Chapter 1: Her

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(3rd Person POV)

The city of Akihabara, Japan, the place where the CQs walk, having their holidays in Japan, walking around, the 3 brothers walks around, there was only 3...

No, not 4...

But 3...

3 brothers, and no sister... Where did she go?

"How was your work yesterday guys?", the eldest, Geno, had asked his brothers, the glitchy one looked at him bluntly, his bandaged cheek staring at the eldest, as he then raised his arm and pointed at the bandages covering it as he then spoke with a blank expression, "Clearly, it was FUN, and I didn't almost get caught by the men, and I didn't get hurt at all", his voice full of sarcasm, Geno laughed softly.

"What about you Fresh?", Geno asked, the colorful, youngest brother turned his attention to Geno as he smiled, "Well, ya see, me and Deccy dec gone ta solve a case. It was totes hard yo! But there ain't nothin we can't handle!", he said, his lingo stepping in every word, "What about ya bro?", the youngest asked the eldest.

"I'm glad you asked, well, recently, there was a murder case, and it seems that the murderer was associated with the recent other villain murders, the victim was a man who abused his daughter, and he had an 'X' mark on his chest painted with blood. Just like the other murders", the eldest explained smartly as he then put his finger on his chin to think, "I wonder why and who tho...", he mumbled to himself.

"Geno, chill, this is our vacation, we can't ruin it with our stress! Just relax for once", the glitchy one stated with a laid back tone, "Yeah Error, you're right", Geno agreed as he sighed in defeat.

They kept on walking around Akihabara, before actually stopping to an anime store, "Oh. My. Asgore! Is that what I think it is?!!", the eldest' only eye turned to a star as he looked in awe of what was inside the store, "THE 100 YEAR QUEST CHARACTER DESIGNS!!! OH MY ASGORE THIS IS AWESOME!!!", the eldest ran into the store.

The two other brothers looked at each and sighed before they were about to walk in, the eldest walked back out of the store, a book in hand and a couple of snacks in a bag he was holding.

"Done brah?", the youngest asked his brother, Geno nodded, "Yeah, now let's go back to the hotel!", Geno stated.

Just as Geno turned to Error, Error walked into the anime store, "Error?", Geno asked, concerned about his brother who suddenly walked into the store.

Error stopped in front of the plushie collection, he gazed at one of the plushies, it was a yellow Pokemon, from the anime, it had drawn on red cheeks, eyes, and a crooked smile, it also had black on the bottom, to be exact, it was a Mimikyu.

Error touched the Mimikyu, he took it of the shelf collection, and red the price tag, it wasn't that expensive, only ¥5.000 (I realized it was too expensive and actually searched for the actual price online...).

He bit his lip, gaining some memories of his family, remembering the times that had watched Pokemon together, and how he loved dark type Pokemons, and also...


"Whoa! It's so cool!", a little Geno yelled as he saw something in front of him, there, stood a young girl, very very young, younger than Fresh, she had (h/c) hair, and it was (h/l).

She wore a (f/c) sweater and (sf/c) shorts, and she was holding a little Pickachu plush, she smiled and nodded at her brother.

"Yeah, I got it from momma. She said she saw it in a store in Japan", the little girl smiled as she showed the box from where the plush came from, it was a cardboard box, with Japanese on it.

"That's so cool! Right Error? Fresh?", the eldest asked his other two brothers, the other two nodded.

Suddenly, a knock was heard from the door, the siblings spun their head towards the door, the room fell quiet, and the atmosphere turned tense.

The door then opened, revealing...

"Momma!", the siblings yelled in joy as they saw their mother in the doorway, back from her trip, in her hands were bags of souvenirs from Japan, and she also had her bag next to her,"Hello kids", she greeted with a smile as she closed the door, and entered the room.

She sat on the couch, and the siblings sat next to her, "So? How was it? Was Japan cool!", her little girl asked, "Of course it was sweety", she kissed the girl's forehead, "We missed you mom", the glitchy one mumbled as he hugged his mother.

His mother smiled at him before kissing his forehead as well, "I miss you too, kids", as she then hugged the four kids with warmth.

"So? Mind telling us how the con was?", the eldest asked his mother, "Well, it was great, so many people came to buy the comics and lots of other art. It was interesting too, there were also many other comics.", their mother, CQ, explained, the youngest of them asked their mother, "So, what happened next?", he asked with his emotionless tone.

CQ looked at her youngest son, and then the watch on the wall, she the let out a sigh, "Well, now it's time for bed, kids", she stated, hearing groans of complaint from her four children.

She then proceeds to tuck her four little angels to their bed (they sleep together because they are still young), and then kissed their foreheads, "Good night kids, sleep tight", she said, "Night mom", the eldest, who was the only one awake, answered.

She then shuts off the light which only leaves the nightlight the only one shining, and closed the door.

-End of Flashback-

Error looked at the plush one more time, before walking to the cashier to pay, he paid for it, and walked back out to his brothers, "A Mimikyu?", his elder brother asked, Error nodded and opened his mouth before speaking, "Yeah, she loved Pickachu's... Mimikyu reminds me of...



Thank you guys so much for reading this book! More chapters will come out! Have a great day!

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