09: Broken

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"Who is she?"

A girl was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, wearing heavy makeup and a red short dress though I failed to see her face, just her blood red lips were visible

"Who is she?" I asked him again with the trembling voice

He didn't say anything, just stared at me with an emotionless expression with both of his hands in his pant's pockets

"Taehyung!" I said as a tear escaped from my watery eyes

I almost jumped as I woke up from my sleep

Ah! It was just a nightmare I thought as a relieved smile appeared on my face

I felt goosebumps on my skin as I wiped the sweat away from my forehead

I sat up

The bright beautiful morning sunlight was filling the room

And the other moment all the last night memories one by one rushed down my head

"Who is she?"

"Get out! I said get out" I shouted again

The terrified expression of the girl appeared before my eyes and the cold voice of Taehyung echoed in my mind



Stop it!

Please stop it

I hugged my legs as I buried my face on them, sobbing silently

No this couldn't happen

He couldn't do this to me

I have done so much for him

I always tried to reach his expectations

I always tried to become an ideal wife

I beg I beg please don't

Please say it was just another nightmare

That I was just daydreaming

"Oh! You're up, I have made the breakfast. Go get ready, you don't want to be late for school. Right?"

I looked up with knitted brows and a shocked yet confused expression with teary eyes

A woman smiled at me as I saw her putting a glass of milk on the coffee table

"MOM!" I screamed as I moved out of the bed

I rushed to her and the next moment the whole room was dead black

"MOM! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" I screamed still trying to reach my mom in the darkness




I shot my eyes open, who were now more widened than usual

I found myself lying on the sofa

It was the worst nightmare I ever had

I was heavily breathing as I sat up

The moment my feet reached the floor, I felt something

I looked down and found the pieces of mirror scattered everywhere

I saw the broken frame fallen at a side

And the torn pieces of Taehyung's picture scattered everywhere on the calm floor

The thing that made my dried eyes watery again was that when I realized that even if I succeeded to get out of this nightmare,

another nightmare

rather more terrifying

more heartbreaking

more painful nightmare than this one I had to face every day in reality

The ugly truth

That my husband never loved me

That this marriage means nothing to me

That he was cheating on me

That he didn't even care how much it was hurting my feelings

I buried my face in my hands as I wept silently


I wiped my tears away as I stood up from the sofa and tried to walk on my trembling legs

My whole body was shocked

I felt weak

I felt broken

Anyways I managed to walk towards my bedroom

My heartbeat fastened while turning the doorknob as I opened it at once

There was no one

Taehyung was gone

"Mrs. Kim," I was a little shocked with the sudden voice as I looked back

"Do you want to have your breakfast?"

"No. Thank you." I said in a low voice looking down at the floor

"Mrs. Lee," I called out to the old lady who was about to walk away

"Yes?" she asked turning around

"Where's Taehyung?" I asked with knitted brows

"Mr. Kim is gone to the office, Mrs. Kim. He told me not to wake you up cause you were very tired after the late party," she told with a calm face

"Okay! Thank you," I said and looked away as I heard her footsteps fading away

I wonder she doesn't know anything about Taehyung or maybe she knows

"Mrs. Lee," I called

"Yes?" Mrs. Lee asked looking back again, this time from a distance

"Why are you here this early? Aren't you meant to come after ten?" I asked with a serious face

"Oh! Mrs. Kim, it's two in the afternoon. Are you sure you're not hungry?" she asked chuckling a bit

"No. I'm not hungry. Thank you." I said in a surprised tone and she walked away

I was sleeping this late

I didn't even notice the time

My mind was just too much congested with the problem I was facing and the pain I was feeling

Anyways I thought it wrong to share my problem with her cause anyway, at last, I was the one who was facing everything

I felt my eyes watery again as I bit my inner cheeks


I was lying on my bed with my back facing the door

"Mrs. Kim! Mrs. Kim do you want to have the dinner?" a voice asked

"No thank you. I'm not feeling hungry." I said in a low voice hugging my legs

"But you have eaten nothing since the morning." I heard a tone of concern in that voice

"You'll become sick if you will not have your meals timely."

"Mrs. Lee please don't worry about me that much. I'll be fine. I just need some rest. I'll eat when I'll feel hungry." I said still without moving a muscle, lying motionlessly on the bed

"Then my today's shift has completed. I have placed the dinner on the dining table," she said and I nodded lightly

"I'm leaving then..." she said


I heard a sigh as the door closed making a bit noisy


I didn't know what was the time but I knew it was late at night

I heard the main door being opened and closed

I knew who it was

I heard him talking to someone on the phone

I heard the bedroom's door being opened and closed

I didn't move a muscle

I just lied there motionlessly

As if I was dead

In that dark empty room

In that small cold guest room

I didn't even care to make the lights on cause anyway from inside my all lights were now dimmed rather destroyed

I didn't even remember for how many hours I was lying there like that

I didn't even felt any type of hunger

I didn't even close my eyes for once

I didn't even sleep for a second

I just stared at the fed wall continuously with uncountable tears rolling down


I again found myself heavily breathing as I sat up

I didn't even remember when I fell asleep

I was saw a nightmare

It was the same nightmare I had seen before

Just this time in the place of Mom I saw Taehyung who had made a beautiful breakfast for me and as I was about to move out of the bed towards him, the bed swallowed me and the next moment again everything was black as I shouted his name with all my might

I wiped the sweat away from my forehead and found my skin cold

It was very cold that night and I was shivering

I rubbed my hands together to feel some heat

As I was moving out of the bed, my hand moved on a side of my pillow

I felt wetness

I at once clicked the lights on

I saw with a bit shock that a side of my pillow was wet rather wet by my tears

The uncountable useless tears I shed for a person who used to mean a lot to me once but as of now, he was dead to me

I sighed as I walked slowly outside the guest room

I looked at the wall clock at the dim light

It was three at night

I walked inside the bathroom and stood before the mirror

I looked at myself

I no more looked bright

My eyes were red and swollen by crying

My lips were dry

My face had lost the glow once I used to have

My cheeks had lost the reddish tone but still somewhere one could recognize me as Prin even though I failed to recognize myself

I splashed some water on my face and used a towel to dry it

I slowly walked outside the bathroom

I looked at Taehyung's bedroom

I didn't know why but I found myself walking towards it

I stood right before the door as after taking a deep breath I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the wooden door

I walked inside slowly as I heard Taehyung's voice

I looked at him

He was speaking while sleeping

While sleeping he had a habit of speaking

I always used to find it cute but at that moment it doesn't make me feel anything

I slowly walked towards a chair and sat on it which was facing Taehyung

I leaned back in the chair as I looked at the person sleeping peacefully free of all worries on the comfortable sofa bed with a warm feathery blanket on him

His beautiful face carrying a baby type innocence at that moment

A tear rolled down my cheek

"How could someone sleep so peacefully after making someone's life hell?" I thought

Author's Note^^ 28/4/2018

Hmmm... So like finally I succeeded to update my book.

You know what... I know that you might be wondering that maybe chapter 010 might be the end of my sad story and EVEN IF YOU WERE NOT WONDERING ANYWAYS ALAS cause it's not...

Comment here 'Me' if you also thought that chapter 010 was my book's ending (the thing is that I don't know about you but I'm gonna be the first to comment Me here cause YEAH! I was the first person to think that maybe this might be my story's ending cause you know I'm a lazy person and all that)

I'm feeling depressed

Lol! I just read my this chapter before publishing and I was like wait! what? Most of the lines in this chapter are rhyming.....this chapter is totally depressing... Is that a good sign or a bad sign? I don't know anyway...

I think maybe the emotions came from my heart cause right now I'm suffering from cold and that's why I succeeded to explain the painful expressions...


Feel free to comment down your views about my this chapter...

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