Chapter 4- Everyday life with Nightmares

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"Wake up Master." May shakes me even though my eyes are already wide open. Or should I say they never closed. "What is it May?" I ask sitting up and yawning.

She shakes my shoulder and points at the door, where Cara is cracking her knuckles. "M-master what would you happen to be doing with this Mothgirl?" She tilts her head.


"It's not what it looks like!" I try to explain waving my arms about. "I didn't even get any sleep."

Shit that sounded worse.

"What?!" She growls. Pinning May against the wall.

"I couldn't sleep because I have reoccurring nightmares not because of May." I explain despite wanting to keep this secret for longer. "What?" She says caringly dropping May.

"Is this because of us?" Kate stands timidly by the door with Myrda cowering behind her.

"No I've had these for as long as I can remember. I don't really know why they started though." I sigh. "Have you tried visiting a phycologist, there's a great one currently living in Britain by the name of Infinity Maryk. Apparently she specialises in night terrors but she also helped me with my depression." Cara suggests.

"Britain is a long way to go for a phycologist. And it's really not that bad." I try to say with little success. "No we're going to take you, a change of scenery will probably do you good as well."

I sigh knowing I'm fighting a losing battle. "You do understand the chance of you being able to come with me is well miniscule. I heard Britain's laws are different to our own."

"While that is slightly true they do accept non humans recognised as European natives. Anything else has been banned from entering due to possible interspecies disease transmitions." Myrda informs us.

"So that means that Me and Myrda are the only ones allowed into Europe." Cara smirks.

"But then what can I do about you two. I can't exactly hire a babysitter." I turn to May and Kate who look slightly saddened. "If it will help you get better then I say you should go." Kate says and May nods lightly. "I'll have to talk to Smith about it." I sigh.

-Time skip to the airport-

"Wait, so how was Smith going to deal with May and Kate?" Myrda asks her own arm wrapped around mine. "They've gone to live with my cousin Sara for the week that we're gone." I explain.

"I can't believe they put Cara in the cargo storage. Well, I suppose it makes sense considering she doesn't really fit that well into a plane." Myrda chuckles obviously pleased that she has me all to herself for about twelve hours. It's not even like I can sleep through it.

"Britain may sound strict with their interspecies policies but they let non humans that are allowed in, have jobs and can walk freely without a homestay." Myrda explains, we get a few looks from other people, despite being a non human species Myrda is quite a bit taller than me leading to strange looks on its own.

Once we got on the plane Myrda takes the window seat and I sit next to her. She rests her head on my shoulder and starts drifting off to sleep her green scales shining dully in the early morning light. As the plan takes off Myrda has already given in to sleep leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I hope this doctor is really as good as they claim. Even if her name is pretty strange, it doesn't sound very English at all. Perhaps it's another European name.

-Time skip to Great Britain (God save the Queen)-

Here we are, standing outside Infinity's house/office. Somewhere in the English countryside.

"So this is it?" Myrda asks wrapping her arm around mine.

"Yes, it doesn't look like much but trust me she's the best of the best." Cara smiles while we continue to look at the small stone building. Moss and vines covering the exterior. I knock on the door and wait for an answer.

A pale skinned woman with dark grey hair and black eyes answers. "Oh, you must be Y/N." She smiles kindly pushing a pair of glasses up her nose. "How did you know? We didn't call ahead." I scratch my head in confusion.

"People don't book appointments with me. Fate books their appointments with me." She grins widely slightly unnerving me. "How rude of me. Come in." She offers leaving the door open and walks inside. We take our shoes off and leave them at the door with Infinity's own shoes.

Following her into her living room she sits on her own chair dressed in a pair of grey and black pyjamas. "Okay, so tell me about your nightmares." She hugs her knees against her chest as Cara and Myrda sit next to me.

"Well-" I start.

"Wait, stop. I almost forgot tea." She chuckles. "Eternity! Would you mind making us some tea?" She calls out. "That name. Eternity. It's in my dream." I say recalling it.

"Ooh." She squeals girlishly. "Please tell me everything."

"Well it starts with...."

-In the nightmare-

"Who am I to deserve this?!" Something monstrous growls causing the ground to shake.

"That fool Eternity! Taking everything for himself!" The cave is lit up by an eruption of fire illuminating the huge shape of a black dragon, its red eyes and red highlights are a new source of colour in the darkness of the cave. The beast's head snaps towards me.

"Who are you?" It demands shaking the entire cave with its voice.

"I-I'm Y/N" I answer my body frozen to the spot.

"Hah, I knew it wouldn't allow me to hear your name. You're one of THEM. The reason I'm here. The reason for everything that has gone wrong in my fourteen billion years of life." The beast chuckles.

"Who are you?" I ask back trying to sound strong.

"Me?" Nobody's asked me that question in a very long time "I am" He brings his head down to my level. "I am Zenith." The name strikes a cord inside me, however I don't know why.

"Why are you here?" I say seeking more information.

"I'm hiding. I was forced here out of my body by the dragon God Lucius to keep me safe from those who will come for me." The dragon lies down. "Eventually they'll be coming for you too."

-End of nightmare-

"That is certainly a very peculiar dream." Infinity states, "I'd like for you to return tomorrow. I need to discuss some things with my colleague." She gesture towards the dark haired man with almost pure white eyes.

"Okay, sure." I say taking the last sip from my tea. "Tomorrow it is. Thank you for your time."

-Time skip to the Hotel-

I sigh lying in my bed. I still can't sleep. Hopefully tomorrow they'll be able to solve my problem. The girls are in their own shared room while I'm alone as it should be. I don't want to keep them awake with worrying.

Someone opens my door, looking over I see Myrda approaching me. "What are you doing?" I ask as she pulls me in for a kiss. "The interspecies promiscuity laws are different here than compared to Japan." She straddles me then pushes one of my hands under her shirt and onto her breasts.

I can't help but squeeze them a bit. "Harder babe." She moans, my face blushes red and I freeze. "Babe?" She asks looking down at me.

"I-I don't think I'm ready." I say quietly removing my hand from her shirt. She pouts.

"P-please." She asks "Do you want me to beg for it?" She says in a quieter than usual voice. Making herself seem small and harmless. "Please." She begs kissing my neck.

"No." I say sternly turning my face away from her. Myrda tries to slide her hand into my trousers but I push her away. "I said no Myrda. I'm not ready." I growl forcing her to move backwards sitting on her feet.

"O-Okay Master." She cowers her voice wavering. With the speed of a shadow she leaves the room.

"Master. Huh." A voice chuckles from a dark corner of the room.

"W-who's there!" I get up looking towards the corner.

"I am." The female voice laughs maniacally. Stepping into the moonlight a woman with a red leather trenchcoat and a Gas mask. "How rude. My name is Piper Posies. But you may call me..." She bows "the Pied Piper."

"Why are you here?" I mutter, this woman terrifies me, something about her is unsettling.

"Well no foreplay? How dreary." She walks until she's only a few feet away from me. "He, sent me. Or rather Him communicating with you brought me here."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me! Ever since you started having those dreams they've unsettled you. That's why you went to that whore, Infinity!" Her calmness shatters, a violent nature seemingly taking over.

"I-is something wrong?" Myrda asks causing me to look over to her. When I look back the woman is gone, my heart pounding away in my chest. "I-it's just the dream again. Go to sleep." Myrda nods and wonders off.

Who the fuck was that woman? The Pied Piper? What kind of game have I gotten stuck in? Should I tell Infinity about this? She seemed to know her. And Zenith. Whoever Zenith actually is. Perhaps these are just more of my delusions. Whatever's going on it's terrifying me.

Author's Notes- I am still being a cockblock while traumatising you so you decide how you feel about Zenith. And Infinity for that matter. Zenith Out...

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