TWELVE - Grimmjow's decision

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Also some of the attacks that I am using are of my own creation as I went online to find English to Japanese translations. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Twelve - Grimmjow's decision

Ichigo cursed to himself mentally as he dragged his sore and tired body into the school. It had been a rough two weeks for him and Darichi as they had to fight every Daemon that they had come across. Even their allies the shape shifter Yoruichi Shihōin, the ice dragon Tōshirō Hitsugaya whose true name was Hyōrinmaru, and the shinomen naga Byakuya Kuchiki were completely warn out. Ichigo knew that he should have listened to his father's advice and stay home.

I must be destined for punishment. Why did I even come to school today. Maybe if I act now, I can be sent home sick. Ichigo thought to himself as he tried his best to retain his human appearance.

"God Ichigo, you look like hell. Are you sure that you should even be here right now?" asked his best friend Renji Abarai. Ichigo turned towards Renji looking at him through blood shot eyes.

"Not really." Ichigo replied in a rough voice. Parts of Darichi's appearance were clearly showing as Renji grabbed Ichigo pulling him away from the school.

"Ichigo go and get out of here. I will call your dad and explained what happened." stated Renji as Ichigo just nodded his head taking off. He was grateful that his best friend knew his secret.

Meanwhile...Grimmjow looked at his master Urahara as the human fawned over every Daemon that had come to ally themselves with him. Both the red demon Sōsuke Aizen and the black devil Ulquiorra Schiffer seemed to be joining in it as well. The werecat hated it as he left the hideout taking on his full form (hollow form).

Why is it that I feel wrong about all of this? Something doesn't feel right about taking on the Shinma. Maybe if I fight him I can decide on what I want to do. I feel that Master Urahara is hiding something important from us or rather from me. Grimmjow asked himself mentally as he wondered off into the night.

Ichgio didn't get too far before the transformation into his true form kicked in. Ichigo screamed in pain not fighting against the transformation but, it hurt like hell. Soon the transformation was over with, Ichgio let out a long soft moan.

"Damn it that actually hurt like hell. Darichi are you still with me?" Ichigo asked out loud.

Yeah I am here Ichigo. Sorry about that. I should have taken over control before the transformation hit us. stated Darichi as he proceeded to take over Ichgio's body.

Sometimes I am a bit grateful to have you a part of me. stated Ichigo.

Stop it Ichigo, your flattering me. replied Darichi when they had begun to sense a rather powerful Daemon presence which caused Darichi to snarl sharply. It seems that I can never catch a break. Darichi stated as he turned around to see the werecat standing there with a large Cheshire grin stretched across his face.

There you are Shinma. I am looking foreward to fighting you. Pantera! snarled Grimmjow as a zanpaktō materalized in his hands. Darichi could sense that there was something different about this Daemon compared to the other artificial ones that he had fought before. Darichi reached into the black hole in his chest pulling out Tensa Zangetsu. Grimmjow let out a loud roar which caused shockwaves as the werecat moved attacking Darichi. The werecat was super fast, agile, and strong which made for a dangerous combination. Darichi managed to perry all of Grimmjow's attacks. Darichi's eyes began to glow as he gathered up his power together.

GETSUGA TENSHÕ! (heaven-slicing lunar fang) snapped Darichi as he unleashed his attack. Grimmjow evaded the attack by unleashing another sonic roar. Grimmjow's sword disappeared from his hands as his claws began to glow.

DESGARRÕN! (laceration) roared Grimmjow as he unleashed the energy from his claws. Darichi poured energy into Tensa Zangetsu, as he unleashed another Getsuga Tenshō attack deflecting Grimmjow's attack. Darichi began to draw power from Zangetsu before Grimmjow could attack him again.

TENMUKEI KOKUSHIKON! (heaven spiritual cutting fang) snapped Darichi as he unleashed another wave of energy in the colors of black, red, and blue. The attack headed right for Grimmjow but he managed to just evade it as the attack destroyed Grimmjow's right arm. Grimmjow managed to regenerate his lost arm quickly as he moved attacking Darichi once his zanpaktō materalized back in his hands. Sparks flew between the two swords as Darichi could feel Tensa Zangetsu pulsing in his hands.

Darichi, Ichigo stop! This werecat was once human. He is like Shūhei as he was changed against his will. This werecat has been brain washed by the scientist that had altered him. stated Zangetsu. Both Darichi and Ichigo were surprised to hear this.

Ichigo, Zangetsu combine your powers with mine. We are going to awaken the truth allowing the werecat to remember what he is. stated Darichi. Both Ichigo and Zangetsu did as Darichi instructed as all three pooled their powers together. Darichi freed one hand pointing a single finger at Grimmjow as light blue energy encircled his entire body. SHIKOUTEKI SHINSEI! (spiritual rebirth) snapped Darichi as he unleashed the energy that was encircling his body (similar to Yusuke's "Spirit Gun" attack from the Yu Yu Hakusho series) which hit Grimmjow directly casuing the werecat to scream in pain as he dropped down to his knees grabbing his head as he released the hold on his zanpaktō. Memories came pounding into Grimmjow's mind as Darichi stood there watching as the werecat writhed in pain shifting back into his human form. Finally it was over as Grimmjow's hands collapsed by his sides. Grimmjow's zanpaktō laid by his side as he stared at it lifeless. Darichi shook him several times snapping Grimmjow from out of his trans. The werecat seemed fully aware of everything that has been going on. Grimmjow cursed out loud smashing his fist into the ground.

"I can't believe that he did this to me. Why did I listen to him when all he has done is lied to me?" grumbled Grimmjow as blood tears streaked down his face. Darichi could sense a change in the werecat's deminor as the attack worked as Darichi shape shifted back into the human form of Ichigo causing the werecat to look at him in shock. Tensa Zangetsu was still in Ichigo's hands as he looked at Grimmjow.

"What to you plan to do? Do you still folloow the one whom had changed you or do you choose to fight against him?" asked Ichigo. Grimmjow picked up his zanpaktō holding it in both of his hands as he held the sword out in front of him as he kneled on his knees.

"I don't wish to fight you Shinma as you had freed me. I want to join you in order to stop Urahara. This could be the reason why I have been feeling unconforatable with Urahara and his plans." stated Grimmjow as he bowed his head. Ichigo felt like he could trust the older teen as he didn't attack any humans before this and seeing that he used to be human. Tensa Zangetsu disappeared in a puff of smoke as Ichigo placed his right hand onto Grimmjow's zanpaktō. Both Darichi and Ichigo could sense Grimmjow's change as he ment every word that he spoke.

"Tell me your name werecat." stated Ichigo.

"Grimmjow Jeagerjaques." he replied.

"Well Grimm, we have much to talk about as you can help us end this war." replied Ichigo as Grimmjow looked up at Ichigo feeling grateful that the Shinma was giving him a second chance.

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