FIFTEEN - new transformations

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Some of the attacks that I am using are of my own creation as I went online to find English to Japanese translations. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews as I like hearing what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular human speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Fifteen - new transformation

Ichigo stumbled through Karakura Town unsure of where to go for help as he was in too much pain to think clearly. He could go to the hospital but he could run the risk of revealing that he wasn't human. Ichigo's best option was to head to the Dungeon. Ichigo continued along his way fighting to remain in human form as he fought against the intense pain that he was feeling that was racking his body. Ichigo then collided into someone as he collapsed in pain. Tensa Zangetsu disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Hey watch it...  oh my god Ichigo what happened to you?" asked a familiar female voice when she noticed his blood stained clothing and scars covering his body. Ichigo looked up to see Orihime standing before him.

"...Ori...hime...?" Ichigo gasped as he shuttered in pain. The female teen helped Ichigo up to his feet as she gasped suddenly as she saw for a brief moment what Ichigo truly was.

"Oh my god your..." Orihime muttered as blood tears began to streak down Ichigo's face as he could no longer contain what was happening to him.

"Please help me Orihime." Ichigo moaned in pain. Orihime grabbed Ichigo by the arm as she kept muttereing 'Oh man' as she tried to lead Ichigo to a nearby abandoned building. Ichigo allowed the girl to help him as he continued to fight against the transformation. Finally the two teens entered a building as Orihime placed Ichigo against a wall in order to check to see if the building was empty. Once she was certain that they were alone, she went back to Ichigo whom was lying on the floor in pain. Orihime gently tapped him to make sure if he was all right. "I am sorry Orihime. I didn't want you to find out this way. Please forgive me." Ichigo moaned out as he finally gave into the pain and transformation that he had been fighting since escaping from Urahara's lab. Ichigo's body took on the form that usually Darichi takes when he is in control over Ichigo's body.

"Oh my god, it was actually you all along." stated Orihime as Ichigo's transformation wasn't completed yet. Another set of black demonic wings had ripped out after the first set giving him a total of four wings. At the end of his reptilian tail near the black flame tip was a long scythe (which looks similar to Zangetsu, first form). His horns split apart as it went into two different directions. Dark red lines instead of black ones were on his face and body as he still had a black circle in the middle of his chest. Both his fangs and nails fully lengthened becoming more noticeable. Finally it seemed to be over as Ichigo panted as the last bits of pain finally vanished from his body. Blood tears began to streak down from his skull mask.

"I am sorry Orihime." he moaned weakly as he was far too weak to remain conscious. Slowly Ichigo's eyes closed as he passed out from exhaustion. Orihime proceeded to sit down next to Ichigo as she couldn't believe it. Ichigo was the one whom has saved her from the two Daemons that had attacked her. Tears began to run down her face as she gently touched Ichigo's head.

"I am the one who should be sorry Ichigo. I was such a fool." she cried.

Meanwhile...Tōshirō, Grimmjow, and Yoruichi were on their way to rescue Ichigo from Urahara when Yoruichi stopped suddenly.

"Yoruichi, what is it?" asked Tōshirō.

Do you sense that? she asked. Both teens stopped as they closed their eyes focusing. They reopened their eyes quickly when they felt what Yoruichi was sensing. Ichigo had managed to escape but who knew what kind of shape he was in. The three of them when to where they were sensing Ichigo's presence as Grimmjow let out a low growl.

"He's not alone but I don't recognize this scent." he snarled.

I will check it out. replied Yoruichi as she shape shifted into the form of a black cat entering the building. She had found Ichigo on the floor unconscious in a form that she didn't recognize. Sitting besides Ichigo was Orihime whom just briefly looked up when she noticed that the cat was staring at them. She wiped away the tears that were within her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. When Orihime looked back up, the cat was gone. Yoruichi had left to rejoin her allies telling them what she had seen. When she mentioned about an orange haired blue eyed girl, Tōshirō cursed violently.

"If it is whom I think it is, then we have a lot of explaining to do. Let me talk to the girl, I know her." stated Tōshirō after Yoruichi had shifted back to her human form. Once they have reached an agreement, the three of them entered the building surprising Orhime.

"...Tōshirō...?" she asked in question looking at the unconscious Ichigo. She became afraid unsure of what to do.

"Its all right Orihime, we are here to help out." stated Tōshirō.

"But that would mean that you know that..." Orihime stated. Tōshirō patted the girl on the shoulder nodding his head.

"I will explain everything later. First we have to get Ichigo to a safer place." stated Tōshirō as he pulled his zanpaktō free from his back. "Now come forth Daiguren Hyōrinmaru, ZEKKU!" stated Tōshirō. A rather large ice dragon formed emerging from Tōshirō's sword. Tōshirō partically tranformed into his ice dragon form (bankai form), upon seeing this Orihime gasped shocked. Apparently Ichigo wasn't the only one with a secret. Tōshirō and Grimmjow carefully picked up Ichigo placing him on the back of the ice dragon. "Grimmjow, Yoruichi, and Orihime. Daiguren Hyōrinmaru will carry you back to the hideout as I will follow behind you." stated Tōshirō as he controled the ice dragon. The three held onto an uncoscious Ichigo as the dragon took off heading to the Dungeon.

Daiguren Hyōrinmaru landed within the Dungeon as both Renji, Byakuya, and Isshin came running up to the ice dragon's side as Yoruichi and Grimmjow carefully lifted Ichigo off the dragon. Renji was a bit surprised along with Isshin at the shape that Ichigo's body was in. But nothing could shock Renji more when he saw Orihime. Even the girl was shocked to see Renji.

"Renji don't tell me that you are..." stated Orihime as the red head shook his head.

"No I am complete human along with Mr. Kurosaki but, we know of Ichigo's secret. Come with me and I will explain everything." stated Renji as Orihime turned back to see Tōshirō landed as he transformed back into his human form.

"Go ahead Orihime, there is nothing more that you can do for Ichigo. Leave this to us." stated Tōshirō. Orihime just nodded her head following Renji,. Isshin knelt down by his son's side as the large ice dragon disappeared back into Tōshirō's sword.

"Good lord what happened to you Ichigo? What on earth did he do to you?" Isshin asked as he began to examine Ichigo.

Meanwhile...Ichigo awoke within the mindscape as he was surprised that he was in his human form but he could feel that he was different, changed. Ichigo wanted to find Darichi. He just knew that his other half needed his help. Ichigo flew through the mindscape managing to locate Darichi along with Zangetsu in his human form. Ichigo landed as he was shocked by Darichi's newfound form.

"Oh my god Darichi are you all right?" Ichigo asked in concern.

Yeah, I will be all right. I just won't be able to take on a human form ever again as I am stuck like this. replied Darichi as Zangetsu vanished from sight.

"Was that Zangetsu?" asked Ichigo as Darichi nodded his head yes.

Zangetsu was helping us as much as he possibly could even though he is only a spirit and a soul of his former self. No doubt what Urahara has done to us has greatly altered our forms and our powers. stated Darich as he pointed over to a window. Ichigo walked over taking a look at himself. His skin was paler than usual as his ears were a bit longer and pointed much like an elves ear. Petite fangs were in his mouth as his nails were a bit longer as it seemed that he was wearing black nail polish even though he wasn't. His orange hair was a little bit longer as it went now to his shoulders in length but it was still spiked up in different directions. His chocolate brown eyes now had a light golden glow to them and cat-like slits which were very noticeable.

"Shit this ain't good. So what are we know, are we still whom we are?" asked Ichigo.

We are still a Shinma but now we possess the powers of a Daemon Lorde. No doubt that our true form proves it. If I wasn't a part of you and we weren't a Shinma and if we didn't have Zangetsu's help, no doubt we would be doing Urahara's bidding. I know for certain that he won't stop until he has us back. stated Darichi.

"Just fucking great! I am being hunted by a mad scientist whom wants to destroy the world and the girl that I have a major crush on knows that I am not human." moaned Ichigo.

Wait a minute Orihime knows? shouted Darichi as Ichigo nodded his head.

"I ran into her after escaping Urahara's hideout as she had brought us to a safe place before I was forced to transform." replied Ichigo.

Son of a bitch! Lets hope that somebody is explaining things to her so we don't have to. Just think, this may change how she feels about you Ichigo. stated Darichi.

"You know what Darichi, go fuck yourself." Ichigo replied angerily as his face turned beat red.

It is possible. laughed Darichi as Ichigo grumbled something underneath his breath.

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