Not Mine!

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So, this is a canon story, made my the one and only LittleNoko (Decans' creator) and AlainaPrana (Momma CQ's creator). This was taken from their Discord, which the link is:

This is a copy-paste of it, in case anyone missed it.

CreAtoR_Yukiverse you, because you ate interested in it. And TheMiraculousMatt (sorry)

-----since Noko is fairly inactive I'm also gonna use this chat to upload other rp's that I have done: this one is one I've been debating on posting for awhile but I think it would be perfect as Discord exclusive content :3 I'm entitling it : THE CRACK

(just for context this RP would be in continuity with 'The Incident')

Alaina : CQ tapped at her desk lightly, sorry digging through her. She couldn't quite place her finger on it, but something She stood from the workdesk, ignoring the sound of the chair bumping against things as she leaned in the hallway to peek into her sons' rooms. Error's was the closest, and the one she was least worried about, but she creaked the door open anyway, her face cracking into a light giggle when she saw her glitchy son spread out with his covers thrown off on his bed, Glitch still gripped tightly in one of his miscolored hands. He was snoring softly, and she closed the door quietly, moving to check on Geno. Geno she approached carefully, the oldest had been doing MUCH better recently, but she took a close peek just in case. He was sleeping soundly, a rarity for him, and she gently pecked his skull, making him smile in his sleep and mutter something about 'Uncle Asy'. Of course. She readjusted the blankets around him anyway, and quietly tiptoed out to check on Fresh.

After his three weeks in the hospital, she had been steadily growing more worried about Fresh. The child had no idea how to handle his new feelings and ideas, and every day was a struggle for him to keep things in check, even simple feelings. And it didn't take long for the youngest to start developing nightmares- about everything. And his emotions were still so extreme that he was still prone to fever spikes when he grew too stressed. She feared this the most, and quietly pressed open the youngests door, her face saddening when she noticed Fresh struggling under his covers. She approached him, trying to stroke his lightly damp skull soothingly, giving him a quick kiss and reaching for his favorite Furby to settle in his desperately-seeking hands. "Shhhh, shhh....everythings fine...." She soothed quietly, peeling back the heavy duvet to leave him just under the cool sheets, just in case. "Everythings fine...sleep....shhhhh...."

He grunted in his sleep, but the worst of his struggling subsided, and he rolled over, curling in on himself tightly as a few stray tears slid down his cheeks. She leaned over to give him one more kiss, hoping to shoo the nightmares away, grateful to see at least some improvement. With a sigh, she sat with him as long as she could before attempting to return to her work. No sleep tonight, she supposed...promising to check in on him again in a bit.

Noko :  Decans was alone in his room, calling the police a while ago didn't helped much... worse, not only was his father against him... but now he was getting aggressive over his mother as well. Knowing that Fresh was too fragile to handle the news and that feeling guilty would cause him to get horrible fever, the little skeleton didn't say anything about it. Prefering changing the subject for something else. He had closed himself and kept everything inside of him. The young kid was hugging his pillow, still awake because of his parents once more. They weren't yelling this time, but he could perfectly hear them and how aggressive the conversation was leading.

The little skeleton hugged his pillow, tears coming up as he hidden his face against it. He just wanted everything to stop at least for once. He wanted a moment were his parents would get along, were Fresh wouldn't be so stressed out... were he could simply be a kid... be himself... He stared silently at the door, fixing it longly as he imagined himself being away... He could easily feel his soul warming up as the magic started to course through his bones... where to go ? Certainly not too far... beside if there was a place where he felt good it was at his best friend's room. He didn't had much time to think that he felt his body getting teared apart and put back together almost instantly, his body falling next to Fresh. He held his breath, body tensing up he definitely had to practice his magic... it was always acting on it's own and never when he needed it... Fresh must be quite tired to see him pop in his room so often. ...

Alaina : Fresh was curled up in his sheets, shuddering. Purple magic was flickering dangerously off of him, an almost tainted glow from a lack of proper practice and use lately. He groaned, almost angrily, against his pillow, obviously trapped in some sort of intense dream or thought. The feeling of a presence next to him only seemed to agitate whatever was happening further, and he curled up tighter, body shaking in some form of distress.

Noko :  The little skeleton sat up nervously, looking over his friend, he had expected to wake him up by now... He never had the softest landing every time he had teleported somewhere... He blinked a moment, looking at the other's magic flickering out of him in worry. He hesitantly placed one hand over his shoulder to caress it as softly as he could, touch slightly shaky as nervosity build up within him.  F-Fresh... you alright?... I... I 'ported again... I'm sorry... I...  He paused, looking at his best friend state, he seemed so angry and agitated, maybe it would be better if he was there to wake him up ? Or simply hugging him ? After all Fresh always loved hug. He placed himself in front of him, setting one arm over his body.  I'm here... you gonna be okay.

Alaina : Fresh grabbed at the arm the touched him, pulling it roughly towards him as he let out a punch to the body in front of him with a yell. "DON'T! YOU! D A R E!" His voice screamed, his chest heaving in unsteady breaths as he squeezed at the wrist he was holding, blinking. His magic rolled off of him in unhealthy waves, and he blinked, unsure of what he was seeing, his dimensional 'sight' still having him trapped in a nightmare where he was desperately trying to fight off an overly large kid from attacking Deccy. But for some reason it seemed distorted and off...and he frowned, trying to figure out what exactly was off.

Noko :  He didn't expected Fresh to suddenly grab him, the rough movement making him wince as he felt his bones getting crushed under the pressure of his fingers... He didn't expected the punch either. The bones snapped at the area that was fine.  A-  No sound came out after that, neither could he breath, tears of pain gathered in his eyes as he weakly tried to move away from his best friend. The pain was burning him, spreading withing his ribcage. He was in complete shock, his movement incoherent as he attempted to do... ANYTHING... call for help, get away from Fresh, waking him up, anything... panic poisoned his mind, he couldn't breath, Fresh hurt him... no, no, no, no... Pl-.... pl-...

Alaina : Fresh frowned at the sounds, and he blinked his bleariness away, frowning harder when his vision started to clear, the harsh anger that had snapped in his chest beginning to dissipate. "...Deccy? Wh-?" His sockets widened in realization as he noted Deccys state, his invisible stomach bottoming out from underneath him. "No....nononono...." He immediately shifted his hand to hold Decs instead of squeezing the wrist, his entire face written in utter horror of what had just happened. "I- No - Dec -" He started choking on his own tears, his body had begun to tremble under the weight of what he had just done.

Noko :  The little skeleton's tears trailed down his cheek, vision getting blurry as he felt not only his body, but soul menacing to fall apart. His free hand grabbed his own chest as he tried his best to breath, unfortunately every breath only increased the pain and made him cough silently the little air he managed to get. He trembled heavily his whole concentration focused on his little soul in attempt to keep it whole in a way or another. His brows narrowed, an heavy blush spreading over his his face due from the lack of air.  H-...h-....

Alaina : Fresh tried to snap himself out of his own panic, nausea rising in the back of his throat as he carefully tried to help Deccy to lay down in a position he knew was optimal for breathing, not letting his hand go of Deccys as he shouted for his mother. He breathed heavy, looking over his friend worriedly. "Just- just breath bro- oh God Dec- " Guilt riddled his entire being, his shakiness giving away his nervousness. "H-how bad-?" He started, reaching to check the damage with his free, shaking hand, tears starting to fall freely down his face as his body threatened to collapse under him. "...i'm sorry...i'm so sorry, I'm s-sorry i-deccy...i'm s-sorry..." he hiccupped, his guilt building rapidly as he internally cursed his severe lack of control.

Noko :  The little skeleton couldn't even protest and get away from Fresh, his little body shacking as he was afraid to get hurt again. He closed his eyes as his vision got too blurred to actually be able to see anything. If his best friend had been attentive enough he could have easily noticed the pupils losing consistency and shape as the magic from them started to shut down. As this one asked him how bad he was, he couldn't reply, only wheezing as he tried to breath properly to stop half way between each breathing.... However when his best friend started to apologies over and over, the little skeleton weakly tried to grab his hand so that he could stop.  H-... h-...

Alaina : Fresh tried to blink his tears away to get a good look at Deccy, forcing himself to clear his thoughts just as his mother pounded into the room before immediately backing right back out to call an ambulance. Fresh moved to get his friends shirt out of the way, fighting his tears of fear and regret the whole time. "D-dont worry bro w-we're" His jaw dropped when he realized what at least part of the problem was, as Deccys soul state was suddenly visible. Fresh stared, his mind moved at lightspeed to assess the situation, run calculations in his mind, run the possible outcomes and possibilities. His hands shook, and he quickly snapped at his fingers, looking at Deccy seriously. "You need magic. NOW." He moved his hand, showing the purple that was rolling off of him. "I'm...going to create a dimension around you. I'm going to put my magic in it. It'll have to run off somewhere. ...I' should work..." He stated quietly, his face searching Decs for permissions before he tried anything.

Noko :  The little skeleton was slowly loosing grasp of reality, as much as he tried to hold on and focus on keeping his soul intact. He was so scared at this moment, his sens progressively getting weaker and weaker, only focusing on his breathing the best he could which was extremely difficult considering the pain he was getting through everytime his ribcage moved. The deformed soul started to lose the little light it had becoming translucid. The little skeleton couldn't focus on the other's words, even if he did he didn't had the strenght to reply, the little magic he had was progressively abandonning his body, making it hard for him to move and stay away.

Alaina : "Oh - " Fresh leapt up next to him, throwing away the idea of getting permission and biting hard on his tongue for pure concentration reasons. He used every relaxation technique he could muster in his panicked mind, trying to make so everything slowed down enough for him to THINK and WORK. Deccy didn't have the time for him to be losing it - he wished he had practiced a little more often recently, still struggling to get back to his old level of steady power, but it wasn't something to worry about now. He cupped his hands gently around his friends ribcage, being mindful of the pressure if he had to lay his hands down, focusing on building the small marble of reality around the fragile soul. "Just hang on Dec..." He muttered, his words muffled from literally biting on his tongue, using the pain as a focus point to bring some form of sense to the forefront of his mind. A bit of blood dripped down from mouth, and he concentrated hard, magic sparking around the little 'marble' he was making, filling the small space of reality with his excess magic, hoping that keeping it trapped around the delicate soul would help fuel it, give it some density. "C'mon accept's just magic, t-take it...I don't...need it..."

Noko :  Every second seemed like an eternity to him, he felt himself going away and slowly losing consciousness which he was desesperately trying to keep an hold on. He had to stay awake... he couldn't just go like that... should he ? The pain he felt suddenly started to vanish same as the sensation of his limbs that was barely holding together through the magic that was left within his soul... being painless for once was nice... everything was silent... there was nothing to worry about anymore... Decans body became strangely relaxed, head falling on the side. The deformed soul was about to lose it's shape and vanish for good when suddenly magic enveloped it like a safety blanket. The little soul was gradually absorbing the magic, desesperately trying to keep itself alive. However... Decans had stopped breathing.

Alaina : Fresh held his breath, trying DESPERATELY not to panic, at least not yet, not until he was finished - if he stopped now he didn't know what he would do and they certainly had several minutes yet before the ambulance arrived, and that would be too late, at the very least for some damage - the magic tingled at his fingertips, he urged it to form faster, trying to make all the right calculations, forming the space between his fingers by pressing all his magic he could into it. His breath shuddered as he finally had to breathe, and he fought to maintain his composure. "Take it D-Dec, c'mon, just- please, please don't do this t-to me Deccy pl-please I'm so-orry I'm so - " He sucked in another deep breath, trying to focus as the marble finished forming, and he pressed as much magic into the small extra dimensional ball as possible, not even caring how much he was draining himself. He kept running the numbers in his head, trying to think of some way to do more...he didn't have healing magic, but if he could give Dec enough to at least START....he carefully tried to reset the bones he had broken, hands shaking as he did so, just hoping they would set enough so that his chest wouldn't cave in.

Noko :  The little soul was barely able to gather the energy it needed, as if the unknow magic made him reluctant to absorb it at first. It took at least a few minutes for it to accept the energy that was forced into him, but as soon Fresh managed to complete the magical sphere, this one finally accepted it. as this one couldn't get anywhere else. The little skeleton remained lifeless, he wasn't breathing neither showing any vital activity aside from his soul getting brighter as it keeps getting feed from the other's magic, taking a purple hue in the process. The bones over his ribcage started to move on their own, replacing themselves as if time was moving backward. The snapped bones slowly got back together, the process was long however, taking an eternity to revert the injury to it's initial state.

Alaina : "C'mon Dec breathe, please please please breathe please - " Fresh chanted to himself, still trying to ease what magic he could into his dimensional safety sphere that he built. His tears flowed freely at this point, and he was having a hard time keeping his breath even, praying for some sign of life out of his friend. It hurt. It hurt so badly, and he was...he blinked. He had...caused this. There wasn't any getting around it this time. Suddenly he felt like he couldn't breathe, and he clutched at his own chest, an awful pain throbbing inside of him, and he grabbed at Dec's hand again, praying for the little guy to just make a comeback...and he swore he heard sirens in the distance, but they weren't bringing him any relief, his vision was going blurry with tears and blackened around the edges as he tried to draw in air. Why was it so hard...?

Noko :  It took a while, but the bones managed to fuse back together, letting a simple crack where it snapped, Decans body trembled weakly to the point it was barely visible before the kid finally took a deep breath. As the air went through his throat an awful sound came out, wheezing heavily as his body was requesting for air. The deformed soul started to spread the magic within his bones causing the kid's body to twitch but it was only due to the new energy spreading inside him trying to start his system that had shut down for a moment. Still unconscious Decans was finally breathing, looking terribly weak and cold. Even with the amount of magic Fresh offered him, the little skeleton had yet to recover from what he just went through. His fingers faintly curled up over the other's hand in response to the touch.

Alaina : Fresh grasped at the hand, his fingers curling over Dec's as he tried to steady his own shaking mind. His chest hurt so badly, like a knife had been plunged straight into his soul, causing him to gasp in pain. Relief washed through him over hearing Dec breathe, and he tried to turn over, gently pressing at his friend for some movement as he heard the pounding of footsteps make their way up the stairs. "D-Deccy....Deccy pl-lease - I'm sorry - I'm s-so sorry - please - please just...just be o-okay, please...." He rasped, trying hard to stay awake himself, but his vision was darkening, and the swirling of unstable emotions were plummeting his stability, and he felt a white-hot pain crash into his chest, causing him to black out.

Noko :  The little skeleton, still unconscious seemed much more relaxed, breathing properly as his body finally seemed to work back in order. His breathing was awful, his magic quite low, but his life wasn't in too much danger anymore aside from his instable soul that had been near to let go. He didn't knew what was going on and what Fresh was going through... neither did he reacted when this one lost consciousness as well.  The magical field that covered the child soul finally got absorbed by it, a purple light still emitting from the fragile and instable soul that was his.

Alaina : Fresh winced in his sleep, he felt something cool softly patting at his forehead, and he groaned against it.

"Oh thank God...." He heard the familiar strained voice of his mother, and frowned at the all too familiar heat that was coursing through him, and he froze, suddenly wide awake and bolting upright.

"DEC-!" He gasped, and groaned harshly as his mother caught him, pain wracking through his chest, making him wheeze harshly.

"No, no don't move - " His mother soothed, and he blinked, looking around. He was in an ER room, and confusion knitted his brows together.

"...Where's Dec?" He coughed, still trying to handle the pain that he wasn't familiar with.

Noko : I-I'm here...  The little skeleton was next to him, sitting on a comfortable couch, an IV plugged directly into his soul as he was getting magic transfusion to getter the energy that was missing in his body. The kid was wearing his jacket over the hospital wardrobe that was covering his fragile body. Aside from looking exhausted and sick, he seemed alright and painless. He didn't looked at Fresh however, once more he had been responsible for what happened a few hours ago and he felt terrible.  S-Sorry... I didn't mean to... to scare you like that... I'm fine... n-nothing bad... I...  He had been waiting for his friend to wake up, insisting to stay in the same room, and now that he was awake, he was terrified to see him so stressed out for his sake.

Alaina : "Deccy...." Fresh blinked down, his mother still keeping a firm grip on him to help keep him steady. He was hot with fever, flushed a paled purple and he tugged at his mother, hot tears starting to show is overwhelmed emotions. "I - ya okay??" His voice croaked, and he starting to reach for his friend, but...he held back, suddenly the idea of evening touching Dec terrified him, and he quickly threw his hands in his lap, his mom already patting at his neck with a cold pack. "I - I mean - y-ya really...ya really okay??" He shuddered, trying to find a way to control himself.

Noko :  The little skeleton keeped his distance, rubbing his itchy chest. He didn't liked the sensation of the needle piercing his soul even if he knew that it was  to help him out with his lack of magic. His soul needed to get stronger... He was curious about the purple color it was making... but he knew that Fresh was for something.  F-Fresh... I'm fine... I know you didn't mean it... and the doctors said that I'm fine... I just need some magic to... to get better....  He frowned a moment before staring at his best friend with a worried look.  H-How do YOU feel ? Aside from... feverish... ?

Alaina : Fresh kept staring down, trying to get a handle on his spiraling feelings of relief, anger at himself, and general upsetness. But he didn't miss the slightly flinch that his mother gave when he moved, hugging him closer to her chest. He tried to move, a burning pain shooting through his chest with every movement. "....M-my chest k-kinda hurts..." He admitted quietly, unable to lie and glancing over at Dec to try to show his honesty. He couldn't help but stare at the line that he was attached to, his guilt doubling over rapidly but he tried desperately to control it.

Noko :  The little skeleton waited for his answer, he couldn't help but feeling terrible. he curled up to hug his legs.  I-it's my fault... you were having a nightmare... and I teleported in your room by accident and... I was worried... so... I tried to wake you up and you... you just had a bad reaction... it's alright... I'm fine... So please t-try to don't feel guilty about it... you didn't know.... I...  He hidden his face against his knee, a faint whine escaping him as he knew his best friend was suffering because of him. He hated himself for being so fragile and hurt him.  J-just try to rest... please...

Alaina : Fresh stared at him, still feeling guilt crawl through him dangerously, and he stared at his hands. He hurt Dec. He almost KILLED Dec. He stopped breathing- Fresh gasped, taken by surprise by the sharp pain that shot through him, doubling over as he tried to steady his breathing, his mother was already helping him lay back, trying to be as supportive as possibly.

"Fresh, honey, please be careful please..." She sounded on the verge of tears, and he blinked up at her, confused.

"Ma..." He frowned, and looked over at Dec, trying for his trademark smile through his strained features. "O-okay Dec....ok-kay....look, tryin'. See? N-nothin' ta worry bout..."

Noko :  The little skeleton peered at his friend, knowing how Fresh was, he couldn't help himself but be worried sick. All those nightmare, all the stress he was going through... all that fear... and now this... He haven't seen his soul yet, but from what he understand, Fresh was in BAD condition. He didn't knew what Fresh did to actually help him get better... but he could definitely see his magic run through his own body... somehow... Magic that definitely wasn't his... His eyes widened almost blankly at the fake smile Fresh was giving him.

His expression became blank for a second. N-nothing to worry about.... FRESH ! You have night terror ! You barely handle you're emotions ! You're always stressed out ! Y-you... YOU ARE AT THE HOSPITAL !!  Tears of anger came up in his eyesockets.  HOW COME AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT WORRY !!!  The little skeleton hiccuped as he was starting to sob.  T-think about y-yourself D-DAMNIT !

Alaina : Fresh stared, his jaw fell open and both he and his mother just looked at Dec for a moment, startled. Fresh felt the tears fall thickly before he even had a chance to appropriately react to them. "I'm sorry- I-I'm so-orry-!" He started to breath harshly, cursing himself internally at his mistake. That was stupid - stupid like everything he had done lately, and his voice cracked as he reached desperately for Dec, his chest starting to wrack with deep and heavy sobs that made increased his pain but "Dec, I'm - o-okay I'm s-sorry, all r-right? Pl-lease-"

"FRESH PLEASE, CALM DOWN!" His mother finally shouted, holding him close as she looked down at Dec, her body shaking slightly in worry. "Listen, both of you..." She moved to carefully sit down next to Dec, holding Fresh close but turning him to face the other child as he winced, arms still somewhat hesitant to reach for the best friend that he hurt.

Noko : Decans body started to shake faintly, wincing as his soul started to hurt. He grabbed his chest once more before looking at his best friend as CQ brought him closer. He took an heavy breath, whipping off his tears.  I don't want you to be sorry... I want you t-to think about yourself and get better... I'm n-not m-mad at you I just-  He paused gritting his teeth.  I just want you to think about yourself right n-now.... y-you're i-in worse s-shape then I am...

Alaina : Fresh blinked, his tear-stained face running over in confusion. "Worse dan...whaddya mean?" He tried to wipe away his tears, a touch of nervousness hitting him. His mother looked down, hesitantly.

"Honey...I'm not sure what you did...but you really.... really strained yourself, so you need to take it easy, okay?" She stated worriedly, and carefully settled Fresh to sit next to Dec, hoping to have his friend help shoulder the news.

Fresh kept glancing between the two, feeling left out. He glanced at Dec, feeling odd at being so close to him for some reason, searching his worried face with his own. "I just...y-ya know...worried bout y-ya too but..." His frown deepened, why did his chest hurt SO badly??

Noko :  The little skeleton, grimaced faintly as Fresh seemed clueless about his state, how could he be so unaware ? Didn't he said earlier that his soul was painful ? Then... how... couldn't he not feel how-... He took a deep breath, leaning over his friend, his body tensed up faintly, reaction caused by the earlier punch, but he soon relaxed as he wrapped his arms around his best friend to show that there was nothing to fear about HIM and that HE was fine. His embrace was weaker then usual but it was only due to his lack of magic.  I am fine. I just need some rest... Y-you need rest too... and you need to relax... think about yourself... p-please... just for once...

Alaina : Fresh held his breath as Dec hugged him, just for a moment, then he cracked a little and hugged his friend back gingerly, his own limbs shaking. "Okay, Dec..." His voice cracked with unspent sobs, tension growing that he was eager to release. "O-okay- hngh-!" Pain shot through him again, and he breathed rapidly, forcing himself to relax, bewilderment clouding his features. "Wh-what - IS THAT?!" He gasped, arm shaking around Dec as his mother looked at the two, biting her lower lip thoughtfully.

".....I....I didn't know whether to wait for Decans to leave or not...." She admitted, reaching to rub at her sons skull carefully.

Noko :  The little skeleton kept himself close, he tensed up as he saw his best friend get through lots of pain, he stared at him worriedly, but didn't let go as Fresh didn't released him either. His best friend reaction had nothing to rassure him and so did he looked at the other's mother, terrified.  I... I saw and heard lots of thing ! I want to be there for him ! It's because of me if h-he's here right now... I... I don't want to let him down... I don't want to l-let go... I want to stay... I want to s-stay... p-please...  He buried his face against the other's shoulder, trembling as guilt made him feel heavy.

Alaina : Fresh for once in his life felt tense, and honestly afraid. He held on to Dec, feeling the need to be 'grounded' for once. " wh-whats...."

"Fresh." She interrupted, keeping a firm but comforting hand on his shoulder. "Honey you''ve cracked your soul-" She got the words out quickly, having a hard time thinking about it herself.

Fresh was silent, his mouth falling open in disbelief. THAT...wasn't in the risks he had calculated...that shouldn't have been possible. He tried to stop himself from panicking, his limbs shaking as he was already reaching for the heart-shaped organ in his chest.

"Fresh, maybe that's not - " His mother started, but he was ignoring her.

Noko :  He peared at Fresh's mother in silence. but as he heard what was going on with him... He became pale, all color disappeared from his face along with his already weak pupils. He lost his vision for a moment, horrified by the news.  Wha-...  Fresh... cracked his soul ?! Because of- NO ! He trembled faintly, as silent as his best friend as guilt invaded him, but he quickly reacted what Fresh started to panic and shake. Recovering his vision almost immediately. The little skeleton grabbed the other's wrist.  F-Fresh... c-calm... please... y-you don't have to look at it right now... please... y-you have to relax before everything else... please...  He was almost begging, all he wanted was his friend to feel better, and look at his soul wouldn't be a good idea.  I-It's alright... y-you just need rest... okay ? Please...

Alaina : Fresh let Dec hold his wrist, too afraid to tug at the little guy, and listened carefully, panic still trying to creep its way through his mind. But he paused, carefully trying to calm down. ".....O-ok...." He croaked, giving in to Dec's reasoning. He didn't like not KNOWING, not SEEING for himself but...Dec was probably right, if it really WAS cracked...he tried to contain his rising fear that was clawing at him, opting instead to bury his head against Deccy carefully, shaking. "Ok. Ok. Okay. D-Deccy - Deccy - I'm scared. H-how -how d-do I...?" He tried to control his breathing, searching for the answer on how to handle the overwhelming feeling, and his mother hushed him quietly, rubbing at his back.

"It's OKAY,'s okay to be scared...shhhhh....relax sweetie..." She tried to soothe carefully.

Noko :  Decans was relieved that despite Fresh's stubborness that this one managed to actually listen to him. He released his hold to actually stretch himself slightly, ignoring the lingering pain of the IV to wrap his arms around the other's head and press it against his chest.  Your mom is right... it,s okay to be scared... I know it hurts... I... I know how it's like... just... just try to get better okay ? It's fine if you don't know yet... i-it can wait... He sobbed against Fresh's head.  Y-you have to rest to get better... I... I want you to get better...

Alaina : Fresh just nodded, trying his best to figure out a way to accept his fear. He wasn't sure how to though, so he tried to just let the comforting hug of his friend make him feel better for now. "Okay, Dec..." His voice cracked meekly, and he was unable to stop the built up tears of stress that he was wiping at, trying his best to cry in a way that built up stress in his chest, wincing at the twinge that started, but was able to feel it lessen as he let his tension drain with his tears. He snuggled against Dec carefully, feeling oddly drained and tired, and he jolted slightly as his mom pressed a cold pack to the back of his neck.

"You're still a little fevered." She reminded him gently, but was grateful that it wasn't anywhere near a dangerous least like before. He was still definitely running hot, but not the boiling mess of before.

Noko :  The little skeleton was relieved that his friend was trying his best to relax, yet he couldn't help himself but feel awfully guilty for the whole situation... if he didn't had teleported himself in Fresh room... nothing of this would ever had happen... his friend's soul would be intact and Fresh wouldn't be even more scared then he was used to by now. Decans let out a silent whiled, closing his eyesockets to simply stop looking at what was going on and try to forget that he was there. He could feel Fresh's presence within him... his magic coursing through his bones... that was confusing... he felt weird... as if it wasn't natural...  W-what have you... Fresh... ? What d-did you... did you do to my soul... I... it really feel weird... like... really weird...  He couldn't explain the sensation he was going through... it was as if HE was barely there.

Alaina : Fresh froze, looking down at Deccy as he grimaced, his grip on the little guy tightening a bit. He didn't want to think about it. Every time he did nausea lurched in him, Deccy lying on his bed, not moving, not breathing...he felt his soul burn in white hot pain at the idea, and he and he shuddered. "Dec..." Was all he could manage at first, a strangled sound accompanying the word. He let his head fall forward, trying to think of some way to recite what he did. "I...I b-built a runoff dimension a-around your soul." He muttered carefully. "It w-was- f-falling ap-" He stopped, his chest throbbing harshly. He was scared. Scared to hurt himself, to lose Deccy, to recall anything that had just happened, and he struggled to let the fear ease, to do something to stop the stresses from building, but right now the only thing that seemed to help was holding on to Deccy, and he tried his best to not squeeze his friend too tightly. "H-hurts..." He stated the explanation, shaking his head against Dec.

Noko : The little skeleton quickly regretted to have ever spoke about it. He held his breath as his best friend started to panic and wince in pain, his arms wrapped tighter around the other's head.  I-it's alright... I'm sorry... I'm fine... I'm okay... I'm here...  He sniffed burying his face against his skull, his soul hurt to see his best friend in such a state... he would have apologized over and over if it wasn't from Fresh frustration toward it.  I'm fine... you're alright... you okay... it's okay... I'm here...  He sobbed trying to ignore what Fresh had said about his soul that was falling apart... did he really-... he was alright, he was alive.

Alaina : Fresh just sniffed against his friend, unable to fully calm down even as his mother helped rub against his back. He was latched onto his friend, somehow being so close and comforted was automatically soothing, and after a moment he felt his spent tensions start to ease. "Um...d-da...da weird feelin' sh-should fade...d-don't worry b-bout it...just n-needs ta normalize..." He managed to mumble, rubbing against Dec almost needily. "So gl-lad ya okay..." He squeaked, finding comfort on focusing on the warm sensation of relief. The mother watched them with a heavy sigh.

"Oh kids..."

Noko : The little skeleton didn't released Fresh from his grip, making a faint whine as he rubbed his face against the others skull. He himself tried to ignore what happened earlier. He knew that Fresh never meant to hurt him. That he only reacted due to his nightmare... now his soul was cracked... he wondered if his state could get better in a way or another... souls were complex matter and usually reacting depending of the individual... What if Fresh... He tried to not think about it. He nodded slowly at the other's words... without Fresh he would have been gone... Please... make sure to get better.... l-let you heal... okay ?

Alaina : He just nodded again, just...content to relax against Dec as he rubbed his face against the others jacket to wipe the spent tears off his face. "....I....I th-think I'm...all right..." He practically whispered, still feeling 'attached' to his friend, and he glanced down. "...I'll...d-do my best..." He promised, and his mother leaned down.

"We have a recommendation to go see a healer. I can take you in a couple of days."

Fresh glanced over, still unwilling to even flinch away from Dec. "A dats...I mean d-dat could work but- "

"No, no buts. It's fine." She insisted, pecking at his skull quietly as he just stared at her.

Noko :  His attention quickly got drag away to the mother's words... and healer ?.... He knew how rare they where as not everyone had healing abilities. He never saw one in his life... but if Fresh needed a particular care... that wasn't good... He couldn't let go his best friend either, keeping himself close to Fresh as much as he could... it was so weird to feel his soul being somehow part of Fresh magic... He almost felt like he was part of him because of it while he was barely nonexistent. An healer...  He hidden his face against Fresh taking an heavy breath. I want you to get better...

Alaina : "I know..." Fresh mumbled, his body digging into Dec's. He let out a relaxing, but shuddering breath, he wasn't normally one to whine but the feelings were so overwhelming he couldn't stop the verbal complaint that escaped him, and with the practiced relief set he settled and relaxed considerably, leaning against his friend with a soft hum. "F-feelin' a lil better ta be honest wid ya..." He chuckled lightly, his normal confidence hinting its return. His chest was still tight, sore, but he was already well aware of the 'experiences' that a cracked soul would bring, so none of it was a surprise for him. He tried not to linger on the idea, as it was still disturbing, instead looking around for some kind of distraction. "So...w-we stuck h-here long?"

Noko :  The little skeleton never felt so relieved to be so close to Fresh, he felt like he needed to be there, he didn't imagined himself getting separated from Fresh at this moment. He listened to every complain coming from Fresh, simply holding tighter, ignoring the pain in his own chest as his IV was getting in the was, He was glad that after a moment, his friend was getting considerably calmer, the chuckles making him feel lighter in return, but he didn't laughed, he didn't felt he had the strenght to do it.  Don't know... I'm stabilised but I still need... m-more magic... My body doesn't produce it fast enough right now... b-but I'm fine...  He looked at CQ, worried.  How long will he stay ?

Alaina: "They wanted to look him over one more time, but...his fever isn't dangerous and there isn't much...else they can do. We could opt in to stay until then but..." She stated the words carefully, cupping her sons cheek to turn him towards her. "But we need to be very, very careful until we can get you to a treatment, okay?"

Fresh gave his mother a worried glance, and he nodded his understanding. "Kay"

She was quiet a moment, then let out a breath of harsh relief, moving to gently hug both boys. "You kids scared me."

Noko :  The little skeleton listened to Fresh's mother, grimacing slightly to knew that Fresh would probably go home soon... which was a good news, yet he didn't wanted him to go... he didn't know what would happen if he got separated from his best friend... His little fingers closed over the fabric of his clothes... He took a deep shuddering breath as he curled up against his best friend when this one promised that he would be really careful.  S-sorry...  He tried to keep it short, knowing that they were tired of his constant apologies. Yet he felt like everything that happened was his fault... any normal kid would simply have a bruise after such punch... but he- wasn't a simple kid... He didn't cried however, knowing that it would only make Fresh more worried then anything else...

Alaina : "N-no, no c'mon man I-it's ok-kay -" Fresh half-choked on the words, but he tried his best to stay calm even with his delicately balanced emotions. "L-look it -  " He grasped at Deccy suddenly a small shock of pain cutting off his sentence, his weight falling a little too heavily on the smaller friend as he tried to restrain a heavy groan, his mother looking him over worriedly.

"...Maybe we should opt into observation...just in case..." She murmured thoughtfully, honestly concerned about just how delicate Fresh's current condition was.

Noko :  The little skeleton hiccuped as Fresh grasped at him and fell partially over him. He didn't complained about the sudden pressure, too worried about his friend's condition, simply curled up against him, holding him as a koala as he refused to go. He wanted Fresh to get better, he never wished for that to happen, he didn't wanted him to get through so much pain. He burried his face into the other's shoulders to hide his expression, not wanting to worry him even more.  T-take it easy... please...

Alaina : "H-here-" His mother carefully placed her hand on his back and forehead, urging him to lay down. "We really shouldn't stress you...Fresh, honey, what do you want to do?"

Fresh tried to relax, but he admitted it was hard to do so sitting up. He glanced between his mom and Dec, a little unsure as he tried to ease his grip on Deccy slightly. "...M-maybe stayin'...just til I gotta w-wait...wouldn't b-be so bad..." He mumbled tiredly, trying to ease the throbbing in his chest.

Noko :  The little skeleton sighed, nuzzling tiredly the other's shoulder as he said seemed incoherent or at least incomplete. He didn't questioned it however, he was pretty sure it was due to the other's chest pain and how he felt.  Just... maybe... He yawned.  Try to rest... you will feel better for sure... or at least you won't think as much...  He was hoping so, especially considering the other's night terror.

Alaina : "Dec..." Fresh mumbled, hugging the smaller kid close to his sore chest. He was still nervous about being close to him, frowning worriedly but feeling soothed as he relaxed deeper and deeper backwards. "Mm...k-kay...I...I d-don't wanna leave D-Dec..." He clung to his friend, rubbing at his friends back tiredly as he kept his arms wrapped around him.

"...I'll talk to the nurses." The mother promised, her concerned face turning to the smaller child. "Are you feeling okay?"

Noko :  The little skeleton nuzzled Fresh once more, sighing as he was relaxing. He didn't even tried to understand what happened... as much Chill was curious to understand why his chest didn't hurt and why he seemed... so fine... He new that Fresh needed rest more then reply to his questions. He nodded slowly when CQ asked him if he was feeling okay.  Mmmhmm...  He yawned again.  I want to stay with... bro...  He closed his eyes sockets, exhausted. His the magic supplement that was puggled to his soul was almost running out.

Alaina : "Okay...I'll go see what I can do..." She hummed quietly, gently stroking at both of the boys' heads. They were both obviously exhausted, Fresh calmer snuggling into his friend than before. "Take a rest. Don't worry about it, okay?" She said soothingly, watching the room for a nurse as she looked over the boys.

Noko : Luckily, Decans' condition wasn't too worrying he was sent home the day after with magical supplement pills to regulate his magic properly as it's level was still quite low. He had to get through the rant of both his parents this time, but constantly worried about his best friend, the little skeleton always ended up at his place to make sure that this one was getting better in a way or another. He was waiting on the couch playing with his legs nervously as he knew that today was a really important one.

Alaina : Fresh basically spent the last two days in bed, trying his best to distract himself with his games and books as he was far too aware than any lingering on negativity could hurt him further...he was glad to have handle enough to keep his fever down for the most part, always feeling better with Deccy around - and he felt bad for his mom, who was staying up with him almost the entire time to help watch his moods. He tried to not let the guilt get to him, as his chest ached with the feeling, and he no matter how tempting he promised Dec he wouldn't stress himself out further by looking at his soul. Now, with his brothers being watched by Asy, Fresh shrugged his jacket on to walk out the door with his mother, sticking close to her out of unnatural nervousness, unused to the situation he had found himself in. He rubbed at his arm awkwardly as his mother knocked on the neighbors door, and he tried to steady his hands in his pockets, not really one to approve for fidgeting.

Noko :  The little skeleton jumped of his couch, assuring himself that everything was in his fanny pack before looking at his mother.  Mom... time to go... I...I will be back later.  His mother offered him a nod and some kind of awkward grumble, her mood had been quite off since he came back from the hospital... she was probably 'sulking' at him in a way of another for not have been as careful as usual by teleporting himself in Fresh's room and cause that whole awkward situation. Decans took an heavy breath, trying to gather his courage.  Bye mom, love you.  He gave her a quick hug before heading at the door and get out.  I'm here....  He glomped Fresh in a clingy way.
Alaina  : "H-hey-" Fresh automatically hugged his friend back, feeling and sounding a little more nervous than usual. CQ just watched the kids, she wished she had the strength to smile at their close attachment at the moment, but just gently pressed the kids towards the direction of the car.

"Come on, don't want to be late." She stated gently, noting Fresh's minor shaking. He adjusted his glasses, pressing them close to his face as a way to hide behind them like a safety blanket.

"K-kay ma - "

Noko :  The little skeleton nuzzled the other's shoulder as he used to since the past few day always searching to get closer somehow as if his presence could help out soothe the other's pain. He shifted aways reluctantly however when she rushed them to the car.  O-okay...  He headed to the car, noticing the other's nervous gesture, Decans held his hand to show him that he was there no matter what would happen.  It's gonna be okay... d-don't worry
Alaina : Fresh just squeezed at Dec's hand, nodding. "Kay." He replied, wanting to show that he recognized and understood he had support, but also finding it taking a lot of concentration to keep himself together. For some reason he was REALLY nervous, and he didn't want to let it get to him, fear of hurting his already damaged soul even more keeping his composure intact. He could relieve his tension after he was healed - he hoped. His understanding mother helped him in the car, waiting for the kids to properly install themselves before she started the car.
Noko :  The little skeleton moved in the car, right after Fresh was set properly in it, making sure his own belt was properly clipped before holding Fresh's once more. He might not be able to lay over him or hug him, but he couldn't resolve to don't touch Fresh as he needed some support. He couldn't bear to let him suffer in silence as nervosity was building up. As the car started, the little skeleton smiled at Fresh.  Y-you know... my magic is getting better... the pills help a lot, soon I won't have to take them as often.

Alaina : Fresh made the tiniest of movement, like he was snapping out of a daydream, and looked over at Dec, quiet a moment, but then he managed something he wasn't sure he was going to be able to do today - he cracked a grin. "F-feelin' better den?" He asked positively, making sure to rest as much of his body weight as possible into the seat, now automatically used to resting his sore chest. "H-hows da 'strangeness'?"
Noko :  Decans nodded slowly.  Way better... uhm...  He reached his chest, playing with his plexus.  Your magic haven't wear off yet... I still feel it... a lot... 'doesn't feel weird anymore though... Probably because I'm used to it by now...  He blushed brightly, trying to avoire his best friend to worry too much.  I think it will take a while before it... it goes away...  He prefered avoid to talk about how inexhistent he still felt at some point.
Alaina : "Y-yeah...probably. Sorry bout dat..." He finally muttered. "I...didn't have alotta time ta...think..." He took a deep, relaxing breath, his fingers flinching around Decans hand a bit as his pain increased mildly at the action, but it helped relieve his tension.

Noko :  He offered him a soft smile.  Hey... it's just magic, y-you did your best... I wouldn't-  He paused looking away before taking a relaxing breath as well. I'm alive because you reacted quickly... so I'm really thankful...   He leaned over his shoulder.  And I'm fine, you did your best... okay ?  He stared at the window blankly.  What do you want to do once we get back home ?
Alaina : He stayed contemplatively quiet, taking in the info and feeling warmed by his best friends understanding and caring. "I...was hopin' ta skate...if I was up for it." He admitted sheepishly. "Dat's probably a long shot tho..." He tilted his head to stare in the same direction as Dec. He already knew which clinic they were headed to, and it wasn't too far.
Noko :  He looked once against at Fresh when this one spoken.  Well, you can always try with a walk ? Then skate a lil for time to time ? No reason to push youself too much but I'm sure you would be happy to go outside a bit.  He tried to offer him his best smile.  Oh ! Right.  He reached his fanny pack and opened it to search for something he had decided to brought with him. He took out a really bad shaped tressed bracelet.  I... I tried my best to make it looks good... but... I... I know it's not pretty and that... you know... that it sound silly but I though that... maybe it could bring you... luck ?

Alaina : Fresh stared, his jaw falling slack in shock as he stared at the handmade trinket. It took him a minute to find his words, blinking in disbelief from behind his glasses. ".....D-deccy Dec..." He physically blushed, feeling a heat dust his cheeks that wasn't from fever. "You - hngh." He suddenly felt so comfortably warm, the pain in his chest easing more than it had in the last two days, and he couldn't help the infectious grin that made him nuzzle as tightly against Deccy as he could. "M-man ya da bomb diggidy broski!!" He breathed, happy tears he couldn't stop starting to stain his face.
Noko :  The little skeleton blushed at the other's reation, he didn't expected Fresh to actually appreciate his gift, the bracelet, even if he did his best... this one seemed poorly made... as if a 5 years old had tried it for the first time... As good he was with theorical... practice had always been his weakness.  I....I'm happy you like it... eh...  He blinked when he suddenly saw the tears came out from his face.  F-Fresh... you alright ?
Alaina : "F-fine, wh- oh." He stopped, as if suddenly realizing the problem, and moved his glasses to rub at his face, his face lit up with appreciation and gratitude...happiness. "S-sorry...dat better?" He asked sheepishly, looking down at Dec with flushed features.
Noko :  The little skeleton nodded, smiling happily as he could saw the other's happiness on his face, he reached his hand over his wrist, fingers trembling.  I... I'll try my best to make a better one that will be as rad as you... b-but I hope it will bring you luck today... and... lots of courage. I know it's hard and that you're scared... but... y-you're strong. Everything will be alright.  He carefully attached the bracelet around his wrist.

Alaina : Fresh felt his tears renew with vigor, honestly touched by Dec's gift, and he tried to wipe away the tears faster than they appeared, which he was failing spectacularly at. "M-man I d-dunno what I-I'd do wi-ithout ya h-here...." He half hiccupped, and frowned when he realized the car had stopped, his mother turning around to check on the boys.

"...Ready, baby?"

Fresh wrapped his hand in Decs. "...not really." He admitted, but moved to get out of the car anyway.

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