Chapter 2- Everyday life with a Centipede

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Just as Kate tries to work her tentacles inside my underwear someone knocks on the door causing Kate to pause. "I should probably get that." I laugh nervously.

"Okay." Kate smiles and gets off me.

Heading downstairs I open the door and see...Smith.

"Y/N. Your fly is undone." She smirks, I look down to see not only is my fly undone but my trousers are halfway down my legs.

"I was on the toilet." I say coolly playing it off. "Why are you here?" I ask Smith.

"I'm telling you that you're taking in another non human girl." My eyes narrow at this and my face becomes more serious. "You're kidding right?" I hope.

"Of course not. This is Cara she's a centipede." Behind Smith I can see a black haired girl, antennae sprouting from her head. Even through her T-shirt it's obvious that she isn't wearing a bra to support her large breasts. The majority of her legs disappear around the corner. "I don't have enough spa-"

"That's already been solved." Smith grins.

"Remind me never to look away from my house again." Grumbling I turn around and see yet again my house has expanded. How does she even do this?  

"Come in I'm Y/N." I tell Cara. "Kate!" I yell loudly up the stairs. While no one's looking I yawn again.

Kate walks down the stairs her mass of tentacles moving her forward, the quiet sucking of her suction cups on the floor. "Kate, this is Cara, she will be staying with us." I introduce the two, Kate hugs my arm between her breasts making me blush. "Er-Kate. What are you doing?" I ask.

"You didn't object to this earlier hun." She purrs into my ear.

"I don't think he wants your slimy octopus tits." Cara drags me towards her holding my head against her breasts, her legs holding me in place. "Who do you think you are?" Kate curls her hands into fists.

"Smith said he is MY master." Cara growled while attempting to suffocate me between her breasts.

"Oh, and Y/N." Smith looks in through the door "Centipedes get attached very easily so try to be careful. "You don't say" I mumble into Cara's breasts. Cara squeezes me harder her legs crushing my spine.

"Oxygen is required." I say pitifully trying to move my arms about. Then a grab something, a way out! As I try to pull myself out of her grip, the following moans indicate that, in fact. It was not a way out.

"M-Master, we just met. Y-you're so lewd." Cara smirks while blushing. Kate's anger growing every second I was in Cara's clutches. "C-can't breath" I gasp causing Cara to finally let go of me.

"S-sorry master." She bows her head.

"Hun, are you okay?" Kate pulls me towards her inspecting every part of me with her tentacles to see if I'm okay. Eventually she lets go of me and both the girls have a stare down. While this happens I decide to order some pizza to help lower the hostility in the air.

Heading into the living room I gather a bunch of blankets and put a movie on. I decide to go with John Wick (Because it's the first movie I thought of.)

Once the pizzas arrives, Peperoni, mozzarella and anchovy. Despite the two girls still having a stare down I put the pizza on the table in the front room. "Now there's just the task of moving the two of them." I quietly mumble to myself. Walking between the two of them doesn't change anything. Perhaps if I.

Reaching out both hands I grab their breasts breaking them from their trance. While Cara looks surprised Kate pulls me into her breasts. "Hun, do it again." She moans. Between the slime on her tentacles and Cara trying to pull Kate off me I manage to slip out.

"I was wondering. If you two like pizza?" I ask at a healthy distance of three metres, outside of tentacle range. "Yes, I love pizza." Cara smiles crawling towards me. Seductively.

"You know I like pizza. You ordered it on the first night we spent together." Kate grins, Cara turns round to face her jealously. "You spent the night together?!" Cara pouts.

"Yeah, I had his thick sausage pizza." Kate giggles.

"No you didn't. You don't even like sausage." Now Kate is pouting as well.

"Maybe because I've never tried it." She grabs my hand with her own. "Care to give me a taste." She whispers sucking on my finger. I don't think my virgin body can take this. Wait remember what Smith said.


"You didn't have sex with her did you?" Smith asks me.

"No of course not. It's against the law."

"Are you sure because I saw the way you looked at those.....Thick...Long...Tentacles." She purrs. Then laughs at herself. "No, I haven't had sex with her."

"Good because if you did, you'd be arrested and she'd be deported." Smith's face hardened.

-Return to Present-

"No" I say simply pulling my fingers out from her mouth. Walking to the sofa I sit down.

Quickly the two girls sit either side of me and I start watching the movie. (Great movie by the way.) Even I almost cried at certain parts.

By the end of it all the pizza was eaten and the girls had already fallen asleep. Now was my opportunity to escape. It's still light out, they must've both been incredibly tired. I decide to leave a note as I go shopping.

-Time Skip next day-

Yawning I enter the kitchen, my rightful place ever since I started caring for Kate and now Cara as well. How much will this bill cost me in the long run? I yawn and start preparing dinner.

"M-Master" Cara purrs into my ear her breasts pressing against my back, a few of her legs tighten their grip on my stomach and chest. "What is it?" I say blushing.

"Can you help me clean myself?" She says her antennae playing with my hair.

"I-I'm busy." I quickly try to return to making dinner.

"It wasn't a request. It was an order." She drags me into the bathroom against my own will.

Slowly I wash her long body down with a cloth, apparently a centipedes body isn't as manoeuvrable as a Lamia's so they need help cleaning it. The end of her body has a strange pincher shaped pair of legs. The same goes for the front of her body, where the pinchers are on either side of her neck. Smith warned me that they contain a paralysing venom that they can subdue mates with.

"M-master? Does my body frighten you?" Cara asks looking back at me cleaning her back.

"No, I was surprised at first. But it's not that scary." I say softly moving onto her antennae.

As I touch them she moans very loudly. "D-Did I do something wrong?" I ask leaping away from her. "No, but they're very sensitive. We use them to help smell, hear and feel the world. so they're very sensitive." She blushes stroking her antennae.

"Should I stop?" I ask creeping back towards her. She shakes her head. 

Reaching out towards her feelers I start cleaning them again, she keeps panting hotly the whole time her face blushing red.  

"I'm done" I announce and head to the door. She pushes me against the wall before I can escape. "Fertilise my eggs!" She demands using her legs to tear my shirt off.

Is this how I die? Raped by a centipede while a Kraken watches. Wait!

"Get off him!" Kate pulls me towards her. "If he's going to fertilise anyone's eggs it'll be mine."

"Nope." I crawl to the door reaching for the handle before being dragged back by the girls.

"Maybe we can share him? There's got to be enough for both of us." Cara suggests pinning me down with her legs.

Looking for a way to escape I see the shaving cream. Grabbing it I unleash a stream of foam engulfing both the girls, using the ensuing panic I escape.

Hiding in the other bathroom I lock the door. Maybe I can escape through the window.

Opening the window I try to climb out but then someone starts calling me. Sitting on the toilet seat I answer the call. "Hello?"

"It's me Kim." Kim pants from the other side of the phone.

"I need to warn you that it's a full moon. Miia and the others are trying to molest me."

"That's happening to me too." I pant back "Wait what do you mean others?"

"Oh, I guess we haven't seen each other in a day. I have two more non humans."

"That's weird. How could that much happen in a day?"

"Shit, they've found me-" His phone hangs up.

Now it's just me remaining. I have to find a way to survive the night. "Hello Master." I hear Cara say. Looking up I see she's crawling on the ceiling.

"Shit." I say before I faint.

Author's Notes- This chapter was mostly introducing Cara, however I feel that I rushed it a bit and I don't think it's as good as the first chapter. I will try harder next chapter. Zenith Out...

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