Swap CQ

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  Now this was an idea I had, but it's probably not my original idea. We once talked about this with readerxviewerchan , and it looked luke we both thought about the same thing!

  This AU is basically the three bros but they are swapped, meaning that Fresh is the sick one, Geno is the edgy one and Error is the emotionless one. I may move the personalities and abilities a bit.


  Fresh coughed as he watched his older brothers fight the fourth time today. They would always fight like this. This would just make Fresh feel worse. This was bad, because he needed positivity to be able to be healed easily.

  "Hey... why are ya'll fightin' over dis time?" Fresh stepped out of the place he was hiding, gathering the two's attention.

  "Oh! Fresh! You're awake..!" Geno says as he stops the fight and walks over Fresh, worried that ot was not healthy for the youngest to wake up this early. It was around 6 a.m. on a Saturday!

  "Morning, Fresh." Error greeted Fresh with a fake smile.

  Fresh looked to Error to smile softly and sweetly,trying his hardest not to look tired.

  "Hey, brah! Hozzit goin'?"

  "It's goin' great, I suppose. We were just having a fight with Geno right here." Error pointed at Geno with his head, causing Fresh to look disappointed.

  "I wonder who started it!" Geno shouts at Error.

Fresh interferes the two, his limbs sore in every inch because of the treatments. He was always so tired because of them.

  "Brahs! Stahp dat right away, please!"

  Fresh didn't have glasses on his eye sockets, making everyone be able to see his eyelights full of life and joy.

  The two stopped- no, actually Geno stopped. He was mad at Error due to the fact that he couldn't feel anything. He also believed that Error was one if the reasons that he got this white glitch. It really hurt once he got that.

  "Don't expect me to be nice to you, Error! I know you would be able to feel somehow! I don't think you're trying hard enough!" Geno said with a pout, making Fresh's cheek bones to be purple because of the slight anger. How dare Geno say this? Couldn't he see that Error was tring his hardest?

  "This isn't my fault that I am like this, you know? I can't do anything about it but to try and I am already trying hard enough." Error defended himself. This made Fresh surprised, since this was Error's first time defending himself over his older brother.

  On the other hand, Geno looked pissed. He was glitching more and more each second because of anger. This was it until Fresh put a hand on Geno's shoulder, making the angry glitch startle.

  "Geno-brah... don't all up 'n say those things to Error! Ya kno dat he tried hard enough."

  Geno didn't turn to Fresh. Instead, he sighed and let out a deep, long and frustrated sigh. He then looked over at Error again before leaving to his room and closing it behind him in a stern way  which made Fresh feel guilty.

  The colorful and sick skeleton gazed at Error, then hugged him tightly, only to be hugged back by Error. Once Fresh pulled away, he quickly ran to Geno's door and knocked it.

  "G-Geno Brah? O-open da door, please!"

  There was no response or sound coming from the door. This made Fresh feel worried, nit that he was already worried before. Without hesitation, Fresh knocked again.

  "Geno! Please, it's me! Fresh! Please, open the door!"

  Those darn emotions swelled up inside Fresh, making his soul beat faster in worry and fear, causing Fresh to cough a bit before knocking again.

  "Geno! Open the door! I am w-worried..!"

  After waiting for some seconds, when there was so sound or response, Fresh felt his soul beat even faster. This only made him lose his ability to stand up for some seconds. Fresh fell down, coughing. This didn't stop him from knocking Geno's door, though.

  The sounds of coughing and whimpers could be heard almost everywhere in the house, making Error follow the sound. This event woke Crayon up from her sleep, since her door to the corridor was slightly open.

  By the time Error was able to see where the sound was coming from, Fresh had stopped knocking the door. He was panting and wheezing with all his breath. Geno was there, too and be was trying to help Fresh get his breath back again. He was currently so worried, that his everywhere was glitching. He was so ready to crash all of a sudden, at least that's what looked like. It only took just some seconds for Geno to crash.

  Fortunately, Crayon was right behind Error, and saw everything that happended - at least the part which Geno crashed.

  Error looked at Crayon, waiting for her to say what ti di in this situation. Crayon looked down at him with a worried and scared expression, pointing at Geno. This meant that Error was going to calm Geno down, or at the last, wait for him to gain his consciousness.

  Meanwhile, Crayon rushed over at Fresh. Asy wasn't here, he had a few problems with family at the time. Crayon lifted Fresh up bridal-style as she rushed to her littlest son's room and put him down on his bed. The mother got the glass if water and pulls from the desk and gave them to Fresh, to which Fresh swallowed it along with water.

  It took a while for Fresh's breath to become even again. In this long amount of time, Geno had been returned to consciousness and ran to Fresh's room when Error told him what happened. Error was still as calm as before, not even smiling.

  "F-Fresh... You..?" Grno started to talk. Before he could finish, Fresh held his older brother's hand and gave him a reassuring smile.

  "I-I'm fine, Geno! Dun't go worryin' 'bout me, yeah?"

  Geno looked away, then at him again. He gave a smile back and nodded, still worried inside.

  "S-sure, Fresh..."

  "A shEDDY brotherly binding time, eh? Without me?" Error said before giving a smile to the others. It was more like a smirk. Geni frowned at this, but knowing that Fresh actually loved Error, no matter the lack of emotions, he let Error in, to which Error 'gladly' shifted near Fresh.

  The youngest smiled wider and yanwed. The pill he just swallowed was one of those which made him sleepy. Without saying a "see you", Fresh fell asleep.

  Geno sighed and turned to Error. He looked at him with stern, but soft expression.

  "Heh. You know what? You are not all that bad, bro..!"

  Error smiled again. He leaned his back to the side if the bedband closed his eye sockets tobthink about it. Once this was done, he nodded and did nothing else after that.

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