ELEVEN - the secret's out

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Please feel free to continue leaving me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Eleven - the secret's out

It was a day later as Ichigo entered the school grounds. His I-pod was playing "Whisper by Evanescence" (and yes this was playing in my I-pod when I wrote this chapter) as he tried to piece together what happened yesterday. It seemed that he and Darichi had taken on a new form as now he had mysterious wounds on his body that wasn't healing. He could remeber seeing Orihime being attacked and feeling her fear. Ichigo could remember feeling his blood boiling and this dark energy consume his body. Darichi never fully told Ichigo what happened as he knew that his counterpart had his reasons for remaining silent. Ichigo could feel someone tap him on his shoulders as he pulled out his ear buds turning around to see Orihime. Ichigo turned off his I-pod giving the girl his undivided attention.

"Orihime, what's up?" Ichigo asked.

"Ichigo, do you believe in fate?" asked Orihime as Ichigo looked at her rather confused.

"Not really, why do you ask?" replied Ichigo.

"Well, I can't go into full detail. But I think that I have met the one whom I have been waiting for. It happened yesterday on my way home when I was attacked. This person saved my life as I could tell that he was incredibly special." replied Orihime.

Is she talking about me? Doesn't she know that we are one in the same? asked Darichi mentally.

Of course not. We left without telling her whom we are as we told her to forget about what happned. Besides that, when are you going to tell me what happened to us yesterday? Ichigo asked mentally.

We will talk about this later on in the mindscape. replied Darichi. Ichigo knew that whatever his other half had to say was extremely important.

"That sounds nice Orihime. I am glad that you had found someone. So why are you coming to me with this?" Ichigo asked.

"Well, I am a bit confused by something. This person that I had met reminds me a bit of you. Its not his appearance but his manerisms. I know that this is impossible so I had to see for myself if I was going crazy or not." replied Orihime which caused Ichigo and Darichi to curse silently.

Impossible, how could she had figured it out? asked Darichi mentally.

Don't ask me. Besides it seems that she isn't too sure. replied Ichigo as he turned towards Orihime smiling slightly. "The reason to why he possibly reminds you of me is because in your mind you wanted someone familiar to associate with rather than a total stranger." stated Ichigo as Orihime looked at him shrugging her shoulders.

"I guess that your right. I guess that I just needed someone to talk to. Thanks Ichigo, you are in deed a good friend." stated Orihime as she hugged Ichigo kissing him on his left cheek. This caused Ichigo to blush slightly. As Orihime walked off both Tōshirō and Renji walked up to Ichigo.

"What was that about?" they both asked in unison.

"I will tell you later." replied Ichigo.

It was during science class with Jūshiro Ukitake when an announcement came over the main speakers for all staff to turn on the television sets in the class room. All of the students were told to remain in their current class rooms to watch the news report that was coming in. All the television monitors flickered as a man appeared in the screen wearing a green and white striped beach hat.

"Greetings everyone, my name is Kisuke Urahara. I come to you in order to tell you that we are not alone in this world of ours. The truth is that we live side by side with these creatures known as Daemons. These Daemons have kept themselves hidden from us by staying in the shadows and out of human sight." stated Kisuke as the screen changed showing images of various battles that Ichigo had fought in his true form against the artificially created Daemons. Ichigo began to grind his teeth as his nails dug into his desk. He wasn't the only one upset as Tōshirō's eyes began to glow all blue with no visible irises and/or pupils. Both his fangs and nails also lengthened. The image on the television set flashed back to Kisuke. "Now some of these Daemons are capable of taking on a human form and blending in with us." The camera then turned to show a blue haired and blue eyed man whom suddenly hunched over in pain as the snapping, cracking, and stretching of his body could clearly be heard. The man's form began to change as slick white armor covered his body as blue fuzzy cat ears stretched out replacing his human ones. His feet changed into cat paws as a long white cat's tail ripped out of his tail bone. The nails on his hands lengthened into sharp claws as sharp fangs petruded from his lips. His short hair became much longer flowing down to his waist as the transformation finally completed its self. The camera then turned back to Kisuke whom was smiling. "These aren't tricks or any sort of special effects as everything you are seeing is truly happening." replied Kisuke as the blue haired werecat, red demon, and black devil joined him. "These Daemons that you are seeing with me are ones that I had artificially created. Daemons shouldn't have to hide themselves from us as I am calling all Daemons to come out and to join me. No longer should we have to hide ourselves and obey the laws that the Shinma have set up centuries ago, we are the true rulers over this world. Join me in over throwing the last Shinma and his allies and you will no longer feel the need to hide anymore." stated Kisuke as the three Daemons joined him patting him on the back nodding their heads in agreement. "Last but not least to the Shinma and his allies, this war has only just begun as we will achieve our goal of world domination!" stated Kisuke before the television screen went blank. Ichigo could feel his blood boiling as he did his best to control his rage and anger. Darichi was just as upset as Ichigo and Tōshirō.

That does it. Now they have broken the ultimate rule. I will not allow this to continue on any more! snarled Darichi trying hard to control his powers along with his rage and anger. Ichigo, we need to get out of here quickly as I don't think that I can hold our powers back for long. Tōshirō is in the same boat as us. stated Darichi mentally. Jūshiro Ukitake proceeded to turn off the televison set as he shook his head.

"I knew that Urahara was crazy but this is completely nuts even for him. Now he has gone completely mad." stated Ukitake. When Tōshirō and Ichigo heard this, their complete attention turned towards the teacher.

"You know that mad man Mr. Ukitake?" asked one of the students.

"I used to. We were friends in college as we both studied under the same science program. As I think back some of his ideas did seem completely crazy." stated Ukitake. Suddenly the bell ran as both Ichigo and Tōshirō dashed out of there as quickly as possible. If they didn't get out and away from the school, their secret would be discovered.

Once both Ichigo and Tōshirō got out of the school and a good distance away, both collapsed in pain transforming into their true forms. Ichigo's transformation was complete with wings and tail. He looked over towards Tōshirō as this was the first time since he had met the dragon that he would be seeing his true form. Tōshirō's body became long and slender as ice blue scales covered his entire body. His face enlongated into a muzzle as white horns ripped out from his skull. Large dragon wings and a long reptilian tail had ripped out of his back as his legs bent into the shape and form of a dragon's hind legs. His hands tranformed into dragaon claws as his eyes became all blood red with no visible irises and/or pupils (Hyōrinmaru's shikai form).

Hyōrinmaru, are you all right? asked Darichi as he took control over Ichigo's body.

I will be once I get my claws on that scientist . We have to do something about that human, now that the existance about the Daemons have been made pubically known. stated Hyōrinmaru.

Don't worry, I will take care of him one way or another. I am worried about how the other Daemons are going to react to this news. stated Darichi. He knew that he could no longer hide the real truth from Ichigo any longer.

After a while when Darichi had calmed down some, he proceeded to transform back into Ichigo pulling the teen into the mindscape.

Ichigo there is something that I need to show you and tell you. Somethin that I should have told you a while back. The full truth of what we really are. Shinma are Demon Gods as we are capable of so much power unless our demonic blood boils over then we become more demonic in nature and appearance. That's why there are always another within the one whom is born as a Shinma, the darker half to their true self. In this case me. This is what we truly look like when we do transform into our true selves. stated Darichi as he proceeded to transform into his true form complete with wings and tail. Ichigo's eyes widened as he could feel the pain from Darichi's transformation. Once Darichi was done transforming, he turned his attention towards Ichigo. This is what we truly look like and what we truly are. The reason why I didn't show you this form before is because I felt that it was easier for you to see me in a mirror image of your human form. This is what happened the day that Orihime was attacked, our blood boiled over causing us to unleash this form as the wounds will be visible when you are in human form. stated Darichi. Ichigo seemed to understand the reason why Darichi hid this from him. After all he had been recently through, his dark half felt that Ichigo was finally ready to know the full truth.

"Its all right Darichi, I understand why you didn't tell me before and I don't hold it against you." replied Ichigo as Darichi was grateful for Ichigo's understanding and forgiveness.

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