Chapter 3- Everyday life with a Dragon/Mothgirl

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My head hurts, almost like that one time I.... actually my head has never hurt this much before. Sitting up I see Cara and Kate cowering at the end of my bed. "What happened?" I ask rubbing the bruise on the back of my head.

"Well when you saw me on the ceiling Kate smashed down the door at the same time. It hit your head and knocked you out." Cara explains not making eye contact.

That was the best sleep I've had in a while. I didn't have the dreams either.

"Feel free to punish me for my wrong doings." Kate pouted trying to make herself seem small.

"How long was I out for?" I ask sitting up fully this time.

"About three days." Cara says quietly.

"How long?" I raise my voice slightly. Did she say three days? That means there's no food left in the house. I didn't even buy that much. I sigh.

"T-three days." She looks to the floor. Standing up I look in my wardrobe for a change of clothes. "I'm going to go to the supermarket." I announce pulling on a new T-shirt.

"I'll come with you." Kate offers, clearly trying to be helpful.

"No, it'll be faster if I go alone." I grab my wallet and leave.

-Supermarket time skip-

"Knocking me out for three days." I mumble to myself. "Wait, shouldn't there be.....Never mind it's probably best not to question it.

Soon enough I'm paying for what I bought. This would last me a few weeks but now that there are three of us. Heading out the door I look on in confusion.

"You're just a dumb bitch!" The first girl shouts, scaly wings extending from her back and horns from her head. "I-I said I'm sorry." The second girl apologises, her body covered in a thick fluff and a pair of moth wings extending from her own back.

"Now I've seen everything" I mutter, as onlookers film the events occurring.

As it looks like the girl with scales is about to strike the moth-like girl I decide to intervene. Using my own arms I block the girl's attack with one of my bags. Milk spills out and I'm pushed backwards into the mothgirl.

"Get out of my way human!" The scaled woman growls "You dare stand in the way of a dragon?"

"Oh, that's what you are." I chuckle "Because I thought you were bully picking on someone too nice to fight back." The truth is I already guessed that she was a dragon, however considering the amount of pride they have this strategy could get her to back down.

The dragon recoils in surprise. "You dare pick a fight with a dragon?" She tries to restore her place of power. "Well I can't really fight but I bet I'm a great meat shield." I laugh nervously.

Please don't kill me, I have so much to live for. Like tentacles, and dozens of legs.

Surprising even me the dragon girl lowers her claws and folds her arms across her white tank top. Turning around to help up the Mothgirl I discover that she has left. "How long ago did she leave?" I groan at the dragon.

"Around 'well I can't really fight'" the dragon walks over to me and whispers in my ear "However your courage was a massive turn on." Her breasts pressing against my arm.

Fuck, that makes sense. A dragon would be turned on by someone more dominant than her. She'll be incredibly disappointed later.

"I-er, well good for you." Blushing pink I try not to look at her breasts. She laughs loudly and hooks her own arm around mine. "W-what are you doing?" I ask trying to get out of her iron tight grip.

"Dragons along with a few other non humans including Centaurs are allowed to find their own masters. So what'd you say babe?" She pulls me even closer to her.

"It's not really my place to say. Perhaps you should talk to Smith about finding a more suitable master." Again I struggle to free myself.

"Your defiance proves your even more worthy to be my master."

I sigh. "If that's the case could you at least help me carry the shopping?" As a reply she picks up the bag I dropped. "I'm Myrda."

"I'm Y/N."

-Time skip home-

"Not another one hun. I can't handle all the competition." Kate pulls me into her breasts as if she's trying to choke me to death. "There's no competition. I'm obviously Master's favourite." Cara pries Kate off me and continues to embrace me.

"Babe didn't tell me he already had a harem." Myrda giggles

-Meanwhile in Myrda's mind-

Maybe he'll marry us all and make us fight over who gets him for the night. Maybe I'll even lose....that would be amazing. (You guessed it. she's a masochist.)


"Oh, how degrading it would be if babe chose another girl over me." Myrda grabs me off the other two.

What is wrong with these girls? I should probably call Smith.

"Myrda, I need to call Smith to set up your homestay arrangements." I pant from in between her breasts. "Of course babe." She practically throws me into the wall.

I wonder if Kim is faring any better?

As I approach the house phone someone knocks on the door. "I can't do anything without something happening can I?"

Once I open the door I see that it's Smith. "Oh, I was just about to call you." I remark scratching the back of my head. "I'm here to give you something." She says simply.

"What?" I ask causing her to step aside and reveal the Mothgirl from earlier.

"She said that you defended her from another non human earlier. So I'm dropping her off with you." Smith smirks.

The mothgirl shyly looks towards the ground occasionally making eye contact then immediately looking away. "Yeah about that-"

"Who is it babe?" Myrda wraps her arms around my neck, she must be a good foot taller than me, holy shit. The mothgirl freezes on eye contact with Myrda.

"Oh, Myrda. Why are you here?" Smith asks.

"I've decided on babe here as my master." Myrda pulls the back of my head into her breasts. "Why have you brought that insect here?" She follows with.

"Who? May? She's going to be staying with Y/N for now on." Smith grins widely. I can feel Myrda's grip tighten on me. "B-but he's mine." She sulks.

"Well now you're going to have to share him with May." Smith demands. "So your chances of succeeding are now only one in four." Myrda gasps and I feel like she may fall over.

"Let me guess. While I've been looking away you've changed my house again."

"It's a possibility." Smith teases making me sigh.

"Come in May. You'll have to find your own way around since even I don't know where anything is now." I gesture inside and May scurries off somewhere, I hear a cry which I assume means she's run into Cara.

"There's one more thing Y/N that I'd like to discuss in front of the girls." I yawn and let Smith in, even that three day sleep didn't help much.

"Kate, Cara, Myrda, May and Y/N there has been a new development in the Interspecies Exchange Bill. We're hoping to propose interspecies marriage. This homestay and a number of others will be getting married to a non human species. In a rare case such as your own Y/N you will have to pick a wife from one of the girls staying with you." Smith informs us.

What the fuck? "Smith why are you telling me this now!" I yell.

"Because it could help strengthen the relations between the different species and help bring them into our society permanently."

"But why me?" I ask.

"Because of how rare your case is in the world."

I sigh there is no arguing with this woman. "Does this mean the promiscuity laws have changed?" Kate asks catching Smith off guard.

"As it currently However in the event of an interspecies marriage I'm sure it would be allowed." This causes Kate's face to light up in hope. "I need to leave no anyway I have somewhere I need to be." Smith states then leaves.

"I'm going to bed." I announce, although it was already getting dark, May looked as though her day was just getting started.

-Time skip a few hours-

It's dark but I can't sleep. I had that dream again, the one that has plagued me since the day I was born.

"Master?" Someone says quietly from the doorway. Looking over I can see May's face.

"Yes May?" I say looking back up at the ceiling. I hear her walk in.

"Thank you for helping me earlier." She says and the door closes, when I look at her I see that she is naked unless you can count her naturally dusty fur as clothes. "May. What are you-"

Swiftly she silenced me by kissing me, she straddles my waist her breasts pressing against my chest. From this close I can feel the heat coming off her body. "May are you okay?" I ask pulling away.

"At night us Mothgirls are very passionate. Especially towards those who are kind hearted." She pushes herself on me again sucking all the air from my lungs. "No, May it's against the law." She pouts then lies down beside me hugging onto me. "May?" I whisper without a reply except for her quiet breathing.

Today has been too much. Smith can't just tell me to marry one of them. It's not that simply. I can't keep a clear mind when I'm this tired. And I can't get any sleep when the dreams won't stop. I shed a single tear of frustration.

Author's Notes- So in case you hadn't realised these aren't normal nightmares but rather something very different from what you might expect. Unless you got it right first try. As for the girls I've added some more behaviours in since I made the OCs for them as I feel like it fit in better with both their characters and their species. So have a lovely day/night I mean it's 22:40 here right now or 10:40pm if you can't read 24 hour format. Zenith Out...

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