Best Bro

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  Requested by TheMiraculousMatt

  Thank you for this idea!

  And sorry if it isn't what you actually wanted.

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  It had been couple of hours since Geno got out of the hospital at was at home. The Queen family was told that Geno was fully healed after years. He was finally healthy! He still had to rest, though. So he was in bed for now.

  Geno heard that Fresh could feel now while listening to the little conversation that his mom was having with Aunt Com. He was pretty curious as well. He wanted to talk to his little brother. Wanted to see him. God, he had missed everything so much.

  Crayon, the caring mother was always with Geno, in case if he wanted or needed something. Geno decided to ask if Fresh could come.

  "Uh- M-mom?"

  Crayon turned her head from the doodle of her kids to Geno to make an eye contact with him.

  "Yes, sweetie? Do you need something?" She asked.

  "I was w-wondering if I could t-talk to Fresh..?" He asked as he looked down, then at his mother again.

  Crayon was not surprised. Geno loved his brothers so much. He surely missed them. But she had no idea that Geno knew about Fresh's ability of feeling.

  She nodded and smiled cheerfully, happy that the family was getting together again. She put her sketchbook and her 6B pencil on the table which was next to Geno's bed. She stood up and walked over to the door, opened it and left it open, so if something happened, it would be easier for Geno to ask for help.

  As she approached to the youngest skeleton's room, slight hiccups could easily be heard. Considering that Fresh's room was right next to Error's, she couldn't help but wonder why Error was still too harsh on his little brother. It wasn't the time now, though.

  She stood by the door and knocked the door three times before calling Fresh's name, trying not to make too much noise in order to avoid startling him.

  "Fresh, honey? Is it okay if I come in?"

  Fresh made a muffled 'Eek' sound. Then, the sounds of something shuffling was heard before the door was opened, revealing Fresh's face that was smiling. It didn't look like a fake or forced one. If Fresh wasn't wearing his glasses, Crayon would be able to see his eyelights which were full of life.

  "Hey, Ma! Hazzit goin' in dis radtastic day?" He said with pure... enthusiasm. Fresh often locked himself in his room to cry while Geno was still in the hospital. He got his emotions after a time that he visited Geno. The emotions were always too much for him since then. But now, probably because Geno was home now, he was... happy. Crayon still wondered why he was crying, though.

  "Geno wants to see you, dear. Come on. Let's go to his room together."

  Fresh suddenly looked uncomfortable. Why was Geno wanting to see him now? Wait, this was called something. Was it 'missing'? Like, 'missing someone'? He thought it was it.

  Mentally shaking the thoughts away, Fresh smiled and nodded. He opened the door completely to get out. His room was dark. No lights were on. Yet, it was clean. Fresh got out of the room and closed it behind him. Mother and the youngest one walked to Geno's room.

  Geno could see them when the two were in front of his door. Fresh still looked uncomfortable even though he was smiling. Geno could understand this because his little brother's smile was somehow shaking. Geno thought the best thing to do would be to comfort him first.

  "Hey lil' bro! Come in!" He said softly, yet sounding happy. Fresh nodded and got in. Crayon, however, didn't even step inside. She understood that they were going to talk alone and she respected that. So she just closed the door and went to her room.

  Fresh took a deep breath and walked towards Geno's bed. The older looked so, so much better. The circles under his eyesockets were now gone, only replaced with a hue of blue blush.

  Fresh kneeled down and set on his knees, one of his hands on Geno's bed while the other one is on Geno's hand. He sighed, his voice trembling while doing so.

  "H-hey bro..!" He could manage to say, due to trying to stop the tears building up on the corner of his eyesockets.

  Geno, being the smart and responsible older brother, noticed that. He already knew that Fresh now had the ability to feel emotions. He frowned. He wanted to know why Fresh wasn't taking those glasses off which avoided everyone to see his baby brother's eyes. He wanted to see these eyelights full of life.

  Before Fresh could ask why Geno was frowning, Geno snatched the glasses on his face to reveal the white eyelights which looked like they were shining. Fresh was surprised as well since he didn't expect something like this. Geno sighed and put the glasses on their mother's sketchbook.

  "That's better now, isn't it?" He asked while cheerfully smiling. Fresh nodded, embarrassed. He was willing to say this to Geno himself that he could feel. As any normal person would physically react to being embarrassed, Fresh blushed a purple-indigo color as he looked down, not wanting Geno to realize that he was blushing.

  "Hey, Fresh. Look at me, please. I wanna see your eyes. They look pretty good on you."

  Fresh tensed up. Since the day he could feel, no one had ever said this to him. He was also trying his hardest not to cry. He didn't know why he was crying, either.

  The younger wasn't strong enough emotionally. He couldn't hide the tears any longer. Why was he crying? What triggered his emotions this time?

  He broke down crying on Geno's lap. He wasn't crying that much, but sobs still could be heard.

  Geno was as confused as Fresh. He was pretty good with emotions, but he still didn't understand why Fresh was crying. Sighing and frowning in a sad way, he put his hand on Fresh's skull and rubbed it in a comforting way. He was going to talk to him about what happened. Maybe he can't control his emotions? Maybe it was a fight with Error. What if something else was bothering his little brother? If so, what was it?

  After a moment or two, Fresh was calm. He was just hiccuping here and there. Noticing that Fresh was calmer now, Geno decided to ask.

  "What's wrong, Fresh?"

  Fresh didn't look up. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and spoke with still a trembling voice.

  "I-I dunno... really... I have n-na idea why I cried, brah."

  Looked like Fresh couldn't control his emotions. However, it still didn't change that fact that something could be bothering him.

  "That's okay, baby bro... S-so, tell me. What happened while I was in hospital?" Geno asked. He wanted to know if Fresh's sudden crying was because of something in the house.

  Fresh thought for a while, but didn't lift his head from Geno's lap. He chuckled a bit before talking.

  "W-well... Dere's da emotions, as ya kno... 'n... Uh... Nothin' much changed other dan dat"

  So Error and him were still fighting. Maybe Geno could ask about it. If Fresh cried, it would mean that it was the fights he is getting uncomfortable with.

  "Are you and Error getting along?"

  Fresh stiffened. But didn't cry. He lift his head, looking away from Geno. The younger shook his head. But he could sense something. Geno was trying to find out what was bothering him. There really wasn't a reason. Maybe he cried because of happiness? Maybe he cried because he was happy that Geno was finally home?

  "Dat ain't da thing dat bothers meh, Ge-Brah. Ta say da least... Nothin' bothers me... Maybe t's 'cuz I'm happy." Said the neon skeleton. Then laughed. Geno wasn't sure if Fresh was laughing happily or sadly. He was impressed that Fresh understood his intention. Heh. Still smart as ever.

  "Maybe. Just know that I'll be here whenever you need help about feeling, alright? And please tell me whatever is bothering you, okay?"

  Fresh finally looked up at Geno, who was smiling softly. Fresh nodded as he smiled back. These magical tears no more there.

  "Okay, brah."


  Fresh chuckled once more. This time it was obvious that he was happy.

  "You really are the best bro."

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