Getting to Know Me (tag one)

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Hello there! So I was tagged by wolfess21 for two tags that are kind of similar so I'm just going to call them getting to know me tags one and two. Let's begin!
Something you regret?
Um...I'm not really sure to be honest. I'm sure there are a lot of stupid things that I've said or done that I regret and will always regret doing.
Someone you envy?
I'm really jealous of those people who can eat whatever they want and are still skinny.! I eat fairly well, and I'm an athlete who's constantly practicing/playing and I'm still not small. Like why???
What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
Well, do you mean like a physical task or something you love? There could be a few answers to that. One would be someone I love or really care for, it would be extremely hard for me to give up on someone like that. Another would be soccer and school, something would really have to motivate me to give up caring about either of those.
Imagine you could date anyone, but the love of your life has just admitted that he/she loves you. Would you go out with them or would you date that celebrity/singer/actor you've been crushing on?
The love of my life, for sure. You can't just pass up true love, because I am a believer that if you miss your chance at true love, it could be gone forever. Maybe not, but do you really want to take that chance?
Someone that you really admire?
Honestly, because I'm an athlete, I look up to a lot of major athletes, like Chistine Sinclaire and Manuel Neuer, but I also look up to some of the people that I train with and my coaches. The coaches that I am privileged enough to work with are very skilled and and very nice people and fellow players I train with who have just a slightly higher skill level even I look up to just as much because one day I want to get there and be like them, skill wise at least.
I look up to my parents too though, for everything else because they are great people.
I also admire my close friends because if I didn't like them, I wouldn't be friends with them...and there are qualities in each of them that I hope will eventually become part of me too.
Are you an animal lover?
Hell yes I am.
Is there someone that you wish you could say sorry to? If so, for what?
Yes, in fact I'm sure there are many more than I can even think of. I'm not really gunna go into this because then I'm going to start rambling and it's gunna get pretty deep and personal so I'm just going to stop here, with yes.
Worst film you've ever seen?
Uh...I don't know...huh. I guess the first Twilight movie wasn't the greatest. I mean don't get me wrong, I love Twilight, but the acting in the first movie wasn't the best. Not that I could do any better though, lol.
Least favourite genre of music?
Ugh, that's a hard one really because I love a lot of types of music. But I'd have to say rap, I don't really like it that much. I like country, pop, alternative and some rock mostly.
Do you want to learn another language? If so, what?
Well...being from Canada and all...we do learn French as a second language in school. So yes I'd like to continue with that, but if I could choose another language, it would be Spanish or Vietnamese (because I know people who speak both of those languages).
Favourite school subject?
That's tough because I love school. Um...I'd have to say English. But gym and business technologies are close to it.
In a game of truth or dare, are your person who picks truth and only truth to stay safe or are you the person that picks dare?
To be honest it depends. I choose a lot of both but it really depends on who is playing.
Someone you loved who got away?
Uh...I don't really know what is meant my that. Like someone you were in love with who you let get away or just someone you loved who physically got away like moved away. If it's the second, then my best friend Julia, but we are still in touch.
Well there you have it, that's all the questions for part one. I'll list my questions for who I tag in part two so...until next time guys! Bye! -Ella :)

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