THIRTEEN - Urahara's madness

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Some of the attacks that I am using are of my own creation as I went online to find English to Japanese translations. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews as I like hearing what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular human speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Thirteen - Urahara's madness

After the battle with Grimmjow and changing an enemy into an ally, Ichigo talked with the older teen to find out what kind plans Urahara was cooking up.

"He already achieved part of his goal as humanity is now fully aware of the Daemons presence as the Daemons are no longer afraid of you as they know that you can't stop a whole army. He wants to destroy humanity and to allow chaos to rule. With some humans, he has been altering them into Daemons that will obey him. He also has been genetically enhancing some of the Daemons that he has created. He wants to create the ultimate and most powerful Daemon, a Daemon Lorde. To do this he wasnted us to find you and to kill you in order to prevent you from stopping us from completing our goals and to use you in his research seeing how you are nothing like the other Shinma's that we have killed in the past." replied Grimmjow.

Fucking Hell! That human is completely mad. To think that he is trying to reserect that race. And if he fucking succeeds, there will be nothing left in this world! hissed Darichi mentally.

What is a Daemon Lorde? Ichigo asked mentally.

It is a race very similar to us. Only they are much darker and evil incarnate. Our kind had killed them all out ages ago. Where in the world did this human learn about the Daemons and about the Daemon Lorde? replied Darichi.

"Fucking Shit! Why is it that I seem to have the worst luck in the world?" Ichigo moaned to himself before he turned towards Grimmjow. "Listen Grimm, I am not sure if my other allies are going to fully trust you seeing how you were working for the one whom wants to conqure the world. But, I will talk to them and make them understand that you are on our side now." stated Ichigo.

"I appreciate that Shinma and all that you have done for me." replied Grimmjow.

"Its no problem Grimm as it is part of my job and the name is Ichigo Kurosaki. You have all ready met my darker half Darichi as he was the one that you had fought against." stated Ichigo.

"It is nice to finally meet you Ichigo Kurosaki. I am forever in yours and Darichi's debt." replied Grimmjow.

Later on Ichigo entered the Dungeon finding all of his allies training. They seemed to stop when they sensed Ichigo.

Hey Ichigo, do you and/or Darichi feel like sparing a little? asked Yoruichi as Ichigo shook his head.

"All ready did, that's why I came. I need to talk to you three." Ichigo stated. The three of them could sense the serious note in Ichigo's voice as they turned to him. Ichigo let out a long sigh before he talked. He told them about how he had just fought against one of the artifically created Daemons whom seemed different than the other ones that he had fought before. "It seemed that he was once human much like Shūhei, the only thing is that he doesn't remember that he was human. He had been completely brainwashed by Urahara. As we fought against him, we had used our powers to reawaken him to the truth." stated Ichigo.

That would mean that you had used the Shikouteki Shinsei (spiritual rebirth) attack on him. stated Yoruichi.

How is that important Yoruichi? asked Byakuya.

This attack can reverse almost anything that has altered a human. It sounds like by performing this attack, you were able to cleanse this Daemon's mind making him remember, freeing him from the force that was controlling him. stated Yoruichi as Ichigo nodded his head.

Unfortunately we couldn't revert him back to a full human as the transformation inot a Daemon is irreversable but he did give me some important information. added Darichi.

"Are you certain that we can trust him?" asked Tōshirō.

I have sensed the change myself. He can be trusted. replied Darichi.

"There are a few things that you have to understand, he was one of the Daemons whom had revealed themselves on television as he gave us some insight into Urahara's plans." stated Ichigo as he filled them in on everything that Grimmjow had told them. All of their faces paled when Ichgio told them of Urahara's plans as they all had the same reaction that he did.

If what you are telling us is true then we have to put a stop to this human's madness before he does something really insane. We can't allow him to bring back a Daemon Lorde no matter what. stated Yoruichi.

How soon can you get him here Ichigo so we can discuss our plans? asked Byakuya. Ichigo didn't answer the question as he took off to get Grimmjow.

Meanwhile...Urahara cursed out loud as he threw things agbout in the lab. His two remaining elities looked on knowing full well why he was pissed off.

"Fucking Jesus Christ! Shit, how I hate that Shinma. Damn that fucking Grimmjow! How in the Hell could that Shinma had know that Grimmjow was once human? Hell my plans are going to fail because of that damn Shinma's interference. Mayuri is it ready yet?" shouted out Urahara as Mayuri stuck his painted face out of the double doors.

"Almost!' he replied before he vanished back into the room to complete his work. Urahara turned pacing about angily.

Is there anything you wish us to do Master Urahara? asked Aizen as Urahara turned around sharply, his face was beat red.

"No not until we upgrade you both. You two are the last of my elities as I have under estimated the capabilities possessed by this Shinma. I need to step up my efforts. I will need to create a Daemon Lorde even if it kills me but first I have to find someone to experiment on. Nemu, I have a job for you my dear." stated Urahara as Nemu came out from helping her father.

"You wanted to see me Master Urahara?" asked Nemu.

"Yes my dear, I have something that I need for you to complete." Urahara stated as he handed her a file. "I need for you to go to the hospital and bring me back this person. He is perfect for my research. I know that he hangs out around the hospital as he has a history of blackouts. Beyond the blackouts, his health is perfect as he is hardly ever sick." stated Urahara as Nemu opened up the file reading it over. She then closed the file looking at Urahara with a smile on her face.

"As you wish Master Urahara." she replied before leaving. Urahara's smile broadened across his face as he went off to gather the necessary information that he needed to complete his project.

Elsewhere...Ichigo went to the hospital where he had brought Grimmjow leaving the werecat with his father. His father was creating a disquise for Grimmjow seeing how everyone had witnessed the werecat revealing himself on national television. Ichigo had used his powers to create a temporary one until he could get an artifical one. Ichigo entered into the hospita signing in at the front desk. He then headed to his father's office to get Grimmjow. He knocked on the door before he entered.

"Dad?" he called out entering the office. The only person he saw there was Nemu. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that my father was in here." replied Ichigo as he could sense that something was off about the young woman whom stood in front of him.

"I am sorry, he just stepped out for a couple of minutes." replied Nemu whom was wearing a nurses outfit.

"Perhaps I should go and find him." stated Ichigo as he turned to leave. Nemu snuck up behind him sticking a needle into Ichigo's neck as she injected him with a drug to knock the teen out. Ichigo fell to the floor as Nemu worked quickly pulling out a wheelchair picking up the unconscious Ichigo placing him into the chair. She then wheeled the teen from out of the office being spotted by Isshin Kurosaki and Grimmjow as she left through the back exit of the hospital.

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