Thank You and News

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Omg guys I went into Wattpad just now specifically to check my notifications, but then I looked at this story on my own profile and there were 1K reads! Thanks guys! I'm glad people have actually been enjoying this randomness and can have a laugh or enjoy these moments with me. So keep up your reading/voting/commenting, you guys are awesome.
On another note, a while ago I had a contest for a name for my followers and I've finally picked a winner. Congratulations FreeSquirrelHugs , you won. On the first time I held the contest her idea for a name was Bookies and it's stuck with me since she first said it so that's what I'm going to call you guys now so I hope you all like it too, lol.
Anyways, that's really all I had to say. The only other thing is if you have any requests for imagines or one shots for my outsiders imagines book, I'll be happy to take them as well as any requests for some other fandoms. I'm thinking of starting a multi fandom imagines book so if you have any ideas for that let me know. :)
Last thing is...if there is something specific you guys want to see in this story, let me know and I'll happily see what I can do!
Anyways, thanks again for the 1K reads guys, it means a lot. Until next time my Bookies! Ella :)

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