06: Shy

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I looked at Jungkook who was looking at me

He looked down,

Was he shy? Maybe...

"Let's go," he said in a low voice looking up at my eyes as he hesitantly smiled a little.

"Hmm." I sighed as we slowly walked inside the entrance.

There was a hallway starting from the entrance which ended at a huge beautiful door.

As we walked closer to it, I could hear the low volume of music escaping from the huge wooden door.

A man suited in black formal dress came and bowed as he opened the door for us.

As he opened one could see a number of people richly dressed inside the huge room which was as huge as an auditorium.

My eyes widened as we walked inside.

A never ending sweet fascinating scent was present everywhere.

The room was filled with voices of numerous people chatting.

A sweet song being sung by some singer on a small stage and couples dancing on that music at the center of the room.

I felt like as if I would get lost in this place. Everything was so beautiful, perfect and joyful. I wished my parents could see such things.

A tap on my shoulder made me snap out from my ocean of thoughts.

I looked back, it's Jungkook.

"What?" I asked

"Follow me!" he said

"What?" I shouted I couldn't hear his voice cause of the noise and the sounds of chatting

"Follow me!" he shouted back

What was he trying to say

"F-O-L-L-O-W M-E." he mouthed

I nodded in response

So he was asking me to follow him

I started to follow him. As he walked through the crowd I sincerely followed him.

But suddenly Jungkook vanished from my sight.

I looked around.

I was lost.

Where is the hell you Jungkook?

Suddenly I saw Jungkook walking to me as I struggled to walk to him between the congested crowd.

It was impossible to move here as everyone was glued to there respective positions and places. No one willed to give aside for someone especially me because I saw how easily Jungkook passed and stood right in front of me without any problem.

"Who are you looking for? Your husband will return after ten!" he said a little annoyed

"No, actually I was lost."

"So don't get lost again. Follow me and don't look here and there otherwise it will be impossible to find you the next time " he was already pissed

I nodded obediently

After a lot of struggle, I finally succeeded to cross the crowd.

We walked to a side of the room where a beautiful lady was talking to a bunch of ladies.

I stood there blankly

"Mom she's Prin," Jungkook said to the beautiful lady

Jungkook's mom looked young and lively. A very cute looking face, slightly chubby cheeks and a fresh smile.

"Oh! She's so beautiful," she said looking at me as I smiled shyly

"And Prin she's my Mom. You can call her Aunt Yui," I bowed

"She's just like you. Your perfect match. You two look so good together." the lady said

Jungkook eyes widened

"No! Actually, she's-" Jungkook was cut off by other ladies standing there

"Really she's so beautiful,"

"A great match,"

"They'll be the next power couple of our society, " an old lady said smiling

I was already flushed as I looked down

Aunt Yui hugged me softly at once

"I'm proud of my son's choice," she whispered

"And no need to call my aunt. Call me Mom," she said pulling me away, her hands still on my shoulder

I smiled sheepishly looking at Jungkook who was shocked and speechless.

"No Mom. Actually, she's Vhyung's wife." Jungkook said blushing

"What!" Aunt Yui was shocked, her small eyes widened as she with her bunch of ladies cracked in laughter

"Oh! Sorry sorry! I'm really sorry." she said still laughing

"No it's okay," I smiled blushing

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I tried but you already declared that she's my..... " he looked down shyly, an awkward smile on his face

"Anyways. I'm really pleased to meet you," she smiled gently holding my hands

"Me too Aunt Yui." I smiled sweetly

"Umm... I think I should go. You can take care of her right?" Jungkook said scratching the back of his neck taking a step back.

"Why? Where are you going?" aunt Yui asked

"To my friends," Jungkook said in a low voice looking down

"And where's Taehyung?" his Mom asked him

"Vhyung's gone to meet one of his clients. He has asked me to give her company. He will return after eleven"

"Till then can't you take care of her," Jungkook just wanted to get rid of me

"No! Visit your friends but with her."

"Don't try to escape. She's your responsibility now," his mom scolded

"But Mom!" Jungkook made a sad face as he dragged Aunt Yui in a side

The other ladies laughed looking at the miserable face of Jungkook

I couldn't hear the pleas of Jungkook but one could hear the scolding of Aunt Yui.

"That's the reason you're still in Korea. You're not like your big brother who's in America. He's responsible and hard working not like you." his mom shouted

"Why are you dragging Hyung here. Let him live peacefully in America."

"You'll take her with you and next time I'll ask her and if I came to know that you left her alone here in the party than you'll not see your beloved car next time"

"What!!!!" Jungkook's eyes widened in shock

I put a hand on my face to hide my smile

Aunt Yui walked to me with a sweet smile on her beautiful face

"Now go enjoy. He'll not trouble you anymore."

"Mrs. Jeon why you scold your son still now. He's not a kid anymore, he's twenty yeara old now. Let him live his life in peace." one of the ladies laughed

"He's a spoilt boy. He's not responsible." she laughed back

I bowed as I walked toward Jungkook who was looking down with a sad face

"Let's go," he said in a low voice

I nodded as I followed him

We walked inside a bar which was very big. Everything here looked expensive, even the uniforms of the bartenders looked costly.

I followed Jungkook as he walked towards a side of the bar were sofas were visible.

There a bunch of five guys sat comfortably on the expensive sofas, chocolate colored.

We walked toward them.

"Hey why were you late?" A pale skinned guy shouted sipping his wine. The pale skinned guy had blond hair, narrow dark eyes and button nose.

"Who's she?" Another brown haired guy asked. He had plum lips, a bit bigger eyes and a oval face.

"Hello! Nice to meet you." A sweet looking guy sitting next to the pale skinned guy stood up and walked to me.

"You're so beautiful!" He said smiling. I blushed looking down. He had a bit chubby cheeks, plum lips and a sharp jaw line. Black hair combed neatly in a side. A muscular frame. By height he seemed sadly a bit a short before me.

"Thank you." I said still blushing

"Enough!" Jungkook said a little louder than usual as he was about to push the sweet looking guy back but he slapped his hand away

"I'm Park Jimin but you can call me Jimin or Chimchim!" He said smiling sweetly

"Or without jams!" A guy from the back said laughing as dimples appeared on his cheeks. He had a round face, narrow eyes and blond hair.

Everyone broke into laughter.

A guy sitting next to him laughed this hard that he almost slipped down from the sofa on the floor still laughing. He had a round face, medium big eyes and a slimmer muscular frame. His face had a refreshing smile on it and his laugh was very natural.

Jimin gave that dimpled guy a death glare.

I looked at Jungkook who stood there frustrated. One could say he was already pissed but now they're making him even angrier.

"And you're?" Jimin said looking back at me with a sweet smile

"I'm Prin," I said shyly smiling

Jimin suddenly holds my left hand softly and kissed on it.

"Your name is as beautiful as you," he winked at me as my eye widened and cheeks reddened

"What the heck are you doing Jungkook? For God's sake do something!" I shouted in my mind.

"Enough is enough. Leave her alone hyung-" Jungkook was cut off by the pale skinned guy

"Hey! Go, buy a drink for me." the pale skinned guy ordered with a drunk tone

"And why would I buy a drink for you?" Jungkook asked in a frustrated tone

"Because I'm your hyung," he replied

"Now go!" he ordered

"And don't interfere," Jimin said in a way of threatening still holding my hand softly. My heart beating thousand times faster than usual.

"Don't go! Please don't leave me alone here Jungkook!!!!!!" I shouted from inside

But he left, he walked toward the other side of the bar gritting his teeth to buy a drink leaving me alone there with those guys.

"So where were we?" Jimin said as I took my hand back from his grip

"Umm." I smiled sheepishly

"I have never seen a girl like you. You know, you're different," Jimin smirked

"He's lying. He tells this shit to every girl he met." the dimpled guy shouted again

"Why are-" Jimin was cut off by the brown haired guy

"Hey! Stop messing with her. You Prin come to sit here." the brown haired guy patted on the blank seat next to him

What should I do? Should I go or not.....

Anyway, Jungkook will return any minute and this guy doesn't even look dangerous or flirty

I looked back and saw Jungkook sitting on one of the empty seats before the bar slab waiting for the drink.

"Okay," I said blankly and sat next to the brown haired guy.

I looked at Jimin who made a sad face looking at me as he sat next to the pale skinned guy

"So who are you?" He asked, literally everyone was staring at me

"I'm Prin. I'm Kim Taehyung's wife," I smiled

Everyone's eyes widened with shocked

"When the fuck he got married?" the pale skinned guy was speechless

"No no... It's not true. When the hell he got married? He didn't even invite his best friend," Jimin said with an expression of betrayal

"He had invited you idiot but you were too busy with your girls in Las Vegas that you didn't even care to attend the wedding," the brown haired guy shouted

I was there sitting like an idiot as they all talked.

"He must have ordered a number of food," the brown haired guy said

"I was in America otherwise I would have attended his wedding. Who doesn't want to eat free food." he laughed.

"I was also in abroad with Yoongi and Jhope to record my latest song otherwise I would have also attended his wedding." the dimpled guy sighed

I was feeling so bored that I started to judge their attires.

The guy sitting next to me was very good looking and he wore a golden colored coat while the dimpled guy wore a dark maroon colored coat with white embroidery design on it

The pale skinned guy wore a black coat with golden embroidery on it and the guy with shining eyes who was sitting between the dimpled and the pale skinned guy wore a dark green coat.

Jimin, on the other hand, wore something a little different. His coat was ash colored with a light black embroidery on it.

Almost everything was common in them but still, everyone was different showing a different personality.

They all looked rich, handsome and sexy of course.

"Hey! See she's already bored here," the dimpled guy said pointing at me

Everyone's faces turned towards me

"So who's not." the pale skinned guy said yawning

"She doesn't even know who we are," the dimpled guy gave a serious look

"We're all gods and he's the goddess," Jimin said pointing towards the brown haired guy

"Shut up shorty." the brown haired guy scolded

Suddenly the guy with that refreshing smile stood up and sat on the empty seat next to me.

I looked at him smiling

"I'm your friend Jung Hoseok but you can call me Jhope or Hobi." he smiled sweetly

"I'm Kim Seokjin but you can me Jin." I turned my head toward him and smiled as I nodded

"I'm Kim Namjoon aka Rap Monster. You can call me RM." the dimpled guy said sipping his expensive drink

"Or God of Destruction!" Jimin shouted smiling mischievously

Namjoon gave him a death glare.

"I'm Suga aka Min Yoongi aka August. You can me Suga," the pale skinned guy said with a lazy look

"And you already know me so there's no need of a special introduction," Jimin smiled showing his eye smile

I nodded and before I could say anything Jimin spoke up.

"You know Prin?" Jimin asked

"What?" I asked looking at him rising my eyebrows a little

"That he's the oldest," Jimin said pointing towards Jin

"But he the coldest," he said smiling mischievously towards Suga

"And you're the shortest," Suga laughed showing his gummy smile

"And I'm the brightest," Jhope said

"And I'm the smartest," Namjoon said

"And I'm WORLDWIDE HANDSOME!" Jin shouted breaking the rhyming cord as he gave each one of us a flying kiss

"Ahhhhh" everyone sighed

"But still I'm the cutest," Jungkook said suddenly appearing from somewhere and handing the drink to Suga

"Hey! Stop shouting. Everyone is feeling annoyed for y'all here," Jungkook complained but everyone ignored him

"Hey Prin. Say something about you that rhymes with it," Jhope said smiling like a kid, his eyes shining brightly

"Ummm I'm just Prin," I said shyly

Author's Note^^

I know that I have losen and disappointed a lot of my readers..... (╥﹏╥)

I'll try to update my stories more punctually......

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