Chapter 2: She

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(3rd Person POV)
[X-Event Hideout, ???]

"So... Who's the next one?", a voice in the dark boomed...

"Seems to be a man... About 32 years old... He's a heavy drug dealer and a man who sells women for his clients", another one said, but it's voice sounded more low and deep, a big raspy as well.

"Well, what are we waiting for X? Just give us the location and we'll slit his throat", a feminine one boomed through the darkness, her voice sounded annoyed.

"Patience, (Y/n). Master still has some information...", the first voice stated, hearing a feminine 'tch' afterwards.

"Indeed, Cross is right... You will need to be careful, the police are also investigating them...", their 'boss' X, boomed.

"Yes sir", the two said in union.

[Police department, Ebbot City]

"We're back", Geno stated as he walked in the department alongside his brothers, he opened the door to see Blueberry talking to Reaper.

"Oh hey Geno, you're back!", the blue skeleton greeted, "How was Japan?", Reaper asked, "Error seems to have fun with his new doll", Geno stated pointing at his brother, the second youngest blushed a yellow and complained, "G-GENO! YOU PROMISED NOT TO TELL!!!", he stuttered raging at the eldest.

"Where's Deccy dec?", the colorful, youngest, skeleton asked, "He's in the office, says the kid got a new case about the X", the reaper stated sipping his Starbucks.

"Thanks mah blacky friend!", Fresh thanked Reaper as he walked to his office, hearing the reaper mumbling something about being a bit racist calling him black.

"Oh yeah! Can the two of you get us these?", the cheerful Blueberry asked as he gave them a list of groceries, "But we just changed into our uniforms!", the red scarf skeleton complained, "And we just got back from Japan!", his younger brother added, "Your problem not mine! Let's go Reaper! Good luck you two!", Blueberry ran away dragging Reaper.

"I am not changing... You?", Error asked his elder brother, "No shit Sherlock, I'm with you...", the eldest said bluntly and tiredly.

[Supermarket, Ebbot City]


The automatic doors open, the speakers greeting them, "Alright, let's get this over with", the eldest sighed, Error took the list and ripped it in half, "I take this half, you take the other", he stated and walked away, leaving his elder brother.

'Well shit... I'm on my own aren't I?', the elder thought to himself as he then sighed and walked to a compartment, "Alright... Chocolate for... Reaper, Chara... Probably need about... Seven or eight bars", Geno said to himself as he raised his hand to take the bar.

Then he felt another hand touch his, the hand was then pulled back, Geno looked at the direction it pulled back to, and saw.

A probably female figure, standing there, she wore a (f/c) hoodie and (sf/c) pants, the hoodie was up, so Geno could only see half of the figure's face, he saw that her skin was white as snow, as white as skeleton bones.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were gonna take that one sir", the figure stuttered, "Haha, don't worry ma'am", Geno replied to the figure, little did he know, he was talking to a criminal, a X-Event assassin, a member of his family, his sister (Y/n).

'Shit shit shit shit! That's Geno, the brave police officer! If I get caught, I'm screwed! Not to mention he's my brother!', (Y/n) cussed in her mind, she then took four chocolate bars and sped away.

(Y/n) then took a sharp turn from the stall and towards the meat section to buy some sausages for the hot dogs, as she walked, she only paid attention to the list and her own mind, and so, she bumped into someone.

(Y/n) looked up, her hoodie was showing her mouth and nose, she looked up to see a monster figure, a skeleton, with black bones, and wearing a cop uniform, she recognized who it was immediately, and the skeleton turned around and looked down on her.

She was now sweating bullets, scared for life, 'Ah shit... This is the end of me... Fuck', is what her last thoughts would be if she could do from shock and shame.

"Are you alright, ma'am?", the skeleton broke her from her thoughts, "O-Oh! I'm alright! No need to worry!", (Y/n) stuttered, 'Cold as ever, tch, asshole', is what her mind says.

(Y/n) stood up, she stood up with a sigh and grabbed the list that fell from her hands as well as the hard plastic bag that was used to take the groceries before buying them, the took her things and walked pass her own brother.

She took a little container filled with sausages and put it in the hard bag, (Y/n) saw a glimpse of hot dog bread and yanked it from the place, she then took it in her bag and ran to the cashier to pay, leaving a suspicious Error and Geno.

[Outside the store, Ebbot City, 7:00pm]

Geno and Error had paid for the groceries and went outside the store, the doors open to reveal a dark sky, "How long were we in there...", Error had asked, concern and confusion lacing in his glitchy voice, he turned towards his elder brother, and saw him shrug in confusion as well.

The black skeleton then sighed in frustration, his fingers on his forehead, meaning that he was too tired for shit, "Whatever...", he mumbled in his state.

"Come on pretty girl~ Let's have some fun~", the brothers heard a whisper near the alleyway across them, "Get the hell away perv, what are you, ten?", a female voice spat at the whispered pervert, by the time they reached the alley, they shone some light.

The brothers see two men, one grabbing an arm that belonged to a hooded female, and one looking at the brothers.

The female one had a quick realization, as she then raised her leg and kicked the man holding her in the balls, making him collapse, and just before he did, she used his shoulder as support and jumped high, kicking the other man in his neck, just above to be too close to his head.

The two men collapsed unconscious, and she landed at the hard concrete floor, and looked at the two skeletons in front of her, before grabbing her groceries that were on the floor and running in, "Wait!", one of the skeletons yelled, seeing as the figure disappeared into the shadows.

"Who exactly... Is




ho was the girl?

How did she do that?

Where did she go?

These questions will be answered soon in the next chapter!

See you soon!

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