10: Stopped Smiling

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Nowadays most of the time I found myself sitting on the window sill looking blankly outside, it's been so long I had stopped crying

I just felt an ache in my heart sometimes whenever I remember the last month incident

Nothing was gonna change

And as everything was moving forward I also decided to move on too

Even though I know I would never be able to recover from this shock

Now I had stopped smiling

The bright face of mine had lost its glow

Just a bit of happiness I get whenever I talk to my Mom and Dad

They were so happy

So satisfied that their daughter's future was bright and prosperous

That she had got a perfect ideal partner for her lifetime

I didn't tell them anything about it cause I just wanted to face this nightmare of mine myself

I don't want to destroy their this small happiness and satisfaction

I just kept the pain in my now broken heart

I had stopped talking to everyone

Just sometimes I talk to my Mom

Taehyung has not changed a bit

He was being the same person he was since the first day

I was the one who was changed

At first, I used to have a heart

Yeah! I still have it but now it's broken

And nightmares

It had become a common thing of mine waking up from sleep breathing heavily with goosebumps

It's like every day I had to face a nightmare both in the morning and at night

"Come! Come!" I heard Taehyung's voice from my guest room

I didn't move a muscle as I lifelessly lied on the bed with my back facing the door

Someone opened the guest room's door

"Mrs. Kim! Mr. Kim is calling you!" I heard Mrs. Lee's voice

"Tell him that I'm sleeping," I said staring at the blank wall

"Okay!" I heard a bit of concern in the old lady's voice

She closed the door and walked away

Some time passed as I heard the main door being opened and closed

The guest was gone maybe, I didn't know

I just guessed

Just in a matter of seconds, I heard footsteps towards my room as someone opened the door

"Hey! Prin.....!"

I didn't reply

"I know you're not sleeping.....Prin!?" I noticed a tone of frustration in his voice

I didn't want to make an issue so I simply sat up facing him hugging a pillow softly as I looked blankly at him with dim eyes

"Sugahyung came," he said scratching his forehead

"To invite us for his wedding anniversary,"

"So... um... As you don't have any dress. Tomorrow I'll arrange a dress for you. Okay?" he said trying to smile

"I don't want to go," I said tightening the hold my arms had around my pillow

"Wait! What? No no no tomorrow I'm arranging a dress for you and then you'll attend the anniversary with me," he said with a tone of frustration

"I don't want to go. You go and enjoy," I said looking at the floor

"You're going and that's final," he said calmly

I didn't know why but anger rushed down my veins

Why was he pressurizing me so much

"When I said I don't want to go, then I mean I don't want to go," I said looking at him with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes

"No you're going," he said crossing his arms

"I'm not going," I said as I felt tears appearing in my eyes

"Yeah! You're going and no more excuses," he said taking a step back to walk away

I moved out of my bed as I walked towards him trying hard to be strong

"Taehyung! What you're trying to prove, huh?" I said with tearful eyes

"I'm not trying to prove anything. It's just that you have become lazy and so I want you to socialize. I just want you to be healthy," he said with a bit concerned face

"Do you think anything is left Taehyung?" I asked him as a tear escaped from my now red eyes

"What are you talking about?" he said moving his hand towards my face to wipe that tear away but I at once slapped his hand away

"You know what I'm talking about," I said as I burst out in tears

Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows giving me a what-are-you-talking-about look

"What's wrong with you?" he said with furrowed brows

"Taehyung.... " my voice cracked "Taehyung you.... you are cheating on me. Taehyung! I'm your wife. How could you do this to me? You're hurting my feelings Tae-" I coughed crying badly as Taehyung looked at me with a tired look on his face

"Ahhh... You're acting so weird," he said knitting his brows

"Can't you understand this Taehyung? It's wrong. You're hurting me. I'm your wife. How can you do this to me?" I looked at him with a disbelief look

"Listen, I'm an open minded person. Okay? If you want you can also date some other guy of your choice and I will not stop you. And when I'm not stopping you, you shouldn't stop me too." saying this he walked outside the room

"Yeah! And you're attending the party with me and it's final," he said slamming the door shut behind him as I heard his footsteps fading away leaving me there with a shocked expression

My eyes widened, I was without words speechless

I couldn't believe my ears...

My eyes were still filled with tears

My face carried a disbelief look

So whatever he was doing according to him was not wrong


I slowly put some face powder on my face looking at my reflection on the mirror

After making it final that I was totally ready I took a last look at myself

My hair neatly pulled up as a ponytail and a black fitting shorter than knee length dress was worn by me

I trailed my hand on the dress, it's texture was very soft and comfortable but the thing that was making me feel uncomfortable as its deep v neckline which was showing a bit more cleavage than it was actually needed

Anyways it was Taehyung's choice and I couldn't deny but admit that it fitted me absolutely right, showing every curve of mine and making me look more beautiful than I actually was

The sides of my red glossy lips raised a bit as I practiced my fake smile before the mirror

After making sure everything was perfect I walked outside my room

Taehyung as always was sitting on the sofa with crossed legs busy with his phone waiting for me

A black coat with some gold embroidery at some places worn by him making me speechless for a moment

He looked up at once,

His eyes widened

I noticed how at first he was staring at me with a surprised look as he stood up but then something else caught his attention

His brows furrowed as his eyes trailed down from my face and stopped at my cleavage

I stood there looking at him with an emotionless look

He at once without saying a word walked inside his room

I wondered what he was gonna do

After some five minutes, he returned with a dark black leather jacket

"Wear it," he said putting the jacket on my shoulder

"It's cold outside," he said softly

I sensed a bit of hesitation in his voice

Maybe he was also a bit shocked that how much skin his chosen dress was showing

'V' was written on the back of the jacket in golden color and it looked very expensive

The jacket contained a smell, it was Taehyung's smell.

I didn't know why but it made me feel a bit better

At least he cared about me a bit

I wore the jacket as I pulled the zip up

Taehyung after taking a last look on me made sure that my cleavage was not visible

I for a second walked into my room to take my purse and that time the mirror caught my attention

I stopped for a second as I looked at my reflection

The jacket successfully matched with the dress, which was actually making it more fashionable and beautiful

As if it was made for this dress only


As usual, when we entered the hall room was filled with people chatting but this time everyone's eyes were on us

We walked towards a side as Taehyung hooked his hand with mine

At a side, there was Yoongi with a woman talking with a bunch of people with a glass of wine in his hand

As we reached there he greeted us

I smiled wishing them for their successful marriage

Taehyung hugged Yoongi and handed him the bouquet he bought while coming

I talked to Yoongi's wife, she seemed sweet and well mannered. Her long brown hair tied up in a beautiful manner and a long gown type of red dress worn by her

After talking to us for some moment the Min couple became busy greeting other new guests as Taehyung with me walked towards a side where people where sitting on decorated chairs

A small yet beautiful stage in front of them

Taehyung gestured me to sit on a blank seat

I nodded emotionlessly and sat on the comfortable chair as Taehyung sat next to me

We didn't talk at all

It seemed as if everyone was waiting for someone's performance

The stage lights were off as suddenly the music started to play and the lights went on revealing a girl wearing a pink glittery knee length dress and black heels

Her face was still in the dark as she danced lightly showing her figure beautifully

"I-U! I-U! I-U!" The crowd cheered with excitement on the music for the artist

"I love you,"

"She's so beautiful,"

"Marry me,"

Some guys fanboyed

Holding the mic she started to sing at once

The crowd was becoming crazy for her

Now the lights were showing her whole figure

Showing the heavy makeup she has put on her face which made me remember of someone

My heart stopped to beat for a second as I realized

No this couldn't happen!!!

Her small face

Almond like eyes

Her ice like fair complexion

Her smile

Her voice

My eyes widened with disbelief

She was the same girl

The same, I saw Taehyung last time with

I gritted my teeth as I looked at her who was smiling and giving flying kisses to every guy

I noticed how Taehyung was controlling himself not to show his excitement

My face became dead serious while she continued to sing her song


The song ended as she walked down the stage

Everyone stood up and started to cheer for her as I stood crossed handed between the crowd

After thanking everyone at last her eyes stopped on Taehyung

They stared at each other through the crowd as she made her way towards him

I noticed how bright and happy Taehyung looked

It hurt me

It hurt me a lot

I gritted my teeth and my hands turned into fists

Anger rushed through my veins as I saw him giving her a hug

He made it seem like it was a friendly one but I noticed how much intimate it was

His hand trailed down her waist as she said something in his ear that made him grin

I stared at them with a disgusted look and crossed hands and they did whatever they were doing without noticing me

My heart again broke in million pieces as I continued to stare at them

After they pulled each other back, at last, she noticed me

I noticed how her eyes which once were joyful now were filled with horror

Her mouth fell down as she froze looking at me shocked yet scared

Taehyung shaking her a bit gave her an assurance smile as he spoke something in her ear slowly

Her face now became normal, still, she ignored me anyways

"See you next time," she said squeezing one of Taehyung's arm's muscle as he sends her a smirk

I rolled my eyes disgusted

At last, she was gone but I was not feeling okay

I was still so angry and annoyed

I really wanted to do something

Than Taehyung's words echoed in my ears

"Listen, I'm an open minded person. Okay? If you want you can also date some other guy of your choice and I will not stop you. And when I'm not stopping you, you shouldn't stop me too,"

And this line again and again echoed

"you can also date some other guy of your choice and I will not stop you,"

"I will not stop you."

Hmm. Let's see then whether you would really stop me or not Mr. Kim

I at once pulled my zip down revealing my cleavage as I pulled the headband out of my hair

My hair neatly fell on both sides of my shoulder as my locks fell before my eyes

I noticed how one by one everyone's eyes glued at me with a surprised expression

Taehyung was busy looking at IU who was talking to some other guests until he noticed unusual stares at him rather at someone else besides him

He moved his head towards the direction of the stares and his eyes met mine

I noticed how his eyes took a head to toe look of mine and his brows knitted at once giving me an I'm-not-liking-it look

Author's Note^^ 15/5/2018

So how was this chapter?

I wonder if my book boring or uninteresting?

Is my book cover well or just toooo.....?

And what about my book's title... Like is it just too cliche type or overdramatic????

Ahhhh... Sorry

Ummm... Can I get a small small feedback... I don't know... I'm just a bit insecure that maybe you guys are not liking my book😓

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