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"They're my parents," Jeno whispered shakily, Jaemin then turned into protective mode and hid the scared brunet behind his back as the two people approached them.

The mafia had a bad feeling at the sight of them, especially the man, he looked at him and felt something odd. He noticed a tattoo on the man's neck and he swore it was familiar, Jaemin brushed it off and kept his guard high.

But still, it was a bit suspicious.

The man, who Jaemin assumed as Jeno's father, put on a smile that's obviously fake at them, "Jeno, dear," his voice so sickeningly sweet, "it's been awhile, how are you?"

The woman, who was Jeno's mother, clinged onto her husband's arm and looked at her 'son'. Jeno, however, hid behind Jaemin even more and avoided eye contact with his supposed parents as he stayed silent.

"My baby, come to mama,"  the woman called, Jeno shook his head and held Jaemin's shirt as the latter put on a cold face towards the two adults.

Jeno's gesture didn't made his parents happy, instead they frowned and that's when the two examined their son's outfit. They scoffed at it and Jeno could only expect the worst.

"You know Jeno dear?" His mother asked, "I'm so glad we kicked out a slut like you," she spits out as Jeno teared up, "you're a disgrace and an embarrassment to our family."

Jaemin was about to come forward but Jeno held him back as he trembled, his father scowled at them, "seems like you found another sugar daddy," he said in disappointment, "how much does he pay you after you let him fuck you or suck his dick, huh Jeno?"

"H-he doesn't–" the brunet was about to say, but his boyfriend had cut him off.

"I'm his boyfriend, not his sugar daddy or any of that bullshit," Jaemin emphasized and corrected Jeno's father, "and I don't pay Jeno anything nor do I need to, because I actually love him and not just because of sex," he rolled his eyes.

Jeno's father scoffed and his mother crossed her arms, "wearing such things Jeno?" she tsked, "we didn't raised you like this."

Jaemin balled up his fist and wrapped his arm around Jeno's waist as the brunet was tearing up, ashamed, "We don't have a son that's a faggot," his dad spits out, "wearing slutty clothes and sucking dicks, such a whore, you a–"

"Shut the fuck up," Jaemin said a bit too loudly as Jeno flinched in his arms, he rubs his lover's side in comfort and apology as he glared at his parents.

"Jeno is none of that and is the most sweetest boy ever, I don't fucking care what you say about me but don't ever say shit about him. You're supposed to be his parents, but I guess you didn't get the memo." Jeno's mother was about to say something but Jaemin glared at her.

"Jeno isn't a slut, he can wear whatever the fuck he wants, his sexuality doesn't matter just like you don't matter in his life anymore," he could see the anger in Jeno's parents' eyes but he didn't care.

"You're no parents to him, you don't fucking deserve to be called as his parents. I hope you both burn in hell where we'll meet and I'll finish my work there. Jeno is better than what you think, and atleast has a damn heart unlike you, it's obvious he didn't get it from any of you two because you're both bastards. Now fuck off and don't go near Jeno and I or I won't hesitate to do something."

Jaemin spits every word with hatred like venom and scowled at Jeno's parents who were visibly shocked and tried to hide it. Jeno looks up at him with tear stained cheeks, the brunet couldn't help but felt his heart flutter at his boyfriend's protective side and the words the latter as spoke out to his parents.

Jeno leaned closer to Jaemin's side as the blue haired boy spoke, "now leave us alone and burn in hell," he glared one last time before turning around and lead Jeno to the mall exit.

Once they got in Jaemin's car, the Mafia turned to face him with a worried look and exhaled a stressed breath,"are you okay?" He asked

Jeno smiled a little and cupped his face as Jaemin placed an arm around his waist and one on his bare thigh, rubbing it up and down in comfort, "I am now," he said, "Thank you, for everything, love"

Jaemin's face relaxed and pulled him closer as he buried his head on Jeno's shoulder, "always welcome," he said and pulled away, their faces just an inch apart, "I love you so much darling."

Jeno blushed and leaned their foreheads together, "I love you too, my love," he closed his eyes as he felt Jaemin leaving soft kisses on his eyes and tear stained cheeks.

He giggles and opened his eyes to see Jaemin looking straight at him with adoration, "you're so precious," he kissed his forehead, "you're so pretty," he kissed his nose, "you're absolutely adorable," a peck on each side of his cheeks, "you're everything," Jaemin paused and stared at his lips.

"They're so wrong about you, my beautiful angel," he finally leaned in and gave a loving kiss as Jeno kissed back, Jaemin trailed his lips down to Jeno's neck and sucked on his sweet spot as the brunet tugged on his blue hair.

"J-jaem," the said boy hummed and bites on the fresh soft skin, "continue this at home please, ah!" Jeno squeaked when Jaemin gave a harsh bite and licked the spot.

Jaemin pulled away and ran his hand on Jeno's thigh, "Sorry, just got– stressed I guess," Jeno smiled in reassurance, he understands why Jaemin is stressed but at the same time not.

He doesn't know about the tattoo on his father's neck that Jaemin had saw.


Jeno stepped off the stage as he tried to catch his breath, they had just finished their dance performance and he felt so exhausted.

Jaemin and the boys were there too, to say he wasn't embarrassed was a lie. Chenle and Lucas kept screaming his name, Donghyuck and Mark were trying to get close to the stage as Jisung and Renjun were literally standing on top of their respective chairs cheering him on.

He almost got distracted and made a mistake, but he quickly covered it up with a smile as Felix gave him a side hug when they were next to each other.

"Great job Jen!" Felix congratulated him with joy, Joshua nodded along and hugged him.

"As expected, the great Jeno Lee," Joshua teased a little but smiled anyway, they laughed as Kai handed some water bottles thanking him in return.

Jeno was about to go change but the dressing room door abruptly opened, "J to the E to the N to the O, that's how you spell Jeno! WOOHOO!" The brunet covered his face in embarrassment as Jaemin and the gang entered.

Jaemin shook his head at his members, also very embarrassed as Chenle and Renjun ran towards Jeno, squealing like they just saw a celebrity, "Oh my gosh Jeno! You were amazing out there!"

Jeno shyly responded a "thank you," as he gave Jisung a hug with Lucas right behind him, "what are you guys doing here?" He eyed the boys confusingly.

Donghyuck shoved his huge poster with the words, "Let's Go Jeno Lee! Fighting bitches!♡" and a lot more other words on the sides with different fonts to Mark who just stopped recording.

"Well, a certain someone wanted to escape his dear amazing gang members and ditch them to find his beloved boyfriend alone," Donghyuck gestured with sarcasm.

Jeno raised a brow as that certain someone stepped forward. The boys all stepped away, giving him a path like he was Moses and his friends were squealing behind him, he swore he heard Felix broke something and Kai yelping.

"Hey," Jeno giggled and tilted his head with a brow raised up.

"Hi," he responded, Jaemin stepped closer and pulled out his hand, giving him a bouquet of flowers.

"These are for you," he scratched his nape.

Jeno took it and trailed his fingers on the petals, "you didn't have too, you know?" He looked up at Jaemin through his eyelashes.

Jaemin's breath hitched at the sight, Jeno looked at him with his long eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks and the bouquet of flowers covering his lower part of his face, just showing his pretty brown eyes. Jeno was so ethereal, Jaemin could actually cry.

"Well, I wanted to," wrapping his arms around the brunet's tiny waist, "you know?" He mocked and raised a brow as Jeno blushed and placed a palm on his chest, still holding the bouquet with his other hand.

"Ugh, for fucks sake, kiss already! Fuck each other or something!" Chenle whined as Lucas and Jisung just broke a ring light in the back. Mark and Donghyuck rolled their eyes and Renjun chuckled at the young Chinese.

Jaemin rolled his eyes, really regretting ever bringing the other boys over, Jeno giggled and leaned in, "He's right," he smiled, "I think we should," the mafia chuckled and leaned in too, their noses touching.

"Hmm, shall we?" Jeno nodded slightly and closed his eyes as he felt familiar lips on his, he moves his arms and placed them on Jaemin's shoulders as he arched his back.

He smiled when he heard the others around them squealing and jumping around, despite the chance of his ears bleeding, he kissed back harder and opened his mouth.

Jaemin chuckled breathlessly as they pulled away, Jeno blushed and hides his face on the mafia's chest, nuzzling on to it as Jaemin kissed the top of his head.

"No offense, but this is way better than your dance performance. You guys still did good though," Renjun snorted and Mark nodded.

"I ditched The Kardashians for this," Mark pouted a bit, Jisung rolled his eyes as Lucas draped his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Going with Jaemin was worth it after all," Donghyuck said smugly, they all laughed while the said boy groaned as Jeno patted his boyfriend's hair comfortingly.


Not gonna lie, this story is almost finished as well ^-^

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