doors but they don't open and molly ends up getting carts piled ontop of her*

Giulia: Oof, hope she's alright *walks off*

*A few hours later, at night*

*Giulia was flying with her rocket boots around the abandoned refinery scanning above the ground while molly was spying on her from the roof*

Giulia: *notices molly spying on her and smirks playfully when she got an idea*

*Giulia zooms over molly, causing her to yelp and duck in surprise making the red-haired girl laugh*

Giulia: *lands on the ground and pulls out her sleeping bag* She's so easy to startle...

*Giulia nestles into her sleeping bag and falls asleep*

*When molly noticed giulia sleeping, she unducked and started to sneak down to giulia but she slipped and tumbled down the fire escape*

Molly (tumbling down): Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!

*When she finally reached the ground, she stood up wobbily and slowly walks over to her before waving her hand in front of giulia's face*

Molly (whispering): Hmm what can I do while she's sleeping?

*Then she gets an idea and walks off and started to build something*

*The next morning*

*Giulia's eyes opened before she sat up and stretched her arms before she noticed a trash sculpture of herself*

Giulia: Huh, that wasn't there before...meh *stands up and walks off*

*Meanwhile, molly was hiding behind a pile of pipes*

Molly: Aw man! she didn't even acknowledge it! dang it! *kicks the pipes in frustration, causing them to roll on top of her* ouch! *groans in pain* little help here?

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