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  Who could've thought Fresh being careless even though he had emotions? Well, definitely not the Crayon family! It happened too fast. One day Fresh was faking his emotionless smile and the other day he was full of rage and hate! Towards what or who? Surprisingly Error.

  It looked like Fresh had already had enough of Error's actions when he was the little emotionless kid. But he was always so successful about hiding them all.

  Of course, it was just another ordinary morning which had Error in it. The glitch was mocking Fresh again. He was calling Fresh bad names. Fortunately, there weren't any physical harm from neither Error nor Fresh.

  Until then, something "unfresh" happened. Fresh glitched. His bones became black for a second, then turned back to normal. Small "FRESH" signs formed over his whole body in that little one second. His eye sockets became a dark purple with his eye lights black. Slight growling from him could be heard. Geno was there, too. He was mostly trying to stop the little fight between the two, but there was no avail. So Geno saw the whole event. The things that happened to Fresh was really scary for him. 

  Error couldn't give a funk about this, probably because he wasn't looking at his little brother. When he looked at Fresh, though, he was just fine. His shades were already off, since Fresh didn't even finish getting ready for the morning. The only thing new were his colorful clothes, which also turned unmatched colors, then turned back to normal.

  While these all were happening, Fresh never really cared about it. He was busy trying control his anger. Ever since he was able to feel emotions, the most common emotions were anger, maybe even rage and grief. They all hurt him so much. He sometimes wished he never felt anything. Not to mention that these were his only emotions. He never felt happiness, joy or any other.

  Suddenly, after some seconds, when the glitching finally ended, Fresh turned to Error. He had a judgmental look on his face. The eyebrows of his were furrowed.

  "Waddaya want from me?" He asked, getting angrier by the second. 

  Error looked at the younger with confusion. What had happened to Fresh? He never acted like this in his life. Never. Error smiled, still confused, then laughed. Geno stared at the glitch, disappointed.

  "I'm not joking!" Fresh said in a harsh tone, just like how Error's tone was to Fresh nearly everytime. Error wasn't joking anymore. His multicolored eye sockets were on Fresh, glaring at him with a shocked expression.

  "I'm tired of this! I'm tired being your cool-off for everything! I'm tired of you always acting like a bully to me! Only to me! Do you think I funking wanted to do this?" The neon skeleton shouted. His voice was loud and glitching. This caused Error to step a few steps back.

  "What's wrong with you?" The middle nearly shouted, to which Fresh got angrier. Geno was watching the whole thing, nit knowing what to do.

  "What's wrong with me? You can't really be serious!" Fresh shouted. None of the parents were home, not even Uncle Asy. They were old anough to know what what ti do and what not to, after all.

  "There's nothing wrong with me, you freak!" Yelled Error.

  "Error! Don't call Fresh that! And you, Fresh, calm down!" Geno finally said as calm as he could be, but sounding angry just in case. He looked at Frehs to see him glitching here and there with hatred in his expression. It reminded him of Error so much.

  "I'm going to my room. Don't. Bother." Said Fresh harshly before turning away and going to his room, shutting it behind him.

  "Fresh..." The oldest tried to say after Fresh, but was late. He sighed and turned to Error.

  "Error, you're gonna have to apologize. Please?"

  The middle made a grumpy face and crossed his arms. His eye sockets were closed.

  "Why should I be the one to apologize?"

  After those words, Geno and Error got a pretty harsh conversation. It made Error glitch and even crash, but Geno was able to calm him down and continue the conversation. Error apologized to Geno, but never to Fresh.

  While these were all happening, Fresh was locked in his room, trying to calm himself down. He got a knife near him. He looked at it, then looked at a family photo, exactly on Error's face. It made him sick. It made him wanna punch, kick- even kill somebody.

  He had to calm down. He must calm down right now. But what will he use to calm himself? Reading couldn't fix this, neither could hanging out with Deccy. Frustrated, Fresh put his hands on the sides of his skull and pressed them in. He screamed and screamed his lungs out while tears were spilling down. A purple-pink fog was coming out of his eye sockets and was filling the room with warmth and colors.

  After a few minutes, a sound could be heard inside Fresh's room. Fresh did not bother to look at the sound, but it seemed like the noise decided to look at him.


  This voice was familiar. Fresh turned around and saw Decans looking at Fresh worriedly. Fresh fliched a bit, to which Decans flinched with him. Seemed like Decans had teleported here.

  "Fresh! Are you alright?" Decans asked pretty quickly and worriedly. Fresh didn't answer. He could still feel the rage on his soul, and it was slowly driving him insane.

  Decans was about to wrap Fresh in a hug until he saw the room. It was fully purple and pink. The smaller then looked at Fresh and saw the fog making its way out. He was now trying to solve the puzzle.
  Fresh ignored Decans. He was just so mad right now. He could even choke Decans to his death, but it'd be more affective if it was Error who was standing there instead of Decans. Fresh tried to take deep breaths. This happier him a little bit, but he still couldn't get rid of the sight of Error.

  Decans knew what would make Fresh feel better. A touch. He hugged the taller as right as he could, which wasn't that tight.

  "Calm down, Fresh..." Decans said with a gentle voice. Fresh wasn't completely calmed down, but it was better now. He still hated Error, though.

  As the time went on, Fresh got calmer. Decans' rubs on his head also helped him. After glitching a bit again, he calmed down and started to take deep breaths of relief.

  "Thanks, Deccy..." He said, smiling with comfort. Decans let go of Fresh and smiled cheerfully at him. His eye lights were half yellow and half blue now.

  "You're welcome, Fresh!"

  A knock on the door was heard. Geno'a comforting and worried voice came through it.

  "Fresh..? Bro? Are you okay there..?"

  The youngest of the three brothers didn't have the energy and the will to answer the door. He looked ta Decans with poor eye sockets. Decans who understood what Fresh wanted by just looking at his face got up and walked towards the door. He too the handle and opened it.

  "Hey, Geno!" He said, to which Geno looked at Decans with a confused expression.

  "Deccy? W-what are you doing here..?" The oldest asked, not seeing Fresh and getting more worried at the moment even though he knew he could count on Decans.

  Decans moved away from the door to let Geno see Fresh on the ground, smiling weakly with dark circles from all the crying and lack of energy. Geno ran to Fresh without any more expressions on his face.

  "Fresh... are you okay..?"

  The only thing Fresh did was nodding. He whimpered softly and snuggled to Geno, to which Geno snuggled back. The older was patting the youngest's head gently. This was making Fresh feel so much more comfortable.

  Soon, Geno pulled away from the hug. Fresh was almost sleeping by now. Geno looked at Decans, Decans looked at Geno shyly.

  "Thank you, Deccy. You clearly care about him." Geno said as he put a hand on Decans' shoulder. Decans smiled and nodded. His eye lights were almost completely blue.

  "Welp... I... I will leave you two alone. Take good care of Fresh for me, okay?"

  "Of course! I-I'll do my very best!"

  Geno nodded in reply and left the room with a smile. Decans sighed and turned around to see Fresh was asleep on the floor. He was snoring slightly and twitching here and there, not to mention some 'FRESH' signs started to appear on his body. This made Decans feel a bit scared and worried.

  The smaller got the blanket from Fresh's bed and wrapped ot around Fresh to avoid him being cold in this rainy day. Fresh let out a whimper and smiled  making Decans smile as well. Decans also felt tired, so he got inside the blanket and closed his eye sockets. The two slept peacefully until morning.


It's been a long time since I last edited this book! Dang!

Welp, at least it's out now QwQ

I'd be pretty happy if ya guys shared some ideas, so the oneshots will continue much faster and woth more motivation!

Have a nice day, ya'll♡

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