Chapter 1- Everyday life with a Kraken

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It's morning. Of course it is. Light shines through my curtains resting on my face, the most awkward of all places to shine on. Groaning I turn myself over facing away from the sun. I start to drift off to sleep again, until I feel a slimy appendage sliding into my underwear. Sitting up quickly I come face to face with Kate.

"What are you doing?" I yawn still half asleep.

"Waking you up hun." Her tentacle makes a beeline towards my crotch, with lightning reflexes I block it. "No. We can't not with the Interspecies exchange bill in its current state."

"I won't tell anyone if you won't." She presses her cool forehead against mine and wraps her tentacles around me. "I-er need to make breakfast." I insist struggling to free my arms.

"Just relax and enjoy hun" she smirks confidently removing her sleepwear. I take this opportunity and use her own sliminess to slide free of her grip. Rushing downstairs I go into the bathroom.

Yawning into the mirror I see the suction cup markings on my body. Sighing I put my shirt back on and brush my teeth. Momentarily I gaze around at my bathroom much larger than it was a few weeks ago, then Kate arrived.


"Who are you? Why are you outside my house?" I ask the dark haired woman. After she woke me up from my afternoon nap I'm slightly grumpy and annoyed. "I'm Smith, your cultural exchange advisor. You signed up last month."

Shit, that was a dare by Kimihito, I knew I shouldn't have gone through with it. Luckily I signed his name when he wasn't looking, so right now he's in the same situation. I chuckle lightly.

"Earth to Y/N. You can't just pretend I'm not here." Smith says, however I'm not convinced. Maybe I can just hide here all day.

"Get out from behind the bush!" She raises her voice very clearly annoyed by my childishness. I sigh and walk out. "Fine, I accept my fate. Who am I caring for?"

"This is Kate." She gestures to an entrancing girl behind her....with....tentacles? I'm strangely turned on by those. (You asked for this)

"In case you're blind she's a Kraken. Now are you familiar with the Cultural Exchange Between Species Bill?" She asks while I'm still staring at Kate's mass of tentacles.

"Oh, that booklet I fell asleep while reading? Yeah I got the gist of it. No harming and no sex? That's about it right?" I ask turning to face Smith who has a dirty grin on her face. "What are you smiling at?"

"Oh, nothing." She insists.

"Wait, but my house isn't exactly built properly for anyone who isn't human." I claim hoping they will leave and I can go back to sleep.

"That's why we expanded your house while you weren't looking." The dirty smirk returns. Looking back towards my house I notice it's practically doubled in size in the last ten minutes. But I decide not to question it. "Come on. Let's explore the house where I no longer have any idea where anything is." I smile lightly at Kate who smiles shyly at my kindness.

-Return to present-

"I don't regret what I did but I was half asleep when I signed up. In fact I'm asleep most of the time, so how's it going with you?" I ask over the phone.

"Considering I'm almost crushed to death on a daily basis...pretty great actually. Me and Miia are getting along. What about you and Kate?" Kimihito asks (His nickname will be Kim).

"Things are going....swimmingly." I chuckle "I'm sorry that was a terrible joke."

"Yes, yes it was." Kim says on the other end.

"I know, I'm just tired. Still tired. Always tired. Having to care for another person doesn't make me any less tired." I yawn "I heard from Smith that you're a great cook. Maybe me and Kate should visit some time?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah, that'd be great. I'll make that Ramen that you like." Kim agrees "Crap, I got to go. Miia wants to go out." He hung up leaving me alone in the kitchen. Yawning again I call Kate.

"Breakfast is ready!" I yell upstairs. "Sometimes I wonder why they put her pool upstairs, that just seems awkward." I whisper to myself before realising her pool probably goes quite far down, which would explain why I've lost my third bedroom. However Kate likes to keep her room as her private space and so, I've never been in there to this day. An entire section of my house out of my own reach. I should get more sleep, I get irritable without sleep.

"What are we doing today hun?" Kate asks, hugging me from behind.

"I was going to sleep." I cover my mouth as I yawn.

"That's all you ever do and it's no fun." She sulks, pouting in front of me.

"Fine. What do you want to do?" I ask, despite the fact that I probably actually do need to sleep.

"I want to go on a date with you." She pulls on my arm. "Also Smith said you have to because it's part of the cultural exchange."

These women are getting between me and my sleep, maybe I should just kill them. But where would I hide the bodies?

"Yes" I say simply. I enjoy sleep but killing is out of the question. Kate goes to get changed in her room while I wait for her.

-Time skip-

After explaining to Kate what calamari was we finished eating, much to my horror she enjoyed calamari. I think the waitress was confused as well. Despite the glares we carried on with our day.

"Y/N?" Someone says from behind me. Turning to meet them I see Kim.

"Kim. Fancy seeing you here. With, Miia? I'm guessing." I gesture to the Lamia cowering behind him slightly. I hold out my hand and she shakes it shyly barely letting go of Kim's arm.

"Kim, this is Kate. Kate this is Kim." I introduce the two and they also shake hands.

"Why are you two in town?" Kim asks.

"We're on a date." Kate says before I can say anything. Clinging onto me with her arms and a few of her tentacles.

"If you don't mind me asking. What are you?" Kim asks Kate. Is that racist, someone probably would say yes.

"I'm a Kraken. It's fine. We're not as well recognised as some of the other non human species. Such as Lamia for example." Kate looks towards Miia who appears to be inspecting the both of us. "How about we make this a double date?" Miia suggests and guessing from the look on Kim's face he wasn't aware that this was, in fact. A date.

"Sure." Me and Kate say in unison. We both look at each other and smile.

Considering we'd all already eaten there wasn't much for us to do except window shopping. Which both me and Kim did very well having poorly paid part time jobs.

"Look Darling! That shop serves all kinds of species!" Miia points out a shop to kim and drags him inside. Kate sees this as an opportunity and drags me inside too.

Upon entry me and Kim look at each other both having the same thoughts. This is a lingerie shop. Soon he's taken away by Miia. Leaving me at the mercy of the Kraken.

"Hun, help me try this on." Within moments I'm inside a changing room with Kate as she tries on a variety of Bras. Come to think of it. To Krakens wear panties? I tilt my head in confusion. Kate pushes me against the wall with her tentacles and removes her bra, "Er, Kate?" I question trying to move, the suction cups holding me in place.

"Which bra do you think is better? This?" She holds up a light purple bra over her breasts then removes it revealing them again. "Or this?" She holds up a black lacy bra.

"The black one." I nod towards it and she lets me go. "I'll wait outside." I announce quietly walking out.

Outside Kim is already there with the face of a rabbit caught in headlights. "Dude, what's wrong?" He looks towards me holding his empty hands up.

"I accidently grabbed Miia's panties."

"Wait. Lamias wear panties?" Now I'm interested. Maybe I can work out if Kate wears panties. Or in fact, where is her vagina? I scratch my head in thought as Kim is dragged away. His arm reaches for my aid but receives none.

"Come on Hun." Kate drags me behind Miia her arm wrapped around my own.

Outside there is quite the commotion with a crowd gathered around Miia and Kim taking pictures. "Let's leave before they see us." Kate whimpers, normally I'd interfere but with Kate here I don't want her to get involved as well. "Okay let's leave." I smile kindly at her before we head home.

Sorry Kim, I've got different priorities to fulfil.

-Time Skip-

"Y/N! Come here!" Kate shouts from somewhere upstairs.

"Where are you?" I call out once I'm at the top of the stairs.

"I'm in my room." She answers and immediately I know something's up. I've never been in her room, she's up to something. I must be prepared for anything.

I open the door and it seems I was right, I'm locked in there with Kate, standing on the small area of tile floor beside her pool. Within seconds she's upon me.

"Hun, did you know us Krakens can stay out of water because of our mucus coating. It keeps our bodies moist outside of water. It's also why we're so slimy." She nibbles on my ear lobe her slimy tentacles moving around my body including under my clothes.

"K-kate?" I moan her tentacles stimulating my body. "S-stop."

"I don't want to. You belong to me Y/N. I saw the way you looked at me when you first saw me." She leans in closer "I've also seen your browser history."

Fuck, all that hentai and tentacle porn. (Because fuck you that's why)

"Also that one search about where is a Kraken's vagina. Let me show you." Her tentacles part revealing her womanhood underneath them. The Earth's secrets have been revealed to me, the gold at the end of the rainbow. The meaning of life is not 42 like previously speculated. The meaning of life is....Tentacle hentai.

Author's Notes- I really do hate you this much. If anything I thought the moth would win, not the fucking squid. but regardless this chapter was really fun to write and I look forward to writing more. Let me know what you think, especially with the smaller paragraphs, do you prefer them or hate them? Zenith Out...

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