Chapter 4: Talking To Each Other

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*Giulia continued scanning random areas but was starting to get visibly frustrated*

Giulia: *scans a car engine and the scanner buzzes* Ugh nothing here *slams the car hood down and walks off*

Giulia: *scans an open porta-potty and the scanner buzzes again* Nope *slams the door*

*She scans the inside of a capsule but once again finds nothing and slams the hatch shut before doing the same to a freighter ship in the shipward*

*By that time, it was already dusk and giulia was exhausted until she felt something pull her up and she saw that the ship's crane magnet had been attracted by her metallic armor and she got stuck*

*Meanwhile, molly was eavesdropping from afar, watching everything unfold*

*Giulia had activated her rocket boots to try and fly away but she ended up getting more stuck*

*Having hit her limit, she growled in frustration and she pulled out her laser cannon and shot the magnet before she flew up and blasted the entire ship which earned a startled reaction from molly who hid behind the anchor of another ship*

*Giulia panted heavily before she descended to the anchor and slumped down in defeat...concerned, molly comes out of hiding and sits by the other side of the anchor before she started to nonchalantly whistle and slide over to her*

*But before molly could get a word out and ask giulia what was wrong when giulia turned to her*

Giulia:...So, what's your story?

*Surprised, molly yelped and fell on her back*

Giulia: Oh- sorry, didn't mean to scare let me help you *helps molly stand up*

Molly: Um- th- thanks *dusts herself off* sorry if I seem a bit jumpy, I'm usually not like this, I'm typically more...reserved or y'know- inquisitive

Giulia: Clearly...I know you've been spying on me y'know *pulls out her laser cannon and starts cleaning it*

Molly: Wha?

Giulia: Oh come on, it's obvious, even someone like me knows when they're being watched

Molly (whispering to herself): Frick! I must not have been sneaky enough

Giulia:...Sooo, Cosa fai da queste parti?

Molly: I beg your pardon?

Giulia: *puts her laser cannon away* I asked you what you do around here

Molly: O- oh! right right! watch this *gathers up some garbage before used her magic to compress it into a cube*...*looks to giulia* Tada *smiles*

Giulia: Wow that's uh..that's cool

Molly: uh what about you? is there a reason why you're here?

Giulia: You wanna know why I'm here?

*Molly nods her head*

Giulia: That- that's classified information, mind you


Giulia: Do you have a name?

Molly: A name? well I'm uh...molly

Giulia: Huh, "Molly"

*Molly let out a little sigh and nearly melts with that same lovesick smile on her face*

Giulia: "Molly" *chuckles* My name is Giulietta Marcovaldo

Molly: Giulie- what now?

Giulia (pronunciating): "Giulietta"

Molly (trying to pronunciate): Juu-leee-eehh

Giulia: You don't know how to pronounce long names do you?

Molly: Uh...can I just call you something shorter for that so I remember?

*Giulia starts laughing*

Giulia: *lets out a little sigh and smiles at molly* You can just call me Giulia

Molly: Okay "Giulia" it is then

*Suddenly molly's horn started flashing warningly*

Giulia: Whoa, what's going on with your horn?

Molly: Uhh one moment please *looks behind giulia* 

*Molly sees a large sandstorm in the distance coming her and giulia's way*

Molly: *eyes shrink* Ohh no!

Giulia: Wh- what's wrong? why are you freaking out?

Molly: G- g- giulia, look behind you! *hides in her wings*

Giulia: What is it?

*She looks behind her and the sandstorm engulfs them*

*When the sandstorm hit, giulia became disoriented, she couldn't see anything! not even molly!*

Giulia: Molly?! molly where are you?!

*Giulia feels molly grab onto her wrist and pull her along*

Molly: C'mon! I know where we can go!

*At the truck, molly lowered the back and she and giulia ran inside before molly closed the door, leaving them in darkness*

Giulia: *pants heavily* Th- thanks molly

Molly: Yeah, you gotta be careful out there, the sandstorms on this planet can be unruly- deadly even! *walks ahead*

Giulia (sarcastic): *coughs out some sand* Well that's nice to know...

*A light turns on above giulia and she looks ahead and sees molly turning on the christmas lights in the truck, leaving giulia in a state of awe*

Molly: Welcome to my humble abode! *walks off before she peeks her head behind a corner to look at giulia* c'mon I'll show you around

Giulia: O- oh, okay then *follows molly and looks around at all the stuff molly collected*

Giulia:'re quite the collector aren't you?

Molly: Oh yeah, I've been collecting these bad boys for as long as I could remember

Giulia: Interesting *looks at some of the stuff molly had*

Molly: Anyway! *plops a sky-blue beanie onto giulia's head* here you go! a little gift from me to you!

Giulia: Uhh *looks at the beanie on her head* what is this?

Molly: It's a beanie! it's a kind of hat, it's classy y'know? and! *pulls out a white and orange striped shirt with some long baggy pants and brown sandals* I also found these! I don't think I'd fit in these but, they look like your size *hands them to giulia*

Giulia: Huh, that's funny, didn't think you were the type to have clothes in your collection or something like that, but I have to admit, you DO have good taste in style, I think I'll keep these just in case I need a disguise *places the clothing and sandals in a compartment on her back* and I DO like the beanie, I think I'll keep it as well

Molly: *smiles brightly* Yay, happy you like 'em! now stay here! I'm gonna get some things to show you! *walks off*

Giulia: Okay then

*Soon molly returns with an eggbeater*

Molly: Here! I found this doohickey in the back of my closet, you just turn this handle here *turns the handle on the eggbeater and it start spinning* see? easier than pie, give it a try while I go get something else! *give the eggbeater to giulia before she walks off*

*Giulia starts spinning the eggbeater handle before she spinning it a bit too fast causing the top half to shoot into the air*

Giulia: Whoa- oops!

Molly (in the distance): What was that?

Giulia: N- nothing! *places the broken eggbeater aside before molly returns* soo...what else ya got?

Molly: Okay see this? *pulls out a bubble wrap and pops a bubble on it* pop! *pops another bubble on it* now you pop! *hands the bubble wrap to giulia*

*Giulia pops a bubble on it and she lets out a giggle before popping another and feels a little tingle*

Giulia: Oh it's so satisfying!

Molly: Yep! one of the many effects of bubble wrap is that it can tickle your brain when you pop it

Giulia: What else you got?

Molly: Oh- I got a lightbulb! *gives giulia the lightbulb*

*The lightbulb suddenly illuminates in giulia's hand*

Molly: Wait a sec- hand me the lightbulb?

*Giulia gives molly the lightbulb and molly taps on it before giving it back to giulia and it once again illuminates in her hand*

Molly: Okay- I gotta test something out, be right back- *walks off*

*Giulia places the lightbulb on a nearby shelf before molly gives her the rubix cube*

Molly: Here solve this will ya?

Giulia: Okay then-

Molly: *turns around* Now when I turn around if that rubix cube is solved I am convinced you are- *turns around mid-sentence and sees giulia solved the rubix cube already* HOW?! how did you do that?

Giulia: Guess I'm just really smart

Molly: Clearly! anyway- wanna watch a movie?

Giulia: Uh yeah sure, what d'you got?

*Molly puts on hello dolly*

Molly: How 'bout this? this is a classic!...go ahead take a look

Giulia: Okay *watches the movie curiously*

*Then molly gets an idea before grabbing the hubcap*

Molly (singing along with the characters on the TV): Strut down the street and have your picture took! 

*Giulia watches molly curiously*

Molly (singing along with the characters on the TV): Dressed like a dream your spirits seem to turn about! *twirls the hubcap before placing it on her head*

Molly: Hey giulia why don't try dancing?

Giulia (flustered): Uh- me? dance? I- *lets out an exhale* That- that's a kind offer but uh...I don't really dance

Molly: Ah come on, everybody can dance!

Giulia: Well n- not me, I'm kind of...stiff *tries to dance but she stumbles to molly who catches her from behind*

Molly: Whoa uh- *chuckles before helping giulia to her feet* okay, looks like you're in need of some dance lessons, but not to worry, I am also a dancing expert and teacher, let's start with a little spin, observe! *does a twirl* now you give it a try

Giulia: Heh- okay, I'll try

*Giulia starts spinning but she started to spin faster and faster and was unaware she was spinning directly to molly*

Molly: Uh- gi- giulia? you're kind if getting too close to me! GIULIA YOU'RE GONNA- *gets knocked into the ceiling* ouch...

*Giulia stops spinning before she shakes her head*

Giulia: Hey molly how was tha- *notices molly wasn't there* Uhh molly? *looks up and see molly stuck to the ceiling* Oh! uh are you stuck?

Molly: *chuckles nervously* No- no, not at all just- lemme get down first *pushes herself off the ceiling and falls onto the floor, knocking into some things as well* Ow! ow ow, I'm fine- I'm okay- I'm not dead! I'm good!

*When she turned to giulia, she had a black eye and her left wing was a bit messed up*

Giulia: OH! oh- oh my gosh! are- are you okay? d- do you need any help?

Molly: *raises her hands up slightly* Oh no- no no no, i- it's fine! nothing a little potion can't fix *chuckles*

*Molly starts walking but she was quite uncoordinated and was bumping into stuff*

Molly (bumping into stuff): Uhp! oh boy- 'scuse me!

Giulia: Okay- *picks molly up and places her on the floor* you sit right here, I'll get the potion that'll fix you up *looks to the shelf* the way- which shelf has the one with healing potions on it?

Molly: Oh just press the button on the bottom and keep holding it down until you find the shelf labeled "heal potions"

Giulia: Okay, thanks for the tip *presses the button on the bottom and keeps holding it until she sees the heal potions and stops pressing the button* okay *picks up a heal potion and gives it to molly* here you go, one heal potion

*Molly chugs down the heal potion and in one swift motion, her black eye disappears and her left wing was no longer broken*

Molly: Thanks giulia, I'm healed!

Giulia: Heh, no problem *notices the lighter molly collected yesterday and opens it* hey molly? what's this?

Molly: I dunno, I never figured it out

Giulia: Hmm...*turns the spark wheel and it ignites a flame, much to her surprise*

Molly: *eyes widen in amazement* Ohh! I didn't even know it could do that!

Giulia: Neither did I...

*As giulia and molly stared at the tiny little flame, the 'it only takes a moment' scene started playing in the background and molly glances up at giulia, this was the closest she's even been to her, her face becoming slightly red and her pupils dilated*

*Then she looked down at giulia's free hand and slowly reaches for it*

Giulia: *notices what molly was doing* What are you doing?

Molly: *immediately pulls her hand back* Uh- n- nothing, nothing...*traces little circles on the ground*

Giulia: *notices 'it only takes a moment' playing on the TV and looks at it* Ooh...

Molly: *suddenly remembers something* Oh! hey giulia, I got one more thing I wanna show you! *runs over to get it*

*Giulia watches molly rummage through her shelves trying to find whatever it is she wanted to show her and giggles a bit at her*

*Then giulia looks at the lighter and to the TV before she flicks the lighter back on, but not before she feels molly tap her on the shoulder*

Molly: Hey giulia, I have the thing I wanted to show you

Giulia: Really? what is it?

*Molly shows giulia the plant she found earlier*

Giulia: Whoa...hey molly, hold that still for a sec okay? *pulls out her scanner and it beeps three times before it makes a ding sound, her eyes widening at the sight*

Giulia: Wh-...d- molly you- you- *suddenly a tractor beam grabs the plant and stores it in a pack on her side before she passes out*

*Then everything went dark, the only thing lighting up the room being a pulsating green light on her chest-plate*

Molly:...Um, what just happened? *looks at giulia and nudges her* giulia? hey giulia, it's just a plant nothing to faint over...giulia? *leans over to see if her heart was beating* giulia? *gently shakes her*...giulia?

Molly (panicked): GIULIA!!!!!!

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