05: Bored

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I was really excited. Who won't?

For the first time, I was going to attend a party. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't imagine how it would be to enter a house full of beautiful bright people.

Although I was new to this expensive culture of rich people. I had watched plenty of films who had shown in details the life of a rich and I couldn't stop myself to think about it, to experience it.

I was in the backseat with Taehyung, who was busy with his phone. I slowly intertwined my hand with Taehyung. His soft long fingers crossed against mine.

The bunny teeth guy who had been introduced by my hubby as Mr. Jeon was a pretty good driver. I appreciate his driving skills. I wondered what he must be a fashion designer cause his car from interior looked pretty cool. The car seats were covered by some brown yet shiny cloth with a soft texture. I knew that it was expensive.

Of Course, it was expensive

Expensive people buy expensive things to put expensive things on their more expensive things.

But really this guy's car was decorated a lot. And then there a was a sweet light scent of lavender roaming in the car. I love those flowers and their aroma.

None of us talked during the whole ride. I looked outside the window a little bored, while Jungkook drove attentively as if he would be paid for it and my hubby as usual busy with his dear phone.

I opened the window as the cool air touched my face softly.

Jungkook played a song of some English singer. I closed my eyes to enjoy the song being played in a low volume. Putting my hands on the window I rested my head on them.

No one talked just the slow music and the sound of driving being heard and the tapping sound in Taehyung's phone. He was chatting with someone, maybe some friend.

• • •

Our destination was pretty far. It took us thirty minutes to reach there.

A man in black formal uniform rushed to open the huge gates as Jungkook slowed his car's speed while entering.

Our car entered a path as it took a soft U-turn and stopped right before the entrance.

There was a beautiful fountain situated right before the entrance cause of which each person must have to take a U-turn before stopping their car. I liked its architecture.

"We're late!" Jungkook said taking the keys out of his car.

"But don't worry," Jungkook said while walking out of his car.

"The party has started at nine thirty and it's about ten fifteen so we have not missed everything," he said

I was a little sad that we have missed a part but still, the party had not ended yet.

I took a step outside of the car as I looked up I was left without words as the beautiful building caught my attention.

Wow...once I used to see such type of building only in magazines and tv but now it was no imaginary, it was a reality.

The building was actually a five-star hotel but it looked nothing less than a palace.

I wondered that if from outside it looked so outstanding, how it would look from inside.

I wished that I was a small five years old kid then I would jump like a kangaroo until we entered the magnificent building but as I was a young adult I had to control my excitement.

"Hyung come out. We're already late." Jungkook said to Taehyung as he handed his keys to the valet.

"Yea-yeah! Yeah!" Taehyung replied hurriedly who was still inside the car, his eyes glued to his phone's screen.

Taehyung walked out scratching the back of his neck.

I stood right before the entrance waiting for my husband who I saw was still chatting on his phone to someone a little distance away.

Jungkook was engaged in a conversation with someone at the opposite side.

I tapped one of my hell on the floor in impatience.

After a few minutes of impatient waiting Taehyung finally walked to me.

"Can we go now?" I asked rather annoyed my hands crossed

"Ummm..... Yeah! Actually...." Taehyung licked his lower lip

"What's he trying to say?" I thought

"What's the matter?" I asked

"Actually...... I have to go. Work is calling."

My eyes widened as I crossed my hands, what... Why the hell......

"I'll join you at eleven," he said smiling sheepishly

"What? But what I'll do in the party than?" I asked in a tensed tone

"Ummm... Jungkook! You have Jungkook! He'll give you company."

"Yah! Jungkook-ah come here!" Taehyung called raising one of his hand a little in a gesture of calling toward Jungkook who was talking to someone else

"Yeah?" Jungkook walked to us smiling

"Listen. I'm going to attend one of my clients. It's urgent. So I'm leaving my beloved wife here and YOU'LL gives her company. Don't leave her somewhere alone or.."

"What! But... I'm busy," Jungkook said in a low voice widening his eyes a little

"What busy? Are you parking the cars or serving the drinks to the guests?" Taehyung asked carelessly


"Than you're not busy and even if you're doing all these stuff. Let Prin join you." Taehyung said looking at me with a smirk

"No. Actually, I'm busy with my friends you know," Jungkook said looking at Taehyung

"And what if they try to misbehave." he was trying to escape

"Hmmm... I know your friends. They'll do nothing, just tell them that she's my wife,"

"O-ok-okay," Jungkook said with a tone of hesitation

"Good. So now I'm leaving," he said as without wasting a second taking a taxi he drove off.

I sighed looking at the backlights of the taxi as it disappeared after taking a turn from the hotel gates.

I wanted to go home. Really, cause what was the fun of visiting a party without your partner.

Everyone would be a stranger to me even the guy who was meant to give me company.

Author's Note^^

My phone fell down in the water this Tuesday and yesterday I got it back. I don't know why it happens to me only.

I'm such an unlucky person (╥_╥)

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