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Here we see a small creature in the form of a silhouette roaming around the streets of Royal Woods and we see a small mechanical cockroach starts beeping and then the scene cuts to a house and we see a map of the world and the light that's for Royal Woods and it starts a chain reaction that wakes up both you and Coraline up and then your beds then get flipped over backward and you both went down a slide and you both get your uniforms on and then get a thermos of decaffeinated coffee and you both get some coffee and then you both get to your seats of your Monster Squad Van and then get elevated up to the vehicle itself and you start it up and drive into a tunnel that leads to Royal Woods and go to an elevator that leads to a tunnel onto the streets of Royal Woods and you stop to a house and both of you were in stealth. You then look through some binoculars and you see the silhouette of the creature and you signal Coraline to ready the gear and she jumps over and she grab the creature and you come out and you see her struggling to hold down the creature.

(Y/N): "Nice work Coraline!"*sees her getting dragged around*"Hold on, old partner!"

We then see the Louds wake up and they look outside to see what's going on as you see Coraline heading to you.

(Y/N): "Get him over here!"*use a grabber to grab the creature by the neck*"Gotcha! You little monster."

We then see Coraline pull the sack off and we see a Gnome holding a tiara as we see the Louds come outside and they see you holding the Gnome and Coraline holding the tiara.

Coraline: "Another Gnome attack thwarted."

(Y/N): "Seems like someone must've stolen treasure from gnomes."

Lola: *Sees her tiara* "My tiara!"* rushes and grabs the tiara* "Gimme!"

Coraline: "Woah, uh little girl, who are you?"

Lola: "Lola Loud."

(Y/N): "She's one of the twins, we've been over this Coraline."

Coraline: "Not my fault I can't remember all 13 members of the Loud Family, they're like 7 dwarfs but there's 6 more of them."

Leni: *looks at the gnome*"Aww cute little guy, I can't believe they cause so much trouble."

(Y/N): "Yes, now which one of you took their treasure? This one gnome was a scout and there will be more coming."

The loud kids looked at their dad.

Lynn Sr: "What?"

Coraline: "Actually it would be her."*points to Lola*

Lola: "What?"

We then see Lynn jr shake Lola around and we see numerous diamonds and gold coins come off of her.

Lola: "Ohh where did that come from?"

(Y/N): *Sighs* "Okay you're a kid, so I won't get cheesed at you, so I'll just let you off with a warning okay."*to Leni*"You also took a tiara yourself."

Leni: "Wait, that wasn't a gift?"*pulls out the tiara*"I thought it was a present."

Coraline: "No, no it's not."

(Y/N): "Okay did anyone else take something from gnomes?"

Luna: *pulls out some rings*"Sorry, I just need some bling for my band."

Lori: *takes off her earrings*"I posted a selfie on social media for the trend earrings of the week."

Leni: "I think Lucy took a crystal ball that sees into the future."

Gnome: "That is a crystal cyclops eye, it's supposed to see into the future."

Lucy: *pulls out the eye* "I wanted to see if it was true and it is. The eye told me this would happen, it was just a matter of time."

You see the Louds put all the stolen treasure into the sack and gave it to the gnome.

(Y/N): "Okay anyone else?"

Lynn Sr: "I think that's everything."

Gnome: "I need a pearl necklace."

Rita: *Takes off her pearl necklace and turn to Lynn Sr*

Lynn Sr: "In my defense, I didn't have enough money for that anniversary gift so I stole a necklace from gnomes."

(Y/N): "Really now? There are consequences when it comes to stealing from monsters."

Lisa: "Like what?"

Coraline: "Being cursed, burned alive, or one of you girls might get forced into a marriage with the leader of the gnomes and get eaten."

(Y/N): "As well as a fate worse than death."

We see Rita quickly put the pearl necklace into the sack.

Gnome: "Thank you for returning the jewels. Have a nice day, don't come back to gnome territory ever again!"

We then see the gnome leave with the loot as you and Coraline head back into the van.

(Y/N): "Job well done Coraline."

Coraline: "Thanks. But gotta say, two parents and 11 kids? Jeez, how does a girl like her have 11 kids?"

(Y/N): "11 kids back to their Scottish roots, 11 kids now."

Coraline: "How did you know that?"

(Y/N): "I've always read about lore across the world to know about what monsters we deal with. Which is why we catalog the ones we capture."

Coraline: "Oh. So we're not gonna tell their kids the real reason why they got kicked out of that hotel they went to right?"

(Y/N): "Eh, Now's not the time, perhaps they should hear that from their parents."

Coraline: "Yeah good call, it's always better to hear it straight from the source."

You and Coraline then drive away as the Louds then wave goodbye. In the Morning, we see Coraline making breakfast for the monsters that are in containment and she sends the food to the monsters and they begin to eat the food. We then see you and Coraline eat breakfast.

(Y/N): "Another successful night of stopping monsters."

Coraline: "And saving a family from stealing cursed treasure. So what's on the itinerary for today?"

(Y/N): "Well we could read some books on monsters from legends and see if they might stick their heads out and attack someone. Or we could take a look at the Beldam if she's still causing trouble."

Coraline: *spit take her orange juice*"Oh no, no, no, no, no, I'm not going back there don't you remember what happened the last time I was there?"

(Y/N): "Of course, That's how we met. You told me about her and I made an investigation on the matter and she was gone. But it's been 8 years now, she could come back by now."

Coraline: "Hm, I guess but I'm a bit iffy about it. I already have a phobia for buttons after the trauma that witch went through. Why do you think I switched to zippers?"

(Y/N): "Good point, but ever since then I've been making equipment to capture her. Just like old times Coraline, besides it's more humane if we can take her prisoner in our storage facility down below. But if you don't want to do it I understand."

Coraline: "Thanks. But I have to ask, how is it humane to leave her in a large basement?"

(Y/N): "Well we are taking care of the monsters downstairs with their food, grooming, and treating them like guests in our home. The reason why we're humane is because we don't kill monsters, we treat them like people. Plus it's meatball Monday, you know how they are about it."

Coraline: "Good point, they do like my meatballs."

You then get a phone call and you answer it.

(Y/N): *while on the phone*"Monster Squad, Monster Catching services. You name them, we catch them. (Y/N) speaking."

???: *Over the phone* "Hello, we received a shipment of Huggie dolls but they seem to be alive and they're running all over the mall in Metropolis, can you come here and do your thing?"

Coraline: "Metropolis? Don't they have some hero girls for their place?"

???: *Over the phone* "They're off-world doing who knows what and the Justice League is a liability and might cause too much damage in the area. We need you right away."

(Y/N): "We're on our way."

Coraline: "Awesome road trip, just hope we run into Lex. I do not trust that guy."

Sometime later, we see you and Coraline arrive at the mall and you both look into the building and see Mini Huggies as far as the eye can see.

(Y/N): "Great Kraken's tail, they're all over the place. It will take hours to get all of them."

Coraline: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "It's a good thing we always have something for a job like this."

You then press a button on the console and we see the Monster Vacuum pop open and we see Coraline grab a suction tube and attach it to the machine and attach it to a nearby ventilation shaft. You then turn on the suction of the machine as it starts to suck up the Mini Huggies. Then we see Superman burst into the Mall and see the Mini Huggies.

Superman: "Don't worry folks, this looks like a job for Superman!"*sees a Mini Huggie*"It's back into the scrap heap in Santa's workshop punk!"

Superman was able to fire his heat vision until the Huggie was sucked into the vent and into the Monster Vacuum.

Superman: "What the?"

After a second, all the huggies were sucked up into a box.

(Y/N): "And that's how it's done."

You and Coraline then see the Superhero Girls arrive and they are ready to fight.

Babs: "Sorry we're late! We have to deal with something from space!"

Coraline: "Eh it's cool, we handled it."

Kara: "You did?"

You then see something got clogged into the pipe of the machine as Coraline sees a red cape in the vacuum.

(Y/N): "Huh, I knew I should've used a bigger nozzle."

Coraline: "I told you."

Jessica: *sees the Mini Huggies in the Monster Vac*"Is this all the huggies?"

(Y/N): "There's one left. Hoist her up Coraline."

We then see Coraline pull the nozzle up and it's revealed to be Superman stuck head first in the machine.

Kara: *Points at Clark* "Hahahahaha."

Coraline then turns off the machine and releases Superman as he falls to the ground. Kara then sees his hair is all messed up due to the suction of the machine.

(Y/N): "Sorry about that Superboy."

Superman: "It's Superman."

(Y/N): "Oh that's right. But not with that hair you're not."

We then see Lois run to you and hold up a camera and microphone.

Lois: "Lois Lane of the Daily Planetoid, I was the one who called you and get you over here to deal with the monster problem. I just have a question for you, there are stories around that you kill monsters after capturing them. Is that true?"

You then look at Coraline and she feels bad about lying and you turn to her.

(Y/N): "Yes but I prefer to keep the gorey details a secret."

While you were talking to Lois, Babs is getting the feeling you are lying about something about your line of work.

Babs: "Hmmm..."

Kara: "Batgirl, what's up?"

Babs: "I'm getting that feeling again."

Zee: "I told you not to eat that bucket of burritos before the mission."

Babs: "No not that feeling, the feeling that he's hiding something about his line of work. He's too much of a goofball to be a killer."

Diana: "Batgirl, it is best to leave him be."

Kara: "Yeah remember when you were suspicious about my liking with boy bands? I was a laughing stock in school for months after you did your detective thing on me."

Karen: "Yeah leave him alone."

Babs: "Hm, okay."

Sometime later, we see you and Coraline storing the Mini Huggies into the Huggie Pen.

Coraline: "There we go. Man, we captured a lot of little huggies. Playtime Co really turned a lot of people into toys."

(Y/N): "Well at least these little ones are in a place where Playtime Co can't hurt them."

Coraline: "So when are we gonna catch bigger monsters? Like the Lochness Monster or at least bigger toys than these huggies?"

(Y/N): "Okay first, we don't catch the Loch Ness monster because Nessie needs to be unknown and we don't want to harm her, and two we don't know what kind of monster breaks out of that toy factory."

You and Coraline then hear an alert going off in the city of Chicago and you see that it's bright red.

(Y/N): "Looks like our next monster is a big brute."

Coraline: "I'll get the keys."

Meanwhile in Chicago, we see you and Coraline park the van and you both see the Guardians of the Globe and Omni-man battling SCP-682 along with the Seven.

(Y/N): "Looks like 682 has broken out of the Foundation's walls again."

Coraline: "How are we gonna catch him, he can adapt his body to counter anything. They're gonna get creamed by him!"

(Y/N): "Luckily I invented a device that is an alternative solution to a gigantic acid bath that's supposed to keep him in check. But I need a clear shot."

You and Coraline see Invincible land on the ground ready to fight.

(Y/N): "Right on time, mind if you give us a helping hand. We need a clear shot of the creature and you have the muscle to do it."

Invincible: *Sees you give him a vibranium grabber*"Okay then, hope you know what you're doing."

We then see Invincible fly to 682 and then you press a button in the van as it was then turned into a laser cannon.

Coraline: "What's that?"

(Y/N): "The Retcon Energy Blaster, this device will create a containment field that is made out of pure meta energy retconning any adaptations 682 creates. This is a perfect moment to use it."

We then see Invincible pulling 682 and making him stay in one place and you aim the blaster at 682 and then fire it and we see 682 trapped in a bubble made out of meta energy as he then roars out of rage and confusion.

SCP-682: "What's this!?! Free me!!!!!"

(Y/N): "Not in your life 682."*to Invincible*"Champion container Invincible."

Invincible: "What is that?"

(Y/N): "The Retcon Energy Containment Bubble, capable of 5000 rpm. That's Retcons per minute."

We then see Homelander walk up to you as the Seven notices he is a bit angry.

Homelander: "Well can it retcon it to death!?!"

(Y/N): "Oh no sir, it's only made for containment not death, especially not plane deaths like the one you were responsible for."

Homelander: *grabs you by the shirt with glowing red eyes*"Say that again, and I will rip your spine out."

(Y/N): *gulps in fear*"Right, sorry about that. We'll be going now."

Homelander: *Let's go of you*"Good and stay out of the way when I'm doing my job."

Invincible: "Hey give him some credit, he did catch 682."

Starlight: "Yeah leave him alone."

Homelander: "I'm letting him off the hook for now, the next time he upstages me it's curtains for him and his blue haired hussy."

We then see Homelander fly into the sky.

Coraline: "How do you deal with him?"

Q. Maeve: "When working with him, you're holding on to a thin piece of rope."

Homelander: *offscreen*"Hey! I heard that!"

Invincible and The Seven: "We know!"

Omni-man: "We had it under control until-"*feels something on his leg and looks down and sees 999 hugging his leg* "What the? What is-" *feels a bit happy*"Ha, suddenly I feel a bit happy."

(Y/N): *sees 999*"Oh the little one seems to went on an adventure in the outside world."

Invincible: "What does it do?"

Coraline: "Nothing much, other than being cute and making people happy."

(Y/N): "And a cure all for Depression and PTSD, according to Scarlet King lore. He's the chosen savior that will defeat the Scarlet King not with violence but with happiness and light."*puts on gloves*"Better take this one home with us and get him taken care of."

Coraline: "Can't believe he's related to 682. He was so close to making him a good guy. I wish we could help him do that, but we can't."

We then see a firefly fly over you and it glowed as you got an idea.

(Y/N): "Or can we?"

Sometime later, we see you and Coraline at home with 682 still in the containment bubble and 999 in a small box as Dr. Bright and Dr. Gears were at your home because you told them about the solution to 682.

Dr. Gears: "So what is your solution?"

(Y/N): "Simple really by combining the monster vacuum and the Mindjacker. We can brainwash 682. haha, monster rehabilitation."

Coraline: "And it'll make 682 turn to good, and I hope it stays." *to you* "It's gonna stay right?"

(Y/N): "Of course, any being with an evil nature exposed to 999, the effects from 999 stays permanent."

You then place 682 in the Monster Vacuum and you attach a series of tubes to the device that connects to the Mindjacker and put it onto 999's box.

(Y/N): "With additional lunar power to amplify the brainwaves."*activates the lunar panels and opens a door revealing a sky with a full moon*"And we can begin."

You then turn on the mindjacker and Coraline turn on the Monster Vacuum and it begins sucking away 999's positive thoughts and into 682.

(Y/N): "Okay so far so good."

Coraline: "So if 999's thoughts are going to 682, where are 682 thoughts going?"

(Y/N): "682's reptilian mind is being saturated by 999's positive and cuddly mindwaves. Making 682's brain free from his Omnicidal mindset."

Dr. Bright: "Of course, 999 came close to turning 682, a good guy from the last cross test with each other."

After it was done, we saw you deactivate the containment bubble and we saw 999 come out of his box and look at 682 as he was coming out. Dr. Bright and Dr. Gears see that 682 is now docile and completely incapable of thinking any thoughts of murdering 999.

(Y/N): *gasps*"It worked."

We then see 999 hugging 682 as we see Dr. Bright and Dr. Gears take 682 back to the Foundation.

(Y/N): "A reformed monster, heh I actually did it."

Coraline: "Yeah you did, but what about a certain you-know-who?"

(Y/N): "I don't know about Homelander, for now let's get back to business. Let's see if we can get our hands on another monster. I've been watching the news lately and it seems that Mommy Long Legs is on the loose and she has muscle with her."

Coraline: "Huggy Wuggy?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Coraline: "Figures."

(Y/N): "Great Lake City is where they were last spotted. That's where we're going."

Coraline: "Ooh can we stop for hotdogs on the way? I hear there's a hotdog stand with the best dogs in the city, especially ones dragged through the garden."

(Y/N): "And early in the morning? Who eats a hotdog like that?"

Coraline: "Someone with good taste obviously."

Meanwhile in great lake city we see Ronnie A sneeze.

Sid: "You okay Ron?"

Ronnie A: "I'm fine, it's just someone was talking about me."

Sometime later, we see you and Coraline driving around and you see a local convenience store destroyed which is the family owned bodega and you park the car as you and Coraline walk in the scene of the crime.

(Y/N): "Dang they really did a number on this place."

Coraline: "I know, 5 bucks for mangos."*shakes her head in disapproval*"Criminal."

(Y/N): "It seems that Huggy had a bit of an appetite and ate all the food here in this store."

Coraline: *sees a birria taco* "Oh not everything, he left a taco, don't mind if I do."

(Y/N): "Coraline!"

Coraline: "What? Free food is free food."

You then hear screaming behind you and you turn to see the Casagrandes.

(Y/N): "No need to be alarmed."

Coraline: *while eating the birria taco* "Yeah, we're examining the crime scene."

(Y/N): *Sees Coraline eating the taco* "Really now?"

Coraline: "What? It's tasty, how can I not?"

Hector: "My bodega!! It's ruined!"

Bobby: "Who could have done this!?!"

Coraline: *While eating* "Huggy Wuggy."

(Y/N): "But let's check the security cameras just to be sure."

Bobby: "Good idea." *Sees Coraline eating the birria taco* "That would be 50 bucks ma'am."

Coraline: *Gives Bobby $50* *While eating* "Mm, here keep the change, this stuff is good."

Later, in the office, we see you all watching camera footage of Huggy Wuggy eating all the food in the bodega.

(Y/N): "Looks like the big brute hasn't eaten in quite some time before escaping Playtime Co."

Coraline: "And he chose a food place too."

Bobby: "Out of all places! Why couldn't he just attack the hot dog stand!?!"

Coraline: "Hey, I haven't tried those hotdogs yet."

(Y/N): "Well this store is not the only place that was destroyed by his stomach. Every other restaurant and store have been destroyed and Mommy Long Legs is with him and seems to be trying to get him from eating any more and trying to get as far away from Playtime Co as possible. Because they're the reason why they're living toys in the first place."

Hector: "Well are you gonna do anything to those boboes?"

Coraline: "Yeah, we will."

(Y/N): "We use a big trap to catch Huggy Wuggy. A Kissy Missy toy that is the same stature as Huggy Wuggy will drive one of them out of hiding."

Carlota: "I can help with that."

Coraline: "Hey I know you, your Carlota, I watch your vids all the time."

Carlota: "Wow a fan."

(Y/N): "Well will one of you be helping me catch Mommy Long Legs?"

Carlota: "I will."

(Y/N): "Glad to hear it. Now let's get to work."

We later see Coraline in a Kissy Missy costume and you were giving instructions to Ronnie Ann.

(Y/N): "Once the monster is in a good range of the bait, you release the net."

Ronnie A: "Gotcha."

(Y/N): "Now let's split up."

You and the others split up and go in certain directions. Meanwhile, we see Huggy Wuggy grabbed a hotdog cart and he then starts eating all the hotdogs until he sees Coraline in the convincing Kissy Missy costume and winks at him this attracts Huggy's attention and follows her and then he was got caught in a net by Ronnie Ann. Meanwhile with you and Carlota, we see you searching for Mommy Long Legs.

Carlota: "So how do we find Mommy Long Legs?"

(Y/N): *Sees some plastic hand prints on the walls*"Plastic hand prints, we simply follow the trail."

You and Carlota then follow the trail and you both find her lair and you both find her sleeping.

(Y/N): "There she is."

Carlota: "I've seen those commercials about her and she is super stretchy. How are we supposed to catch someone who is that stretchy?"

(Y/N): "We could use our surroundings to get her tangled in one place long enough to get her wrapped up. Let's wake her up shall we?"

You then tossed a small rock at Mommy Long Legs and she woke up and saw you and Carlota.

(Y/N): "Now make a run for it!"

We then see you and Carlota run away as Mommy Long Legs goes after you. You both went into holes and she tried to reach you but you then grab her arms and tie them up.

Mommy LL: "Gaaah! You are not taking me back to that wretched toy company!!"

Carlota: "Why? I thought you liked that place?"

Mommy LL: "I used to be human like you once! I had skin like you and normal arms like you but now I am this! You don't know what it was like for me in Playtime Co!"

(Y/N): "All the toys made by Playtime Co used to be human and now they're living toys meant to be profitable. After the disappearance of Elliot Ludwig, the new owner used orphans and employees for the benefit of the company, even turning them into monstrous toys."*to Mommy LL*"Don't worry ma'am, I will take you and your blue friend to a safer place than that horrible factory."

Mommy LL: "Yes, anything to keep me away from that wretched place!"

Sometime later, we see you and Coraline place both Huggy Wuggy and Mommy Long Legs into a cage and you lock them up into the van.

(Y/N): "Subjects, err people disarmed and neutralized."

Coraline: "Awesome, let's take them back to the house."

Sometime later, we see you treating Huggy and Mommy some fresh pancakes for both of them.

Mommy LL: "Why this is wonderful, thank you."

Huggy: "Yeah you got me back there."

Coraline: "It was nothing, you two were people back then, so we're treating you like people."

Mommy LL: "So the rumor about you two killing monsters in secret is not true?"

Coraline: "Yeah, (Y/N) made that story up so that people will trust him. You see, in the world of man and monsters history always remembers the people who are murderers, turning monsters into their pet slaves, and just plain psychos. But for (Y/N0's family, the VanHeavenSings, they never want to hurt monsters. They treat them like people and people hate them for that."

(Y/N): "All the efforts made by my ancestors never made it into the history books, If word gets out that I don't kill monsters. People will turn against me and hate me or even worse, try to get rid of me, but I hope someday it will make it in history books."

Coraline: "Yeah and no matter what will happen I will stand by him cause he's my friend."

Mommy LL: "Sounds admirable."

Huggy: "I hope people won't take things the wrong way when the truth is revealed."

(Y/N): "Believe me, they will hunt me down along with all the monsters here in my house like animals when the truth about our work is revealed, but for now let's keep things on the downlow."

Mommy LL: "Don't expect us to leave here, we like it here."

Coraline: "Thanks."

Later, at night, we see you and Coraline heading to bed and turn off the lights.

(Y/N): *offscreen*"Goodnight Coraline, sweet dreams old friend."

Meanwhile in the distance, we see Babs watching your house from afar with a pair of binoculars.

Babs: "There's something up with that (Y/N) guy, and I'm gonna find out what."

Next: Chapter 1: She Bat Search

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