Chapter 1: She Bat Search

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Here we see you wide awake eating breakfast while working on an invention as Coraline comes into the room and sees you.

Coraline: "Whatcha working on?"

(Y/N): "I call it the Ink Pen, it has the power to enter the world made by Joey Drew himself so that we can get the people trapped in the loop out of there. I am working out some of the kinks in the pen."

Coraline: "Huh, neat."

(Y/N): "I have been talking to Francine Langstrom lately and she has commissioned me to keep an eye on her incase the She Bat transformation was ever triggered again. I have been working on a chemical that prevents her transformation if Joker or any other villain wants to use her She Bat form or worse mount her head on the wall and use her wings as a cloak."

Coraline: "Can't they use her husband, Man-Bat?"

(Y/N): "They can't."

You then place a newspaper on the table that Dr. Kirk Langstrom has been reported missing as Coraline reads it.

Coraline: "Dr. Kirk Langstrom has been reported......missing?"

(Y/N): "Look on the next page."

Coraline then reads the next page and she sees a report that a monster hunter named VanHellscream has hunted down the Man Bat.

Coraline: "Ohh, oh no. Poor Kirk."

(Y/N): "Yeah, that's why Francine put me in charge of containing the She Bat before it is unleashed onto the world."

Coraline: "That makes sense, wouldn't it be easier to split her and her she-bat half into two separate beings?"

(Y/N): "Certainly, I've been working on that as well in case the chemicals won't work. I haven't tested it yet but it would be safe enough to try it out."

Coraline: "How are you gonna do that?"

(Y/N): "Hmmm, perhaps someone with multiple personalities would be a great test subject, but who?"

Coraline thinks for a minute and she sees the TV playing clips of Total Drama and sees Mike on some of them.

Coraline: "Ohh that guy."

(Y/N): "An excellent candidate for testing our device."

Coraline: "Good thing he's one of our clients from our other jobs other than monster catching, we do baked goods too."

You then press the pepper shaker like it's a button to bring out a phone and you call Mike.

Mike: *over the phone*"Hello?"

(Y/N): "Mike my friend, I have a device that can separate a person's multiple personalities into multiple bodies which I call the Body Splitter and I need someone to make sure it works properly."

Mike: *over the phone* "Sounds amazing, it's about time I meet my other personalities face to face for the first time since they resurfaced again recently."

Coraline: *takes the phone*"Wait, I thought you and yourselves all came to an agreement or something?"

Mike: *over the phone*"Oh we all come to an agreement, it's Mal I'm afraid of."

Coraline: "Oh gotcha, well don't worry we'll get you fixed."

Sometime later, we see Mike in your lab and you are getting the machine ready.

Mike: "So how does it work?"

(Y/N): "By simply scanning your molecular structure, it will create several bodies that are fit for the personality that is from your mind and at the same time extract the parts of your mind that have excess personalities to make one body for multiple people into multiple bodies for multiple people."

Mike: "Uhh..."

Coraline: "It'll split you into different people."

Mike: "Gotcha."

You then open the chamber door and Mike then heads in and you place a mindscanner on Mike and you then close the door and then you turn on the machine as it then spins around until it stops and beeps as it is finished. You then open the chamber door and we see Mike come out of the machine along with people that look like him but act differently.

Vito: "Where are we?"*sees Mike and the others*"Whoa."

(Y/N): "It worked."

Svetlana: "Goodness, what has happened?"

Mike: "We're all split into separate bodies."

Vito: "That means?"

Mal: "I'm free now."*gets hit by a tranquilizer dart on the neck*"Didn't see that coming."

Mal then falls to the ground and is knocked out.

Mike: "What are you gonna do to him?"

Coraline: "I think Juvie might take him back."

Chester: "Thank goodness I'm out of Mike's head, it was too crowded in there!"*to Mal*"And Good riddance to him."

(Y/N): "Yeah, so how's life been treating you Mike?"

Mike: "Pretty good now that I don't have so many people in my head. Plus me and Zoey are doing good too, I can't wait to tell her the news. What about you and your girlfriend?"

Coraline: *Blushes* "Oh uh, no no, I-I'm not his girlfriend, just his partner, completely different."

(Y/N): "She's my best friend and teammate. Without her I do know what I'll do."

Coraline: "Yeah we've been best friends since we were 10, definitely not together-together."

(Y/N): "Yeah I mean, what two friends would end up a couple after a long time being together."

Meanwhile at Middleton, we see Kim and Ron both sneeze at the same time.

Bonnie: "What's with you two?"

Kim: "I think someone might be talking about us."

Ron: "Yeah... sounded weird too."

Bonnie: "Well get that checked okay."

Back to you, we see Mike and the others leave your house as we see Coraline send Mal back to Juvie in a straightjacket, a mask, and a dolly.

(Y/N): "Alright, Dolly, mask, and straight jacket, everything we need for a psychopath."

We then see a bus come by and pick up Mal and some men take Mal back to Juvie.

(Y/N): "Now for the She Bat."

We later see you and Coraline back in the lab and you get the machine ready for Dr. Francine Langstrom and you see her come into the room.

Coraline: "Dr. Langstrom, it's great to see you here."

Francine: "Please call me Francine."

(Y/N): "Okay, so Francine, are you ready to take off your bat half?"

Francine: "Yep and thanks again for doing this for me. I know that Bumblebee cured me, but She Bat is still inside of me waiting to get out. I can feel it.

(Y/N): "Don't worry, the machine is tested on a man with multiple personalities."

Coraline: "Also, try not to phrase it like that, it sounds weird."

Francine: "Okay then, time to do this."

We see Francine enter the machine and then you turn the machine on and it starts spinning and then it stops and makes a beep. We see Francine come out of the machine and then we see She Bat comes out of the machine and roars at you and Coraline and you fire a net at She Bat to contain it.

(Y/N): "Champion catcher eh Coraline. Now to work on a cage for the She Bat."

You and Coraline then make a cage for the She Bat and we see the She Bat was then placed into the cage and you lock it up and Francine sees the She Bat.

Francine: "Wow, that is impressive."

(Y/N): "Champion container eh Coraline?"

Coraline: "Yeah, that thing won't get out anytime soon."

Francine: "What are you gonna do to her?"

(Y/N): "We're gonna feed her and take care of her like an actual bat person."

Coraline: "But don't tell anyone that okay? People think we kill the monsters when we catch them."

Francine: "I'll keep my mouth shut."

(Y/N): "Thank you, we wouldn't want people to know about our real work."

Francine: "Okay and thanks again."*feeling sad*"Too bad about my husband though."

(Y/N): "We are so sorry for your loss Ms. Langstrom, I bet he's missing you in that big bat cave in the sky."

Francine: "Thank you (Y/N), this is the second saddest thing that's happened."

Coraline: "What was the first?"

Francine: "The choco taco getting discontinued."

Coraline: "...What?! It was discontinued?!" *Falls to her knees* *Darth Vader scream* "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....!!!"

(Y/N): "That's horrible, but luckily I have a work around that."*pulls a wrench like a lever*"I have invented a way to get groceries from other universes."

We see a portal machine open as we see a bunch of choco tacos come out of it.

(Y/N): "I call it the Multiversal Delivery Buddy, you can get groceries from across the multiverse."

We see the girls then grab a bunch of them and eat them, slowly of course.

Coraline: "Mmm, yummy. But why do I feel like a blue scientist would do this?"

Meanwhile somewhere else, we see Rick sneeze as Morty saw this.

Morty: "Rick you okay?"

Rick: "Someone is talking about me."

Morty: "Who the hell would be talking about you?"

Rick: "I don't know, maybe they're finding ways to kill me?" *feels something and realizes* "Son of a bitch, someone made a MDB."

Morty: "What's that?"

Rick: "The Multiversal Delivery Buddy, it's like my portal gun but it delivers groceries from other universes, and whoever made it did a damn good job."

Morty: "Wow."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "Uh, you girls okay?"

We see both Coraline and Francine eating tons of Choco Tacos.

(Y/N): "I believe I found a reason why they discontinued these."

Coraline: "Hey, don't dis the ice cream taco these things are awesome!"

Francine: "I must agree, these are very popular."

You then use a teleporter to teleport the choco tacos into the huggie pen as we see the mini huggies eat the choco tacos and both girls watch in horror.

Girls: "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Coraline: *crying comedic anime tears* "Why?! Why would you do that?!?"

(Y/N): "It is unhealthy for you two to eat that much."

Francine: *crying comedic anime tears*"It brought joy to people!"

(Y/N): "I am sorry, but you have these."

You then pull out large bowls of vegetables and hand them to the girls.

Coraline: "Vegetables? What are we hippies?"

(Y/N): "After eating so many of those tacos, it's important to balance it out with something healthy."

Coraline: "Fair enough." *eat a carrot.* "At least you didn't get topsoil or astroturf for us to eat."

Meanwhile in Amity Park we see Sam sneeze as Danny notices this and so does Paulina.

Danny: "Sam you okay?"

Paulina: "Maybe someone is talking about her and not me, that makes me mad."

Back to you.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I mean anyone who eats that is basically eating garbage."

Coraline: "Yeah."

Back with Sam.

Sam: *Sneezes*

Paulina: "Seriously? Do you have a cold or something?"

Sam: "Someone is definitely talking about me." *to the sky* "And whoever it is, it's recyclable organic matter!!"

Paulina: "Organic matter that had worms in it."

Sam: "Good point."

Back to you.

We see Francine looking at your lab and she is impressed by it.

Francine: "I do like your lab, everything looks quite impressive."

Coraline: "Right? So Ms. Langstrom I have to ask, why did you turn yourself into a giant bat girl version of your mutant bat husband?"

Francine: "Well.....he knows what would happen if a female bat was made from a human woman."

Coraline: "What would happen?"

Francine: *Blushes* "Um... I can't say."

Coraline: "Why? Is it embarrassing?"

Francine: "Yes, but I'm going to whisper it into (Y/N)'s ear and he'll blurt it out in astonishment."

Francine then went to you as she whispered to your ear and your eyes widened in shock.

(Y/N): "Breeding purposes?!"

Coraline: "Ewww!! Why?!"

Francine: "...He wanted bat baby hybrids."

Coraline: "Why would you stay with a guy like him?"

Francine: "Maybe I can be a good bat mom?"

(Y/N): "I bet you could have, but seriously, isn't that bit much? Not judging, just curious that's all."

Francine: "Well I told him I have to be a bat hybrid to produce a hybrid offspring and I would like to prepare myself as a mother before it was time and I just missed my chance when he was hunted down by Vanhellscream. All of that time reading baby books is wasted now."*sees Mini Huggies looking at her*"Oh my, those little ones are adorable."

(Y/N): "Well we are looking for a caretaker for the monsters here."

Coraline: "Yeah they can be a handful." *Gets an idea* "Hey how about you watch over them?"

Francine: "That's a great idea."*heads to the huggie pen and picks up a Mini Huggie*"Who can say no to this cute face?"*hugs the mini Huggie*"Awww."

Coraline: "True, but word of advice, do not give them any coffee, I learned that lesson the hard way." *shivers in discomfort*

Francine: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "Let's just say they went a bit wild for a bit."

Francine: "Oh."

Coraline: "A bit? They went loco all over the place."

Francine: "I will be careful."

(Y/N): "Thanks, and again no coffee. I can't stress that enough."

Francine: "Understood."

Meanwhile outside the lab, we see Babs still doing a stake out on your house for 45 days now and she used the bathroom in some jars before changing to diapers, started growing longer hair, getting major BO, and she has a full adult diaper.

Babs: "Hmm... there's something up with that house."

Diana: *offscreen*"Barbara?"

Babs then turns to see the hero girls looking at her.

Zee: *smells Babs*"Ugh! What is that smell!?!!?!"

Kara: *smells Babs* "Augh!! Oh-oh noo!! It's Babs! It's definitely Babs!!"

Babs: "Sorry, I haven't showered in 45 days and since I can't leave this spot so I had to resort to adult diapers."

Karen: "...Gross."

Diana: *Sees the jars* "Why do you have jars of lemon nectar?"

Jessica: "Um Diana, that's not lemon nectar..."

Diana: "Then what else could it-" *realizes immediately* "Augh! Great Hades! Barbra! Why in the world would you urinate in a jar!?"

Babs: "I was on a stake out, I saw Dr. Francine Langstrom went into that house."

Kara: "The She-Bat lady? What about her?"

Babs: "I've been doing some studying and I think that She Bat and Dr. Francine Langstrom are two different people now, literally."*pulls out a newspaper*"It has to be connected to what happened to Man Bat."

Zee: "Ookay... Babs, I think what you need is a long shower and some rest."

Jessica: "And maybe a diaper change."

Babs: "Guys I'm telling you, I saw several different people that look like Mike from Total Drama but they act like his personalities when they left that house including Mal."

Karen: "Babs come on, you're hallucinating after not getting some sleep."

Babs: "But I have-"*poops in her diaper*"Oops, I definitely ate too many burritos."

Kara: "... I'm not changing you, Jess."

Jessica: "Why me?"

Kara: "You're the baby sitter here."

Jessica: "Well that's one diaper I'm not changing."

Diana: *sees Babs' diaper is about to burst*" Uhh, Barbara, how long have you been wearing that diaper?"

Babs: "45 days. Why?"

Zee: *Slowly moves back* "Girls, start moving back now."

The other girls immediately moved back as Babs' diaper burst and it was all over only Zee as she was covered in whatever was in Babs' diaper offscreen.


Later, we see Babs get out of the shower and now asleep in her bed as the girls were worried about her.

Zee: "Well, I can definitely say we are not letting Babs do anymore detective work."

Jessica: "And not letting her eat more burritos."

Karen: "You don't think... Babs could be right?"

Kara: "Karen come on, she got us into trouble a bunch of times."

Zee: "Kara's right, sure Babs is a good hero, but she can be a bit... cuckoo."

Diana: *Looks out the window* "Why is there a man wearing yelling at a fire hydrant?"

Chester: "Darn fire hydrant!"

Zee: "Wait... that's Chester, one of Mike's personalities but why-"*sees Vito and sees his shirtless bod*"Oooh zowie~..."

Vito: *Sees Zee looking at him* "Hey, who's the purple haired broad?"

Zee: "Ohh don't mind me, but uh, can I watch you flex your pecs?"

Vito: "Eh, as much as I wanna, I got places to go so no can do sweet cheeks, maybe next time."

Zee sees Vito leave and sighs in a sad manner.

Kara: "Really?"

Zee: "What? He's hot!"

Karen: *sees Sventlana* "Svetlana?" *sees her dancing*"What is she doing?"

The girls looked to see Svetlana doing some acrobatics on the rooftops.

Kara: "Wait, you don't think that guy.....really split Mike right?"

Karen: "That's impossible."

Zee: "Yeah, the moment I believe that, Vito will come back."

Diana: "Do not distract yourself with the male body Zee."

Zee: "This coming from the Amazon going gaga for Steve Trevor?"

Diana: "I have gotten over Steve Trevor and we are friends now."

Zee: "Oh really?" *Pretends* "Oh my gosh it's Steve Trevor and he's not wearing a shirt... or pants!"

Diana: *looks outside the window* "Where?!"

Zee: "Uh huh."

Diana: *points at Zee* "Deceiver!"

Zee: "Just proving a point."

Sometime later, we see the hero girls break into your lab and they sneak around and they see the monsters getting taken care of.

Zee: "I... don't believe it... it's all the monsters (Y/N) caught and he's taking care of them?" *Hears Jessica crying* "What's going on Jess?"

Jessica: *crying* "He's taking care of them! I knew he was a good guy."

Kara: "We're not gonna tell Babs about this right? You know what will happen when she's right about something."

Diana: "Indeed, we shall keep this to ourselves." *To Zee* "Or perhaps mindwipe her."

Zee: "No way, remember what happened the last time I mind wiped her? She was interrogating us for weeks without food or water until we fessed up."

Diana: "Then we must keep this to ourselves."*hears someone coming down the stairs*"Run!"

The hero girls were about to run until they saw a Mini Huggie walking to them.

Karen: "Um hi?"

The Mini Huggie then screams as they cover their ears.

Diana: "Gah! Great Hera! What are these creatures?!"

The Mini Huggie then stops screaming and smells something sweet and walks up to Zee and tackles her and then takes her lipstick.

Zee: "Hey my lipstick!"

The Mini Huggie then eats the entire lipstick in one bite and swallows it.

Zee: "That's a limited edition!"

Coraline: *From a distance* "Hey what's going on down there?"

Zee then quickly teleports everyone out of the lab as Coraline then walks in and sees the Mini Huggie.

Coraline: "I knew using you guys was a good security system."

One of the mini huggies coughed up Zee's lipstick and Coraline then picks it up.

Coraline: "Oh sweet, limited edition lipstick. Perhaps I could keep this." *looks closer* "Hey wait a minute, there's a label on this." *Reads it* "If found please return to..." *sighs* "(Y/N)! We had intruders!"

(Y/N): *From his bedroom* "Who is it?"

Sometime later, we see you leave the lipstick on the front door of Zee's apartment and you knock on the door and you leave as Coraline joined up with you.

Coraline: "Are you sure we can't confront them?"

(Y/N): "Certainly not, we'll do it later."

Coraline: "Is it because you don't wanna see Zee in her robe? Don't think I don't know about the Zatanna poster you keep in your room."

(Y/N): *Blushes* " I'm just a fan of hers, okay?"

Coraline: *Chuckles and smirks* "Okay then."

Meanwhile we see Zee open the door and look down to see her lipstick.

Zee: "My lipstick!"*feels saliva on it*"Ewww.... Uh, well thank you, for whoever did this."

Meanwhile with you and Coraline.

Coraline: "You forgot to wipe the lipstick didn't you?"

(Y/N): "That was your job."

Coraline: "Hey now you were the one who came up with the plan, that was on you."

(Y/N): "And you were supposed to do it."

Coraline: "Eh, I'm sure she didn't notice. You got the mind wiper ready right?"

(Y/N): "Actually I converted it into a small drone that will target those who witnessed the same thing. They'll get mind wiped in their sleep."

Coraline: "Cool, but are you sure you wanna do that, to Batgirl? You know how relentless she can be."

(Y/N): "I'm sure she won't believe the next day."

The next day, Babs doesn't remember what she has done in 45 days and she doesn't care. Sometime later, we see Francine feeding the Mini Huggies and giving some salads to Huggy Wuggy and Mommy Long Legs.

Francine: "There you go little ones, eat up."*to Huggy Wuggy and Mommy LL*"You two eat your salads."

The Huggy Wuggies immediately ate their salads in a civilized manner while Huggy Wuggy and Mommy Long Legs did the same.

Mommy LL: "Mmm, this is amazing."*to Francine*"It's such a shame that you are now a widow now."

Francine: "Oh it's not so bad, I mean sure I'm alone, but at least I got you guys."

Mommy LL: "Speaking from experience. After taking care of children at Playtime Co, it makes me want a child for myself, but what man would want me with..." *points to herself* "This whole situation?"

Francine: "What about Baby Long Legs?"

Mommy LL: "Oh him, he's adopted to be honest, I just want to have a baby made from my own flesh and blood. And not plastic."

Francine: "Well I'm sure you'll find that someone soon LL."

Mommy LL: "Thank you but I have a strange feeling he's a lot closer than I thought."

Francine: "What makes you say that?"

Mommy LL: "I don't know."

Meanwhile, with you and Coraline, we see you two at the rundown Joey Drew Studios and using the INk Pen to suck up everything from the Loop and into the Monster Vacuum.

Coraline: "...Hey (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Coraline: "You think maybe those hero girls could ever help us if they understood what we really do?"

(Y/N): "All in good time old chum. Why do you ask?"

Coraline: "Well when I was walking downstairs, I heard one of the Huggies screaming, but I also heard one of those girls say something about being right that you don't kill the monsters."

(Y/N): "Only the Foundation knows about our secret which is why I'm waiting for the perfect time for them to know as well."

Coraline: "Alright, but sooner or later they're gonna get suspicious, and we can't keep mind wiping them forever, we're not Rick and Morty."

(Y/N): *sighs*"Look, all I'm saying is, let me tell them my way."

Coraline: "Okay I hope you know what you're doing."

You then finish upsucking up the entire Loop and both you can Coraline see all the people in the ink from the Loop.

(Y/N): "Now to give them a new home."

Coraline: "Where are they gonna go?"

(Y/N): "I made my version of the Loop to make it safe for everyone in there since I can't find a way to change them back, the least I can do is give them a suitable home. Ink Demon Rehabilitation, now come on. I've been working on the new loop for weeks and now it's ready."

Sometime later, we see you and Coraline putting all the ink from the original loop and putting it into the new loop and then your machine makes a brighter and more suitable world for the people in the original loop as you use the Ink Pen to make a portal into the new Loop and both of you see the progress of the new Loop.

(Y/N): "Now this animation is coming to life."

Coraline sees all the monsters get turned into normal people, the cartoon characters having normal looks, and you see Audrey get a normal look that looks black and white.

Coraline: "Huh, neat."

(Y/N): "Yeah, not bad if I say so myself. A safer and more enjoyable cycle than the last one."

Audrey: "Thank you so much uh...."

(Y/N): "Oh (Y/N), and I'm the one who put you and your friends in a safer environment."

Audrey: "Thank you so much."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

Coraline: "So now what?"

(Y/N): "We can leave you all to your own devices and enjoy your time."

Audrey: "Okay."

Sometime later, we see the hero girls invited to your house and you explain everything that you and Coraline do on a daily basis.

Jessica: "I knew it!" *tears up a bit* "I knew you didn't hurt the monsters."

Zee: "Uh okay easy Jess, let's not try to flood the place with your tears."

Diana: "So you are afraid to tell everyone about your humane methods of catching monsters cause they want to remember the murderers and deceivers in the world of man and monster?"

(Y/N): "Yes, yes I am."

Kara: "And you don't want anyone to know what you do?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

The girls all looked at Babs who tossed her tape recorder away and chuckled nervously.

(Y/N): "Look my ancestors were written out of history books many times: the Vanhellsings took all the credit, the monster hunting community hunted down nearly all the members of my family because they're humane monster catchers, and if everyone knows that I'm humane about monsters they will hunt me down and kill me. That's why I made up a story about me killing monsters in secret to get everyone's approval of me."

Jessica: *hugs you* "I'm sorry to hear that." *Sees Babs about to pull out a tape recorder* "Babs don't even think about it! This guy- no hero, has already been through enough."

Babs: "Sorry."

We see Kara grab the tape recorder and crush it into powder.

Kara: "Babs, I say this in the nicest way possible. Don't flush this dude's life down the crapper."

Zee: "Kara is right. Please leave him be."

Babs: "But-"

Diana: "Barbara, this man risks time and time again to help man and monster under the assumption that everyone thinks he's like the others."

Karen: "Try not to pull a Babs, and let him do his thing."

Babs: "Okay, I understand I won't cause him trouble and reveal the truth to everyone."

Zee: "Good."

Kara: "Are you positive?"

Babs: "Yes and I don't need the lasso."

(Y/N): "The one that makes you tell the truth?"

Diana: "Yes, wait, how did you know?"

(Y/N): "I've studied Greek mythology before when there was a manticore on the loose."

Diana: "That manticore being captured, that was you?"

(Y/N): "Indeed. By the way, I gotta ask, what took you girls so long to get here?"

Kara: "We would have gotten here sooner but a certain someone couldn't stop eying the man candy." *Looks at Zee along with the rest of the girls too*

Zee: "Hey! You were eyeing some man candy too!"

Kara: *Blushes a bit* "Was not!"


Here we see Zee eyeing Vito from afar as Diana did the same thing with Steve Traver as Jessica could only sigh in annoyance.

Jessica: "Well Kara, at least we're not distracted by this." *Doesn't get a response* "Kara?"

Jessica looked to see Kara was doing the same as Zee.

Jessica: *Sighs* "Girls come on, stop eying the man candy."

Zee: "10 more hours, I think he's taking off his pants."

End of flashback

Zee: "I say it was worth it, I even got pictures too."

(Y/N): *To Jessica* "Is she always like this?"

Jessica: "Unfortunately yes, you should have seen her when she was in her Aquaman phase."

(Y/N): "Well certainly Vito is not the best of gentlemen if you have seen the show, but when it comes to getting a lady's attention I recommend a nice and friendly chat is always suitable."

Jessica: "Noted."

(Y/N): "Yeah, plus Coraline was obsessed with Vito too."

Coraline: *Blushes* "I was not!"

(Y/N): "You have pictures of him in your room."

Coraline: *blushes harder*"It was a phase anyways!"

(Y/N): "You still have them."

Coraline: "Well can you blame me? He's hot!"

Zee: "Aren't you two a thing?"

(Y/N): "Excuse me?"

Coraline: *blushes*"No, noo, he's been my best friend since we were kids!"

Kara: "Oh just like-"

Coraline: "Kim Possible?"

(Y/N): "We've seen the website. Also, we also heard about her relationship with her best friend and now boyfriend."

Kara: "Yeah, I mean I'm not against it, but they look like an awkward couple."

(Y/N): "Eh, I guess but who are we to judge what love is?"

Karen: "I think they had a mutual breakup since they're more like siblings than a couple."

Babs: "They did?"

Karen: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "Well I'm sure things will get better for them."

Karen: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "If we ever need your help we will call you for assistance."

Girls: "Okay."

Next: Chapter 2: Choo Choo Charles

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