SIXTEEN - Orihime's feelings

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Some of the attacks that I am using are of my own creation as I went online to find English to Japanese translations. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews as I like hearing what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular human speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Sixteen - Orihime's feelings

Slowly but surely, Ichigo's body returned back to normal as the teen slowly regained consciousness. His eyes slowly fluttered opened as he could see his father and his allies standing by his side. Ichigo's body still throbbed in pain from unleashing the transformation into a Daemon Lorde. Isshin and Tōshirō slowly helped Ichigo sit up cursing at the sight of Ichigo's body.

"How do you feel Ichigo?" asked Isshin. Ichigo tried not to shutter in pain as it felt like every muscle in his body was twisted in knots.

"Like Hell...  Is Orihime all right?" Ichigo asked looking around for her.

"She's fine, Renji is explaining everything to her. What happened back there Ichigo?" asked Tōshirō.

"Urahara had altered us allowing us to become a Daemon Lorde which has altered our form and our powers. If I didn't have Darichi within me then it could have been worse." answered Ichigo as his voice sounded more huskier than normal.

So what's the plan now Ichigo? asked Byakuya.

"I have to get used to this new form and powers. I don't know what kind of change this will have on us." replied Ichigo.

Know that we are always here to help you out Ichigo. stated Yoruichi Slowly Ichigo got back up to his feet swaying a little bit as he refused any help. He knew that he had to get used to things all over again.

"Thanks guys. I am going to find Orihime to talk to her. I know that there are things that not even Renji can fully explain about." stated Ichigo as he began to walk off to find his friends.

Ichigo's mind was riddled with a thousand thoughts of how Orihime was going to react to the news that he wasn't human. It was appearent in his appearance that he was different. He could feel it through every fiber of his being. Ichigo had found both Renji and Orihime within the dojo talking. Ichigo coughed lightly to get their attention. Both turned looking at Ichigo shocked.

"Man Ichigo, you look like Hell." stated Renji.

"I feel a lot worse than that right now. Thanks for explaining things to her." Ichigo stated shaking hands with his best friend.

"You know that I always have your back man." replied Renji as he walked off leaving both Orihime and Ichigo alone.

"I am sorry Orihime that you had to find out the way that you did, under normal circumstances, I would have prefeared not to have you involved with this. Yes, I was the one whom had saved you from those Daemons that attacked you. Not all Daemons are like that, there are a few good ones like myself and Tōshirō." stated Ichigo with his eyes casted down to the floor. He was fully prepared for Orihime to call him a monster and a freak even though she had kind of admited to him on having a slight crush on his other half. Orihime rose to her feet walking up to Ichigo lifting up his face to meet hers.

"You shouldn't blame yourself or feel sorry Ichigo. I was so blind to my feelings that I couldn't see two feet in front of me. For a while even before you told me about you felt for me, I kind of liked you too. I don't know why I wanted someone different and special. But now I see that you were that person all along." replied Orihime. Ichiog half heard what Orihime had said as a strange feeling washed over him as his eyes became glazed over as his fangs lengthened fully.

"...Orihime..." he stated pulling the girl close kissing her aggressively. Orihime melted into the sinful kisses thinking nothing of it until she was tackled to the ground. Orihime looked up in horror as Ichigo's eyes had turned completely blood red with no visible irises and/or pupils. Ichigo began to nuzzle at Orihime's throat almost intementally. Suddenly Orihime could feel something sharp pierce into her neck as Ichigo began to drink her blood. Orhime began to struggle underneath Ichigo but he was much stronger than her.

"...Ichigo...stop...please...stop..." cried Orihime as tears streaked down her face. Ichigo released his hold on Orihime with the look of shock and horror stretched across his face. Ichigo then scrambled off of Orihime bolting out of the dojo afraid of hurting someone else.

What on earth did I just do? What's happening to me? Help me Darichi! Ichigo cried out mentally.

Darichi had his own troubles as he began to destroy the buildings within the mindscape. Zangetsu had materalized tackeling Darichi to the ground. In the scruffle, Darichi sank his fangs into Zangetsu's arm causing the old man to shriek out in pain. When Zangetsu saw the color of Darichi's eyes being all blood red with no visible irises and/or pupils, he cursed out loud.

Darichi stop it. Regain your senses, your stronger than this! shouted out Zangetsu as he could feel Darichi feeding on him. Zangetsu had no choice but to use his powers on Darichi. Zangetsu willed a strong mental blast to release forcing Darichi to let go of his hold on the old man. Darichi's eyes slowly returned back to normal as he looked around confused.

Zangetsu...  what just happened? asked Darichi. The old man slowly got up off of Darichi allowing the Shinma to see the partically destroyed mindscape. Seeing the devastation to his world caused Darichi to be even more concerned.

I was somewhat afraid of this happening. Because of the Daemon Lorde's dark powers and nature, they often experience a deep blood lust and/or hunger. If I had to guess, I'd say that your human half experienced this as well. It must haven been his lust that caused this to happen. stated Zangetsu.

Shit! cursed Darichi out loud. Darichi reached out for his human half as he could feel a wave of sorrow as if it was his own. Fuck! snapped Darichi when he had found out what his human half did. Damn it Ichigo, why did you attack Orihime? I know that you care deeply for her but this is insane even for you. stated Darichi.

If Ichigo did as you say, then that causes even bigger problems. It would mean that this girl will or rather is his mate. There will be a lot of changes to you both since you have feed. You will experience some of the dark aspects that a Daemon Lorde has as well as their powers. statated Zangetsu which cause Darichi to curse even more.

Meanwhile...Orhime was being treated by Isshin for the deep puncture marks that Ichigo had left on her throat. He had found it hard to believe that his son would do something like this.

"I don't think he realized what he was even doing. Cause when he did finally realize it, he bolted out of here quickly." stated Orihime.

Sounds like Ichigo had experienced some of the darker aspects that the Daemon Lorde's have. They experience extreme blood lust and thirst. They will also exhibit great rage. From what you tell us Orihime, it seems that Ichigo experienced a blood lust for you because of how strongly you both feel for each other. That mark also says that you are Ichigo's mate. stated Yoruichi.

"Mate?" asked both Isshin and Orihime in unison.

In your human terms, wife or bride. answered Yoruichi which caused Orihime to blush deeply. Isshin put the finishing touches on Orihime's bandage before patting the girl on the back.

"We should go and find him to explain that what happened wasn't his fault. Yoruichi can you help us find him?" asked Isshin.

Of course! replied Yoruichi.

"Mr. Kurosaki could you let me do this alone? He probably feels bad enough all ready." stated Orihime.

"Are you sure Orihime?" asked Isshin as the girl nodded her head yes. "All right then, I will leave it up to you." stated Isshin as Yoruichi gave Orihime a dog leash before she shape shifted into a large black lab (I had to give Yoruichi another form besides the two she usually takes). Orihime placed the leash around Yoruichi as the shape shifter took off leading the girl through Karakura Town.

Ichigo sat on the top of Karakura's look out point balling out his eyes. He thought of himself as a monster, he was nothing more than a blood thirsty beast. Even with Darichi explaining what had happened and telling the teen that it wasn't his fault, it didn't help anything as Ichigo had shut down. Ichigo could live with the fact that he wasn't human and the fact that he was a Shinma. But this new transition into a Daemon Lorde had caused him to physically attack someone he cared a lot for.

There is no way that Orihime will ever want to be near me ever again. She possibly thinks that I am a monster. I probalby am, I am nothing more than a blood thirsty beast. Ichigo thought to himself.

"...Ichigo...?" asked a familar female voice. Ichigo looked up suddenly surprised to see Orihime. Ichigo turned quickly away as he couldn't bear to look at her as she wore a tourniquet around her throat.

"Get away from me Orihime, I may end up hurting you again." snarled Ichigo. Before Ichigo had a chance to move, Orihime grabbed him from behind him hugging him. Her head rested against Ichigo's broad back as she could hear Ichigo's heart beat quicken.

"I am not afraid of you Ichigo Kurosaki. Yoruichi had explained what happened. Its all that man's fault that this happened to you. I know that you would never truly hurt me. And I don't mind being your mate or things like that. I love you Ichigo Kurosaki and I always will even if you aren't human." stated Orihime. Blood tears began to streak down Ichigo's face as he possibly wouldn't find someone whom loved him the way that Orihime did. Ichigo slowly turned wrapping his arms around Orihime as his head rested on top of hers.

"Thank you Orihime!" he stated softly as he cried in his mates arms.

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