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For the past few weeks, well, almost a month actually, Jeno had been waking up screaming from nightmares and crying hysterically for almost hours.

Gladly, Jaemin has been a "responsible killer but also has a cute boyfriend," as Lucas had said, for once. Now, funny thing is, Jaemin wasn't really the type to know how to deal with these situations.

He's most likely the one to stare at you and ask when you have slightly calmed down, "are you done?" And continues to stare when you're not.

So when Jeno had his first nightmare, Jaemin had to fucking call Renjun for help, and being a loyal friend and also mafia gang member the chinese is, he went inside to Jeno and Jaemin's room with his lovely boyfriend right behind his tail complaining about how, "the Mafia is a cockblocker."

Jaemin, of course, ignored it and glanced at his sobbing boyfriend and back to his two members, panic visible on his face, Donghyuck had the audacity to laugh at him.

Unlike his boyfriend, Renjun had looked at Jaemin straight in the eyes, "comfort him doofus," he deadpans and quickly grabs a hold of his beloved boyfriend's arm, dragging him back to their own room and continue whatever the fuck they were doing.

Jaemin had successfully calmed Jeno down by after almost a few minutes of researching in Wikipedia, "how to comfort a cute ass boyfriend," and did as what the article said how.

Jeno fell asleep in Jaemin's arms that night.

Since then, Jeno had been getting weird feelings whenever he's outside and most likely without Jaemin with him.

He feels eyes on him, not so friendly ones. At first, he thought it was the stray cats nearby the school he passes by on a daily basis, but cats don't have shoes.

He brushes it off and continues on with his day like he always does.

But that was a mistake.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come with?" Felix had asked as they walk out of their school in one afternoon.

Jeno shook his head, sympathy on his tone and face, "Sorry, I can't, I promised Renjun to help him clean the weapons today." It was true, he did promise Renjun that.

Felix pouted but nodded anyway, he really wanted Jeno to watch him cook food without burning it and with the help of Joshua of course. The two boys had gotten a part time job somewhere downtown in a diner, and Joshua was really happy, he likes to cook after all.

Felix was just dragged into it but got accepted anyway, said he could be a good cashier since he could count fast.

Kai had extra dance practice for a week, he has a solo performance for their school principal's birthday. He didn't really wanted to do it, muttering how it feels like doing a strip dance for an old guy who owns pigs in his living room.

"See ya Jen!" Felix yells and waves at the brunet, Jeno waved back silently as he watches his friend bump into a fence and kicked it.

He shakes his head while rolling his eyes, he waits at the gate as he was on his phone, it was 4:27 pm and he really wants to go home soon.

Jaemin had messaged him that Mark and Renjun were going to pick him up today, the other boys are with him for a mission and it might take awhile since Lucas had broke the other car and Jisung had misplaced their earpieces.

After a few minutes, Mark had sent a message, apologizing for the long wait because the short cut they usually go to has a fucking traffic and he's trying to stop Renjun going out of the car and basically bombing the whole road.

Jeno sat at a bench near the gate, scrolling through his phone. He looks up when he sees a white van, and although it's pretty similar to Jaemin's, the plate number is different.

So he tries to ignore it, but then the van stops right in front of him. He picks up his bag and begins to walk away, not liking the weird feeling he's getting.

A hand grabs his arm and as he was about to scream, a cloth goes up to cover his nose that makes him feels dizzy, until he sees black and feels arms grabbing his unconscious body.


"Where is he?" Renjun glares at Mark who's been asking the same question for the past 20 minutes.

"I don't fucking know Mark!" He hisses, Mark ignores him and looks out the window, he then opens the door and walks out, "where the hell are you going?"

"Hell," Mark answers nonchalantly as he looks around the school entrance, not seeing a certain brunet and not to mention their boss's boyfriend, he frowns, "Call his friends."

Renjun not needing to being told twice, because that's obviously annoying, he grabs his phone and dials Joshua. Thankfully, the boy picks up at the third ring, "Hello? Gentleman Josh here."

Renjun puts it on speaker mode as Mark listens at the conversation while looking around, "hey Josh, uhm is Jeno with you?"

The sound of people talking was heard and then the sound of shuffle, "He's not with you?" Joshua's voice filled with worry for his friend.

"Uh no?" Renjun answers but also questions, "do you know where he is?"

Joshua seems like he was thinking for a moment before answering, "well, Felix said he wasn't going to join us in the diner today because he was going to help you clean the weapons, Kai is at dance practice and I'm pretty sure Jeno isn't allowed to watch since the strict dance instructor is in today."

A pause before a few more shuffles, "Jeno usually waits outside and sits on the bench near the gate, since Felix and I are at work right now, we couldn't join him."

Mark sighs and goes back in the car putting on his seatbelt, "alright, thanks Josh," he said as Renjun starts the van again.

"No problem," Joshua said in his usual soft tone, "and if you need help on finding him or even found him already, you can tell us– FELIX TURN THE STOVE OFF YOU FUCKING MORON!"

Mark and Renjun wince at Joshua's loud voice, they didn't even know he could be that loud and most likely scary. Now they have two people to be scared of.

"It's ok, I think we got this and we'll let you know," Renjun said as he hears Joshua yelling at Felix.


"BECAUSE I'M HUNGRY, oooohhh~ it smells good in here," a voice said as the sound of pots falling were followed, "oops."

"My creation! Get out!" Mark hangs up the call as Renjun drives off, going back to the mansion.

It was silent for the whole ride, Jeno was usually the one to tell them about his day and how he just wants to eat delicious food instead of those gross meat in the cafeteria. But since he's missing, it was dead silent.

That is until they enter the gate to the mansion, Mark suddenly turns to Renjun with a panic look, "Jun," said boy hums gesturing to continue, "how are we gonna tell Jaemin?"

Renjun abruptly steps on the break and luckily parks correctly, their heads almost bumping into the windshield, he turns back to Mark with wide eyes, "shit."

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